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独资企业Sole trader 收购公司Purchasing company

银行透支Bank overdraft 开帐分录Opening entry

购货退回Return outwards 接管Take over

销货退回Return inwards 企业收购帐户Business purchase account 毛利Gross profit 卖主帐户Vendor account

租金与地方税Rent and rates 留存收益Retained earnings

收到的折扣Discount received 普通股股本Ordinary share capital

给与的折扣Discount allowed 优先股股本Preference share capital

要求权Claim 债券Debentures

提款Drawings 损益表Profit and loss account

合伙企业Partnership 股东年会General meeting

合伙人Partner 真实/公允True and fair

合伙协议Partnership agreement 推销成本Distribution cost

资本利息Interest on capital 投资注销额Amount written-off


剩余利润Residual profit 自建工程资本化Own work capitalized

分配Appropriation 集团内股票收入Income from shares in group

under takings

盈亏分配帐户Profit and loss appropriation 其他股票收入Income from shares in other

participating interests

结转下期余额Balance carried down 自有股Own shares

上期结转余额Balance Brought down 负债准备Provisions for liabilities 合伙人贷款Partner’s loan养老金Pensions

合作企业Joint venture 资本赎回公积Capital redemption reserve 合作企业备查帐户Memorandum joint venture 按公司章程保留的公积Reserve provided for by the

articles of association

杂费Sundry expenses 公司所得税Corporation tas (CT)

佣金Commission 财政年度Financial year

运出运费Carriage outwards 预交公司所得税Advanced corporation


运入运费Carriage inwards 主体公司所得税Mainstream corporation


联合银行存款帐户Joint bank account 所得税率适用年度CT year

商誉Goodwill 税金抵免Tax credit

重估价法Revaluation method 税收机构Inland revenue

合并Amalgamation 应纳税利润Taxable profit

合并前Pre-Amalgamation 公司所得税准备Provision fo CT

合并后Post-Amalgamation 应抵预交公司所得税ACT recoverable

应付公司所得税ACT payable

通过支付年金清偿Discharge by payment of


年金暂记帐户Annuity suspense account 预算报告Budget speech

保险金Premiums 资本收益Capital gain

退保价值Surrender value 小公司税率Small companies rate

人寿保险政策帐户Life assurance policies


边际利率Marginal rate

贸易表Trading account 完全税率Full rate

终止Cessation 免税投资收益Franked investment income 变卖资产帐户Realization account 资本减免Capital allowances

合伙企业的解体Dissolution of partnership 剩余预交公司所得税Surplus ACT

最后约定的资本Last agreed capital 寄售业务Consignment trading

逐步解体Piecemeal dissolution 汇票Bills of exchange

变卖资产费用准备Provision for realization



变卖资产损失Loss on realization 代理商Agent

股票帐户Shares account 交易商Trader

英国境内公司UK resident company 受托人Consignee

非免税收入Un-franked receipts 委托人,寄售人Consigner

公司所得税费用CT charge 保障,赔偿Indemnity

代扣所得税的交纳Payment under deduction of IT 销售帐单Account sales

磨损Wear and tear 寄售利润Profit on consignment


Freehold land 进口税Import duties

过时Obsolescence 运费Delivery to customers

开采或消耗Extraction of consumption

over time 途中保险费Carriage insurance on goods

delivered to Customers

直线法Straight line method 佣金Commission

余额递减法Reducing balance method 汇付Remittance

年数总和法Sum of the digits method 未售存货Unsold stock

累计折旧Accumulated depreciations 应收票据Bills receivable 经济使用年限Useful economic lives 保险收入Insurance proceeds 每股净收益Earnings per share 面值Face value

例外项目Exceptional items 贴现费用Discount charges 非常项目Extraordinary items 财务费用Financing cost

前期调整Prior year adjustment 应付票据Bills payable

不能抵销的预交公司税Irrevocable advanced

corporation tax


未抵销的损失Unrelieved losses 即期汇票Sight drafts

净值基础Net basis 监管Custody

零值基础Nil basis 主损益帐户Main profit and loss account 消耗品Consumable stores 部门化Departmentalization

成本与可实现净值孰低The lower of cost and net

realizable value


平均成本Average cost 共同性费用Common expense

先进先出First in first out 包装纸Wrapping paper

后进先出Last in first out 评价Assess

标准成本Standard cost 独立实体Independent entity 重置成本Replacement cost 投资报酬率Return on investment