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Contents and Time Allots:

2 periods (90 min.)

I. Leading-in (10 min.)

Everyday we meet different people and we often identify them by their appearances. Is that right? When you meet someone for the first time, which features do you notice most?

Features: age, build, facial features, facial expressions, height, style of hair, e yes, manner of look, clothes, accessories, e.g., jewellery, make-up, voice, gestures, posture, e.g., hunched/straight back.

Do you notice the same features for a man as for a woman?

And our topic today is to know how to describe a person.

II. Part One (15 min.)

1. Teacher points out the difficult expressions of text A

2. Students are required to read the text A.

3. Teacher asks two groups to read it and checks their pronunciation.

III. Part Two (30 min. )

1.Teacher supplements some useful expressions of describing one’s appearances on

the basis of language bank.

Here are some words, expressions and structures that can be used for askin

g and describing people’s appearances. Do you know all of them? Can y

ou think of any important words that are not given out here?

What does he look like? \What’s he like?

(1)Hair: long/short/medium-length; straight, curly (卷曲的), wavy(波浪的);

blonde (金发), brown, , black, red, dark, ginger(淡赤黄色的), grey, white;

closely-cropped hair (短发), shaggy (粗浓杂乱的头发,蓬松), a fringe (刘海),

a pony tail (马尾巴), plaits (辫子), pigtails (辫子), a bun (发髻); a

beard, goatee beard (山羊胡子), a moustache (小胡子, 髭),full beard, whi skers(络腮胡子); bushy/thin/thick eyebrows, balding.

His hair was a bright shade of ginger. 他的头发带一点姜黄色。

shaggy hair, shaggy eyebrows, a shaggy beard. 蓬乱的头发、粗眉、蓬乱的胡子。

wear one’s hair in plaits/ a plait. 把头发编成辫子。

put, wear one’s hair in a bun. 把头发盘成发髻。

He’s (going) bald. He’s got a bald patch. He’s got rather thick/think hair.

(2) Face: oval (椭圆的), round, broad, square, long, heart-shaped; high cheekbon e, a scar(伤疤), wrinkle(皱纹), dimple(酒窝), freckled(雀斑), weather-beaten(饱经风霜的)

an oval-shaped face 牙蛋脸

Her face is covered with freckles. 她的脸长满了雀斑。

My mother’s beginning to get wrinkles around her eyes. 妈妈的眼角上开始出现皱纹了。

When she smiles her cheeks dimpled. 她一笑,脸上露出了酒窝。

a weather-beaten face 饱经风霜的脸

oval face 瓜子脸

(3) Complexion: got a white/fair(白皙的)/darkish/rather pale(苍白的)/sallow (菜色的、蜡黄色的)complexion, sun -tanned(晒黑的), sunburned(晒黑的).

(4) Forehead: high, low

(5) Eyes: green, blue, brown, dark, grey; big, small, round, slanted, cross-eyed (内斜视的,斗鸡眼), narrow eyes, double-fold eyelid, eyelash (睫毛), bags und er the eyes.

(6) Nose: long, hook-nose(鹰钩鼻), crooked(歪斜的), turned-up (上翘的),

retrousse(鼻尖上翘的), straight, snub(鼻子短而上翘的), flat, roman(高鼻梁), aquiline(鹰钩鼻), Grecian

(7) Teeth: even, regular, white, yellowish, protruding.

(8) Mouth: big, small, wide, thin/thick lips, full lips.

(9) Chin: pointed(尖下巴), firm, weak, double chin(双下巴)

(10) Ears: big, small, stand out.

(11) Build: thin, slender(苗条的), slim, skinny(皮包骨的), fat, plump(丰满的), overweight, lanky(瘦长的), paunchy(大肚子的), frail(体虚的), stou t(矮胖的), muscular(强健的), well-built, heavily-built, of medium/small buil d, broad/narrow shoulders.

(12) Height: quite tall, rather short, shortish, of average/medium height, under/abo ve six feet.