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西北工业大学 关于研究生学位论文撰写的规定 学位论文是作者作为提出申请相应学位评审和答辩时用的一篇系统、完整的学术论文, 是必须由本人独立完成的研究成果。学位论文的内容应有所发现、有所发明、有所创造和 有所创新,而不是重复、模仿和抄袭。 博士学位论文应在导师的指导下由博士生独立完成,并在科学或专门技术上做出创造 性成果。能够表明作者确已掌握了本学科坚实宽广的基础理论和系统深入的专业知识,并 具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力。 硕士学位论文应在导师的指导下由硕士生独立完成,并对所研究的课题有新的见解。 能够表明作者确已掌握了本学科坚实的基础理论和系统的专业知识,具有从事科学研究工作 或独立担负专门技术工作的能力。 硕士、博士学位论文应采用最新颁布的汉语简化文字撰写,由作者用计算机输入、编排及打印完成。一般由以下几部分组成,依次为:(1)封面,(2)内封面,(3)中文摘要,(4)英文摘要,(5)目录,(6)正文,

(7)参考文献,(8)发表论文和参加科研情况说明,(9)致谢,(10)附录,(11)知识产权声明书和原创性声明。各部分具体要求如下: 一、论文第一部分内容及要求 学位论文必须用A4标准的复印纸编排、正反两面打印(一份)。论文成品尺寸为:207mm×290mm。页边距按以下标准设置: 上边距:天头至眉头25 mm,下边距:页脚至地脚25 mm,页眉至页脚:不大于245 mm; 左、右边距为:30 mm,左右版心不大于145 mm,居中,不留装订线。 论文的页眉设置应从目录页开始到论文的致谢页,页眉的内容按章的变化来设置,用宋体五号字书写。 论文的页码一律按阿拉伯数字连续编排。由前言(或绪论)的首页开始作为第一页,并为右页另页。中英文摘要、目录要单独用“I、II、II、IV”码编制页码。页码必须统一标注在每页下方居中。 1.论文封面。包括:学校代码、分类号、密级、学号、论文题目、作者、学科专业、指导教师、申请学位日期 (1)外封面要求及内容。封面用中文书写,一律采用“西北工业大学学位办统一印制”的和统一制作的学位论文封面格式模板。论文封面字体和字号由模板设定,只需将封面内容输入模板内即可生成并打印出来。封面分为三种:


1.These figures boil down to no significance as they are statistically imperfect. A amount to B conform to C contribute to D attach to 2.The researchers are working hard to find the optimal concentration of this drug. A most poisonous B most likely C most famous D most desirable 3.This young lawyer dares to take on the powerful on behalf of the poor and weak. A with the favor of B find good jobs for C assume the responsibility for D accept the challenge of 4.The last traces of respectability had vanished by the time he was convicted and imprisoned. A collapsed B disappeared C perished D scattered 5.Fearful of losing her job for good, this lady decided to talk to the manager directly. A for benefits B by luck C for ever D at hand. 6.An important innovation in this college was the introduction of the seminary method for advanced students. A idea B change C matter D policy 7.This archaeologist made a study of the vast area through which the Roman civilization has been propagated. A extended B terminated C speculated D restricted 8.The investor would suffer a lot from a television series that was heavily invested in but never came off. A was released B proved satisfactory C failed completely D won awards 9.Given the gravity of the situation, the best thing we can do is to declare the company bankrupt. A gravitation B fascination C seriousness D incurability 10.When the symptom occurs, she finds it difficult to manipulate a pencil despite her young age. A utilize B handle C master D dominate Section B : Directions: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B , C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. 11.The country once threatened to ___ diplomatic relations with its neighbor if the latter was too friendly to the rebels. A show off B keep off C break off D call off 12.In English leaning, a ___ circle occurs when a student makes more errors after being scolded. A vicious B vigorous C vertical D voluntary 13.Some ancient people were able to tell the time by the shadow ___by the sun on the slate. A thrown B flung C cast D tossed(upward) https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac11627143.html,petition compels districts to devote their limited resources to achieving results that compare ___ with other local districts. A significantly B favorably C dramatically D superficially 15.If you don’t know how to ___ your achievements, your parting from this world is going to be a nightmar e. A take hold of B get rid of C let go of D make fun of 16.This country could have as many as 10 million cases of AIDS in 2010 if the ____ is not taken seriously. A episode B epidemic C equivalent D eruption 17.With a wide variety of fresh fruit ___available, canner fruit is no longer so popular as before. A willingly B appropriately C confidently D readily =easily 18.The crisis over parliamentary election illustrated the unpredictable ____that events could take once the coalition troops are withdrawn. A process B line C way D course 19.Decades of ___ might have been partially responsible for our ignorance of development abroad. A insulation B irrigation C integration D isolation 20.There have been some insensible people who attempt to end their pains ____ through suicide. A by and large B once for all =forever C heart and soul D on the whole Part II. Cloze Directions: There are 10 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrases marked A, B, C and D for each blank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring Answer Sheet. There is now a new keychain device that lets people turn off most TVs anywhere---- from airports to restaurants. And it is selling faster than 21 . “I thought there would just be a few sales, but we can’t 22 demand,” said inventor Mitch


2019年全国硕士研究生入学考试英语一真题及答案 Section ⅠUse of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smart phones. 1 of us just walk straight into the woods without a phone. But phones 2 on batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize. 3 you get lost without a phone or a compass, and you 4 can’t find north, a few tricks to help you navigate 5 to civilization, one of which is to follow the land... When you find yourself well 6 a trail, but not in a completely 7 area, you have to answer two questions: Which 8 is downhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water source? Humans overwhelmingly live in valleys, and on supplies of fresh water. 9 , if you head downhill, and follow any H2O you find, you should 10 see signs of people. If you’ve explored the area before, keep an eye out for familiar sights—you may be 11 how quickly identifying a distinctive rock or tree can restore your bearings. Another 12 : Climb high and look for signs of human habitation. 13 , even in dense forest, you should be able to 14 gaps in the tree line due to roads, train tracks, and other paths people carve 15 the woods. Head toward these 16 to find a way out. At night, scan the horizon for 17 light sources, such as fires and streetlights, then walk toward the glow of light pollution. 18 , assuming you’re lost in an area humans tend to frequent, look for the 19 we leave on the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and other features can 20 you to civilization.


考博英语历年真题 北大2013年考博士英语真题及答案 Part Two:Structure and Written Expression20 Directions:In each question decide which of four choices given will most suita bly complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET. 21.The nuclear family__________a self-contained,self-satisfying unit compose d of father,mother and children. A.refers to B.defines C.describes D.devotes to 22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that e lderly Americans are________by social isolation and loneliness. A.reproach ed B.favored C.plagued D.reprehended 23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance,cooperation_____ ___the quality of interpersonal relationship. A.ascends https://www.doczj.com/doc/ac11627143.html,pels C.enhances D.prefers 24.In the past50years,there________a great increase in the amount of resea rch_____on the human brain. A.was…did B.has been…to be done C.was…doing D.has been…done 25. “I must have eaten something wrong.I feel like_____.”“We told you not t o eat at a restaurant.You’ d better_______at hom e when you are not in the shape.” A.to throw up… to eat B.throwing up…eating C.to throw up…eat D.throwing up…eat 26.Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’ s creativity and emotional output;otherwise what they think beneficial to t he kids might probably_______their enthusiasm and aspirations. A.hold back B.hold to C.hold down D.hold over 27.According to psychoanalysis,a person’ s attention is attracted________by the intensity of different signals____ ____by their context,significance,and information content. A.not less than…as B.as…just as C.so much…as D.not so much… as28.They moved to Portland in1998and lived in a big house,_______to the south. A.the windows of which opened B.the windows of it opened C. its windows opened D.the windows of which opening 29.The lady who has_______for a night in the dead of the winter later turned o ut to be a distant relation of his. A.put him up B.put him out C.put him on D.put him in30.By standers, _______,_________as they walked past lines of ambulances. A.bloody and cov ered with dust,looking dazed B.bloodied and covered with dust,looked daze


2001博士秋季入学考试试题 1(16分)共价键的数目(为配位电子数)和方向(电子云密度最大方向)取决于什么?利用杂化轨道理论解释金刚石(sp 3)结构中的共价键,并计算碳的sp 3键的键角(109.28)。 2(12分)离子晶体在平衡时的结合能为:)11(80020n R NMe U E b -==πε,M 称为马德隆常数。试解释M 的意义。(西工大固体物理P41;M 是与晶体结构有关的常数) 3(12分)试比较经典的和量子的金属自由电子理论。(方俊鑫P285;黄昆P275) 4(12分)举例说明能带理论在解释固体材料有关性质(绝缘、半导、导体)、设计新材料中的应用。(西工大P111) 5(12分)解释金属及半导体的电阻率(高温时、低温时)随温度变化的规律。(西工大P192)

6(12分)分析固体表面的成分可采用那些分析技术和方法。(电子能谱:光电子能谱、俄歇电子、离子中和谱;离子谱:低能离子散射、高能离子散射、二次离子质谱、溅射中性粒子谱、致脱附离子角分布) 7(12分)晶体致的电缺陷有那些类型?分析其形成原因及对晶体性质的影响。(西工大P149、151) 8(12分)简述物质超到态的主要特征。(西工大P206、零电阻,充合抗磁) 答:1,低能电子衍射;2,表面敏感扩展X 吸收精细结构;3,场离子显微镜;4,电子显微镜;5,投射电子显微镜,扫描电子显微镜;6,扫描隧道显微镜;7,原子力显微镜;8,摩擦力显微镜 2001博士春季入学考试试题 1(16)N 对离子组成的NaCl 晶体的总互作用势能为 ??????-=R e R B N R U n 024)(πεα 其中α是马德隆常数,B 为晶格参量,n 为玻恩指数。 (1) 证明平衡原子间距为n e B R n 2 0104απε=- (2) 证明平衡时的结合能为)11(4)(0020n R Ne R U --=πεα


福州大学博士研究生入学考试 英语考试大纲 一、考查目标 本考试重点考查考生的英语语言知识和语言技能(本考试属水平考试,不 指定任何参考书)。具体要求如下: 1.词汇 要求考生掌握约 5000 个英语词汇和约 500 个常用词组。此外,还应掌握词汇间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等。 2.语法 要求考生熟练掌握英语的基本语法知识、常用句型和结构,能正确理解包含这些知识、句型和结构的句子和语篇,并能在实践中准确、自如地运用这些知识。 3.阅读 要求考生能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能熟练地阅读和理解一般性题材的文章、科技文章及应用性形式的阅读材料。要求能理解主旨大意,读懂细节,能理解上下文的逻辑关系,并领会作者或话语参与各方的主要意图和态度及其异同等。 4.语篇完形处理 在理解阅读材料的基础上能综合运用词汇、语法、搭配、语段、篇章逻辑 等方面的知识和上下文等对语篇各层次的信息进行正确判断和完形处理。 5.翻译 (1)英译汉 要求考生能在 30 分钟内把一篇 150 词左右的一般性题材的英语短文或科学常识性文章中的段落译成汉语,能准确表达原文的意思,语句通顺,用词正确,无较大的语言错误。 (2)汉译英 要求考生能在 30 分钟内把一篇 150 字左右的一般性题材的汉语短文或科学常识性文章中的段落译成英语。要求译文忠实于原文,译文达意,符合英语表达习惯,无较大的语言错误。 6.写作 要求考生能根据命题或图表等在 30 分钟内写出一篇 200 字以上的短文,或根据所给文章(中文或英文)要求写出 200 字以上的英文摘要。写作部分的考查目标是测试考生用英语书面表达思想和见解的能力。所写文章应切合主题,能正确表达思想,意义连贯,无较大的语言错误。


2018年考研英语(二)试题及参考答案 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful? Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty, according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3 . In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested. Student’s willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one 5 each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist? Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked. Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified, another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified 7 left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 subsequent experiments reproduced, this effect with other stimuli 9 the sound of finger nails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. The drive to_10_is deeply rooted in humans. Much the same as the basic drives for_11_or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago Curiosity is often considered a good instinct-it can _12_New Scientific advances, for instance-but sometimes such_13_can backfire, the insight that curiosity can drive you to do _14_things is a profound one. Unhealthy curiosity is possible to 15 , however, in a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image. These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on one’s curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor. ” Thinking about long-term 20 is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity. Hsee says “in other words, don’t read online comments”. 1. [A]Protect [B] resolve [C] discuss [D] ignore 2. [A]refuse [B] wait [C] regret [D] seek 3. [A]hurt [B] last [C]mislead [D] rise 4. [A]alert [B] tie [C] treat [D] expose 5. [A]message [B] review [C] trial [D] concept


Reading Comprehension (35 minutes) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage: When Kathie Gifford ’s face was splashed across the newspapers in 1996 after her lucrative line of Wal mart clothing was exposed as the work of underpaid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown, the Department of Labor and the White House teamed up to condemn such practices. With much fanfare, President Clinton’s administration launched the “No Sweat” campaign, which pressured retailers and manufacturers to submit to periodic independent inspection of their workplace conditions.; This campaign urged manufacturers to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct, a promise to self regulate that has since been adopted by a handful of retailers and many of the nation ’s largest manufacturers, including Nike and L.L. Bean. However, the Department of Defense, which has a $ 1 billion garment business that would make it the country’s 14th largest retail apparel outlet, has not signed the Code of Conduct. In addition, it has not agreed to demand that its contractors submit to periodic inspections.; Because the Department of Defense has not agreed to adhere to the code, the job of stopping public sector sweatshops falls to the Department of Labor. Federal contractors that persist in violating wage laws or safety and health codes can lose their lucrative taxpayer financed contracts. But Suzanne Seiden, a deputy administrator at the Department of Labor, says that to her knowledge, the department has never applied that rule to government apparel manufacturers. “I just assume that they are adhering to safety and health requirements,” she says. According to records obtained by Mother Jones, through a Freedom of Information Act request, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited Lion 32 times for safety and health violations in the past 12 years. 21.What is this passgage mainly concerned with? A)The functions of the Department of Labor in America. B)A serious problem threatening American economy. C)The successful attempt of regulating sweatshops in America. D)The seriousness of the problem of sweatshops in America. 22.According to the passage, Kathie Gifford ____. A) was one of the underpaid laborers in New York City’s Chinatown B) was one of the well paid laborers in New York City ’s Chinatown C) made much money from cheap laborers in New York City’s Chinatown D) wrote a newspaper article exposing the practice of employing cheap laborers 23.The underlined p hrase “to submit to” is closest in meaning to ____. A) to accept unwillingly B) to refuse coldly C) to welcome warm heartedly D) to blame strongly 24.Which of the following statements about the Department of Defense is true? A) It will become the count ry’s 14th largest retail apparel manufacturer. B) It hasn’t acted according to the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) It has demanded its contractors to sign the Workplace Code of Conduct. D) It has teamed up with the Department of Labor to launch a campaign. 25.What was the purpose of President Clinton’s administration launching the “No Sweat” campaign? A) To urge manufacturers to obey the Workplace Code of Conduct. B) To remind the manufacturers of the Workplace Code of Conduct. C) To urge the Department of Labor to take its responsibility. D) To urge the Department of Defense to inspect manufacturers. Passage Two Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: The term investment portfolio conjures up visions of the truly rich-the Rockefellers, the Wal Mart Waltons, Bill Gates. But today, everyone-from the Philadelphia firefighter, his part time receptionist wife and their three children, to the single Los Angeles lawyer starting out on his own-needs a portfolio.; A portfolio is simply a collection of financial assets. It may include real estate, rare stamps and coins, precious metals and even artworks. But those are for people with expertise. What most of us need to know about are stocks, bonds and cash (including such cash equivalents as money market funds).; How do you decide what part of your portfolio should go to each of the big three? Begin by understanding that stocks pay higher returns but are more risky; bonds and cash pay lower returns but are less risky.; Research by Ibbotson Associates, for example, shows that large company stocks, on average, have returned 11.2 percent annually since 1926. Over the same period, by comparison, bonds have returned an annual average of 5.3 percent and cash, 3.8 percent.; But short term risk is another matter. In 1974, a one year $1000 investment in the stock market would have declined to $735.; With bonds, there are two kinds of risk: that the borrower won’t pay you back and that the money you’ll get won’t be worth very much. The U.S. government stands behi nd treasury bonds, so the credit risk is almost nil. But the inflation risk remains. Say you buy a $1000 bond maturing in ten years. If inflation averages about seven percent over that time, then the $1000 you receive at maturity can only buy $500 worth of today’s goods.; With cash, the inflation risk is lower, since over a long period you can keep rolling over your CDs every year (or more often). If inflation rises, interest rates rise to compensate.; As a result, the single most imortant rule in building a portfolio is this: If you don’t need

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