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英语教材 阅读理解题



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原文…ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well,or a creature that out-lived the dinosaur will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how a creature so ugly could have won so much affection .


56. the last sentence of the passage is ment to ______.

A persuade human beings to show more affection for turtles

B stress that even th most ugly species should be protected

C call for effective measures to ensure sea turtles survival

D warn our descendants about the extinction of species

解析选B 。篇尾处设题。最后一句话提到,我们必须着手处理这些问题,否则,这种比恐龙寿命还要长的生物将会在人类的手下灭绝。结合前文提到的各种威胁导致海龟数量下降可知,“处理这些问题”这的除掉这些威胁,让海龟不灭绝很显然,作者是在呼吁人们采取措施,故答案为C ,其中的effective measure es to 对应文中的get a handle on 。



篇章阅读中常见的表示转折关系的连词或副词有howevre,but, yet ,nevertheless,while,though,at the same time 等。另外,indeed,in fact,virtually,practically也常常用来表示前后语义的转折。


原本】No , in this consumerisage ,most buyers aren’t evaluating college as an investment, but rather as a consumer product ----like a car or clothes or a house . And with such purchases,price is only one of many crucial factors to conseder .


In this consumerist age, most parents __________.

A regard college education as a wise investment

B place a premium on the prestige the college

C think it crucial to send their childen to college

D consider college education a consumer product

解析选d 。转折处设题。文中提到,在这个消费年代,大多数买主不是把上大学看作投资,而是看作消费品。结合上文提到的家庭支付上大学的费用以及下文提到的college student (or,money accurately,their parents)···willingness to pay 可知,这里的“买主”指的其实是“家长”,故答案为(D),其中的consider···as 对应文中的evaluating···as。


文章中表达作者对于某人或某事物的观点或态度地方或涉及的其他人或组织机构观点或态度也常受出题人青睐。解题时要留意文章中出现say, deem, think(of),believe, consider, argue, contend, determine等观点态度的词以及doubt,appreciate , hate,against, 等表达感情色彩的词语,以及一些带有感情色彩的特殊句式(祈使句、感叹句、反问句等)。


原文But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying ,as well as studying ,can console themselves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends.


57.What’s the opinion of economists about going to college ?

A huge amounts of money is being wasted on campus socializing.

B it does’s pay to run into debt to receive a college education

C college education is rewarding in spite of the starting costs

D going to college doesn’t necessarily bring the expected returns

解析选C 人物观点社体。文中提到,经济学家说,那些即将要负债来支付四年的聚会和学习费用的家庭可以从以下事实得到一些安慰;上大学时一项投资···这项投资将有巨大的红利回报。很显然,答案为C,其中的rewarding 对应文中的yield huge dividends,staringcosts对应go into debt to fund···。



表示很明显因果关系的词语有;because, because of, for, since, as, thus,so, therefore, due to,owing to,cause,as a result, result from , result in, reason, result, consequence, consequently,in consequence.

表示不太明显的因果关系的词语有:if , unless, originate, from,lead to, attribute,to ,derive form, base,basis等。



原文Competition from overseas led farmers to specialise and increase yields. Throuhout

this period food became cheaper ,safer and more reliable.However,these changes have also led to habitat loss and to diminishing biodiversity .

题目53. Specialisation and the effort to increase yields have resulted in _________.

A localized pollution

B the shrinking of farmland

C competition from overseas

D the decrease of biodiversity

解析选D 因果关系处设题。文中提到,来自海外的竞争迫使农民转向专业化生产并提高产量。第四句提到农民这么做的负面结果;导致动物栖息地的丧失和生物多样化的锐减。题干中的resulted in 对应原文的led to选项D中的decrease of biodiversity是对原文的diminshing biodiversity 的同义转述,故答案为D




原文A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the labor-market premium to skill –or the amount college graduates earned that’s greater than what high-school graduates earned---decreased for much of the 20th century,but has comes back with a vengeance (报复性地)since the 1980s.


58. the two Harvard econonmists note in their study that,for much of the 20 th century,___.

A enrollment kept decreasing in virtually all American college and universities

B the labor marke preferred high-school gradu ates to college graduates

C competition for university admissions was farmoer fierce than today

D the gap between the earmings of college and high-shool graduates narrowed


选d 。破折号设题。文中提到,2008年哈弗大学的两位经济学者所做的一项研究指出,“技能带来的劳动力市场额外收益”--------或者说大学毕业生比高中毕业生挣得钱多的那部分钱-----在20世纪的大部分时间都在下降,但是从20世纪80年代起,开始回升。从第二个破折号前后内容可知,答案为D ,其中的the gap···graduates对应文中的the amount···earned,narrowed 对应decreased .




原文“The threat is from commercial fishing ,”says Griffin. Trawlers(which dray large nets through the water and along the ocean floor ) and longline fishers (which can deploy thousands of hooks on lines that can stretch for miles )take a heavy toll on turtles .

54 . What constitutes a major threat to the survival of turles according to Elizabeth Griggin?

A their inadequate food supply

B Unregulated commercial fishing

C their lower reproductive ability.

D comtamination of sea water

解析选C 。引言设题处。根据Griffin的话“威胁来自商业捕鱼”和紧随其生后提到的托捞船(那些拖着从水里或沿着水底前进的大网的船)和长线捕鱼船(在绵延数里的鱼网上布满上千个鱼钩)使海龟受到重创可知,对海龟的生存造成威胁的主要是无节制的捕捞。题干中的constitutes a major thear to 对应文中的take a heavy toll on , (B) unregulated commercial fishing 对应文中的trawlers和longline fishers,故答案为 B


篇章阅读题经常考查的特殊句式包括强调句、倒装句、虚拟语气句,以及包含not···but,prefer doing to doing ,world rather···than 等特殊结构的句子,这些句子中经常暗含作者想要表达的某种观点,持有的态度或想要陈述的事实细节。



原文The very ambition we impose on our chidren may get some into Harvard but may also set them uo for disappointment.One study fond that, other things being equal ,graduates of highly selective school experienced more job dissatisfaction . They may have been so conditioned to being on top that anything less disappoinst them .

题目61。One possible result of pushing children into elite universities is that _______.

A they earn less than their peers from other institutions

B they turn out to be less competitive in the job marke

C they experience more job dissatisfaction after graduation

D they overemphasize their qualifications in job applications

解析选 C ,非谓语动词所在句处命题。本题考查家长逼孩子进入名校的后果。该段一项研究结果为证据,相同条件下,名校毕业生会在未来的工作中有更多的不满。故答案为C



篇章阅读中常见的表示对比或比较关系的词或短语有while,whereas,than,compared with,in contrast to,like ,unlike ,until, not so much ···as等。解题时要留意这些词或短语,并注意出现比较级、最高级的地方,另外要注意弄清对比或比较对象。


原文it’s also a potential economic problem ,since a declining dollar maker imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates.

题目53。How does the current dollar affect life of ordinary A-mericans?

A they have to cancel their vacations in new engglang

B they find it unaffordable todine in mom-and –pop restaurants

C they have to spend more money when buying imported goods

D They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems

解析选C 。比较设题处。文中提到美元贬值对经济的两个影响:进口食品价格上涨、给利率施加了上涨的压力。


并列、列举处是指用First(Iy)···Second(ly)···Third(ly)···Finally···;not only ···but also···;also; In addition ;Furthermore; Moreover; Above all; On the one hand ···,on the other hand ···等表示顺承或并列关系的词语列举的一系列的事实情况。并列处和列举处是考查事实细节的主要设题处。

为了使自己的观点更有说服力、更加明确,作者还经常会使用举例的方法来进行论证,常由as,such,for,example,for instance,take ···as an example 等引出,这些例子经常会成为出题人设问的焦点。



For to exampie, we need to move away from the idea traditional practices are inevitably more sustainable than new ones.

54.What does the author think of traditional farming practices?

A They have remained the same over the centuries.

B They have not kept pace population growth.

C They are not necessarily sustainable.

D They are environmentally friendly.

解析选C 。举例处设题。本题考查作者对传统农作方式的看法,文中提到,我们不应再坚信传统的方式不一定就具有可持续发展性,故答案为[C]。




原文Competition from overseas led famers to specidlise and increase yields . throughout this period food became cheaper ,safer and more relidable . however ,these changes have also led to habitat loss and to diminishing biodiversity .


53.Specialisation and the effort to increase yiedlds have resulted in __________.

A localised pollution

B the shrinking of farmland

C competition from overseas

D the decrease of biodiversity

解析选D 。要解出此题,就需根据上文来判断“these changes”指代什么?经过分析知原文的“these changes ”指代“specialise and increase yields” ,”specialize and increase yields”又同义转述为题干中的“Specialisation and the effort to increase yie

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