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Universal Grammar and Markedness in L2 Acquisition

Abstract:Universal Grammar and Markedness, two influential theories in L2 acquisition, relates to each other. The thesis provides introduction to Universal Grammar and markedness, and discusses some certain influence of the two theories on L2 acquisition.

Key words: Universal Grammar, markedness, unmarkedness, L2 acquisition.

关键词: H0-0

【中图分类号】I045 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1002-2139(2009)-09-0168-1

I Universal Grammar in L2 Acquisition

1.1 Universal Grammar

Noam Chomsky's theory of Universal Grammar (UG) states that language is governed by a set of highly abstract principles that provide parameters which are given particular settings in different languages. UG, which is not acquired by learning, is the innate language competence. UG of any language is the same, not only English.

1.2 Universal Grammar and Language Acquisition

Human can master the mother tongue exactly in a short period. Chomsky regards that is because there is innate UG in human’s brain. When the stimulus input into the brain, by UG, it transfer to Generative Grammar, which can build the sentences according to particular grammar. UG enables human to acquire the first language in a short period. Meanwhile, with UG, learners are also able to acquire other languages, including the second language.

Second language learners access to their interlanguage under UG. The process of second language acquisition can be seen as the process of resetting the parameter of UG. However, the second one is much more difficult than the first one.


名词性从句高考题语法填空 1. (2014北京卷)30. The best moment for the football star was _______ he scored the winning goal. 2. I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything. 3. (2014大纲卷)2 4. Exactly ____ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 156 5. 4. It suddenly occurred to him he had left his keys in the office. 5. (2014福建卷)34. Pick yourself up. Courage is doing you're afraid to do. 6. He thought mattered most in improving your spoken English was enough confidence and practice. 7. (2014湖南卷)24. As John Lennon once said,life is_____ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 8. _____ is known to us all is that the 2010 Asian Games will take place in Guangzhou. 9.2014山东卷)7. It is difficult for us to imagine_____ life was like for slaves in the ancient world. 10. The shocking news mad me realize ________ terrible problems we would face. 11.(2014四川卷)2. Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, "That's ______ I was born." 12. —I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. —That’s_______I don’t agree. You should have a more active life. 14. (2014浙江卷)8. “Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. 15. People have heard what the president has said; they are waiting to see ____ he will do. 16. (2014重庆卷)12.—Is it true that Mike refused an offer from Yale University yesterday? —Yeah, but I have no idea ____ he did it; that’s one of his favorite universities. A. when B. Why C. that D. how 1. (2013·北京卷·T31)makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer. 2.(2013·山东卷·T30)It’s good to know the dogs will be well cared for while we’re away. 3.(2013·浙江卷·T16)The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief you are better than anyone else on the sports field. 4.(2013·四川卷·T6)you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company. 5.(2013·重庆卷·T28)struck me most in the movie was the father’s deep love for his son. 6.(2013·天津卷·T15)I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents. 7.(2013·北京卷·T33)Experts believe people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.


名词性从句的填空练习及语法填空 名词性从句填空专练 一、用that 与what 填空 1.______ he wants is a book. 2. ______ he wants to go there is obvious. 3.The result is ______ we won the game. 4.This is _____ we want to know. 5.Is _____ he told us true ? 6.We should pay attention to ______ the teacher is saying. 7. I have no doubt _____ he will come. 8. I have no idea _____ he did that afternoon. 9._____ has made China_____ it is now? 10.___we can’t get seems better than___ we have . 11.A computer can only do_____ you instructed it to do . 12.He became so angry___ he couldn't speak . 13.There is the city____ we visited last year . 14.___the price of cars will go down . 15. ______he did surprised us . 16.______ you have done might do harm to other people. 17.______ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. 18. ______ you don't like him is none of my business. 19.The fact ____ he is a model teacher is well-known. 20.They expressed the hope____ they would come over to China again. 二、用if 或whether填空 1. I asked her __________ she had a bike. 2.______ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather. 3. We’re worried about ________ he is safe. 4. I don’t know ___________ he is well or not. 5. I don’t know ________ or not he is well. 6. The question is _______ he should do it. 7.The doctor can hardly answer the question______ the old man will recover soon. 8. I don’t know _______ to go. 9.______ you are not free tomorrow, I’ll go without you. 三、改正下列句子中的错误,每句一处错。 1.The American Civil War broke out in 1861 is known to many of us. 2.That he saw there impressed him deeply. 3.This is all what I know. 4.Could you tell me where do you live? 5.The old minister came back with a message which the cloth was really magnificent. 6.It is unknown if he will come.


河南师范大学汉语国际教育硕士培养方案 (专业代码:045300) 2016-6-30 一、培养目标 本专业旨在培养具有熟练的以汉语为第二语言教学技能和良好的跨文化交际能力,适应汉语国际推广工作,胜任多种教学任务的高层次、应用型、复合型专门人才。具体要求如下: 1、掌握马克思主义基本理论,具备良好的专业素质和职业道德; 2、热爱汉语国际教育事业,具有奉献精神和开拓意识; 3、具有系统的专业知识、较高的中华文化素养和跨文化交际能力; 4、具备熟练的汉语作为第二语言教学技能; 5、能较流利地使用英语进行汉语教学及交流; 6、能熟练运用现代教育技术和科技手段进行教学。 二、招生对象及入学考试 (一)招生对象 1、具有国民教育系列大学本科学历(或本科同等学历)者。 2、海外具有同等资质的汉语教师或专业人员。 (二)入学考试 考生先报名参加全日制汉语国际教育硕士专业学位全国统一考试。统考到达一定分数线以后再进行面试。考试着重考核学生的综合素质,包括汉语基础知识、专业能力和和跨文化交际能力。 三、学习年限与模式 学习年限:三年。 学习模式:全日制学习。分为三个阶段:第一学年为第一阶段,公修课、必修课和主要选修课等学位课程都集中在这一学年完成;第二学年为第二阶段,主要完成一些训练课和教学实习。这个阶段可在有关单位同意的前提下,报名参加外派汉语教学工作的志愿者选拔,到国外实习,未选拔到国外的,也可在国内实习;第三年为第三阶段,主要是完成学位论文的写作。


备注:加*号的课程为限选课 课程分为学位公共课、专业必修课和选修课。总学分不低于36学分。其中学位公共课6学分,学位必修课12学分,学位选修课8学分,学位实践课4学分,教学实习6学分。 五、学位论文工作及学位授予 修满36学分后即可进入学位论文写作阶段。 学位论文应结合汉语国际教育实践进行选题。论文可以是专题研究、调研报告、教学实验报告、典型案例分析、教学设计等。 论文必须按研究生院规定的程序申请答辩。 修满培养方案规定的学分,并通过学位论文(或毕业专业报告、毕业设计)答辩的研究生,经河南师范大学学位评定委员会审议通过后,授予汉语国际教育硕士专业学位,颁发国务院学位委员会办公室统一印制的硕士学位证书。 附: 主要课程介绍 《汉语作为第二语言教学》课程教学大纲 课程中文名称:汉语作为第二语言教学 课程英文名称:Chinese as a second language teaching 课程类别:专业必修课 课程编号:11_093201 学分:2 一、课程地位、教学目标和基本任务 该课程主要研究汉语教学全过程的规律,是集理论和实践于一身的多边性应用学科,是—门专业必修课。 通过本课程的学习,让学生了解对外汉语教学的特殊性,了解对外汉语语音、


普遍语法框架下的语言习得研究 摘要:乔姆斯基试图从人类语言官能和人类生物学角度寻找语言的基础,制定适合人类所有语言的语法,即普遍语法。普遍语法以儿童母语习得为载体研究不同语言背景条件下具有共性的习得模式,于研究目标的共通性,普遍语法理论引起二语习得者的兴趣。语言学家们通过大量的实证研究从四个方面论述了普遍语法在二语习得中的可及性,普遍语法不断发展和完善将给人类的语言认知领域的研究提供有力的支持。 关键词:普遍语法;乔姆斯基;母语习得;二语习得 一、普遍语法 语言学研究试图解释三个方面的问题:语言知识是如何构成的;语言知识是怎样获得的;语言知识是怎样运用的。不同国家的语言存在着共性,这使外语习得成为可能;同时更为明显的个性差

异又使习得之路充满艰辛。 美国生成语法学家乔姆斯基所倡导的普遍语法力图发现不同语言表现形式下具有共性的习得模式,以及不同的语言特性对习得模式的普遍性所产生的影响。普遍语法的建立深刻地影响了现代语言学的发展轨迹,它使语言学的主流从描写具体语言的结构转到对整个人类的语言能力作出解释方向上来。这一理论为解释语言间存在的共性和差异提出了一个合理的解释性理论框架,特别是在对于人类语言习得及跨语言的实证研究方面,比以往的模式更具有可操作性及可验证性。 乔姆斯基认为人类的大脑机制中有一种与生俱来的普遍语法,包括“原则和参数”。它是一种无意识的、潜在的知识,不须通过学习而存在于大脑中,决定着人类语言的现有面貌。原则参数理论认为自然语言都是建立在相同的基础上的,某一具体的语言可能并不具备某些原则,但没有任何语言违反这些原则,

人类语言的普遍性特征是语言中的原则反映出来的。原则是指适用于任何语言的高度抽象的语法构成,如论旨理论、投射原则、格理论等。原则概括了人类语言有可能使用的语言构件,例如元音和辅音,实词和功能词等。 语言之间的差异并非基本结构的差异,而是一些参数设定的差异。这些参数可通过经验以某种方式固定下来。普遍语法所包含的主要参数有方向参数、核心参数、代词脱落参数等。参数有两个或两个以上的“场”,也称为“值”;不同的语言会有不同的参数值。例如核心参数,它指名词性、动词性或介词性短语或词组的中心词参数,它表明了不同语言中的短语中心词与辅助成分之间的相对位置。在名词性短语中,名词是核心,介词短语中的介词为中心词。英语是中心词为先的语言,因为中心词总是出现在辅助项的前面,而日语则是中心词为后的语言。因此,一方面普遍语法的原则告诉我们人类语言依赖各种包含核心


[作者简介]孙爱良,男,山东临沂人,山东曲阜师范大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:句法学。 普遍语法在二语习得中的作用及存在的问题 孙爱良 (山东曲阜师范大学外国语学院,山东 曲阜 273165) [摘 要] 普遍语法用于二语习得中的研究已接近30年,但是在中国的研究还刚刚起步,本文旨在通过对 普遍语法假说提出的根据及其在二语习得中作用的简单综述使广大研究者把握问题所在,从而把普遍语法在二语习得中作用问题的研究更加推进一步。 [关键词] 普遍语法; 二语习得; 作用 中图分类号:H 314 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-8610(2009)09-0067-02 人类的知识是源于某种天赋,还是来自于后天的积累?哲学上称之为 柏拉图问题!。人们在习得语言时也遇到了同样的问题。人类语言看似简单、平常,却具有复杂的形式系统,它体现规则又不失灵活,常常令语言学的学者们望洋兴叹。但是面对这个高难度的技能,正常儿童却能在短短的时间内不费劲地成功习得,更不用说他们接触到的语料是有限的,甚至是残缺的[1]。儿童接触到的语言输入十分有限,而且多为 肯定性证据!(pos itive ev i dence),很少有 否定性证据!(nega ti ve ev i dence),但儿童的语言知识和语言输出却远远超出了他们所接触到的语言输入的范围。语言学家们把这一表现在儿童语言知识获得过程中的 柏拉图问题!称之为语言习得中的 逻辑问题!。逻辑问题是基于所谓的 刺激贫乏说!,旨在解决儿童语言有限、残缺不足的语言输入及最终能在短短的几年里迅速而一致地获得丰富语言系统这一貌似不合逻辑问题[2]。 一、普遍语法假设的建立 为了合理地解释儿童语言习得中的 逻辑问题!,乔姆斯基于1980年提出了普遍语法假说。语言知识是高度复杂的,但儿童居然无需刻意指点就能在短短的三五年内,在身体和智力很不发达的情况下顺利地掌握母语。乔姆斯基认为把如此复杂的人类成就归于几个月(至多几年)的经验,而不归于几百万年的进化或神经组织原则是毫无道理的。这说明人类语言能力不是单纯靠外界的影响而形成的,而是先天遗传下来的,是人类的生物属性。乔姆斯基认为普遍语法是人脑生来就具有的一种能迅速习得语言的特殊机制。它是一种无意识潜在的知识,无需通过学习而存在于大脑中,决定着人类语言的现有面貌。正是这种机制,才使 笨人也学会交谈,最聪明的猴子也不能讲话![3]。在习得过程中,语言环境所能提供的只是目的语语料刺激,而对习得起决定作用的仍然是这种机制。凭借这种机制,人们便可以从有限的 语言刺激中迅速内化目的语语法,同时产生无限的语言输出。 二、二语习得中的逻辑问题和普遍语法在二语习得中的作用 在二语习得过程中,成人二语习得者们接受的语言输入更加贫乏,但二语习得中又不乏优秀的成功者。因此,在成人二语习得过程中也同样存在着语言习得的逻辑问题(王文斌,2001)。许多学者认为UG 具有普遍性,应该在二语习得中起同样的作用,可用来解释二语习得中的逻辑问题。近年来,普遍语法在成人第二语言学习过程中起多大的作用成了一个重要的研究课题(Sa lee m ,i 1995)。普遍语法对二语习得的作用主要集中在以下四个方面: 1普遍语法在二语习得中直接起作用。直接可及假说认为二语习得与母语习得的任务相同,习得的任务都是通过为普遍语法的参数赋值而完成的,普遍语法是人类语言所固有的,在二语习得中仍然存在并起同样的作用。第二语言学习者直接完地利用普遍语法,包括母语中尚未体现的部分。他们体察第二语言输入中的恒定属性,激活中不起作用的那部分普遍语法原则,学习者的语法完全由普遍语法确定[4]。F lynn(1990)以日本的英语学习者为研究对象,发现母语为日语的二语学习者可以成功地从日语的中心语后置参数设置成英语中心语前置的参数。他认为学习者能够掌握与母语特征完全不同的第二语言这一事实充分说明普遍语法在二语习得中继续发挥作用[5]。 2.普遍语法在二语习得中不起作用。B l ey -V ro m an (1989)提出 根本差异说!(f unda m ental d ifference hypo the si s),完全否定普遍语法对成人第二语言习得者的作用,认为普遍语法在母语习得中已经被赋值并且具体化,语言学习者的任务完全是凭借其心理机制和认知策略完成的[6]。C las h en 和M uysken (1986)通过观察母语为德语的儿童和母语分别为意大利语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、土耳其语的儿童习得德 ? 67?语文学刊#外语教育教学 2009年第9期


名词性从句语法填空 1. _________ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. 2. I remember ____________ this used to be a quiet village. 3. It’s generally considered unwise to give a child ____________ he or she wants. 4. ___________ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. 5. Go and get your coat. It’s __________ you left it. 6. __________ we can’t get seems better than ___________ we have. 7. It worried her a bit __________ her hair was turning gray. 8. ----Do you remember ____________ he came ----Yes, I do. He came by air. 、 9. You may do ______________ you take interest in. 10. The old gentleman never fails to help ____________ is in need of his help. 11. You can depend on ______________ promise he makes. 12. _____________ we should work out a plan to deal with it is important. 13. ____________ discovered America is well known. 14. _____________you really need is a good meal and a good rest. 15. _____________we shall finish the work before May Day is possible. 16. Can you tell me ________________that woman is 17. The fact _____________ she works hard is well known to us all. 18. The mountain is no longer ____________ it used to be. ^ 19. Jack said ____________ he is pleased to meet the American friends. 20. Lei Feng was always thinking of ___________ he could help others. 21. I have not found my bike yet, in fact, I’m not sure __________ I could have done with it. 22. Can you tell me _____________ exercise is the easiest 23. ---Doesn’t Helen live on this street ---No, this is _____________ Leon lives. 24. The question is _____________ you should do next. 25. I know nothing about her but _____________ she is from Canada. 26. It depends on _____________ we have enough time. 27. __________ he doesn’t like them is very clear. ] 28. ___________ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. 29. Can you tell me ____________I can get to the railway station 30. They want to know ____________ they can do to help us. 31. These photographs will show you ______________our village looks like. 32. Can you make sure ____________Alice has put the gold ring 33. George knew__________ he could get his best, but he did not have enough time to study. 34. _____________ he is a rich man is known to all in the city. 35. The reason why he has been such a success is ____________ he never gives up. 36. Sophia said _____________ Alice would like to marry a tall man. 37. Difficulty lies in the fact ____________ we have no money. * 38. I don’t think the question of ____________ they are old or young is important. 39. __________ the 2016 Olympic Games will be held in the city is not known yet. 40. __________ leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. you may do, you must do it well. 42. The fact __________ he was successful proves his ability. 43. A man’s worth lies not so much in __________ he has as in __________ he is. 44. ____________ may say so, it is a lie. 45. The question he asked was _________ the electrical equipment should be stored. 46. ___________ the earth goes round the sun is known to all. 47. __________ she will come or not doesn’t matter too much.


that引导名词性从句 that引导名词性从句时, 在从句中不作成分, 也没有任何意义。 1. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is _____ one can be entirely free from dust. 答案: that。解析: 这是一个复合句。连接词引导表语从句, 在从句中不作成分, 也没有意义, 故用that。句意: 雨季最惬意的事情就是人们可以远离尘土。 2.It is believed ______ children should learn to be responsible from the very beginning. 答案: that。解析: 这是一个复合句。连接词引导宾语从句, 在从句中不作成分, 也没有意义, 故用that。句意: 人们认为, 小孩子从小就要学会承担责任。 3. I truly believe ______ beauty comes from within. 4. The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief _____ you are better than anyone else on the sports field. 答案: that。解析: 这是一个复合句。连接词引导同位语从句, 在从句中不作成分, 也没有意义, 故用that。 if/whether引导名词性从句 if/whether引导名词性从句时, 在从句中不作成分, 但表示"是否"之意。 1. It remains to be seen ______ the newly formed committee's policy can be put into practice. 答案: whether。解析: 这是一个复合句。连接词引导主语从句, 在从句中不作成分, 但表示"是否", 故用whether。句意: 新成立的委员会的政策能否付诸实施还有待观察。 2. We've offered her the job, but I don't know______ she'll accept it.


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/db16594548.html, 普遍语法理论在语言习得中的作用 作者:熊苏春曾宪瑛 来源:《江西教育·综合版》2009年第01期 一、“普遍语法”的性质 乔姆斯基早在1976年提出,普遍语法是“由人类所有语言所共有的原则、条件和规则组成 的系统,是人类语言的本质所在。”它主要研究语言知识能力、语言知识能力如何获得、语言知识能力怎样运用、语言知识能力的物质实现等问题。 二、语言原则与参数理论 所有语言共同的语法特征被称为语言学共相(Linguistic Universals),一般语法理论研究特定语言的结构,而普遍语法则研究这些语言学共相。普遍语法由“原则”(principle)和“参 数”(parameter)构成。 “原则”是指适用于任何语言的、高度抽象的语法构成,如x-bar理论、论旨理论、投射原则、格理论等。某种语言并不一定具有所有这些原则,但是没有任何语言可以违反这些原则。例如,“承接原则”是一条适用于所有语言的普遍原则,它限定了深层结构和表层结构之间的关系和变化,规定句子任何成分一次的移动不能跨越两个或两个以上的界限节点(bounding node)。深层结构“John went where.”到表层结构“Where did John go?”其转换是符合语法的,因为where的移动距离在“承接原则”的允许范围内;“What did John wonder whether his brother would win?”是不符合语法的,因为它的深层结构是“John wondered whether his brother would win what”,what的移动距离违反了“承接原则”。语言中的原则具有人类语言的普遍性,是人类的生理天赋,不必通过学习而存在于大脑中。 “参数”则反映了语言与语言之间的差异,如方向参数、话题参数、隐含pro参数等。参数有两个或两个以上的“场”(setting),也称为“值”(value);不同的语言会有不同的参数值。以隐含pro参数为例,句子是否省略主语代词根据不同的语言而定。英语的陈述句必须有主语,如“He speaks”,没有主语的陈述句是不符合语法的。但在意大利语中,人们可以说 “Parla.(Speaks)”,汉语中也有这种现象:“刚吃过,在看电视。”原则和参数理论认为,在句子“Parla.”的深层结构中,主语是存在的,而在浅层结构中,主语是以“零”(null)的形式而存在的。这种“零”的主语形式被称之为pro;pro在表层结构中被隐含了。句子“Parla”的浅层结构实际上是“pro Parla”,而汉语“刚吃过,在看电视”的浅层结构为“pro刚吃过,pro在看电视”。隐

乔姆斯基 普遍语法 5阶段

Chapter Three Major Developmental Phases of Chomsky's Linguistic Theory Since the turning out of his first book Syntactic Structure in which he formulated his transformational grammar, Chomsky has updated his extensively-applied linguistic notions with more lectures given and books issued. It is commonly recognized to be five phases. Phase One: Transformational Grammar It is impossible to understand Chomsky’s linguistic notions without understanding his transformational grammar which is undoubtedly a milestone in the history of modern linguistics. Prior to the publication of Syntactic Structure in 1957, the linguistic study was mainly concerned with structuralism. Structural linguistics, with its insistence on objective methods of verification and precisely specified techniques of discovery, derives from the "behavioral sciences" approach to the study of man, and is also largely a consequence of the philosophical assumptions of logical positivism. During that period, most American linguists, according to Chomsky,defined the task of linguistics as “collecting language elements and classifying them”(Chomsky 1970:100). The approach was the mechanic procedure to find the language truth and discipline. Linguistics was a kind of verbal botany. Linguists at that time were just giving a description of a language by colleting data, colleting a large number of utterances of language. These utterances were always recorded on a tape recorder or in a phonetic script. The second step was to classify these elements of language at different linguistic levels, from the units of sounds, the phonemes, to the morphemes, then to the sequences of word classes. The study target was the rich language elements and structuralism was inductive with a word-grammar. However, with the language ability as the study target, TG aims to establish some theories, by means of which we can make sure which rules form the basis of language structure. The aim of linguistic theory was to provide the linguist with a set of rigorous methods, a set of discovery procedures which he would use to extract from the "corpus" the phonemes, the morphemes, and so on. Its approach is putting


高考英语名词性从句及语法填空 由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫复合句.名词性从句在复合句中起名词的作用,它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句四大类,在句中分别用作主语、宾语、表语和同位语. 引导名词性从句的关联词 A.that 连词that本身没有意义,在从句中不担任任何句子成分,在宾语从句中有时可省略. I hear (that) he has joined the football club. 我听说他已经加入了足球俱乐部. That light travels in straight line is known to all. 众所周知,光是以直线传播的. B.whether和if 连词whether和if本身有意义(解释是否),在从句中不可省略. 1.whether可以连接所有的名词性从句,而if只能引导宾语从句. I didn't know whether he would attend the concert. 我并不知道他是否参加音乐会.(宾语从句,可用if代替whether) The question is whether it s worth trying. 问题是值不值得试一试.(表语从句,不可用if代替whether) 她来不来都没有关系.(主语从句,不可用if代替whether) He must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not. 他必须回答他是否同意此事这样一个问题.(同位语从句,不可用if代替whether) 2.whether引导的宾语从句可作介的宾语,而if则不能.




目录 简报(中文) --------------------3 简报(英文)--------------------4 语言学论坛: 综述(中文)--------------------6 综述(英文)--------------------26 相关词条-----------------------41

2009年下期川外学坛第五周学坛辩论会成功举行 2009年10月29日晚上7:00-9:00,川外学坛之语言学论坛在图书馆六楼会议室举行。此次论坛主题为《普遍语法—一个备受争议的话题》,由四川外国语学院赵彦春教授主持,魏春燕陈述。广外张宏博士、姜孟博士、张晶老师、易曾权老师、重庆工学院肖娴老师,以及各年级研究生参与了本次论坛。 自20世纪50年代乔姆斯基发表《句法结构》一书以来,他所引领的转换生成语言学在语言学界掀起了轩然大波,而作为该语言学派之灵魂和核心的普遍语法理论更是受到了普遍的关注,不管支持者或反对者,都不乏其人。陈述者以V.J.Cook & Mark Newson对普遍语法重要性的评述开始,从以下几个方面对乔姆斯基的普遍语法进行了阐述和探讨:普遍语法的语言学背景介绍、理论内容阐释、反对之声、陈述者本人该理论的一些思考,以及讨论与争鸣。陈述部分大致内容如下: 自亚里斯多德以来的语言学研究大致可划分为两大传统,一是对语言个体差异的思考,二是对语言共相的探求,而乔姆斯基的普遍语法正是在沿袭了理性主义传统的基础上,对语言共性所展开的深入研究。该理论是在反观美国结构主义语言学对儿童语言习得解释力不足的基础上,提出的旨在探索人类语言组成、习得及运用的一个科学假说。尽管受到了大批学者的拥戴和支持,普遍语法理论也招致了众多学者的质疑和反驳。质疑之声主要来自三个方面:“普遍语法”的直接反驳、普遍语法“第一性”假说质疑、对语言官能的质疑(主要包括对语言官能的提法必要性、自足性和为人类独有等方面的质疑)。通过分析,陈述者认为,众多所谓的“反驳”要么只是出于局部的考虑,要么就是没有定


乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论 保定学院刘丽娟 摘要:本文阐述了乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论的产生背景、理论来源和主要内容,并在此基础上从语言习得的角度着重探讨了普遍语法理论的核心思想。本文从语言习得的定义,引出三种理论布龙菲尔德的行为主义理论,乔姆斯基的天赋假说和交互模式.在探讨过程中,乔姆斯基对其他行为主义的批判.虽然乔姆斯基的天赋假说一直处于不断的调整和更新中,但始终是一种假设性的理论,仍无得到很好的验证. 关键词:乔姆斯基,普遍语法,语言习得装置,心理学,语言学,交互主义,行为主义 Abstract: with a brief introduction of the theoretical background and content of Chomsky Theory of UG,this dissertation emphatically examines the major assumptions of the theory concerning language acquisition 。This paper discussing from the definition of LA,lead to the three theories a behaviourist view ,an innatist view ,an interactionist view.It is of epoch-making significance that Chomsky’s critique of other stimulus-reinforcement theory demonstrates a breakthrough against the behaviorist doctrine which has governed American psychology for nearly half a century。So far,however,the theory of UG is considered were hypothetic assumptions resting on no evidence and exiguously actual

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