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F4________________ 2015

Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet In order to evaluate the performance of a coach, we describe metrics in five aspects: historical record, game gold content, playoff performance, honors and contribution to the sports. Moreover, each aspect is subdivided into several secondary metrics. Take playoff performance as example, we collect postseason result (Sweet Sixteen, Final Four, etc.) per year from NCAA official website, Wikimedia and so on.

First, ****grade.

To eval*** , in turn, are John Wooden, Mike Krzyzewski, Adolph Rupp, Dean Smith and Bob Knight.

Time line horizon does make a difference. According to turning points in NCAA history, we divide the previous century into six periods with different time weights which lead to the change of ranking.

We conduct sensitivity analysis on FSE to find best membership function and calculation rule. Sensitivity analysis on aggregation weight is also performed. It proves AM performs better than single model. As a creative use, top 3 presidents (U.S.) are picked out: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

At last, the strength and weakness of our mode are discussed, non-technical explanation is presented and the future work is pointed as well.

Key words: Ebola virus disease; Epidemiology; West Africa; ******


I. Introduction (2)

1.1 (2)

1.2 (2)

1.3 (2)

1.4 (2)

1.5 (2)

1.6 (2)

II. The Description of the Problem (2)

2.1 How do we approximate the whole course of paying toll? (2)

2.2 How do we define the optimal configuration? (3)

2.3 The local optimization and the overall optimization (3)

2.4 The differences in weights and sizes of vehicles (3)

2.5 What if there is no data available? (3)

III. Models (3)

3.1 Basic Model (3)

3.1.1 Terms, Definitions and Symbols (3)

3.1.2 Assumptions (3)

3.1.3 The Foundation of Model (4)

3.1.4 Solution and Result (4)

3.1.5 Analysis of the Result (4)

3.1.6 Strength and Weakness (4)

3.2 Improved Model (4)

3.2.1 Extra Symbols (5)

3.2.2 Additional Assumptions (5)

3.2.3 The Foundation of Model (5)

3.2.4 Solution and Result (5)

3.2.5 Analysis of the Result (6)

3.2.6 Strength and Weakness (6)

IV. Conclusions (6)

4.1 Conclusions of the problem (6)

4.2 Methods used in our models (6)

4.3 Applications of our models (6)

V. Future Work (6)

5.1 Another model (6)

5.1.1 The limitations of queuing theory (6)

5.1.2 (6)

5.1.3 (7)

5.1.4 (7)

5.2 Another layout of toll plaza (7)

5.3 The newly- adopted charging methods (7)

VI. References (8)

VII. Appendix (8)

I. Introduction

In order to indicate the origin of the toll way problems, the following background is worth mentioning.







II. The Description of the Problem

2.1 How d o we approximate the whole course of paying toll?

2.2 How d o we define the optimal configuration?

1) From the perspective of motorist:

2) From the perspective of the toll plaza:

3) Compromise:

2.3 The l ocal optimization and the overall optimization


2.4 The differences in weights and sizes of vehicl es

2.5 What if there is no data availabl e?

III. Models

3.1 Basic Model

3.1.1 Terms, Definitions and Symbols

The signs and definitions are mostly generated from queuing theory.

3.1.2 Assumptions

3.1.3 The Foundation of Model

1) The utility function

●The cost of toll plaza:

●The loss of motorist:

●The weight of each aspect:


2) The integer programming

According to queuing theory, we can calculate the statistical properties as follows.

3)The overall optimization and the local optimization

●The overall optimization:

●The local optimization:

●The optimal number of tollbooths:

3.1.4 Solution and Result

1) The solution of the integer programming:

2) Results:

3.1.5 Analysis of the Result

●Local optimization and overall optimization:

●Sensitivity: The result is quite sensitive to the change of the three parameters



3.1.6 Strength and Weakness

●Strength: In despite of this, the model has proved that . Moreover, we have drawn

some useful conclusions about . T he model is fit for, such as

●Weakness: This model just applies to . As we have stated, .That’s just what

we should do in the improved model.

3.2 Improved Model

3.2.1 Extra Symbols

Signs and definitions indicated above are still valid. Here are some extra signs and definitions.

3.2.2 Additional Assumptions

●Assumptions concerning the anterior process are the same as the Basic Model.

3.2.3 The Foundation of Model

1) How do we determine the optimal number?

As we have concluded from the Basic Model,

3.2.4 Solution and Result

1) Simulation algorithm

Based on the analysis above, we design our simulation arithmetic as follows.










2) Flow chart

The figure below is the flow chart of the simulation.

3) Solution

3.2.5 Analysis of the Result

3.2.6 Strength and Weakness

●Strength: The Improved Model aims to make up for the neglect of . The result

seems to declare that this model is more reasonable than the Basic Model and much more effective than the existing design.

●Weakness: . Thus the model is still an approximate on a large scale. This has

doomed to limit the applications of it.

IV. Conclusions

4.1 Conclusions of the probl em

4.2 Methods used in our mod els

4.3 Applications of our mod els

V. Future Work

5.1 Another model

5.1.1 The limitations of queuing theory








5.2 Another layout of toll plaza

5.3 The newly- ad opted charging methods

VI. References





VII. Appendix


摘要: 第一段:写论文解决什么问题 1.问题的重述 a. 介绍重点词开头: 例1:“Hand move” irrigation, a cheap but labor-intensive system used on small farms, consists of a movable pipe with sprinkler on top that can be attached to a stationary main. 例2:……is a real-life common phenomenon with many complexities. 例3:An (effective plan) is crucial to……… b. 直接指出问题: 例 1:We find the optimal number of tollbooths in a highway toll-plaza for a given number of highway lanes: the number of tollbooths that minimizes average delay experienced by cars. 例2:A brand-new university needs to balance the cost of information technology security measures with the potential cost of attacks on its systems. 例3:We determine the number of sprinklers to use by analyzing the energy and motion of water in the pipe and examining the engineering parameters of sprinklers available in the market. 例4: After mathematically analyzing the …… problem, our modeling group would like to pres ent our conclusions, strategies, (and recommendations )to the ……. 例5:Our goal is... that (minimizes the time )………. 2.解决这个问题的伟大意义 反面说明。如果没有…… Without implementing defensive measure, the university is exposed to an expected loss of $8.9 million per year. 3.总的解决概述 a.通过什么方法解决什么问题 例:We address the problem of optimizing amusement park enjoyment through distributing Quick Passes (QP), reservation slips that ideally allow an individual to spend less time waiting in line. b.实际问题转化为数学模型

数学建模美赛2012MCM B论文

Camping along the Big Long River Summary In this paper, the problem that allows more parties entering recreation system is investigated. In order to let park managers have better arrangements on camping for parties, the problem is divided into four sections to consider. The first section is the description of the process for single-party's rafting. That is, formulating a Status Transfer Equation of a party based on the state of the arriving time at any campsite. Furthermore, we analyze the encounter situations between two parties. Next we build up a simulation model according to the analysis above. Setting that there are recreation sites though the river, count the encounter times when a new party enters this recreation system, and judge whether there exists campsites available for them to station. If the times of encounter between parties are small and the campsite is available, the managers give them a good schedule and permit their rafting, or else, putting off the small interval time t until the party satisfies the conditions. Then solve the problem by the method of computer simulation. We imitate the whole process of rafting for every party, and obtain different numbers of parties, every party's schedule arrangement, travelling time, numbers of every campsite's usage, ratio of these two kinds of rafting boats, and time intervals between two parties' starting time under various numbers of campsites after several times of simulation. Hence, explore the changing law between the numbers of parties (X) and the numbers of campsites (Y) that X ascends rapidly in the first period followed by Y's increasing and the curve tends to be steady and finally looks like a S curve. In the end of our paper, we make sensitive analysis by changing parameters of simulation and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of our model, and write a memo to river managers on the arrangements of rafting. Key words: Camping;Computer Simulation; Status Transfer Equation


A题设计一个交通环岛 在许多城市和社区都建立有交通环岛,既有多条行车道的大型环岛(例如巴黎的凯旋门和曼谷的胜利纪念碑路口),又有一至两条行车道的小型环岛。有些环岛在进入口设有“停车”标志或者让行标志,其目的是给已驶入环岛的车辆提供行车优先权;而在一些环岛的进入口的逆向一侧设立的让行标志是为了向即将驶入环岛的车辆提供行车优先权;还有一些环岛会在入口处设立交通灯(红灯会禁止车辆右转);也可能会有其他的设计方案。 这一设计的目的在于利用一个模型来决定如何最优地控制环岛内部,周围以及外部的交通流。该设计的目的在于可利用模型做出最佳的方案选择以及分析影响选择的众多因素。解决方案中需要包括一个不超过两页纸,双倍行距打印的技术摘要,它可以指导交通工程师利用你们模型对任何特殊的环岛进行适当的流量控制。该模型可以总结出在何种情况之下运用哪一种交通控制法为最优。当考虑使用红绿灯的时候,给出一个绿灯的时长的控制方法(根据每日具体时间以及其他因素进行协调)。找一些特殊案例,展示你的模型的实用性。 标题:一个环来控制一切:优化交通圈。 安德里亚?利维亚伦 安德烈娅?利维 拉塞尔?梅里克 哈维姆德学院 顾问:苏珊 摘要 我们的目的是利用车辆动力学考虑在圆形交叉路口的道路情况。我们主要根据进入圆形道路的速度决定最好的方式来控制车流量。我们假设在一个车道通过圆形道路循环,这样交通输入量能够被调节。(也就是,不会有优先的交通输入量) 对于我们的模型,可改变的参数是排队等候进入的速率,进入圆形道路的速率(服务速率),这个圆形道路最大的容量和离开这个道路的速率。我们使用带有队列和交通圈的隔室模型作为隔间。来自外界的车辆首先进行排队等候,然后进入圆环交叉路口,最后离开到外界。我们把服务速率和离开速率作为在圆环交叉路口的车辆数量参考。 另外,我们利用计算机来拟态一个可见表示,发生在不同情形下的圆环交叉路口。允许我们检验不同的情况,例如不平等的交通流量由于不同的队列,一些十字路口比其他车辆有一个更高的概率。这个拟态模仿实施栩栩如生,例如如何当前面是空道路时进行加速,而当前面有其他车辆时进行减速。大多数情况下,我们发现:一个高服务效率能够保持交通顺畅的最佳方式,这意味着对于进入交通的效率是最有效的。然而,当交通变得拥堵时,较低的服务率更好的适应了交通,这指示应该使用一个红绿灯。所以,在不同时间段,依靠预测中的交通流量,一个信号灯应该被安装进行循环实现。


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电力市场输电阻塞管理模型 摘要 本文通过设计合理的阻塞费用计算规则,建立了电力市场的输电阻塞管理模型。 通过对各机组出力方案实验数据的分析,用最小二乘法进行拟合,得到了各线路上有功潮流关于各发电机组出力的近似表达式。按照电力市场规则,确定各机组的出力分配预案。如果执行该预案会发生输电阻塞,则调整方案,并对引起的部分序内容量和序外容量的收益损失,设计了阻塞费用计算规则。 通过引入危险因子来反映输电线路的安全性,根据安全且经济的原则,把输电阻塞管理问题归结为:以求解阻塞费用和危险因子最小值为目标的双目标规划问题。采用“两步走”的策略,把双目标规划转化为两次单目标规划:首先以危险因子为目标函数,得到其最小值;然后以其最小值为约束,找出使阻塞管理费用最小的机组出力分配方案。 当预报负荷为982.4MW时,分配预案的清算价为303元/MWh,购电成本为74416.8元,此时发生输电阻塞,经过调整后可以消除,阻塞费用为3264元。 当预报负荷为1052.8MW时,分配预案的清算价为356元/MWh,购电成本为93699.2元,此时发生输电阻塞,经过调整后可以使用线路的安全裕度输电,阻塞费用为1437.5元。 最后,本文分析了各线路的潮流限值调整对最大负荷的影响,据此给电网公司提出了建议;并提出了模型的改进方案。

一、问题的重述 我国电力系统的市场化改革正在积极、稳步地进行,随着用电紧张的缓解,电力市场化将进入新一轮的发展,这给有关产业和研究部门带来了可预期的机遇和挑战。 电网公司在组织电力的交易、调度和配送时,必须遵循电网“安全第一”的原则,同时按照购电费用最小的经济目标,制订如下电力市场交易规则: 1、以15分钟为一个时段组织交易,每台机组在当前时段开始时刻前给出下一个时段的报价。各机组将可用出力由低到高分成至多10段报价,每个段的长度称为段容量,每个段容量报一个段价,段价按段序数单调不减。 2、在当前时段内,市场交易-调度中心根据下一个时段的负荷预报、每台机组的报价、当前出力和出力改变速率,按段价从低到高选取各机组的段容量或其部分,直到它们之和等于预报的负荷,这时每个机组被选入的段容量或其部分之和形成该时段该机组的出力分配预案。最后一个被选入的段价称为该时段的清算价,该时段全部机组的所有出力均按清算价结算。 电网上的每条线路上有功潮流的绝对值有一安全限值,限值还具有一定的相对安全裕度。如果各机组出力分配方案使某条线路上的有功潮流的绝对值超出限值,称为输电阻塞。当发生输电阻塞时,需要按照以下原则进行调整: 1、调整各机组出力分配方案使得输电阻塞消除; 2、如果1做不到,可以使用线路的安全裕度输电,以避免拉闸限电,但要使每条 线路上潮流的绝对值超过限值的百分比尽量小; 3、如果无论怎样分配机组出力都无法使每条线路上的潮流绝对值超过限值的百分 比小于相对安全裕度,则必须在用电侧拉闸限电。 调整分配预案后,一些通过竞价取得发电权的发电容量不能出力;而一些在竞价中未取得发电权的发电容量要在低于对应报价的清算价上出力。因此,发电商和网方将产生经济利益冲突。网方应该为因输电阻塞而不能执行初始交易结果付出代价,网方在结算时应该适当地给发电商以经济补偿,由此引起的费用称之为阻塞费用。网方在电网安全运行的保证下应当同时考虑尽量减少阻塞费用。 现在需要完成的工作如下: 1、某电网有8台发电机组,6条主要线路,附件1中表1和表2的方案0给出了各机组的当前出力和各线路上对应的有功潮流值,方案1~32给出了围绕方案0的一些实验数据,试用这些数据确定各线路上有功潮流关于各发电机组出力的近似表达式。 2、设计一种简明、合理的阻塞费用计算规则,除考虑电力市场规则外,还需注意:在输电阻塞发生时公平地对待序内容量不能出力的部分和报价高于清算价的序外容量出力的部分。 3、假设下一个时段预报的负荷需求是982.4MW,附件1中的表3、表4和表5分别给出了各机组的段容量、段价和爬坡速率的数据,试按照电力市场规则给出下一个时段各机组的出力分配预案。 4、按照表6给出的潮流限值,检查得到的出力分配预案是否会引起输电阻塞,并在发生输电阻塞时,根据安全且经济的原则,调整各机组出力分配方案,并给出与该方案相应的阻塞费用。 5、假设下一个时段预报的负荷需求是1052.8MW,重复3~4的工作。 二、问题的分析


Titile Summary During cell division, mitotic spindles are assembled by microtubule-based motor proteins1, 2. The bipolar organization of spindles is essential for proper segregation of chromosomes, and requires plus-end-directed homotetrameric motor proteins of the widely conserved kinesin-5 (BimC) family3. Hypotheses for bipolar spindle formation include the 'push?pull mitotic muscle' model, in which kinesin-5 and opposing motor proteins act between overlapping microtubules2, 4, 5. However, the precise roles of kinesin-5 during this process are unknown. Here we show that the vertebrate kinesin-5 Eg5 drives the sliding of microtubules depending on their relative orientation. We found in controlled in vitro assays that Eg5 has the remarkable capability of simultaneously moving at 20 nm s-1 towards the plus-ends of each of the two microtubules it crosslinks. For anti-parallel microtubules, this results in relative sliding at 40 nm s-1, comparable to spindle pole separation rates in vivo6. Furthermore, we found that Eg5 can tether microtubule plus-ends, suggesting an additional microtubule-binding mode for Eg5. Our results demonstrate how members of the kinesin-5 family are likely to function in mitosis, pushing apart interpolar microtubules as well as recruiting microtubules into bundles that are subsequently polarized by relative sliding. We anticipate our assay to be a starting point for more sophisticated in vitro models of mitotic spindles. For example, the individual and combined action of multiple mitotic motors could be tested, including minus-end-directed motors opposing Eg5 motility. Furthermore, Eg5 inhibition is a major target of anti-cancer drug development, and a well-defined and quantitative assay for motor function will be relevant for such developments


The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass Rule Summary As for the first question, it provides a traffic rule of keep right except to pass, requiring us to verify its effectiveness. Firstly, we define one kind of traffic rule different from the rule of the keep right in order to solve the problem clearly; then, we build a Cellular automaton model and a Nasch model by collecting massive data; next, we make full use of the numerical simulation according to several influence factors of traffic flow; At last, by lots of analysis of graph we obtain, we indicate a conclusion as follow: when vehicle density is lower than 0.15, the rule of lane speed control is more effective in terms of the factor of safe in the light traffic; when vehicle density is greater than 0.15, so the rule of keep right except passing is more effective In the heavy traffic. As for the second question, it requires us to testify that whether the conclusion we obtain in the first question is the same apply to the keep left rule. First of all, we build a stochastic multi-lane traffic model; from the view of the vehicle flow stress, we propose that the probability of moving to the right is 0.7and to the left otherwise by making full use of the Bernoulli process from the view of the ping-pong effect, the conclusion is that the choice of the changing lane is random. On the whole, the fundamental reason is the formation of the driving habit, so the conclusion is effective under the rule of keep left. As for the third question, it requires us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the result advised in the first question under the intelligent vehicle control system. Firstly, taking the speed limits into consideration, we build a microscopic traffic simulator model for traffic simulation purposes. Then, we implement a METANET model for prediction state with the use of the MPC traffic controller. Afterwards, we certify that the dynamic speed control measure can improve the traffic flow . Lastly neglecting the safe factor, combining the rule of keep right with the rule of dynamical speed control is the best solution to accelerate the traffic flow overall. Key words:Cellular automaton model Bernoulli process Microscopic traffic simulator model The MPC traffic control


一、基础知识 1.1 常见数学函数 如:输入x=[-4.85 -2.3 -0.2 1.3 4.56 6.75],则: ceil(x)= -4 -2 0 2 5 7 fix(x) = -4 -2 0 1 4 6 floor(x) = -5 -3 -1 1 4 6 round(x) = -5 -2 0 1 5 7 1.2 系统的在线帮助 1 help 命令: 1.当不知系统有何帮助内容时,可直接输入help以寻求帮助: >>help(回车) 2.当想了解某一主题的内容时,如输入: >> help syntax(了解Matlab的语法规定) 3.当想了解某一具体的函数或命令的帮助信息时,如输入: >> help sqrt (了解函数sqrt的相关信息)

2 lookfor命令 现需要完成某一具体操作,不知有何命令或函数可以完成,如输入: >> lookfor line (查找与直线、线性问题有关的函数) 1.3 常量与变量 系统的变量命名规则:变量名区分字母大小写;变量名必须以字母打头,其后可以是任意字母,数字,或下划线的组合。此外,系统内部预先定义了几个有特殊意 1 数值型向量(矩阵)的输入 1.任何矩阵(向量),可以直接按行方式 ...输入每个元素:同一行中的元素用逗号(,)或者用空格符来分隔;行与行之间用分号(;)分隔。所有元素处于一方括号([ ])内; 例1: >> Time = [11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] >> X_Data = [2.32 3.43;4.37 5.98] 2 上面函数的具体用法,可以用帮助命令help得到。如:meshgrid(x,y) 输入x=[1 2 3 4]; y=[1 0 5]; [X,Y]=meshgrid(x, y),则 X = Y =

SARS传播的数学模型 数学建模全国赛优秀论文

SARS传播的数学模型 (轩辕杨杰整理) 摘要 本文分析了题目所提供的早期SARS传播模型的合理性与实用性,认为该模型可以预测疫情发展的大致趋势,但是存在一定的不足.第一,混淆了累计患病人数与累计确诊人数的概念;第二,借助其他地区数据进行预测,后期预测结果不够准确;第三,模型的参数L、K的设定缺乏依据,具有一定的主观性. 针对早期模型的不足,在系统分析了SARS的传播机理后,把SARS的传播过程划分为:征兆期,爆发期,高峰期和衰退期4个阶段.将每个阶段影响SARS 传播的因素参数化,在传染病SIR模型的基础上,改进得到SARS传播模型.采用离散化的方法对本模型求数值解得到:北京SARS疫情的预测持续时间为106天,预测SARS患者累计2514人,与实际情况比较吻合. 应用SARS传播模型,对隔离时间及隔离措施强度的效果进行分析,得出结论:“早发现,早隔离”能有效减少累计患病人数;“严格隔离”能有效缩短疫情持续时间. 在建立模型的过程中发现,需要认清SARS传播机理,获得真实有效的数据.而题目所提供的累计确诊人数并不等于同期累计患病人数,这给模型的建立带来不小的困难. 本文分析了海外来京旅游人数受SARS的影响,建立时间序列半参数回归模型进行了预测,估算出SARS会对北京入境旅游业造成23.22亿元人民币损失,并预计北京海外旅游人数在10月以前能恢复正常. 最后给当地报刊写了一篇短文,介绍了建立传染病数学模型的重要性.

1.问题的重述 SARS (严重急性呼吸道综合症,俗称:非典型肺炎)的爆发和蔓延使我们认识到,定量地研究传染病的传播规律,为预测和控制传染病蔓延创造条件,具有很高的重要性.现需要做以下工作: (1) 对题目提供的一个早期模型,评价其合理性和实用性. (2) 建立自己的模型,说明优于早期模型的原因;说明怎样才能建立一个真正能够预测以及能为预防和控制提供可靠、足够信息的模型,并指出这样做的困难;评价卫生部门采取的措施,如:提前和延后5天采取严格的隔离措施,估计对疫情传播的影响. (3) 根据题目提供的数据建立相应的数学模型,预测SARS 对社会经济的影响. (4) 给当地报刊写一篇通俗短文,说明建立传染病数学模型的重要性. 2.早期模型的分析与评价 题目要求建立SARS 的传播模型,整个工作的关键是建立真正能够预测以及能为预防和控制提供可靠、足够的信息的模型.如何结合可靠、足够这两个要求评价一个模型的合理性和实用性,首先需要明确: 合理性定义 要求模型的建立有根据,预测结果切合实际. 实用性定义 要求模型能全面模拟真实情况,以量化指标指导实际. 所以合理的模型能为预防和控制提供可靠的信息;实用的模型能为预防和控制提供足够的信息. 2.1早期模型简述 早期模型是一个SARS 疫情分析及疫情走势预测的模型, 该模型假定初始时刻的病例数为0N , 平均每病人每天可传染K 个人(K 一般为小数),K 代表某种社会环境下一个病人传染他人的平均概率,与全社会的警觉程度、政府和公众采取的各种措施有关.整个模型的K 值从开始到高峰期间保持不变,高峰期后 10天的范围内K 值逐步被调整到比较小的值,然后又保持不变. 平均每个病人可以直接感染他人的时间为L 天.整个模型的L 一直被定为20.则在L 天之内,病例数目的增长随时间t (单位天)的关系是: t k N t N )1()(0+?= 考虑传染期限L 的作用后,变化将显著偏离指数律,增长速度会放慢.采用半模拟循环计算的办法,把到达L 天的病例从可以引发直接传染的基数中去掉. 2.2早期模型合理性评价 根据早期模型对北京疫情的分析与预测,其先将北京的病例起点定在3月1日,经过大约59天在4月29日左右达到高峰,然后通过拟合起点和4月20日以后的数据定出高峰期以前的K =0.13913.高峰期后的K 值按香港情况变化,即10天范围内K 值逐步被调整到0.0273.L 恒为20.由此画出北京3月1日至5月7日疫情发展趋势拟合图像以及5月7日以后的疫情发展趋势预测图像,如图1.


当我谈数学建模时我谈些什么——美赛一等奖经验总结 作者:彭子未 前言:2012 年3月28号晚,我知道了美赛成绩,一等奖(Meritorus Winner),没有太多的喜悦,只是感觉释怀,一年以来的努力总算有了回报。从国赛遗憾丢掉国奖,到美赛一等,这一路走来太多的不易,感谢我的家人、队友以及朋友的支持,没有你们,我无以为继。 这篇文章在美赛结束后就已经写好了,算是对自己建模心得体会的一个总结。现在成绩尘埃落定,我也有足够的自信把它贴出来,希望能够帮到各位对数模感兴趣的同学。 欢迎大家批评指正,欢迎与我交流,这样我们才都能进步。 个人背景:我2010年入学,所在的学校是广东省一所普通大学,今年大二,学工商管理专业,没学过编程。 学校组织参加过几届美赛,之前唯一的一个一等奖是三年前拿到的,那一队的主力师兄凭借这一奖项去了北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,学运筹学。今年再次拿到一等奖,我创了两个校记录:一是第一个在大二拿到数模美赛一等奖,二是第一个在文科专业拿数模美赛一等奖。我的数模历程如下: 2011.4 校内赛三等奖 2011.8 通过选拔参加暑期国赛培训(学校之前不允许大一学生参加) 2011.9 国赛广东省二等奖 2011.11 电工杯三等奖 2012.2 美赛一等奖(Meritorious Winner) 动机:我参加数学建模的动机比较单纯,完全是出于兴趣。我的专业是工商管理,没有学过编程,觉得没必要学。我所感兴趣的是模型本身,它的思想,它的内涵,它的发展过程、它的适用问题等等。我希望通过学习模型,能够更好的去理解一些现象,了解其中蕴含的数学机理。数学模型中包含着一种简洁的哲学,深刻而迷人。 当然获得荣誉方面的动机可定也有,谁不想拿奖呢? 模型:数学模型的功能大致有三种:评价、优化、预测。几乎所有模型都是围绕这三种功能来做的。比如,今年美赛A题树叶分类属于评价模型,B题漂流露营安排则属于优化模型。 对于不同功能的模型有不同的方法,例如评价模型方法有层次分析、模糊综合评价、熵值法等;优化模型方法有启发式算法(模拟退火、遗传算法等)、仿真方法(蒙特卡洛、元


关于中国人口增长趋势的研究 【摘要】 本文从中国的实际情况和人口增长的特点出发,针对中国未来人口的老龄化、出生人口性别比以及乡村人口城镇化等,提出了Logistic、灰色预测、动态模拟等方法进行建模预测。 首先,本文建立了Logistic阻滞增长模型,在最简单的假设下,依照中国人口的历史数据,运用线形最小二乘法对其进行拟合,对2007至2020年的人口数目进行了预测,得出在2015年时,中国人口有13.59亿。在此模型中,由于并没有考虑人口的年龄、出生人数男女比例等因素,只是粗略的进行了预测,所以只对中短期人口做了预测,理论上很好,实用性不强,有一定的局限性。 然后,为了减少人口的出生和死亡这些随机事件对预测的影响,本文建立了GM(1,1) 灰色预测模型,对2007至2050年的人口数目进行了预测,同时还用1990至2005年的人口数据对模型进行了误差检验,结果表明,此模型的精度较高,适合中长期的预测,得出2030年时,中国人口有14.135亿。与阻滞增长模型相同,本模型也没有考虑年龄一类的因素,只是做出了人口总数的预测,没有进一步深入。 为了对人口结构、男女比例、人口老龄化等作深入研究,本文利用动态模拟的方法建立模型三,并对数据作了如下处理:取平均消除异常值、对死亡率拟合、求出2001年市镇乡男女各年龄人口数目、城镇化水平拟合。在此基础上,预测出人口的峰值,适婚年龄的男女数量的差值,人口老龄化程度,城镇化水平,人口抚养比以及我国“人口红利”时期。在模型求解的过程中,还对政府部门提出了一些有针对性的建议。此模型可以对未来人口做出细致的预测,但是需要处理的数据量较大,并且对初始数据的准确性要求较高。接着,我们对对模型三进行了改进,考虑人为因素的作用,加入控制因子,使得所预测的结果更具有实际意义。 在灵敏度分析中,首先针对死亡率发展因子θ进行了灵敏度分析,发现人口数量对于θ的灵敏度并不高,然后对男女出生比例进行灵敏度分析得出其灵敏度系数为0.8850,最后对妇女生育率进行了灵敏度分析,发现在生育率在由低到高的变化过程中,其灵敏度在不断增大。 最后,本文对模型进行了评价,特别指出了各个模型的优缺点,同时也对模型进行了合理性分析,针对我国的人口情况给政府提出了建议。 关键字:Logistic模型灰色预测动态模拟 Compertz函数


2019 MCM/ICM Summary Sheet (Your team's summary should be included as the first page of your electronic submission.) Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor , or team members on this page. Ecosystems provide many natural processes to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment after human life. However, over the past decades, rapid industrial development and other anthropogenic activities have been limiting or removing ecosystem services. It is necessary to access the impact of human activities on biodiversity and environmental degradation. The main purpose of this work is to understand the true economic costs of land use projects when ecosystem services are considered. To this end, we propose an ecological service assessment model to perform a cost benefit analysis of land use development projects of varying sites, from small-scale community projects to large national projects. We mainly focus on the treatment cost of environmental pollution in land use from three aspects: air pollution, solid waste and water pollution. We collect pollution data nationwide from 2010 to 2015 to estimate economic costs. We visually analyze the change in economic costs over time via some charts. We also analyze how the economic cost changes with time by using linear regression method. We divide the data into small community projects data (living pollution data) and large natural data (industrial pollution data). Our results indicate that the economic costs of restoring economical services for different scales of land use are different. For small-scale land, according to our analysis, the treatment cost of living pollution is about 30 million every year in China. With the rapid development of technology, the cost is lower than past years. For large-scale land, according to our analysis, the treatment cost of industrial pollution is about 8 million, which is lower than cost of living pollution. Meanwhile the cost is trending down due to technology development. The theory developed here provides a sound foundation for effective decision making policies on land use projects. Key words: economic cost , ecosystem service, ecological service assesment model, pollution. Team Control Number For office use only For office use only T1 ________________ F1 ________________ T2 ________________ F2 ________________ T3 ________________ Problem Chosen F3 ________________ T4 ________________ F4 ________________ E

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