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A: Good morning, everyone. Happy to see you all in the English corner. I’m your friend, Vivian.

B: I’m Higher. In today’s program, we’ll focus on the Oscar, which is the most famous award in the world.

A: ok, let’s start.

A : The Academy Awards, affectionately known as the Oscars, are the oldest, best known, most influential, most prestigious, and famous of film awards. The awards (and gold-plated statuettes) have been presented annually (the first awards ceremony was held in May of 1929) by a non-profit professional organization - the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), based in Beverly Hills, California, and founded in 1927. Price water house (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) has managed the Academy Awards balloting process since 1935 - all but the first six years of the Oscars. Ever since 1941, when their now-famous confidential envelope system was introduced, marking the first year of complete secrecy, "the Envelope Please" has become a familiar phrase that evokes the thought of the Academy Awards? ceremony.

B: Except for the early years of the institution, the awards honored films made during the previous 12-month calendar year. [At first, to be eligible for an award, a film had to open in Los Angeles during the twelve months ending on July 31 of the preceding year. To allow each ceremony to cover films for a single calendar year - matching the eligibility period, the 1932/33 awards were based on a 17-month qualifying period. Ever since then, beginning with the 1934 awards ceremony, all awards have been based on openings in the previous calendar year.] Until 1954, the

Oscars were presented mostly on a Thursday evening. From 1955 to 1958, they were presented on a Wednesday. From 1959 until 1998 the Oscars were, with a few exceptions, presented on a Monday night. Only since 1999 has the Awards ceremony taken place on a Sunday (traditionally in March). In 2004, the ceremony was moved even earlier to improve ratings and to be more relevant to the awards 'season'.

A: Comments About the Awards Themselves:

The establishment of the Academy (and its awards system) has had a major effect and influence upon the film industry, due to the enormous boost a nomination or award (for a film or actor) creates, by giving prestige and bottom-line profits to a studio or performer. Studios have often engaged in expensive marketing and advertising campaigns to sway votes, and to encourage contractual loyalty during voting. The Academy has, with limited success, tried to limit the influences of pressure groups and promotion, box office gross receipts, and studio public relations and marketing on voting results. It has also attempted to limit votes for melodramatic sentimentality, atonement for past mistakes, personal popularity, and "prestige" or epic scale, but those influences have often had a decided effect upon the outcome of some of the poll results.

B: Unfortunately, the critical worth, artistic vision, cultural influence, and innovative qualities of many films are not given the same voting weight. Especially since the 80s, moneymaking 'formula-made' blockbusters with glossy production values have often been crowd-pleasing titans (and Best Picture winners), but they haven't

necessarily been great films with depth or critical acclaim by any measure. See The Worst Academy Awards Oscars for more.

A: Like any other awards, recognitions, or "best" lists, the top nominees and winners do not necessarily reflect or objectively measure the greatest that cinematic history has to offer. Many of the most Deserving Films of All Time (see Films Without Awards) did not win Academy Awards (and in some cases were not even included in the nominees). In addition, Top Box-Office Films aren't always guaranteed awards success either. And certain Film Genres (notably westerns, science fiction, and comedy) as well as independent films are not represented in balanced numbers throughout Oscar history.

B: OK, so much for today. See you next week.

A: See you.


历届奥斯卡获奖影片(1971-2013年) 来自: F小星?(低姿态张扬的自由主张) 2008-10-26 11:33:16 p.s偶觉得有的提名的比获奖好看... 2013年(85届) 获奖:《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 提名: 《爱》/ Amour 《南国野兽》/ Beasts of the Southern Wild 《乌云背后的幸福线》/ Silver Linings Playbook 《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 《少年派的奇幻漂流》/ Life of Pi 《猎杀本·拉登》/ Zero Dark Thirty 《林肯》/ Lincoln 《被解放的姜戈》/ Django Unchained 《悲惨世界》/ Les Misérables 2012年(84届) 获奖:《艺术家》TheArtist 提名: 《艺术家》TheArtist,韦恩斯坦 《后裔》The Descendants,福斯探照灯 《咫尺浩劫》ExtremelyLoud and Incredibly Close,华纳兄弟 《相助》The Help,迪士尼梦工厂 《雨果的秘密》Hugo,派拉蒙 《午夜巴黎》Midnight in Paris,索尼经典 《点球成金》Moneyball,索尼哥伦比亚 《生命之树》TheTree of Life,福斯探照灯 《战马》War Horse,迪士尼梦工厂 2011年(83届) 获奖:《国王的演讲》 提名:

《黑天鹅》Black Swan 《斗士》The Fighter 《盗梦空间》Inception 《孩子们都很好》The Kids Are All Right 《国王的演讲》The King's Speech 《127小时》127 Hours 《社交网络》The Social Network 《玩具总动员3》Toy Story 3 《冬天的骨头》Winter's Bone 2010年(82届) 获奖:《拆弹部队》 提名:(从这届开始提名影片翻倍鸟) 拆弹部队(The Hurt Locker) 无耻混蛋(Inglourious Basterds) 直上云霄(Up in the Air) 珍爱(Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire) 阿凡达(Avatar) 第九区(District 9) 飞屋环游记(Up) 成长教育(An Education) 正经人(A Serious Man) 弱点(The Blind Side) 2009年(81届) 获奖:《贫民窟的百万富翁》 提名: 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button),派拉蒙《福斯特对话尼克松》(Frost/Nixon),环球


奥斯卡获奖者英语演讲稿 Im very grateful to receive this award for best actress. I cant begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. 能够获此最佳女主角奖,我非常感激。我现在无法表达我是多么珍惜这个伟大的奖项。 There are many people Id like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, Jim Jones, who taught me everything I know. I also want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. 我想感谢的人很多。首先,我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。另外,我还想对这么多年来教过我的老师们表达谢意,尤其要感谢我的表演老师吉姆琼斯,他教会了我所知道的一切。我还要感谢我的丈夫对我的理解与关怀。最后,我想感谢我所有的朋友们,感谢他们对我的支持,特别要感谢马丁米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。 This award means a great deal to me. Words cant express how honored I feel at this moment. I will remember this night for the


李奥纳多奥斯卡获奖感言 Thank you all so very much. Thank you to the Academy, thank you to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees this year for the _______________________. The Revenant was a product of the tireless ________ of an unbelievable cast and crew I got to work alongside. First off, to my brother in this endeavor, Mr. Tom Hardy. Tom, your fierce talent on screen can only be _____________ by your friendship off screen. To Mr. Alejandro Inarritu, as the history of cinema unfolds, you have forged your way into history these past two years. What an unbelievable __________ you are. Thank you to you and Chivo for creating a transcendent cinematic experience for all of us. Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency. And ____________, Melching, you were the ____________ of this endeavor. My entire team, I have to thank everyone from the very onset of my career, Mr. Caton-Jones for casting me in my first film, Mr. Scorsese for teaching me so much about the cinematic art form. To Mr. Rick Yorn, thank you for helping me navigate my way through this _____________. And to my parents, none of this would be possible without you. And to my friends, I love you dearly, you know who you are. And lastly I just want to say this: Making The Revenant was about_______________________________________________, a world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow. ________________________ is real, it is happening right now. It is the most ____________________ facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, the big corporations, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of __________________ people who would be most affected by this. For our children’s children, and for those people out there whose voices have been drowned out by the politics of greed. I thank you all for this amazing award tonight. Let us not________________________________. I do not _________________________ ____________________Thank you so very much.

名家资料英文介绍:奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Irish poet and dramatist whose reputation rests on his comic masterpieces Lady Windermere's Fan温夫人的扇子(1892) and The Importance of Being Earnest认真的重要性(1895). Among Wilde's other best-known works are his only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray多利安?格雷的画像(1891) and his fairy tales especially "The Happy Prince." Wilde was born on October 16, 1854 in Dublin to unconventional parents - his mother Lady Jane Francesca Wilde (1820-96), was a poet and journalist. His father was Sir William Wilde, an Irish antiquarian古物研究者,收集古物者(antiques), gifted writer, and specialist in diseases of the eye and ear. Wilde studied at Portora Royal School, Enniskillen, County Fermanagh (1864-71), Trinity College, Dublin (1871-74) and Magdalen College, Oxford (1874-78). In 1878 Wilde received his B.A. and in the same year he moved to London. His lifestyle and humorous wit soon made him the spokesman for

奥斯卡金像奖的由来 奥斯卡是什么意思

[键入文字] 奥斯卡金像奖的由来奥斯卡是什么意思 “奥斯卡金像奖”的正式名称是“电影艺术与科学学院奖”,1927 年设立,1929 年开 始评选。它的标志是一个高13.5 英寸的镀金塑像,在一块电影胶片的底座上,屹立着 一个身材魁伟的男性,他的双手紧握着一柄长剑。凡是从事电影工作的,不论是编 剧、导演、演员,还是摄影、录制、美工人员等,只要有新的贡献和成就,就可以得 到这份荣誉。 “奥斯卡”这个名称的来历说法不一。 1927 年5 月,“好莱坞之王”——米高梅公司总经理梅耶(LouisB.Mayer)在一次晚宴上,向在座的同行提出了一个设想:“应该把好莱坞的精英分子们都集中起来,组成一 个团体。它包括演员、导演、编剧、摄影师,当然还有制片人。使他们成为好莱坞的 支柱,让他们调解纠纷,或者在制片厂里起疏导作用。”一周之后,梅耶草拟了一份关 于成立“美国电影艺术与科学学院”(AmericanAcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences,简称AMPAS)的提案,学院的首任主席是米高梅旗下的当红影星道格拉斯·范朋克(DouglasFairbanks) 。 按照梅耶的初衷,该学院的创办是“提高电影艺术和科学的质量;发展文化、教育与艺 术而加强各部门的协作;表彰成绩显著者促进技术研究的技术方法、设备的改善;听取电 影界人士的呼声,推进大众和电影企业的教育活动”。然而没过多久,学院发现仅凭他 们的力量,协调错综复杂的好莱坞矛盾实在是无能为力。 于是,他们把工作的重心侧重到了用颁奖的方式来嘉奖在电影摄制方面有显著成就 的人士,后来被俗称为“奥斯卡奖”的“学院奖”(AcademyAward)由此应运而生。1929 年 五月十六日第一届奥斯卡奖举办一直到今天,奥斯卡奖就成为美国影艺学院的“主营业务”和该机构的代名词。 名字来历:“奥斯卡”这个名称的来历说法不一,较为可信的是,1931 年电影艺术与 1


奥斯卡2017获奖名单完整版 艾玛·斯通凭借在《爱乐之城》中的表演,获得第89届奥斯卡奖最佳女主角奖。但2017年第89届奥斯卡出现大乌龙,最佳影片实为《月光男孩》,但颁奖嘉宾却念出了《爱乐之城》,这让两个剧组同时经历“过山车”。 颁奖典礼现场,最后一个大奖——最佳影片备受关注,本来宣布的是《爱乐之城》拿了最佳电影,之后现场媒体正在狂欢时,组委会现场紧急宣布,搞错了……最佳影片是《月光男孩》。 本届奥斯卡上,《爱乐之城》以14项提名入围,令其与《彗星美人》《泰坦尼克号》并列为奥斯卡提名最多的三部电影之一。但并未成为与《宾虚》《泰坦尼克号》和《指环王3》并列成为获得奥斯卡奖项最多的电影(上述三部均为11项)。 《爱乐之城》最终获得最佳女主角、最佳导演、最佳摄影、最佳艺术指导、最佳配乐、最佳歌曲。1985年1月19日出生的达米安成为奥斯卡历史上最年轻的最佳导演(32岁1个月),此前纪录1932年第四届奥斯卡上是凭借《淘哥儿》(Skippy)获最佳导演的诺曼·陶罗格(Norman Taurog)的33岁9个月,当时奥斯卡颁奖是在11月举行。 2017年第89届美国电影艺术与科学学院奖于北京时间2月27日举行,归纳起来,本届奥斯卡颁奖礼有两大主题:一是与美国总统特朗普对着干,二是尽量避免“全白奥斯卡”。

2017年美国电影艺术与科学学院奖摆脱了“全白奥斯卡”的尴尬,在最佳男女主角以及最佳男女配角的20个提名中,共有七名黑人。 最终的获奖名单更是将”不白“进行到底,最佳男配角颁给了《月光男孩》中的马赫沙拉·阿里,最佳女配角则授予了《藩篱》中的维奥拉·戴维斯。 戴维斯是第一个将美国影视最重要的三大奖项托尼、艾美和奥斯卡奖收入囊中的黑人演员。 获得最佳纪录长片的《辛普森:美国制造》,同样是讲述前黑人橄榄球运动员辛普森的,它聚焦美国社会顽疾,关于种族、法律、人性等等美国体制痼疾,一一加以批判。《辛普森:美国制造》获奖的同时也创造两个历史:第一部以“剧集”之身拿到奥斯卡的作品;奥斯卡史上片长最长的一部获奖影片(7小时47分钟)。 《辛普森:美国制造》以7小时47分钟的时长,创造奥斯卡史上片长最长的一部获奖影片。 似乎为了纠正前两年奥斯卡过于白人的尴尬,本届奥斯卡可谓处处显现黑人平权力量。讲述几个黑人女性与种族偏见作斗争的电影《隐藏人物》,三位主演登上奥斯卡舞台,登场介绍现年98岁的凯瑟琳·约翰逊,称其为真正的NASA 元老,也是真正的“隐藏人物”。老奶奶出场时,全场起立致意并报以热烈欢呼。 本届奥斯卡最佳外语片颁给了伊朗电影《推销员》。今年1月美国总统特朗普签署“穆斯林禁令”,导演阿斯哈·法哈蒂无法赴奥斯卡颁奖礼。2012年,法哈蒂曾凭借《一次别离》获得最佳外语片奖。英国时间2月26日,伦敦市长萨迪克·汗在伦敦特拉法加广场声援法哈蒂,组织者称该次集会规模达到上万人。


历届奥斯卡获奖影片(1990-2014年)2014年(86届) 获奖:《为奴十二年》/12 Years a Slave 提名: 《达拉斯买家俱乐部》/Dallas Buyers Club 《华尔街之狼》/The Wolf of Wall Street 《地心引力》/Gravity 《内布拉斯加》/Nebraska 《菲利普船长》/Captain Phillips 《她》/ Her 《美国骗局》/ American Hustle 《菲洛梅娜》/Philomena 2013年(85届) 获奖:《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 提名: 《爱》/ Amour 《南国野兽》/ Beasts of the Southern Wild 《乌云背后的幸福线》/ Silver Linings Playbook 《逃离德黑兰》/ Argo 《少年派的奇幻漂流》/ Life of Pi 《猎杀本·拉登》/ Zero Dark Thirty 《林肯》/ Lincoln 《被解放的姜戈》/ Django Unchained 《悲惨世界》/ Les Misérables 2012年(84届) 获奖:《艺术家》The Artist 提名: 《艺术家》TheArtist,韦恩斯坦 《后裔》The Descendants,福斯探照灯 《咫尺浩劫》ExtremelyLoud and Incredibly Close,华纳兄弟 《相助》The Help,迪士尼梦工厂 《雨果的秘密》Hugo,派拉蒙 《午夜巴黎》Midnight in Paris,索尼经典 《点球成金》Moneyball,索尼哥伦比亚 《生命之树》TheTree of Life,福斯探照灯 《战马》War Horse,迪士尼梦工厂 2011年(83届) 获奖:《国王的演讲》 提名: 《黑天鹅》Black Swan 《斗士》The Fighter 《盗梦空间》Inception 《孩子们都很好》The Kids Are All Right


演讲全文: Thank you to the Academy, thank you to all of you in this room. I have to congratulate the other incredible nominees this year. 'The Revenant' was the product of the tireless efforts of an unbelievable cast and crew.感谢大家。感谢学院奖,感谢在座的各位。我同样为今年其他有着出色表现得提名者祝贺。《荒野猎人》是剧组不懈努力完成的一部作品。 First off, to my brother in this endeavor, Mr. Tom Hardy. Tom, your talent on screen can only be surpassed by your friendship off screen… thank you for creating a transcendent cinematic experience.首先是剧中和我演对手戏的我的好兄弟,汤姆哈迪,你出色的表现和我们的友情一样难以逾越,谢谢你在剧中精彩的演出。 Thank you to everybody at Fox and New Regency…my entire team. I have to thank everyone from the very onset of my career… To my parents, none of this would be possible without you. And to my friends, I love you dearly, you know who you are.同时还要感谢FOX和New Regency的整个制作团队;还有那些从我走上演员道路开始就一直支持我的人;感谢我的父亲母亲,没有你们就没有现在的我;同时感谢我的朋友么,我爱你们! And lastly I just want to say this: Making 'The Revenant' was about man's relationship to the natural world. A world that we collectively felt in 2015 as the hottest year in recorded history. Our production needed to move to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow.最后我想要说,


The Happy Prince----Oscar Wilde In order to write this repot,I found some information of the artists in the text book.I thought that you told us don’t choose the artist we already know very well,so I considered maybe I can choose an artist I am not familiar with and I am interested in at the same time.So,I found an artist I thought I don’t know him but I actually read his fairy tale when I was a little girl,and when today I search his material,I notice a sayings of him,”Have a happy life,is a best revenge.”He is Oscar Wilde. When I was a child,I read many book,like every child,I love fairy tale,including The Happy Prince.I love this prince,he has a noble heart.He had a perfect appearance which every people admired,but he watched people suffering sick and poor every day. So he was very sad.One day,a swallow came and want to stay a night in his body,but it found the prince was cried,and then the swallow promised the prince that it will help him to help people,it picked out the great ruby from the Prince's sword,and flew away with it in his beak over the roofs of the town.Again and again,the prince became an ugly statue;the swallow also wasn’t going to Egypt with its family.Finally,the prince was pulled down,and the kind and faithful swallow dead on his foot.The prince’s heart and the dead swallow’s body were brought to the heaven by angle,they


奥斯卡获奖影片赏析 众所周知,“奥斯卡奖”是世界上最享盛名的电影奖。它由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发,又称为“学院奖”。 第一届“奥斯卡奖”在1929年5月16日颁发,其宗旨就是提高电影的艺术质量。 《为奴十二年》 每一年的奥斯卡奖都是从秋季开始,今年的最佳影片无疑最为出众。影片根据所罗门·诺瑟普所写纪传体小说《为奴十二年》改编。其来自作者的亲身经历,他原来是生活在纽约的自由黑人,受过教育而且有一男一女两个孩子,生活也是很幸福。因遇到两个骗子相信他们会帮他在华盛顿找到一份好工作被诱拐绑架,从此开始他的为奴生涯。经历种种辛酸最终靠一个好心的加拿大木匠帮忙送信才得以解脱。 他从最开始的反抗到后来慢慢顺从,从最开始的锋芒毕露到后来的小心翼翼,都表达了对黑人制度的一种批判。 白人自以为非常尊贵非常优越的种族,认为黑人生来就是低等野蛮的存在。却不想暴露出来的是比黑人更加丑陋更加恶劣的行径,他们以各种卑鄙的手段折磨黑人贩卖黑人获取自己的利益。在黑人母亲和两个孩子分离哭的悲痛欲绝的时候白人表现出来的厌恶与黑人同胞表现出来的息事宁人和无奈形成对比。 黑人身处这样的世界,对于所受的苦难更多的是无奈,面对同胞的受苦更多的也只是麻木。他们救不了自己更何况别人,他们只能顺从和接受。 尽管如此,所罗门一定还是在心里存在一点希望的。不然他不会想要写信,不然他不会想要逃跑,不然他更不会信任木匠并求他的帮助......他的勇气和信念让他重获新生。

《贫民窟的百万富翁》 “辉煌”的定义,每一个人的答案都是不一样的,当人老了,即将走完生命的全程,会躺在床榻上回忆自己曾经有过的辉煌过去,或许带点遗憾,或许是心满意足,至少会帮助他们重新明白生活的意义…… 贾马尔?马里克参加了印度一档“谁想成为百万富翁”的电视节目。这一天是他过关斩将来到的最后一关。过了这一关他就能得到一大笔做梦才有的奖金——2千万卢比。 影片采用倒叙的方式,通过贾马尔回答问题来回忆以前的事,也反映了印度底层社会的贫穷和暴力。它以大仲马的《三个火枪手》为线索讲述了三个孩子之间的亲情、友情和爱情。 影片一开始就是一群贫民窟的孩子在打棒球遭到警卫的驱逐。他们是社会最底层的人。 他们为生计发愁,他们的子女永远低人一等,不管在哪里都会受到欺凌。 在这个残酷的世界里,贾马尔和哥哥舍利姆相依为命,并遇见了女主拉提卡。三个孩子被利用儿童乞讨的犯罪集团带走。他们残忍的弄瞎孩子的眼睛。亲眼目睹这一幕的舍利姆带着弟弟贾马尔跳上火车逃跑。拉提卡因为哥哥的放手成为贾马尔最大的遗憾。 贾马尔参加这个节目并不是为了钱,他只是想重新找到真心相爱的拉提卡。他说,因为我认为她在看这个节目,她是我的宿命。 最终他们真的在一起。无论什么也不能阻挡他们,这是他们的宿命。 《阿甘正传》


一、引言 (一)背景 中国是全球第二大电影市场,同时也是增长最快的市场之一。纵观改革开放后的30多年,中国电影行业可以说先后经历了“高峰—低谷—上升”的发展历程。自2003年电影产业化改革启动以来的十余年间,中国电影的市场规模便一直保持着每年30%左右的增长。2005年,中国电影在度过百年华诞之后,迎来了蓬勃发展的“新元年”,电影产业在国内经济高速发展、综合国力不断增强、电影产业化改革和市场需求的拉动下,焕发出旺盛的生命力和可持续发展的巨大潜力。2010年,中国电影全年票房首次突破百亿元大关。进入21世纪以来,中国电影的产量也一直保持着快速增长的态势。2001年,全国各电影制片厂和制作公司出品的故事片电影总和只有88部,但根据国家新闻出版广电总局电影局公布的数据,2013年各大电影制片方共生产故事片电影638部,相比于2001年提升了625%。 虽然国内电影发展速度很快,但与国际影视业相比还是有很大差距。特别是在奥斯卡奖项获得方面更是少之又少,只有台湾导演李安获得过最佳导演奖。因此,我们需要对国际影视业进行研究,从而得出启示,找到我国影视业发展的方向,争取让更多的中国影视走出国门,走向世界,获得更多引人注目的国际大奖。 (二)文献回顾 1.中国人对奥斯卡金像奖的看法 在中国电影大力;中击各著名国际电影节之中,恐怕让中国电影人最割舍不下的就要算奥斯卡金像奖了,因为其他著名的国际电影节的大奖中国电影早已拿过,独独奥斯卡金像奖,国内电影人没有一个获此殊荣,特别是大陆电影人,这在一定程度上就增加了奥斯卡金像奖的神秘性。 著名摄影师顾长卫说得:“奥斯卡是美国的奖,就象内地的金鸡百花,香港的金像,台湾的金马之类,是一个本地的电影奖,它不同于国际电影节,敞开大门,各国都来。奥斯卡奖评的是美国自己的电影,外语片也要求在美国上映过,它看重的是市场,不象电影节注重影片的艺术价值和内容。”因此,中国电影人不用太在意奥斯卡,毕竟它也不是衡量电影的唯一标准(虽然奥斯卡的权威性和影响力很大)。得奖也并非衡量一个导演或演员甚至一部影片的唯一标准。 西南大学宣传部代碧峰在《电影评介》杂志中认为作为中国电影人,为中国电影长远发展诩当然个人发展除外),更应该脚踏实地,做好内功,少些“冲奖”情结。理性对待“奥斯卡”,立足于本民族,借鉴国外特别是美国等电影发达国家的先进经验和技术,结合我国电影自身的优势和百年来的优良传统,做自己的民族电影,把它做大做强。一位哲人说过“越是民族的,越是世界的。”近几年崛起的韩国日本电影就是最好的明证。 2.奥斯卡电影与美国社会的联系 由美国电影艺术与科学学院颁发的奥斯卡奖,凭借其影响力和专业水平起到了当今电影界的风向标作用。以好莱坞为主的电影产业是美国“文化软实力”的重要组成部分,除了其电影的创意元素、营销模式、高新技术的应用,剖析影片的主题可以看出美国电影大多以美国精神和价值取向为主题,体现了一种在文化和意识形态层面的吸引力与张力。 美国人罗伯特·贝拉在《心灵的习性》一书中提到了奥斯卡电影主题随着时代发展的变化,说明了美国主流价值观的一些转型:第一,个人主义与集体主义的平衡。当奥斯卡反战影片中主人公表现出无奈与内心的折磨,当人们逐渐感受到了社会中人人为自己而独立奋斗


历届奥斯卡声音奖提名及获奖影片 Results displayed by award category; sort is chronological Win indicated by an asterisk (*) 1929/30 (3rd) SOUND RECORDING The Big House– ro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department, Douglas Shearer, Sound Director The Case of Sergeant Grischa– (RKO Radio Studio Sound Department, John Tribby, Sound Director) [NOTE: For the third Academy Awards no certificates of nomination were given out in this category, only the titles of the nominated films and their companies were listed. When the winners were revealed, only the names of the individuals involved with the winning achievements were announced. The name(s) of those credited with this achievement are indicated here in parens.] The Love Parade– aramount Famous Lasky Studio Sound Department, Franklin Hansen, Sound Director) [NOTE: For the third Academy Awards no certificates of nomination were given out in this category, only the titles of the nominated films and their companies were listed. When the winners were revealed, only the names of the individuals involved with the winning achievements were announced. The name(s) of those credited with this achievement are indicated here in parens.] Raffles– (United Artists Studio Sound Department, Oscar Lagerstrom, Sound Director) [NOTE: For the third Academy Awards no certificates of nomination were given out in this category, only the titles of the nominated films and their companies were listed. When the winners were revealed, only the names of the individuals involved with the winning achievements were announced. The name(s) of those credited with this achievement are indicated here in parens.] Song of the Flame– (First National Studio Sound Department, George Groves, Sound Director) [NOTE: For the third Academy Awards no certificates of nomination were given out in this category, only the titles of the nominated films and their companies were listed. When the winners were revealed, only the names of the individuals involved with the winning achievements were announced. The name(s) of those credited with this achievement are indicated here in parens.] Samuel Goldwyn - United Artists Studio Sound Department


当前奖项 最佳影片奖(Best Picture)——1928年至今 最佳导演奖(Best Directing)——1928年至今 最佳男主角奖(Best Actor in a Leading Role)——1928年至今 最佳女主角奖(Best Actress in a Leading Role)——1928年至今 最佳男配角奖(Best Actor in a Supporting Role)——1936年至今 最佳女配角奖(Best Actress in a Supporting Role)——1936年至今 最佳原创剧本奖(Original Screenplay)——1940年至今 最佳改编剧本奖(Adapted Screenplay)——1928年至今 最佳艺术指导奖(Best Art Direction/Interior or Set Decoration)——1928年至今 最佳摄影奖(Best Cinematography)——1928年至今 最佳视觉效果奖(Visual Effects)——1963年至今 最佳剪辑奖(Film Editing)——1935年至今 最佳原创音乐奖(Original Score)——1934年至今 最佳歌曲奖(Best Song)——1934年至今 最佳音效奖(Sound/Sound Mixing)——1930年至今 最佳音效剪辑奖(Sound Editing/Sound Effects Editing/Sound Effects)——1963年至今 最佳服装设计奖(Costume Design)——1948年至今 最佳化妆奖(Makeup)——1981年至今 科技成果奖(Scientific or Technical Awards)——1931年至今 最佳动画长片奖(Best Animated Feature)——2001年至今 最佳动画短片奖(Animated Short Film)——1931年至今 最佳实景短片奖(Live Action Short Film) 最佳纪录长片奖(Documentary Feature)——1942年至今 最佳纪录短片奖(Documentary Short Subject)——1941年至今 最佳外语片奖(Best Foreign Language Film)——1957年至今 特别奖项 终身成就奖(Academy Honorary Award)——1928年至今


奥斯卡金像奖是美国电影艺术学院每年颁发给最佳影片、演员、导演等的奖项。获奖者对自 己的亲人、朋友或合作伙伴表达感谢,是奥斯卡颁奖典礼中的一项重要内容。获奖者的感言, 也是最佳的语言学习材料。下面是一位奥斯卡获奖者的一篇致谢辞,堪称“表达感谢”之典范。 i’m very grateful to receive this award for “best actress”. i can’t begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor. 能够获此“最佳女主角”奖,我非常感激。我现在无法表达我是多么珍惜这个伟大的奖项。 there are many people i’d like to thank. first of all, i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. i also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher, jim jones, who taught me everything i know. i also want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. and finally, i want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to martin miller, for being there when i needed him. 我想感谢的人很多。首先,我想感谢我的父母把我带到这个世界上。另外,我还想对这 么多年来教过我的老师们表达谢意,尤其要感谢我的表演老师吉姆·琼斯,他教会了我所知 道的一切。我还要感谢我的丈夫对我的理解与关怀。最后,我想感谢我所有的朋友们,感谢 他们对我的支持,特别要感谢马丁·米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。 this award means a great deal to me. words can’t express how honored i feel at this moment. i will remember this night for the rest of my life! thank you very much! 这个奖项对我来说意义重大。我感到万分荣幸,任何言辞都不能表达我此刻的心情。这 一晚我将永生难忘!非常感谢! -篇二:深度解读81届奥斯卡典礼颁奖词 深度解读81届奥斯卡典礼颁奖词 每年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼都是电影界的盛事,号称“the biggest movie event of the year”。观众对这一盛典的期待,其实抱有各自不同的目的。有的人是真诚地想在第一时间获知最终 的结果,有的人是为了追星追潮流看服饰看珠宝甚至看走光,而我在老罗培训做了英语教师, 对今年的奥斯卡颁奖典礼,我特别注意了主持人、颁奖嘉宾的语言和被肯定的电影工作者的 获奖感言。 在红地毯(red carpet)阶段,每次有嘉宾到了采访区,主持人就会热情洋溢地说“you look great”或“you look gorgeous”。“gorgeous”这个词贯穿了整个红地毯和颁奖典礼,实打实成为一个高频词汇。我们很容易从这里学会如何赞美别人。当电影《slumdog millionaire (贫民窟的百万富翁)》的一众小演员获得了主持人的赞美,并需要他们谈一下 现场的感受时,主演dev patel谦虚地讲“honestly, we are not big stars. we are just kids. (坦白讲,我们并不是大明星,我们只是无名小卒。)” 正式颁奖典礼的主持人hugh jackman是我非常熟悉并喜爱的演员。我在老罗培训开设的“看电影学英语”课程的电影资料中,就有一部由他主演的《kate and leopold》。这次他的 主持,无论是talking,还是开场的musical number(歌舞表演)都精彩绝伦(gorgeous!)。 一开始他在全球金融危机的大环境下以自我调侃的方式介绍自己并带入musical number的部分。他说“the academy loves to salute range… robert downey j in tropic thunder. robert, whos an american, played an australian playing an african-american. nominated. whereas me, im an australian who played an australian in a movie called australia. hosting.”之后他接着说因为金融危机的影响,他去年拍摄的是《australia(澳大利亚)》,来年就只好参与拍摄“《new zealand (新西兰)》”了。并且,因为拍摄经费需要一再缩减,

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