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Weekly Address: Ensuring Hardworking Americans Retire with Dignity WASHINGTON, DC —In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to middle-class economics, and to ensuring that all hard-working Americans get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve. While most financial advisers prioritize their clients’ futur es, there are some who direct their clients towards bad investments in return for backdoor payments and hidden fees. That’s why earlier this week the President announced that he is calling on the Department of Labor to update rules to protect families from conflicts of interest by requiring financial advisers to put their clients’ best interest before their own profits.The President emphasized his promise to keep fighting for this policy and for others that benefit millions of working and middle class Americans.

Hi everybody. In America, we believe that a lifetime of hard work and responsibility should be rewarded with a shot at a secure, dignified retirement. It’s one of the critical components of middle-class life – and this week, I took new steps to protect it.

Six years after the crisis that shook a lot of people’s faith in a secure retirement, our economy is steadily growing. Last year was the best year for job growth since the 1990s. All told, over the past five years, the private sector has added nearly 12 million new jobs. And since I took office, the stock market has more than doubled, replenishing the 401(k)s of millions of families.

But while we’ve come a long way, we’ve got more work to do to make sure that our recovery reaches more Americans, not just those at the top. That’s what middle-class economics is all about—the idea that this country does best when everyone gets their fair shot, everybody does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.

That last part—making sure everyone plays by the same set of rules—is why we passed historic Wall Street Reform and a Credit Card Bill of Rights. It’s why we created a new consumer watchdog agency. And it’s why we’re taking new action to protect hardworking families’ retireme nt security. If you’re working hard and putting away money, you should have the peace of mind that the financial advice you’re getting is sound and that your investments are protected.

But right now, there are no rules of the road. Many financial advisers put their clients’ interest first – but some financial advisers get backdoor payments and hidden fees in exchange for steering people into bad investments. All told, bad advice that results from these conflicts of interest costs middle-class and working families about $17 billion every year.

This week, I called on the Department of Labor to change that – to update the rules and require that retirement advisers put the best interests of their clients above their own financial interests. Middle-class families cannot afford to lose their hard earned savings after a lifetime of work. They deserve to be treated with fairness and respect. And that’s what this rule would do.

While many financial advisers support these basic safeguards to prevent abuse, I know some special interests will fight this with everything they’ve got.But while we welcome different perspectives and ideas on how to move forward, what I won’t accept is the notion that there’s nothing we can do to make sure that hard-working, responsible Americans who scrimp and save

can retire with security and dignity.

We’re going to keep pushing for this rule, because it’s the right thing to do for our workers and for our country. The strength of our economy rests on whether hard-working families can not only share in America’s success, but can also contribute to America’s success.And that’s what I will never stop fighting for – an economy where everyone who works hard has the chance to get ahead.

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Planet of the phones

The smartphone is ubiquitous, addictive and transformative

THE dawn of the planet of the smartphones came in January 2007, when Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, in front of a rapt audience of Apple acolytes, brandished a slab of plastic, metal and silicon not much bigger tha n a Kit Kat. “This will change everything,” he promised. For once there was no hyperbole. Just eight years later Apple’s iPhone exemplifies the early 21st century’s defining technology.

Smartphones matter partly because of their ubiquity. They have become the fastest-selling gadgets in history, outstripping the growth of the simple mobile phones that preceded them. They outsell personal computers four to one. Today about half the adult population owns a smartphone; by 2020, 80% will. Smartphones have also penetrated every aspect of daily life. The average American is buried in one for over two hours every day. Asked which media they would miss most, British teenagers pick mobile devices over TV sets, PCs and games consoles. Nearly 80% of smartphone-owners check messages, news or other services within 15 minutes of getting up. About 10% admit to having used the gadget during sex.

The bedroom is just the beginning. Smartphones are more than a convenient route online, rather as cars are more than engines on wheels and clocks are not merely a means to count the hours. Much as the car and the clock did in their time, so today the smartphone is poised to enrich lives, reshape entire industries and transform societies—and in ways that Snapchatting teenagers cannot begin to imagine.

Phono sapiens

The transformative power of smartphones comes from their size and connectivity. Size makes them the first truly personal computers. The phone takes the processing power of yesterday’s supercomputers—even the most basic model has access to more number-crunching capacity than NASA had when it put men on the Moon in 1969—and applies it to ordinary human interactions. Because transmitting data is cheap this power is available on the move. Since 2005 the cost of delivering one megabyte wirelessly has dropped from $8 to a few cents. It is still falling. The boring old PC sitting on your desk does not know much about you. But phones travel around with you—they know where you are, what websites you visit, whom you talk to, even how healthy you are.

The combination of size and connectivity means that this knowledge can be shared and aggregated, bridging the realms of bits and atoms in ways that are both professional and personal. Uber connects available drivers to nearby fares at cheaper prices; Tinder puts people in

touch with potential dates. In future, your phone might recommend a career change or book a doctor’s appointment to treat your heart murmur before you know anything is amiss.

As with all technologies, this future conjures up a host of worries. Some, such as “text neck” (hunching over a smartphone stresses the spine) are surely transient. Others, such as dependency—smartphone users exhibit “nomophobia” when they happen to find themselves empty-handed—are a measure of utility as much as addiction. After all, people also hate to be without their wheels or their watch.

The greater fear is over privacy. The smartphone turns the person next to you into a potential publisher of your most private or embarrassing moments. Many app vendors, who know a great deal about you, sell data without proper disclosure; mobile-privacy policies routinely rival “Hamlet” for length. And if leaked documents are correct, GCHQ, Britain’s signals-intelligence agency, has managed to hack a big vendor of SIM cards in order to be able to listen in to people’s calls. If spooks in democracies are doing this sort of thing, you can be sure that those in authoritarian regimes will, too. Smartphones will give dictators unprecedented scope to spy on and corral their unwilling subjects.

The naked app

Yet three benefits weigh against these threats to privacy. For a start, the autocrats will not have it all their own way. Smartphones are the vehicle for bringing billions more people online. The cheapest of them now sell for less than $40, and prices are likely to fall even further. The same phones that allow governments to spy on their citizens also record the brutality of officials and spread information and dissenting opinions. They feed the demand for autonomy and help protest movements to coalesce. A device that hands so much power to the individual has the potential to challenge authoritarianism.

The second benefit is all those personal data which companies are so keen on. Conventional social sciences have been hampered by the limited data sets they could collect. Smartphones are digital census-takers, creating a more detailed view of society than has ever existed before and doing so in real time. Governed by suitable regulations, anonymised personal data can be used, among many other things, to optimise traffic flows, prevent crime and fight epidemics.

The third windfall is economic. Some studies find that in developing countries every ten extra mobile phones per 100 people increase the rate of growth of GDP-per-person by more than one percentage point—by, say, drawing people into the banking system. Smartphones will remake entire industries, at unheard-of speed. Uber is a household name, operating in 55 countries, but has yet to celebrate its fifth birthday. WhatsApp was founded in 2009, and already handles 10 billion more messages a day than the SMS global text-messaging system. The phone is a platform, so startups can cheaply create an app to test an idea—and then rapidly go global if people like it. That is why it will unleash creativity on a planetary scale.

By their nature, seminal technologies ask hard questions of society, especially as people adapt to them. Smartphones are no different. If citizens aren’t protected from prying eyes, some will suffer and others turn their backs. Societies will have to develop new norms and companies learn how to balance privacy and profit. Governments will have to define what is acceptable. But in eight short years smartphones have changed the world—and they have hardly begun.


“人与物的对话”专题训练 一、语言文字运用 1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一组是( ) A.偏僻./譬.如褒.义/电饭煲.伎.俩/栉.风沐雨 B.缉.私/稽.查捭.阖/柏.油路磕.头/不落窠.臼 c.案牍./渎.职骁.勇/肖.像权污秽./百喙.莫辩 D.奶酪./贿赂.米粥./文绉.绉祛.除/曲.尽其妙 2.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( ) A.屈原本可以不死,如果他明哲保身 ....,与世俯仰。他毅然决然地选择死亡,正是对当 时丑恶现实的绝望以及对苟且人生的否定。 B.朗朗当晚的演奏可以说是达到了出神入化的地步。在他的手下,键盘是活的,音乐 是活的, 和乐队的配合更是琴瑟和谐 ....。 C.足球之所以成为世界上最受人们喜爱、影响最大的体育运动项目,就在于进攻。你 不进攻,别人就会反戈一击 ....,置你于死地。 D.这些年来我经常审稿,发现有些论文虽有导师署名,但读起来文理不通、艰涩难懂, 尤其是英文文稿,破绽百出,不忍卒读 ....。 3.阅读下面这则材料,在横线上续写合适的一句话,不超过15个字。 匠人们在选择小提琴木料时,非常在意树木的年轮。在他们看来,每棵经历岁月洗礼的 大树中都藏有一个精灵,而这个精灵正是一把提琴的灵魂。木料选出,风干切割后,放入一 个终年不见阳光的房间四到五年。这样,本来混沌的木板就有了灵异,万籁俱寂中那些曾经 吐纳的自然之气、收藏的百鸟之声,才会像沙漏一样从未头中渗透出来。琴的制作如此,人 的成长也是如此。一个人要成大器,必须________ ______________________________________________________________ 。 4.根据下面的材料,对出下联。 6月24日9时07分,“蛟龙”号载人潜水器在西太平洋马皇亚纳海沟下潜至7020米, 创造了中国载人深潜新纪录。12时55分,神舟九号航天员驾驶飞船在一片柔和的淡紫色光 晕中与天宫一号目标飞行器成功对接。一天之内,我国同时诞生了载人深潜和载人航天的新 纪录。 上联:驾神舟重霄直上 下联 ______________________________________________________________ 二、文言文阅读 阅读下面的文言文,完成5—8题。 东坡先生墓志铭苏辙 予兄子瞻,谪居海南。四年春正月,今天子即位,推恩海内,泽及鸟兽。夏六月,公被 命渡海北归。明年,舟至淮、浙。秋七月,被病,卒于毗陵。吴越之民,相与哭于市,其君 子相吊于家,讣闻四方.无贤愚皆咨嗟出涕。太学之士数百人,相率饭僧慧林佛舍。呜呼! 斯文坠矣,后生安所复仰?公始病,以书属.辙曰:“即死,葬我嵩山下,子为我铭。”辙执 书哭曰:“小子忍铭吾兄!” 公生十年,而先君宦学四方。太夫人亲授以书,闻古今成败,辄能语其要。公亦奋厉有 当世志,太夫人喜曰:“吾有子矣!”比冠,学通经史,属文日数千言。嘉佑二年,欧阳文 忠公考试礼部进士,疾时文之诡异,思有以救之。梅圣俞时与其事,得公《论刑赏》,以示 文忠。文忠惊喜,以为异人,欲以冠多士。


中考作文备考主题素材系列第一季:朋友 【时文选读】 寝室里酌那帮兄弟 木易子 风悠悠,穿梭在七月的门缝间。 雨淅淅,流淌在岁月的长河里。 独自坐在苗家的风雨桥上,看人来人往,观翠绿山色,揽一点思绪梳理。 ——引言忆起在校园里共度时光的好兄弟,忆起寝室的好兄弟,一起走过三年的风风雨雨。 大块头 大块头,其实你真正的名字叫小斌。你,一张广阔的国字脸,一双如鼠的小眼睛,一头梳得油亮的头发,两根如柱子的大腿,站在哪里,活像一扇门板。进入寝室不久,便顺理成章地得到“大块头”的绰号。一副有点墨色的眼镜挂在鼻梁上,配上那一条线的眉毛,的确有点不协调,也不够文雅。后来,我们集体建议你摘掉眼镜,更帅些。你坦然笑笑,但不摘。 大块头,读书虽不很厉害,但足球守门,却是你的强项。那年,我系要举行一场足球比赛。我们班个个想冲锋陷阵,却不愿当守门员。就在这时,你自告奋勇:“这个守门员,我来当。”起初,你的自我推荐,班上人很是担心,忧虑你不能胜任这个位置。实践证明,班上的担忧是不必要的。一场又场的比赛,一次又一次地和前锋单独对垒,你总能化险为夷,赢得了一次又一次的胜利。在你的带动下,我们一起看球赛,一起练球,一起谈论足球。在那些不眠的夜里,我们一起看四年一次的世界杯决赛。结果,你心中的冠军队德国队输了,你很伤心。 瘦猴 班上新来一位同学,很瘦,很瘦,瘦得如墙上的秸秆。谁知,你竟是我们寝室里的成员。尖嘴猴腮,配上一双不停转来转去的狡猾的眼睛。再加上自己从《西游记》里学的一套动作,活似一个再版孙悟空。瘦猴有瘦猴的特长,虽不善于言谈,也不善长足球,可你却有一般人不具有的本事。表演,是你的专长,不说演孙行者,单说在开学迎新生时表演的《灰姑娘的故事》,就令观众捧腹大笑。从此,一夜成名不是遥远的事,你成为里众所周知的大明星,我们兄弟几个为你的出色表演庆祝。 黑鬼 黑鬼,不知你是晒太阳的缘故,还是天生就皮肤较黑,除了牙齿白一点之外,全身就像一个刚从炭窑出来的卖炭人。也因此,我们给你取了一个雅号:“非洲老黑”。你一笑了之,但笑了过后,也有许多无奈。你曾经向我们寝室兄弟叫“苦”,可我们班兄弟还戏谑得开着玩笑:老黑健康嘛!浑身有使不完的劲就这样,你也接受了这个“雅号”。几年

第14课 初级商品市场外刊经贸知识选读,每课重要知识点,串讲,课文翻译

第14课初级商品市场 Soft Commodities非耐用商品 Many prices are at historic lows, and the IMF expects further falls.Yet there are signs that the worse may be over.One key commodity, sugar, has recovered. 许多商品的价格处于历史最低点,虽然国际货币基金组织预计价格还会进一步下跌。但是,有迹象表明,最糟的局面已经结束了。因为“糖”这种关键性商品的价格已经回升了。 Markets Have Lost Their Allure 市场已失去吸引力 For Most people involved in the production and trading of “soft” or agricultural commodities, this is proving to be a grim decade. 对于大多数生产并买卖非耐用商品或农业品的人来说,这十年无疑是阴暗的十年。 Prices are in many cases at, or near, historic lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods of surplus produce.And—with most soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower, prices—the markets themselves have lost much of their allure. 许多情况下,产品的价格都在实际意义上处于或接近历史最低价,这是因为市场要应付泛滥成灾的过剩的农产品。同时,大多数预言家预测价格将会持平,或者更低。市场自身已经失去了很多的魅力。 Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have deserted soft commodities for the newer excitement of financial futures or the security and big yields afforded by the equity and money markets. 从20世纪70年代的价格不稳中大笔获益的投机者们已经放弃了非耐用商品而寻求金融期货或有价证券带来的新的刺激以及股票和货币市场提供的巨额利润。The contrast with the “resources decade” of the 1970s could hardly be more marked.It is strange, indeed, to observe that only 10 years have elapsed since spiraling commodity prices were the focus of major international concern, and many respected forecasters were warning of impending global shortages of basic raw materials and foodstuffs. 这和70年代的“资源十年”之间的对比是再明显不过的了。确实很奇怪,仅仅十年前,国际上关心的焦点还是不断盘旋上升的价格,许多受人尊重的预言家们一直在警告全球性的基础原材料和食品短缺即将到来。 The shortages never came, and the terms of trade have now shifted dramatically against the commodity producers.Agricultural commodities have been particularly badly https://www.doczj.com/doc/135474924.html,st year alone, the International Monetary Fund’s indices of food prices and of agricultural raw material prices fell by 15 per cent and 12 per cent https://www.doczj.com/doc/135474924.html,modity prices in general were about 35 per cent below their 1980 average in 1985 according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). 然而,短缺从未出现,现在的贸易条件已经转为对商品生产者大为不利,特别是农产品遭到了严重的打击。仅仅去年一年,国际货币基金组织的食品和农业原材料的价格指数就分别下跌了15%和12%。联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会)的


旺旺英语 Lesson 15 Weekly Commodities (telex) 每周商品行情 Commodities 1商品行情(-) econews by Kate Kavanagh Oil prices seesaw to three-month low in “big bang week London”, Oct. 31 (afp)—the attention of commodities dealers was last week captured initially by events on the stock exchange, where Monday’s big bang was muffled by computer failures, but turned later to the troubled oil market. (法新社)10月31日电:在“伦敦大爆炸改革周”中,石油价格起伏不定,跌至三个月来的最低点。——上周商品交易者们的注意力先是被股票交易所发生的事情吸引,那里的计算机出了故障从而抑制了周一的“大爆炸改革”;但随后,交易者们的注意力又转向了混乱的石油市场。 The unexpected departure of sheik ahmed zaki yamani from his post as Saudi Arabian oil minister aggravated existing uncertainty concerning the future direction of oil prices in view of severe world oversupply. 在国际市场严重供大于求的情况下,沙特阿拉伯石油部长亚马尼的突然离职使本来就起伏不定的油价变得更加难以预料。 Unstable crude prices in turn prompted falls in platinum and gold, the latter to its lowest since early September, aggravated by the withdrawal of investment support as the dollar regained ground. 动荡的原油价格反过来又加速了白金和黄金的降价,而且由于美元重收失地,投资者纷纷撤回投资,黄金还降到了九月初以来的最低点。 Sterling’s decline lent some support to the base metal sector, where lead and zinc rallied on the continuing lack of a solution to the labour dispute affecting australia’s broken hill mines. 英镑的贬值使贱金属的价格有所上升。由于影响到澳大利亚Broken Hill矿山的劳工纠纷迟迟得不到解决,贱金属里的铅和锌的价格止跌回升。 Coffee fluctuated wildly on uncertainty over brazil’s role in the market but sugar and cocoa kept to a narrow range in quiet conditions. 咖啡的价格由于巴西在市场上的角色不稳定而疯狂波动,可是糖和可可的价格在平静中起伏不大。 The grain sector was dulled by the prospect of lower-than-expected soviet imports this season, despite improved british export figures. 本季度,尽管英国的出口量增加了,谷物市场还是因为苏联的进口比预想的低而显得清淡。 Commodities 2 商品行情2 Econews(London) Gold: lower. After coming in for early support on news of strike action affecting mines belonging to gold fields of south Africa, values declined in line with platinum and new york advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation. The fall in oil prices also brought pressure to bear but good resistance at around the 400 dollars per ounce level permitted a brief rally. However, values suffered a late decline to below 400 dollars per ounce in line with new york as the dollar strengthened on news of a decline in the u.s. budget trade and a cut in the bank of japan’s discount rate. 黄金:跌了。由于南非金矿受到罢工影响,黄金的价格上升,但随后资方承诺谈判,矿工复工,使得其价值又随着白金的贬值和纽约交易所的行情报告跌了下来。油价的下降同样给市场带来了压力,但在每盎司大约400美元的水平上的强力支撑使金价短时止跌。然而,美国国家预算批准的海外采购的减少和日本削减银行贴现率的消息使美元变得坚挺,金价随后下降到每盎司400美元以下,和纽约交易所标明的价格一样。 Latest figures from the south African chamber of mines showed a 4.6 per cent drop in gold production during the first nine months of 1986 to 488,854 kilos against 504,996 during the same 1985 period. 南非矿业协会的最新数字表明,1986年前9个月的黄金产量与1985年同期相比,下降了4. 6%,由504,996公斤减少到481,854公斤。

【时文选读】The Power of Protection 海洋保护大有所为【上】

【时文选读】The Power of Protection 海洋保护大有所为【上】 The Power of Protection 海洋保护大有所为【上】 In most parts of the world, marine conservationis stymied by opposition from fishing, oil, and mining interests. A mere 7 percent of the world’s ocean has any protection—mostly weak rules, with multiple exceptions—and only 2.5 percent is highly protected from exploitation. Outside of these zones, the ocean’s story is one of continuing depletion. 在全球的大部分区域,海洋保护因牵涉渔业、石油和矿业公司的利益而受到阻挠,困难重重。而其中大部分保护措施的约束力不强,存在多起违规案例;只有2.5%的海洋受到高度保护,完全不被开发利用。而在这些区域之外,世界海洋环境正在不断衰竭。 A few remaining patches of ocean are the last wild places of the sea—the marine equivalent of the remotest tracts of old-growth forest in the Amazon—still undamaged by overfishing, pollution and climate change. Enric Sala, former professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, is working with the National Geographic Society and together launched the Pristine Seas project in 2008. Over the past 12 years, Pristine Seas has helped create 22 marine reserves, making up two-thirds of the world’s fully protected marine areas—covering more than two million square miles in all. 世界上仅存的部分原生海域——它们如同亚马逊偏远的原始森林带一样——是海洋中最后的荒原净土,未受过度捕捞、环境污染和气候变化的荼毒。前斯克里普斯海洋学研究所教授Enric Sala联手美国国家地理学会,于2008年共同发起了“原始海洋”(Pristine


第10课关于关贸总协定和世界贸易组织 Freer Trade, with Luck自由贸易,一路走好 1.In the past few days differences between the United States and the European Community on farm trade have narrowed almost to nothing. As a result the world is now close to concluding the Uruguay round of GATT talks. That deal is admittedly far from perfect, a series of messy compromises The cause of free trade will have many more battles to fight. Never mind. On a conservative estimate the Uruguay round would permanently raise global welfare by more than $100 billion a year, spur economic growth everywhere (especially in the world’s poorest countries) and extend competition to hither to sheltered, and therefore backward, parts off all economies. By any standards, it would be a hugely valuable achievement. Cause----aim, principle or movement that is strongly defended or supported 极力维护或支持的目标﹑原则或运动; 事业: a good cause, ie one that deserves to be supported, eg a charity 高尚的目标(应为之尽力的目标, 如慈善事业)* He fought for the republican cause in the civil war. 他在内战中为共和事业而战. * Her life was devoted to the cause of justice. 她为正义事业而献身. 在过去的几天中,美国同欧共体之间有关农产品贸易的分歧几乎荡然无存。因此,关贸总协议乌拉圭回合的谈判现已接近尾声。诚然,协议远不够完善,仅是对一系列棘手问题的妥协。争取自由贸易的事业还有许多仗要打。不过,不必担心。依据保守的估计,乌拉圭回合协议将持久地每年为全球增加1,000多亿美元的财富。而且,还会刺激各国的经济增长(尤其是世界上最贫困的国家)。同时,它将贸易竞争扩展到那些迄今仍坚持保护主义政策并因此而落后的国家。无论依据何种标准衡量,这都是一个价值巨大的成就。 2. Such opportunities come too rarely to be squandered. Yet this one still may be. In the most recent talks about farm trade, America has shown a new willingness to compromise on details, doubtless ref lecting George Bush’s need for an economic success to boast of in his election campaign. Whatever the motive a spirit of compromise makes sense for America, since it stands to gain a lot more from a successful round than any other country. But the EC continues to hesitate—because of France. French farmers are violently opposed to the reform of the common agricultural policy(CAP) that Europe’s government agreed to last May.In certain respects, the farmers claim, the GATT deal now in prospect would take reform further, damaging their interests even more. 这样的机会不容错过。然而,这次机会仍差点被错过。最近,在有关农产品贸易的谈判中,美方多次表示愿意在细节问题上做出妥协。这无疑反应了布什总统需要一个经济成果,以便在大选中吹嘘。不管动机如何,做出妥协这一主导思想对美国是有意义的,因为谈判的成功给美国带来的利益要远大于其他任何国家。但是,由于法国的原因,欧共体仍旧犹豫不决。法国农民强烈反对改革欧洲各国政府于去年五月通过的共同农业政策。他们声称,在某些方面,正在酝酿中的关贸


《外刊经贸知识选读》复习资料 Lesson One China in the Market Place 一、术语: manufactured goods 制成品 capital equipment 资本货物 balance of payments 国际收支 current account 经常项目 visible trade account 有形贸易项目 invisible trade account 无形贸易项目 trade surplus 贸易顺差 trade deficit 贸易逆差 barter 易货贸易 compensation trade 补偿贸易 counter-trade 反向贸易 assembly manufacturing 组装生产 industrial and commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税 joint venture 合资企业 deferred payment 延期付款 buyer credit 买方信贷 supplier credit 卖方信贷 soft loan 软贷款(低息贷款) MFN treatment: Most Favored Nation treatment 最惠国待遇 PNTR: Permanent Normal Trading Relations 永久性正常贸易关系 NI: National Income 国民收入 GNP: Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GDP: Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴和开发银行 IDA: International Development Association 国际开发协会 IFC: International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和发展组织 BIS: Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行 EEC: European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 EU: European Union 欧洲联盟 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资 二、词语释义: exacerbate: deteriorate 恶化 disrupt: interrupt 中断 in the wake of: following 继┉之后 breakdown: analysis by classification 分类分析 buoyant: brisk 上扬的,增产的 run-down: reduction

外刊经贸知识选读 第4课翻译

Lesson 4 The Economic Scene: A Global Perspective (Excerpts) In 1991,for the second year in a row, the economies of low-income and middle-income countries virtually stagnated, as measured by an increase in per capita gross domestic product (GDP). Aggregate output for developing countries advanced by slightly less than 2 per cent during 1991 (similar to the weak performance of 1990), implying an easing in per capita income of 0.1 per cent. Aggregate statistics for 1991 were influenced by the sharp decline in output in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as by the adverse effects of the Gulf crisis on several economies in the Middle East. Excluding Central and Eastern Europe, growth in developing countries in 1991 was 3.4 per cent, compared with 3.8 per cent during the 1980s. Estimates of GDP growth by major geographic region show an acceleration in Latin America and in sub-Saharan Africa; an increase in China’s growth rate helped to sustain high rates of growth in the East Asia region. International conditions for growth in developing countries deteriorated in 1991. The seven major industrial countries (the G-7) experienced a significant slowdown in GDP growth—from 2.8 per cent in 1990 to 1.9 per cent during 1991 as recession gripped Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States and growth rates slowed in continental Europe and Japan. In important respects, the slowdown was different from those that occurred during the 1970s and 1980s. Rather than reflecting the effect of disinflationary policies, weakness in demand was more closely related to the loss of momentum that had built up during the long period of expansion that began in 1983. In addition, a common factor underlying the slowdown in many industrial countries was the cyclical deceleration in investment spending. Although the weakness in demand in the United States led to a sharp decline in short-term dollar interest rates—a positive development for many developing countries—it also contributed to a drop of over 6 per cent in non-oil commodity prices and to a slackening, to 3 per cent, in the growth of world trade. These trends were compounded by worsening economic conditions in the Soviet Union and its successor states, where a growing shortage of foreign exchange led to a compression of imports from Eastern Europe and an acceleration of certain commodity exports (aluminum, gold and lead, for instance) to earn hard currencies. Against this deteriorating global background, the improvement in economic performance in a few developing regions in 1991—which carried over in 1992—was especially noteworthy. This improvement is attributable, in part, to the implementation by many governments of measures to stabilize their economies and restructure incentives to encourage private initiative and international trade. Policy reforms in Latin America helped to moderate inflation and domestic demand; East Asian economics, supported by growth in export volume in the range of 10 per cent and by robust domestic demand, continued to grow rapidly. Sub-Saharan Africa raised its real GDP growth rate from 1.3 per cent in 1990 to 2.4 per cent in 1991. Also noteworthy was the implementation by the Paris Club of a new menu of enhanced concessions in debt reschedulings for the severely indebted, low-income countries. The menu was introduced in agreements with Benin and Nicaragua, and was subsequently applied in agreements with Bolivia and Tanzania. Nonconcessional but special extended rescheduling terms were also


自考《外刊经贸知识选读》复习资料 Lesson One China in the Market Place 一、术语: manufactured goods 制成品 capital equipment 资本货物 balance of payments 国际收支 current account 经常项目 visible trade account 有形贸易项目 invisible trade account 无形贸易项目 trade surplus 贸易顺差 trade deficit 贸易逆差 barter 易货贸易 compensation trade 补偿贸易 counter-trade 反向贸易 assembly manufacturing 组装生产 industrial and commercial consolidated tax 工商统一税 joint venture 合资企业 deferred payment 延期付款 buyer credit 买方信贷 supplier credit 卖方信贷 soft loan 软贷款(低息贷款) MFN treatment: Most Favored Nation treatment 最惠国待遇 PNTR: Permanent Normal Trading Relations 永久性正常贸易关系 NI: National Income 国民收入 GNP: Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GDP: Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴和开发银行IDA: International Development Association 国际开发协会 IFC: International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和发展组织BIS: Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行 EEC: European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 EU: European Union 欧洲联盟 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment 外商直接投资


Wohnungspreise in 70 chinesischen St?dten sinken im Monatsvergleich 2014-09-19 13:35:41 In den meisten der 70 gro?en beziehungsweise mittelgro?en St?dten Chinas sind die Wohnungspreise im August gegenüber dem Vormonat zurückgegangen. Wie aus dem jüngsten Bericht der staatlichen Statistikbeh?rde 国家统计局最新报告weiter hervor geht, nahm die Zahl der St?dte mit einem Preisrückgang zu. Experten verweisen in diesem Zusammenhang auf die andauernden staatlichen Bemühungen zur Regulierung des Immobilensektors. 房地产行业调控 Konkret fielen der Statistikbeh?rde zufolge die Preise für neue Wohnungen auf dem freien Markt 在公开市场in 68 der 70 gro?en und mittelgro?en St?dte im August gegenüber dem Juli. In 67 St?dten seien auch die Preise für Bestandswohnungen zurückgegangen. 现房 Nun setzt sich im jüngsten Monatsvergleich die schon zuvor beobachtete Tendenz sinkender Wohnungspreise in meisten St?dten weiter fort. Für Analysten ist dies ein Beleg dafür, dass der chinesische Immobilienmarkt in eine umfassende Periode der Anpassung全面调整时期eingetreten ist. IWF-Vizechef国际货币基金组织Zhu Min hatte schon vor kurzem in einem Interview mit Blick auf die Wirtschaftssituation in China und der Welt Anpassungen des Immobilienmarktes als notwenig bezeichnet: …Es ist notwendig, dass die Immobilienbranche in der gegenw?rtigen Phase der chinesische n ?konomie reguliert werden muss. In diesen Sektor flie?en zirka 20 Prozent aller landesweiten Ausgaben, und das Investitionswachstum bel?uft sich auf zirka 25 Prozent. Davon sind Angebot und Nachfrage in mehr als 160 Branchen betroffen, besonders Kernbranchen wie die Eisen-, Aluminium- und Elektroger?te-Produktion. Mit Blick auf die weltwirtschaftliche Situation muss die Immobilienbranche nach einer sprunghaften Entwicklung 突然geregelt werden. Ich halte daher认为Anpassungen bei Preisen, Betriebsstruktur und Nachfrage für unumg?nglich." 至关重要 Die Preisschwankungen auf dem Immobilienmarkt werden von der ?ffentlichkeit公众aufmerksam beobachtet und von Spekulationen投机begleitet. Wu Qing vom Entwicklungsforschungszentrum des Staatsrats 国务院发展研究中心sprach vor kurzem bereits von einer Blase auf dem chinesischen Immobilienmarkt.中国房地产市场泡沫Die tats?chlichen Wohnungspreise in Beijing, Shanghai und Guangzhou würden bestimmt sinken: …Auf dem Immobilienmarkt ist bereits eine Blase aufgetreten, obwohl man sich normalerweise um die Wohnungspreise kümmert. Infolge der Blase 泡沫的结果是sind die Preise zum Beispiel in Beijing, Shanghai und Guangzhou überm??ig stark angestiegen. Hier werden die tats?chlichen Wohnungspreise bestimmt sinken."

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