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13、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization, or you can call it a group --- School Watch. It makes sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan!

What is School Watch?

School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them.

Is it for everyone?

Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer.

What else can it do?

School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework.

Who will be the School Watcher?

Our school will look for the School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one!

How do you join it?

To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of School Watch in your grade. You can check the official website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/9712273677.html, if you want to get more information. (239)

1. What is School Watch?

2. Where is the School Watch?

3. Who can join School Watch?

4. How do you join it?

5. What does the passage tell us?

14、 The aim of students who come to school is to study. But to study requires a right way, or you waste either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.

The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear. For that reason, we can get good result.

①In studying we must have patience. If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one until we have learned the first one.

②When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.

We must al ways ask “whys”. If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it comple tely and what we’ve learned can be used well and made better.

Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.


1. What’s the main idea of the passage?

中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解(及答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文及表格内容列要点。 In order to learn how the students in our school spend money, we made a survey by asking them some questions. First, we asked them how much money they spent last month. And then we asked how much money they spent on snacks, books, movies, computer games, phones, transportation and other things last month. Our maths teacher helped us make a graph(图表) of their answers as follows. In our school, each student spent about________yuan on average(平均) last month. According to the graph made by our________, teacher, we know how much money the students spent on different things in our school. As the graph shows, they spent most on________, covering 22% of all. It was followed by computer games and movies. Each of them was________. But to our surprise, the students spent________on books, only 6%. 【答案】 a hundred/ one hundred/100;maths;Snacks;18%/ eighteen percent/18 percent;least 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了我们学校的学生是如何花钱。 (1)根据表格第一行信息,可知每个学生平均花费大约100元,故答案是a hundred/ one hundred/100。 (2)根据Our maths teacher helped us make a graph(图表) of their answers as follows,可知我们的数学老师帮助我们制作了一张图表,故答案是maths。 (3)根据表格第二行信息,可知花了最多的钱在小吃上,占总数的22%,故答案是S nacks。 (4)根据表格第四和五行信息,可知,接下来是电脑游戏和电影。他们每个人都是18%,故答案是18%/ eighteen percent/18 percent。 (5)根据表格第三行信息,可知但令我们惊讶的是,学生们只花了最少的6%的钱买书,least是最少的,故答案是least。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,关键在看懂文章,然后根据题目要求作答,注意尽量用文章的语言填写答案。在文章中找不到答案时,要完全理解句子,根据同义词,句型转换的方式找到可以替换文章中的单词,短语或者句子的词。


2018年新人教版初中英语九年级英语 全一册全套精品教案 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明 白“一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with…pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型: How do you study English? I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster? You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation? One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits.

中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解复习题(附答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解复习题(附答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面短文,请按文后的任务要求答题。 When my wife and I went to live in an Arab(阿拉伯) country, we didn't know much about our future. _______. Later, we realized that the advice given to us by our friends were right. ______ Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute. The hot weather made us feel so tired that we were falling asleep at midday! _______ We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays. It was also strange to see people praying (祈祷) in a certain direction. _________ They don't let people see their faces in public. They are not allowed to drive cars, either. All dresses worn by women have to cover the body completely. They believe that women can't be seen in public. At the weekend, we went camping in the desert. I will never forget watching the sun setting over the desert. We also enjoyed riding on the camels. Though their culture is very different from the American culture, ________. (1)根据短文内容,从下列四个选项中选择合适的句子填入①—④题的空白处,使短文通顺。 (2)从下面四个选项中选择一个合适的选项填入⑤题的空白处,使短文通顺。 A. we left there soon B. we enjoyed living there C. we lived a hard life D. we still lived in our American way 【答案】(1)D;C;B;A (2)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是我和妻子去阿拉伯国家居住看到的阿拉伯人的生活习俗。 (1)选项意思:A. They have strict rules for women他们对女人有严格的制度 B. Another culture shock(文化差异) was the working week一周工作时间的文化差异 C. The culture shock started with the weather文化差异始于天气 D. My friends told us to be prepared for a culture shock我们朋友告诉我们要喂文化差异做准备 ①根据下文Later, we realized that the advice given to us by our friends were right.后来,我们意识到我们的朋友给我们的建议是正确的。所以此处是一个建议,故选D。 ②根据下文Here, the burning sun can cook an egg in a minute. The hot weather made us feel so tired that we were falling asleep at midday!在这里,灼热的太阳在一分钟内能将一个鸡蛋煮熟。炎热的天气是我们感到很累以致于我们在中午就睡着了。故选C。 ③根据下文We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays。我们从周六工作

最新中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解试题(及答案)

最新中考英语英语任务型阅读理解试题(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.阅读下面的5段语言材料,请找出与前面四段相对应的标题,并完成问题。 (1)找出与前面四段相对应的标题 ________ Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. ________ Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a real beginning, whether you are beginning in business or you're dreaming to be a star, you have to star at the bottom. ________ Great ambition is necessary. An English student called Richard Brason opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didn't stop here. He also opened a record business with many shops, and now his company has planes, trains and cars. ________ The only people who succeed without hard work are lottery winners. You need a "can do" attitude and you must work step by step, which will help you get what you really want. You are on the right way to win the success. Follow the leaders. If you always say someone is successful, it doesn't mean anything to you. Learn from those who have already succeeded in something, especially where they do the same as you want to do. A. A middle school student. B. A new hand in the company. C. A housewife. D. A baby. 【答案】(1)D;B;A;C (2)B 【解析】【分析】 A. Think big.立大志。 B. Start small.从小事做起。 C. Be prepared do work hard.准备努力工作。 D. Find the work you love.找到你喜欢的工作。 (1)根据Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do. 你成功的最好的机会是做你真的想做的事情。问问自己,“如果钱不是特别重要,哪类工作你想免费做?然后只要做你喜欢做的事情。可知此处是要找自己喜欢的工作。故选D。 (2)根据 Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it


2017-2018学年人教版初中英语 九年级英语各单元作文范文 现在,对于初三同学来说,稳扎稳打课本知识是至关重要的。今天,小简老师跟大家分享新人教版九年级全册各单元写作话题及优秀范文,这些范文里涉及到单元重点单词、短语,尤其是句型,因此是一份非常好的学习资料,收藏起来好好学吧,也欢迎分享给身边的好朋友哦! Unit 1 How can we become good learners? 本单元话题为“学会学习”,与之相关的话题作文主要为谈论英语学习方法,这是各地中考英语真题中最常考的话题作文之一。写作时可根据具体要求或提示,对相关的学习方法提出建议。 写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1)What about listening to…? (2)Try to guess …by… (3)The more…,the more… (4)…is the secret to language learning.

(5)I think…should… (6)It’s a good idea to… 【典型例题】 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。 【优秀范文】 How to be a good learner To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy. I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner. Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: a great number of, fetch, introduce, lie in 2. Learn the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)China is a great country that/which has about 5 000 years of history. (2)It’s a book that/which introduces China in detail. (3)It’s Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section A a great number of Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail. = lie in Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb. introduce Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: fantastic, hear of, tale, so … that … 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) They are well worth visiting. (2) It seemed that we experienced four seasons in a day. (3) If not, you must find a chance to go there! 3. Go on learning the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)Could you tell me something about the places that(which) you visited there? (2)That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. 4. Learn more about the geography of China—the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and West Lake. 5. Cultivate the students’ patriotism. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? be well worth visiting Section B hear of That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. tale West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. tourist attraction The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. so…that…

中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案)

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习(及答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,完成问题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world. Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village. ① . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school. ② "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley. ③ On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either. ④ Her courage made her famous. She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala. OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)." ①________②________③________ ④________ (2)What may be the best title for this passage? A. Dreans of peace B. A gun shot in Pakistan C. Voice of courage D. Education rights for girls 【答案】(1)B;D;A;C (2)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了巴基斯坦女孩尤萨夫扎伊是有史以来获得诺贝尔和平奖最年轻的人。她不放弃教育,一直学习,她的艰辛工作鼓励着许多女孩,已成为全世界女孩勇气的声音。 (1)A. However, her actions also put her in danger.然而,她的行为也使她处于危险之中。 B. They stopped girls from getting an education.他们阻止女孩接受教育。 C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.现在她仍在呼吁女孩享有受教育的权利。 D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。 ①根据后句They believed educating girls was against Islam.可知他们认为教育女孩是违背伊


初中英语---unit12 重点短语: 1. by the time 在……之前 2. be full of 充满 3. give . . . a lift 捎(某人)一程 4. go off 响铃 5. rush out 冲出 6. wake up 醒来 wake sb. up 叫醒某人 7. at least 至少;反正 8. be about to do sth. 将要做某事 9. go on 发生;向前走 10. stare at 盯着……看 11. in disbelief 怀疑地 12. in line with . . . (与……)成一排 13. turn into 变成 14. jump out of 从……跳下15. show up 赶到;露面 16. by the end of 在(某时间点)以前 17. get dressed 穿衣服 18. stay up 熬夜 19. April Fool's Day 愚人节 20. Costume party 化妆舞会21. sell out 卖光 22. take place 发生 23. play jokes on sb. 和某人开玩笑 24. play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人 25. end up doing sth. 结果是(做)…;以(做)…而告终 end up with sth. 以某事结束 26. get married to 和……结婚 27. police officer 警官 28. run out of 用光;耗完 重点句型: 1. Life is full of the unexpected. 生活充满了意外。 2. By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.当我到外面的时候,公共汽


Unit 14 1、游泳;洗澡 2、(一套)衣服 3、游泳衣;泳装 4、手巾;毛巾 5、浇灌;浇水 6、手册;指南 7、清除;把…….打扫干净 8、冰箱 9、汽车库;汽车间 10、(旅行用)小提箱;衣箱 11、(口语)过一会再与某人通话 12、砍;劈;剁 13、木头;木材 14、点燃;点着 15、井;水井 16、农场;农庄 17、不管怎样;不论用何种方式 18、奖赏;奖金;奖品 19、波浪;波涛 20、舞台 21、成功且轰动一时的事物;打击;碰撞; 22、出现,露面;(公开)演出 23、(戏剧、电影中的)主角 24、主唱者 25、来日;将来某一日;有朝一日 26、离开;走开 27、诗;韵文 28、食橱;碗橱;衣橱 29、(依次轮流到每个人的)一次机会 30、邮件;邮包;邮政 31、祖先;祖宗 32、根;根源 33、海外的;国外的 34、祖国;故乡 35、政府 36、到目前为止 37、南方的;在南方的 38、村民;乡村居民 39、幸亏、由于、因为 40、坚定的;坚决的 41、目的;意图 42、脚步;步骤 43、盼望;期盼

Unit 14 1、bathing n 游泳;洗澡 2、suit n (一套)衣服 3、bathing suit 游泳衣;泳装 4、towel n 手巾;毛巾 5、water v 浇灌;浇水 6、guidebook n 手册;指南 7、clean out 清除;把…….打扫干净 8、refrigerator n 冰箱 9、garage n 汽车库;汽车间 10、suitcase n (旅行用)小提箱;衣箱 11、get back to sb. (口语)过一会再与某人通话 12、chop v 砍;劈;剁 13、wood n 木头;木材 14、light v 点燃;点着 15、well n 井;水井 16、farm n 农场;农庄 17、anyway adv. 不管怎样;不论用何种方式 18、award n 奖赏;奖金;奖品 19、wave n 波浪;波涛 20、scene n 舞台 21、hit n 成功且轰动一时的事物;打击;碰撞;v 打击;碰撞. 22、appear v 出现,露面;(公开)演出 23、lead n (戏剧、电影中的)主角 24、lead singer 主唱者 25、some day (=someday) 来日;将来某一日;有朝一日 26、be off 离开;走开 27、poem n 诗;韵文 28、cupboard n 食橱;碗橱;衣橱 29、turn n (依次轮流到每个人的)一次机会 30、mail n 邮件;邮包;邮政 31、ancestor n 祖先;祖宗 32、root n 根;根源 33、overseas adj. 海外的;国外的 34、homeland n 祖国;故乡 35、government n 政府 36、so far 到目前为止 37、southern adj. 南方的;在南方的 38、villager n 村民;乡村居民 39、thanks to 幸亏、由于、因为 40、strongly adv. 坚定的;坚决的


初中英语任务型阅读典型题型 1. If you go to , maybe some people can understand you. 2. Egyptians speak . 3. If you go to , you must learn Russian well. 4. The capital of Singapore is . 5. From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language. 二 I’ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you’ll be staying with a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现金) and about £200 in travelers cheques (支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you’ll be met by our host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I’ve told them to look out for the red shirts. You’ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it’s very important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our agent(代理人). I’ll give you her office phone number now: It’s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher, that’s B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She’s 三 In the west, there can be some abbreviations(缩略词) in some advertisements(广告) of the newspaper. Here’s an advertisement for an apartment(公寓套房). Most of the words in it are abbreviations, for example, Lrg. apt, i.e.(即) Large apartment; lrg. lvrm, i.e. Large living-room. Now, 2. If you rent(租用) the apartment, do(千万) remember not to bring any , like dogs, cats, birds and so on. 3. There is a large living-room and two in the apartment. 4. The location(位置) of the building is very . 5. If you rent the apartment, you must pay(付) dollars(美元) every month. 四

中考英语 英语 任务型阅读理解(附答案)100

中考英语英语任务型阅读理解(附答案)100 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容列要点。 There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home. Read the following situations to protect yourself. Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it's the best way to protect themselves. Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number. Be careful with the electrical appliances(电器). If you don't know how to use them, ask your parents. Make a safety check before going to sleep. (Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask "Who's that?" with the door locked and say "Come back later." Don't tell them that your parents are away. Say "Mum's having a shower." or "Dad's having a sleep. Here's some information about how to ________ at home. Keep the door ________ when you're alone at home. To call for help, keep a list of ________. Before going to sleep, make a ________ of the electrical appliances. When you talk to strangers, ask "Who's that?" with the door locked and don't say your parents are ________. 【答案】 protect yourself;locked;phone numbers;safety check;away 【解析】【分析】主要讲了独自在家时怎样自我保护。 (1)根据Read the following situations to protect yourself.可知是讲了怎样在家保护自己,how to do sth.,怎样做某事,固定搭配,故填protect yourself。 (2)根据Keep the door locked when you are alone at home.可知独自在家时保持门锁着,故填locked。 (3)根据Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help- such as 110, or a neighbour's number.可知保存一系列电话号码来寻求帮助,故填phones numbers。 (4)根据Make a safety check before going to sleep.可知睡觉前做好安全检查,故填safety check。 (5)根据Don't tell them that your parents are away.可知不要告诉他们你的父母离开了,be away离开,故填away。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。 2.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 The Shanghai Disney Resort is different from others in the world. It opened on June 16th, 2016. The resort is in Pudong, Shanghai and it is the first Disney resort on the Chinese Mainland. Shanghai Disney Resort has changed the classic Main Street USA to a Mickey Avenue. Main Street USA was designed by Walt Disney himself. For 60 years, it has been the main entry(人口) of Disney theme parks in the world. However, the designers(设计者) of the Shanghai resort think there should be something new. So the designers create the Mickey Avenue.

2020中考英语 任务型阅读

任务型阅读 13、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 Hello, everyone. Because of the high rate of school violence (暴力) in some areas, teenagers’ safety becomes a serious problem. We are planning to set up an organization, or you can call it a group --- School Watch. It makes sure that students have a safe school environment. Please be part of our plan! What is School Watch? School Watch is a volunteer project in our school. It helps us stop violence and improve the quality of school life. It will keep yourself and your schoolmates safe. The other members of School Watch care for you and your classroom, and you do the same for them. Is it for everyone? Anybody can become a member of School Watch because everyone has something to offer. What else can it do? School Watch makes it possible for us not only to help each other but also to make friends with each other. Some members may offer to help the schoolmates who have problems with their homework. Who will be the School Watcher? Our school will look for the School Watcher and give him or her lots of prizes. You could be the one! How do you join it? To be part of this plan, the only thing you need to do is to talk to the director of School Watch in your grade. You can check the official website at https://www.doczj.com/doc/9712273677.html, if you want to get more information. (239) 1. What is School Watch? 2. Where is the School Watch? 3. Who can join School Watch? 4. How do you join it?


2017年新人教版初中英语九年级英 语全套课文内容 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Section A How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class (be)like a bad dream. The teacher spoke too (quick). But I was afraid to ask questions because my (pronounce) was very bad. So I just hid behind my textbook and never said (something). Then one day I watched an English movie (call) Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and (fun) movie! So then I (begin) to watch other English movies as well. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the (expression) on their faces helped me to get the meaning. I also realized I could get the meaning by (listen) for just the key words. My (pronounce) also improved by listening to the (interest) conversations in English movies. I discovered that (listen) to something you are (interest) in is the secret to language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It?s a piece of cake” or “It (serve) you right.” I did not understand these sentences at (one). But because I (want) to understand the story, I looked up the words in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class. I (want) to learn new words and more grammar. Ten I can have a (good) understanding of English movies. Section B How Can You Become a Successful Learner? Everyone (be) born with the ability to learn. But whether or not you can do this well (depend) on your (learn) habits. Research shows that (success)learners have some good habits in common. Creating an interest in what they learn Studies (show) that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also (easy) for you to pay attention to it for a long time. Good learners often connect what they need to (learn) with something they are (interest) in.

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