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Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1a

1 May is hard-working.

2 John is untidy.

3 Alice is helpful.

4 David is rude.

5 Cathy is honest.

6 Mr Tang is funny.

7 Derek is tidy.

8 Lisa is polite.

Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2a

1 She studies every day.

2 He reads books every day.

3 She washes the dishes every day.

4 She tidies her bedroom every day.

5 He watches TV every day.

6 She plays games every day. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2b

1 She studies every day.

2 He reads books every day.

3 She washes the dishes every day.

4 She tidies her bedroom every day.

5 He watches TV every day.

6 She plays games every day.

Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3a

1 Derek studies every Monday.

2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday.

3 Ben does not watch TV.

4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday.

5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3b

1 Derek studies every Monday.

2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday.

3 Ben does not watch TV.

4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday.

5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1b

1 May is hard-working.

2 John is u ntidy.

3 Alice is helpful.

4 David is rude.

5 Cathy is honest.

6 Mr Tang is funny.

7 Derek is tidy.

8 Lisa is polite.

(Accept any reasonable answers.)


Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.1a 1 go to church 2 go to Brownies 3 go to Cub Scouts 4 have craft / art lessons 5 study with my tutor 6 visit my grandma / grandmother 7 have computer lessons Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.2a 1 Tuesday Visit Grandma in the afternoon 2 Thursday Have a computer lesson in the evening 3 Sunday Go to church in the morning 4 Saturday Go to Brownies in the morning 5 Wednesday Go horse riding in the afternoon 6 Friday Have a craft lesson in the evening 7 Monday Study with Miss Chow in the evening Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.2b 1 Tuesday Visit Grandma in the afternoon 2 Thursday Have a computer lesson in the evening 3 Sunday Go to church in the morning 4 Saturday Go to Brownies in the morning 5 Wednesday Go horse riding in the afternoon 6 Friday Have a craft lesson in the evening 7 Monday Study with Miss Chow in the evening Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.3a 1 What do you do on Mondays? I have craft lessons in the morning. 2 What does Sam do on Tuesdays? He goes to Cub Scouts in the afternoon. 3 What does your grandma do on Wednesdays? She has computer lessons in the evening. 4 What does your sister do on Thursdays? She goes to Brownies in the afternoon. 5 What do you do on Sundays? I go to church in the morning. Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.3b 1 What do you do on Mondays? I have craft lessons in the morning. 2 What does Sam do on Tuesdays? He goes to Cub Scouts in the afternoon. 3 What does your grandma do on Wednesdays? She has computer lessons in the evening. 4 What does your sister do on Thursdays? She goes to Brownies in the afternoon. 5 What do you do on Sundays? I go to church in the morning. Book 2B Chapter 5 Graded Worksheets 5.1b 1 go to church 2 go to Brownies 3 go to Cub Scouts 4 have craft / art lessons 5 study with my tutor 6 visit my grandma / grandmother 7 have computer lessons (Accept any reasonable answers.)

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录 (1)

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录(武汉深圳广州等外国语学校专用教材) 香港朗文版小学英语1A Chapter 1 Starting school Chapter 2 Nice to meet you! Chapter 3 My toys Chapter 4 My pencil case Chapter 5 We can do it! Chapter 6 Look at me! 香港朗文版小学英语1B Chapter 1 Choosing a pet Chapter 2 Our pet friends Chapter 3 Wild animals Chapter 4 More about animals Chapter 5 Happy moments Chapter 6 A fashion show

香港朗文版小学英语2A Chapter 1 Coming to school Chapter 2 About me Chapter 3 People who help me Chapter 4 People at work Chapter 5 Signs we see Chapter 6 Places in the park 香港朗文版小学英语2B Chapter 1 Buying snacks Chapter 2 Our favourite food Chapter 3 My day Chapter 4 Helping at home Chapter 5 Sports we like Chapter 6 Activities we like 香港朗文版小学英语3A Chapter 1 Weather and seasons


香港朗文小学英语单词 篇一:香港朗文1-6年级单词汇总 Word List for 5A 篇二:香港小学朗文英语3A词汇短语和句型汇总 香港小学朗文英语3A单词和短语汇总 Unit 1 第二部分:短语 第三部分: 重 点 句 型 Unit2 第三部分:重点句型(要求背诵和默写) 1. Which festival do you like best ? 你最喜欢哪个节日? 2. I like Chinese New Year best. 我最喜欢中国新年(春节)。 3. It's time to work.上班时间到了。/ 该上班了。 4. Thank you for your card.谢谢你的贺卡。 5. Don't worry. 不要担心。

6. I have an idea. 我有一个主意。 7. Never mind! 不要紧! 附加补充:P12诗歌部分单词(该部分单词教学时,老师可根据学生和课时情况,决定哪些单词要求学生掌握,哪些要求认读) Unit3 第三部分:重点句型(要求背诵和默写) 篇三:香港朗文英语二年级重点单词句子 Unit1 coming to school 一、单词 1、四会单词 busminibusschool busferryLRT MTR tram train foot 2、三会单词 askfriend then group walk pupil well 二、短语 1、on foot 走路 2、by bus/ferry/school bus 坐汽车/渡船/校车 3、by minibus/tram/train 做小巴/有轨电车/火车 4、by MTR/LRT 坐地铁/轻轨 5、join a group 加入一组 6、ask your friends 问你的朋友们 三、句型


Unit 1 Changes at home feed the baby 喂养婴儿 take the baby for a walk 带宝宝去散步read stories to the baby 给宝宝读故事bath the baby 给宝宝洗澡dress the baby 给宝宝穿衣服 have a baby 生一个宝宝 teach the baby rhymes 教宝宝诗歌 share my toys with the baby 同宝宝分享玩具 I’m going to have a new brother or sister. 我将要有一个弟弟或者妹妹了。 My mother is going to have a baby. 我妈妈要生一个宝宝了。 I’m going to teach the baby rhymes. 我打算要教宝宝诗歌。 I’m going to share my toys with the baby. 我打算要同宝宝分享我的玩具。··························································································at recess 在休息时间 some exciting news 一些激动人心的消息 wake up 醒过来 What are you going to do to help your mother? 你打算将来做什么来帮助你妈妈? Would you like to hold my baby? 你想抱一下我的宝宝吗? I’m going to visit her every day. 我打算每天都去看她。 I’m going to practice looking after her. 我打算去练习照顾她。 Stand on your toes. 踮起你的脚尖。···························································································· get a new dog 得到一只新狗 play with it 同它一起玩 move home 搬家 go to a new school 去一个新的学校make some new friends 交一些新朋友have a new helper 有一个新的保姆go to the market with her 同她一起去市场teach her Chinese 教她汉语 take it for a walk every day 每天带它出去散步live with Grandpa 同爷爷一起生活 drink tea with him 同他一起喝茶 play chess with him 同他一起下棋 I’m going to get a new dog. 我将要得到一只新狗。 What are you going to do with it then? 到时候你打算同它一起做什么? I’m going to play with it. 我打算同它一起玩。 I’m going to take it for a walk every day. 我打算每天带它出去散步。 We’re going to live with Grandpa. 我们将要同爷爷一起生活。 What are you going to do then? 到时候你们打算做什么? I’m going to drink tea with him. 我将会同他一起喝茶。 I’m going to play chess with him. 我将会同他一起下棋。 Unit 2 Turning over a new leaf win the swimming competition 赢得游泳比赛practice swimming harder 更努力地练习游泳learn Japanese 学习日语 keep fit 保持健康 get high marks 考到高分 play more sport 做更多运动 take a Japanese course 上日语课 work hard 努力学习put on weight 增加体重 make more friends 交更多的朋友 draw well 画画画得好 improve my English 提高英语 read more English books 读更多的英语书eat more 吃更多东西 join the Clubs 加入社团;加入俱乐部


朗文英语教材简介 朗文英语Longman Schools专为儿童设计的趣味英语听、说课程。课程以提高孩子口语表达,建立标准英文发音,提高英语语言运用和表达能力为目标,围绕单词、短句、对话及Phonics自然拼读进行教学,为孩子进入小学阶段学习提前打好基础。 1、核心优势 (1)以声音、图像、动画等多媒体形式呈现学习内容,加强听觉、视觉刺激和全身动作反应。 (2)以幼儿为主体,教师充分的关注每个孩子,确保足够的互动和口语练习。从而培养孩子专注力,提高课堂学习效果。 (3)朗文英语数字化课堂。朗文英语数字化课堂通过互动式电子白板等先进教学设备,整合课堂教学内容,并通过歌曲、游戏等多种形式进行互动教学,最大化的吸引孩子的注意力与兴趣,大幅度的提高学习效能。让孩子在互动中体会学习的乐趣,在乐趣中掌握学习的主动。 2、朗文英语五大教学理念 (1)互动式学习贯穿家园教育 朗文英语数字化课堂通过师幼互动、人机互动、亲子互动等全方位互动机制,在教师及家长的共同配合下,引导孩子主动参与,让孩子在互动中体会语言学习的快乐,激发英语学习兴趣,达到学习效能的快速提升。

(2)主题式教学引导语言认知运用 朗文英语数字化课堂通过自我认知、家居生活、自然环境、职业体验、玩具制作、季节天气、动物植物、交通工具、饮食生活等常见的14大主题进行语言拓展应用学习,让孩子通过语言学习进行主题认知,真正使语言成为应用工具,达到学习内容的快速拓展。 (3)启蒙式读写融入主体课程设计 朗文英语数字化课堂将故事阅读融入主体课程,使学习范围更广,知识吸收更多。让孩子在满足主体课程学习的同时,进行英语应用内容的扩展,启发孩子英语思维,真正达到一种课程多种学习效果。(4)密集式活动促进多元智能开发 朗文英语数字化课堂通过多媒体互动式活动与传统课堂活动的 完美结合,让孩子学会欣赏及体会艺术,敢于表达自我,提升认知能力、语言能力、逻辑思维能力、身体协调能力及团队合作意识等多元智能,真正做到语言学习辅助早期潜能开发,让孩子领先同龄人。(5)素质化内容渗透品德情操教育 朗文英语数字化课堂课程语言中渗透儿童早期素质指令内容,活动中涵盖指令,指令中渗透教育,让孩子学习英语的同时搭建品德礼仪教育,安全常识,健康生活的品格教育内容,在渗透语言学习的同时,建立全球化的格局及认知观念。 3、朗文英语的内容 (1)主课程


香港朗文小学英语B总 结与复习 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

1B复习题 一.写出下列汉语对应的英语 动物类: 1.狗_______ 2.猫______ 3.鸟_____ 4.兔子______ 2.5.仓鼠 _________ 6乌龟 ______ 3.7.河马 ______8.大象 ______9.狮子 ______10.斑马 ______11.蛇 ______12.猴子 ______ 13.袋鼠 ______1 4.熊猫 ______1 5.企鹅 ______1 6.老虎 ______1 7.奶牛 ______ 动作类: 1.吃______ 2.睡觉 ____ 3.打架______ 4. 单脚跳______ 5.游泳______ 6.跑步____ 7.飞_____8.做饭______ 9.踢足球 _____________10.看电视 _____________11.洗______ 12.制作飞机___________13.骑自行车___________14.拍视频___________15.跳舞_____ 形容词 饥饿的 _________2.口渴的 _________ 地点类: 1.在...里面______ 2. 在...上面_____ 2.3.在...下面 ______ 4.在...附近__________ 5.在天上____________ 6.在草地上 __________ 7.在树上__________ 8.在水边 _________ 6. 9.在厨房里 ___________ 10.在客厅里___________11.在卧室里___________ 12.在浴室里 ___________13.在花园里 ___________14.在马路上 ___________ 写出下列数字


汪子云英语教学计划 1A教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元各种打招呼的方式 询问姓名和年龄 辅音字母h 、m、y的发音句子开头和句中人名字母的大写特殊疑问词的用法 第二单元学校里不同职务的人的称呼 向他人介绍自己的朋友或老师 辅音字母b、g、t的发音 人称代词的用法is / am / are 的用法 第三单元校内设施的名称 听懂并正确回应老师的不同指令 辅音字母s的发音 指令性语言 动词和介词的搭配 第四单元学习用品的名称 描述自己和他人文具用品的数量 辅音字母p的发音名词的单复数形式have / has的用法 第五单元动物名称 表达自己的喜好 辅音字母c的发音指示代词this / that以及复数形式these / those的用法 第六单元动物身体部位名称 描述动物身体的各个部位 辅音字母d的发音使用this is/these are 来介绍动物以及单数、复数、不可数名词 1B教材单元学习内容语法知识 第一单元常见玩具名称 对物品的颜色进行描述 辅音字母f的发音 连词and的用法 It is与They are的用法复习is / are & have / has 第二单元各类衣服的名称 询问和表达某物是某人的 字母组合sh、qu的发音 名词所有格 Is this 与Are these的用法一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答 第三单元公园里的动植物和各类设施的名称 观察并表达物体的位置 字母组合ch、th的发音定冠词the与不定冠词a / an的用法方位介词in,on,under,near的区别特殊疑问词where的用法 第四单元常见动物园里的动物名称 询问并回答关于动物的数量 辅音字母v、z的发音特殊疑问词How many的用法以及用there is/are来回答 第五单元常见动作及其现在分词形式 询问并回答某人正在做什么 辅音字母w和字母组合wh的发音现在进行时态复习人称代词 第六单元更多常见动作及其现在分词形式 表达不同人正在做不同的事情 字母组合ing的发音 巩固复习现在进行时态


黄冈小学一年级朗文1B教材Chapter 3测试卷 Listening part听力部分(70%) I. Listen and circle the picture.10%(听音,圈图。) 12 34 5 II、Listen and match. 10%(听音,连线) 1. fifteen 2. twenty 3. twelve 4. eleven 5. thirteen III、listen and write down the numbers. 10%(听音,写数字)。 1.() 2 () 3.() 4. ( ) 5.( ) IV、listen and put a tick “√”or cross“×”10%(听音,判断对错)。

1.( ) 2 ( ) 3.( ) 4. ( ) 5.( ) V 、Listen and circle the correct word.10%(听音,选择你听到的单词) 1. A: hippo B: hamster C: tiger 2. A: elephant B: monkey C: bird 3. A: panda B:sofa C: shelf 4. A:lion B: kangaroo C: snake 5. A: zebra B: turtle C: rabbit VI .Listen and number the pictures.听音,排序。10% 13 20 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. VII 、 Listen and write the missing letter. 听音,写出单词中所缺的字母。10% 16 19 1 . __ixteen 2.__ion 3__ineteen 4 __ebra 5 .__nake Writing 笔试部分30%


Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.1a 1 I s w e e p the floor. 2 I f e e d the dog. 3 I f o l d the clothes. 4 I w a t e r the plants. 5 I m a k e the bed. 6 I s e t the table. 7 I w a l k the dog. 8 I c l e a r the table. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.2a 1 A: Does he hang up the washing? B: No, he doesn’t. 2 A: Do you sweep the floor? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Does she walk the dog? B: Yes, she does. 4 A: Does he make the bed? B: No, he doesn’t. 5 A: Do you water the plants? B: No, I don’t.Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.2b 1 A: Does he hang up the washing? B: No, he doesn’t. 2 A: Do you sweep the floor? B: Yes, I do. 3 A: Does she walk the dog? B: Yes, she does. 4 A: Does he make the bed? B: No, he doesn’t. 5 A: Do you water the plants? B: No, I don’t. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.3a 1 He sets the table every day. 2 She makes the bed every day. 3 I water the plants every day. 4 David sweeps the floor every day. 5 Betty waters the plants every day. 6 I set the table every day. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.3b 1 He s ets the table every day. 2 She m akes the bed every day. 3 I w ater the plants every day. 4 David s weeps the floor every day. 5 Betty w aters the plants every day. 6 I s et the table every day. Book 2B Chapter 1 Graded Worksheets 1.1b 1 I s weep the floor. 2 I f eed the dog. 3 I f old the clothes. 4 I w ater the plants. 5 I m ake the bed. 6 I s et the table. 7 I w alk the dog. 8 I c lear the table.


Word List for 1A chapter 1 chapter 1 a 一个sir 先生afternoon 下午spell 拼写 am 是teacher 老师 and 和thank 谢谢 boy 男孩this 这,这个card 卡片we 我们children 孩子们welcome 欢迎 girl 女孩what 什么 good 好的you 你 goodbye 再见your 你的 hello 喂,你好chapter 2 are 是 I 我 book 书 is 是 brother 兄弟 know 知道 classmate 同班同学Miss(n.) 小姐,女士 come 来 morning 早晨,上午 father 父亲 my 我的 fine 好的,满意的name 姓名 please 请friend 朋友present(adj.) 出席的,在场的he 他

chapter 2 chapter 3 here 这里 bus 公共汽车 hi 嘿,喂,嗨 but 但是 how 怎样 car 小汽车 in 在……里面 doll 玩具娃娃 look 看 eight 八 love 爱 five 五 me 我 four 四 meet 遇见,相逢 go 去 mother 母亲 has 有(三单) nice 令人愉快的 have 有 she 她 it 它 sister 姐妹 little 小的 to (介词)到 nine 九 too 也 one 一 with 和……一起only 只有,仅仅chapter 3pig 猪 about 关于,有关robot 机器人 ball 球see 看见 big 大的seven 七


Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.1a 1 b r u s h m y t e e t h 2 h a v e a s h o w e r 3 d o m y h o m e w o r k 4 g e t u p 5 h a v e a b a t h 6 h a v e b r e a k f a s t 7 g o t o s c h o o l 8 w a s h m y f a c e Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.2a 1 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2 Tracy has a shower at four fifteen in the afternoon. 3 Sandra brushes her teeth at nine twenty at night. 4 Sam goes to school at six forty-five in the morning. 5 Irene does her homework at three thirty-five in the afternoon. 6 Terry goes to bed at nine thirty / half past nine at night. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.2b 1 I get up at seven o’clock in the morning. 2 Tracy has a shower at four fifteen in the afternoon. 3 Sandra brushes her teeth at nine twenty at night. 4 Sam goes to school at six forty-five in the morning. 5 Irene does her homework at three thirty-five in the afternoon. 6 Terry goes to bed a t nine thirty / half past nine at night. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.3a 1 A: What time do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at ten o’clock at night. 2 A: What time does he go to school? B: He goes to school at seven thirty / half past seven in the morning. 3 A: What time do they have breakfast? B: They have breakfast at six o’clock in the morning. 4 A: What time does she have a shower? B: She has a shower at nine forty-five at night / in the evening. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.3b 1 A: What time do you go to bed? B: I go to bed at ten o’clock at night. 2 A: What time does he go to school? B: He goes to school at seven thirty / half past seven in the morning. 3 A: What time do they have breakfast? B: They have breakfast at six o’clock in the morning. 4 A: What time does she have a shower? B: She has a shower at nine forty-five at night / in the evening. (Accept any reasonable answers.) Book 2B Chapter 6 Graded Worksheets 6.1b 1 brush my teeth 2 have a shower 3 do my homework 4 get up 5 have a bath 6 have breakfast 7 go to school 8 wash my face (Accept any reasonable answers.)


香港朗文版小学英语教 材各册目录 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录 (武汉深圳广州等外国语学校专用教材)香港朗文版小学英语1A Chapter 1 Starting school Chapter 2 Nice to meet you! Chapter 3 My toys Chapter 4 My pencil case Chapter 5 We can do it! Chapter 6 Look at me! 香港朗文版小学英语1B Chapter 1 Choosing a pet Chapter 2 Our pet friends Chapter 3 Wild animals Chapter 4 More about animals Chapter 5 Happy moments

Chapter 6 A fashion show 香港朗文版小学英语2A Chapter 1 Coming to school Chapter 2 About me Chapter 3 People who help me Chapter 4 People at work Chapter 5 Signs we see Chapter 6 Places in the park 香港朗文版小学英语2B Chapter 1 Buying snacks Chapter 2 Our favourite food Chapter 3 My day Chapter 4 Helping at home Chapter 5 Sports we like Chapter 6 Activities we like 香港朗文版小学英语3A


Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1a 1 May is hard-working. 2 John is untidy. 3 Alice is helpful. 4 David is rude. 5 Cathy is honest. 6 Mr Tang is funny. 7 Derek is tidy. 8 Lisa is polite. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2a 1 She studies every day. 2 He reads books every day. 3 She washes the dishes every day. 4 She tidies her bedroom every day. 5 He watches TV every day. 6 She plays games every day. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.2b 1 She studies every day. 2 He reads books every day. 3 She washes the dishes every day. 4 She tidies her bedroom every day. 5 He watches TV every day. 6 She plays games every day. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3a 1 Derek studies every Monday. 2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday. 3 Ben does not watch TV. 4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday. 5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.3b 1 Derek studies every Monday. 2 Betty washes the dishes every F riday. 3 Ben does not watch TV. 4 Kay goes ice-skating every Sunday. 5 Sue does not tidy her bedroom. Book 2B Chapter 2 Graded Worksheets 2.1b 1 May is hard-working. 2 John is u ntidy. 3 Alice is helpful. 4 David is rude. 5 Cathy is honest. 6 Mr Tang is funny. 7 Derek is tidy. 8 Lisa is polite. (Accept any reasonable answers.)


1B 复习题 一.写出下列汉语对应的英语 动物类: 1. 狗 _______ 2. 猫 ______ 3. 鸟_____ 4. 兔子 ______ 5. 仓鼠 _________ 6 乌龟 ______ 2. 7. 河马 ______8. 大象 ______9. 狮子 ______10. 斑马 ______11. 蛇 ______12. 猴子 ______ 1 3. 袋鼠 ______1 4. 熊猫 ______1 5. 企鹅 ______1 6. 老虎 ______1 7. 奶牛 ______ 动作类: 1. 吃 ______ 2. 睡觉 ____ 3. 打架 ______ 4. 单脚跳 ______ 5. 游泳 ______ 6. 跑步 ____ 7. 飞_____8. 做饭 ______ 9. 踢足球 _____________10. 看电视 _____________11. 洗 ______ 12. 制作飞机 ___________13. 骑自行车 ___________14. 拍视频 ___________15. 跳舞 _____ 形容词 饥饿的 _________2. 口渴的 _________ 地点类: 1. 在 ... 里面 ______ 2. 在... 上面 _____ 3. 在... 下面 ______ 4. 在... 附近 __________ 5. 在天上 ____________ 6. 在草地上 __________ 7. 在树上 __________ 8. 在水边 _________ 9. 在厨房里 ___________ 10. 在客厅里 ___________11. 在卧室里 ___________ 12. 在浴室里 ___________13. 在花园里 ___________14. 在马路上 ___________ 写出下列数字 A.19__________ B.13_________ C.12_________ D.17_________ E.18______F20.______ G.11_________H.14__________I.16________K.15_____ 家里的物品: 1. 衬衫 ______ 2.T 恤 _______ 3. 长裙,连衣裙 ________ 4. 短裙 _______ 5. 短裤 _______ 6. 牛仔裤 _________ 7. 长裤 _______ 8. 鸭舌帽 ______ 9. 帽子 ________10. 夹克 ________ 11. 针织套衫 _________ 12. 袜子 _________ 13. 鞋子 _________ 食物和饮料类: 1. 早餐 _________ 2. 面包 _________ 3. 果酱 _________ 4. 一个鸡蛋 _______ 5. 牛奶 _______ 6. 橘子汁 _________ 7. 水__________ 二.请用 is /are/it/they 补充句子。 1.What ______these? _________turtles.


Colorful Spring 教学内容: 朗文.小学英语分级阅读3 Colorful Spring 学情分析: 本课教学内容是一篇13页的故事,语篇较长,但内容孩子们熟悉,关于多彩多姿的春天的描写。这些春天的名词是本课的重点。 教学目标: 1. 读懂理解故事大意并能独立完成练习。 2. 学生感知到不同的阅读方式,以便用于自身平时的阅读中去。 3. 在Try to act中,尽可能的培养学生语言的运用能力和再创设能力。 教学重难点: 1. 在相对较短的时间内,要求学生读懂并理解语意。 2. 部分主要单词的掌握(发音),如:bee, butterfly, children,grass,park,trees,goldfish,fountain,ponder等等。 3. 四年级学生在表演环节中的表现力。 教学辅助: PPT、卡片、词条 教学过程: Before reading 1.Free talk. 2.Enjoy a song. 3.学习单词Spring,揭题。 While reading 1.look and say. 观看课文插图,尝试提出问题。 T:What can you see in the picture? (Picture on P1) T: Can you ask some questions? Who? Where? What? 2.Read quickly. 快速浏览课文,回答问题。 Q:Who are in the story? Tim, Clair and Dave Q:Where are they? In the park Q: What can they see in the park? Fountain, butterfly, bee, grass, trees. 3.P4-5 读课文4到5页回答问题 Read and answer How is the fountain? It’s huge.


香港朗文小学一年级B 知识点 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

班别:姓名:学号: Chapter 1 Choosing a pet 动物: a dog a cat a bird a rabbit a hamster a turtle a hippo an elephant a lion a zebra a snake a monkey 单词: this这个 that那个 these 这些 those 那些a pet宠物 sing唱歌 like喜欢 find 找到come 来 lovely 可爱的 carrot 红萝卜 seed种子fish鱼 bone骨头 now现在 句子/词组: 1.What is this It is a dog. 这是什么它是狗。 2.What is that It is a bird. 那是什么它是小鸟。 3.What are these? 这些是什么 They are dogs. 它们是狗。 5.What are those? 那些是什么 They are birds. 它们是小鸟。 6.I like this/that rabbit. 我喜欢这/那只兔子。 7.I like these/those rabbits. 我喜欢这些/那些兔子。 8. What are these? 这些是什么 They are dogs.他们是狗。 9. What are those 那些是什么 They are rabbits.他们是兔子。 Chapter 2 Our pet friends 我们的宠物朋友 物品: a sofa a table a chair a box a cupboard

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