当前位置:文档之家› 中考连词成句解题技巧







1. picture, is, the, new, three


2.it, I, yesterday, draw


3.under the tree, some, there are, child


4.that man, among, look at, they


5.popular, a, is, sing, he



1. 看清标点,确定句式。




主语 + 系动词 + 表语 He is a doctor.

主语 + 谓语(不及物动词)+(状语)He runs fast.

主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 宾语 I ate an apple.

主语 + 谓语(及物动词)+ 直接宾语 + 间接宾语 I bought him a gift.

主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语 I find learning English easy.







初中阶段接触到的陈述句中,句子的主语往往是名词或代词,因此当所给单词中出现名词或人称代词时就要考虑它们能不能充当主语。很多情况中,当单词中出现人称代词时,该人称代词就是句子的主语,比如上面给出的16年中考题的第二题和第五题。当名词作主语时,如果是单数名词,名词的前面应该有冠词(a,an,the)。而当所给词语中出现“there be”时,该句子应该以“there be”打头。

B. 再找谓语


C. 再找宾语和状语

行为动词如果是及物动词,如第二题中的draw,应该在后面加上宾语(可以是名词或代词)。动词后面可以接上状语(可以是副词,如happily,也可以是介词短语)。“be动词”后面可以接名词,代词,形容词等,表示主语的身份、属性或状态。“There be”后面要加上名词,常常该名词前会加上形容词或a,many,a lot of等限定词,如上面的第三题。

D. 词语变形




形容词可以变为副词或比较级、最高级: happy——happily;





限定词:a,an, the,many,a lot of等放在名词前面。

D. 检查句子单词个数和词形变化是否正确。



动词原形 + 其他成分

Come in.

Be quiet.


Don't +动词原形 + 其他成分.

Don’t be late.

Let’s not + 动词原形 + 其他成分.

Let’s not speak loudly.

首先要看是那种类型的感叹句,如果句中没有don't 或let's,那么就将动词原型或Be放在句首。如果该动词是及物动词就要在它后面加上宾语,再将状语等其他成分放在句末。如果句中出现了don't和let's那么将don't和let's放在句子开头,再接上动词原形和其他成分。但是以往的中考题中从来没有出现过否定祈使句。



①“Be + 主语 + 表语... ?”型

Are your parents doctors?

Was the little girl nervous when she saw you?

②“助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 谓语...”

Did it rain last night?

Do you have a ruler?

Are you feeling better?


What size is your shirt?

How far is the museum?


特殊疑问词常常和名词、形容词、副词组合起来形成疑问词组,如how far(多远),how much(多少钱),what size(多大尺寸)等。将疑问词组放在句首,然后加上be动词,最后再加上句子的主语(名词或代词)。




What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语!

What a wonderful time we had!

What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 主语 + 谓语!

What beautiful flowers they are!

What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 主语 + 谓语!

What great fun surfing the Internet is!

如果所给一道题以叹号结尾而且所给词汇中出现了what,就可以毫不犹豫地把what 写在句子开头。然后观察所给的名词是单数还是复数或是不可数名词,依次填入冠词(a/an),形容词,名词,主语,谓语。


(2014年)flower, what, are, beautiful, they


解题方法:首先把What写在前面,然后找到名词flower,因为题中没有出现冠词,可以在what后面直接加上形容词beautiful,再接上名词flowers,接着是主语和谓语they are,于是得到句子: What beautiful flower they are! 最后检查单词个数和词形是否正确。因为该句话的主语是复数(they),因此要将flower变为复数flowers。


How + 形容词 + a/an +可数名词单数 + 主语 + 谓语!

How interesting a book you’ve bought me!

How + 形容词/副词 + 主语 + 谓语!

How surprising it is that you should not know that!

How + 主语 + 谓语!

How time flies!


中考英语连词成句专 项练习

中考英语连词成句专项练习 1.when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old, panda ,only . 2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first. 3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother’s, drank,up to,milk,a ,day. 4.Sadly,is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for,survive, the,wild. 5.It,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around,something, use,about,the us. 6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success,impossible , working ,hard.

7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for,leave , two,days,on often. 8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them. 9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we,farmer ,to , leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda ,should ,reserves 10. I ,will ,some ,birds,if ,I ,walk,through,see,a , rain ,beautiful ,forest. 11. If ,I,them ,don’t,buy,someone,will,buy,else,them. 12. Mother,have,giant,pandas,only ,at ,one ,two, babies,a ,or,time. 13. Their,is ,smaller ,and ,because,number,smaller, their ,living ,getting ,areas,are,becoming,farmlands


中考连词成句50题 1. where, don’t, know, he, lives, I 2. usually, evening, I, homework, do, my, in, the 3. beautiful, are, flowers, quite, these 4. afternoon, we, yesterday, classroom, had, the, a, meeting, in 5. than, exciting, skating, skiing, is, more 6. better, is, today, much, he, feeling 7. hall, there, the, than, two, are, more, people, in, thousand 8. this, good, example, the, is, other, as, an, is, as 9. I, can, as, can, carry, you, paper, as, much 10. Tom, is, brothers, the, three, tallest, of, the 11. intelligent, any, Mike, class, is, students, his, more, in, other, than 12. the, you, accomplish, more, more, you, work, the 13. I, good, singing, am, at, not, much 14. he, had, an, operation, has, just 15. the, brother, is, my, boy, music, interested, in 16. there, village, is, a, stone, famous, near, the, fine, old, bridge 17. we, years, school, for, have, this, four, studied, in 18. he, blackboard, could, on, hardly, words, the, see, the 19. his it homework last eleven night was he finished o’clock when 20. these, belong, my, brother, stamps, elder, to 21. the, carry, box, is, that, I, can’t, so, heavy, it 22. the, to, question, for, is, too, answer, difficult, anyone 23. Tom, not, take, did, activity, yesterday, apart, in, the, after-school 24. better, go, you, had, him, railway, to, see, station, off, at, the 25. graduates, from, Sam, for, a, to, look, London, after, he, job, in, wants, university 26. to, convenient, by, travel, it, underground, is, very 27. meeting, a, we, week, have, once, a, class 28. the, dirty, that, water, not, drink, was, so, we, could, it 29. can, me, when, you, tell, I, the, flowers, should, water (?) 30. the, word, boy, to, was, too, frightened, say, a 31. workers, and, it, took, the, tunnel, the, engineers, to, about, two, years, build 32. Laura, in, Harry Potter, spent, finishing, one, the, book, week, reading 33. often, it, for, your, is, to, do, good, health, exercise 34. he, be, me, to, on, here, told, time 35. I, to, say, have, thing, nothing, about, that 36. they, to, work, were, whole, made, the, night. 37. the, old, is, to, go, enough, child, to, school 38. it, for, is, very, hard, study, two, him, to, languages 39. is, very, it, nice, to, help, of, you, me 40. she, crying, at, a, can, sad, not, help, movie 41. he, million, spent, two, in, dollars, buying, a, at, the, vase, auction 42. the, Smith, not, policeman, after, told, to, drive, drinking


小学五年级英语连词成 句技巧和练习 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

连词成句做题技巧 第一、首先应该看清楚,这句子是问句还是陈述句判断句子是问句还是陈述句,要看它所给的符号,是问号还是句号,在题目中一定会加以提示的,例如1.Did,where,come,uncle,from,your() (问句) 2.Was,cloudy,in,yesterday,it,Dongguan(.) (陈述句) 第二、如果是问句,我们可以采用以下方法 (1)找出所给单词中,有没有一下疑问词: What what clour when where why how how old how much 如果有这些疑问词,把这些词放在句首 (2)如果没有这些疑问词,看有没有以下这些助词 Be 动词(is, are) can (能,会) do does did 如果有这些助词,把这些助词放在句首 (3)完成上面的步骤以后,接下来,找到人称代词(you,he,she,it,we,they)或是名词,把这些词放在助词后 (4)动词放在其次 (5)时间地点居最后,地点前,时间后 例如 1.Did, what, you,do, night,last() What did you do last night 第三,如果要求连陈述句,我们可以采用以下方法: (1)找到人称代词(you, he, she, it, we,they)或者指示代词(this,that,these,those)等,或者名词,把这些词放在句首 (2)第二部分要找到动词,这些动词一般是:


中考英语连词成句专项练 习 The document was prepared on January 2, 2021

中考英语连词成句专项练习 1.when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old,panda ,only . 2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first. 3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her, mother’s,drank,up to,milk,a ,day. ,is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for, survive,the,wild. ,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around, something,use,about,the us. 6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success, impossible ,working ,hard. 7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for, leave ,two,days,on often. 8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them. 9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we, farmer ,to ,leave ,the,giant ,encourage , panda ,should ,reserves


专题18 连词成句 解读考点 连词成句 为了更好的帮助学生用英语进行交流,在英语中出现了种题型叫作“连词成句”,这种题型很好的测试了学生对语言运用的掌握。这跟语文中的连词成句有着异曲同工之妙。连词成句时注意看清标点符号。 直击考点 连词成句时注意: 一、看清标点符号。 ㈠如果是句号,则是陈述语句。 如果题目中给的是句号的要用一般陈述语气,也就是说它是陈述句。 陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。 例如:have a chocolate of bar i (.) 这样的题目给我们的标点符号是句号(.),很显然这是一个陈述句。那么,第一步是找到主语。经过认真的读题目,我们不难发现这句话的主语是i(我)。 第二步就是找谓语动词(谓语动词有be动词和实意动词等)。题目中唯一的动词就是第一个单词have(有/拥有)。那么这句话就应该是“ i have … ”(我有…)。还

剩下四个单词,仔细读一下就知道是一个固定结构“a bar of chocolate”,所以这句话就应该是“i have a bar of chocolate.”(我有一块巧克力。)。像这样的题目比较多。希望同学们能够很好的掌握这种题目的做法。 ㈡如果是问号,则是疑问语句。 就要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 ①如果有where 、 what、 how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、 are三个单词。 例如:题目是“it is what ()”.首先看见它的标点符号是问号(),所以断定是疑问句,而且经过我们的继续观察我们发现还有一个特殊疑问词“what”,所以就知道这是一句特殊疑问句,故将what放在句子的最前面,然后,我们知道特殊疑问词在疑问句中它们的后面应该要有be动词(am is are),而通过观察我们不难发现句子中有一个be动词(is),所以很快我们就知道这句话应该是“what is it ”; ②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have i a may new bike ()” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“may i have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“may i have a new bike ”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗)。同样其他的句子,例如由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法


小学英语连词成句做题 技巧 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

小学英语连词成句做 当我们的学生,看到连词成句这种类型的题,怎样来完成呢 第一,根据所给标点符号来判断,题目要你把这句话,连成一个什么样性质的句子例如, ducks whatthe doing three() _______________________________________(问句) water theis monkey drinking(.) ________________________________________(陈述句) have watersome?can ________________________________________(问句) are doingwhat ———————————————————. (陈述句)第二,我们可以把句子分成:问句和陈述句 如果是问句,我们可以采用以下方法: (1)找出所给单词中,有没有以下这些疑问词:what what color when where why how how old 等。 如果有这些疑问词,把这些词放在句首。 (2)如果没有这些疑问词,看有没有以下这些助词:be动词(is are) can must should do 如果有这些助词,把这些助词放在句首。 (3)完成上面的步骤以后,接下来,找到人称代词或是名词,把这些词放在助词you he she it we (4)动词放在其次。 (5)介词短语再其次。 (6)时间地点居最后,地点在前,时间在后。 例如,


|专题六连词成句| 对接中考专练 根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。 连词成句01 A+B A 1.I, am, a student (我是一名学生。) 2.is raining, it, outside (外面正在下雨。) 3.Li Lei, swimming, likes (李雷喜欢游泳。) 4.each player, the Olympics, to show their skills, give, to the world, a chance (奥林匹克运动会给每一位运动员向世界展示技能的机会。) 5.live in, it, a, comfortable, is, to, such, modern city(住在这样一个现代化的城市里很舒适。) B 1.live, like, Liuzhou, in, to, I (我喜欢住在柳州。) 2.is famous for, its, this city, beautiful gardens (这座城市以其美丽的园林而著名。) 3.try our best, Liuzhou, make, to, will, a better place,we(我们会尽力使柳州成为一个更美好的地方。)

4.Liuzhou, great changes, in, over the years, taken place, have(这几年柳州发生了很大的变化。) 5.such, it’s, live, to, nice, in, a peaceful village, I, think (我觉得住在这样一个宁静的村子里很美好。) 连词成句02 C+D C[2019·柳州] 1. he, is, in, Class l(他在一班。) 2. the birds, are, flying(鸟儿在飞翔。) 3. I, my family, love(我爱我家。) 4. me, to understand, him, quite, the article, took, by, a long time, written, it (我花了相当长的时间才读懂他写的那篇文章。) 5. it, useful information, easier, us, the Internet, in a short time, much, makes, to search for, for (互联网使我们更容易地在短时间内搜索到许多有用的信息。) D[2018·柳州]


最新中考英语连词练习题及答案 一、初中英语连词 1.—When will the railway that connects the two cities open? — next year. Only half been completed. A. Until; has B. Not until; has C. Until; have D. Not until; have 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——连接两个城市的铁路什么时候会开通?——直到明年。只完成了一半。until意为“直到……为止”,通常与延续性动词连用;not until意为“直到……才”,常与短暂性动词连用,这里的句意为,直到明年才开通,故第一空用not until;第二空的half指的是half the railway,主语为the railway,谓语动词应用单数,因此填has,故选B。【点评】考查连词和主谓一致。注意识记until和主谓一致的用法。 2.The film is really exciting. the students their teacher is enjoying the film. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 【答案】 B 3.Tom's father was cleaning the car _______________ his mother was doing housework. A. although B. as C. since D. while 【答案】 D 4.The film is really exciting. ______the students ______ their teacher is enjoying the film. A. Both; and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 【答案】 B 5.She got up late, __________ she missed the bus. A. so B. because C. though D. but 【答案】 A 6.Little Kate went to school___________ it rained heavily yesterday. A. though B. if C. but D. since 【答案】 A 7.Yesterday morning I was just leaving the telephone rang. A. when B. while C. because D. since 【答案】 A 8._________ we didn't win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work. A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because 【答案】 B


中考连词成句专练 设计人何希云 1.cutting ,while, I, hair , heard , he , my , was , singing , someone 2. will , take off , at , plane , this ,one , p . m , o’clock 3.down you mind the music would turning 4. sports club, the , the , to , doesn’t , his , way , know , friend 5.help , with , me , when, I, my , homework , finish, could , you 6.I , last , night ,argument, with , had , my , friend , best , an 7.her friend , Lily , tell , should , I think , to do more speaking 8.like , be , my , father , to , I , a , lawyer , want 9.there , you , do , are , could , things , a lot of 10.not , basketball , here , playing , you , would , mind (?) 11.in , look , reading-room , are , books , the , through , they 12.go , won’t , Kate , she, will , shopping 13.people , well , I , me , all , around , get , the , with , along


中考英语连词成句解题技巧1 一、命题趋势 连词成句是中考英语试题中新设的考查项目。这样,写作实际上分成了三个层次:1)词语的运用。是在命题人规定好的框架内,根据特定的语境,依据基本的规则完成单句。这如同体育竞技中的完成规定动作;2)连词成句。这个环节属于半开放式的表达形式。词汇范围有限定,但组合形式不见得只有一种;3)书面表达。在表达主题上有限定,但在表现形式和选用词汇上是完全放开的。这个环节好比体育竞技中的自选动作,可以根据自己的长项各显其能。三个层次各自独立但也互为联系,依次递难。 二、解题技巧 1.基本句型记心间 要想成功应对此题,一定要夯实基础,熟悉英语各类句型的顺序。如:题干若有what等“wh-word”时,我们一般要考虑特殊疑问句或感叹句;如果含有辅助动词、系动词或情态动词时,要考虑一般疑问句。 【典例分析】an, this, story, interesting, is 答案:Is this an interesting story? 【典例分析】do, fruit, you, best, what, like 答案:What fruit do you like best? 2.公式在手若等闲 英文的简单句一般以下列词序排列,如果是主从复合句,不过就是两个简单句外加一个连接词。记住这个基本的词序对于自己的英文写作很有好处。 【典例分析】in, he, football, does, playing, well 答案:He does well in playing football. 1 2 4 5 注意:由于do在这里作不及物动词使用,不需要宾语,故缺少第3项。 【典例分析】he, like, traveling 答案:He likes traveling.


小学英语连词成句做题技巧 小学英语连词成句做题技巧 当我们的学生,看到连词成句这种类型的题,会非常的怕,因为做不来。同样连词成句这种题型,在我们小学,也是失分最多的题型。我们应该怎样来教学生会做这类型的题呢?首先,应该看清楚,题目要你把这句话,连成一个什么样性质的句子?是问句还是陈述句?判断是连成问句还是陈述句,要看它所给的符号,是问号还是句号,题目中一定会加以提示的。例如,aretigerswha t thedoingtwo(?) _______________________________________(问句) 2.motherwatertheiselephantdrinking(.) ________________________________________(陈述句) 3.tigersswimreally can

________________________________________? (问句) 4.itisdoingwhat (陈述句) 第二,我们可以把句子分成:问句和陈述句,两大类来分析。如果是问句,我们可以采用以下方法: (1)找出所给单词中,有没有以下这些疑问词: what whatcolour when where why how how old how many how much how often how tall how big how long how far how heavy如果有这些疑问词,把这些词放在句首。 (2)如果没有这些疑问词,看有没有以下这些助词: be动词(isare)can(能,会) dodoesdid 如果有这些助词,把这些助词放在句首。 (3)完成上面的步骤以后,接下来,找到人称代词(you , he ,she ,it ,we, they)或是名词,把这些词放在助词后。


中考英语连词成句专项练习 1.when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old,panda ,only . 2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first. 3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother’s,drank,up to,milk,a ,day. ,is,it,giant,pandas,to,in,difficult,for,survive,the,wild. ,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around,something,use,about,the us. 6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success,impossible ,working ,hard. 7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for,leave ,two,days,on often. 8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them. 9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we,farmer ,to ,leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda ,should ,reserves 10. I ,will ,some ,birds,if ,I ,walk,through,see,a ,rain ,beautiful ,forest. 11. If ,I,them ,don’t,buy,someone,will,buy,else,them. 12. Mother,have,giant,pandas,only ,at ,one ,two,babies,a ,or,time. 13. Their,is ,smaller ,and ,because,number,smaller,their ,living ,getting ,areas,are, becoming,farmlands 14. If, keep, farmers ,the, taking ,land;giant pandas, will, live, nowhere ,have ,to. 15. It, of ,the ,most, is, important, one ,wetlands ,world’s. 16. The ,is, a, for ,because, it, area ,wildlife ,provides, great ,and ,food ,shelter, for them, place. 17. It, the, is, fish ,home, for ,different ,kinds ,ideal , plants, and, of ,birds. 18. Many, year ,in ,Zhalong Nature Reserve, birds ,all, and, go, some ,for ,round ,a ,short, live ,there, stay. 19. This, space, there, less, will ,means, be, and ,less. 20. More, because ,have ,enough ,more ,birds, are, in ,danger, and ,they, do, not, space. 21. Members ,kinds ,of, our ,are ,studying ,the ,of ,birds ,in ,Zhalong ,and, the, different, in ,their, Birdwatching ,Club, numbers ,changes. 22. Many understand do not the importance wetlands of the people. 23. If, birds ,interested ,you, are, in, you ,go, to ,can ,Zhalong. 24. They ,for ,the ,party, wait ,can’t ,next ,week ,simply. 25. Some, were ,screamed ,frightened, because ,children ,they ,very. 26. People, all, in ,directions ,ran. 27. I , “Did I really survive?”,and, down, asked ,calmed ,myself, 28. A, through, fear, mind ,of, went ,my, moment , I ,since ,still ,told ,to, down ,calm ,I, wa,s myself ,but ,alive. 29. We, walk ,do ,but, could ,slowly ,nothing. 30. We, snowed ,because, go, a ,walk ,that, day ,for, couldn’t ,is, out, heavily. , the ,fridge ,else, is ,in, nothing. , the, in ,about, you, pizza ,bowl? ,with, willing ,share ,is, things ,her, to ,friends. ,laugh ,always, makes, me. , read ,of ,my ,good, May ,when ,thought ,I ,your ,friend ,advertisement. 36. I ,cook ,how ,learning ,to ,like, and ,sew. 37. Reading week, always, too, is, short, we, want, to, read ,all, our, because ,friends’ ,books, as ,well.


中考连词成句专练 1.cutting ,while, I, hair , heard , he , my , was , singing , someone 2.will , take off , at , plane , this ,one , p . m , o’clock 3.down you mind the music would turning 4.sports club, the , the , to , doesn’t , his , way , know , friend 5.help , with , me , when, I, my , homework , finish, could , you 6.I , last , night ,argument, with , had , my , friend , best , an 7.her friend , Lily , tell , should , I think , to do more speaking 8.like , be , my , father , to , I , a , lawyer , want 9.there , you , do , are , could , things , a lot of 10.not , basketball , here , playing , you , would , mind (?) 11.in , look , reading-room , are , books , the , through , they 12.go , won’t , Kate , she, will , shopping 13.people , well , I , me , all , around , get , the , with , along 14.times , Beijing , how , you , to , have , many , been


四年级英语连词成句知识点 连词成句: 即是把错乱排列的词语根据语法或句法特点排列组合成为 句式整齐,内容恰当,语气流畅的句子的方法。 他基本的要求是句子完整和流畅没有语法错误,更不要有语病。 连词成句题做题技巧: 首先强调第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,其次句子的最后要有标点符号。然后分句型来做: 1. 陈述句的时候,先找主语,然后找动词,再找其他,记得时间和地点是放在后面的。 2. 疑问句时,有疑问词的情况下找疑问词,然后找助动词,找主语,找其他。没有疑问词的情况下,就找助动词/be动词,再找主语,找其他。 3. 做这一类型的题目时,学生要有一定的基础,会认读单词,熟悉基本句型。 具体可以分一下几步来完成: /

一、看清标点符号 1.如果是句号,则是陈述语句。陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。 2.如果是问号,则是疑问语句。要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 ①如果有where 、what、how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、what、how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、is、are三个单词。 ②如果题目中有can、may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。 例:“have I a may new bike ()”。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。 很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“May I have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“May I have a new bike ”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗)。


小学英语连词成句专项练习 班级:_________姓名:_________成绩:________ ①如果是句号,就要在给出的单词中找出主语,比如 I,you,she,he,it,they,this,that,these,those,there等,把它放在第一位,然后再去寻找动词,这里的动词可能是系动词,也可能是实意动词。最后再找出宾语。 ②如果给出的是问号,我们就要迅速到句子中去寻找疑问词,疑问词可能是特殊疑问词,可能是一般疑问句中的be 动词或情态动词。特殊疑问词常见的有 what, where, when, how, how much, how many, how old. Be动词有is,am, are.情态动词有can, would, do等。 1、my this computer is (.) __________________________________________________________ 2、computer is that your (.) __________________________________________________________ 3、teacher’s is desk this a (?) __________________________________________________________ 4、is what it time (?) __________________________________________________________ 5、two it’s o’clock.(.) __________________________________________________________


2019-2020年中考英语二轮复习如何做好连词成句讲义 首先,我们来看看xx年xx年两年的河北中考英语中的连词成句 xx 81.picture, is, the, new, three . 82.it, I, yesterday, draw . 83.under the tree, some, there are, child , 84.that man, among, look at, they . 85.popular, a, is, sing, he . xx 81.I, go on, yesterday, a trip . 82.it, I, was, school trip, first . 83.we, happy, sang, on the way . 84.inreresting activity, many, there were . 85.what, we, a, wonder, time, had ! 从这两年的中考中我们可以看出来都是以陈述句为主,在xx年的中考中出现了感叹句,在往前看xx年出现了两个问句一个感叹句,xx年的中考中有两个问句,三个陈述句。xx 年有两个问句一个感叹句。那么我们怎样才能在连词成句中得到5分满分呢。xx年的中考中连词成句里不再出现词汇词形的改变,只考察句型,所以我们只用考虑句子成分就可

以了。 从方法上来说: 第一,看清标点符号。句号当然就是陈述句,问号就是疑问句,感叹号就是感叹句。 第二,要注意特殊的句型。It’s time to do sth. 祈使句 There be 第三,注意句子完整性。做完题以后一定要注意句子成分是否完整,同时要注意单词没有用逗号隔开的词组,我们是不能拆开的。 第四,注意字母大小写。 连词成句:在平时的练习与测试中,我们常常见到“连词成句”这种题型,如何快捷正确地完成,我们可以“一分二定三检查”三个方面着手。“一分”是指分清每个单词的词性与功能。通常情况下,名词、代词或相当于名词的词或短语充当句子的主语或宾语;动词、动词短语作谓语;形容词担任定于或系动词构成表语;副词或介词短语作状语。“二定”分别是指:1) 确定句子的主语、谓语及宾语成分(也即“主干”)。句子中要谈及或说明的人或事物是主语,回答主语“做什么”或“是什么”的部分是谓语。谓语一般由动词或动词短语充当,有时也可以是系动词加上一个形容词或名词担任。宾语是动作行为的对象,是动作的承受者。宾语一般由名词、名词短语或代词充当。2)确定句子类型。若该句子是陈述句,则主语位于句首(谓语前面);若句子是疑问句,则主语位于系动词、助动词或情态动词之后。“三检查”是指检查标点符号的使用是否正确;检查主、谓语等成分在人称与数上是否保持一致;检查是否有单词被遗漏或书写是否规范。 下面以xx年中考说明的题型为例 1 any, have, you, ideas, do ? 2 cost, bike, how, the, does, much ? 3 flying, can, birds, I, around, see . 4.glass, me, of, pass, a, water, to . 5 play, it, park, safer, is, the, to, in

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