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We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 p.m. our time, Wednesday, September 30.


Thank you for your inquiry for carpets. In reply to your inquiry of April 28, we are sending you here with a copy of our latest price list for your reference.




Dear Sirs,

We have duly received your letter of July 5, 1996, with a price-list of the baths enclosed therein. As we have much interest in this line of the goods, and we often receive inquiries about them from our friends in Europe, we shall be able to give you considerable orders, if your quality is suitable and the prices moderate. We shall be obliged if you will send us some samples with the best terms at your earliest convenience.

Y ours truly,

(signature )




“A viation“Artificial Leather Suitcases

Selected materials, fine workmanship, modern designs, reasonable price, various specifications. Orders welcome.


The “Flying Pigeon” soars over China and the world.


“Golden Rooster” always crows on time.

安全驾驶---- 救人即救己。

Drive carefully---the life you save may be your own.


Things go better with Coca-Cola.




A piano teacher to teach a 5-year-old girl at home. 2 hours each time, twice a week. Call 4851401.





Super-concentrated, low-suds White Cat washing powder has extra cleaning power. Compared with ordinary washing powers, it can wash 4-fold dirty fabrics with an equal volume of powder.

It can remove firmly adhered stains, prevents white fabrics from yellowing, and be rinsed easily. It saves water, time and labour.

It has persistent washing ability and can be successively used for 2nd and 3rd washing.

Frequent use of this powder does no harm to the fabrics and can ensure washed fabrics more brilliant and as clean as new ones.








Dear Professor Wang:

It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a meeting of English language teaching scheduled for July 10th, 1995 at the Foreign Languages College of Shandong University to discuss various problems in English language teaching.

We sincerely hope you can attend. Please let us know if you can make it.


Wang Min

2018高三6篇英语应用文及分句翻译 练习

高三应用文写作及分句翻译操练6篇 一、假定你是李华,上周日学校组织全校高三师生去人民公园进行了一次户外郊游活动,受到了大家的一致好评。请你就本次活动给校园英语报写一篇报道。内容包括: 1.活动时间、地点; 2.活动内容; 3.活动的意义。 注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【写作提示】 1.本文为提纲式作文,形式为校园英语报的报道。写作时以第三人称、一般过去时为主。 2.注意要点齐全,包括活动时间,地点以及活动的内容和意义三个方面。 3.注意运用恰当的衔接词和过渡词。 【参考范文】 Last Sunday witnessed extraordinary hiking,which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of Senior Three. Bathed in the warm sunshine,we arrived at our destination on foot,talking and laughing. In the park,we had fresh air and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Additionally,some students gave us their marvelous performance,making us burst into laughter. By immersing everyone in the charm of nature, this activity definitely offers relaxation to us. Not only can it strengthen our perseverance, but it enhances our friendship. 分句翻译 1)上周日目睹了一次去人民公园的非同寻常的郊外活动,几乎吸引了所有高三学生和老师的注意力。 Last Sunday witnessed an extraordinary outing to the People's Park.,which nearly drew the attention of every student and teacher of Senior Three. 2)沐浴在温暖的阳光下,我们徒步走到目的地,一路上又说又笑 Bathed in the warm sunshine, we arrived at our destination on foot,talking and laughing. 3)在公园里我们呼吸了新鲜的空气、享受了美丽的风景。 In the park, we had fresh air and enjoyed beautiful scenery. 4)此外,一些学生给我们表演了精彩的节目,使得我们哈哈大笑。Additionally,some students gave us their marvelous performance,making us burst into laughter. 5)通过让每个人都沉浸在自然的魅力中,这次活动绝对使我们感到了放松。同时,它不但增强了我们的毅力,而且增进了我们的友谊。 By immersing everyone in the charm of nature, this activity definitely offers relaxation to us. Besides,not only can it strengthen our perseverance, but it enhances our friendship.


应用文写作范文精选 感谢信范文: To Whom It May Concern, As a student of this university, I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for your kind assistance as always. Meanwhile, I feel that it would be beneficial to express my views concerning the quality of the library service. In the first place, I find that most keyboards of the library computers are in poor operation, which brings much inconvenience to the users. I would also recommend the library to improve the efficiency of purchasing new books and subscribing to academic journals. Last but not least, the study rooms need to be furnished with a better lighting system. I hope that you take my suggestions into serious consideration. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文1: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. T o briefly introduce myself, I am a graduate student of Peking University majoring in business administration, and expect graduation this June.Not only have I excellent academic performance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned international companies, such as KPMG and Microsoft. My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post.For further information, please refer to my attached resume. I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming 申请信范文2: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express my great interest in the “Olympic V olunteer Recruitment”launched recently by the Beijing Olympic Committee, and I would like to apply as a qualified candidate. As I am an English major, my fluency in both Mandarin and English, as well as my basic command of French, guarantees that I meet the language requirement for the various volunteer positions. More importantly, I have been an enthusiastic participant in many international exchange programs—which are reflected in my attached resume—and therefore, I believe my communication skills make me competent for such a post. Should you grant me an interview, I would be most grateful. Y ours truly Li Ming 求职信范文: Dear Mr. Wang, I am a computer science major from Peking University, and I am writing in response to your advertisement for recruiting a software programmer intern posted on our university BBS yesterday. I hope I can take the job. The main reason for my confidence in this position lies in both my extensive academic training in software programming, and my work experience in the relevant industry which has further polished my abilities. Moreover, I have much spare time this semester, which can ensure my time commitment for the internship.Please find more details in my enclosed resume. Thank you for your time and patience, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could grant me an interview. Y ours sincerely, Li Ming


1.求职信 范文1: Dear Mr.Double Liu, I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a salesperson. Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my qualification and previous work experience. Not only do my qualifications and work experience make me a perfect candidate for the job, but my personality is well suited to working as a salesperson. I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with students of all ages. I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience, to discuss the possibility of working at your school. I can be reached at 12435678 during the day and 87654321 after 6 p.m. Thank you for your consideration of my application. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei 范文2: Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to apply for the position of business manager you advertised in yesterday’s China Daily. Here is a brief introduction of myself. I am a graduate student of Fudan University majoring in business administration an expect graduation this June. Not only do I have excellent academic performance in all courses, I also possess the rich experience of assisting management staff of several renowned multinationals, such as KPMG and Microsoft. My interactive personal skills and teamwork spirit are also appropriate for this post. For further information, please refer to my attached resume. I would be grateful if you could arrange an interview at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei 2.辞职信 范文1:辞职原因:工作不满意 写法1: Dear Mr.Wang, I am writing to inform you of my intention of withdrawing from my current position of this magazine. Though having worked here for merely two months, I unfortunately find that this job is quite different from my expectation. First of all, I have to say that my salary is far from satisfying, which barely sustains me in this expensive city. Moreover, so far I have never had the responsibility of any challenging task. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience it might bring to you. Your truly,


翻译(英语应用文写作) 1、从友人处获悉贵公司缺一位会计,我想申请此职位。 I have learned from a friend that there is a vacancy accountant in your company, and I wish to apply for the position. 2、我毕业于浙江大学电子信息专业。 I graduated from Zhejiang University, majoring in electronic information. 3、如能尽快回复,将不胜感激。 Your prompt reply will be much appreciated. 4、我希望你们能考虑我的申请。 I hope that you will be kind enough to consider my application. 5、您随时可以面试我。 I should welcome a personal interview at your convenience. 6、乔治·布朗先生敬请您出席。 Mr. George Brown requests the honor of your presence.(Mr. George Brown requests the pleasure of your visit.) 7、乔治·布朗先生因另有约在先,十分遗憾不能接受邀请。 Mr. George Brown regrets that a previous engagement prevents his acceptance of the kind invitation. 8、谨以此信,表达我对您帮助的感谢之情。 I am writing to express my thanks for your kind help. 9、我谨代表我全家对您的帮助表示真诚的感谢。 On the behalf of my whole family, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for your kind help. 10、我再次对所引起的不满表示歉意。 Once again, I am sorry for any convenience caused. 11、我方期待此事有一个令人满意的答复。 We hope to receive a favorable reply to this matter soon.


英语应用文写作技巧 一、书信 书信我们分为两部分:信封和内容。 1、信封的写法。 英语信封正面的左上角,写发信人的姓名和地址。在信封的正面中央偏左一点,写收信人的地址和姓名。 英语信封上的地点名称由小到大,视其长短可占二至五行不等。 寄信人只写姓名,不写头衔。但是,收信人一般都在名字前加上头衔,以示礼貌和尊敬。对于没有官衔和学衔的人士,通常在姓名前写上Mr., Mrs.,或Ms.。 信封的写法,一般来说,很少出现在中考英语的作文中。 2、内容。 英文信一般能够分为下列几个部分。 1)信端(Heading)即写信人的地址和发信日期。 2)收信人姓名地址 3)称呼 4)信的正文 5)结束语 6)签名 有的时候,出题者会让考生写e-mail。e-mail的写法和书信的写法基本一致。只不过少了书信在信封上的繁琐。

(2005年北京)根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、很多于50词的短文。 假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的e-mail,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封e-mail,介绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你协助他学好中文的愿望。 Dear David, I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well. Hope to see you soon in Beijing. Yours, Wang Ming 二、发言稿 发言稿要注意以下三点: 1、发言的地点 2、发言的对象 3、发言的内容。


便条(NOTES) Dear liu, I have something important to tell you, please call me at 8 tonight. Wang <分析> 这是一张通俗的信息便条,Wang 有重要的事情要告诉Liu ,希望Liu与 自己联系。该便条很明显没有写作时间和结束语。前面我们提到过单纯的通俗信 息与感谢信息的传递不须注明写作时间,若非注不可,也就是即日,即收笺的那 一日。 首句I have…句式表明“我”有一些,很自然地,明确地引出信息内 容。使用了有说服力的词如:important,tell 等,突出表明了信息的重要性。 四、练习 请以 Judy 的名义给 Jane 写一张便条,请 Jane 尽快把其工作计划告诉 Judy。 Dear Jane, Please inform me as soon as possible your working plan. Thanks. Judy 通知(Notice) 一、题型分析 英文通知的格式与中文通知格式大体相同,这一点考生容易把握。其 内容简单,具体,要求写明具体事项,以便告知相关人员。 二、应试技巧 1.注意中,英通知的细微差别 和中文通知一样,英文通知由标题,正文,落款(或时间)三部分组成。 标题写在正文上方正中的部位,常以Notice作标题。落款既发出通知的单位和 时间写在正文右下角,有时发出通知的单位可以省略,时间也可写在单位名称下 一行的左下角。 2.书写正文时要注意的几点 (1)内容要简洁,清楚。例如,会议通知要写清时间,地点,出席人员,必要 时还可以写明会议内容。 (2)多采用被动语态,人称用第三人称。如: a. All the students of the Computer Department are required to meet… b. A lecture on linguistics will be given by Profess or Xiao … (3)为了能引起广泛的注意,正文起首常以“ATTENTION”字样或以 “Attention please”开头。如: ATTENTION, A visit to… (4)放假通知应写明放假天数及收假日期。如: a. Tomorrow being National Day, there will be no work for seven days. b. Work will be resumed on Oct. 8.


English for Material Science and Engineering Ex.1 In order to improve the efficiency of existing precipitators, research has been done in Germany into conditioning the waste gas by injecting SO3 . The research has indicated that an injection of about 20 ppm (volume basis) should be sufficient to get the emission level down to below 50 mg/Nm3 which will be the statutory requirement in Germany (TA-Luft) from 1994. Similar requirements may flow on to the rest of Europe. Lungen etal. Estimated that to comply with the new regulations, gas cleaning could make up 35% of the cost of a new sinter plant. Ex. 2 There is no doubt that the blast furnace will remain the mainstay of iron production although problems with the quantity or cost and quality of coke, as discussed earlier, may have some effect. The first tendency will be further elimination of small, inefficient units and their partial replacement by large furnaces. Recall that the average production of the 263 operating blast furnaces in the United States in 1960 was only 860 tons/day, while soon it is expected to reach 2,350 tons/day from only 150 units. Ex. 3 The converter technology can be characterized by two processes which occur continuously and in parallel in the converter bath:(a) intensive supply of oxygen and (b) slag formation. The melting process in an oxygen converter may be divided into two periods: in the first period, the concentrations of impurities (C, Si, Mn, P) in the bath are stilt rather high; in the second period, there remain almost no impurities in the bath. During the first period, the


篇一:应用文体翻译 应用文体翻译· 一、应用文体翻译的特点。 应用文体最基本的特点是“用”,另外应用文体往往对象明确,时间性强、 报启示,都属于应用文体的范围,而常见的应用文体有书信(包括e-mail)、 评论的翻译、出国留学信函、公告、通知、规章、法令、广告、启事、契约、 合同、公函、私信等。因为它们固定的格式和明确的交际目的,对于应用文 体的翻译不能像翻译小说、散文等纯文学语言形式那样去传达某种思想感 情,它是以传递信息为主,且实用性、规范性极强,即要“务实”。这是由它 们形式的格式化要求的。这个格式是人们在长期使用中习以为常、约定俗成、 自然而然形成的。 二、应用文体翻译的就业方向和前景。 想获得高薪或好的笔译工作,需要积累一定的客户资源和需要一定的笔 译经验,不过笔译确实是非常的累。但应用文体翻译实用性较强,只要是经 过专业训练、既有专业又懂外语的“复合型”和“高端”人才会更受用人单 位青睐。毕业生一般去向是翻译公司或就职于外贸部门、培训机构、报社编 辑、大型企业、跨国企业、高校的翻译教学工作的机构。 三、应用文体翻译者的素质要求。 1)应用文体翻译应该保证读者得到准确的信息,达到预期的交际效果。 广告的功能是唤起读者的兴趣,它的翻译须以读者为中心,迎合译语读者的 文化取向,采用对他们有感召力的语言。因此,广告翻译中出现大段增删、 改写也是不足为奇的。法律文献和商业文件的翻译都需要一定的跨学科知 识,即双语知识加有关行业的知识。这在翻译操作这一层面上反映了翻译的

跨学科性质。 2)注重团队精神,并做到诚信(不可以向外人透露公司或个人的一些 材料); 3)用人单位对译员的对于各种办公软件操作熟练程度会有要求,因此 这也是一门必修课以及1-2年(或更多)的工作经验,笔译证书对于一些公 司也是必不可少的; 4)扎实的英汉双语语言功底,跨文化交际意识。掌握一些各学科知识, 这样才能顺利应付诸如像商务信函的翻译过程中出现的各种形式的术语词 汇及习惯表达的含义和固定译法等。 公司行业:贸易/进出口 职位类别:翻译(口译与笔译) 工作地点:吉林-长春 工作经验:1-3年 管理经验:否 招聘人数:1人 职位描述/要求: 岗位职责:发布日期:2011-10-20 最低学历:本科工作性质:全职 1、在总裁及上及主管的领导下,保质保量的完成中美往来文件及信函的互译工 作; 2、与相关成员沟通,保证高质量的翻译; 3、撰写、校订修改和审校专业资料; 4、不断加强业务学习,提高业务水平; 5、完成总裁交办的其它工作以及协助部门其他团队成员的工作任务。 英语笔译人员 北京甲申同文翻译有限公司 公司行业:教育/


英语应用文写作范文 英语应用文写作范文 英语应用文写作范文一、投诉信参考范文Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Acmodation Officer at the college and: 1) ask for a new room next term, 2)you would prefer a single room, 3) explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”instead.Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding acmodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy


英语应用文范文祝贺信与道歉信 2007-06-28 20:13 (4). 祝贺信(Letter of Congratulations):祝贺信的写作与普通信件没有 什么大区别,但应注意: 1.必须包括对收信人的称谓。 2.必须包括对收信人的祝贺。 3.必须包括写信人的姓名。 4.措词真诚、轻松愉快,切忌言过其实。 1.Warm congratulations on your success in passing the entrance examination to … university. 热烈祝贺你考上了……大学。 2.Please acce pt our sincere wishes for your…请接受我们对您……的衷心祝愿。 3.I extend my best wishes for your success. 衷心祝愿你成功。 4.May each new year bring you new hope. 愿每个新年都给您带来新的希望。 (5).道歉信(Letter of Apology) 1.Please accept my sincere apologies. 请接受我们诚挚的道歉。 2.Please accept my sincere apologies for the lateness of my birthday greetings. 3.I am sorry I missed your …对不起,我错过了你的……

4.I’ve to of fer you an apology for not coming to your party. 未能参加你的庆祝会,我得向你道歉。 5.Please accept my sincere apologies for…请接受我对…… 诚挚的歉意。 Ex. 就下述内容写一封道歉信: 你的一位朋友昨天来看望你,你正巧外出未遇,对此你写信表示歉意,并约 慰问信 慰问信应写得真切,注意措辞,对轻病或者小损失,慰问信应写得轻松一些。相反,对严重病情或重大损失,信就应该写得深沉一些。慰问信写时应注意: 1. 写给受伤人的信要简短,中肯。信中不必问询事故发生的过程、原因、见证人等。 2. 慰问信中应写一些被慰问者喜欢或熟悉的事物,如病人的爱好、兴趣等,以使病人得到宽慰。 1. 向朋友问候 A letter of inquiring after some one’s health Dear [John]: I am extremely sorry to hear that your illness, which we had thought was clearing up, has become more serious, and that your have had to go into hospital. Let us hope that it will be for only a very short time, and that you will soon be out and about again. Everybody here sends his best wishes to you for a quick recovery. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, 亲爱的[约翰]: 听说你病了,我深感不安。原来我们还以为您的病情有所好转,事实上却反而加重,而不得不住进了医院。但愿这是短时间的,很快不会恢复健康。这里每

第十三章 应用文的翻译

第十三章应用文的翻译 本章将讨论商贸函电、广告说明书以及日常应用文的英译问题。 第一节第一节商贸函电 一、商贸信函的翻译 商贸信函比较正规,在措辞、语言结构和行文样式方面均有自己的特点。 1.语言特点及翻译要求 商贸信函属于比较拘谨正式的公文体,行文端正,简练、清楚、具体、完整,且有一套独有的词汇和习语,有本专业独有的表达方式,如:信用证、询盘、报盘、独家代理权等等。翻译商贸信函必须具有一定的商贸知识,熟悉商贸用语,需勤查工具书,力求做到准确、精炼、不漏细节。例如: (1)如蒙贵方寄来夏装报价并能于年底之前供货,则不胜感激。我方需求10号至14号套服2000件。请报上CIF芝加哥价格。我方通常用信用证付款。 Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of this year. We would require 2,000 suits 10-14. Please quote CIF Chicago prices. Payment is normally by L/C. (2)兹报实盘,以我方时间9月30日星期三下午5时以前答复为有效。 We offer you firm subject to reply by 5 p.m. our time, Wednesday, September 30. (3)谢谢你们对地毯的询盘。为答复你方4月28日询价,随信寄去我方最新价目单一份以供参考。 Thank you for your inquiry for carpets. In reply to your inquiry of April 28, we are sending you here with a copy of our latest price list for your reference. (4)由于我公司认为贵方具有相当高的能力,因此如果贵公司确实感兴趣,我方将委托您成为本公司的独家代理商。若贵公司能在见票后90天,承兑交单付款,我们将以低于出口价15%的价格来供应产品。 As we think you are very capable, we would like to offer you the sole agency if you are at all interested. We supply you with our prices at 15% below export list price at 90 d/s on D/A. 2.语气文采特点及翻译要求 商贺信函一般措辞婉转,注重礼节,讲究策略,经常使用汉语常用的公函套语,如“贵(方、公司)”、“兹”、“谨”、“乞谅”、“收悉”、“承蒙”、“见谅”、“为盼”等等。尽管现代商贸英语日趋口语化,但翻译时不宜使用口俗语,而应力求再现原文的语气和风格。 试将下列三例译成英语,然后分小组交流译文。(见参考译文I—43) (1)接到贵公司1995年6月2日来信,欣悉你们能供上述产品。为使你们熟悉我方交易条款,兹随函寄上合同格式一份以供参考。 (2)如上述货物现无存货,请告知可立即装运的库存现货的规格等细节为


2011考研英语应用文写作精品范文 一、投诉信参考范文 Directions: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. He/She has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. Write a letter to the Accommodation Officer at the college and: 1)ask for a new room next term, 2)you would prefer a single room, 3)explain your reasons. Don’t sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Ming”inst ead. Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to express/air dissatisfaction/disappointment/concern regarding accommodation. I would prefer to move into a single room next semester, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I must explain that the re ason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. To solve this difficulty/surmount this difficulty/improve this situation/crack this hard nut, I hope to draw the attention of the authorities concerned. I am sure you will agree that the only solution for me is to move into a room of my own. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible. Yours sincerely, Li Ming (136 words) (128 words)


写作 1)文体要求:应用文 2)题目要求:A Letter of Application 3)字数要求:120词以上 4)提纲: 1. 假设你是张明,一名大二学生,现申请从自动化系转到商务管理系 2. 申请的主要原因 3. 对转系带来的麻烦表示歉意,并希望有关领导能同意我的申请 5) 建议句型: i. I am …… ii. Now I am writing to you to formally request to switch to…… iii. The main reason for my decision is that …… iv. I am sorry for any inconvenience or trouble…… v. I do appreciate your kind consideration and sincerely hope you 范文 A Letter of Application May 20th, 2010 Dear Sir/Madam, I am a sophomore with major in Automation. Though I have made a great progress during my first year academic training, I find that I am more interested in Business Administration. Now I am writing to you to formally request to switch to this area of study. (写信目的) The main reason for my decision is that the major I am studying in is my parents’ choice. They insisted that I should study what they had learned before but after a year’s study I have come to realize this is not the career I want to pursue in my future life. Besides, I have attended business classes as my optional course and achieved a good success, which further confirms my decision. (理由) I am sorry for any inconvenience or trouble that might have been caused by this change.The decision is not made lightly. I do appreciate

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