当前位置:文档之家› (英语)英语语法填空专项习题及答案解析





1.Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Phone-surfing Results in More Purchases

Leaving your mobile phone at home when you go shopping could prevent mindless overspending, a new study suggests. Research from the University of Bath discovered that when people are distracted by their mobiles during a trip to the supermarket their shopping bills ________ rise by an average of 41 per cent. Attention-weakening devices also encourage shoppers to wander along more shelves, ________they come across more products.

In one study, 294 people aged between 18 and 73 at four Swedish supermarkets wore eye-tracking glasses throughout a shopping trip to measure where they went and ________they looked at. Their receipts were then used ________(assess) their spending. Those using a mobile phone spent on average £33.73 compared to an average of £23.91 for those who did not.

A second study of 117 shoppers found those with mobile phones spent longer in the store, ________(give) more attention to shelves. They also spent an average of £36. This study found shoppers using a mobile phone spent on average £36.16 on 20.85 items, compared to £25.59 on 13.22 products.

Dr Carl-Philip Ahlbom, of the University of Bath's School of Management said: "Business owners have tended to worry that mobiles distract shoppers from spending money, ________we were amazed to find completely the reverse effect." The findings were very clear - the more time you spend on your phone, the more money you'll part ________.

"So if you're trying to budget, ________(leave) your phone in your pocket. It's not the phone ________that causes more purchases, but its impact on our focus." Researchers believe people spend more because using a phone distracts people from their ________(plan) lists.

【答案】can/may/might;where;what;to assess;having given/giving;but;with;leave;itself;planned


(1)考查情态动词。句意:巴斯大学的研究发现,当人们在超市购物时被手机分心时,他们的购物账单平均会(可能)上涨41%。空后是动词原形,此处需要填情态动词,根据句意可知此处表示“会、可能”,故填 can/may/might。

(2)考查定语从句。句意:削弱注意力的设备也鼓励购物者在更多的货架之间走来走去,在那里他们会遇到更多的产品。此处为非限定性定语从句,关系词指代先行词shelves 并在从句中作地点状语,故填where。

(3)考查宾语从句。句意:在一项研究中,瑞典四家超市的294名年龄在18岁至73岁之间的人在整个购物过程中都戴着眼睛跟踪眼镜,以测量他们去了哪里,看了什么。此处为宾语从句,从句中的looked at缺少宾语,故填what。

(4)考查非谓语动词。句意:然后他们的收据被用来评估他们的支出。sth.be used to do 表示“某物被用来做……”,故填to assess。

(5)考查非谓语动词。句意:第二项针对117名购物者的研究发现,那些拥有手机的人在商店里呆的时间更长,对货架的关注度更高。“关注货架”这一动作既可理解为与“呆在商店里”同时发生,也可理解为先于“呆在商店里”,所以既可用现在分词的一般式也可用现在分词的完成式作状语,故填having given/giving。


(7)考查介词。句意:你在手机上花的时间越多,你花的钱就越多。part with固定短语“舍得、交出”,故填with。


(9)考查代词。句意:不是手机本身导致了更多的购买行为,而是它对我们的注意力的影响。根据“the phone”可知此处指“它本身”,故填itself。




The Mid-Autumn Day is a very important traditional festival in China. It takes its name from the fact that it ________(celebrate) in the middle of the autumn season. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the ________ (eight) lunar month. The day is known as the Moon Festival, as at that time of the year the moon is at its roundest and ________(bright). It is an evening celebration in ________ families gather together and eat moon cakes. Besides, ________(make) the house more beautiful, people will hang red lanterns in front of it. On that day, people look back on the past and look forward to the future together. Children will play with their own ________(toy) and enjoy themselves.

The Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back ________ more than 2,000 years. The word "Mid-Autumn" first ________(appear) in the famous ancient book Zhou Li. However, it was not until the early Tang Dynasty that people celebrated the day as a traditional festival. It became an ________(official) established festival during the Song Dynasty, and has become as popular as the Spring Festival since the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Celebrations have continued ever since and more customs for ________(mark) this occasion have been formed.

【答案】is celebrated;eighth;brightest;which;to make;toys;to;appeared;officially;marking



语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且描述客观事实应用一般现在时。主语为it,谓语动词用第三人称单数。故填is celebrated。


(3)考查形容词。句意:这一天被称为中秋节,因为在一年的这个时候,月亮是最圆最亮的。根据上文roundest and可知应填形容词最高级,表示“最亮的”,故填brightest。(4)考查定语从句。句意:这是一个晚上的庆祝活动,家人聚在一起吃月饼。本句为“介词+关系代词”结构定语从句修饰先行词an evening celebration,且做介词in的宾语,指“庆祝”活动应用关系代词which。故填which。

(5)考查非谓语动词。句意:此外,为了使房子更漂亮,人们会在房子前面挂红灯笼。本句中make做非谓语动词,表目的应用不定式。故填to make。


(7)考查介词。句意:中秋节的庆祝活动可以追溯到2000多年前。date back to固定短语,“追溯到”,故填to。






As Alison Gopnik described in her recent book, there are two kinds of parents in modern America: The Carpenter and the Gardener. The "carpenter" thinks that his or her child can________(shape). "The idea is that if you just do the right things, get the right skills and read the right books, you're going to be able to turn your child ________a particular kind of adult," she said

The "gardener", however is seldom concerned about ________ (control) what the child will become and instead provides a protected space ________explore). The style is all about:" creating a rich, nutritious but also variable, diverse, active ecosystem".

Gopnik, a psychology and philosophy professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said." Many parents are carpenters, and ________is really necessary for them to bring up their children." She spent decades researching children's development and finally ________(find) that parents often focused too much on what their children would be as adults. The harm is that parents and their children may become________ (anxiety), tense or unhappy.

"We're so concerned about our children ________ we think have difficulty mastering their own future that we're unwilling to allow them to ________ (free) explore the world." she says. The truth is that the ________ (little) that parents worry about outcomes, the better their children may live in life.

【答案】be shaped;into;controlling;to explore;it;found;anxious;who/that;freely;less


(1)考查语态。句意:“木匠型”父母认为他或她的孩子可以被塑造。可知,此处主语与动词之间为被动关系,又因为空前有情态动词can.。故填be shaped。

(2)考查介词。句意: “木匠型”父母认为他或她的孩子可以被塑造。turn .. into...固定短语,“将......变成......”,故填into。

(3)考查非谓语动词。句意: 然而,“园丁型”父母很少关心孩子会变成什么样,而是提供一个受保护的探索空间。此处用所给词的动名词作介词about的宾语。故填controlling。(4)考查非谓语动词。句意: 然而,“园丁型”父母很少关心孩子会变成什么样,而是提供一个受保护的探索空间。此处用所给词的动词不定式作后置定语,修饰名词space。故填to explore。

(5)考查代词。句意: 很多父母都是“木匠型”父母,对他们来说,把孩子抚养成人是非常必要的。此处为It's十形容词十for sb十to do sth”的结枸,意为“对某人来说,做某事是……”,在该句中是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。故填it。

(6)考查时态。句意: 她花了几十年的时间研究孩子的发展,最后发现父母往往过于关注孩子成年后的状况。根据并列连词and及前句中的谓语动词spent可知,此处用所给动词的一般过去式。故填found。

(7)考查形容词。句意: 危害在于父母和他们的孩子可能会感到焦虑,紧张或不快乐。此处用所给词的形容词作become的表语。故填anxious。

(8)考查定语从句。句意: 我们非常关心我们的孩子,我们认为他们很难掌握自己的未来,我们不愿意让他们自由探索世界。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语(we think是插入语)且先行词是our children,故此处用关系代词who/that引导该定语从句。故填who/that。

(9)考查副词。句意: 我们非常关心我们的孩子,我们认为他们很难掌握自己的未来,我们不愿意让他们自由探索世界。此处用所给词的副词修饰动词explore。故填freely。(10)考查形容词。句意: 事实是,父母越不担心结果,他们的孩子可能生活得越好。根据句意“事实是,父母对结果的担心越少,他们的孩子的生活就越好”可知,此处用所给形容词的比较级,且枸成“the十比较级,the十比较级”的结枸。故填less。



Since ________ first fully artificial plastic was invented in 1907, humans ________(find) innumerable uses for the material. It has found ________(it) way into our tools, our clothes and even our bodies. In a new study in ________(environment) science and technology, researchers estimate the average American eats more than 50,000 pieces of microplastic particles, ________(small) than 5 millimeters in length every year and breathes in another 50,000. Although the health ________(effect) of consuming these tiny bits of plastic are unclear, researchers stress the real volume that people are ________(casual) swallowing is alarming. The largest contributor came ________ drinking bottled water, in ________ the bottle itself added more than 32 times more plastic to a diet ________(compare) with tap water, The Guardian reports.

【答案】the;have found;its;environmental;smaller;effects;casually;from;which;compared


(2)考查时态。句意:人类已经发现了这种材料的无数用途。since引导的时间从句要用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时。分析句子成分可知,主语是humans,故谓语动词为have found。故填have found。


(4)考查形容词。句意:在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中。此处要用形容词修饰名词science and technology(科学与技术)。故填environmental。

(5)考查形容词。句意:美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。根据than可知此处要用形容词比较级。故填smaller。(6)考查名词。句意:尽管食用这些小塑料碎片对健康的影响尚不清楚。根据the health 是主语的一部分,可知此处用名词作主语,且谓语动词是are,故用可数名词复数,填effects。

(7)考查副词。句意:但研究人员强调,人们随意吞下的塑料碎片的实际数量令人担忧。此处要用副词修饰动词swallowing 。故填casually。

(8)考查介词。句意:最大促成物来自饮用瓶装水。come from,固定短语,“来自”。故填from。

(9)考查定语从句。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子成分可知,先行词为drinking bottled water,指物,且作in的宾语,故此处填which。故填which。

(10)考查非谓语动词。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子可知,the bottle itself与compare在逻辑上是被动关系。故填compared。




When an important holiday comes, I usually think of what gifts to buy or prepare for my family members. It is the act itself rather than the thing you buy that ________(matter). Either a small present, a text message or a phone call can mean a lot to the receivers. ________, I had never got anything from my son, who is a university student. Parents never forget to celebrate their children's birthday, but their children seem to be very ________ (forget). They seldom do something in return.

Life is unpredictable, and you never know what will happen tomorrow. When my son came back during the summer vacation, my wife and I, as usual, ________ (meet) him at the station. On arriving home, much ________ my surprise, my son took out a wrist watch and gave it to me, ________ (say) it was a birthday gift for me. It is a very fashionable watch, ________ shows not only hours, minutes and seconds but days as well. You can imagine how surprised and excited I was at that moment.

Some people say children get too much care and love from their parents and just take them for granted. It is natural for people to have such concerns and ________(worry), but things may not turn out as badly as________ (expect). We need to look more at the positive side of life, as a famous writer once said, "Life is ________best classroom one can never get."

【答案】 matters;However;forgetful;met;to;saying;which;worries;expected;the 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文讲述父母常常记得儿女的生日,而儿女很少记得父母的生日。但作者的儿子给他意外的惊喜。

(1)句意:重要的是你买礼物这个行动本身而不是你买的东西。强调主语the act itself应为第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故填matters。

(2)句意:然而,我从没收到任何来自我身为一个大学生的儿子的礼物。根据下文Parents never forget to celebrate their children's birthday父母从来不会忘记庆祝他们孩子的生日,They seldom do something in return.他们几乎不会做任何事情回报父母。故此处表示转折,用however,然而。句首首字母要大写。故填However。


(4)句意:当儿子暑假回来,通常,妻子和我到车站去接他。根据前文when my son came back,可知此处应用一般过去时,故填met。

(5)句意:一回到家,令我很惊讶的是,他拿出了一个腕表给我,说它是我的生日礼物。to one's surprise为固定搭配,故填to。


(7)句意:它是一款非常时尚的手表,不仅显示时、分、秒,也显示日期。shows not only hours, minutes and seconds but days as well.是非限定定语从句,修饰watch,指



(9)句意:对于人们来说有这样的关注和担心很正常,但事情并非我们所预料的那样糟。as expected为固定短语,正如希望的那样,故填expected。




I remember well the first time I saw Dr. Homes. He had invited Miss Sullivan and me________(call)on him one day.

It was early in the spring, just after I had learned to speak. We________(show)at once to his library where we found him seated in a big armchair by an open fire. There was a smell of print and leather in the room________told me that it was full of books, and I stretched out my hand________(gentle) to find them. My fingers lighted upon a beautiful series ________Tennyson's poems, and when Miss Sullivan told me________it was I began to recite.

But I________(stop) suddenly. I felt tears on my hand. I had made my ________ (love) poet weep, and I felt a deep________(sad). He then made me sit in his armchair,________(bring) me different interesting things for me to examine, and at his request I recited other my favorite poems. After that I saw Dr. Holmes many times and learned to love the man as well as the poet.【答案】to call;were shown;which/that;gently;of;what;stopped;loved/beloved;sadness;bringing

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,节选自海伦凯勒的自传小说《假如给我三天光明》。作者讲述了自己很清楚地记得第一次见到奥利佛·温代尔·霍尔姆斯博士时的情景。(1)考查非谓语动词。句意:他邀请我和苏立文小姐去他家做客。invite somebody to do something,固定短语,“邀请某人做......”动词不定式做宾语补足语,故填to call。

(2)考查时态语态。句意:我们立刻被人领到了他的图书馆,他坐在图书馆里的大扶手椅上,靠着壁炉。句子的主语:We,所以是被别人领着,应该用被动语态,作者回忆已经发生过的事情,所以时态用过去式,故填were shown。


(4)考查副词。句意:于是我轻轻地伸手摸索起来。副词修饰动词"stretched out",所以填gentle的副词形式,故填gently。

(5)考查介词。句意:我的指尖无意中落在了Tennyson的一套诗集上。a series of,固定短语“一套”故填of。

(6)考查宾语从句。句意:当Miss Sullivan把诗集的名字告诉我以后,我就开始背诵。动词



(8)考查形容词。句意:我已经使我所钟爱的诗人落泪。形容词修饰名词poet,所以填love 的形容词形式,故填loved/beloved。





Students at a primary school in Hangzhou had their first class________March 1st on movable type. This is________ ancient Chinese printing system.

The West Lake Primary School in Zhejiang Province introduced the course at the beginning of this new term. So far, the school________(invite) an expert in Chinese characters culture to the campus,________major responsibility is to teach students how to use the ancient printing technology. Students attend lectures on the history of movable type along with ________(interest) classes on typesetting and printing. They then print their own document, ________(apply) the knowledge they've learned. One student printed her________(new) written essay "Whether the traditional red envelopes kids receive belong to them or their parents?"________(know) as one of the four great inventions of ancient China, movable type printing ________(invent) by Bi Sheng in the 1040s during the Song Dynasty, and it is the world's first system of movable type printing.

The school said the course is aimed at improving the students' awareness of Chinese characters and their ________(appreciate) of Chinese culture.

【答案】on;an;has invited;whose;interesting;applying;newly;Known;was invented;appreciation


(1)考查介词。句意:3月1日,杭州一所小学的学生上了他们的第一节活字课。根据下文March 1st可知在具体的某一天应用介词on,故填on。


(3)考查时态。句意:到目前为止,学校已经邀请了一位汉字文化专家,他的主要职责是教学生如何使用古代的印刷技术。根据上文So far可知应用现在完成时,且主语为单数名词,故

填has invited。

(4)考查定语从句。句意:到目前为止,学校已经邀请了一位汉字文化专家,他的主要职责是教学生如何使用古代的印刷技术。本句为定语从句修饰先行词an expert,且先行词在从句中做定语,故填关系代词whose。




(8)考查非谓语动词。句意: 活字印刷术被称为中国古代四大发明之一,活字印刷术是毕升在10世纪40年代宋朝时发明的,是世界上最早的活字印刷系统。本句中know做非谓语动词与逻辑主语movable type printing构成被动,故用过去分词,填Known。

(9)考查时态语态。句意: 活字印刷术被称为中国古代四大发明之一,活字印刷术是毕升在10世纪40年代宋朝时发明的,是世界上最早的活字印刷系统。本句主语与谓语动词构成被动关系,且根据下文in the 1040s during the Song Dynasty可知应用一般过去时,故填was invented。




Your teeth may be part of your smile, ________ they have a more important job-they are the first step in the process of digestion. You have three ________(kind) of teeth. In the very front of your mouth are eight flat, thin teeth called incisors. They are used for cutting and biting food. Next to these are pointed teeth called canines, ________ also help you tear food. The remaining teeth are molars. These teeth have flat tops for crushing and grinding the food.

【答案】 but;kinds;which



(2)考查名词。句意:你有三种牙齿。kind在这里表"种类",是可数名词,由three修饰,所以要用其复数形式。故填 kinds。

(3)考查定语从句。句意:这些牙齿旁边是犬齿,这些犬齿也可以帮助你撕裂食物。分析句子可知,空格处所在的句子为定语从句,先行词为canines, 指物。关系词在从句中做



9.After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

We want our children to succeed in school and, perhaps even more importantly, in life. But the paradox(悖论) is that our children can only truly succeed ________ they first learn how to fail. Consider the finding that world-class figure skaters fall over more often in practice than low-level figure skaters. Why are the really good skaters falling over the most?

The reason is actually quite simple. Top skaters are constantly challenging themselves in practice. ________ (stretch) their limitations, they keep trying their best. They fall over so often, but it is precisely why they learn so fast. Lower-level skaters have a quite different approach. They are always attempting jumps they can already do very easily, ________ (remain) within their comfort zone. This is why they don't fall over. In a superficial sense, they look successful, because they are always on their feet. Never ________ (fail) in practice prevents them from making progress.

________ is true of skating is also true of life. James Dyson worked through 5,126 prototypes (原型) for his newest vacuum before coming up with the design ________ made his fortune. These failures were essential to the pathway of learning. As Dyson put ________: "You can't develop new technology unless you test new ideas and learn when things go wrong. Failure is essential to invention."

In healthcare, however, things are very different. Clinicians don't like to admit to failure, partly because they have strongegos (自我) —particularly the senior doctors—and partly because they fear litigation (诉讼). The consequence is that ________ learning from failure, healthcare often covers up failure. The direct consequence is that the same mistakes ________ (repeat). According to the Journal of Patient Safety, 400,000 people die every year in American hospitals alone due to preventable error. ________ healthcare learns to respond positively to failure, things will not improve.

【答案】 if / when;To stretch;remaining;failing;What;which / that;it;instead of;are repeated;Until / Unless

【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,只有先学会如何失败,才能真正成功,作者用这个道理告诉美国的医疗保健部门只有学会积极面对失败,医疗事故的情况才会好转。(1)考查状语从句。句意:但矛盾的是,我们的孩子只有先学会如何失败,才能真正成功。根据句意可知此处既可以用if引导条件状语从句,表示"如果……",也可用when引导时间状语从句,表示"当……的时候",故填if / when。

(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:为了突破自己的局限,他们一直在努力。根据句意可知此处表示目的,应该用不定式做目的状语,故填To stretch。




(6)考查定语从句。句意:詹姆斯·戴森为最新款的吸尘器设计了5126个原型,然后才想出了这个让他大赚一笔的设计。此处为定语从句,先行词为design,指物,关系词在从句中做主语,故填which / that。

(7)考查代词。句意:正如戴森所说的:除非你测试新想法,并在事情出错时学习,否则你不会开发出新技术,失败是发明的基础。as someone puts it固定句式。"正如某人所说"表示。put it"表达......"故填it。

(8)考查介词短语。句意:结果是,医疗保健往往掩盖失败,而不是从失败中吸取教训。根据句意可知此处表示"而不是",故填instead of。

(9)考查时态语态。句意:其直接后果是一再地犯同样的错误。陈述的是客观事实,mistakes 与repeat之间是被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are repeated。(10)考查连词。句意:除非医疗保健学会积极面对失败,否则情况不会好转(直到医疗保健学会积极面对失败,情况才会好转)。根据句意可知此处表示"除非"或"直到",故填Until / Unless。


10.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内的单词的正确形式。 The Duanwu Festival, known as the Dragon Boat Festival, ________ (found) in memory of Qu Yuan, ________ was a scholar and minister of the state of Chu during the Warring States period (475-221BC). The festival date is on the ________ (five) day of May on the Chinese lunar calendar. Traditional celebrations of the Dragon Boat Festival include ________ (eat) zongzi, drinking wine and racing dragon boats. You don't have to live in China long to know the ________ (country) most popular foods with good stories behind them. That's ________ (particular) true of zongzi, which have been connected ________ the Dragon Boat Festival for more than a thousand years.

Zongzi, rice dumplings wrapped in ________ (leaf), remain with us today as the traditional way ________ (celebrate) the Dragon Boat Festival. In general, northern Chinese prefer sweet versions of these steamed treats while southerners like ________ (salt) tastes. In the north, some zongzi are plain, to be dipped into sugar. In the south, however, creative locals over centuries have added ham chestnuts and mushrooms into zongzi.

【答案】was founded;who;fifth;eating;country's;particularly;with;leaves;to



(1)考查时态语态。句意:端午节是为了纪念屈原而设立的。主语“The Duanwu Festival”承受“found”的动作,句子应该使用被动语态,设立端午节的事情发生在过去,时态为一般过去时。故填was founded。






(7)考查介词。句意:对于粽子来说尤其如此,它与端午节的故事已有千余年的历史了。be connected with固定短语,“与……有关”,故填with。


(9)考查非谓语动词。句意:今天吃粽子仍然是我们庆祝端午节的传统方式。the way to do sth固定短语,“做.......的方式”,故填to celebrate。




I don't photograph wild animals very often, ________ wild horses are an exception. I first learned about Alberta's wild horses 20 years ago. Ever since, I had wanted to see and photograph them. A friend of mine, who also loves wild horses, ________ (hear) about my wish in March 2017, and I was fortunate enough to be able to accompany him to see the wild horses in the Williams Creek area of Alberta. It was ________ unique experience.

We spent a day there ________ our first visit and have been back to the same area three more times since then. Once we were so lucky to see more than 100 horses there. I managed to capture a great shot of a pony ________ (run) and jumping for the sheer joy of it, ________ I felt

so proud of. The pony was having such fun all by ________ (he) while the rest of his herd grazed peacefully.

Having been out with the horses several times now, I hope to visit them again—as often as possible! They're magnificent and ________ (true) nurture my soul. I'm so thankful for the privilege of having the opportunity to spend time with them. These horses are born wild and free, and deserve always ________ (remain) so. ________(photograph) like me quite value the chance to get close to the wild horses.

【答案】 but;heard;a;on;running;which;himself;truly;to remain;Photographers 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者拍摄野马的独特经历。


(2)考查时态。句意:我的一个朋友也喜欢野马,他在2017年3月听说了我的愿望。根据时间状语“in March 2017”可知事情发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,故填heard。


(4)考查介词。句意:我们第一次去的时候在那里待了一天,之后又去了三次。spend time on sth固定短语,“在某物/事上花时间”,故填on。



(7)考查代词。句意:小马自己玩得很开心,而其他的马则安静地吃草。all by oneself固定短语,“自己、单独”,故填himself。


(9)考查非谓语动词。句意:这些马生来就野性十足,自由自在,它们理应永远如此。deserve to do固定短语,“理应做、做……理所应当”,主语和动词是主动关系,故填to remain。

(10)考查名词。句意:像我这样的摄影师非常珍惜接近野马的机会。根据空后的“like me”可知此处用表示身份的名词作主语,photographer表示“摄影师”,是可数名词,此处用复数表泛指,故填Photographers。



Many people take the idea of saving money very seriously. Back in 1924, in Italy, a group of people________ (think) the inability to resist spending a major social problem. They had the idea

of starting a day to remind people to put away some money for a rainy day. This is how World Saving Day, held on Oct 31st ________(annual), was started, and it's still going strong in 2019.

Not surprisingly, a movement ________(target) the poor was started. People in the underdeveloped world are more open ________ calls to be careful with money. But ________ idea of being thrifty (节俭)has also become popular among the rich. Take Mark Zuckerberg for example. The Facebook founder, one of the world's ________(rich) people, doesn't spend very much money on himself.

Other people don't spend money because they don't like the culture of ________(consume). This is connected to the view ________ we should make ourselves happy through the activities we take part in, rather than with what we buy.

But however we view money moderate ________ (spend) is certainly a good idea when we are still too young to get a job. There is a British saying that offers some good advice in this situation: "Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after ________(they)."



(1)考查时态。句意:早在1924年,在意大利,一群人认为无力抵制消费是一个重大的社会问题。结合上文in 1924可知应用一般过去时。故填thought。



(4)考查介词。句意:欠发达国家的人们更愿意接受小心花钱的呼吁。be open to固定短语,“愿意接受……的”。故填to。






(10)考查代词。句意:在这种情况下,英国有句谚语提供了一些很好的建议:“积少成多”谚语Look after the pennies, and the pounds will look after themselves.“积少成多”,此处指代主语pounds,应使用反身代词。故填themselves。



Situated in Beijing's Shichahai scenic area, CAVE looks no different from any ________ cafe in the city on the outside, ________ people stepping in for a cup of coffee will find it interesting inside. Some customers are holding and touching hedgehogs (刺猬) ________ (gentle) in their palms.

In recent years, an increasing number of animal themed cafes ________ (gain) huge popularity among China's city dwellers. With this ________ (rise) trend, a bunch of eateries making money out of housing unique animals such as hedgehogs has sprung up.

In Beijing alone, there are several cafes or restaurants like CAVE. There is a Japanese pub, ________ has three raccoons (浣熊) and a cafe where customers can take ________ (photo) with about 30 huskies (哈士奇).

CAVE, which is a also the city's first hedgehog themed cafe now has seven hedgehogs kept in cages in a room ________ (separate) from the dining area. If customers want to play with the hedgehogs, they need to put ________ thick gloves and the waiters will bring them out and put them onto the customers' hands.

"I think hedgehogs are a very good idea. It's original and interesting," said Serhii Melnyk, a tourist from Poland who ________ (stop) by the café to grab an Americano and was attracted to the animal.

【答案】other;but;gently;have gained;rising;which;photos;separate/separated;on;stopped


(1)考查代词。此处考查固定表达any other+名词单数其它任何……,故填other。



(4)考查时态。分析句子可知此处是谓语动词,根据in recent years(近几年)判断为现在完成时,主语cafes是复数,故填have gained。

(5)考查形容词。此处应填形容词修饰名词tread“趋势/风尚”,rising trend“新兴的风尚”,故填rising。

(6)考查定语从句。分析句子可知,此处是非限定性定语从句的关系词,指物的先行词pub“酒吧”在从句____6____ has three raccoons (浣熊)中充当主语,应该用关系代词,故填which。

(7)考查名词。此处考查短语take photos拍照,故填photos。


(9)考查介词。put on固定短语,“穿上”,故填on。

(10)考查时态。分析句子可知此处是定语从句的谓语动词,根据前文的said判断为一般过去时,stop by固定短语,“顺便看望/顺便拜访”,故填stopped。



I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. When he ________(ask) why he was able to succeed, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with ________ mother when he was about two years old. "I was trying to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I lost the bottle and it fell, spilling (溢出) the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk! I got ________ (frighten) and I didn't know what to do!" he said.

Instead of ________(punish) him, his mother asked him to play in the milk for a while. Then she said, " You know, we failed in how to ________(successful) carry a big milk bottle with two tiny ________(hand) just now. Let's go out in the yard and fill the bottle ________ water to see if you can discover a way to carry it."

This famous scientist then remarked that it was at that moment that he ________(know) he didn't need to be afraid to make mistakes ________ were actually opportunities for learning something new. Even if the experiment "doesn't work", we usually learn something ________(value) from it

【答案】was asked;his;frightened;punishing;successfully;hands;with;knew;which/that;valuable


(1)考查时态语态。句意:当他被问到为什么他能够成功的时候,他给出了答案。主语he和ask之间是被动关系,该句应用被动语态。且根据主语中的gave可知,该句应用一般过去时态。故填was asked。






(7)考查介词。句意:我们到院子里去,把瓶子装满水,看看你能不能想个办法把它搬过来。该题考查fill sth. with sth.,固定短语,"用……装满……",故填with。


(9)考查定语从句。"_______ were actually opportunities for learning something new"是定语从句,修饰mistakes,引导词在从句中作主语,指物,应用关系代词which/that引导该从句。故填which/that。




Kiwis are endangered little birds native to New Zealand. It ________ (believe) that these small birds exist as a result of New Zealand's isolation (隔离)from the other parts of the world, forcing animals there ________ (adapt)and evolve (进化)so as to be able to survive and reproduce. The evolution is what has led to the present________(appear) of the kiwi bird.

Kiwis are a national symbol of New Zealand, with the name kiwi ________(be) associated with many things in New Zealand including their famous rugby national team.

Kiwis have excellent memories and can remember something that ________(happen) as long as five years back. Even though they have feathers, their feathers look and feel ________ (much) like hair rather than feathers.

This enables them to be able to hide in a bush and go ________ (complete) unnoticed by their natural enemies.

Unlike most birds, the kiwi bird has a great sense of smell ________ enables them to sniff out prey (猎物)hidden in bushes and underground.

The smallest kiwi bird has ________ height of 45 centimeters and wight of 2 kilograms while the largest kiwi can grow________ 50 centimeters tall and can weigh 3.5 kilograms.

【答案】is believed;to adapt;appearance;being;happened;more;completely;that/which;a;to


(1)考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:人们认为,这些小鸟的存在是新西兰与世界其他地方隔绝的结果。此处是陈述种客观事实,故应该使用一般现在时;It is believed that... “据人们认为……”,因此填一般现在时的被动语态。故填is believed。

(2)考查非谓语动词。句意:迫使那里的动物适应和进化,以便能够生存和繁殖。force...to do sth.固定短语,“强迫……做某事”,故填to adapt。


(4)考查非谓语动词。句意:几维鸟是新西兰的国家象征,kiwi这个名字与新西兰的许多事物都有联系,包括新西兰著名的橄榄球队。此处是“with+名词+分词”结构,由于kiwi 与动词短语be associated with之间是主动关系,因此填所给词的现在分词形式。故填being。




(8)考查定语从句。句意:与大多数鸟类不同的是,几维鸟有很强的嗅觉,能够嗅出隐藏在灌木丛和地下的猎物。此处是一个限制性定语从句,先行词是a great sense of smell,指物,且引导词在定语从句中作主语,因此填关系代词that或which,引导该限制性定语从句。故填that/which。

(9)考查冠词。句意:最小的几维鸟身高45厘米,体重2公斤。have a height of... 固定短语,“有……高”,因此填冠词a。故填a。



【英语】 英语语法填空专题练习(及答案)及解析

【英语】英语语法填空专题练习(及答案)及解析 一、语法填空 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A hotel chain is employing human bed warmers to help guests get a good night's sleep. ________ (dress) in special all-in-one sleeping suits, the walking electric blankets are sent to warm the beds of guests staying at the Holiday Inn ________ they get under the covers. Dr Chris Idzikowski, ________ (direct) of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre, said the idea could help people get off to sleep. He ________ (explain) that "There's plenty of scientific evidence to show that sleep starts at the beginning of the night ________ body temperature starts to drop. The drop occurs partly because the blood vessels (血管) ________ the hands, face and feet open up and release heat." "A warm bed –approximately 20 to 24 degrees Celsuis –is ________ good way to start this process while a cold bed isn't. It helps people sleep well especially as it's taking much ________ (long) for them to warm up when they come in from the snow." Dr Chris Idzikowski and ________ (he) colleague Jane Bednall said the idea was like "having a giant hot water bottle in your bed". The five-minute free bed warming sessions will be tried out in London and Manchester ________ the end of next month. 【答案】 Dressed;before;director;explained;when;of;a;longer;his;at 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一款新发明的暖床器以及使用暖床器的好处。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在客人上床之前给客人进行暖床。动词dress与这句话的主语the walking electric blankets之间是被动关系,故填Dressed。 (2)考查状语从句。句意:行走的电热毯将会穿着特制的连体睡衣被送去假日酒店在客人上床之前给客人进行暖床。根据句意,客人睡觉之前需要暖床,故填before。 (3)考查名词。句意:爱丁堡睡眠中心的主任Chris Idzikowski博士说,这个办法能帮助人们更好地入睡。空格前是一个人名,两个逗号之间的部分是这个人名的同位语,所以应填一个表示人的名词。故填director。 (4)考查时态。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时候就是睡眠产生的时候。由上一句中said使用的是一般过去时可知,这句话也应使用一般过去时。故填explained。 (5)考查定语从句。句意:他解释,有充分科学依据显示,入夜人体体温开始下降的时候就是睡眠产生的时候。根据句意,这是一个定语从句,先行词为the beginning of the night,并且先行词在从句中做时间状语,故填关系词when。 (6)考查介词。句意:人体温度之所以会下降,部分原因在于,(这时)人的手部、脸部以及脚部的血管开始扩张,散发了热量。空前前后都是名词,所以空格处应填介词,the blood vessels与the hands之间属于所属关系,故填of。 (7)考查冠词。句意:温暖的床(温度大约在20到24摄氏度之间)有助于人们入睡而冰冷的床则会妨碍人们入睡。空格位于谓语动词后,空格后为一个可数单数名词短语,所以空格处应填不定冠词。“good”是以辅音音素开始的,故填a。


高考英语语法练习题精选 1. --Hello, this is . A. How are you? B. Will you come tonight? C. Can I take a mesage? D. Is that Mike? 2. Tom suggested that we __________such a meeting, but Jenny insisted that it _________of great importance. A. not hold ; should be B. didn't hold ; be C. hold ; was D. not hold ; was 3. You should take the medicine after you read the __________. A. lines B. instructions C. words D. suggestions 4. --Hi, Tracy, you look tired. --I am tired. I__________ the living-room all day. A. painted B. have been painting C. had painted D. have painted 5. I'm sorry. I _____________ you__________ to me. A. don't know; are speaking B. don't know ;were speaking C. didn't know; were speaking D. didn't know; are speaking 6. "Please __________why you're so late," said his girlfriend. A. excuse B. explain C. apologize D. tell 7. The rescue team made every __________ to find the missing mountain climber.


英语语法填空解题技巧与方法 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考察语法知识的运用能力,我们在解题时可遵循“三步走”浏览全文,了解大意;边读边填,先易后难;验证核查,清楚难点。 语法填空的考察形式分为两大类:无提示词填空类;提示性词填空类 一.无提示词类。即纯空格题。(只限一个单词) 纯空格填空题主要是填冠词(a/ an /the)、介词、代词、连接词(含从属连词和并列连词)等虚词.。 技巧1:在简单句和并列句中,若句子缺主语或宾语,一定是填代词。 技巧2:若两个句子(即两个主谓结构)之间没有连词,也没有分号或句号,一定是填并列连词(连接并列的句子)或从属连词(连接定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句(以句子为单位) 1.I have ___________ interesting book. _________ is called “Frozen” 2.___________ he worked very hard, he still failed the test. 3.He was very tired after working for a whole day, ____________ he felt very happy. 4.Whether we will go to the park depends _____________ the weather. 二.提示性填空类。即用所给词的适当形式填空,(此类题填空不超过三个单词)。此类型的题一般考察动词的时态、语态、单复数;动词非谓语(to do / done/ doing); 词性的转换(形名副动);adj/ adv 的比较级和最高级。 注意:(一)、.判断要填的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。要从以下两点进行思考:(1). 若句子没有别的谓语动词,或者虽然已有谓语动词,但需填的动词与之是并列关 系时,所给动词就是谓语动词;若是谓语动词,就要考虑时态语态和单复数 1 . Friends can always _____________(trust),loved and respected. 2.People in the future _______________(know) and benefit from the technology. (2.)若句中已有谓语动词,又不是并列谓语时,所给动词就是非谓语动词。若是非谓 语动词就要确定是v-ing形式,-ed形式,还是不定式,确定的方法主要有: (1) 作主语,通常用v-ing 形式表示习惯或一般情况,(用不定式表示具体情况) (2) 作目的状语或在形容词后作状语,一般用不定式 (3) 作伴随状语,通常用分词,若与逻辑主语是主动关系,用现在分词(v-ing);若是被动关系,用过去分词(-ed) 1.We are supposed to work very hard _____________(go) to a good university.


语法填空 1 A businessman lost his wallet. There was plenty of money in it. So he61 (make) a promise, “ Ifsomeone 62(find) my wallet and returns it to me, I ’ ll give half the money to him.” A dustman found the wallet in the dustbin. He sent it back to the loser. But the businessman changed his 63 . “ There was still a diamond ring in the wallet,” said the loser,“ I won’ t g money in my wallet to you64you return it to me!” “ I ’ ve never seen a diamond ring in the wallet, e dustman”. said th They began to quarrel65(violent). The dustman became angry and took the businessman to see a judge. After the judge heard what 66(happen) to them, he said to the businessman, “ I ’ m sure you are an honest man. It’ s truehavethatlostyouawallet67there was a diamond ring. But it is also clear that there is68money in this wallet. I don’ t think it69’ s . Wait for some time. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you.” Then the judge turned to the dustman and said,“ Take the wallet home. If the loser doesn’ t go to get it back 70three days, it will belong to you.” 2 Recently, a survey 1(carry) out by a website about the common view on students who graduate 2Beijing University. Only 28% of the interviewed companies think that they are 3(satisfy) with the graduates from Beijing University. The graduates in their companies have a wide range of 4 (know) and they learn things very quickly and easily. 5 , most of the companies don’ t think6(high) of graduates from Beijing University. In their eyes, the graduates always stick 7their own opinions and lack the teamwork spirit. Besides, they may not be satisfied with their jobs even with big companies, and they usually have many 8(complain). As a result, 34% of the companies insist that 9is not necessary to employ graduates from Beijing University. In brief, society and even the students themselves expect too much from graduates from Beijing University. That10 ’asgraduate claims that he himself is rubbish. 3 71 we all know, life is full of dreams and having a good dream is of great importance in our daily life. 72 a good dream, people can’t make progress and countries can’t develop . And I hold the strong belief73

英语语法填空解题技巧 做英语语法填空的技巧

英语语法填空解题技巧做英语语法填空的技巧 英语语法填空被认为是一种障碍性阅读理解题型,那么你知道怎样做好英语语法填空吗?下面是小编为你整理的做英语语法填空的方法,希望大家喜欢! 做英语语法填空的技巧 技巧一:名词形式变化。 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:There are many students living at school,the (child) houses are all far from schoo1.由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,

所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式 复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化。 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是将来作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式to be given。

技巧三:代词形式变化。 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see the painter by (he).由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化。 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和


(1) In the United States, there were 222 people ____1____ (report) to be billionaires(亿万富翁) in 2003. The ____2_____ of these is Bill Gates, worth at least $ 41 billion, who made his money ____3____ starting the company Microsoft. Mr. Gates was only 21 years old _____4____ he first helped to set up the company in 1976. He was a billionaire _____5___ the time he was 31. ____6____, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even ____7____ (young) ages. Other young people who have struck it rich include Jackie Coogan and Shirley Temple. ____8____ of these child actors made over a million dollars ___9____ (act) in movies before they were 14. But ___10___ youngest billionaire is Albert von Thurn und T axis of Germany, who, in 2001, inherited (继承) a billion dollars when he turned 18! (2) Finishing their shopping at the mall, a couple discovered that their new car ____1_____ (steal) .They filed a report____2____ the police station and a detective drove them ____3____ to the parking lot to look for evidence. To their ____4____ (amaze), the car had been returned ___5____ there was a note in it that said: “I apologize for taking your car. My wife was having a baby and I had to rush her to the ____6_____. Please forget the inconvenience. There are two tickets ____7____ tonight's Mania Twain concert.” Their faith in humanity restored. The couple attended ____8____ concert. But when they returned home, they immediately found ____9______their house had been ransacked (洗劫). On the bathroom mirror was ____10_____ note: “I have to put my kid through college somehow, don't I?” (3) People _____1___ (live) in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred _____2_____ in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example, contains four ___3___ five hundred thousand words. But we do not need ____4____ these. To read short stories you need to know only about two thousand words. ____5_____ you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary ______6___ (big). Read as many books as we can. There are a lot of books _____7____ (write) in easy English. You will enjoy them. When you meet _____8____ new word, look it ____9_____ in your dictionary. Your dictionary is your _____10_____ (much) useful book. (4) When you are in England you must be very careful in the streets ____1_____ the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street you must look to the right first _____2____ then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from ____3____, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most ____4___ (danger) then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, ____5____. Always


【英语】英语语法填空练习题20篇含解析 一、高中英语语法填空 1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Kobe Bryant is a famous basketball player. His talent can ________(see) not only on the court, but also in his writing. ________book The Wizenard Series: Training Camp came out in March. The story is ________the West Bottom Badgers, a youth basketball team. It's made up of five books, with each ________(focus) on the story of one character: Rain, Twig, Cash, Peno and Lab. All of the kids on this team come from a poor neighborhood. No one ________ (have) faith in the kids to succeed, ________things change after a new coach joins the team. After reading the book, we got to interview Bryant. He said he didn't think he was going to be an author, but that he often tells stories to his daughters. This is one of the ________ (reason) he wrote his own book. The book is based on parts of Bryant's real-life experience, ________ (especial) when he played for the Los Angeles Lakers. Bryant had two different jersey numbers - 8 and 24 - during his career. ________ number 24 means you need to work hard 24 hours a day ________ (succeed). Our final thoughts on Bryant - he is cool and very funny. 【答案】be seen;His;about;focusing/focused;has;but;reasons;especially;The;to succeed 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇人物传记,介绍了美国著名的篮球运动员Kobe Bryant以及他写的书。 (1)考查语态。句意:他的才华不仅体现在球场上,也体现在他的作品中。句子主语talent和谓语动词see之间是一种被动关系,是含情态动词的被动语态,故填be seen。(2)考查代词。句意:他的著作《维森纳德系列:训练营》(The Wizenard Series: Training Camp)于今年3月出版。根据上句中的in his writing可知,此处用形容词性物主代词his修饰名词,故填His。 (3)考查介词。句意:这个故事是关于the West Bottom Badgers,一个年轻的篮球队。介词about“关于”,后面是涉及到的内容。故填about。 (4)考查独立主格结构。句意:它由五本书组成,每本书都聚焦于一个角色的故事:雨、小树枝、卡什、佩诺和实验室。此处是with的独立主格结构,with+宾语+宾语补足语(现在分词或过去分词),所给词focus可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词,所以这里用现在分词focusing或过去分词focused作宾语补足语,故填focusing/focused。 (5)考查时态和主谓一致。句意:没有人相信孩子们会成功,但在新教练加入球队后,情况发生了变化。这里在讲述书中的故事,用的是一般现在时态,且主语是不定代词no one,后面的谓语动词用单数第三人称,故填has。 (6)考查连词。句意:没有人相信孩子们会成功,但在新教练加入球队后,情况发生了变化。结合句意,前后是一种转折关系,故填but。 (7)考查名词。句意:这是他自己写书的原因之一。根据one of后面跟名词复数,所给词reason“理由”是可数名词,故填reasons。 (8)考查副词。句意:这本书是根据科比的真实经历改编的,尤其是他在洛杉矶湖人队


高考语法填空专题训练 一 Once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, but he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “The night 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 31. who 32. But 33. a 34. hid 35. Another 36. it 37. saying 38. will be 39. strength 40. Under 二 The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as __31_ investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 32_ (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from _33 countries and cultures. However, __34____there are many positive developments __35__ (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. __36___ concern relates to a lack of control over__37__ appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are 38 (restrict) on what kinds of programs can __39__(broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable __40____ their children to see. 31. an 32. latest 33.other/different 34. while 35.associated 36. One 37. what 38. restrictions 39. be broadcast(ed) 40.for 三


英语语法填空练习题及答案 一、高中英语语法填空 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 New Year's Eve is the last day of the year. It is always an exciting time because people look forward to ________(welcome) a new year. It is also a good time to think back and say goodbye to the old year. New Year's Eve is a ________(nation) holiday for many people around the world. In a lot of countries , people go back to their hometown for the New Year, so usually the trains and buses________(pack) with people. In England, there is always a New Year's Eve party, ________ is usually held at someone's home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors. The living room becomes a mini disco as everyone dances________ loud music. I have lots of good ________(memory) of New Year's Eve . I once spent one freezing New Year's Eve in Trafalgar Square in the center of London. It snowed and was ________(bitter) cold . I also spent many wonderful New Year's Eves in Japan. There, it is a tradition________(visit) a shrine(圣坛)and pray for good things. I think wherever you are, New Year's Eve is always ________exciting day. Maybe the last way to welcome the New Year ________(be)watching amazing fireworks displays in the world's cities. 【答案】 welcoming;national;are packed;which;to;memories;bitterly;to visit;an;is 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。作者回忆了除夕的许多美好记忆。 (1)考查非谓语动词。句意:这总是一个令人兴奋的时刻,因为人们期待着迎接新的一年。look forward to固定短语,“期待”,to是介词,后面接动名词,所以填welcoming。(2)考查形容词。句意:对世界各地的许多人来说,除夕是国家的假日。该空修饰名词holiday,用形容词,所以填national。 (3)考查时态语态。句意:在很多国家,人们会回老家过年,所以通常火车和公共汽车上都挤满了人。描述经常或反复发生的动作,用一般现在时。"火车和公共汽车"与"挤满"之间是被动关系,用被动语态,所以填are packed。 (4)考查定语从句。句意:在英国,人们通常在某人家里举行新年晚会,邀请朋友、家人和邻居。_________ is usually held at someone's home and the host invites friends, families and neighbors.是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词是a New Year's Eve party,关系词在从句中作主语,指物,故填which。 (5)考查介词。句意:客厅变成了一个迷你迪斯科舞厅,每个人都随着响亮的音乐跳舞。dance to固定短语,“随着……起舞”,故填to。 (6)考查名词。句意:我对除夕有很多美好的回忆。"美好的回忆"是复数意义,用名词复数,故填memories。 (7)考查副词。句意:天下着雪,冷得刺骨。修饰形容词cold,用副词,故填bitterly。(8)考查非谓语动词。句意:在那里,参拜神社并祈求好运是一种传统。不定式作主语,一般用it作形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置,故填to visit。 (9)考查冠词。句意:我想无论你在哪里,除夕总是一个令人兴奋的日子。泛指"一个令


【英语】高二英语语法填空模拟试题含解析 一、高中英语语法填空 1.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Since ________ first fully artificial plastic was invented in 1907, humans ________(find) innumerable uses for the material. It has found ________(it) way into our tools, our clothes and even our bodies. In a new study in ________(environment) science and technology, researchers estimate the average American eats more than 50,000 pieces of microplastic particles, ________(small) than 5 millimeters in length every year and breathes in another 50,000. Although the health ________(effect) of consuming these tiny bits of plastic are unclear, researchers stress the real volume that people are ________(casual) swallowing is alarming. The largest contributor came ________ drinking bottled water, in ________ the bottle itself added more than 32 times more plastic to a diet ________(compare) with tap water, The Guardian reports. 【答案】the;have found;its;environmental;smaller;effects;casually;from;which;compared 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章提出了人工塑料渗入到我们生活的方方面面。在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中,研究人员估计,美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。主要诱因是饮用瓶装水。(1)考查冠词。句意:自从1907年第一个完全人工塑料被发明以来。根据first可知此处用冠词the。故填the。 (2)考查时态。句意:人类已经发现了这种材料的无数用途。since引导的时间从句要用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时。分析句子成分可知,主语是humans,故谓语动词为have found。故填have found。 (3)考查代词。句意:它已经渗入我们的工具、我们的衣服甚至我们的身体。way是名词,此处应该用形容词性物主代词修饰名词。故填its。 (4)考查形容词。句意:在环境科学与技术的一项新研究中。此处要用形容词修饰名词science and technology(科学与技术)。故填environmental。 (5)考查形容词。句意:美国人平均每年吃掉5万多块塑料微粒,这些微粒的长度小于5毫米,再吸入5万粒塑料微粒。根据than可知此处要用形容词比较级。故填smaller。(6)考查名词。句意:尽管食用这些小塑料碎片对健康的影响尚不清楚。根据the health 是主语的一部分,可知此处用名词作主语,且谓语动词是are,故用可数名词复数,填effects。 (7)考查副词。句意:但研究人员强调,人们随意吞下的塑料碎片的实际数量令人担忧。此处要用副词修饰动词swallowing 。故填casually。 (8)考查介词。句意:最大促成物来自饮用瓶装水。come from,固定短语,“来自”。故填from。 (9)考查定语从句。句意:瓶装水在日常饮食中添加的塑料量是自来水的32倍多。分析句子成分可知,先行词为drinking bottled water,指物,且作in的宾语,故此处填which。故填which。

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