当前位置:文档之家› 南京景点英语导游词







Now we are on the way to the Linggu Temple Park. On our right there is a fishing terrace with beige glazed tiles built in 1937. It was a monument to Dr. Sun Yatsen from the National Military Academy, which was founded by Dr. Sun Yatsen in 1924.

Linggu Temple lies about one and a half kilometers to the east of Dr. Sun Yatsen s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in the ancient times and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the Purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription "The First Buddhist Forest " at the

entrance to the mountain. Inside the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant, so it is called the "Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines".It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing.

Inside the temple there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynasty. The hall, 53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22 meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood. There are nine overlapping ridges and three dagobas decorating the top ridges. In size, the Beamless Hall stands first and foremost of its kind in China. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other five of the same kind in the other areas: Xiangtong Temple at Wutai Mountain; Yongzuo Temple in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province; Wannian Temple on Ermei Mountain in Sichuan; Kaiyuan Temple in Shzhou and Longchang Temple in Jurong County. It far surpasses them all in solidity and magnificence. No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The difficulty involved in its construction and the plexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architectural technology of the time in China.

Beyond the Beamless Hall are the Wind-through-pines Pavilion and a nine-storeyed, over sixty-meter-high octagonal pagoda, with a corridor encircled by stone

rails on each storey. Inside the pagoda a spiral

staircase winds to the top through the nine stories. When one gets to the top story and gaze into the distance, one can get a view of the entire mausoleum area.


The 600-year-old Ming Tomb, lying at the southern

foot of the Purple Mountain, is the tomb for Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty from 1368 to 1398.

Born into a poor peasant family in Fengyang County, Anhui Province in 1328, Zhu Yuanzhang lost his parents in his childhood and became a monk at Huangjue Temple. In 1352, he joined the Red Turban Army led by Guo Zixin. He married Guo Zixin’s adopted daughter and became the manding general later. Zhu Yuanzhang took over Nanjing in 1356 and made it the capital in 1368 when he conquered the rest parts of China and established the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife died. The empress was buried in the tomb in

1383. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.

Now we are reaching the tomb gate, known as Grand Golden Gate. Ming Tomb is divided into two parts. The

first part is from Horse Dismounting Arch Gate to Linxin Gate, 1800 meters long, serving as the tomb avenue. The second part is the tomb itself. There was originally a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb plex was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised inside. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined during the wartime, once between the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the other time when Taiping Peasant Army was suppressed by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures were destroyed. However we can

still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how it looked like 600 years ago.

At the Horse Dismounting Arch Gate, the inscription can be seen "All the officials must dismount from their horsebacks here". This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.

Here we are at the square city, also called the stone tablet house. Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways are still remaining, just like a castle. The Great Ming Dynasty Wonderful Achievements and Merits Tablet, 8.78 meters high, built in 1413 by the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is the highest ancient

tablet in Nanjing. There are altogether 2746 Chinese characters on the tablet, which praise Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang for his deeds and merits by his fourth son who made himself the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Why did Zhu Di, the third emperor erect this stone tablet? Zhu Yuanzhang had 26 sons. His first son died in 1392, so his first grandson, then 16, was nominated to be the successor to Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang. In 1398, 22-year-old Zhu Yunwen became the second emperor after his grandfather’s death. However his uncle Zhu Di was then

in Beijing and found some excuse to launch a war against him. The four-year-long war ended with the uncles victory. Zhu Di grabbed the power and became the third emperor. When Zhu Di praised Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, he was

actually praising himself. Originally, Zhu Di planned to have a 72-meter-high stone tablet carved out of Yangshan

hill in the eastern suburb of Nanjing. Since it was too heavy to be moved, he gave up his plan and had this small one made.

The stone animal under the tablet looks like a tortoise. It is actually the first son of the dragon, well known for its strength. Its name is Bi Xi and he is always put there to carry imperial tablets. According to the legend, when the stone tablet was carved, the chief mason could hardly have it mount on the back of Bi Xi because it was too heavy. He was very worried and did not know what to do. One day he had a dream, in which he was told that only when the tablet and Bi Xi did not see each other, he would make the mounting possible. Clever as he was, he covered Bi Xi with mud and pushed the tablet onto the back of Bi Xi as you can see now.

When we pass the imperial bridge, we can see the sacred path lined with 24 animals. There are six kinds of animals, one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting. They work on two shifts. The significance of these animals is to show the countrys power and emperors influence, to drive away the evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first

2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beats. The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bi Xie, a mythical animal, suggesting justice. The following pairs of animals include camels, elephants, unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The unicorn represents good luck while Horse loyalty.

You may wonder how these heavy stone animals were moved to this place. The fact is in the cold winter, workers splashed water on the ground and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the freezing ice.

Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as altars for the sacrificial offerings. The sacred avenue makes a

right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan, the first emperor of Eastern Wu Kingdom. When Ming Tomb was constructed, some people suggested that Sun Quans tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang mented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay. This showed the emperor’s modesty. Among the 8 stone figures, four are ministers and the other are warriors.

When we cross the imperial bridge and walk a short distance, we reach the tomb itself. The arch gate, imperial stone tablet pavilion, the grand hall, square city, grand terrace, treasure city, treasure top are all on the north-south axis, a typical layout of the ancient Chinese architecture.

The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors. But this gate was rebuilt in 1999.

In the stone tablet pavilion built in early Qing Dynasty, we can see an inscription by Emperor Kang Xi, the second emperor of Qing Dynasty, "Running the state as prosperously as Tang and Song Dynasties". Since Qing rulers were Manchurians, Emperor Kangxi was worried that the Han people wouldnt follow him. This stone tablet indicated Emperor Kang Xis desire to be peaceful with the Hans. He made 6 trips down to southern China from Beijing and visited Ming Tomb for 5 times. This tablet was erected here in 1699 during his third visit. We can tell from this tablet that Emperor Kang Xi was no wonder a great emperor.

The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.

The tomb site was selected by Zhu Yuanzhang himself. However there had been a Buddhist temple here. Zhu Yuangzhang paced up and down and looked upset each time when he was here. The wise abbot in the temple felt it and suggested to the emperor that the temple should be moved because his teacher told him so in his dream. The emperor was happy when he heard this and had the temple rebuilt to the east of his tomb.


The imposing city wall, as high as a five-story building, is the good impression of the visitors to Nanjing.

The building of the wall began in 1366, ordered by Zhu Yuanzhang who, two years later, founded the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). More than 200,000 people worked on the project and many of them died before the wall was pleted in 1368.

The wall was 33.678 kilometers in circumference and 14.21 meters high on average. It was the longest city

wall in the world and the city enclosed by it remained

the worlds largest until the 17thcentury.

In order to guarantee the quality of the wall, Zhu Yuanzhang had tight control over the making of all bricks. The brick makers and the officials were responsible for overseeing the quality. In case a brick was found not up

to the standard, all of them were supposed to be punished.

Different from the square-shaped city walls of most ancient Chinese cities, Nanjings wall followed the

natural terrain and was built on a foundation of huge rocks. The bricks were cemented in with a mortar of lime mixed with tung oil and glutinous rice gruel. Many parts

of the wall are still in good condition.

The city wall has 24 gates, among which the Zhonghua (China) Gate, formerly called the Treasure Pot Gate, is

the largest. Covering an area of 15,168 square meters, 20 meters high, the gate has 4 entrances with 4 doors.

Behind the first conventional double panel wooden door, there are 3 other 23-centimeter-thick vertically sliding stone doors. The heavy stone doors are lifted and dropped with the help of a mechanical winch. If enemy troops

broke through the first wooden door, they could be

separated and trapped inside by the dropping of the other 3 stone doors. This strategy is known in China as "beating dogs behind a bolted door."

The first entrance is in a three-tier building in which 27 tunnels are built. These tunnels are big enough to acmodate more than 3,000 soldiers and store large quantity of food and ammunitions. On its both sides there are wide horse rs. At the top, a rostrum allows a manding view. Unfortunately, this rostrum and parts of the wall were destroyed by the Japanese during the Second World War.

Now the Nanjing Municipal Government plans to have part of the city wall repaired and some of the city gates renovated.


黄山英文导游词简短 黄山:世界文化与自然双重遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA 级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国文明风景旅游区示范点,中华十大名山,天下第一奇山。下面是由小雅WTT为大家带来的关于黄山英文导游词简短,希望能够帮到您! Mt.Huangshan Ladies and Gentlemen! Wele to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I"d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages. The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you. Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these


南京旅游概况导游词 各位游客: 大家好! 南京市地处中国长江下游的宁镇丘陵地区,东望大海,西达 荆楚,南接皖浙,北联江淮,总面积6597平方公里。南京属北亚 热带季风气候区,四季分明,年平均气温16℃,年平均降雨量1106毫米。南京现辖XX个区(玄武、白下、秦淮、建邺、鼓楼、下关、江宁、浦口、六合、栖霞、雨花台)2个县(高淳、溧水),总人口约530万人。 南京是中国七大古都之一。东郊汤山猿人头骨的出土,表明 35万年以前,就有了南京猿人的足迹。自公元229年东吴建都南 京始,南京曾十次成为京都,留下了丰富的历史文化遗产。 南京地理区位优越,物产资源丰富,地处长江“金三角”地区,是中国区域经济中的重要城市。南京对外交通四通八达,形 成了航空、高速公路、铁路、长江航运的立体交通体系和网路。 南京,山环水抱,葱笼毓秀,山水城林融为一体,自然风貌 久负盛名。自然界厚赐于南京龙蟠虎踞的山川形胜,历史在此又 遗存下灿烂的文化。孙中山先生曾有名言概括南京之美:“此地 有高山,有平原,有深水,在世界三大城市中亦诚难觅此佳境”。位于城东紫金山麓的中山陵、明孝陵,掩映在绿色葱葱的紫金山

中,布局宏伟。太平天国遗址,殿阙巍峨。数十处南朝陵墓刻, 硕大洗炼,堪称一代巨制,国之瑰宝。栖霞寺内舍利塔,造型雄健,比例匀称,装饰华丽,是我国现存石塔中不可多得的佳品。 总统府、雨花台烈士陵园、日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆、梅 园新村纪念馆、渡江胜利纪念碑是我国民主革命的历史见证。玄 武湖,三面环水,一面临城,秀峰塔影,碧波荡漾,堪称“金陵 明珠”。莫愁湖,蕴含动人凄丽的传说,湖光倩影,花团锦蔟, 典雅、幽秀而豁达、奔放。 独具南京特色被誉为中国织锦工艺“活化石”的云锦及“国 之瑰宝”的雨花石,成为南京旅游商品的代表。美味的秦淮风味 小吃及盐水鸭,享誉中外。今天的南京,既是现代文明的经济都会,更是虎踞龙盘的秀山丽水,城桓殿阙,街巷格局,园林苑囿,绿地广场。共同构筑起一幅山水城林融为一体的多彩画卷,展现 出“绿色古都,文化之城”的独特魅力。 各位游客: 大家好! 各位游客,您们好!欢迎各位亲莅国防园参观游览。 南京国防园始建于一九九二年八月,总占地300亩。现在大 家看到门楼上五个镀金大字是在建园前专门为公园题写的园名。 国防园的所在地,远在公元前333年楚威王修建的金陵邑城堡;其后,东吴孙权鉴于石头山地势险要,为扼守建康门户,于 公元212年在金陵邑旧址上筑石头城,建烽火台;东晋义熙年间,


泰山的导游词范文5篇 泰山的自然景观雄伟绝奇,有数千年的精神文化的渗透力和人文景观的烘托,被誉为中华民族精神文化的缩影。下面是小编为你整理了“泰山的 导游词 范文”,希望能帮助到您。 泰山的导游词范文(1) 各位朋友,大家好,欢迎大家来到泰山,这座高大而古老的山蕴合了丰富的自然与文化积淀,今天我们就一起走进泰山,感受它“会当绝凌绝顶,一览众山小”的气度。 从岱庙开始,经岱宗坊、一天门、红门、中天门,升仙坊至南天门,是古代皇帝封禅泰山所走过的路,现在被称为“登山景区”,也称中路,是登山六条路中最古老的一条,我们将从这条路登上泰山极顶。 遥参亭是古代皇帝封禅的起点,从遥参亭经岱庙再到岱宗坊,我们就来到了泰山御道的起点,我们途经十八盘,“紧十八盘,慢十八,不紧不慢又十八”,“紧十八”是整个登山盘路中最为难走的路段,大家看,石壁上的题到“努力登高”“看出万山”“青云梯”那是勉励我们只有义无反顾地向上,才能战胜险阻,到达最高境界。 走过十八盘,我们就到了南天门,这就是传说中的“天界”站在这里,我们可以领会到“登泰山而小天下”的豪迈。 沿大观峰西侧盘旋而上,我们会到达泰山的最高处――玉皇顶,那些一路上看似走不完的石阶终于走到了尽头。这里有著名的“极顶石”。极顶石卧在一圈石栏中,高不足米,表面粗糙,如果在别处,将是一块最普通不过的石头了,但在这里,它的亭边有一块碑写着“泰山极顶1545米”根据地质学家分析,就是它,在3000万年前从海槽中率先拱起,它根植于1万米的地壳深处,整座大山在托举着它,使它高耸入云,成了名副其实的“极顶石”。 这就是泰山,希望大家在这里玩的愉快。 泰山的导游词范文(2) 大家好,我是本次泰山之旅的导游牛哥,欢迎大家的到来。 泰山位于山东省泰安市,历来皇帝祭祖之地,也是我国五岳之首。 远远望去,泰山一片翠绿,象披上了绿纱。


山东旅游英语导游词#篇 山东,因居太行山以东而得名,简称“鲁”,省会济南。先秦时期隶属齐国、鲁国,故而别名齐鲁。山东半岛,与辽东半岛、雷州半岛合称”中国三大半岛”。下面是小编为大家整理的山东旅游英语导游词,欢迎参考! 篇#:济南趵突泉英语导游词 Welcome to the beautiful city JiNan which is the capital of ShanDong Province. Now we are in the BaoTu spring park in the center of JiNan .Built in ####, the BaoTu spring park is named after the BaoTu spring. Covering a total area of ##### square Meters including ##### square meters, the park is a traditional Chinese garden characterized by spring. The park has three gates, of which the EastGate(东门) is the main gate. On the doorhead is inscribed three Chinese characters(汉字) 趵突泉written by Mr GuoMoruo. The park features sightseeing, fish watching,tea sampling,stones and culture,especially Noted for its exquisiteness, cleanliness peacefulness, simplicity and elegance.The park is divided into ten major viewing areas, such as the


介绍南京导游词 导读:南京导游词800 字南京以“博爱之都”闻名海内外,是江苏省的省会城市,全省政治、经济和文化中心。全市面积6598平方公里,常住人口为800 万人,下辖11区2 县。 南京位于长江下游的中心地带,主要是丘陵盆地地形,城区附近东有紫金山,西有清凉山,南有牛首山,北有栖霞山。紫金山由东向西延伸,从南京城中横穿而过,使南京城南城北形成了两条水系,南为秦淮河,北为金川河。除此之外,还有玄武湖和莫愁湖宛如两颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在南京的城东和城西。山与水的交织,共同造就了地形险要,山水壮丽的南京城。 由于南京城山环水绕,自古就是兵家必争之地。公元前472 年,越王勾践命范蠡最早在此建城,也就有了南京的第一个名字“越城”。从越城算起,南京的建城史已有近2500 年。古城南京具有深厚历史文化底蕴,位列我国四大古都之一,在此定都的朝代有:东吴、东晋、南朝时的宋、齐、梁、陈、以及后来的南唐、明初、太平天国和中华民国,故而南京又被称作“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”。历朝历代为南京留下了许多名字,如:金陵、秣陵、建邺、建康、蒋州、江宁、昇州、集庆、应天、天京等,有些名字作为南京的地名沿用至今。南京的得名来源于明朝初年,当时的南京叫应天府,朱元璋曾经打算把都城迁到开封,将开封命名为北京,应天府称南京,后来国都虽然没有迁成,但是南京的名称却一直保留下来。 中国的近代史从南京开始,也在南京结束。1842 年,清政府在南京下关的江面上与英国侵略者签订了中国近代史上第一个不平等条约——《南京

条约》。1949 年,中国人民解放军解放南京,标志着中国进入了社会主义的全新时代。 今日南京铁路、公路、航空、水运、管道等运输方式齐全,是华东地区重要的交通枢纽。南京禄口国际机场已开通覆盖国内45 个城市以及韩国、日本、泰国、新加坡等地在内的国内外航线。南京港地处长江下游黄金水道,目前通航五大洲近50 个国家和地区。近年来,南京市实施了规模空前的城市建设,南京第二长江大桥、南京第三长江大桥、玄武湖隧道、九华山隧道、赛虹桥立交桥、华东最大的双桥门五层立交等均已建成通车,大大提高了城市的交通能力,进一步优化了南京的投资环境。 南京是我省惟一跨江发展的城市,在我省沿海、沿江、沿线开放格局中处于枢纽位置,是中国东部地区重要的综合性工业基地和全国六大通讯枢纽之一。目前已形成了以“电子、石化、钢铁、汽车”四大支柱产业。 近年来,南京外向型经济成果显著,产业结构不断优化,第三产业占国内生产总值比重明显增加。金陵石化、南汽集团、熊猫电子等著名企业实力雄厚、产品畅销国内外,苏宁集团已经成长成为中国零售企业和民营企业的龙头老大,在业内具有较高的知名度。同时,南 京还是全国高等教育和科研重镇,科教实力雄厚,综合实力仅次于北京、上海。教育、科技的发达,为南京城市经济的持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。 南京城市品牌众多,多次被评为全国十佳卫生城市、全国城市环境综合整治十佳城市、全国园林城市、中国优秀旅游城市、环保模范城市等称号。南京的绿化水平全国闻名,森林覆盖率达到23%,森林与城市绿地在改


介绍泰山的导游词5篇 导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。下面是介绍泰山的导游词5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 介绍泰山的导游词(一) 大家好,我是导游邵文灿。这天,我要带领着大家一齐到五岳之一的泰山观光。 泰山位于山东省南部的泰安市。泰安市原名泰山市,泰山的名气很大,所以把泰山取名作为市名,像乐山所在地点叫乐山市一样。泰山是五岳之首。五岳分别为:东岳泰山南岳衡山、中岳嵩山、西岳华山、北岳恒山。东岳泰山排行第一,高度(主峰离地面的距离)排行第三,大约1545米高,有“登泰山,小天下”之称。有许多名人均登临泰山,如秦始皇汉武帝唐太宗宋祖乾隆。据记载,泰山至今已经有二十亿年的历史。 超过云层,所以上面有较大的冷空气,冷的像寒冰一样直入骨髓。如果你们很冷,能够到附近租一套皮棉袄。天街不光冷,小吃也个性多。泰山的小吃很有特色,如小米煎饼,那里的小米煎饼双酸双薄,又加了大葱、甜面酱、煎鸡蛋,用十里飘香这个词来形容再适合但是了。 天街的第三大特点就是――石碑个性多。天街上石碑比泰山其它地方的石碑多5倍多。天街最著名的石碑位于天街中部,这个石碑上面雕刻着十一个大字:“泰山世界文化与自然遗产”这个石碑是1987年11月19日雕刻的。这个石碑证明了泰山是世界文化与自然遗产之一。但是中国只有4处(2001年前),泰山 是其中第三个命名的。 再往上走,大家就到了主峰部位。主峰的东侧有一个观日石。在原先,传说古人因为爬山时很多人看不到日出,人们齐心协力从山上搬来一块大石头,大家把它放在观日点,人们站着或者坐在上面,就看到了日出。 此刻,为了看到日出,人们夜里三点就来爬泰山或提前住在山顶上,这是为了等待看日出。主峰的西侧有一块石碑,上面雕刻着四个鲜红的大字:“五岳独尊”,这四个大字时古代文学家孟子(孟轲)说出的,意思是:“五岳之中,排行榜

南京英语导游词 2

南京英语导游词 注意表达能力和仪容仪表,切忌死记硬背 外语现场考试分四大项:语言与仪态30%、景点讲解30%、外语阅读复述10%、综合能力30% 城市概况(市情简介)、景点介绍、导游规范》=2、应变能力》=2、5A景点知识》=2、综合知识》=1、旅游相关中级水平外文短文阅读和复述 一、欢迎词 Ladies and gentleman:Good morning .Welcome to the captical city of Jiangsu Province——Nanjing.I’m honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you come to visit this beautiful city.May I introduce my colleagues to you?This is Mr.Li,our driver,his bus number is SuA36099,please remember it.My name is Sally,I’m from the branch company of China International Travel Service in Nanjing.My job is to smooth your way,care for your welfare,try my best to answer your questions,and be your guide during your stay in Nanjing.Now I’ll give you some tips during your stay in Nanjing:Firstly,please put your head and hands inside of the window,or it’s very dangerous.Secondly,when you come back to the restaurant,don’t go out https://www.doczj.com/doc/bd18465205.html,st but not least,when you travel around this city,please be careful of your wallet and some other valued things.If you have any special interest,please tell your leader or let me know that,we’ll try our best to make your stay in Nanjing a pleasant one.We highly appreciate your understanding ang co-operation,Wish you enjoy these days you stay here.Thank you. 二、简介南京 When you come to Jiangsu province,of course you can’t miss the capital city——Nanjing.She is one of the political,economic and cultural center over the Yangzi Delta region.And she was been called China’s southern capital. There are about 8 million people here and Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She was one of the 6 famous ancient cities in China.For almost 2000 years,there has been 10 dynasties which eatabished their capitals here,they are Wu,Eastern Jin,Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,South Tang,Ming,Taiping Kingdom,and Republic of China subsequently. For tourists,Nanjing is one of China’s most attractive cities.In octorber 2010,there comes a research among foreigners from more than 100 countries,Nanjing is the 3rd popular city in China,just next to Shanghai and Beijing,I think wo must work harder together for it. I think all the pretty scenic in Nanjing will make you feel cheerful in heart and pleased to eyes when you are lingering among them. 三、景点(8个) ㈠中山陵 Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum Among all the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing,the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the Purple Mountain in the eastern suburb of the city.It took more than 3 years and 1.5 million silver dollars to build the mausoleum. Dr.Sun Yatsen is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution,the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer's family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshan City), Guangdong Province. He put forward the famous guiding principle- "driving the invaders out, restoring the


Sunyat-sen Memorial Hall 中山纪念堂 (Ladies and Gentlemen: Our next destination is the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, as its name suggests, is a structure built in honor of a person by the name of Sun Yat-sen. Do you know who Sun Yat-sen was?) Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution. He was born on November 12, 1866 in a farmer’s family in the Cuiheng Village in Xiangshan County (the present-day Zhongshan City) in Guangdong Province. At the age of 12, he went to Honolulu, where his elder brother sent him to a missionary school. Later, he came back to Hong Kong to study in a college of Western medicine and, after graduation, practiced medicine in Guangzhou and Macao. So, ever since he was a child, he had been influenced by the Western ideas of Christianity and democracy and this had helped him make his mind to cure the ills of the old feudal China and turn it into a democratic and strong nation. At first, he had illusions about the Qing government and hoped to save this moribund regime through reforms. But, China’s defeats by foreign invaders and the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government intensified his patriotic indignation. He decided that the Qing court was rotten to the core and must be overthrown and replaced by a democratic republic. So, in 1894, together with some 20 Chinese shop-keepers and farm-owners in Honolulu, he established the first Chinese bourgeois revolutionary organization –the Society for the Revival of China (the Xing Zhong Hui). In the following spring, he returned to Hong Kong and staged the first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty


南京景点导游词 导读:南京景点导游词【1】 尊敬的各位游客,大家好!我是“新世纪”旅行社的导游王子阳,欢迎大家跟随我来参观中山陵。 中山陵位于浩荡的大江之滨,坐落在我国著名的古都——南京,在源远流长的中国历史发展长河中,有10个朝代和政权先后在此建都,许多叱咤风云的著名人物长眠在这里,伟大的革命先驱孙中山先生的陵墓就位于南京东郊的钟山南麓。钟山是宁镇山脉的最高峰,海拔约460米,东西走向,长约7千米,南北宽度约3千米。千百年来,这里进行过种种社会活动,建成了许多园林、第宅、寺塔、坛台和陵墓,留下了无数可歌可泣的史实和动人的传说。 1925年3月12日,孙中山因患肝癌医治无效与北京逝世,临终前一再表示,愿其遗体如友人列宁一样得以保存,归葬南京紫金山,根据他的遗愿,xxx中央执行委员会一致决定在南京紫金山建陵,陵园的设计方案是通过竞争入选的,采取了密封评议的方式,最后,评出首奖是中国设计师吕彦昌设计的钟形图案,钟有“示警”和“自由”的含义,它象征着孙中山领导中国革命的意义和贡献,同时又与陵墓所在地钟山相吻合,在具体设计上,采取了中西合璧的手法和技术,汲取了中国古代传统建筑中的经验,采用了中轴对称的总平面布局,民族形式的建筑外观,淳朴的色调,简洁的装修和大面积绿化等方法,很好的表现了陵园的庄严气氛和和孙中山先生的不朽精神。中山陵于

1926年春动工兴建,中间由于军阀割据,政局混乱,工程进展缓慢,至1929年3月方才竣工,1929年6月1日举行了盛大隆重的奉安大点,全国各地都沉浸在悲哀之中,孙中山先生的灵柩于12时,在101响礼炮声中,葬入墓穴,一代伟人就此安息在钟山南麓。 陵墓的入口位于最南端,是一座三间三楼琉璃瓦顶的石牌坊,在明间的檐下,悬挂着孙中山先生的手术“博爱”横匾一方,继续向里,沿着墓道,便到大陵门,陵门高15米,宽24米,深8米,气势非凡,正中拱门楣上镌刻着中山先生亲笔书写的“天下为公”几个金光大字,循陵门后至石阶及至碑亭,亭内在龟趺上立8米高的石碑一座,上刻镶金楷书“中国xxx葬总理孙先生于此,中华民国十八年六月一日”。自碑亭再往北,跨过290级的台阶便登上了宽135米,深30米的大平台,平台是全陵的制高点,这里视野开阔,气象万千,既便近观,又宜远眺,无论春夏秋冬,风霜雨雪,大自然都向人们展示其周围变幻无穷的奇妙景色。平台中央,便是祭殿,祭堂正面明间的双眼连接处刻有中山先生的手术“天地正气”,三个圆券门上方,镌刻着“民族”“民权”“民生”六字,呈内有12根黑色花岗石圆柱,护壁为黑色大理石,左右壁上刻有中山先生的《国民政府建国大纲》全文,堂中央偏北处,置有这位伟大的革命家的白色大理石像一尊,雕像端坐平视,神态安详,栩栩如生。 巍巍中山陵,巍巍的气势衬托了孙中山先生的伟大品格,不朽精神,也可以所,它是孙中山品格与精神的象征,在中山陵肃穆的氛围


( 山东导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-034438 泰山景区英文导游词English tour guide of Mount Tai Scenic Area

泰山景区英文导游词 泰山景点英语导游词 taishan mountain in shandong was included as "world cultural and natural heritage" by unesco in dec 1987. taishan mountain, a typical representative of the chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. in 1982, taishan mountain was up into the list of state key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of world natural and cultural heritage in 1987. it becomes a precious heritage of human being. taishan mountain locates in the east of north china plain and the middle of shandong province erecting from the shandong hills. it is prominent around other hills. the prominent peak, yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. the south of taishan mountain is higher than the north. its south foot of mountain begins from tai'an city and its north foot of mountain stops in jinan city, the distance between which is 60kms. in taishan mountain, the transportation is convenient with the jinghu railway passing by in the


Nanjing Presidential Residence Members tourists: now we will visit the famous tourist site in Nanjing ——the Presidential Palace and understand its history. The Presidential Palace is located at 292 Changjiang Road. Up to now it is over six hundred years old. It was constructed as the Marquis Guide 's Residence and then Prince Han s Residence in early years of the Ming Dynasty. It successively became the Official residences of Liangjiang Viceroys in the Qing Dynasty. The Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong often used here as their temporary Dwelling Palace when they made inspection tours of South China. During the period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Xiuquan erected a large-scale Heavenly King ' s Palace in the compound of the Liangjiang viceroy Residence'. s Official On 1 January 1912, Dr Sun Yat-sen was sworn in as the Provisional President here. It successively became the Official Residence of the Jiangsu Military Governors, the Vice- President ' s Office and so forth in the following fifteen years. In 1927, the Nanjing Nationalist Government was established and here became the offices of it. After the occupation of Nanjing by Japanese troops in December 1937, the offices of the Nationalist Government served in turn as the Headquarters of the 16th Division of Japanese Troop. On 23 April 1949, Nanjing was liberated. The People ' s Liberation Army occupied the Presidential Palace on 24 April. The scenic area of the Presidential Palace covers a space of 80000 square meters. The Presidential Palace It comprises three pieces of scenery: the former Nationalist Government and the Presidential Government in the center; the former Provisional President Sun Yat-sen's Office Building, the Office of the Secretary General, the West Garden and the General Staff Headquarters in the west; the Executive Yuan, the Tao Shu and Lin Zexu Memorial Temple, Stable and the Exhibition of the Material on the Liangjiang Viceroy's Official Residence in the east. The presidential Palace has a heave historical culture, unique historical materials and beautiful natural environment with classical constructions. Now it was opened to the world as the Nanjing Museum of Modern Chinese History. Now, please follow me to visit the Presidential Palace. Opposite to the gate of the palace across the street is the Screen Wall. Built in 1930, the Gate Tower is a two-storeyed building with three arch-gates in an imitation of ancient Rome style. It used to be the guardroom during the period of the Republic of China. The Palace of Heavenly King, surrounded by the two walls, is found right at the entrance of the gate. The area within the outer wall was called “ The City of Sun ”,while that within the main inner wall was called “ The city of the Golden Dragon ”.There were many grand buildings within the two walls. On both sides of the main hall were gardens. The palace is newly restored, including the study, throne and imperial harem. In addition, the history of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is on exhibition here. The complex in the east of the count was the yamen of Governor general of Multi-province. Yamen is the government office in feudal China. The building is the Presidential Palace. The first floor was the office of secretariat. The second

旅游英语 导游词

常用词汇 China's catagory A travel agency 一类社China's category B travel agency 二类社China's category C travel agency 三类社Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表guidebook 旅游指南guild practice 导游实践international tourism 国际导游itinerary 旅行计划,节目local guide 地陪,地方导游local tourist organization 地方旅游组织low season 淡季minimum tour price 最低旅游价格multilingual guide 会多种语言的导游national guide 全陪,全程导游national tourist organization 全国旅游组织off-peak season 淡季off season 淡季on season 旺季peak season 旺季professional (staff)旅游专业人员programme 节目receiving country 旅游接待国regional tourist organization 区域旅游组织season-high 旺季season-low 淡季selling season 旺季shoulder period/season 平季sightseeing 游览slack season 淡季state-list famous historical and culture cities 国家级历史文化名城tour arrangement 旅游安排tour brochure 旅游小册子tour catalog 旅游团目录tour code number 旅游代号编码tour escort/conductor/director 旅游团陪同tour leader 领队,团长tour operation 旅游业务tour route 旅游路线tour talker 自动导游磁带机tourism 旅游业,旅游tourism activities 旅游活动tourism circles 旅游


( 江苏导游词) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-036690 南京老门东景点旅游导游词Tour guide words of laomendong scenic spot in Nanjing

南京老门东景点旅游导游词 南京老门东历史文化街区在国庆前开放了,虽然还在建设之中,但箍桶巷一带已初具规模。与夫子庙相比,这里保留了更多的明清风貌和特色。还有金陵首富蒋百万和中国第一个女状元傅善祥的故居,以及金陵美术馆和城南博物馆,人文氛围相当浓郁。街上的小吃店已陆续开张了,蒋有记锅贴、蓝老大糖粥藕、徐家鸭子、鸡鸣汤包等都是老字号。不仅口味正宗,价格合理,就餐环境也很优雅。我和老伴点了一笼鸡汁汤包和一碗馄炖,总共才花了19块钱。与上次在夫子庙吃一碗鸭血粉丝汤就要花88块钱相比,心里自然要踏实得多。 老门东是指中华门以东的一片街区,自古以来这里一直是闹市区,但后来南京城向北扩展了,特别是民国时期的政府机构和高校又都集中在城北,城南一代就渐渐地冷落下来。住的大多是平民百姓,被统称为老城南人,说的也是一口地地道道的南京方言。南京历来是个文化交融的城市,所以南京人没有什么排外思想,也不歧视外地人。相反是外地来的人反而会歧视老南京人,就连儿女找对象时都要叮嘱一句,千万不要找小市民家的,这个小市民主要就是指城南一带的人。这让城南人很是不爽,但也很无奈,毕竟地位不如人啊。改革开放后这里的改造呼声不绝,但专家又倾向于保护,矛盾一度很大。但这次的改造非常成功,不仅面貌一新,还带来了蓬勃的商机和活力,形成了一种可持续发展的态势,也必将


山东泰山导游词 泰山风景名胜区(Mount tai scenic spot):世界自然与文化遗产,世界地质公园,国家AAAAA级旅游景区,国家级风景名胜区,全国重点文物保护单位,中华国山,非物质文化遗产,全国文明风景旅游区,书法第一山。下面小编为大家介绍山东泰山导游词,希望对大家有帮助! 山东泰山导游词(一) 各位女士、各位先生: 首先,让我代表某某旅行社,对大家来泰山旅游、观光表示热烈欢迎! 希望大家在泰山逗留期间能够玩得开心,吃、住放心,同时希望大家在泰山游览当中能够得到一个较大的收获,留下一个美好的记忆。 泰山,古称岱宗,它位于山东省东部,华北大平原的东侧,面积426平方公里,海拔1545米,方位为东经117度6分,北纬36度16分。泰山雄伟壮丽,历史悠久,文物众多,以“五岳独尊”的盛名称誉古今。巍巍泰山就像一座民族的丰碑屹立于中华大地,举世瞩目。 1982年,泰山被国务院列为第一批国家重点风景名胜区,1987年被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产,1992年荣登全国旅游胜地40佳金榜。泰山至今保护较好的古建筑群有22处,总建筑面积达14万多平方米。在古建筑群之间,还有12处石坊、6座石桥、7座石亭、1座铜亭和1座

铁塔。泰山刻石有2200多处,被誉为“摩崖刻石博物馆”,这里有碑制最早的刻石泰山秦刻石;有珍贵的汉代张迁碑、衡方碑和晋孙夫人碑;有被誉为“大字鼻祖”、“榜书之宗”的北齐经石峪刻石;有天下洋洋大观的唐玄宗>和唐代双束碑等。泰山古树名木繁多,被誉为“活着的世界自然遗产”。泰山百年以上的古树名木3万余株,其中有2100年前的汉柏6株,1300年前生的唐槐,500年前生的望人松、五大夫松,还有一棵被誉为国宝的600年前生的盆景松树“小六朝松”。泰山素以壮美著称,呈现出雄、奇、险、秀、幽、奥、旷等诸多美的形象,泰山景区内有著名山峰12座,崖岭78座,岩洞18处,奇石58块,溪谷12条,潭池瀑布56处,山泉64处,有著名的黑龙潭、扇子崖、天烛峰、桃花峪等10大自然景观;有旭日东升、晚霞夕照、黄河金带、云海玉盘等10大自然奇观。 泰山的日出,是一个想象的世界,神奇的世界,日出景象的美妙是笔墨难以形容的。自古以来,无数诗人对泰山日出的壮丽景观都有过生动的描述。宋代词人梅圣俞的“晨登日观峰,海水黄配熔。浴出车轮光,随天行无踪。”的绝句尤为人爱,凌晨破晓前,站在日观峰,举目东方,晨星渐没,微晕稍露,天地间的一片云海滚动,稍顷,一线晨曦透过云层照亮东方,这时天空由灰变黄,继而呈现橙、紫、红瑰丽的朝霞,波浪似的云层,在阳光的照耀下,组成一幅幅五彩

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