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[00:00.00]I thought you said this was a difficult problem. It isn't. In fact, it's as easy as pie.
[00:22.13]Yes, I got the work done in time. I finished it at the eleventh hour, but I wasn't late.
[00:40.28]Mike was born in 1961, so he's a baby boomer.
[00:53.34]A:I don't believe what Bob said. Why is he bad-mouthing me?
[00:59.45]B:He's probably jealous of your success.
[01:02.64]Bob said the test was difficult, but I thought it was a piece of cake.
[01:17.87]A:I just got an e-mail message from our old friend Sally.
[01:23.59]B:Tell me what she said. I'm all ears!
[01:28.11]No, I can't lend you ten dollars. I'm completely broke until payday.
[01:44.83]Bill, you're too careless with your work. I'm fed up with apologizing for your mistakes.
[02:02.49]Could we postpone our meeting until tomorrow? I expect to be in and out of the office most of the day today.
[02:24.30]I'm really tried. I've been on the go all week long.
[02:35.64]You won't be able to contact me tomorrow because I'll be on the road.
[02:47.65]Quit beating around the bush! If you don't want to go with me,just tell me!
[03:03.04]Can you help me with this problem? I've been beating my brains out with it, but I just can't solve it.
[03:22.55]A:What time's the party?
[03:24.56]B:Beats me!
[03:26.39]I'm really behind with my project. Can you help me? I'm afraid I bite off more than I could chew!
[03:46.53]Don't say anything to Bob unless you want the whole office to know. Bob's quite a blabber mouth.

[04:04.69]A:Was your father upset when you came home at 3AM?
[04:10.02]B:He was more than upset. He blew his top!
[04:14.96]Don't forget to bring your boom box to the picnic!
[04:25.35]I understand you have a job interview tomorrow. Break a leg!
[04:38.36]Don't be so bull-headed. Why can't you admit that others' opinions are just as good as yours?
[04:55.81]I'm not ready for the test tomorrow. I guess I'll have to burn the midnight oil.
[05:10.41]I'll have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.
[05:27.81]It's late and you've accomplished a lot. Why don't you call it a day?
[05:40.92]I can't make heads or tails of your email. Were you having problems with your computer?
[05:56.26]This brochure about Tahiti caught my eye when I was at the travel agency.
[06:09.92]You look tired, Dave. Why don't you catch some zs?
[06:20.87]It's almost 6:00. Are you ready to chow down?
[06:31.86]There's no need to be so upset. Just cool it!
[06:43.10]A:Your new car is really nice.
[06:47.20]B:It should be. It cost an arm and a leg!
[06:51.48]Tom's company is sending him to a business meeting in Istanbul. Should he take a crash course in Turkish?
[07:13.45]Your kids are making too much noise. Cut it out!
[07:24.26]A:I'm sure that I'm going to win a lot of money in Las Vegas.
[07:30.43]B:Don't count your chickens before they're hatched!
[07:34.27]You shouldn't have ditched class yesterday. We had an unannounced test.
[07:47.41]Have you seen Frank's home page? He did a bang-up job with it.

[08:00.39]A:Is something wrong?
[08:03.40]B:Not really, but I feel kind of down in the dumps.
[08:08.49]Joe should have finished his project a week ago. Why is he dragging his feet?
[08:23.56]I haven't written to my parents for a long time. I had better drop them a line today or tomorrow.
[08:41.01]Yes, the car is pretty dirty, but it'll look nice again with a little elbow grease.
[08:57.63]That story's pretty far-fetched. Nobody's going to believe it.
[09:10.82]Traffic was really slow on the freeway this morning because of a fender-bender in one of the westbound lanes.
[09:32.97]Where's Marie? I haven't seen her for ages.
[09:43.11]I don't get it. What do you mean?
[09:52.25]I really get a kick out of listening to children talk. They say some very funny things.
[10:11.42]I wish he'd get lost and stop bothering me. I don't want to talk to him!
[10:26.10]A:Bill said there was a meeting this morning. Don't we have one?
[10:31.20]B:No. The meeting's tomorrow. I guess Bill got his wires crossed.
[10:37.13]Your absences are getting out of hand, Bob. You'd better do something quickly to improve the situation if you want to keep your job.
[11:00.24]A:I'm going to Las Vegas. I know I'll win a lot of money!
[11:05.39]B:Get real! You'll probably lose a lot of money!
[11:09.44]I'm not surprised that Jean finished before anyone else. She's a real go-getter.
[11:25.56]There's no need to worry. Everything will be OK if you just go with the flow.
[11:41.68]I don't think Julie will change her mind. She's prett

y hard-headed.
[11:54.74]I know I did well on the test. I had all the material down pat.
[12:08.95]I wish I could go to the movies, but I've got to hit the books.
[12:20.08]I'm really tired. I think I'll hit the sack.
[12:29.71]If I had my druthers, I'd stay home from work today.
[12:40.89]What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We've been in the black for two months in a row.
[13:01.01]We have to do something to increase profit and decrease losses. We've been in the red for two months in a row.
[13:21.07]He's feeling bad because his boss jumped all over him this morning.
[13:35.10]A:How did Marsha know about the party? It was supposed to be a surprise.
[13:42.60]B:Chuck jumped the gun. Without thinking, he said, I'm bringing the cake at your party; I hope you like it!
[13:52.29]A:Angela just doesn't like me. She won't even say hello.
[13:58.32]B:You're jumping to conclusions. Actually, she's very shy.
[14:04.04]I didn't have any letters today-only junk mail.
[14:15.17]I know that things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin up. Everything will be better soon.
[14:35.15]If I keep my nose to the grindstone, I should be finished by the end of the day.
[14:50.33]A:How did you do on the test?
[14:53.68]B:I think I passed, but I won't know until tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
[15:02.11]Don't try to make any suggestions to Bob. He's a know-it-all and won't pay attention to anything you say.
[15:24.11]If you have a question about this process, ask Sus

an. She knows it backwards and forwards.
[15:43.33]If you have a question about grammar, ask Dr. Martin. She knows grammar inside out.
[16:03.37]Don't tell Jim how to discipline his children. Leave well enough alone.
[16:19.41]It must have been quite a let-down not to be chosen for that job. I know you really hoped you would get it.
[16:39.63]I know that what Julie said made you angry, but let sleeping dogs lie. If you say or do anything, you'll only make things worse.
[17:06.66]Chuck and Alice are living from hand to mouth since Chuck lost his job.
[17:21.74]I'm not going to criticize Alice's family just because their habits are a little strange. My motto is 'Live and let live.'
[17:45.77]A:Fred seems depressed. Is he OK?
[17:49.82]B:He's OK, but not good. It was a low blow for him to be laid off from his job.
[18:10.87]Calm down. There's really nothing to worry about. You're making a mountain out of a molehill.
[18:29.97]There's plenty in the refrigerator if you want something to nosh on.
[18:43.03]A:Someone said you cheated on the test. Did you?
[18:49.12]B:Not on your life!
[18:51.68]If your coffee's cold, just nuke it for about a minute.
[19:02.70]A:Stuart says some really strange things some times.
[19:07.85]B:Sometimes? All the time! He's nuts!
[19:13.18]We're leaving at 9:00 on the dot. If you're late, we'll go without you.
[19:26.42]It's getting late. You'd better hurry if you want to get to work on time.
[19:40.37]The university's computer lab is on the cutting edge. It has all the late

st hardware and software.
[20:01.48]This explanation of computer virus is over my head. Can you explain it in a less technical way?
[20:22.50]I stayed up too late tonight. Tomorrow I'll have to pay the piper.
[20:37.58]You shouldn't have missed class yesterday. We had a pop quiz.
[20:51.60]A:You look really tired.
[20:54.50]B:I am. I pulled an all-nighter to get ready for the meeting this morning.
[21:00.67]A:Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!
[21:06.78]B:Don't believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg.
[21:12.97]A:Annie seems to be doing well at her new job.
[21:16.87]B:I'm not surprised. She's a quick study.
[21:20.91]I think you're working too hard, Dave. You need some R and R.
[21:33.92]We're leaving tomorrow, rain or shine.
[21:41.97]You can't leave just now! It's raining cats and dogs and you don't have an umbrella or raincoat!
[22:01.06]The job that you're offering me sounds really good, but I'd like to sleep on it before giving you my final decision.
[22:22.28]A:Jim upset everyone when he got angry at the meeting. Can we do anything to make the situation better?
[22:31.31]B:No. He's made his own bed; now let him lie in it.
[22:36.38]Step on it! The taxi will be here at any time and you're not even dressed!
[22:50.46]A:Do you think Charlie will donate any money to the activities fund?
[22:55.84]B:No way! He's too tight-fisted!
[23:00.57]I thought he was my friend, but he's two-faced. He says nice things to me when we're together, but make

s jokes about me when we aren't.
[23:27.14]Ted was feeling under the weather yesterday, so he decided not to go to work.
[23:41.32]Chris can practice the piano until hell freezes over, but he'll never play well because he's tone-deaf.
[24:02.48]You can talk until you're blue in the face, but I won't change my mind.
[24:16.93]A:Can't you stay two or three more days?
[24:21.08]B:No. I don't want to wear out my welcome.
[24:25.23]Don't include Fred as part of the bargaining team. He's just started working here and is still too wet behind the ears.
[24:46.34]Don't be so wishy-washy. Tell us how you really feel.
[24:59.40]A:Are you going to Sandra's party?
[25:02.51]B:I'll be there with bells on!
[25:05.67]A:Why does the boss think Arnold is so intelligent?
[25:09.88]B:Because Arnold is a yes-man. He agrees with everything the boss says!
[25:16.85]A:Have you heard the news? Jessica got married!
[25:20.69]B:You don't say!
[25:23.02]A:Did you know that Bob quit his job?
[25:26.57]B:You've got to be kidding!
[25:29.21]What I told you is really important, so zip your lip!

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