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•Coal, petroleum and natural gas now yield their bond energies to man.


•Salts may also be found by the replacement of hydrogen from an acid with a metal.


•An acid was once defined as a substance that would form hydrogen ions(H+) in water solution and a base as one that would form hydroxide ions(OH-) in the same.

人们曾把酸定义为在水溶液中能产生氢离子的物质,而碱则是在同样溶液中会产生氢氧根离子的物质。•These books are packed in tens. 这些书每十本装一包。

•These products are counted by hundreds. 这些产品是成百成百计数的。

•They went out by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地出去了。

•They consulted tens of magazines. 他们查阅了几十本杂志。

•Automation helps to increase productivity hundreds of times over. 自动化使生产率提高了几百倍。

•More weight must be placed on the past history of patients. 必须更加重视患者的病史。

•The continuous process can be conducted at any prevailing pressure without release to atmospheric pressure.


•The two pairs of electrons of oxygen may be shared with two separate carbons forming only single bond.


•Heats given by the boiler comes to the exchanger through pipe line.锅炉产生的热量经由管路送到换热器。

•In general, the design procedure is not straight forward and will require trial and error.


•Steel and cast iron also differ in carbon. 钢和铸铁的含碳量也不相同。

•The return of the light into the same medium in which it has been travelling is reflection.光线返回原来传播的介质就是反射。•In the reaction both the acid and the base are neutralized forming water and salt.反应中,酸与碱彼此中和而生成水和盐。•Americans every year swallow 15000 tons of aspirin, one of the safest and most effective drugs invented by man.


•Alloys belongs to a half-way house between mixture and compounds. 合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的一种中间结构。•Industrialization and environmental degradation seem to go hand in hand. 工业化发展似乎伴随着环境的退化。•Super conductivity technology is now in its infancy.超导体技术正处于发展的初级阶段。

• A gas distributed itself uniformly through a container. 气体均匀地分布在这个器皿中。

•Liquids are like solids in that they have definite volume. 液体象固体一样,都有一定的体积。

•When the solution in the tank has reached the desired temperature, it is discharged.当罐内溶液达到所要求的温度时,就卸料。•When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle, they are reflected.短波发射出后,遇到障碍就反射回来。•Friction always opposes the motion whatever its direction may be.不管运动方向怎样,摩擦总是同运动方向相反。•Then,came the development of the microcomputer. 后来,微型计算机发展起来了。

•Evidently,semiconductors have a less conducting capacity than metal.显然,半导体的导电能力比金属差。•Evaporation sometimes produces a slurry of crystals in a saturated mother liquor.


•The presence of an acid stronger than nitric acid accelerates the heterolysis into NO2+ and OH-.

比硝酸更强的酸的存在可以加速生成NO2+ and OH-的异种分解。

•Tbe publication of Chemisches Zentralblatt was stopped during World War II, and the blanks were later filled.


•Gasoline would have been difficult to supply in the quantities required if it had not been for improvements in refining methods and the introduction of cracking
