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时间: 150分钟


Part I: Reading Comprehension 40%

Directions: Read the following passages carefully and then select the best answer from the four choices given to answer the questions or to complete the statements that follow each passage. Write your answer on your Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Major companies are already in pursuit of commercial applications of the new biology. They dream of placing enzymes in the automobile to monitor exhaust and send data on pollution to a microprocessor that will then adjust the engine. They speak of what the New York Times calls "metal-hungry microbes that might be used to mine valuable trace metals from ocean water". They have already demanded and won the right to patent new lifeforms.

Nervous critics, including many scientists, worry that there is corporate, national, international, and inter-scientific rivalry in the entire biotechnological field. They create images not of oil spills, but of "microbe spills" that could spread disease and destroy entire populations. The creation and accidental release of extremely poisonous microbes, however, is only one cause for alarm. Completely rational and respectable scientists are talking about possibilities that stagger the imagination.

Should we breed people with cow-like stomachs so they can digest grass and hay, thereby relieving the food problem by modifying us to eat lower down on the food chain? Should we biologically alter workers to fit the job requirement, for example, creating pilots with faster reaction times or assembly-line workers designed to do our monotonous work for us? Should we attempt to eliminate "inferior" people and breed a "super-race"? (Hitler tried this, but without the genetic weaponry that may soon issue from our laboratories.) Should we produce soldiers to do our fighting? Should we use genetic forecasting to pre-eliminate "unfit" babies? Should we grow reserve organs for ourselves, each of us having, as it were, a "savings bank'' full of spare kidney, livers, or hands?

Wild as these notions may sound, every one has its advocates (and opposers) in the scientific community as well as its striking commercial application. As two critics of genetic engineering, Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard, state in their book Who Should Play God?, "Broad scale genetic engineering will probably be introduced to America much the same way as assembly lines, automobiles, vaccines, computers and all the other technologies. As each new genetic advance becomes commercially practical, a new consumer need will be exploited and a market for the new technology will be created."

1. According to the passage, the exhaust from a car engine could probably be checked

by .

A. using metal-hungry microbes.

B. making use of enzymes.

C. adjusting the engine.

D. patenting new life forms.

2. According to the passage, which of the following would worry the critics the


A. The unanticipated explosion of population.

B. The creation of biological solar cells.

C. The accidental spill of oil.

D. The unexpected release of destructive microbes.

3. Which of the following notions is NOT mentioned?

A. Developing a "savings bank" of one's organs.

B. Breeding soldiers for a war.

C. Producing people with cow-like stomachs.

D. Using genetic forecasting to cure diseases.

4. According to the passage, Hitler attempted to .

A. change the pilots biologically to win the war.

B. develop genetic farming for food supply.

C. kill the people he thought of as inferior.

D. encourage the development of genetic weapons for the war.

5. What does Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard's statement imply?

A. The commercial applications of genetic engineering are inevitable.

B. America will depend on other countries for biological progress.

C. Americans are proud of their computers, automobiles and genetic


D. The potential application of each new genetic advance should be controlled. Passage Two

The concept of "environment" is certainly difficult and may even be misunderstood; but we have no handy substitute. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental. But in actual practice this system breaks down in many ways, because the organism and the environment are constantly interacting so that the environment is modified by the organism and vice versa.

In the case of man, the difficulties, with the environmental concept are even more complicated because we have to deal with man as an animal and with man as a bearer of culture. If we look at man as an animal and try to analyze the environmental forces

that are acting on the organism, we find that we have to deal with things like climate, soil, plants, and such-like factors common to all biological situations; but we also find, always, very important environmental influences that we can only class as "cultural", which modify the physical and biological factors. But man, as we know him, is always a bearer of culture; and if we study human culture, we find that it, in turn, is modified by the environmental factors of' climate and geography. We thus easily get into great difficulties from the necessity of viewing culture, at one moment, as a part of the man and, at another moment, as a part of the environment.

6. Which of the following words can best describe the popular understanding of "environment" as the author sees it?

A. Elaborate.

B. Prejudiced.

C. Faultless.

D. Oversimplified.

7. According to the author the concept of ―environment" is difficult to explain

because .

A. it doesn't distinguish between the organism and the environment

B. it involves both internal and external forces

C. the organism and the environment influence each other

D. the relationship between the organism and the environment is unclear

8. In analyzing the environmental forces acting on man the author suggests

that .

A. biological factors are less important to the organism than cultural factors to


B. man and other animals are modified equally by the environmental forces

C. man is modified by the cultural environment as well as by the natural


D. physical and biological factors exert more influence on other organisms

than on man

9. As for culture, the author points out that .

A. it develops side by side with environmental factors

B. it is also affected by environmental factors

C. it is generally accepted to be part of the environment

D. it is a product of man's biological instincts

10. In this passage, the author is primarily concerned with .

A. the interpretation of the term "environment"

B. the discussion on organisms and biological environment

C. the comparison between internal and external factors influencing man

D. the evaluation of man's influence on culture

Passage Three

The tourist trade is booming. With all this coming and going, you’d expect greater understanding to develop between the nations of the world. Not a bit of it! Superb systems of communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each other’s countries at a moderate cost. What was once the ‘grand tour’, reserved for only the very rich, is now within everybody’s grasp? The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at. Modern travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies on grand tours in the old days couldn’t have dreamed of. But what’s the sense of this mass exchange of populations if the nations of the world remain basically ignorant of each other?

Many tourist organizations are directly responsible for this state of affairs. They deliberately set out to protect their clients from too much contact with the local population. The modern tourist leads a cosseted(宠爱溺爱的)sheltered life. He lives at international hotels, where he eats his international food and sips his international drink while he gazes at the natives from a distance. Conducted tours to places of interest are carefully censored. The tourist is allowed to see only what the organizers want him to see and no more. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own; and anyway, language is always a barrier, so he is only too happy to be protected in this way. At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization. The summer quarters of the inhabitants of the cite universitaire: are temporarily reestablished on the island of Corfu. Blackpool is recreated at Torremolinos where the traveler goes not to eat paella, but fish and chips.

The sad thing about this situation is that it leads to the persistence of national stereotypes. We don’t see the people of other nations as they really are, but as we have been brought up to believe they are. Y ou can test this for yourself. Take five nationalities, say, French, German, English, American and Italian. Now in your mind, match them with these five adjectives: musical, amorous (多情的), cold, pedantic(学究式的), native. Far from providing us with any insight into the national characteristics of the peoples just mentioned, these adjectives actually act as barriers. So when you set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice are those which confirm your preconceptions. Y ou come away with the highly unoriginal and inaccurate impression that, say, ‘Anglo-Saxons are hypocrites’ of that ‘Latin peoples shout a lot’. Y ou only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how absu rd and harmful national stereotypes are. But how can you make foreign friends when the tourist trade does its best to prevent you?

Carried to an extreme, stereotypes can be positively dangerous. Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred and blind us to the basic fact—how trite(老一套的) it sounds! – That all people are human. We are all similar to each other and at the same time all unique.

11.The best title for this passage is ___________.

A. tourism contributes nothing to increasing understanding between nations.

B. tourism is tiresome.

C. conducted tour is dull.

D. tourism really does something to one’s country.

12.What is the author’s attitude toward tourism?

A. apprehensive.

B. negative.

C. critical.

D. appreciative.

13.Which word in the following is the best to summarize Latin people shout a lot?

A. silent.

B. noisy.

C. lively.

D. active.

14.The purpose of the author’s criticism is to point out

A. conducted tour is disappointing.

B. the way of touring should be changed.

C. when traveling, you notice characteristics which confirm preconception.

D. national stereotypes should be changed.

15.What is ‘grand tour’ now?

A. moderate cost.

B. local sight-seeing is investigated by the tourist organization.

C. people enjoy the first-rate comforts.

D. everybody can enjoy the ‘grand tour’.

Passage Four

These days we hear a lot of nonsense about the ‘great classless society’. The idea that the twentieth century is the age of the common man has become one of the great clichés of our time. The same old arguments are put forward in evidence. Here are some of them: monarchy as a system of government has been completely discredited. The monarchies that survive have been deprived of all political power. Inherited wealth has been savagely reduced by taxation and, in time, the great fo rtunes will disappear altogether. In a number of countries the victory has been complete. The people rule; the great millennium has become a political reality. But has it? Close examination doesn’t bear out the claim.

It is a fallacy to suppose that all men are equal and that society will be leveled out if you provide everybody with the same educational opportunities. (It is debatable whether you can ever provide everyone with the same educational opportunities, but that is another question.) The fact is that nature dispenses brains and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality. The old rules of the jungle, ‘survival of the fittest’, and ‘might is right’ are still with us. The spread of education has destroyed the old class system and created a new one. Rewards are based on merit. For ‘aristocracy(贵族统治)’ read ‘meritocracy(英才统治’; in other respects, society remains unaltered: the class system is rigidly maintained.

Genuine ability, animal cunning, skill, the knack of seizing opportunities, all bring material rewards. And what is the first thing people do when they become rich? They use their wealth to secure the best possible opportunities for their children, to give them ‘a good start in life’. For all the lip service we pay to the idea of equality, we do not consider this wrong in the western world. Private schools which offer unfair advantages over state schools are not banned because one of the principles in a democracy is that people should be free to choose how they will educate their children. In this way, the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain extent: an able child from a wealthy home can succeed far more rapidly than his poorer counterpart. Wealth is also used indiscriminately to further political ends. It would be almost impossible to become the leader of a democracy without massive financial backing. Money is as powerful a weapon as ever it was.

In societies wholly dedicated to the principle of social equality, privileged private education is forbidden. But even here people are rewarded according to their abilities. In fact, so great is the need for skilled workers that the least able may be neglected. Bright children are carefully and expensively trained to become future rulers. In the end, all political ideologies boil down to the same thing: class divisions persist whether you are ruled by a feudal king or an educated peasant.

16.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Equality of opportunity in the twentieth century has not destroyed the class


B. Equality means money.

C. There is no such society as classless society.

D. Nature can’t give you a classless society.

17.According to the author, the same educational opportunities can’t get rid of

inequality because

A. the principle ‘survival of the fittest’ exists.

B. Nature ignores equality in dispensing brains and ability.

C. Material rewards are for genuine ability.

D. People have the freedom how to educate their children.

18.Who can obtain more rapid success

A. Those with the best opportunities.

B. Those with the best brains.

C. those with wealth.

D. Those who have the ability to catch at opportunities.

19.Why does the author say the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain

extent? Because

A. money decides everything.

B. Private schools offer advantages over state schools.

C. People are free to choose the way of educating their children.

D. Wealth is used for political ends.

20.According to the author, ‘class divisions’ refers to

A. Genius and stupidity.

B. Different opportunities for people.

C. Oppressor and the oppressed.

D. the rich and the poor.

Part II Translation from English to Chinese 20%

Directions:Put the following passage into Chinese. Write your answer on your Answer Sheet.

Believe me when I tell you that you have been given everything yo u need. Y ou already own the gifts you seek. They were given to you a long time ago. Don’t spend your lifetime seeking your happiness, when in reality, you already have the means to it. The amazing part about this secret is that no one can steal it from you. The gifts you have been given, including your very own acres of diamonds are yours to keep and share as you see fit. Everyone is good at something, and you’ll come to find out that the more you share your treasures, the shinier they get, and the more valuable they become. In turn, you become a richer and happier person.

Part III. Translation from Chinese to English 20%

Directions: Put the following Chinese into English. Write your answer on your Answer Sheet.


Part IV. Writing 20%

Directions:Write a composition of about 150 words on the following title. Write your composition on your Answer Sheet.

The Qualities Needed for a Good Boss



时间: 150分钟


Part I: Reading Comprehension (40 points, 2 points each)

1. ( B )

2. ( D )

3. ( D )

4. ( C )

5. ( A )

6. ( D )

7. ( C )

8. ( C )

9. ( B ) 10. ( A )

11. ( A ) 12. ( C ) 13. ( B ) 14. ( B ) 15. ( D )

16. ( A ) 17. ( B ) 18. ( C ) 19. ( A ) 20. ( D )

Part II: Translation from English to Chinese (20 points)


Part III: Translation from Chinese to English (20 points)

It is no disgrace to admit that we are all heavily influenced by prejudices. And this is precisely the reason why we all need education. Education is just the progressive discovery of our ignorance and prejudices which are hidden in our mind like computer virus in a computer. And unless we stay alert and check our computer constantly and wipe out all the viruses, we will be in serious trouble some day. We will not know when and where they will hit us with serious consequences.

Part IV: Writing (20 points)



开卷 闭卷 Part III. Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV . Writing ( 20 points) (Please write your composition on the reverse side. 请写在背面) 命题(组题)人: 李雁 审题人: 黄萍 命题时间:2014.12 研究生院制 学院 专业(领域) 类别 ( 学术 、专业 ) 学号 姓名 封 线 密

重庆大学硕士研究生《英语》课程试卷 2014~2015 学年第一学期 硕士生B类 Part I. Reading Comprehension(40 points) Directions: Read the following passages carefully and then select the best answer from the four choices given to answer the questions or to complete the statements that follow each passage. Write your answer on your Answer Sheet. Passage One As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe’s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the irresistible momentum of individualism over the last century. The communications revolution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on Europeans’ private lives. Europe’s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe’s shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American style capitalism. Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today’s tech-savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so. Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage—twenty something professionals or widowed senior citizens. While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice. Living alone was conceived to be negative—dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light. But then came along the idea of singles. They were young, beautiful, strong! Now, young people want to live alone. The booming economy means people are working harder than ever. And that doesn’t leave much room for relationships. Pimpi Arroyo, a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasn’t got time to get lonely because has too much work. “I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult”. Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle, he says. Kaufmann, author of a recent book called “The Single Woman and Prince Charming”, thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates, so relationships don’t last long—if they start at all. Eppendorf, a blond Berliner with a deep tan, teaches grade school in the mornings. In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing. Just shy of 50, she says she’d never have wanted to do what her mother did—give up a career to raise a family. Instead, “I’ve always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life”. 1.More and more young Europeans remain single because A. they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism. B. they have entered the workforce at a much earlier age. C. they have embraced a business culture of stability. D. they are pessimistic about their economic future. 2.What is said about European society in the passage? A. It has fostered the trend towards small families. B. It is getting closer to American-style capitalism. C. It has limited consumer choice despite a free market. D. It is being threatened by irresistible privatization. 3.According to Paragraph 3, the newest group of singles are A. warm and lighthearted. B. on either side of marriage. C. negative and gloomy. D. healthy and wealthy. 4.The author quotes Eppendorf to show that A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?


重庆大学《大学英语》课程大纲 2003年10月 一、课程的目的、性质和任务: 建立适合我校大学英语教学实际的个性化教学、学习体系,实行分类指导、分层教学的外语教学模式,改革教学方法,建立以学生为主体,教师为主导的新的学习观,实行多媒体环境下的大班教学、以口头交流和写译为主的小班教学以及个别指导和自主学习相结合的教学方式,强调实用性外语人生中最幸福的就是身体健康 教学,突出学生的参与性,教学内容的实用性,教师作用的指导性和教学方式的实践性,使学生在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力和综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。 二、课程的基本教学要求: 根据教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》,重庆大学大学英语教学应把重点放在打好语言基础上。语言基础包括语言知识和语言应用能力,前者指语音、语法和词汇等方面的知识,后者指综合运用这些知识进行听、说、读、写、译等语言活动的能力。大学英语教学还应有助于学生开阔视野,扩大知识面,加深对世界的了解,借鉴和吸收外国文化精华,提高文化素养。 大学英语教学阶段的要求分为四个层次(见表1),即最低要求、一般要求,较高要求和更高要求,根据学生对语言掌握的情况确定教学目标和与此相适应的教材、教学方法和教学进度,依照教学目标组织教学活动,并根据不同要求确定学生学习必修课和选修课的比例,一般说来,除特殊招生的专业学生外,其余学生至少应达到大学英语教学的一般要求,并通过国家四级统考认证。学生本科学习期间英语课程至少完成16个学分,其中,课程学习14个学分,国家四级统考认证通过后取得最后2个学分。 表1:分层次教学模式 三、课程的主要内容: 1. 综合英语1-4,以语言技能为主,注重培养学生的英语听说能力,以及读写译等综合应用能力,包括①语言基础:多媒体环境下以学生为主体,教师为主导的大班教学;②语言应用:小班口语教学,在时间上相对独立,设置上有语音板块,日常英语板块和讨论表达思想板块,从课堂师生扮演的角色来看,教师是课堂的设计者,任务是课堂的中心,学生是课堂任务的实践者;③多媒体自主学

重庆大学硕士研究生(英语)课程试卷 研究生B类

重庆大学全日制专业硕士研究生 《英语》课程试卷(B 类) 2015~2016 学年 第 二 学期(春) 开课学院:外国语学院 课程编号:G0401A 考试日期: 2016.06.19 考试方式: 考试时间: 120 分钟 硕士生B 类答题纸 英语班次:_______________ Answer Sheet Part I Reading Comprehension ( 40 points, each item 2points) Passage One 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) Passage Two 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) Passage Three 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) Passage Four 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) Part II Translation from English to Chinese ( 20 points) Part III Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV Writing ( 20 points) (Please write your composition on the reverse side. 请写在背面) 命题(组题)人: 审题人: 命题时间:2016.06 研究生院制 学院 专业(领域) 类别 ( 学术 、专业 ) 学号 姓名 封 线 密


ad if 命 封 线 密

A. some modern women prefer a life of individual freedom. B. the family is no longer the basic unit of society in present-day Europe. C. some professional people have too much work to do to feel lonely. D. Most Europeans conceive living a single life as unacceptable. 5.What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage? A. To review the impact of women becoming high earners. B. To contemplate the philosophy underlying individualism. C. To examine the trend of young people living alone. D. To stress the rebuilding of personal relationships. Passage Two American dramas and sitcoms would have been candidates for prime time several years ago. But those programs -though some remain popular -increasingly occupy fringe times slots on foreign networks. Instead, a growing number of shows produced by local broadcasters are on the air at the best times. The shift counters longstanding assumptions that TV shows produced in the United States would continue to overshadow locally produced shows from Singapore to Sicily. The changes are coming at a time when the influence of the United States on international affairs has annoyed friends and foes alike, and some people are expressing relief that at least on television American culture is no longer quite the force it once was. “There has always been a concern that the image of the world would be shaped too much by American culture,” said Dr. Jo Groebek, director general of the European Institu te for the Media, a non-profit group. Given the choice, he adds, foreign viewers often prefer homegrown shows that better reflect local tastes, cultures and historical events. Unlike in the United States, commercial broadcasting in most regions of the world -including Asia, Europe, and a lesser extent Latin America, which has a long history of commercial TV -is a relatively recent development. A majority of broadcasters in many countries were either state-owned or state-subsidized for much of the last century. Governments began to relax their control in the 1980’s by privatizing national broadcasters and granting licenses to dozens of new commercial networks. The rise of cable and satellite pay-television increased the spectrum of channels. Relatively inexperienced and often financed on a shoestring, these new commercial stations needed hours of programming fast. The cheapest and easiest way to fill airtime was to buy shows from American studios, and the bidding wars for popular shows were fierce. The big American studios took advantage of that demand by raising prices and forcing foreign broadcasters to buy less popular programs if they wanted access to the best-selling shows and movies. “The studio priced themselves out of prime time,” said Harry Evans Sloan, chairman of SBS Broadcasting, a Pan-European broadcaster. Mr. Sloan estimates that over the last decade, the price of American programs has increased fivefold even as the international ratings for these shows have declined. American broadcasters are still the biggest buyers of American-made television shows, accounting for 90% of the $25 billion in 2001 sales. But international sales which totaled $2.5 billion last year often make the difference between a profit and a loss on show. As the pace of foreign sales slows -the market is now growing at 5% a year, down from the double-digit growth of the 1990’s -studio executives are rethinking production costs. 6. Which of the following best characterizes the image embodied in American shows? A. Self-contradictory B. Prejudice-free C. Culture-loaded D. Audience-targeted 7. The intervention of governments in the 1980’s resulted in __________ . A. the patenting of domination shows and movies B. the emergence of new commercial networks C. the promotion of cable and satellite pay-television D. the intense competition coming from the outside 8. The phrase “on a shoestring” (Para. 6) most probably means __________. A. in need of capital B. after a fashion C. on second thoughts D. in the interests of themselves 9. The main reason why American dramas and sitcoms are driven out of prime time is that ____. A. they lose competitiveness B. they are not market-oriented C. they are too much priced D. they fall short of audience expectations 10. American studio producers will give thought to production costs __________. A. if they have no access to popular shows B. because their endeavors come to no avail C. since bidding wars are no longer fierce D. as international sales pace slows down Passage Three How shops can exploit people's herd mentality to increase sales 1. A TRIP to the supermarket may not seem like an exercise in psychological warfare—but it is. Shopkeepers know that filling a store with the aroma of freshly baked bread makes people feel hungry and persuades them to buy more food than they had intended. Stocking the most expensive products at eye level makes them sell faster than cheaper but less visible competitors. Now researchers are investigating how “swarm intelligence” (th at is,how ants,bees or any social animal,including humans,behave in a crowd) can be used to influence what people buy. 2. At a recent conference on the simulation of adaptive behaviour in Rome,Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani,a computer scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology,described a new way to increase impulse buying using this phenomenon. Supermarkets already encourage shoppers to buy things they did not realise they wanted: for instance,by placing everyday items such as milk and eggs at the back of the store,forcing shoppers to walk past other tempting goods to reach them. Mr Usmani and Ronaldo Menezes,also of the Florida Institute of Technology, set out to enhance this tendency to buy more by playing on the herd instinct. The idea is that, if a certain product is seen to be popular, shoppers are likely to choose it too. The challenge is to keep customers informed about what others are buying. 3. Enter smart-cart technology. In Mr Usmani's supermarket every product has a radio frequency identification tag, a sort of barcode that uses radio waves to transmit information,and every trolley has a scanner that reads this information and relays it to a central computer. As a customer walks past a shelf of goods, a screen on the shelf tells him how many people currently in the shop have chosen that particular product. If the number is high, he is more likely to select it too.


2016年重庆大学英语语言文学考研 以下内容由凯程老师搜集整理,供考研的同学们参考。更多考研辅导班的详细内容,请咨询凯程老师。 一、重庆大学英语语言文学考研考什么? 研究生入学考试分为初试和复试。 考试科目需要查看招生专业目录,根据报考的学院与专业了解初试科目,如重庆大学土英语语言文学专业的初试科目为: ①101 思想政治理论 ②242俄语(二外)或243日语(二外)或244德语(二外)或245法语(二外) ③615基础英语 ④814 英语翻译与写作 复试科目: ①外语听力、口语; ②专业综合面试; ③专业笔试: 01和02 方向--英美文学, 03和04 方向-- 英语语言学理论基础知识。 加试科目: 1、英美文化; 2、高级听力。

二、重庆大学英语语言文学考研有哪些研究方向? 不同学院专业的研究方向有所不同,以重庆大学英语语言文学为例,专业的研究方向为: 01 英美文学 02 比较文学 03 跨文化交际 04 翻译研究 三、重庆大学英语语言文学考研参考书目有哪些? 《大学俄语简明教程》(第二外语用)张宝钤、钱晓慧,高教出版社 243 日语(二外) 《标准日本语》(新版)初级1、2册,中级第1册(前15课),人民教育出版社 244 德语(二外) 《德语》(上下)吴永岸、华宗德,上海外语教育出版社 245 法语(二外) 《简明法语教程》(上下)孙辉 615 基础英语 《高级英语》(1、2) 张汉熙,外语教学与研究出版社 《英语国家社会与文化入门》(上下)朱永涛,高等教育出版社,2005,高校英语专业现行“精读”类课程高年级教材 814 英语翻译与写作

《英语写作手册》(英文版),丁往道,外研社,2004 《英汉翻译教程》张培基,上海外语教育出版,2008 《实用翻译教程》冯庆华,上海外语教育出版社,2008 四、英语语言文学考研院校有哪些推荐? 北京大学、北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学、南京大学、厦门大学。 五、重庆大学英语语言文学考研就业方向如何? 重庆大学英语语言文学专业的人才可以到教育、外事、外贸、科技翻译、新闻出版、广播影视、涉外企业、旅游公关、企事业等部门或单位从事英语教学、培训、科研、口译、笔译等与英语有关的工作。


2019重庆大学新闻传播专硕考研经验贴 九月份的重庆天气慢慢转凉,刚开学时的炎热天气早已没有了踪影。前几天还在感叹重庆好热的我,现在也不得不穿上了长袖外套。“重庆只有夏天和冬天。”听到身边的小伙伴这样抱怨,我内心只是庆幸还好自己能够站在这里,能够考上重庆大学。 去年五月份当我下定决心选择考重庆大学研究生的时候,长达将近一年的追梦之旅正式开始。当初选择重庆大学是因为重庆大学是985高校。一方面集211、985以及世界双一流高校于一身,名气大;另一方面学校里面的教学资源好,我相信在里面读研能让自己学到更多东西,使自己的能力得到进一步的提升。除此之外,重庆大学位于西南地区,相较于东部沿海地区的985高校,重庆大学新闻传播专业相对容易一些,基于以上原因,我便下定决心要考重庆大学新闻与传播学。 在正式给大家介绍考研经验之前我先说明一下自己的考研情况。我本科是一所普通的一本院校,去年被评选为双一流学科学校。初试成绩政治77,英语75,专业课分别为132和122,总分406,初试成绩排名15。看起来我的初试成绩还是不错的,但是复试的时候表现不太好,所以最后我也是惊险被重大录取。 一、初试 我本科专业学的是编辑出版学,所以选择考重庆大学的新闻与传播专业也不算跨考,一些专业方面的基础知识还是有的。对于那些跨考的同学来说就需要多下一点功夫在专业课方面了。事实证明,只要下足功夫,普通学校出身也是可以考上重庆大学的。不过,对跨考和基础比较差的同学,如果你在资金和时间方面比较充足的话,可以报下新祥旭考研专业课一对一辅导课程,让学长帮助自己理清脉络,查漏补缺,增强基础,这个完全要看自己的选择。 在正式介绍各科具体复习方法之前,我先介绍一下自己的考研时间安排。 说实话我不是一个擅长制作计划的人,但是制定计划还是很有必要的,因为根据计划你可以知道自己的复习进度如何,如果进度慢了就需要加快复习的速度。在准备考研的时候看到一些经验贴,里面那些考上的学长学姐们都给自己制定了相当详细的计划表,有的甚至精确到每一小时要做什么。看到他们制定的那么详细的时间表,我内心只感觉到了压抑:如果自己的每分每秒都被安排的明明白白,


U n i t 3 II. V ocabulary and Structure A. 1. consensus 2. biodiversity 3. sustainable 4. transition 5. disparities. 6. degradation 7. stakeholders 8. broker. 9. ministerial 10. yield B. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A III. Cloze 10. finance 5. reduce 7.improve 6. agencies 9. sustainable 2&1. regional integration 4. instruments 3. enterprise 8. mobilize Unit 5 II. V ocabulary and Structure A.1. obsolete 2. peril/perils 3. turbulent 4. stupefied 5. concoction 6. splinter 7. nibbled 8. erupt 9. were suffocated/suffocated 10. infidelity B. 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. No Answer 10. No Answer III. Cloze sphere; realm; sacrifices; manifestations; exquisite; involved; exchange; accomplished; object; misfortune Unit 6 II V ocabulary and Structure A. 1. consumption 2. conflicted 3. assigned


已成功拿到研究生入学通知书,敢打很惊喜,也感谢努力的自己。 政治: 所用资料:李凡的《政治新时器》(个人觉得用处很大)。我从8月开始看《政治新时器》(强推李凡老师,风趣幽默博学多才),到9月下旬结束一刷。我是看完整个部分的知识点和视频之后才去做题,例如看完了马原部分去做马原的题。但也不是一口气刷完整个部分的题,大概会分成几天时间去完成,在做题过程中巩固知识点。《政治新时器》我二刷时只刷了部分错题。李凡在讲课时会提醒大家手动整理知识点,例如毛泽东文章、中国不同时期的土地政策等。后期一定要把《政治新时器》背得滚瓜烂熟,考场上实在写不出就转述材料内容。(我看部分真题和《政治新时器》时,就发现大题答案很多都来自材料)英语: 英语71分,当时查看小分的时候,被自己作文的分数惊到了,我小作文只有3分,当时我还认为写得非常好…所以公共课尤其是主观部分真的不要抱有太大的期望,分数都是普遍的低,尤其是作文。 英语方面,我比较注重单词的背诵和记忆,我用的是《一本单词》背单词,每天给自己定个计划背100个单词(其中包括以往单词的复习记忆),我很喜欢,可以在等车排队时候拿出来背背,很多人背单词就背一个意思,其实这样效果很不好,我觉得每个单词后面的例句都可以看看,了解它的使用场景,这样才能对单词意思有深入的理解。 关于阅读,市面上没有任何一个模拟题能达到真题的水平,所以我建议不要做模拟题,做了思路容易跑偏,真题是可以反反复复刷的,我是从00年的真题开始做的,总共刷了3遍,阅读每次读都会有不一样的理解,每次多去思考为什么正确答案是这个,原文的同义改写是什么,他是怎么改写的,其他错误选项为什么错了,与原文哪对不上,当你习惯了这种思维以后,考场上就会很顺利地选出答案。同时阅读方面,我推荐蛋核英语微信公众号的视频讲解,每一个题都讲得很有意思且有道理,看完以后真的能够理解阅读是有逻辑的。书本就推荐《木糖英语真题手译》。 关于新题型和翻译,这几年新题型思路都不是很清晰,今年考场上我也是改了两次,最后才改对,做完以后一定要自己去读一下,看是不是有什么问题,如

自动化专业英语翻译 PartⅤ-Ⅵ 部分 第二版 王军 重庆大学出版社

Part ⅤProcess Control 1.1过程控制的定义 术语“自动过程控制”被广泛使用,当人们学会了适应自管理程序以便有效处理产品的制造和原料加工。这样的程序被称为自动因为没有人(手动)干预是他们管理所必须的。所有过程控制系统由三个主要因素或条件构成:操纵变量,干扰,和控制变量如图5.1所示。控制变量的那些条件,入温度,液位,压力,流量,和位置,它必须保持在期望值或设置点。在过程控制里,操纵变量一边是流动量,这种流动量通常是阀门。干扰进入或影响过程趋势于控制变量远离它们的期望值或设定点条件。控制系统必须调整操纵变量到控制变量的设置点值尽管受干扰也能保持。设置点可能会改变。然而,操纵量需要改变调整控制变量以得到新的期望值。 一个过程控制系统的元素 图5.2所示一个控制系统的基本特点。在系统中显示,一个液位变送器,一个液位控制器,和一个控制阀是用于一个储罐液体液位控制过程。该控制系统的目的是保持储罐底部到规定的液面高度。它假定了流入储罐的流量是随机的。液位变送器是一个测量储罐内的液面高度转换成有用的测量信号发送到液位控制器的装置。液位控制器评估测量,比较它与预设点,过程管理的一系列校正动作发送到控制阀。阀门控制排水管的流量保持储罐中的液位。 因此,过程控制由四个元素构成:工艺,测量,评估,和控制器。图5.3显示这些元素的一个方块图。图已经显示了过程中的扰动输入或影响。没有扰乱一个工艺,也就不需要控制系统。 工艺控制 一般来说,一个工艺由设备的装配和材料组成涉及到生产操作或序列。如图5.2中的例子,在液面液位过程控制下的所涉及的部件,如一个储罐,储罐中的液体,液体的流入和流出储罐,和进口和出口管道。一个给定过程可以有许多动态变量,它可能需要控制这些所有变量。然而,在大多数情况下,只有一个变量控制在控制过程的可接受范围里。偶尔会遇到一个许多变量的多变量工艺,一些相关的管理需要。 测量 在过程中为了控制一个动态变量,必须有实体本身的信息。这些信息是从测量变量获得。 测量是指一个模拟或数字信号转换到过程变量里,如一个气动或电器阀。该装置是将过程变量的最初测量和能量转换到一个电动或者气动信号的传感器。 传感器可以被分类为液位,温度,压力,流量,位置,和分析类型。任何测量的结果是动态变量的转换到一些相应的信息里需要通过过程控制环里的其他元素。 评价 在过程控制序列里,评价了每一步的测量值,它与期望值或设置点的比较,并确定校正动作的数量存在保持自身控制。这种评估通过一个装置执行被称为控制器。控制器可以是气动,电动,或者机械设备安装在一个控制面板里或直接安装在工艺设备上。它也可以是部分


英语期末考试试卷 重庆大学硕士研究生《英语 》课程试卷 2012 ~2013 学年 第 一 学期(春、秋) 开课学院: 课程编号: 考试日期: 考试方式: 开卷闭卷 其他 考试时间: 120 分钟 硕士生B 类答题纸 英语班次:_______________ Answer Sheet Part I. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points, 1-15 30points; 16-25 10points) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) 21.( ) 22.( ) 23.( ) 24.( ) 25.( ) Part II. Translation from English to Chinese ( 20 points) Part III. Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV . Writing ( 20 points) (请写在背面,Please write your composition on the reverse side.) 命题(组题)人:黄萍 李雁 审题人: 黄萍 命题时间: 2012.12 研究生院制 学院 专业(领域) 类别 ( 学术 、专业 ) 学号 姓名 封 线 密

研究生英语视听说教程unit 1-重庆大学-杨瑾瑜主编

Unit 1 Physical Education p. 8 简答题 1. What is Carol Ray?s favorite sport? (Answer) Carol Ray…s favorite sport is football or rugby. 2. Why does Carol Ray become angry if you call her “sweetie” or “cup-cake”? (Answer) Because 'sweetie' or 'cup-cake' has negative meanings for women, implying the weaker sex. p. 8 填空题 Part Four Watching for Specific Information 1. outgrown; 2. entire perspective; 3. hits, grief; 4. sweetie; 5. timid; 6. go as far as she can; 7. fighting; 8. laying him out; 9. goal; 10. inspire p.11 简答题 Part Three Watching for Gist 1. What is the story about? (Answer) The story is about a handicapped boy realized his dream by playing basketball in a school team. 2. Why does a handicapped boy have amazing eye-and-hand coordination ability when he shoots a basketball? (Answer) His willpower has worked the wonder 填空题 p. 13-14 1. campaign 2. obsession 3. drought 4. depth 5. normal game 6. under water 7. Indian team lucky 8. sentiment 9. toiled for days 10. bat and ball 11. their devotion 12. hard core fans 13. shaving off 14. praying for 15. collective conscience 16. garment manufacturers 17. images of cricket stars 18. take home the cup 19. batting cricketers 20. enormous pressure p. 14 简答题 Part Three Questions and Answers 1. Why are Indian cricket fans go beyond the usual mania there days? Because India…s World Cup campaign gets on the way on Saturday. 2. How do Indian cricket fans cheer for their team? They are playing a game of cricket under water, shooting a song under water, making a World Cup, and shaving off their hair, etc. 3. What are some garment manufactures doing at that time? They are weaving images of cricket stars on Saris. 4. Which country will take home the cup according to most cricket pundits? Australia 5.What do all the captains promise to do?

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