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SAS Macros Workshop

I.Why use SAS Macros?

A SAS macro is way of defining parts of or collections of SAS statements which can be carried out repeatedly or which can substitute names of datasets or variables with symbolic names. SAS macro language also gives you the opportunity to insert programming steps inside a SAS code.

SAS Macro Advantages:

?Reduce coding time

?Reduce programming errors by not having to edit so many lines of code ?In some cases, it could be even more time efficient in execution

SAS Macro Disadvantages:

?Harder to understand if multiple people work on it

?Harder to debug

?Some of the macro features (call symput) do not resolve in execution in the log file until the very end of a data step

?Not easily adaptable

All the usual programming elements: if-then-else statements, loops for I=1 to N do, and other similar operators can be used in SAS macros.

II.Overview of elements of the macro language

The three different main elements of the macro language are:

?macro variables;

?macro program statements;

?macro functions.

III.Macro variables

Macro variables are tools that enable you to modify text in a SAS program through a symbolic substitution. It assigns a value (either string or integer) to a variable that you can invoke several times in a program after that.

To define a macro variable you can use the %let statement.


For example to assign the value 24 to the variable named sto, you do:

%let sto=24;


% = Macro variable value;

The variable sto will take this value every time it gets invoked until another

macro variable statement changes it. This code can be placed anywhere in the

program except within data lines.

To invoke a macro variable place a & before its name. The macro processor

resolves this reference to the variable by replacing &sto by the value of sto.

%let sto=year;

proc means data=&sto;

So, for example,

%let sto=1;

Proc means data = temp&sto;


Will realy resolve to

Proc means data = temp1;



Macro variables that contain entire sections of a SAS program can also be created (with the use of the str macro function):

%let sto2=%str(proc means data=year;

var rainfall;



Will resolve to the proc means step running every time the sto2 macro variable is invoked.

IV.Macro program statements

A macro program is a text identified by a name. These lines of codes can be invoked several times by using this name. So, in its most simple form, a macro program is

equivalent to a macro variable. However, unlike a macro variable, a macro program can include more complex functionalities, such as if-then loops, etc.

The next example is one of a simple macro that could also be defined by a macro variable:

EXAMPLE 3 (Simple macro template)

%macro example;

proc means data=year;

var rainfall;

%mend example;

The definition of a macro must begin by a %macro statement followed by the

name of the macro. Here, our macro has been named example. The statement

must end by a %mend statement. When it is invoked, the macro processor will

run the lines of text between the %macro and %mend statements.

To invoke a macro program, place a % sign before its name. The macro

example will be invoked in the following way:


This line of text can be included at any time in the program. For example:


Proc plot data=year;

plot rainfall*temperature;


Proc print data=year;

The processor will execute the following lines:

Proc plot data=year;

plot rainfall*temperature;

Proc means data=year;

var rainfall;

Proc print data=year;


Macro variables can be invoked inside a macro program. In fact, a macro program can even be invoked inside another macro program:


%let var1=rainfall;

%let var2=temperature;

%macro design;

proc plot data=result;

plot &var1*&var2;

%mend design;

%macro compile;

data result;

set year;

keep &var1 &var2;


%mend compile;

If elsewhere in the program, compile is invoked by the statement %compile, the

processor will replace these lines by:

data result;

set year;

keep rainfall temperature;

proc plot data=result;

plot rainfall*temperature;


There is an easier solution than invoking macro variables inside the definition of a macro program: you can use parameters in the definition of your macro.

This is perhaps the most widely used form of the macro features.

For example, to redefine the macro design with parameters, type the following



%macro design1(para1,para2);

proc plot data=year;

plot ¶1*¶2;

%mend design1;

To invoke it, we will type: %design1(rainfall,temperature);

This gives the parameter para1 the value rainfall and para2 the value

temperature (the processor assigns the values to the parameters in the order

entered). The result of this line of code will be equivalent to the %design used

previously, without having to define the macro variables var1 and var2. MACROS WITHIN DATA STEPS

%DO Statement

If you want to perform procedures on a range of consecutive integer values for a

certain variable or a set of variables, you can use a do loop. The following

example introduces the use of do-loops with a macro.


%macro year;

%do i=75 %to 99;

proc means data=year&i;

var rainfall;


%mend year;

A %do statement will always be terminated by a %end statement. The counter is

then referenced by a &i inside the macro.


This tool is used to insert conditional statements in a macro program. To illustrate this new tool, an extension of the previous example is used.

Suppose that it is necessary to obtain the average rainfall for every year, but that

you need graphs only for the years after 1990, then type the following macro:


%macro analyze;

%do i=75 %to 99;

proc means data=year&i;

var rainfall;

%if i>=90 %then %do;

proc plot data= year&i;

plot rainfall*temperature;



%mend analyze;

%do %while and %do %until statements exist.


Suppose a series of macro variables m1, m2, m3…m25 has already been defined.

If they represent the rainfall predictions produced by a model, it is interesting to compute the difference between the real value and the prediction. This can be

done using a loop on these macro variables:


%do j=1 %to 25;

data compare&j;

set year&j;



You can see that this can be done by placing two & before the name of the

macro variable.

The processor resolves it in the following way:

If for example j=3, it replaces first &&m&j by &m3, and then scans it again to replace &m3 by the value it has been previously assigned.

V.Macro functions

Macro functions process macro expressions, called arguments, to produce a new expression. While DATA step functions are applied to values on a vector of variables, macro functions are used to create, modify, and work with text strings. Initially this may seem like a minor difference, but because macro functions deal with text, they can be used to build SAS code. This becomes the powerful advantage of the macro language. Macro functions can be divided into three categories:

?character functions;

?evaluation functions;

?quoting functions.


This type of macro function provides information about the string it takes as

argument (see following example: the %length function). For a more extensive

list and more detailed information, see the ‘SAS Guide to Macro Processing’ (on the shelf in my cubicle).

Some of the macro character functions that have analogous DATA step functions include:

An important distinction between the use of macro functions and data step

equivalents is:

?DATA step functions work on character strings, numeric values, and DATA step variable values.

?Macro functions are applied to text strings that NEVER contain the values of DATA step variables.

Several of these functions have two forms, with and without a Q at the start of the function name. Functions with names that start with Q (quoting) remove the meaning from special characters including the ampersand (&), percent sign (%), and mnemonic operators in returned values.


The %length function returns the length of the string it takes as an argument.

In the following example the objective is to determine if the length of a variable

name is smaller or longer than 8 characters (some softwares don’t accept variable names longer than 8, so it can be necessary to change the names before exporting the data set) and replace the variable by the same one but with a new name.


%macro export (name,newname);

%if %length(&name)>8 %then %do;

data year;

set year;


drop &name;


%mend limit;




The %INDEX function searches the first argument (ARGUMENT1) for the first

occurrence of the text string which is contained in the second argument

(ARGUMENT2). If the target string is found, the position of its first character is

returned as the function’s response (0 if not found).


This example stores three words in the macro variable &X. The %INDEX

function is then used to search in &X for the string TALL and the result is then displayed using the %PUT statement.




Notice that the TALL as the second argument is not in quotes. The %PUT

results in the following text being written to the LOG:



The %LENGTH function determines the length (number of characters) of it’s

argument. The number of detected characters is then returned. When the argument is a null string the value of 0 is returned.


%LENGTH (argument)


In the macro %LOOK the name of the incoming data set is checked to see if it

exceeds 8 characters.

%MACRO LOOK(dsn,obs); %put &wscan &wqscan;

%if %length(&dsn) gt 8 %then

%put Name is too long - &dsn;

%else %do;




PROC PRINT DATA=&dsn (OBS=&obs);





The LOG shows that the following data set name

exceeds 8 characters:

53 %look(demographics, 5)

Name is too long - demographics





The %SCAN and %QSCAN functions both search a text string (ARGUMENT1) for the n th word (ARGUMENT2) and returns its value. If ARGUMENT3 is not

otherwise specified the same word delimiters are used as in the DATA step

SCAN function. For an ASCII system these include the following (for EBCDIC

the ? is substituted for the ^):

blank . < ( + | & ! $ * ) ; ^ - / , % > \

%QSCAN removes the significance of all special characters in the returned value.


The macro variable &X below can be broken up using the %SCAN function.





The %PUT returns the following:


Notice that the word delimiter (third argument) is not enclosed in quotes as it

would be in the DATA step SCAN function.

The %QSCAN function is needed when you want to return a value that contains an ampersand or percent sign. This is demonstrated below:

%let dsn = clinics;

%let string =


%put &wscan &wqscan;

The %PUT writes:

clinics &dsn

Both functions return the value &DSN, but since the meaning of the & is not

masked by %SCAN, the &DSN in &WSCAN is resolved to clinics.


%macro a;


%mend a;

%macro b;


%mend b;

%macro c;


%mend c;

%let x=%nrstr(%a*%b*%c);

%put X: &x;

%put The third word in X, with SCAN: %scan(&x,3,*);

%put The third word in X, with QSCAN: %qscan(&x,3,*);

The %PUT statement writes this line:

X: %a*%b*%c

The third word in X, with SCAN: cccccc

The third word in X, with QSCAN: %c


Like the DATA step SUBSTR function these macro functions return a portion of the string in the first ARGUMENT. The substring starts at the POSITION in the second argument and optionally has a LENGTH of the third argument.


%SUBSTR (argument,position[,length])

%QSUBSTR (argument,position[,length])

As is the case with most other macro functions, each of the three arguments can be a text string, macro variable, expression, or a macro call. If a value for

LENGTH is not specified, a string containing the characters from POSITION to the end of the argument is produced.




%PUT *** MATCH ***;


The LOG would contain *** MATCH *** since &CLINIC has the value ESDA in characters 5 through 8.

As is shown in the following example, the %QSUBSTR function allows you to

return unresolved references to macros and macro variables.


%let dsn = clinics;

%let string =


%let sub = %substr(&string,9,5);

%let qsub = %qsubstr(&string,9,5);

%put &sub &qsub;

The %PUT will write clinics* &dsn* in the LOG.


The %UPCASE macro function converts all characters in the ARGUMENT to

upper case. This function is especially useful when comparing text strings that

may have inconsistent case.




The following code allows the user to differentially include a KEEP= option in the PROC PRINT statement.

The %UPCASE function is used to control for variations in the text that is

supplied by the user in the macro call.

%macro printit(dsn);

* use a KEEP for CLINICS;

%if %upcase(&dsn)=CLINICS %then

%let keep=(keep=lname fname ssn);

%else %let keep=;

proc print data=&dsn &keep;

title "Listing of %upcase(&dsn)";


%mend printit;


The macro call to %PRINTIT produces the following


proc print data=cLinICs (keep=lname fname


title "Listing of CLINICS";



The macro evaluation functions evaluate arithmetic and logical expressions in the macro language. They only perform integer arithmetic.

The evaluation functions are the

?%eval and



In the following example, we assume that a certain procedure produces an integer stored in the macro variable base (for example, a prediction of the number of

years required for a specific analysis). If 3 is added to this integer, we could

obtain the year up to which proc means have to be run so as to remove the

possible estimation errors in the parameter base.


%macro add(base);

%let result=%eval(&base+3);

%do i=75 %to &result;

proc means data=year&i;

var rainfall;


%mend add;

We see that once the macro expression is evaluated, the result can be stored in

another macro and you can use it immediately.

Logical expression can also be evaluated:


%macro biggest(a,b);

%let logic=%eval(&a>&b);

%mend biggest;


You can use this function to perform non-integer arithmetic and the function will even return a non-integer result from an arithmetic operation.



The EXPRESSION is any arithmetic or logical expression which is to be

evaluated and it may contain macro references.

The second argument, CONVERSION-TYPE, is an optional conversion to apply to the value returned by %SYSEVALF. Since this function can return non-integer values, problems could occur in other macro statements that use this function but expect integers.

When you need the result of this function to be an integer, use one of the

CONVERSION-TYPEs. A specification of the CONVERSION-TYPE converts a value returned by %SYSEVALF to an integer or Boolean value so it can be used in other expressions that require a value of that type. CONVERSION-TYPE can


?BOOLEAN 0 if the result of the expression is 0 or missing, 1 if the result is any other value.

?CEIL round to next largest whole integer

?FLOOR round to next smallest whole integer

?INTEGER truncate decimal fraction

The CEIL, FLOOR, and INTEGER conversion types act on the expression in the same way as the DATA step functions of the same (or similar) names i.e. CEIL,



The following table shows a few calls to %SYSEVALF and the resulting values:


Quoting functions allow the user to pass macro arguments while selectively

removing the special meaning from characters such as &, %, ;, ‘, and “. Most of

these functions are not commonly used and are even less commonly understood.

Although they are powerful and can even be necessary, programming solutions

are usually available that do not require the use of the quoting functions.

All quoting functions are not alike. Consult the documentation to get the gory

details, however the following three functions should solve most of your quoting



The most commonly used macro quoting function is %STR. Often it is used along with the %LET statement to mask semicolons that would otherwise terminate the %LET.

In the following example we want to create a macro variable &P that contains two SAS statements;


Because the semicolon following DSN terminates the %LET statement, the macro variable &P contains PROC PRINT DATA=DSN which will almost certainly

result in a syntax error due to the missing semicolon.

The %STR function masks the semicolon by quoting it.


This results in the macro variable &P being correctly assigned the two statements.



The %BQUOTE function is probably the best choice as an overall quoting

function. It eliminates many of the limitations of the %STR function, and it will

also remove the meaning from unmatched symbols that are normally found in

pairs such as quotes and parentheses. The following %LET will cause all sorts of problems because the apostrophe will be interpreted as an unmatched quote.

Example 20:

%let a = Sue's new truck;

The %STR function will not help because %STR does not mask quote marks,

however %BQUOTE does.

%let a = %bquote(Sue's new truck);

%put &a;

This will correctly resolve to assigning “Sue’s new truck” to the macro variable



Once a quoting function has been used, the text remains quoted. Since these

"quotes" are hard to see, even in the LOG, this can cause problems for the

programmer that does not anticipate that quoting functions may have been used.

If you need to remove or change the effects of any of the other quoting

functions, the %UNQUOTE is used.

Three macro variables are defined below, but the second, &OTH, is defined using the %NRSTR function.

This means that &CITY can not be resolved when &OTH is resolved. When the

%UNQUOTE function is applied to &OTH its value (&CITY) is seen as a macro variable which is also resolved.

Example 21:

%let city = miami;

%let oth = %nrstr(&city);

%let unq = %unquote(&oth);

%put &city &oth &unq;

The LOG shows:

miami &city miami

Although &OTH looks like any other macro variable in the %PUT statement, it

will not be fully resolved because it is quoted, thus preventing &CITY from being resolved.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ea4987869.html,ING DATA STEP FUNCTIONS IN THE MACRO LANGUAGE

Two macro tools allow the user to execute virtually all of the functions and

routines available in the DATA step as part of the macro language. The

%SYSCALL macro statement calls DATA step routines and the %SYSFUNC

macro function executes DATA step functions.





The following example shows three ways to add the current date to a TITLE.

The automatic macro variable &SYSDATE is easy to use but cannot be


Prior to Release 6.12 most users created a DATA _NULL_ step with an

assignment statement and a CALL SYMPUT to create a formatted macro

variable. The DATA step can now be avoided by using the %SYSFUNC macro function.

data _null_;

today = put(date(),worddate18.);

call symput('dtnull',today);


title1 "Automatic Macro Variable SYSDATE


title2 "From a DATA _NULL_ &dtnull";

title3 "Using SYSFUNC


The following three titles are produced:

Automatic Macro Variable SYSDATE 10APR00

From a DATA _NULL_ April 10, 2000

Using SYSFUNC April 10, 2000

The leading spaces before the date in the second two titles is caused by the date string being right justified. The LEFT and TRIM functions can be used to remove the space, however care must be exercised or a couple of problems can be


The first is that function calls cannot be nested within a %SYSFUNC. Fortunately this is rather easily handled because %SYSFUNC requests can be nested.

Secondly the resolved values of interior calls to %SYSFUNC are used as

arguments to the outer calls. When the resolved value contains special characters (especially commas), they can be misinterpreted. The following revised TITLE3 will not work because the interior %SYSFUNC uses a formatted value which

contains a comma.


title3 "Using SYSFUNC


After the inner %SYSFUNC is executed the result is:

title3 "Using SYSFUNC %sysfunc(left(April 10, 2000))";

Because of the comma, the LEFT function will see two arguments (it is

expecting exactly one), and the message 'too many arguments' is generated.

The %QSYSFUNC function can be used to mask special characters in the text string that is passed to the next function. Rewriting the TITLE statement using %QSYSFUNC as is shown below eliminates the problem with the comma.

title3 "Using SYSFUNC



TITLE3 from above becomes:

Using SYSFUNC April 10, 2000

VII.AUTOCALL MACROS THAT MIMIC FUNCTIONS The AUTOCALL facility allows the user to call macros that have been defined

outside of the execution of the current program. A number of these macros are

provided with the base macro language and are described in the Macro Language Elements section of the SAS? Macro Language: Reference, First Edition

reference manual. Although these are, strictly speaking, macros, they act like


Commonly used Autocall macros include:







This macro can be used to left justify a macro argument.

In the earlier example for %QSYSFUNC the DATA step

LEFT function was used, this title can be further

simplified by using %LEFT.


title3 "Using SYSFUNC



While %INDEX and its variations search for specific strings, %VERIFY

determines the position of the first character that is NOT in a text string.

The following example subsets a string starting at the first character that is not a number.


%let code = 2000SUGI25;

%let part =


&PART will contain:



The %CMPRES macro removes multiple blanks (as well as leading and

trailing blanks) from a text string. This macro is similar to the COMPBL

DATA step function. In the following example a numeric value is placed

into a macro variable using the SYMPUT routine. In the conversion

process a series of leading blanks are added to &FIVE.


data _null_;


call symput('five',x);


%put *&five*;

%let five = *%cmpres(&five)*;

%put &five;

The resulting LOG shows:


139 %put *&five*;

* 5*

140 %let five = *%cmpres(&five)*;

141 %put &five;



CALL SYMPUT is a SAS language routine that assigns a value produced in a DATA step to a macro variable. It is one of the DATA step interface tools that provides a dynamic link for communication between the SAS language and the macro facility.


CALL SYMPUT(argument-1,argument-2);

argument-1: specifies a character expression that identifies the macro

variable that is assigned a value. If the macro variable does not exist,

the routine creates it.

argument-2: specifies a character expression that contains the value

that is assigned.

Call symput takes a value from a data step and assigns it to a macro variable.

You can then use this macro variable in later steps.


If AGE >=21 THEN CALL SYMPUT (“status”, “adult”);

Else call symput (“status”, “minor”);

These statements create a macro variable named &status and assign it a value of either Adult or Minor depending on the variable age.


When performing logistic regression, we often need to create dummy

variables based on all possible values of another variable. For instance,

we want to create dummy variables for the variable CON which has over

400 different integer values from 1 to 506. Basically we need to do the


IF CON = 1 THEN CON1 = 1; ELSE CON1 = 0;

IF CON = 2 THEN CON2 = 1; ELSE CON2 = 0;

. . . . . .

IF CON = 506 THEN CON506 = 1; ELSE CON506 = 0;

It is not practical to write this many statements. Our goal is to use the SYMPUT routine to obtain this code automatically.

In the following program, a sample data set TESTDATA with 12 observations and 1 variable is first created in step (1). Then in step (2), a data set UNIQUE is created containing 8 unique CON values. In step (3), the SYMPUT routine assigns the largest value of CON to the macro variable N. CALL SYMPUT is executed once when the DATA step reaches the end of the data set. In step (4), the macro variable N’s value is retrieved and CALL SYMPUT is executed 506 times to create 506 macro variables M1-M506 with the initial value 0. The PUT function is used to eliminate a note that numeric values have been converted to character values. The LEFT function is used to left-align the value of the index variable, I, to avoid creating macro variable names with blanks. In step (5), CALL SYMPUT is executed 8 times and the values of the 8 macro variables created in step (4) are updated with the values of the corresponding CON. The 498 macro variables without the corresponding CON values will remain the initial value 0. Step (6) is a macro that generates all dummy variables for all possible values of CON. By using the %GOTO statement and statement label, the dummy variables without the corresponding CON values will not be created. Note that the double ampersand is necessary to cause the macro processor to scan the text twice first to generate the reference and then to resolve it. Step (7) invokes the macro GETCON to create the dummy variables for every observation in the data set TESTDATA. The last step prints the output data set with dummy variables shown in Table 1.

/* (1) Create a sample data set TESTDATA. */

















第三章:对SAS 数据文件的合并与存取 本章主要内容,是介绍SAS 软件对整个数据文件的存取及合并的方法,而上一章则主要是介绍对一个数据文件内变量的读取及处理方法。 我们先讲一讲如何用SAS 指令合并两个或多个数据文件。 一、 S AS 软件对两个及以上数据文件的合并 在数据分析时,将两个不同的数据文件并为一个,以进行进一步的综合研究,有时是很必要的。 SAS 软件有两种合并两个数据文件的方法。 1、 垂直合并: 垂直合并的方法,适用于已经用DA TA 类指令建立起的两个或多个SAS 数据文件,这些数据文件必须具有完全相同的变量(名称及内容),换句话说,两个数据矩阵应具有相同的列数。 这种合并是在一个新的DA TA 阶段里,通过“垂直合并表格指令”SET 来实现的。合并后,一个表格接在另一个表格之下......... 。 下面是一个这类合并的图例: 我们有两张分别叫作“Table 1”和“Table 2”的SAS 表格,如下图: Table 1 Table 2 obs v1 v2 obs v1 v2 可为地址,人名 观测单位 用DA TA 类指令建立合并这两张表的程式可如下编写:

在程式运行后,我们可以得到一个新的叫作Table3的SAS表格,这张新表包含有名叫Table1与Table 2的两张SAS数据表,是这两张表的垂直合并。其形式如下图(Table2被接在表Table1之下): Table3 如果被合并的表格(如上例Table1、Table2)并没有完全一样的结构,或者说没有一样的变量,合并指令仍会执行,所有有问题的数据在新的合并表中,将会以残缺数据符号“·”代替。 2、水平合并: 与“垂直合并”一样,水平合并也是将已经建立好的两个或多个SAS数据文件,合并成一个新的数据文件,供数据分析之用。被合并的数据文件,必须具有完全相同的观测单位。 或者说,两个数据矩阵的“行数”要完全相同,在合并前 ...,两个矩阵各自的第一列的元素也应当完全相同。

SAS讲义 第十六课用在PROC步中的通用语句

第十六课用在PROC步中的通用语句 当我们用DATA步创建好SAS数据集后,可以用SAS的一些PROC过程步来进一步的分析和处理它们。在DATA步中用户可以使用SAS的语句来编写自己的程序,以便能通过读入、处理和描述数据,创建符合自己特殊要求的SAS数据集。而后由一组组PROC步组成的程序进行后续分析和处理。 一.PROC程序的主要作用 ●读出已创建好的SAS数据集 ●用数据集中的数据计算统计量 ●将统计的结果按一定形式输出 在SAS系统中,计算统计量时,对于许多常用的和标准的统计计算方法,并不需要用户自己编写这些复杂的程序,而是通过过程的名字来调用一个已经为用户编写好的程序。用户通常只要编写调用统计过程前的准备处理程序和输出统计结果后的分析和管理程序。只有用户自己非常特殊的统计计算方法才需要用户自己编写相应的计算程序。 二.PROC过程语句 PROC语句用在PROC步的开始,并通过过程名来规定我们所要使用的SAS过程,对于更进一步的分析,用户还可以在PROC语句中使用一些任选项,或者附加其它语句及它们的任选项(如BY语句)来对PROC步规定用户所需要分析的更多细节。PROC语句的格式为: PROC 过程名<选项>; 过程名规定用户想使用的SAS过程的名字。例如,我们在前面常使用的打印过程名PRINT,对数值变量计算简单描述统计量的过程名MEANS。 选项规定这个过程的一个或几个选项。不同的过程规定的选项是不同的,因此,只有知道具体的过程才能确定具体的选项是什么。但是,在各个不同过程中使用选项时,下面三种选项的使用格式是共同的: ●Keyword ●Keyword=数值 ●Keyword=数据集 Keyword是关键字,第一种选项格式是某个具体过程进一步要求某个关键字;第二种选项格式是某个具体过程要求某个关键字的值,值可能是数值或字符串;第三种选项格式是某个具体过程要求输入或输出数据集。例如: PROC Print Data=class ; 过程Print,作用为打印输出数据集中的数据。选项为Data=class,关键字是Data,进一步说明要打印输出的数据集名为class。如果省略这个选项,将用最近产生的SAS数据集。


第二十七课 符号检验和Wilcoxon 符号秩 检验 在统计推断和假设检验中,传统的检验统计量都叫做参数检验,因为它们都依赖于确定的概率分布,这个分布带有一组自由的参数。参数检验被认为是依赖于分布假定的。通常情况下,我们对数据进行分析时,总是假定误差项服从正态分布,这是人们易于接受的事实,因为正态分布的原始出发点就是来自于误差分布,至于当样本相当大时,数据的正态近似,这是由于大样本理论所保证的。但有些资料不一定满足上述要求,或不能测量具体数值,其观察结果往往只有程度上的区别,如颜色的深浅、反应的强弱等,此时就不适用参数检验的方法,而只能用非参数统计方法(non-parametric statistical analysis )来处理。这种方法对数据来自的总体不作任何假设或仅作极少的假设,因此在实用中颇有价值,适用面很广。 一、 单样本的符号检验 符号检验(sign test )是一种最简单的非参数检验方法。它是根据正、负号的个数来假设检验。首先需要将原始观察值按设定的规则,转换成正、负号,然后计数正、负号的个数作出检验。该检验可用于样本中位数和总体中位数的比较,数据的升降趋势的检验,特别适用于总体分布不服从正态分布或分布不明的配对资料,有时当配对比较的结果只能定性的表示,如试验前后比较结果为颜色从深变浅、程度从强变弱,成绩从一般变优秀,即不能获得具体数字,也可用符号检验,例如用正号表示颜色从深变浅,用负号表示颜色从浅变深。 用于配对资料时,符号检验的计算步骤为:首先定义成对数据指定正号或负号的规则,然后计数正号的个数+ S 及负号的个数- S ,由于在具体比较配对资料时,可能存在配对资料的前后没有变化,或等于假设中的中位数,此时仅需要将这些观察值从资料中剔除,当然样本大小n 也随之减少,故修正样本大小- + +=S S n 。当样本n 较小时,应使用二项分布确切概率计算法,当样本n 较大时,常利用二项分布的正态近似。 1. 小样本时的二项分布概率计算 当20≤n 时,+S 或- S 的检验p 值由精确计算尺度二项分布的卷积获得。在比较配对资 料试验前后有否变化,或增加或减小的假设检验时,如果我们定义试验后比试验前增加为正号,反之为负号,那么对于原假设:试验前后无变化来说,正号的个数+ S 和负号的个数- S 可 能性应当相等,即正号出现的概率p =0.5,于是+S 与- S 均服从二项分布)5.0,(n B ,对于太 大的+S 相应太小的-S ,或者太大的-S 相应太小的+ S ,都将拒绝接受原假设;对于原假设:试验后比试验前有增加来说,正号的个数+ S 大于负号的个数- S 的可能性应该大,即正号出现的概率5.0>p ,对于太小的+ S 相应太大的- S ,将拒绝接受原假设;对于原假设:试验后比试验前减小来说,正号的个数+ S 小于等于负号的个数- S 的可能性应该大,即正号出现


目标 ?了解SAS系统的功能特点; ?熟悉AS系统操作环境; ?掌握SAS系统的有关概念; ?学会使用DATA Step读入外部数据文件以及对现有的数据集进行读入、修改、拼接以及合并; ?学会使用PROC Step的几个重要过程对数据集进行操作; ?学会使用ODS(输出传递系统)控制输出; ?了解SAS宏语言;

第一章SAS系统简介 ?SAS提供的基本运行环境:显示管理系统。 介绍显示管理系统中的有关窗口、菜单及操作。 ?运行一个简单的SAS程序: proc print data=sasuser.admit; varname sex age where age gt30; run;

第一章SAS系统简介?SAS系统对数据的管理: *SAS数据集(data set): *SAS数据视图(data view): *SAS数据库(library)和库标记:

第一章SAS系统简介 *标记一个SAS数据库的两种方法: 1、通过菜单进行; 2、libname 库标记引擎数据源选项; 练习:用两种方法分别建立: 1、一个默认的SAS数据库; 2、一个包含ORACLE数据的SAS数据库; 3、一个包含ODBC数据的SAS数据库。

第一章SAS系统简介 *SAS文件快捷方式(File Shortcut): *SAS文件的两级名: 库标记.文件名 *SAS的永久库和临时库: 永久库:SASUSER、SASHELP、自定义的库; 临时库:WORK

第一章SAS系统简介 练习:1、建立一个文件快捷方式。 2、使用SAS Notepad窗口来创建和保存SAS 程序

SAS讲义 第十八课SAS宏功能简介

第十八课SAS宏功能简介* SAS系统提供了强大的宏功能(macro facility),通过创建宏变量和宏能方便地完成: ●重复分析任务,大大精减了程序量 ●从系统获取一些如SAS启动时间、日期、版本号等信息 ●有条件地执行数据步和过程步 ●保持程序的对立性和移植性,产生与数据无关的程序 ●用宏变量在不同数据步和过程步之间传递数据 一.SAS宏变量 宏变量(也称符号变量)属于SAS宏语言的范畴,和数据步中的变量概念是不一样的。除了数据行外,可以在SAS程序的任何地方定义和使用宏变量。数据步变量是和数据集相联系的,而宏变量是独立于数据集的。数据集变量的值取决于正在处理的观测,而一个宏变量的值总是保持不变,直到被明确改变。 1宏变量的定义 定义一个宏变量的最简单方法是使用宏语句%LET,它的一般形式如下: %LET宏变量名=值; 宏变量的命名遵从一般的SAS命名规则。宏变量的值不需要加引号,如果值加入引号,则引号被作为宏变量值的一部分。宏变量的值可以是固定的字符串、其它宏变量的引用、宏函数和宏调用。 2宏变量的引用 为了引用一个宏变量的值,在宏变量前加上一个符号&,格式如下: &宏变量名 宏变量被引用的效果就是用宏变量的内容直接替代宏变量名。 3宏变量的使用举例 例如,我们想要打印、图示和分析几个数据集,但又希望避免重复键入每一个数据集名字以修改相同的程序代码。解决方法是用%LET语句创建一个宏变量DSNAME,该宏变量赋值了一个数据集名SURVEY。然后这个宏变量在PROC PRINT等许多过程和TITLE语句中被引用。程序如下:

%Let dsname=survey ; Proc print data=&dsname ; Var name sex bdate income ; Title “Display of Data Set &dsname” ; Run ; 要注意标题语句Title平时既可以用单引号又可以用双引号围住标题,但如果有宏变量引用,则必须用双引号,否则用单引号将当作字符串处理。上面的程序中,我们只要修改宏变量dsname的赋值,就能对多个数据集执行相同的打印输出等操作。 可用几个%LET语句来创建多个宏变量进一步增强过程的通用性。例如,我们可用WHERE语句来规定用作打印和分析的一个范围。如用%LET语句把宏变量START和END 分别定义为开始和结束的日期。程序如下: %Let dsname=survey ; %Let start=?01jan79?d ; %Let end= …31dec80?d ; Proc print data=&dsname ; Var name sex bdate income ; Where &start

SAS讲义 第三十四课非线性回归分析

第三十四课 非线性回归分析 现实世界中严格的线性模型并不多见,它们或多或少都带有某种程度的近似;在不少情况下,非线性模型可能更加符合实际。由于人们在传统上常把“非线性”视为畏途,非线性回归的应用在国内还不够普及。事实上,在计算机与统计软件十分发达的令天,非线性回归的基本统计分析已经与线性回归一样切实可行。在常见的软件包中(诸如SAS 、SPSS 等等),人们已经可以像线性回归一样,方便的对非线性回归进行统计分析。因此,在国内回归分析方法的应用中,已经到了“更上一层楼”,线性回归与非线性回归同时并重的时候。 对变量间非线性相关问题的曲线拟合,处理的方法主要有: ● 首先决定非线性模型的函数类型,对于其中可线性化问题则通过变量变换将其线 性化,从而归结为前面的多元线性回归问题来解决。 ● 若实际问题的曲线类型不易确定时,由于任意曲线皆可由多项式来逼近,故常可 用多项式回归来拟合曲线。 ● 若变量间非线性关系式已知(多数未知),且难以用变量变换法将其线性化,则进 行数值迭代的非线性回归分析。 一、 可变换成线性的非线性回归 在实际问题中一些非线性回归模型可通过变量变换的方法化为线性回归问题。例如,对非线性回归模型 ()t i t i t i t ix b ix a y εα+++=∑=2 1 0sin cos (34.1) 即可作变换 t t t t t t t t x x x x x x x x 2sin ,2cos ,sin ,cos 4321==== 将其化为多元线性回归模型。一般地,若非线性模型的表达式为 ()()()t m m t t t x g b x g b x g b b y ++++= 22110 (34.2) 则可作变量变换 ()()() t m m t t t t t x g x x g x x g x ===* 2*21*1,,, (34.3) 将其化为线性回归模型的表达式,从而用前面线性模型的方法来解决,其中(34.3)中的x t 也 可为自变量构成的向量。 这种变量变换法也适用于因变量和待定参数 b i 。如 ()[]1exp 2132211-++=t t t t t x x b x b x b a y (34.4) 时上式两边取对数得 ()1ln ln 2132211-+++=t t t t t x x b x b x b a y (34.5) 现作变换 1,ln ,ln 2130*-===t t t t t x x x a b y y (34.6) 则可得线性表达式

SAS讲义 第三十课Spearman等级相关分析

第三十课 Spearman 等级相关分析 一、 秩相关的Spearman 等级相关分析 前面介绍了使用非参数方法比较总体的位置或刻度参数,我们同样也可以用非参数方法比较两总体之间相关问题。秩相关(rank correlation )又称等级相关,它是一种分析i x 和i y 等级间是否相关的方法。适用于某些不能准确地测量指标值而只能以严重程度、名次先后、反映大小等定出的等级资料,也适用于某些不呈正态分布或难于判断分布的资料。 设i R 和i Q 分别为i x 和i y 各自在变量X 和变量Y 中的秩,如果变量X 与变量Y 之间存在着正相关,那么X 与Y 应当是同时增加或减少,这种现象当然会反映在(i x ,i y )相应的秩(i R ,i Q )上。反之,若(i R ,i Q )具有同步性,那么(i x ,i y )的变化也具有同步性。因此 ∑∑==-==n i n i i i i Q R d d 1 1 22 )( (30.1) 具有较小的数值。如果变量X 与变量Y 之间存在着负相关,那么X 与Y 中一个增加时,另一个在减小,d 具有较大的数值。既然由(i x ,i y )构成的样本相关系数反映了X 与Y 之间相关与否的信息,那么在参数相关系数的公式),(Y X r 中以i R 和i Q 分别代替i x 和i y ,不是同样地反映了这种信息吗?基于这种想法,Charles Spearman 秩相关系数),(Q R r s 应运而生: ∑∑∑∑∑∑∑---- = 2 2)1 ()1()1 )(1(),(i i i i i i i i s Q n Q R n R Q n Q R n R Q R r (30.2) ),(Q R r s 与),(Y X r 形式上完全一致,但在),(Q R r s 中的秩,不管X 与Y 取值如何,总是只 取1到n 之间的数值,因此它不涉及X 与Y 总体其他的内在性质,例如秩相关不需要总体具有有限两阶矩的要求。由于 2 ) 1(211 1 += +++==∑∑==n n n Q R n i i n i i 6 ) 12)(1(212221 21 2++= +++==∑∑==n n n n Q R n i i n i i 因此公式(30.2)可以化简为


SAS讲义-第九课 一、Do循环 1、大家回看第四课的例11,可以发现Do循环应该要和End搭配使用。下面都是可行的Do语句。 do i=5; do i=2,3,5,7; do i=1 to 100; do i=1 to 100 by 2; do i=100 to 1 by -1; do i=1 to 5,7 to 9; do i=’01jan99’d,’25feb99’d; do i=’01jan99’d to ‘01jan2000’d by 1; 例1 产生1,2,9,8 的序列。 data a; do i=1,2,9,8; output; end; run; 思考:若output放在end之后,或者去掉output,那会怎样呢? 例2 产生1-20的奇数序列。 data a; do i=1 to 20 by 2; output; end; run; 例3 求1-100的自然数之和。 data a; do i=1 to 100 ; n+i; output; end; run; 例4 求1-100的自然数的平方和。 data a; do i=1 to 100 ; n+i**2; output; end; run; 例5用do循环处理数组。(下课还会深入说数组) data a(drop=i); array day{7} d1-d7; do i=1 to 7;

day{i}=i+1; end; run; 2、do while语句。先判断while表达式,若成立则执行,否则推测循环。例6 data a; n=0; do while (n<5); n+1; output; end; run; 例7 计算1加到100的过程中,第一个大于等于2000的数。 data a; do i=1 to 100 while (n<2000) ; n+i; output; end; run; 3、do until 语句。先执行,直到until的表达式为真,推出循环。 4、do over 语句。我们到下课再说。 二、select语句。 Select-when 相当于一般编程语言里面的swich-case语句。直接看例子。例8 data a; set resdat.class; x=0; obs=_n_; select(obs); when(2) x=2; when(3,7)x=5; otherwise x=3; end; run; 三、return语句。 Return语句可以让系统返回到data步开头。 例9return语句与if-then共用 data a; input x y z; if x=y then return; s=x+y; cards; 1 2 3 2 2 3 ;


S A S讲义第二课显示 管理系统

第二课显示管理系统 一.显示管理系统窗口 1显示管理系统(Display Manager)三个主要窗口: ●PROGRAM EDITOR窗口:提供一个编写 SAS程序的文本 编缉器 ●LOG窗口:显示有关程序运行的信息 ●OUTPUT窗口:显示程序运算结果的输出 2显示管理系统的常用窗口 ●KEYS 查看及改变功能键的设置 ●LIBNAME 查看已经存在的SAS数据库 ●DIR 查看某个SAS数据库的内容 ●VAR 查看SAS数据集的有关信息 ●OPTIONS 查看及改变SAS的系统设置 假设我们准备自定义F12功能键为OPTIONS命令,打开KEYS 窗口后在F12的右边的空白区键入OPTIONS,完毕之后在命令框中键入END命令退出KEYS窗口 二.显示管理系统命令 1显示管理系统命令的发布 有四种命令的发布方式都可达到相同结果。 ●在命令框中直接键入命令 ●按功能键 ●使用下拉式菜单 ●使用工具栏 例如我们要增加一个OUTPUT窗口,相应地四种操作如下: ●命令框中直接键入OUTPUT和Enter ●功能键F7 ●Window/Output ●Options / Edit tools ①Add按钮选择Tool,新增了一个空白按钮 ②Command命令框中输入:OUTPUT;Help Text命令框中输入:Add new button create by DZX;Tip Text命令框中输入:Output。

③再单击Browse命令挑选一个合适的按钮。 ④单击Move Dn按钮将OUTPUT按钮移动到最后Help按钮之后 ⑤单击Add按钮选择Separator,使Help按钮和新增OUTPUT命令按 钮之间有一个空白的分组间隙。 ⑥单击Save按钮 2文本编辑行命令 文本编辑行命令的主要作用是为在PROGRAM EDITOR窗口方便和高效地输入和修改SAS程序提供一组编辑命令。文本编辑行命令可归两个子类: ●命令行命令——在命令框中输入NUMS命令 ●行命令——在行号上键入执行指定功能的字母来完成编辑功能 例如,我们在PROGRAM EDITOR窗口中的第一行到第三行输入假设的数据和程序:“Data and program line one ”,“Data and program line two”,“Data and program line three”。 若想在第1行与第2行之间插入空行: ●在第1行的行号前键入 i(或I,或i1、I1) ●若想保存和调入程序: ●在命令框中键入:FILE "D:\SAS\ABC02.SAS" ●先光标定位到指定某行,再在命令框中键入:INCLUDE "D:\SAS\ABC02.SAS" 三.SAS系统的几组重要命令 1向SAS系统寻求帮助命令 ●F1键和F2键提供信息相当于简明的SAS使用手册 2显示管理系统命令框常用命令

SAS讲义 第三十七课典型相关分析

第三十七课 典型相关分析 典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis )是研究两组变量间相关关系的一种多元统计分析方法。它能够揭示两组变量之间的内在联系,真正反映两组变量间的线性相关情况。 一、 典型相关分析 我们研究过两个随机变量间的相关,它们可以用相关系数表示。然而,在实际问题中常常会遇到要研究两组随机变量间),,,(21p x x x 和),,,(21q y y y 的相关关系。 ),,,(21p x x x 和),,,(21q y y y 可能是完全不同的, 但是它们的线性函数可能存在密切的关系,这种密切的关系能反映),,,(21p x x x 和),,,(21q y y y 之间的相关关系。因此就要找出),,,(21p x x x 的一个线性组合u 及),,,(21q y y y 的一个线性组合v ,希望找到的u 和v 之间有最大可能的相关系数,以充分反映两组变量间的关系。这样就把研究两组随机变量间相关关系的问题转化为研究两个随机变量间的相关关系。如果一对变量(u ,v )还不能完全刻划两组变量间的相关关系时,可以继续找第二对变量,希望这对变量在与第一对变量(u ,v )不相关的情况下也具有尽可能大的相关系数。直到进行到找不到相关变量对时为止。这便引导出典型相关变量的概念。 1. 典型相关系数与典型相关变量 设有两组随机变量),,,(21p x x x 和),,,(21q y y y ,假定它们都已经标准化了,即p i x D x E i i ,,2,1= ,1=)(,0=)( ,q i y D y E i i ,,2,1= ,1=)(,0=)( ,若记 ?????? ? ??=??????? ??=p p y y y y x x x x 2121, 此时它们的协方差矩阵(也是相关系数矩阵)为, R R R R R y x D yy xy yx xx =??? ? ??=???? ?? 其中()()yx xy yy xx R R y x Cov R y D R x D ====),(,, 实际上,我们要找 y m v x l u 111 1,'='= 使1u 和1v 的相关系数),(11v u ρ达到最大。由于对任意常数a ,b ,c ,d ,有


第七课建立SAS系统的数据集 (FSP/FSEDIT) 与使用SAS/ASSIST软件相比,SAS/ASSIST只要用MOUSE点击就行了,而用SAS/FSP,需要在PROGRAM EDITOR窗口中输入一些简单程序,主要是调用FSEDIT过程,其他操作的环境和步骤很相似。但是用FSEDIT过程所编写的一些数据产生程序比用SAS/ASSIST软件更容易控制产生所需的数据集。 仍然通过创建一个相同SURVEY数据集,并对这个数据集进行一些简单修改的例子,来说明SAS/FSP软件的FSEDIT过程的具体的操作步骤: 一、在PROGRAM EDITOR 窗口中输入如下程序 Libname study 'd:\sasdata\mydir'; Proc fsedit new=study.survey; Run; 中,提交运行。后面课件中的程序都可以进行类似操作。 在程序中过程FSEDIT用以创建一个新的SAS数据集study.survey。 ●如果study.survey数据集不是第一次新建,而是一个已经存在的SAS数据集,则 将上面的程序修改为如下: Proc fsedit data=study.survey ; Run ; 在程序过程FSEDIT中使用DATA=选项,来指定所要修改的数据集。 二、发布SUBMIT命令提交这段程序 出现了一个标题为FSEDIT new STUDY.SURVEY的变量描述窗口。 ●要注意,如果库标记STUDY指定的目录“d:\sasdata\mydir”下已经存在此SAS数 据集SURVEY,就不会出现变量描述窗口。 1

解决的办法是到目录下将文件SURVEY.SD2删除。 三、单击主菜单Locals,选择Format / Informat 这样的操作将把窗口中的输出格式Format,修改成输入格式Informat。同样操作也可以将输入格式Informat修改成输出格式Format。注意,不要认为只能定义输入和输出格式两者中的一个,可以同时定义两者。 四、输入将要创建的数据集的所有变量及其属性 如下表所示,是我们将要键入的study.survey数据集的变量名、对应的类型(字符型或数字型)、长度、变量标签(用以说明该变量)和该变量的输入格式。 上表中我们定义了一个新的数据集study.survey所有变量的属性,但没有包括输出格式的属性。按表格中的内容输入到窗口中相应的位置。在输入各个变量和它的属性时,注意用非Insert编辑状态(即Overstrike状态)、用Delete键删除已输入的字符和用空格键向右移动光标,描述完一个变量(即一行)后按Enter键。 五、发布END,进入FSEDIT编辑窗口,输入数据 开始输入前: 要单击工具栏上Add Record按钮增加一条空白记录 2


SAS讲义-第四课 一、data语句 例1 规定要创建的SAS数据集。 data; /*系统自动规定数据集名datan * / data a; /*创建临时数据集a */ data ResDat .a; /*创建永久数据集resdat.a */ data data1 data2; /*创建两个临时数据集data1和data2 */ data _null_; /*特殊名,不创建SAS数据集,用于输出*/ 例2 数据集选项举例。 data new (drop=var1); /*去掉数据集new中变量var1*/ data new (keep=_numeric_); /*保留数据集new中所有数值变量*/ data new (label=’股本变动历史’);/*规定数据集new标签名为”股本变动历史”*/ data new (rename=(var1=u var2=v)); /*将数据集new中变量var1和var2更名为u和v*/ 例3 观测子集的形成。 data year1998 year1999 year2000; set ResDat.stk000001 ; if year (date)=1998 then output year1998; /* year为函数名*/ else if year (date)=1999 then output year1999; else if year (date)=2000 then output year2000; run; 例中,根据条件产生三个观测子集,名字分别为year1998, year1999和year2000。 例4 变量子集的形成。 data open (keep=date oppr) close (keep=date clpr); set resdat.stk000001; run; 二、set语句 Set语句从一个或多个数据集中读取观测值并实现纵向合并。每一个set语句被执行时,SAS就会读一个观测到PDV中。 Set语句的语法格式: set+数据集+(数据集选项)+选项; (1)数据集选项 keep=变量指定的变量进入PDV drop=变量指定的变量不进入PDV rename=表达式对指定的变量在PDV更换变量名 where=表达式执行PDV之前满足表达式 IN=变量创建一个标识变量,如果当前观测属于数据集, 标识为1,否则为0 firstobs=常数如常数=3,表示从第三个观测读数据集 obs=常数如常数=10,表示最后一个观测是第十个观测 (2)选项

对应分析 SAS讲义12

对应分析SAS程序 2010年5月 一、对应分析的统计思想 二、对应分析的原理 三、对应分析的SAS程序与应用 四、对应分析练习题 第一节对应分析的基本理论 对应分析又称相应分析,于1970年由法国统计学家J.P.Beozecri提出的. 对应分析是将频数或计数表的各种联系用图来表示的方法。 对应分析本质是一种在低维空间中用图形方法表示联系的技术。 对应分析(Correspondence Analysis):通过分析由定性变量构成的交互汇总表来揭示变量间的联系。对应分析可以揭示同一变量的各个类别之间的差异,不同变量各个类别之间的对应关系。可以将两个变量的联系做在一个图里表示出来。 它是在R型和Q型因子分析基础上发展起来的多元统计分析方法,故也称为R-Q型因子分析. 因子分析方法是用少数几个公共因子去

提取研究对象的绝大部分信息,既减少了因子的数目,又把握住了研究对象的相互关系.在因子分析中根据研究对象的不同,分为R型和Q型,如果研究变量间的相互关系时采用R型因子分析;如果研究样品间相互关系时采用Q型因子分析. 第二节对应分析原理

5、将因子载荷为座标作图,得到对应分析图 ()2 2 11 p q ij i j i j i j p p p n p p χ ??==??-= =∑∑ 总惯量 奇异值是惯量(特征值)的平方根。惯量用于说明对

应分析各个维度的结果能够解释列联表中两个变量联系的程度。 第三节SAS对应分析程序 例:

Data ex2; Input zipin$ zili renshu; datalines; a 1 129 a 2 14 a 3 8 b 1 931 b 2 146 b 3 96 c 1 660 c 2 116 c 3 74 d 1 251 d 2 104 d 3 81 e 1 11 e 2 7 e 3 23 f 1 15 f 2 13 f 3 24 ; Proc corresp data=ex2 all outc=result; tables zipin , zili ; weight renshu; Run; %plotit(data= result, datatype=corresp)


SAS? 9.2 FOUNDATION for Windows 安裝導引 V1.00, 12 Oct 2009 SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. ? indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright 2008 SAS Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved.

目錄 1事前準備 (1) 1.1SAS Software DVD 光碟版本 (1) 1.2軟體需求 (1) 1.3硬體需求 (2) 1.4其他注意事項 (2) 2安裝 SAS 系統 (3) 2.1安裝 SAS 9.2 Foundation (3) 3更多資訊 (15) 3.1SAS Notes (15) 3.2SAS Tech Support (15)

1 事前準備 本安裝導引提供 SAS 9.2 Foundation 單機安裝之標準安裝基本說明,目的在於協助SAS使用者完成安裝 SAS 系統。在開始安裝之前請先檢視本章之事前準備事項,以確保安裝工作可以順利完成。 1.1 SAS Software DVD 光碟版本 本安裝導引主要說明 SAS 9.2 DVD 光碟為版本920_09W32 (含)之後的SAS 9.2 Foundation安裝。您可以在SAS Software DVD 光碟盒子封面,確認您的SAS 9.2 DVD 光碟版本。 1.2 軟體需求 SAS 9.2 Foundation 支援下列的 Microsoft Windows 作業平台: ●Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition SP1 ●Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition SP1 ●Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition SP1 ●Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 ●Microsoft Windows Vista ‐ Enterprise, Business 及 Ultimate 版本等 此外,SAS 9.2 Foundation 安裝過程中,會安裝下列系統元件: ●Microsoft Windows Installer 3.0 ●Microsoft Runtime Components 8.0 SP1 ●Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 ●Microsoft WSE 3.0 Runtime 檔案系統之建議:


SAS Macros Workshop I.Why use SAS Macros? A SAS macro is way of defining parts of or collections of SAS statements which can be carried out repeatedly or which can substitute names of datasets or variables with symbolic names. SAS macro language also gives you the opportunity to insert programming steps inside a SAS code. SAS Macro Advantages: ?Reduce coding time ?Reduce programming errors by not having to edit so many lines of code ?In some cases, it could be even more time efficient in execution SAS Macro Disadvantages: ?Harder to understand if multiple people work on it ?Harder to debug ?Some of the macro features (call symput) do not resolve in execution in the log file until the very end of a data step ?Not easily adaptable All the usual programming elements: if-then-else statements, loops for I=1 to N do, and other similar operators can be used in SAS macros. II.Overview of elements of the macro language The three different main elements of the macro language are: ?macro variables; ?macro program statements; ?macro functions. III.Macro variables Macro variables are tools that enable you to modify text in a SAS program through a symbolic substitution. It assigns a value (either string or integer) to a variable that you can invoke several times in a program after that. To define a macro variable you can use the %let statement. EXAMPLE 1: For example to assign the value 24 to the variable named sto, you do:


SAS应用讲义 (中高级教材) Statistical Analysis System简称为SAS,可用来分析数据和编写报告。它是美国SAS研究所的产品,在国际上被誉为标准软件,在我国深受医学、农林、财经、社会科学、行政管理等众多领域的专业工作者的好评。 有关SAS的最新信息,可以查看。 SAS采用积木式模块结构,其中的SAS/STAT模块是目前功能最强的多元统计分析程序集,可以做回归分析、聚类分析、判别分析、主成分分析、因子分析、典型相关分析以及各种试验设计的方差分析和协方差分析。 本讲义围绕SAS的应用,讲述以下八部分内容: (1)SAS应用基础;(2)SAS常用语句; (3)SAS服务过程;(4)描述性统计程式; (5)方差分析程式;(6)回归分析程式; (7)聚类分析及判别分析程式;(8)互依性分析程式。 第一讲SAS应用基础 1.1SAS的显示管理系统 启动计算机,点击SAS图标后,即可进入SAS的显示管理系统DMS。 DMS是Display Manager System的缩写。在DMS中有四个主要的窗口: (1)编辑窗口(PROGRAM EDITOR)——编辑程式和数据文件; (2)日志窗口(LOG)——记录运行情况,显示ERROR信息; (3)输出窗口(OUTPUT)——输出运行的结果; (4)图形窗口(GRAPH)——输出图形。 点击Globals 菜单中的Program editor、Log、Output、Graph 命令可以进入编辑、日志、输出及图形窗口。 按功能键F5、F6、F7也可以进入编辑、日志及输出窗口。 退出DMS有两种方法: (1)点击File 菜单中的Exit 命令; (2)点击窗口右上角的×。 1.2 SAS的功能键 用功能键可以代替对菜单的点击,有时比较方便。 最常用的功能键有F1 :显示帮助信息(HELP); F4 :显示已经运行的程式(RECALL); F5 :进入编辑窗口(PGM);

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