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为了slow down the global warming 的速度, iron fertilization是个办法, 但是有很多问题.

1. 只能吸收很少的carbon dioxide

2. 产生永久的影响,可能有毒

3. 破坏ecological balance of ocean Lecture 反对:

1. 实验还是有用的,没有效是因为实验时间太短了,iron fertilization在第一个月吸收二氧化碳的能力确实


2. 对于部分有毒的区域可以停止施肥,会逐渐decline,

3. 虽然不知是否会造成永久性伤害,但是还是worth to take the risk,毕竟地球到了生死存亡的关头。

The lecture rejects views presented in the reading passage regarding the effectiveness of iron fertilization. Contrary to what the reading says, the lecturer argues that iron fertilization is a promising solution to global warning.

First, the reading criticizes that iron fertilization is an ineffective solution because experiments show that only a small amount of carbon dioxide can be absorbed. Yet the lecturer rejects this criticism, arguing that experiments last too short (only a month) for the effect of iron fertilization to be visible. Increased CO2 absorption would only be significant in the 2nd or 3rd month.

Second, the reading warns us that toxic chemicals released in the process of iron fertilization will harm local fishery as well as humans who eat contaminated fish. However, the lecturer argues that contamination is limited within certain areas only. By practicing iron fertilization in isolated areas away from the fish population would help to reduce such risk.

Finally, regarding the reading’s worry that iron fertilization may cause unpredictable damage to a region’s marine eco-system, the lecturer argues that such risk is worth taking because iron fertilization address a more important issue –global warming, which causes a much higher level of risk to the ocean environment across the entire globe. So iron fertilization is completely justifiable.







2,大象会画画是因为有人训练它教它动作(训象人用摸耳朵的方式)并不是它真的有能力。(只是记住了line 没有创作)





The reading passage presents three interesting myths that people often

have about certain abilities and behaviors of elephants. However, the

lecturer dispels these myths using evidence and facts.

The first myth is that an elephant seems to be able to predict(anticipate)

its deah and that it goes to special elephant graveyards to die, which

is often near the water. However, the fact is that as elephants grow old,

their teeth are gradually worn down, so old elephants usually start

looking around for softer ve getation at the water’s edge. This is where

most elephants eventually die.

The second myth is that elephants have natural talents in drawing. They

can hold a brush with their trunk and draw pictures such as flowers.

However, according to the lecture, this ability is trained. Trainers teach

elephants how to paint and guide their painting by touching elephants’

ears. An elephant is not really painting a picture out of its mind, it

is simply creating fixed patterns of lines. (据网上一些资料显示,训练

手段有时很残忍,例如:When the elephant paints incorrectly they are beaten

as punishment, often a hook is rammed into the elephants ear or they are

hit on their head or trunk,所以以后大家到泰国旅游别买大象画的画啊!)

The third myth is that elephants fear mice. In an experiment, an elephant

backed off when it saw a mouse. Yet the lecturer argues that this is not

fear. It’s an animal’s natural instinct to be cautious when it sees

something unfamiliar. Elephants that live in the zoo are not scared of

mice at all because they are familiar with the presence of mice there.





3,大公司最近几年不提供extra benefits,比如退休金,更低的医疗保险。听力里驳斥


2,自己开公司明显更有风险,稳定感更不强。3,自己开公司extra benefits更没有保证。

An increasing number of people choose to start their own business instead of working for a company. The reading passage explains why self-employment has become so popular, while the lecturer points out several risks associated with this trend.

First, the reading says that big companies often have too many bureaucratic regulations and rules, making it difficult for individual employees to pursue their own ideas. However, the lecturer argues that starting one’s own business involves even more rules during the process of business registration.

Second, the reading states that employment by big companies nowadays is not as stable as it used to be, leading to a decreased sense of security among employees. However, the lecturer refutes this point by saying that starting up a new company involves far more risks and far less stability because it could mean the loss of personal investment or other assets.

Finally, the reading suggests that recently there is a trend for big companies to stop offering extra benefits, such as pension or medical insurance, to their employees. Yet the lecturer points out that these extra benefits are even less likely to be found in a start-up company.


文章说记录医学(electronic medical record)要比paper based好,理由:



3.提供research data。促进医学研究。listening反驳阅读

1.医生即使有电子记录仍然会留一份paper record(作为应急使用)

2 .医生喜欢用paper记录(在examine patient 的时候),然后让别的人把记录输入进电脑,这样更容易出错(由于poor handwriting)。

3 .医学病历不可以随便用,有法律保护的,只有所有者同意才能使用,所以依然麻烦

The reading passage provides a list of advantages that electronic medical record has over paper-based record. However, the lecturer argues that these benefits are hardly true in reality.

First, the lecturer says that adopting electronic medical record will not save costs. This is because even if doctors convert to electronic medical record system, they still have the habit of keeping a physical copy in case any emergent situations occur. Therefore the costs associated with storing and transporting paper medical record will not be reduced.

Second, according to the lecture, electronic medical record will not reduce errors either. This is because when doctors examine a patient, they

first record the patient’ information on pap er, and often another person will transfer the information to the computer system later. As doctors’ handwriting is often very difficult to read / (poorly legible), this may lead to medical errors.

Finally, although electronic medical system may improve portability and accessibility of medical data, to actually use the data in medical research would require complicated legal procedures. Patients’ medical record is protected by law and only after a patient grants permission can researchers obtain and use the data. So it is not likely to facilitate medical research.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a job with a high pay but is easy to lose.

Today, many people eagerly seek a high-paying yet insecure job in order to confront the great financial pressures surrounding us, such as soaring living costs. In contrast, others, who are inclined to lead lives of less abundance, prefer jobs with low pay that are more secure. As far as I am concerned, the sort of job an individual seeks should depend on his or her age.

The young, who need to prepare for their future lives, can afford to take a stab at jobs with high pay that are high-risk. Young people, full of vigor yet without the burdens of family, are well suited to risky jobs. For example, one of my friends works for a big fund company, earning a high salary in a situation where the competition is fairly severe. Although he works long hours, the rewards he obtains from this job satisfy his demand for a house in the city as well as his need to prepare for a wedding and to support his future family. More importantly, he feels a sense of achievement by succeeding in the face of fierce competition. In this way, the job meets his needs both materially and psychologically.

Although a high-salary job might fulfill a person’s desire for a decent lifestyle, such a job is not suitable for middle-aged people who cannot expend the energy involved in the work and who cannot risk losing their jobs. For example, unemployed people in their 40s and 50s cannot easily find a new job to make a living, as these people, unlike the young, cannot readily gain new skills in a short time, which leads to companies’

reluctance to hire them. When people in this age group who earn high salaries lose their jobs, most of them run into a dilemma, as they are incapable of affording the high cost of raising children. Thus, middle-aged people are not advised to have low-security jobs.

In summary, an apparently insecure job with high pay does not meet everyone’s needs, and neither does a low-pay, secure job. Only when we become aware of our requirements can we make a wise decision.


I disagree with this. I think society is moving in a direction where people will be busier and working more than ever in the future. People will have more options to turn their passions into businesses, jobs and careers will be more appreciated, and people will feel more compelled to help others in their spare time.

Work and leisure used to be quite separated. Imagine someone in the 1950s, for example. They would come home from the office, put their slippers on, and watch some television in the evening. Maybe on the weekends they would do some woodworking in the backyard, building bird houses and end tables for fun. But in today’s world (and looking ahead to the future), it is so much easier to make businesses out of our hobbies. If you’re good at building bird houses, why not sell them online and get some recognition and money for your talent? If you think you have a good knowledge of wine, why not start a blog where you review the local vineyards? People still have fun, but the internet helps their spare time and hobbies be a little more productive.

In these shaky economic times, where jobs can sometimes be hard to find, I think that people are going to appreciate any work that they can get. Quitting your job to spend more time at home might not be a realistic or appealing option. There won’t be any guarantees that you will easily get a job again when you need to. So I think most people will keep their heads down and just gratefully accept any work that they can get.

Finally, the world is generally more compassionate than it has been in the past. There are so many charities and non-profit organizations out there that are very easy to find and volunteer for. It has become almost expected to devote some of your spare time to helping others. This doesn’t have to be a daily or even a weekly event. But it is a part of many people’s lives and I think it will continue to be. And it is a form of work, rather than leisure. There just isn’t any payment involved.

That is why I think people will have less leisure time in twenty years.

Based on current trends, hobbies will become mixed with business, regular jobs will not be discarded willingly, and increased volunteer time will mean increased work for the average person.


I disagree with this. Although the main goal of advertisements is still to get you to buy their product, I actually think advertisements are more honest than they used to be. They are less sentimental and more blunt, they are more creative, and advertisements for important items like medicine are legally required to tell viewers the facts.

Advertisements used to be quite sentimental and corny. They would show a perfect, smiling family gathered around the breakfast table and acting as if bacon was the most wonderful thing in the world. Or an advertisement would show a beautiful housewife desperate to please her handsome husband by getting his shirts clean. They were just so obviously fake and exaggerated. But these days, advertisements are more blunt and to-the-point. They’ll tell you to buy a certain brand of bacon because it’s crispy and delicious. They’ll tell you to buy a partic ular laundry soap because your clothes will look nice. They aren’t promising perfection in your life, just for the products to be pleasant to use. That sounds honest enough.

The advertisements of today are also more creative. They show not just one scenario for using a product, but several. A woman could wear her new high heels at work, at a party, out on the town, in class, on vacation, and so on. Once again, none of these claims are outrageous. The ads aren’t saying that women will be overcome with intense joy by their shoes. They’re just mentioning realistic situations that many different women can connect with.

The products that one most wants to have honest advertisements are medicines. And I’d say that they do! In the distant past, there used to be advertisements for tonics and syrups that supposedly could cure tons of different ailments. But they didn’t go into scientific detail in the ads and usually the medicines didn’t actually work. However, in this day and age, medicine advertisements legally have to tell you of both the benefits and the risks of their products. Unfortunately, sometimes the list of risks goes on for a large portion of the commercial! But at least viewers know that they are getting the truth, even if it’s not all good news.

That’s w hy I think advertisements are more honest today than they were in the past. They are more down-to-earth, they are creative with their

scenarios, and medicine ads legally have to tell you the facts about their product.


The government should support artists who contribute their skills and talents to improve their community. In my view, art is a necessity for a better quality of life. So, if the government supports artists whose works promote a better quality of life, then our environments will be more beautiful, people will be happier, and we don’t have to worry about “starving artists”.

First of all, let’s take a look at our environments. If we look outside, we can see so much beauty that accompanies nature. Skilled artists have built sculptures, painted pictures, and drawings that signify the advancements of civilization, and tell a rich story of a culture’s history. These artifacts will become an invaluable part of the history that will be passed down to generations later. Thus, the beauty that is bui lt today will be honored tomorrow. It’s not just the beauty; it’s how we feel when we look at beauty. The good thing about art is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Second, people seem to be generally happier when they are able to visualize the things in their environment. Having something pretty to look at generally aids in improving the overall happiness level. For example, if someone is depressed, being able to see a lovely painting or drawing will instantly give them a better feeling, and sometimes a sense of hope. The government should be able to support artists who work to make their environment more comfortable and creative.

Third, an even more important reason for the government to support artists is because we have too many “starving artists” who are extremely talented, but who can’t find regular day jobs like other professions. Therefore, their income is often very sporadic, and unpredictable, so it’s really difficult to budget and make a decent living. The word “starving artists” evokes images of artists who are “dying.” However, what’s really happening is that “art itself” is slowly dying. Therefore, governments can save art and the artists with support that stimulates the environment and the economy.

Finally, imagine a world without art. That would be a world with no beauty, and no happiness. That would be a world starving for art. Therefore, to keep our environments beautiful, whether inside or outside, on the floor, wall, or ceiling, it’s imperative that government provide some much needed support for artists who often labor long for little pay. To enable

artists to share their gifts and talents and to contribute to the betterment of the community, government support of artists should ensure that we never have to live in a dull, colorless, and shapeless world.


《基础写作》第七章结构 一、问答题: 1、文章结构的原则是什么?文章结构的原则有四点:(1)、文章的篇章结构要能正确反映客观事物的发展规律 和内在联系;(2)、文章的篇章结构必须服从表现主题的需要;(3)、文章的篇章结构要体现不同文体的特点; (4)、文章的篇章结构要求自身做到严谨、自然、完整、统一。 2、谈谈思路与结构的关系。思路是思想运行的路线。思路是结构的内在依据。思路的起始、结尾以及曲伸流转 便是文章的结构形式。思路清晰,结构才清晰条理。因为想得清楚,才写得清楚。而结构是思路的物化形式,是思路在文章形式上的具体体现。结构可以检验并促进思路的清晰条理。因此,安排文章的结构,深思熟虑,理清思路是至关重要的。 3、谈谈层次与段落的区别。①划分的依据不同:层次划分的依据是内容;段落的划分依据是表达。 ②两者在结构中的位置不同:层次是仅次于篇的结构单位;段落是文章最基本的结构单位。 ③两者的大小不同:一般层次大于段落。在一些短小文章中,比如语文课本上选的文章,层次等于段落,这时的层次相当于一个“意义段”。 ④两者的外部征象不同:段落有“换行”另起,开头空两字的明显标志;而层次没有。层次的划分必须经过阅读,根据内容的次序来划分。 4、安排文章的层次应注意什么? 其一,应根据不同文体的实际情况来安排。常见的安排层次的方法如下:①记叙文,主要按事物发展变化的先后顺序来安排。A 按照时间顺序安排;B 按照空间顺序安排;C 按照时空交错的方式安排;D 按照认识发展或者感情发展的顺序来安排。②议论文,大多按照问题的性质和事物的几个不同侧面来安排。A 总分式;B 平列式;C 递进式。③说明文主要按照被说明的事物的实际情况结构文章。 其二,层次安排的次序,必须遵循一定的逻辑关系,不得随意措置或颠倒,以免整体松动、脱节。比如魏巍《谁是最可爱的人》中以性质不同的三个材料安排的三个层次就是按照战士的职责与义务安排的,不能随便调换。 其三,文章层次的安排应有主有次,不可平均用力。主要之处要详写,使材料丰厚,内容充实;次要之处要略写。如此,文章内容疏密有致,文势节奏分明,波澜起伏,生动活泼,有助于突出文章的主题。 5、划分段落的要求有哪些?划分段落的要求有三条: A 要注意段落的“单一性”、“完整性”。这一条主要针对段落的“意义段”而言。意思是说,一段只能有一个中心意思,不可把一些互不相干的意思放在一个段落里,即段落内容要单一;另外一层意思是,一个意思要在一个段落里集中讲完,不要这一段说一点,那一段说一点,把一个完整的意思搞得支离破碎,即段落内容的“完整性”。这一条是划分段落最基本的要求。 B 划分段落要长短适度。段落的长短措置主要根据该段在文章整体布局中的地位与作用,该段所阐述的内容



英语词根词缀记忆大全 第一部分通过词缀认识单词 (常用前缀一) 1、a- ①加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" acentric 无中心的(a+centric中心的) asocial 不好社交的(a+social好社交的) amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的;注意:immoral不道德的) apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political政治的) anemia 反常的(a+nomal正常的+ous) ②加在单词前,表示"在…,…的" asleep 睡着的(a+sleep睡觉) aside 在边上(a+side旁边) ahead 在前地(a+head头) alive 活的(a+live活) awash .泛滥的(a+wash冲洗) 2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示"相反,变坏,离去"等 abnormal 反常的(ab+normal正常的) abuse 滥用(ab+use用→用坏→滥用) absorb 吸收(ab+sorb吸收→吸收掉) absent 缺席的(ab+sent出现→没有出现→缺席的) abduct 诱拐(ab+duct引导→引走→诱拐) abject 可怜的(ab+ject抛→抛掉→可怜的) abstract 抽象的;心不在焉的(abs+tract拉→被拉开→心不在焉) abstain 戒绝(abs+tain拿住→不再拿住→戒绝) abscond 潜逃(abs+cond藏→藏起来→潜逃) abscind 废除(abs+cind剪切→切掉→废除) abscise 切除(abs+cise剪→剪掉→切除) abstinence 节制;禁欲(abs+tin拿住+ense→不在拿住→戒除,禁欲) 3、ab-,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意 accelerate陪伴(ac+company伙伴→陪伴) accentuate加速(ac+celer速度→一再增加速度) accomplish强制(ac+cent唱歌→一再唱出→强调) accumulate积累(ac+cumul堆积+ate→堆积起来→积累) accustom使习惯(ac+custom习俗→习惯习俗) addict上瘾,入迷(ad+dict说→一再说起→对……入迷) additive上瘾的(addict的形容词) adduce引证,举例(ad+duce引导→一再引导→举例说明) affable亲切的(af+fable说话→不断可以说话→亲切) afford买得起(af+ford拿出→一再拿出{钱}→买得起)


摘要写作参考答案(Key to Summary writing) Unit 1 Lesson 1 A Private Conversation The writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'.(53 words) Lesson 2 Breakfast or Lunch The writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock.(45 words) Lesson 3 Please Send Me a Card Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards.(47 words) Lesson 4 An Exciting Trip The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much.(48 words) Lesson 5 No Wrong Numbers Mr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.(48 words) Lesson 6 Percy Buttons The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month.(50 words) Lesson 7 Too Late Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand.(39 words) Lesson 8 The Best and Worst Joe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.(37 words) Lesson 9 A Cold Welcome We went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The


应用写作练习题及其答案 第一章 一、选择题(每个选择题有四个待选答案,其中至少有一个是正确的) 1.下列词语表示“征询”的有: A 。 A.是否可行、妥否、当否、是否同意B.蒙、承蒙、妥否、当否、是否同意C.敬希、烦请、恳请、希望、要求D.可行、不可行、希望、妥否2.下列词语表示“期请”的有: C 。 A.是否可行、妥否、当否、是否同意B.蒙、承蒙、妥否、当否、是否同意C.敬希、烦请、恳请、希望、要求D.可行、不可行、希望、妥否 二、运用应用文专用词语填空 1.××局××公司: 你公司《关于××的请示》(×字〔2008〕7号收悉,经研究批复如下:…… 2.按照部领导指示精神,我局会同××司××办公室抽调×名同志组成了“××事件调查组”…… 3.《××××办法》经厂务委员会讨论通过,现发给你们,望结合本单位具体情况遵照执行。 4.……以上意见,如无不妥,请批转各高等院校。 5.承蒙贵局大力协助,我校×××研究所各项筹建工作已基本告一段落。 6.×××来函收悉,关于××一事,我局完全同意贵局意见,……特此函复。 7.请予大力协作为盼。 8.以上所请是否可行,请批复为盼。 9.该生是我校××系××专业××级学员,…… 10.对该厂此类错误做法,上级有关部门曾多次行文,责成其有关领导迅即查清问题,限期纠正错误。 11.欣悉贵总公司成立,谨表祝贺。 12.随函附送《××××情况统计资料》一份,请查收。 13.根据国务院领导同志的指示精神,我们会同有关部门,对农村电网改造工作进行了研究。 14.为进一步提高我省企业管理干部的管理素质,决定对在岗企业管理干部有计划地进行培训。经征得四川省行政管理学院同意,现委托该院举办企业管理专业班…… 15.以上请示,盼予批准,并列入二〇〇八年招生计划。 16.为防止统计报表漏报问题,经教育厅批准,现将有关问题通知如下。 17.根据市人民政府办公厅文件精神,现将国务院办公厅《关于公文处理等几个具体问题的通知》转发给你们。 三、简要回答下列问题 1.如何认识“应用写作”这门课程的重要性和必要性 略。


模拟试卷(1) 一、单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共45分。在备选答案中只有一个是正确的,将其选出并把它的标号写在题后的横线内) 1.01 公文中兼用的表达方式是______。 A.议论、描写,说明 B.说明、议论、抒情 C.叙述、议论,说明 D.说明、描写、叙述 1.02 抄送机关指______。 A.收文机关 B.办理或答复收文的机关 C.需要了解收文内容的机关 D.必须送达的机关 1.03 成文日期通常是指______。 A.草拟公文文稿的日期 B.公文印制完毕的日期 C.领导人在公文正本上签署的日期 D.领导人签发文稿的日期 1.04 文件处理的中心环节是____工作。 A.批办 B.批办 C.承办 D.注办 1.05 对来文的办理情况进行催促的公文处理程序称为______。 A.批办 B.催办 C.查办 D.注办 1.06 下面公文中,属于下行文的是______。 A.请示 B.函 C.决定 D.报告 1.07 正确的发文处理程序是______。 A.拟稿、核稿、缮印、签发、校对 B.拟稿、签发、核稿、缮印、校对 C.核稿、签发、拟稿、缮印、校对 D.拟稿、核稿、签发、缮印、校对 1.08 附件具有____。 A.与正件相同的法定效用 B.法定效用的看法是错误的 C.法定效用仅是某些特定的材料 D.对正件的补充说明作用,因而不具有法定效用 1.09 能够以“公告”形式发布的是______。 A.政府职能部门依法发布的规定 B.地方政府规章 C.各类规章制度 D.全国性法律 1.10 公文正文中的导语用来______。 A.引述领导人的讲话 B.表明制发公文的依据、目的或原因 C.表明公文撰写的时间和地点 D.作公文开头的谦语 1.11 不需标注密级的公文有______。 A.绝密件 B.秘密件 C.机密件 D.内部文书 1.12 下列公文用语没有语病的是________。 A.依法加强对集贸市场的监督管理,不断提高集贸市场的管理水平 B.依法进一步加强对集贸市场的商品质量的检验,打击不法商贩的假冒伪劣的欺诈行为 C.引导加强个体经济的健康发展,加强对个体经济的管理和监督 D.为了提高工商行政人员的管理队伍的素质,把廉政建设放在首位 1.13《春江饭店职工守则》的作者是______。 A.春江饭店 B.春江饭店人事部 C.签发人王总经理 D.春江饭店全体职工 1.15 撰写复函时,正文的开头应首先______。 A.写明来函日期及标题 B.阐述有关规定 C.写明具体的回复意见 D.引用重要领导人的有关批示意见 1.17 公文用纸采用____型。


https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba3240979.html,/601461539?id=601461539 天猫旗舰 https://www.doczj.com/doc/ba3240979.html, 2013 托福备考QQ 讨论群 65125995 【TPO 小站托福作文批改】 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. It is universally acknowledged that every parent want to set up a good atmosphere for their child to grow up. When comes to choose live in countryside or big city. I believe that different people with different value system and considering angle college student who passed the childhood disagree with the claim. And I suggest as their children grow place and grow in big city is better than To begin with, the education quality in countryside can not compare with that in big city. We all know that in big city, the education is much better than that of countryside, which has more famous teacher and more teaching resources. While in like in my primary school, the whole like finance crisis and lack of professional teachers. That kind of phenomenon is serious in some poor place of developing grow up in big city could be more easier for child to enter some famous university. And also, grow up in big city such as piano, guitar and so on.



1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。 The most important book for me is my undergraduate major textbook which is called marketing. Because as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so it broadens my knowledge scope, such as the aspects of advertising and trade. On the other hand, well, a plenty of cases are included in this book, in addition, many definitions can explained very acceptable so it definitely helps me to get a deeply understanding of my major. 2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。 As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work. What’s more, its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk. 3. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life. Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose marketing as my major in university, as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn it well, I have to learn various subjects such as international trade and brand management. What’s more, i’m little timidity in front of challenges such as doing the presentation and negotiation, I guess most of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketing is a major can definitely anneal myself. During the studies in university, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade. 4. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? I bet no one could deny that the main responsibility of a high school is to help its students develop various abilities not only the academic abilities. In other words, music and art should be viewed as basic science. Firstly, It is very important to get fully educated for students. Music and art can help the students appreciate beauty in our lives, and that will broaden knowledge scope of students. Also Music and art do good to students’ mentality. A sound mentality is essential to the student’s future.


新概念二 Lesson1―96 摘要写作答案全 Lesson 1 The writer went to the theatre last week.He did't enjoy the play.A young man and a young woman were sitting behind him.They were talking loudly.The writer couldn't hear the actors.He turned round.He said he couldn't hear a word.The young man said,'This is a private conversation!'. (53 words) Lesson 2 The writer always gets up late on Sundays.He got up late last Sunday.His aunt telephoned then.She had just arrived by train.She was coming to see him.He said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was surprised.It was one o'clock. (45 words) Lesson 3 Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays.He spent his holiday in Italy last summer.He tought about postcards every day.He didn't send any cards to his friends.He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.He staied at home all day.He didn't write any cards. (47 words) Lesson 4 The writer has just received a letter from his brother,Tim.Tim is an engineer.He has been in Australia for six months.He has already visited many places.He is in Alice Springs now.Tim has never been abroad before.He is enjoying his trip very much. (48 words) Lesson 5 Mr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst.His first garage is in Silbury.Silbure is five miles away from Pinhurst.Mr.Scott can't get a telephone for his new garage.He has just bought twelve pigeons.They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes. (48 words) Lesson 6 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge Street.A beggar knocked at her door yesterday.He sang songs.The writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for this.The beggar's name is Percy Buttons.He calls at every house once a month. (50 words) Lesson 7 Detectives were waiting at the airport all morning.They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.Two men took the parcel of the plane.Two detectives opened it.The parcel was full of stones and sand. (39 words) Lesson 8 Joe Sanders has the best garden in town.He wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each year.Bill has a fine garden.Joe's is better.The writer's garden is terrible.He always win a little prize for the competition.


《应用写作》考试题及参考答案1 《应用写作》考试题及参考答案 一、判断正误:在正确的后面画“∨”,错误的后面画“X”。(每小题2分,共20分) 1、按行文方向划分,公文可以分为上行文、下行文、平行文三类。() 2、公文标题一般包括发文机关、事由、文种三部分。() 3、公文的开头一般被称为引据部分,常用介词“依据”、“遵照”等,如“遵照上级指示……”() 4、公文为了庄重起见,结尾语常用一些富有文言色彩的惯用语,如“当否,请批示”、“特此函复”。() 5、公文的发文时间要用汉字书写完整的公元年月日。() 6、公文写作要注意数词的用法。表示数量增加,在数字前面有时加“了”,有时 加“到”。数字前面加“了”指增加后的总算;数字前面加“到”,指净增数。如“增加了50%”和“增加到50%”,前者指增加后的总数,后者指净增数。() 7、倍数只能用于增加,不能用于减少。例如,不能把由一百减少到五十说成“减少了一倍”。() 8、为了提高办事效率,可以把需要请示的几件事情一并写在一份请示中。() 9、为使请示的事情尽快得到解决,应该把请示分别送给几个有关部门,以便各部门齐抓共管。() 10、在工作中遇到困难,如果本单位解决不了,可以请求上级帮助解决。若担心 上级主管部门解决问题的力度不够,可以越级请示。() 二、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1、按公文的行文方向来划分,“请示”、“报告”属于()A、上行文B、下行文C、平行文D、上下行都可以 2、下列是公文中常用的结语,其中属于“请示”的结语是()

A、特此报告B、特此通知C、望认真贯彻执行 D、妥否,请批示 3、“安排”是计划中的一种,它是指() A、时间较短、范围较小、内容单一、比较具体的计划B、时间较长、范围较广、内容比较概括的长远计划C、粗线条、纲要式的计划D、初步的、预备性的或非正式的计划 4、公文的正文中必须使用阿拉伯数码的是( ) A、农历日月的写法 B、表示星期几的时候 C、名词中的数词 D、表示数量、长度、高度、重量等各种计量的数字(并非整千整百和个位数) 5、公文中使用楷体字印刷的是() A、标题B、主题词C、发文字号D、签发人的姓名6、公文的标题应该使用() A、黑体字B、宋体字C、仿宋体字D、楷体字 7、“为搞好安全生产......特制订……计划”是一则计划的开头。这种开头属于() A、根据式B、目的式C、情况式D、由总结前段情况引入式 8、“希望各地认真贯彻会议精神,结合本地情况,抓好XX工作”是应用文的结尾,它属于() A、总结式B、强调式C、鼓动式D、希望要求式9、总结的内容不包括() A、做了什么B、怎么做的C、今后的具体目标D、取得的成绩或不足以及经验或教训 10、在公文中不能作为附件处理的材料是() A、以通知方式发布的行政规章B、转述式通报涉及的材料 C、某些具体数字、图表等D、转发或批转有关文件的通知中涉及的具体文件 三、多项选择(每小题3分,共30分) 1、请示的标题() A、可以省略发文单位B、不能出现“请求”、“申请”字样


实用写作 实用型文章的基本特征是什么? 人们通常把实用型文章的写作称为应用写作,而实用型文章是同欣赏型文章相对而言的,是指为解决实际问题而撰写的各类文章,是在社会生活中有着特定的用途的文章。实用型文章一般被通称为应用文。 从总体上说,实用型文章在内容和形式方面体现出两大特征:一是从内容方面来看,实用型文章是为解决某个具体问题或处理某项具体工作而撰写的应用文,其内容同现实生活密切相关,是现实生活内容的反映;二是从形式方面来看,实用型文章大都有着固定的体式,带有一定的程式化特点。 具体地说,主旨、材料、结构、语言是一切文章的构成要素,实用型文章的特征就分别体现在这四个方面。 (一)主指单一、集中、明确 主指是文章的中心意思,是作者的意图、主张或看法在文章中的体现。单一、集中、明确是应用文主旨的特点,同时,也可以说是对应用文主旨的要求。 所谓单一,是说一篇文章只能有一个中心,只能围绕着一个主题把问题说清说透。所谓集中,是说一篇应用文只能有一个中心,而这个中心应是全文的统帅。 所谓明确,是说文章的中心意思,作者的意图和主张是什么,要使读者一看便知。(二)材料多样、真实、有力 材料是构成文章内容,形成、支撑并表达主旨的各种事实与理论。善于从材料出发,注意让材料说话,才能言之有据,言之有物,写出内容充实、丰富,有较强的说服力的文章。 从材料本身的形态来看,事实与理论是材料的两大类型。如果再作进一步划分,事实则有事件与情况、实物与现象等许多种,理论则有方针、政策、规定及概念、原理、学说等等。从材料的来源来看,有第一手材料和第二手材料之分。不同类型的材料往往要通过不同的途径获取,观察、实验和调查是在实践中获取事实材料的主要途径,是得到宝贵的第一手资料的重要渠道;查阅文献则能够集中获取理论材料,第二手材料主要由此或通过调查得到。 真实是实用型文章的生命,而材料的真实又是使文章具有真实性的首要条件。有力是实用型文章的材料所应具备的另一个特点。有力首先是说材料要能为主旨所统率,而不是游离于主旨之外,或同主旨相悖;其次要求所用材料为主旨的表达所必需,而不是可有可无。 (三)结构合理、谨严、固定 简单地说,结构是文章的内容构造;安排结构,就是根据主旨表达的需要,合理地组织材料。 从根本上说,结构合理就是指结构的安排符合客观事物的构成和发展规律。 就其本质而言,实用型文章应该是一种逻辑构成,而逻辑构成则要讲求谨严性,而不能流于松散无序。 固定是实用型文章结构的一个重要的特点。在长期的写作实践中,各类实用型文章大都形成了统一的构成格式。 程式化是文艺创造所应力避的一种倾向,但却是应用写作所不能背离的规律。结构固定,格式规范,是各类实用型文章非常重要的一个特征。 (四)语言准确、简明、平易、庄重 语言是思想的外衣、信息的载体、交际的工具,离开语言,写作就无法进行。实用型文章的语言准确除了是指用词造句恰当、贴切、得体之外,还有其特殊的


Independent Writing I.A or B 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude towards something OR:XXX has now caused wide public concern OR:When it comes to...people often consider... The thing is,which XXX,A or B,(is a more efficient mean of learning/what do we mean by)? People may give various answers to this question. OR:Ask people…and they may give a diverse of answers based on their individual value systems Some believe that…while others/some claim… On balance,my favor goes to A. 正文 To begin with,I concede that B serves as an independent factor in(a successful education)/is of great value/B is superior to A since After all, However compelling these cases may sound,B is not without its problems. OR:However compelling these cases may sound,they cannot overshadow the significant role that A plays in XX. For example, In this sense, Therefore,too much emphasis on B is actually dangerous/harmful and may go contrary to our primary purpose of On the other hand,A can address/respond to some people’s needs that B cannot For one thing, For another, 结尾 In the final analysis,it is true that both A and B are part and parcel of X.However,considering the potential problems resulted from B and the great benefits of A,I believe it is sensible to(choose A) II.Agree or Disagree 开头 An increasing number of people begin to realize/complain/question that... OR:The majority of people tend to have a favorable/an unfavorable attitude with something 托福专业1对1在线培训机构【TPO小站】【保100分】


新概念 2 摘要写作答案(lesson 1~lesson 12) 2010-08-06 17:08 Lesson 1 The writer went to the theatre last did't enjoy the young man and a young woman were sitting behind were talking writer couldn't hear the turned said he couldn't hear a young man said,'This is a private conversation!'. (53 words) Lesson 2 The writer always gets up late on got up late last aunt telephoned had just arrived by was coming to see said,'I am still having breakfast'.His aunt was was one o'clock. (45 words) Lesson 3 Postcards always spoil the writer's spent his holiday in Italy last tought about postcards every didn't send any cards to his bought thirty-seven cards on the last staied at home all didn't write any cards. (47 words) Lesson 4 The writer has just received a letter from his brother, is an has been in Australia for six has already visited many is in Alice Springs has never been abroad is enjoying his trip very much. (48 words) Lesson 5 has opened his second garage in first garage is in is five miles away from can't get a telephone for his new has just bought twelve carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes. (48 words) Lesson 6 The writer has just moved to a house in Bridge beggar knocked at her door sang writer gave him a meal and a glass of beer in return for beggar's name is Percy calls at every house once a month. (50 words) Lesson 7 Detectives were waiting at the airport all were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South men took the parcel of the detectives opened parcel was full of stones and sand. (39 words) Lesson 8 Joe Sanders has the best garden in wins 'The Nicest Garden Competition'each has a fine 's is writer's garden is always win a little prize for the competition. (37 words) Lesson 9 We went to the Town Hall on New Year's were a lot of people Town Hall clock will strike twelve in twenty five to twelve,it refused to welcome the New crowd began to

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