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芭芭拉 凯因斯著 李韦臻译 中国对外翻译出版公司出版

1. Have a ball 欢度时光
I feel like having a ball. Let’s splurge. 我心情很好,我们去花钱找乐子吧!
Foreget it. I’m broke. 不要,我没有前。
Don’t worry. I’ll pick up the tab, I’m loaded today, I’ll treat you.
No, we’ll go Dutch. I don’t like to freeload. 不各付各的,我不喜欢让别人请客。
Have a ball: 欢度时光,享乐
Splurege: 花大钱
Broke: 身无分文
Pick up the tab: 付账
Loaded: 身边带着很多钱
Treat: 请客
Go Dutch: 各付各的
Freeload: 让别人请客

2. Footing the bill 付账
I’m always running out of food. 我的食品总是不够。
Why don’t you pick up some odds and ends at the store?
Because I’m fed up with having to foot the bill. I don’t like to throw my money down the drain. 我已经厌烦了老是付钱,不想乱花钱。
Have everyone chip in. 跟大家募集一些钱把!
No, just skip it. 不,我才不要呢。
Clotheshorse: 很会打扮的人
Dress up: 打扮
Shop round: 逛街
Great: 很好的
Sky-high: 昂贵的
Make ends meet: 平衡收支
Cut corners: 控制花费
Cut down on: 减少

4. Raking it in 大捞一比
He was in the casino and started to make a bundle. He was really raking it in.
I bet he thought he had it made. 他一定觉得很有成就感
Then he started losing his shirt. 但是之后却开始输钱。
With his temper, he probably hit the ceiling. 依他的脾气,可能大发雷霆。
Sure. The casino took him to the cleaners. 是啊。赌场赢走了他所有的钱。
Was he a good sport? 他输的起吗?
Oh no,. He was a sore loser. 输不起,他气疯了。
Make a bundle: 赚大钱
Rank it in: 大捞一笔。
Have it made: 相信自己的胜利
Lose one’s shirt: 失去所有的钱
Hit the ceiling: 发脾气
Take someone to the cleaners: 赢走某人所有的钱
Good sport: 输的起
Sore loser: 输不起

5. Caught Short 缺钱
At the end of the week, I’m always caught short. 每到周末我就缺钱。
That’s because money burns a hole in your pocket. I don’t feel sorry for you.
How can I tighten my belt? 我要怎么省钱才好。
You’re going to have to do without in order to get along. 你必须节省开支。
I known. I’ll try to brown bagging it. Within a short time I’ll be in the chips again.
Caught short: 钱渐渐不够

Burn a hole in one’s pocket: 花钱如流水
Feel sorry for: 同情
Tighten one’s belt: 节约
Do without: 不去用某些东西
Get along: 处理
Brown bag: 从家里带饭
In the chips: 有充足的钱
6. An arm and a leg 非常昂贵
That car is in A-1 condition, but it would cost an arm ang a leg.
I didn’t know you were in the market for another car. 不知道到你想买车。
I’m thinking about it, but for the time being, I’ll use this jalopy, it’ll do in a pinch.
I’m sure a new one will set you back 10 grand. That ain’t hey!
A- 1: 优秀的
an arm and a leg: 非常昂贵
in the market for: 想要,准备买
for the time being: 目前
jalopy: 状况差的旧车
in a pinch: 有总比没有好
set one back grand: 1000美元
that ain’t hay!: 一大笔钱

7. a nest egg 私房钱
He’s always squawking about money. 他总是在金钱上唠唠叨叨。
If he had a nest egg, he wouldn’t have to worry. 如果他有私房钱,就不需操心。
It’s difficult to salt away money today. 这年头要存私房钱可不容易。
That’s true. And he tries to keep up with the Joneses.
Not really. He tries to save, but the family expenses are on his shoulders. That’s why he’s on pins and needles.
Why doesn’t he play to lottery? 他怎么不去买彩票
Because he can bank on the fact that he’s not going to make a killing that way.
Squawk about: 抱怨
Nest egg: 私房钱
Salt away: 存私房钱
Keep up with the Joneses: 保持一般水准
On one’s shoulders: 负责任
On pins and needles: 紧张的
Bank on: 确信
Make a killing: 发横财

8. falling behind: 无法维持
I’m breaking my neck at tow jobs so I don’t fall behind in my bills.
Maybe you better face up to the fact that you can’t enjoy life to the hilt.
I’ll go over my budget again. Don’t fly off the handle if my check bounces.
I’m sure it will clear but if you want. I’ll give you some money to tide you over.
Break one’s neck: 努力
Fall behind: 无法维持
Face up to: 面对现实
To the hilt: 完全
Go over: 检查,再看一次
Fly off the handle: 生气
Bounce: 因存款不足而拒收
Clear: 度过
Tide someone over: 帮助别人度过难关

9. When the chips are down

I can’t believe I’m down and out. I’m living hand to mouth and pinching pennies.
You can turn to me when you the chips are down. 如果你有困难的话,我可以帮你。
I don’t want any handouts. I don’t mooch off anyone. 我不需要施舍,我不想向别人低头。
Just sit tight. You’ll get out from under. 你真坚强,一定可以度过难关。
Down and out: 身无分文的,一事无成的
Hand to mouth: 勉强糊口
Pinch pennies: 节俭
Turn to: 寻求帮助
When the chips are down: 最糟糕的状况
Handout: 施舍
Mooch: 乞求
Sit tight: 耐心等候
Get out from under: 度过

10. keeping one’s head above water 平安度过
I’m racking my brains to find a way to keep my head above water.
I didn’t know you were hard up. 没想到你这么拮据
I put up a good front but I haven’t seen daylight for a long time.
I’ll give you some moola to bail you out. 我可以借你一点钱给你应急
That’s just a drop in the bucket. I need too much to get back on my feet.
Rack one’s brains: 绞尽脑汁
Keep one’s head above water: 筹借所需费用以度过
Hard up: 经济拮据
Put up a good front: 强颜欢笑
See daylight: 顺利
Moola: 钱
Bail one out: 帮助
A drop in the bucket: 一小笔
Back on one’s feet: 恢复经济上的独立或恢复体力

11. one for the books 无法预期
He’s a nitwit. What half-baked idea does he have now?
He’s sure he can become a millionaire by buying 100 lottery tickets. He thinks it’ll be a piece of cake.
That’s one for the books. It’s no cinch making money.
He talks through his hat. You have to take everything he says with a grain of salt.
Just watch. He’ll have egg on his face. 等着瞧,他会出丑的。
Nitwit: 笨蛋
Half-baked: 愚蠢的
A piece of cake

12. An Eager Beaver 工作狂
That guy is an eager beaver. He never goofs off. 他是工作狂,从不怠惰。
He really wants to get ahead. 他一定是想要出人头地。
You can count on him. 他是个靠得住的人。
If extra work crops up, he will pitch in. 如果有什么急事,他会帮忙。
He’s not a clockwatcher. 他不是一个一到下班时间就急着走的人。
Eager beaver: 有事业心,热衷工作者
Goof off: 混日子
Get ahead: 出人头地
Count on: 信赖
Crop up: 出其不意
Pitch in: 帮助
Clockwatcher: 急于结束工作的人

13. Bringing Home the

Bacon 养家活口
Today I’m under the weather. 我今天很不舒服
Play hooky. I won’t spill the beans. 那就别去上班了,我不会说出去的。
I can’t. I’m swamped with work. My job is no picnic. 不行,工作堆积如山,可不是闹着玩的。
Well, hang in there. In the long run, you’ll be sitting pretty.
I hope so. I have to bring home the bacon. 希望如此,我得赚钱养家糊口呢!
Under the weather: 感觉不舒服
Play hooky: 逃学,旷工
Spill the beans: 声张
Swamped: 穷于应付的
No picnic: 不轻松的
Hang it there: 容纳
In the long run: 结果
Sitting pretty: 顺利
Bring home the bacon: 养家

14. On a Shoestring 一点点钱
Out of the blue, he opened up a business on a shoestring.
That’s a feather in his cap. 他真有一套。
I hope he doesn’t take a beating. 希望他不会赔钱
I don’t think so. He struck while the iron was hot. 我想不会,此时他正是打铁趁热。
He’ll probably wind up being very well-heeled. 他说不定会发大财。
I hope so. He’s been through the mill. 希望如此,他可是历经磨难。
Out of the blue: 出乎意料
On a shoestring: 以极少的钱
A feather in one’s cap: 功绩,名誉
Take a beating: 赔钱
Strike while the iron is hot:打铁趁热
Wind up: 结束
Well-heeled: 富有的
Through the mill: 吃苦

A pep Talk 激励
He gave them a pep talk and told them they better shape up or they’ll get a pink slip.
I knew he’d get ground to it. If you were in his shores, you wouldn’t have let it ride.
Off the record. I’m glad he clamped down on them. How are things now?
Everyone’ gung ho. 大家都在努力做事。
Pep talk: 激励
Shape up: 准备开始行动
Pink slip: 解雇通知
Get around to: 终于有时间做某事
In someone’s shoes: 就某人的立场
Let it ride: 维持
Off the record: 个人的、非正式的、非公开的
Clamp down: 更加严格
Gung ho: 热忱的

16. in seventh heaven 非常快乐
I’m in seventh heaven. 我好快乐
I noticed your head was in the clouds. 你好像飘飘欲仙了
I think I made a hit with the boss. My idea knocked him dead. Now he knows I mean business.
I have to hand it to you. You stuck to your guns and everything panned out.
I’m glad I kept my fingers corssed. 我很高兴一直都这么幸运
In seventh heaven: 非常快乐
Have one’s head in the

clouds: 忘乎所以
Make a hit: 顺利
Knock out dead: 非常惊讶
Mean business: 认真
Hand it to someone: 认同
Stick to one’s guns: 不畏艰难
Pan out:顺利进行
Keep one’s fingers crossed: 乞求幸运

17. A Brainstrom 奇思妙想
He thought up a great idea for a new project. 他想出一个很棒的新产品
Maybe with this brainstorm, he’ll take the plunge and start his own business.
I think he wants to try his idea out for a while. He doesn’t want to jump the gun.
He should kick it around a while but it won’t work unless he can take over.
Well, so far none of his plans have managed to get off the ground.
Think up: 发明
Take the plunge: 下决心作某事
Try something out: 尝试
Jump the gun: 提早作
Kick something around: 考虑
Take over: 管理支配
Get off the around: 着手进行

18. The Cream of the Crop 顶尖
He’s a brain. 他很优秀
I can’t stand him. He rubs me the wrong way. 我不喜欢他,他总是让我烦躁
Why? He’s on the ball and has his feet on the ground. 为什么?他做事认真又踏实
What we need is someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone.
I read his application and he is the cream of the crop. 我看过他的申请书,他是顶尖的。
Do you think he’ll get the job? 你认为他会被录用吗?
Yeah, it’s in the bag. 是,当然
Brain: 聪明的人
Rub one the wrong way: 惹恼,妨碍
On the ball: 认真作好
Have one’s feet on the ground: 实际的,敏锐的
Keep one’s nose to the grindstone: 认真工作,保持忙碌
The crem of the crop: 顶尖的
In the bag: 确实的,明确的

19. pulling strings 背后操作
There’s a job opening in my company. It would suit you to a T.
Could you pull some strings to get me hired? 你可以帮助我得到这个工作吗?
I can’t. My hands are tiled. 没办法,我帮不上忙。
Don’t you know anyone who could throw his weight around? 你认识任何有影响的人吗?
What about your brother? He’s a big shot. Maybe he could put in his tow cents.
Asking his is wasting my breath. I think I’ll have to make my own way.
To a T: 完全的,确实的
Pull strings: 背后操作
One’s hands are tied: 帮不上忙
Throw one’s weight around: 发挥影响力
Big shot:重要人物
Put in one’s two cents: 提出意见
Waste one’s breath: 白费口

Make one’s own way: 凭自己的努力

20. in the swing of things 适应
I’m going to get a promotion. 我就业升职了。
You’re pulling my leg! 骗人的吧!
No. I deserve it. I worked my fingers to the bone. 不,这是理所当然的,我工作很努力
I’m glad they gave you a break. 我很高兴你获得一个机会。
Finally things are looking up for me. I’m taking on more responsibility.
Now you have to get in the swing of things and learn the ropes.
It’ll be a breeze. I’m really cut out for this work. 我想不会太困难,这个工作很适合我。
Pull someone’s leg: 欺骗
Work one’s fingers to the bone:努力工作
Give someone a break: 给予机会
Look up: 改善
Take on: 承接
Get in the swing of things: 适应环境
Learn the ropes: 抓住要领
A breeze: 简易之事
Cut out: 适合
21. A Hustler 骗钱高手
He’s pretty sharp when it comes to feathering his own nest. 说到赚钱,他脑筋转的很快。
He’s a hustler who’s out to make a fast buck. And he makes it hand over fist.
He’ll try to put the bite on you by telling you a cock and bull story.
He has a snowball’s chance in hell. I’m not a soft touch. 他歇会吧!我可不是冤大头。
Sharp: 机敏的
Feather one’s nest: 利用地位中饱私囊
Hustler: 善于骗钱的人
Fast buck: 简单到手的不义之财
Hand over fist: 迅速的
Put the bite on someone: 借钱
Cock and bull story: 夸大其词或撒谎
A snowball’s chance in hell: 没这回事
Soft touch: 冤大头

22. High Off the Hog 舒适的生活
Someday you’ll be living high off the hog but right now I know you’re strapped.
Don’t worry. I’ll land on my feet. 不用担心,我会撑过去的。
You’re always in there pitching. You don’t let any grass grow under your feet.
That’s true. Even if a job’s not so hot. I’ll take a crack at it.
I know. You’ve worked in a sweatshop and now you’re slinging hash.
Live high off the hog: 舒适的生活
Strapped: 手头没钱
Land on one’s feet: 度过困境
In there pitching: 努力奋斗
Let grass grow under one’s feet: 错过机会
Not so hot: 不是太好
Take a crack at: 尝试
Sweatshop: 常时间劳动、待遇低的血汗工厂
Sling hash: 在小饭店里作接待

23. Getting down to brass tacks 切入问题核心
Let’s get down to brass tacks. 让我们进入主题
I’m game. I don’t want to hea

r about this project in dribs and drabs. Let’s get to the nitty-gritty. 我准备好了。我不想知道这个计划的细枝末节,让我们讨论一下核心问题。
I don’t know what you have up your sleeve now, but your last idea was out of this world.
If we sink our teeth into the next project, we’ll on the gravy train.
Get down to brass tacks: 切入问题核心
Game: 准备妥当
Dribs and drabs: 少量的
Nitty-gritty: 核心,本质
Have something up one’s sleeve: 暗中准备妥当,胸有成竹
Out of this world: 很棒
Sink one’s teeth into: 认真做
On the gravy train: 赚大钱

24. Straight from the Horse’s Mouse 当面得知
How did you get wind of that terrific business deal? 你怎么知道有这么好的生意可以做?
I got it straight from the horse’s mouse and I’d like to get in on the ground floor.
I hope nobody beats you to the bunch. Maybe we should both jump on the bandwangon.
Do you think we’ll clean up? 你认为我们可以大举获利吗?
I’m sure we’ll make a pretty penny. 当然可以赚大钱。
Get wind of: 得知,听说
Straight from the horse’s mouse: 从本人当面得知
Get in on the ground floor: 从一开始变参与以获得最多的利益
Beat someone to the punch: 比某人取得先机
Jump on the bandwagon: 加入优势的一侧
Clean up: 赚大钱
Pretty penny: 一大笔钱

25. Coming Through with Flying Colors 得心应手
Were you a drop out? 你退学了吗?
Sort of. I kidded around too much. When I saw I wasn’t getting to first base, I cut out.
Well, you came through with flying colors on this test. You didn’t miss the boat.
Thanks. I knew I had to take the bull by the horns. 谢谢,我知道我非得努力不可。
You deserve a pat on the back. 你值得嘉奖。
A drop out: 退学
Sort of: 几乎,不完全是
Kid around: 玩耍
Get to first base: 好的开始
Cut out: 离开
Come through with flying colors: 成功,优异
Miss the boat: 错过机会
Take the bull by the horns: 积极行动
Pat on the back: 赞赏

26. The Black Sheep 麻烦分子
Why are you taking your hat off to me? 你为什么要向我表示敬意?
Because you succeeded even through you had two strikes against you. You were born on the wrong side of the tracks and you were the black sheep of the family to boot.
Well, I came a long way mainly because I was a go-getter.

You also have a head on your shoulders. I’m glad to see you’re batting a thousand.
Take one’s hat off to someone: 尊敬
Have two strikes against one: 处于困境
The wrong side of the trakcs: 贫民区
Black sheep: 家中的捣蛋鬼
To boot: 而且
Come a long way: 长足的进步
Go-getter: 有野心的人
Have a head on one’s shoulders: 精明
Bat a thousand: 无论好坏的完美记录
27. In a Jam 陷入困境
I hear you’re in a jam. 听说你有麻烦.
I want to get out of an agreement with that fly-by-night organization. I don’t think they’re on the level.
You should have double-checked before you put your John Hancock on the contract. Now your company will end up financially in the red.
I guess I’ll have to chalk it up to experience. 真是上一次当学一次乖。
In a jam: 有麻烦
Get out of: 退出
Fly-by-night: 不值得信任
On the level: 正直的
Double-check: 再三评估
John Hancock: 签字
End up: 结束
In the red: 损失金钱
Chalk up: 记录

28. on the go 不停奔走
That trip was murder. I’m beat. 那次旅行很可怕,我累坏了。
Why don’t you grab 40 winks? 你怎么不小睡一下?
I think I will. I’ve been on the go constantly. They ran us ragged.
Did you go sightseeing? 你去观光吗?
Yes. We were roped into a tour, but it was for the birds. And we paid through the nose.
It sounds like they took you for a ride in more ways than one.
Murder: 不好应付的事情
Beat: 疲劳的
Grab 40 winks: 小睡
On the go: 不停奔走
Run ragged: 疲累
Rope into: 开玩笑,说服
For the birds: 可怕的
Pay through the nose: 付太多钱
Take someone for a ride: 欺骗

29. rasing cain 引起骚动
My vacation plans fell through. My wife’s going to raise Cain.
Don’t let on to her yet. Maybe everything will turn out okey.
I hope so. I hate to back out of a promise. I know my wife had her heart set on it.
If you can’t go, make it up to her. She’ll forgive you. She won’t hold a grudge.
Fall through: 失败,崩溃
Raise Cain: 引起骚动
Let on: 揭示,传达

rn out: 结果
Back out of: 退出,结束义务或承诺
Have one’s heart set on: 强烈地渴望
Make it up to someone: 补偿未完成的承诺或债务
Hold a grudge: 记恨
30. Behind the 8-ball 麻烦大了
I’m behind the 8-ball. 我麻烦大了。
What did you do wrong now? 你这次怎么了?
I have so much work. I can’t make a dent in it. 工作太多了,跟不上进度。
Maybe if you’d buckle down, you wouldn’t be up to your ears in work.
My job is no bed of roses and my boss is off his rocker.
You’d better watch your P’s and Q’s before you get canned.
Behind the 8-ball: 处于困境
Make a dent in: 前进
Buckle down: 用功,努力工作
Up to one’s ears: 非常专注于一
On bed of roses: 不幸的状态
Off one’s rocker: 发狂
Watch one’s P’s and Q’s: 小心行事
Can: 开除

31. Jack-Of-All-Trades 多才多艺
He’s a Jack-Of-all-trades and top-notch in every one.
Really? He looks like a bum who’s been drowning his sorrows in sleazy dives.
Nope. He’s really a high-brow but he had a couple of tough breaks and hit the skids.
Jack-of-all-trades: 多才多艺
Top-notch: 杰出的
Bum: 没出息的人
Drown noe’s sorrows: 借酒消愁
Sleazy: 破旧的

33 Twidding One’s Thrumbs 无所事事
I hate to break the news t you but I’m calling it quits.
I see you’re beside yourself, but don’t throw in the towel.
I have to. Sales have fallen off and I’m sitting around twidding my thrumbs. Business stinks.
The botton line is that stores like yours are a dime z dozen.
Break the news: 说出令人吃惊的事
Call it quits: 停止
Be beside oneself: 非常焦虑,紧张
Throw in the towel: 放弃
Fall off: 减少
Twiddle one’s thrumbs: 空闲,没有工作
Stink: 恶劣
Bottom line:结果
A dime a dozen: 普通

33. Paly it by ear 见机行事
He butten in and loused up the deal. 他乱搅和,坏了大事.
Don’t worry. We’ll iron out the problems. Just play it by ear.
Do you think we’ll still get our foot in the door? 你认为我们还有机会吗?
Only if we handle them with kid gloves. We don’t want to get the brush-off.

I’ll make sure he doesn’t put his foot in his mouth again.
Butt in: 妨碍,干预
Louse up: 毁灭
Irou out: 消除
Play it by ear: 见机行事
Foot in the door: 开头
Handle with kid gloves: 谨慎的,熟练的
Get the brush-off: 被忽视
Make sure: 确认
Put one’s foot in one’s mouth: 口不择言

34. Off the Top of one’s Head 顺其自然
I looked over this place with a fine-tooth comb. I can’t find the notes for my speech.
Don’t knock yourself out looking for them. I’m sure you can wing it.
I don’t know about that. I’m sweating bullets. I don’t have a prayer.
It’s a snap. Do it off the top of your head.
I know I’m going to blow it. 我一定不行的。
No you won’t. You can pull it off. 不会的,你会做的很好的。
With a fine-tooth comb: 非常小心
Knock oneself out: 尽最大努力
Wing it: 即席
Sweat bullets: 神经质
Have a prayer a snap: 轻松的工作
Off the top of one’s head: 凭记忆
Blow it: 失去机会,犯错
Pull something off: 做的很好

36. The Rat Race 无休止的竞争
This rat race is gettting me downing. I’m at the end of my rope.
Don’t come apart at the seams. Look for another job. 不要失去理智,换个工作看看吧!
I always get cold feet. I’ll be in this dead-end job’til I kick the bucket.
Don’t sell yourself short. Maybe your boss will ive you a promotion. Tell him you want to talk turkey.
Rat race: 无休止的竞争
Get one down: 令人沮丧
At the end of one’s rope:绝望的
Come apart at the seams: 失去理智
Get cold feet: 怯场
Dead-end job: 没有前途的工作
Kick the bucket:死
Sell oneself short: 妄自菲薄
Talk turkey: 认真对谈

37. Keyed up 紧张的
He’s hyper lately. I don’t know why he’s so keyed up.
I think he bit off more that he could chew when he took this job. He doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.
He keeps running around in circles. He better simmer down and get a grip on himself.
It’s too late. Frankly, I think he’s already lost his marbles.
Hyper: 亢奋的
Keyed up: 紧张的
Bite off more than one

can chew: 多余的尝试
Know if one is coming or going: 冷静的思考
Run around in circles:事倍功半
Simmer down: 平静下来
Get a grip on oneself: 控制情绪
Lose one’s marbles: 失去理智

38. Pounding the Pavement 找工作
John’s going to be pounding the pavement if he doesn’t stop shooting the breeze all day.
He’s starting to get under the boss’ skin. He’s up to here with John.
I hope the boss doesn’t put me on the spot about John. He’ll probably give me the third degreee.
I know you don’t have the heart to squeal on him but I think you have to come clean.
Pound the pavement: 找工作
Shoot the breeze: 闲聊
Get under one’s skin: 干扰
Up to here with: 对别人感到厌烦的
On the spot: 居于险地
The third degree: 慎重的调查
Have the heart to:轻率行事
Squeal: 密告
Come clean: 坦言

39. A Hard Nut to Crack 棘手的事
I can’t put my finger on why business is bad. It’s a hard nut to crack.
Do you go overboard when you buy merchandise? 会不会是进货太多了?
Sometimes I get carried away but I usually buy within reason.
Let’s try to pinpoint it. Is your rent too high? 让我们把问题搞清楚,是房租太贵了吗?
What I pay would make your hair stand on end.
If that’s the problem, maybe you should pull up stakes.
Put one’s finger on: 确切指出。
Hard nut to crack: 艰难的事情
Go overboard: 夸张,鲁莽
Carried away: 忘我的,热衷投入的
Within reason: 合理的
Pinpoint: 确定
Make one’s hair stand on end: 惊骇
Pull up stakes: 迁移

40. back to the drawing board 重来一次
I’m a goner. My new project bombed. 我不行了,新计划没有成功.
I thought it would go over big with the boss. Why did it go up in smoke?
A problem arose from left field, and now I’m back to square one.
How much will it cost now? Can you give me a ballpark figure?
I won’t know for another week. Meantime, I have to get back to the drawing board.
Goner: 无药可救的人
Bomb: 失败
Go over big: 成功
Go up in smoke: 消失
From left field: 意想不到的
Square one: 开端

Ballpack figure: 大致的数目
Back to the drawing board: 重坐,重新思考

41. Passing the buck 推卸责任
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
No. I’m out of sorts because I can’t find the nincompoop who botched up the report.
What happened? 发生什么事了?
I asked for a rough estimate but it was way off base. 我需要一个大概的估算,但结果完全不对。
So now you can’t pin anyone down because they’re all passing the buck.
Right. Next time I’ll put everything in black and white.
Get up on the wrong side of the bed: 心情不好
Out of sorts: 心情不好
Nincompoop: 傻瓜
Botch up: 严重犯错
Rough: 约略的
Off base: 不准确的
Pin someone down: 使某人说实话或同意
Pass the buck: 推卸责任
In black and white:书面的.

41. Passing the buck 推卸责任
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
No. I’m out of sorts because I can’t find the nincompoop who botched up the report.
What happened? 发生什么事了?
I asked for a rough estimate but it was way off base. 我需要一个大概的估算,但结果完全不对。
So now you can’t pin anyone down because they’re all passing the buck.
Right. Next time I’ll put everything in black and white.
Get up on the wrong side of the bed: 心情不好
Out of sorts: 心情不好
Nincompoop: 傻瓜
Botch up: 严重犯错
Rough: 约略的
Off base: 不准确的
Pin someone down: 使某人说实话或同意
Pass the buck: 推卸责任
In black and white:书面的.

42. A song and Dance 借口
Don’t give me a song and dance. I’ts time you stood on your own tow feet.
I gave it my best shot but any ideas I’ve had, you’ve shot full of holes.
Your ideas havn’t been up to par lately. That’s why I’ve thrown cold water on them.
I’ve been upset because I’ve been called on the carpet. The boss is cracking down.
I heard. I’ll try to smooth things over. 我知道了。我会妥善处理。
Song and dance: 借口
Stand on one’s own two feet: 独立自主
Give it one’s best shot: 非常努力的尝试
Shoot full of holes:

Up to par: 达到标准
Throw cold water on: 泼冷水
Call on the carpet: 责备
Crack down: 更加严格
Smooth something over: 改善

43. The apple of one’s eye 掌上明珠
Get a load of that kid. She’s always in hot water. 看那个女孩,她总是惹麻烦。
She’s a handful. I think she’s spoiled. She is the apple of her father’s eye.
You hit the nail on the head! Her family gets a kick out of her.
She keeps them in stitches. But they give in too much.
Get a load of kid: 看清楚
In hot water: 孩子
A handful: 大麻烦
Spoiled: 要什么有什么
Apple of one’s eye: 特别的人,通常指某人的儿子或女儿
Hit the nail on the head: 正确的回答或分析
Get a kick out of: 得到乐趣
In stitches: 欢笑的
Give in: 如他人所愿.
44. Keeping In touch 保持联络
I’ve been trying to track down some old friends. 我在找一些老朋友的下落
Haven’t you kept in touch with them? 你没有和他们保持联络吗?
No. We lost track of each other. 没有,我们失去了联络。
Didn’t you ever come across any of them? 你没有遇见他们任何一个吗?
A few. Some have settled down, some are tied down, some are living it up and others are in a rut.
I hope one day you’ll all be able to chew the fat together.
Track down:寻找
Keep in touch: 联络
Lose track of: 失去联络
Come across: 偶遇
Seetle down: 安顿下来
Tied down: 束缚的
Live it up: 追求快乐
In a rut: 总是做同样的事

45. Hitting it off 相处融洽
I like your friend. She’s down-to-earth.
I know. She’s swell. We really hit it off. 我知道。她人很不错,我们相处的很好。
I don’t like her other friend. She really turns me off. 不过我不喜欢她的朋友,我真的受不了她。
I’m surprised they’re so buddy-buddy. 她们这么亲密令我吃惊。
I saw her the other day and she gave me the cold shoulder.
You’re putting me on. 你太小题大做了吧?
No- that’s about the size of it. 我没有夸张,真的是这样。
Down-to-earth: 实际的
Swell: 很棒
Hit it off: 相处愉快
Trun one off: 相处厌恶,反感
Buddy-buddy: 友善的
Give the cold shoulder: 不友善
Put someone on: 戏弄,虚张声势
The size of it: 事实真相
46. A Chip off the Old Block 有其父必有其子
You kid’s the spitting image of you. 你的孩子长的真像你。

He’s a chip off the old block. He takes after my side of the family. He’s nobody’s fool.
Whom did you name him after? 你为他取了哪个长辈的名字?
A relative who’s very well-off. 一个有钱的亲戚。
Do you still see him? 你现在还会去见他吗?
Off and on. We steer clear of him now because he looks down his nose at us.
Spitting image: 简直一模一样的人
Chip off the old block: 长相或行为与父母相近
Take after: 与亲人相似
Nobody’s fool: 聪明的人
Name someone after: 为孩子取与仰慕的人相同的名字.
Well-off: 富裕的
Off and on: 偶然
Steer clear of:躲避
Look down one’s nose at: 轻视
47. Seeing Eye to Eye 意见相向
He doesn’t have a mind of his own. 他是个没有主见的人。
That’s true. His wife leads him around by the nose. 没错,他很听他太太的话。
Why doesn’t he give her a piece of his mind? I’d put my foot down.
She’s always at odds with him. They never see eye to eye.
I know she always puts him down. 我知道她总是看不起他。
He should stick up for himself. 他应该坚持自己的立场.
Have a mind of one’s own: 可以独立思考
Lead one around bu the nose: 完全控制某人
Give someone a piece of one’s mind: 生气时说出真心话.
Put one’s foot down: 坚决反对
At odds: 争执的
See eye to eye: 同意
Put down: 看低,批评
Stick up for: 辩护,帮助,支持

48. on the rocks 前行无路
Is it a false alarm or is their marriage really on the rocks?
Well, the marriage has been on shaky ground but they haven’t split up yet.
I wonder who’s at fault? 是谁的问题?
I don’t know but I don’t think they’re on the same wavelength.
If I know her, she’s making the best of it. I hope she works things out.
从她 的为人来看,她会尽力而为的。希望她可以将问题解决。
False alarm: 不真实的警告或报告
On the rocks: 粉碎的,破裂的
On shaky ground: 不稳定的
Split up: 离婚
At fault: 有责任的
On the same wavelength:想法相同
Make the best of: 在恶劣环境下做的最好
Work out: 寻找答案

49 an old flame 昔日恋人
Was the your old flame? 那是过去的情人吗?
Yeah – we met on a blind date. 是啊,我们是经人介绍的.
Did you fall for her? 你很迷恋她吗?
Like a ton of bricks. I stoppen playing the field and asked her to go steady.

Did you ever pop the question? 你向她求婚了吗?
Sure, but at first she couldn’t make up her mind. Then she turned me down.
Old flame: 以前的情人
Blind date: 未曾谋面的两人约会
Fall for:爱上某人
Like a ton of bricks: 强烈的
Play the field: 和许多人约会
Go steady: 只和一个人约会
Pop the question: 求婚
Make up one’s mind: 决定
Turn someone down: 拒绝
A Wet Blanket 扫兴的人
I know John’s a wet blanket and puts a damper on everything. He has no get up and go.
Fix him up with Mary. She’s a live wire. I used to have a crush on her myself, but she dumped me.
What if she stands John up? 如果他甩了约翰呢?
He’ll yell bloody murder. 他会哭天嚎地的.
Wet blanket: 扫兴的人
Put a damper on: 使人泄气
Get up and on: 野心,热情
Fix some up: 安排约会
Live wire: 活泼热情的人
Have a crush on: 被吸引
Dump: 摆脱,拒绝
Stand someone up: 约会失败
Yell(scream) bloody murder: 大发雷霆

51. A Knockout 大美女
I know she’s a knockout and he’s nuts about her but he’s playing with fire.
She twists him around her little finger and leads him on. He’s at her beck and call.
Why does he put her on a pedestal?
Because she plays up to him and pours it on thick.
A knockout: 大美女
Nuts about: 热衷于
Play with fire: 惹麻烦
Twish someone around one’s finger:轻易影响别人
Lead on: 煽动
At one’s beck and call: 总是遵照指示
Put someone on a pedestal: 偶像化,崇拜化
Play up to someone: 谄媚,取悦
Pour it on thick: 吹牛

52. A Sourpuss 难缠的人
She’s a sourpuss. How does he put up with her?
I think she wears the pants in the family. She keeps tabs on everything.
If he steps out of line, she’ll fix his wagon. She pushes him around.
He has to weigh his words when hi talks to her.
You can see she rules the roost.
Sourpuss: 不苟言笑的人
Put up with: 忍受
Wear the pants: 当家作主
Keep tabs on: 关照
Out of line: 不寻常的
Fix one’s wagon: 令某人困扰,报复
Push someone around: 支使
Weigh oen’s words: 注意言辞
Rule she roost:

53. A Lemon 次品
It’s too bad he bought a lemon.
Yeah, but I think he’s handy. I’m all thumbs.
Anything I get falls apart. Then I have to cough up money to get it fixed.
I’m having a fit. I have to scrape together some dough. My TV is on the blink.
Lemon: 次品
Handy: 手巧的,好用的
All thumbs: 不好用的,笨拙的
Fall apart: 恶化,停止正常运作
Cough up: 很不甘愿的花钱
Have a fit: 吃惊
Scrape together:一点一点赚钱
Dough: 钱
On the blink: 不运作

54. high and low 到处
I’ve looked high and low for my wallet.
I see. This place is a mass. 看到出来,这里很乱。
I’ll straighten it out. 我会整理的.
You pile everything up and scatter things around. You’re a slob.
It’ll turn up. It’s probably right under my nose.
Here it is, finally. I’m tired. Le’s hit the sack.
High and low: 到处
Mass: 一团乱
Straighten out: 整理
Pile up: 堆积
Scatter around: 不小心放到其它地方
Slob: 邋遢的人
Turn up: 出现
Right undr one’s nose: 近在眼前
Hit the sack: 睡觉

55. The Boob Tube 电视机
Your boob tube is on its last legs. The picture is going haywire.
It’s been on the firtz lately. I hope it doesn’t bite the dust before payday.
Let me fiddle around with it. Maybe I can doctor it up.
Un oh, I can kiss tha goodbye.
Boob tube: 电视机
On one’s last legs: 垂死
Haywire: 损坏的
Bite the dust: 死,消失
Fiddle around: 不经意的干活
Doctor up: 暂时修理
Kiss somethinkg goodbye: 视为废物
56. Sprucing up 打扮整齐
We’ll have to start from scratch to spruce up this house. It’s really going to pot.
Maybe we could scrounge around for some second-hand furniture and other stuff.
I would like to make the house larger. We could use some more elbow room. I’m baginning to feel hemmed in.
Forget it. Where are we going to dig up the loot for major reparis?
From scratch: 从一开始
Spruce up:清扫
Go to pot: 恶化,变坏
Scrounge around: 到处寻找某个物件

cond-hand: 二手的
Stuff: 物品
Elbow room: 舒适的空间
Hemmed in: 拥挤的,窄小的
Dig up: 寻找,想起
Loot: 钱
57. A Pad 房间
If you want a decent pad in that city, you have to pay under the table.
You’re led on a wild goose chase if you look for an apartment in the papers.
The apartment I saw today was so run-down.
Maybe you could improve it if you use a lot of elbow grease.
Nothing will help. I like eveything spic and span. When anything is topsy-turvy, it turns my stomach.
Pad: 房间
Under the table: 贿赂等不法的金钱交易
Wild goose chase: 无望的探索
Run-down: 状况欠佳的
Elbow grease: 苦干,费力的清扫
Spic and span: 非常清洁整齐的
Topsy-turvy: 颠倒的
Turn someone’s stomach: 让人想吐

58. hitting the bottle 饮酒
They were only married for a year before the broke up.
What was her beef?
She said he was hitting the bottle too much.
Do you think they’ll patch things up?
Only if he turns over a new leaf.
He won’t. He’s going to keep on drinking. He has no will power.
He can do it if he goes cold turkey.
Break up: 分手
Beef: 不满
Hit the bottle: 喝酒
Patch up: 和好
Turn over a new leaf: 改过自新
Keep on: 继续
Will power: 意志力
Go cold turkey: 突然中止
59. In the same boat 处境相同
He’s a nag. He keeps hounding me. 他很烦,对我说个不停。
I’m in the same boat. He won’t get off my back. He has a one-track mind.
Well, you call the shots. You have to draw the line somewhere.
Maybe I should tell him to knock it off. 或许我该叫他停止。
I just wish he’d take a powder. 我只希望他赶快消失。
A nag: 唠叨的人
Hound: 不断打扰
In the same boat: 相似的处境
Get off one’s back: 不打扰某人
One-track mind: 死脑筋
Call the shots: 担任
Draw the line: 设限
Knock it off: 停止
Take a powder: 快速离去

60. A Pill 讨厌的家伙
He’s a pill. He keeps harping on the same thing. 他真是个讨厌的家伙,一件事情罗嗦个不停。
He also nitpicks. It drives me up a wall. 他还很会挑毛病,真令人发狂。
It doesn’t sit right with me either. I don’t like splitting hairs.
I shouldn’t take it

to heart, but he’s going to send me to the looney bin.
Pill: 令人不愉快的人
Harp on: 不厌烦的主张
Nitpick: 挑小毛病
Drive someone up a wall: 令人发狂
Sit right: 可以接受
Split hairs: 做无谓的区别
Take something to heart: 认真考虑
Looney bin: 精神病院

61. Dishing it out 批评
I have a bone to pick with you. 我有话对你说。
Okey. Let’s clear the air. What are you getting at?
You always have a chip on your shoulder. 你动不动就生气。
I’m sorry. I don’t mean to get your goat. 抱歉,我不是有意惹你生气。
It seems you can dish it out but you can’t take it.
Don’t worry. In the future, I’ll start whistling a different tune.
Bone to pick with someone: 怨言
Clear the air: 消气并澄清误解
Get at: 意谓
A chip on one’s shoulder: 易怒
Get one’s goat: 得罪他人
Dish out: 批评
Take it: 忍受困难
Whistle a different tune: 改变态度
62. Setting the score 报复 He made a monkey out of me with his wisecracks about my abilities. 他讽刺我的能力,豿眼看人低。 Don’t flip you lid. Let bygones be bygones. 不要生气,过去的事情就算了。 Not on your life. I’m going to settle the score. 不行,我要以牙还牙。 You should have a man-to-man talk and have it out instead of trying to get even. 与其做无谓的报复,不如和他说清楚,把事情解决了。 Make a monkey out of someone: 看不起别人。 Wisecrack:讽刺或发表令人不快的意见 Flip one’s lid: 发怒 Let bygones be bygones: 忘记过去的事情 Not on your life: 不行 Settle the score: 报复 Man-to-man: 坦白的,直率的 Have it out with someone: 和对方讨论产生冲突或误解的事情 Get even: 报复 63. The Last Straw 忍耐的极限 That was the last straw. I don’t like people making fun of me. 我忍受不了了,我不喜欢别人取笑我。 Just shrug it off. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. 不要介意,别把事情闹大。 If he does it again, the fur will fly. 如果他再做相同的事情,我不会善罢甘休的。 Don’t make waves. 你可别闹事。 If I don’t nip it in the bud, he’ll keep doing it. 我如果不防患于未然,他会再继续作相同的事情。 If I were you, I’d bury the hatchet. 如果我是你,我不会和他争吵的。 The last straw: 忍受的极限 Make fun of: 看轻 Shrug off: 不被烦恼或伤害 Make a mountain out of a molehill: 把事情弄大。 The fur will fly, make the fur fly: 引起骚动 Nip in the bud: 防患于未然 Bury the hatchet: 和解 64. A Kick in the pants 拒绝 Why does he always jump down your throat? 为什么他老是挑你的毛病? I don’t know. I try to

be fair and square but all I get is a kick in the pants. I feel like I’m knocking my head against the wall. 我不知道,我以诚相待,得到的却只是责备。我觉得我在白费力气。 It serves you right because you allow him to walk all over you. 你让他有机可乘,所以得到这样的待遇也是自作自受了。 Don’t rub it in. I don’t kike getting the short end of stick. 别老揭我的短,我讨厌受到这种不公平的待遇。 Jump down someone’s throat: 愤怒的批评 Fair and square: 公正的 Kick in the pants: 拒绝,非难 Knock one’s head against the wall: 白费力气 Serve someone right: 适当的惩处 Walk all over someone: 利用 Rub something in: 不断提及错误或缺点 Short end of the stick: 不公平的待遇
65 A Bum Ticker 虚弱的心脏 If he didn’t have a bum ticker, I’d put him in his place. 如果不是因为他的心脏不好,我会指责他的不当之处。 Don’t do anything rash. I think you have to bite your tongue when he’s on the warpath. 不要太强硬。在他发脾气的时候你最好保持沉默。 But he doesn’t have to make a federal case out of it. 但是他没有必要这样反应过度啊! I know he’s a lulu. He doesn’t give a hoot whom he bawls out. 我知道他不太一样。他不会去顾虑他生气的对象。 Bum ticker: 虚弱的心脏 Put someone in his or her place: 责备他人的不当作为 Do something rash: 采取过激行为 Bite one’s tongue: 保持沉默 On the warpath: 非常生气的 Make a federal case out of something: 反应过度 Lulu: 行为与众不同的人 Give hoot: 关心 Bawl out: 严厉苛责 66. Turning the tables 形势逆转 They turned the tables on him. He finally got a dose of his own medicine. 他们的形势转变了。他终于见识到他是如何对待别人的。 I’m glad he got what was coming to him. Who lowered the boom? Did you get to the bottom of it? 真高兴他终于得到报应。是谁做的好事?你知道真相吗? Yes. It was his sister. She had the backbone to stand up to him. 我知道,是他妹妹。她有勇气和他对抗。 I’m glad she started the ball rolling. He’ll have to be careful from now on. 还好有她率先行动,从现在开始他必须好自为之了。 Turn the tables: 扭转局部 Give someone a does of his or her own medicine: 以其人之道还治其人之身 Get what is coming to one: 应得(不论好或坏) Lower the boom: 完全终止 Backbone: 勇气 Stand up to someone: 勇敢,勇敢面对 Start the ball rolling: 率先行动 67. Mudslinging 中伤 It’s too bad his political opponents resorted to mudslinging. I hate to see someone raked over the coals. 很遗憾他的政治敌手恶言中伤他。我讨厌看到任何人责骂别人。 They really put him through the wringer. They had the gall to hit below the belt. 他们的确给他很大的权力。用卑鄙的手段中伤别人,实在是厚颜无耻。 He won’t take it lyi

ng down. He’ll go down swinging. 他不会轻易被打败的,他会坚持到底。 You’re right. He won’t say “uncle”. 没错。他不会轻易认输的。 Mudslinging: 恶言中伤 Rake over the coals: 责备 Put through the wringer: 导致沉重压力 Gall: 厚颜无耻的态度 Hit below the belt: 以残酷且不公平的方式伤害别人 Take something lying down: 毫不反抗的忍受 Go down swinging: 虽然失败但坚持到底 Say “uncle”: 承认失败

68. A Road Hog 公路霸王 Why is he such a backseat driver when he rides with me? 为什么他和我一起乘车时那么喜欢教人开车? Because you’re a road hog. 因为你是公路霸王。 Come off it. 哪有这回事! It’s true. Everyone honks his horn at you. In nothing flat, you could be side-wiped. 的确是这样。每个人都对你按喇叭,很快你就会撞上。 I never smacked into anyone or had a fender-bender. 我可从未撞到别人或撞凹挡泥板呢! You’re lucky your car hasn’t been totalled. 你的车子还完好无缺可真幸运。 You said a mouthful. 你说的没错。 Backseat driver: 指导司机开车的乘客 Road hog: 公路霸主 Come off it: 不要开玩笑 In nothing flat: 快速的 Side-swipe: 侧面撞车 Smack into: 冲突 Fender-bender: 挡泥板上的凹痕 Total: 完全毁灭 A mouthful: 正中核心令人印象深刻的话 69. a blabbermouth 饶舌 She let the cat out of the bag. 她泄漏了秘密 She’s a blabbermouth. 她很多嘴 She didn’t mean to blow the whistle on him. 她不是有意说出他的秘密的 He’s fuming anyway. He’ll have hard feelings about this for a long time. 不管怎么样,他是生气了,短时间内不会平复的 He brought it on himself. He egged her on. 他是自作自受,是他煽动她这么做的 Don't dwell on it. Maybe it will blow over. 不要说这么多,事情终究会过去的 Let the cat out of bag: 泄漏秘密 Blabbermouth: 饶舌 Blow the whistle: 揭发 Fume: 发怒 Hard feelings: 怒气 Bring on: 导致 Egg someone on: 鼓动 Dwell on: 一直说或想着某件事 Blow over: 结束 70. A Bookworm 书虫 I don’t want to hould you up. I see you’re in a rush. 我希望没有打扰你。你好像很忙。 If I don’t get to work soon, I’ll be in the doghouse. My job is a pain in the neck. 如果不赶快去工作,会有麻烦的。我的工作很令我头痛。 You’re a bookworm. Why don’t you go back to school? 你那么喜欢读书,这么不回学习念书? I should look into it. What do you think I should take up? 我会考虑的。你认为我做什么好? That’s up to you. Pick a job where you can make a lot of money. 看你自己吧!选一个可以赚钱的工作 Maybe computer science would do the trick. 电脑学或许不错 hold up: 耽搁 in a rush: 匆忙 in the doghouse: 麻烦的 pain in the neck: 麻烦的人或事物 bookworm: 书虫 look into: 调查 take up: 开始活动或兴趣 up to someone: 个儿的决定

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