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The study also factors in each country's ecological footprint. This statistic is important to the HPI because it’s directly connected to the sustainability of a country’s happiness- as a country becomes more polluted and less able to produce resources like food, the less likely it is that they’ll have a good or long life. To get their final scores, they take the Ladder of Life average, multiplied by life expectancy, and divide that by the ecological footprint.
哥斯达黎加正式被“幸福星球指数”评为世界上最幸 福的地方。该研究编译了来自151个不同国家的数据, 衡量哪里的人生活得最幸福,最可持续。所以,我们 是怎样衡量幸福的,幸福的生活指的是什么?
The HPI looks at three different factors to determine if people are happy in a certain country. First, it looks at general well-being, by studying a Gallup World Poll that uses the “Ladder of Life” method. The poll asks people to rate their life on a scale of 0-10, with 0 being the worst possible life and 10 being the best. Denmark, Canada and Norway finished in the top three with Togo coming in last. Then they take that number and multiply it by each country’s life expectancy using data from a 2011 United Nations study.
“幸福星球指数”查看三个不同的因素来确定某个国家的人民生活的 是否幸福。首先,查看整体Fra Baidu bibliotek利状况,研究盖洛普世界民意调查“生 命之梯”的方法。该民意测验要求人们给自己的生活打分,从0到10, 0是最糟糕的生活,10是最幸福的生活。丹麦,加拿大和挪威位列前 三,而多哥排在最后。然后他们记录该数字,乘以每个国家的人均寿 命,使用的是2011年联合国一项研究的数据。
Japan has the highest at nearly 84 years - almost twice that of Sierra Leone, which has the lowest life expectancy at only 47.8 years.
日本近84年来的人均寿命最高,几乎是塞拉利昂的两倍,其人均寿命 最短,只有47.8岁。
该研究还将每个国家的生态足迹考虑在内。该统计数据对HPI非常重要, 因为它直接与一个国家幸福状况的可持续性相关——随着一个国家的污 染状况加重,不能生产食物等资源,这里的人们就不可能过上幸福长寿 的生活。要计算最后得分,他们得到生命之梯的平均值,乘以人均寿命, 然后除以生态足迹。
So, that’s how Costa Rica, Vietnam, and Colombia were named the happiest places in the world to live. But, is this an accurate assessment? Are they happier than other nations?
国法系134班 王乙竹
Costa Rica has officially been named the happiest place to live in the world by The Happy Planet Index. The study compiled data from 151 different countries to measure where people are living happy, sustainable lives. So, exactly how does one measure happiness and does living happily really matter?
所以,哥斯达黎加,越南,哥伦比亚成为世界上最幸福的地方。但是, 该评估准确吗?他们比世界上其他国家更幸福吗?
Well, I guess it depends on how you define happy. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development declared Australia as the happiest country, based on eleven different statistics like education, personal security and income. A 2013 report by the UN listed Denmark at the top, using GDP, life expectancy, and corruption levels - among other things.