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3.the influence on the means of exchange
Technological revolution,especially information technological revolution,brings out a more networked and digitalized feature to global economy.The traditional trade way based on material object has been replaced by a invisible transaction based on digital information.The internet and digitalised technology links the world wide markets intangibly-----the trade between different areas is inclined to be transparent,without any time and geography restraint,and sulmoutaneously,the exchange of information tends to be easier and cheaper.thus the access to get information from worldwide markets and to implement international marketing becomes much easier.Mean while,the trading activity in the international markets is apt to be more flexible and direct.And in addition,the trade with foreign countries through the Internet turns to be the same easy just as a domestic trade.As a result,information technology speeds up the globalization,directness and convinence of exchange.So implementing international marketing must make best use of international Internet to exchange information and communicate,decreasing cost and risk of the trade.

4.对营销管理影响 国际营销是在国际市场上进行营销活动,企业面对的国际环境和因素比国内市场要复杂得多,因而传统的国际营销管理受地理位置和时间约束,一般采取松散型管理,而且对不同市场都必须设立相应的机构和配套组织,所以开拓国际市场成本相当高,而且控制风险相当大。而信息技术革命带来全球通信便捷,使得远程办公、远程会议和远程管理成为可能,而且随着信息成本不断下降,这种现代化的管理模式和方式越来越易于操作,而且可以大幅度压缩传统的旅行费用和额外开支,可见国际营销的迅猛发展与信息技术革命是紧密相连的。同时知识经济兴起,促使企业从传统的侧重机构组织等硬管理,向教育、培训和提高员工的归属感等软管理转变,而培养国际员工的归属感和提高素质与企业国际营销战略是紧密相连的。
4.the influence on the management of marketing
International marketing refers to implementing trading activity on the international market,in this case,the complexity of international circumstance and factors seems to be much more serious than domestic marketing.Therefore,traditional international marketing management generously take loose-oriented measures to manage under the restraint of geography and time.And the cost and risk of opening up international market tends to be so high oweing to different collocation of diverse markets.However,the convinience that the information technology revolution brings enables telecommuting,teleconference and also telemanagement.Moreover,with the contenious decrease of the cost of imformation,this
modern manage mode shows a greater trend to easily operate by dr

amatically reducing the traditional traveling and extra expenses,which reveals that the rapid development of international marketing is tightly involved with informational technology revolution. Simultaneously,the rise of knowledge economy forces traditional organization-oriented companys to pay much more attention on a soft management whicn focus on educating,training staffs ,and additionally,cultivating them a sense of belonging,which,with no doubt,is highly related to a company's international marketing strategy.
5.对竞争战略的影响 技术革命的加速发展,使企业获取巨大利润的同时,需要大量的投入和承担巨大风险,因此采用高技术开拓国际市场的企业,一般都注重与相关企业建立战略合作联盟,因而,使传统的单纯竞争形式变成既是竞争对手又是合作伙伴、相互依赖相互竞争的形式,如美国的英特尔公司为开拓存储器市场就与日本的富士通公司联合开发研制,共同享受成果。同时由于知识经济的发展,国际市场的竞争由传统的对资本等低层次资源占有的竞争,转变为对知识生产、占有和利用能力的竞争。

the influece on the competing stragegy
The accelerating development of technology revolution brings the company fat profits and also substantial investment and high risks.Therefore,enterprises who apply high-tech to open up international markets generously focus on setting up strategic alliance with relevent companys,thus,forming a new mode of competition that both sides are rivals and at the same time they are partners,competing and depending on each other.For an instant,american company Intel cooporate with japanese company Fujitsu to exploit memoriser market,and enjoy the profit together.In the meantime,due to the development of knowledge economy,the competition of international market changes from the competition on the poccssion of low-level resourses into competition on the knowlegde production poccession and the ability to apply.

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