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公共警示用语 (2)

国务院所属各部、委、局的名称 (Names of the Ministries, Commissions and Bureaus Under the State Council) .. 7中国节假日名称 (Names of Holidays) (9)

中国二十四节气 (The Twenty-Four Solar Term of China) (9)

中国古典名著 (Titles of Well-Known Chinese Literary Works) (10)

汉译英经济词语选 (11)


爱护公共财物 Protect (or: Take Care of) Public Property

办公时间:上午8时——下午4时 Office Hours: 8: 00 a.m. —4: 00 p.m.

保持干燥 Keep Dry

报纸阅后请放回原处 Replace the Newspapers After Reading

本地区内放置有老鼠药 Rats Bane Has Been Placed in This Area

本店不收信用券(卡) We Accept No Credit Card

本票有效期为三天 This Ticket Is Valid for Three Days

本校教职工专用 Reserved for Faculty

便后冲洗便池 Flush the Toilet Bowl After Using It

不得触摸,后果自负 Handle at your Own Risk

不得入内 Keep out

不得随地吐痰 Don’t Spit on (upon) the Floor

不许在门口通道处堆放任何障碍物 Keep This Doorway Free of Obstruction

不准采摘花果 Don’t Pick flowers and Fruit

不准抽烟 No Smoking (Smoking Not Allowed)

不准调头 No U-Turn

不准砍伐树木 Don’t Fell Trees /Felling Trees Forbidden 不准乱扔烟头 No Cigarette Disposal

不准小贩叫卖 No Hawkers

不准携带食物和饮料入内 No Food or Drinks to Be Brought in

不准携犬入内 No Dogs

不准在此停留 No Standing

不准在此涂写 No Scribbling

不准在此招贴违者罚款 Post No Bills, Stickers Will Be Fined

不准招贴 No Bills (Circulars)

只准从左边超车 Pass (on the ) Left Only

中速行驶,安全礼让 Drive at Moderate Speed, Yield Right of Way for Safety’s Sake 不准停车 No Parking

不准超车 No Overtaking

车辆未经批准不得入内 No Entry for Unauthorized Vehicles

红灯亮时请停车 Stop on Red (Signal)

不准违章行车 No Driving Against Traffic Regulations

超车道 Overtake Line

单(双)行道 One-Way (or: Two-Way) Traffic

紧急停车道 Emergency Parking Strip

减速行驶 Reduce Speed Now

禁止无照行车 Driving Without License Is Forbidden

特大车辆从右边出 Oversize Vehicles Exit Right

(车、船等)开往武汉 For Wuhan

此路通往长沙 To Changsha

此处不能出去 No Way Out

此端向上 This Side Up

此房出租 House to Let

此路不通 Blocks (Blocked)

此门不通 Closed

当心触电 Ware Live Wire

电梯待修 Elevator Out of Service

陡坡上爬 Steep climb

陡坡下降 Steep Descent


This Way to the Toilet

厕所暂停使用 W. C. Closed

对号入座 Seat by Number

免票入场 Admittance Free

凭柬入场 Admission by Invitation Card Alone

凭票入场 Admission by Ticket Only

演出(放映)时请勿谈话 No Talking During the Show

演出进行时不得入场 Late Comers Will Not Be Ushered in Until the Interval

演出延期举行,入场券继续有效 Show Postponed, Tickets Remain Valid

请注意以上影片上映时间 Watch Out for the Showing Times of These Pictures

非公莫入 No Admittance Except on Business

游客止步 Crew Only

本店(处)人员专用 Employees (or: Staff) Only

地面湿滑,敬请小心! Wet Floor!

办公设备专营公司 Office Systems Pty. ( Pty. = propriatery,专有的,专卖的) 专利商品名 propriatery term

专利技术 propriatery technology

非卖品 Not for Sale

一年保修 one year warranty

妇幼免费入场 Children and Women Admitted Free

妇幼优先(入场,上车等) Children and Women First

概不出借 Not for Loan

购物请先按铃 Ring Bell for Service

顾客止步 Customers Please Refrain from Entering This Area

欢迎(谢绝)参观 Inspections Welcome (Declined)

欢迎参观,可不购物 Feel Free to Browse Around, You Are Under No Obligation to Buy 欢迎批评建议 Criticisms and Suggestions Welcome

即修即取 Instant Repairs

假日休息(重要会议),停止营业 Closed for Holiday (Important Meeting)

检查武器后方许人内 Check All Weapons Before Entering

节约用电 Save (on) Power

节约用水 Economize on Water

今天不营业 No Business Today

仅供参观 For Inspection Only