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Listen and say

Get up. Get up! 起床啦,起床啦!

What time is it? 现在几点了?

It's seven o'clock. 七点了。

What time is it? 现在几点了?

It's seven thirty. 七点半了。

It's time to go to school. 到了该上学的时间了。

Have a nice day. 祝你过得愉快。

Lesson 2

Listen and say

When do you have your dancing lessons? 你什么时候上舞蹈课?At four thirty. 在四点半。

Let's play first. 让我们先玩儿会吧。

When do you go home, Yangyang? 阳阳,你什么时候回家?

At five thirty. 在五点半。

It's five thirty now. Let's go home. 现在五点半了,让我们回家吧。

Lesson 3

Listen and say

When do you watch the cartoons? 你什么时候看卡通?

At five fifty. 在五点五十。

Let's turn on the TV. 让我们打开电视吧。

What time is it? 现在几点了?

It's nine twenty. It's time to go to bed. 九点二十,到了该睡觉的时间了。

Sleep tight! 睡个好觉!

Good night!晚安

Lesson 4

Talk and act

what time is it?现在几点了?It’s... . It’s time to….现在……,是做...的时间了?When do you...?你什么时候做.... At... 在...

Look and read

a [æ] :

b a d[bæd]坏的 b a g书包

c a t 猫j a m 果酱v a n 厢式货车

a pple苹果fl a g旗子gl a d高兴的p a nda熊猫h a ppy高兴的h a nd 手

A f a t c a t is sitting on a bl a ck m a t. 一只大肥猫坐在一个黑色的垫子上。

Let's do

When do you get up? 你什么时候起床?

when do you go to school? 你什么时候去学校?

when do you go home? 你什么时候回家?

when do you...?你什么时候...?


Lesson 5

Listen and say

What time is it, Dad? 现在几点了,爸爸?

It's six thirty.It's time for breakfast. 六点半了,到了该吃早饭的时间了。

What's for breakfast, Mum? 早餐吃什么,妈妈?

We have bread,milk, eggs, and fruits. 我们吃面包,牛奶,鸡蛋和水果。

Some milk, bread,and an egg for me, please. 请给我一些牛奶,面包,还有一个鸡蛋。

Lesson 6

Listen and say

Can I have fish and rice, please? 我能来点鱼肉和米饭吗?

Yes. Here you are. 可以,给你。

Meat and noodles for me, please. 请给我肉和面条。

Sure. 当然可以。

Let's sit down. 让我们坐下来吧。

Yangyang, what do you have for lunch? 阳阳,你午饭吃什么?

I have a hamburger and ice cream. 我吃一个汉堡和冰淇淋。

Let's act

Can I have fish and rice, please? 我能来点鱼肉和米饭吗?

Yes. Here you are. 可以,给你。

fish and rice 鱼肉和米饭 fried rice 炒米饭 rice noodles 米粉

a mantou and a fried egg 一个馒头和煎蛋

Listen and say

Mum, I'm back.I'm hungry. 妈妈,我回来了。我饿了。

Hello, dear. Havean orange first. 嗨,亲爱的。先吃个橘子吧。What's for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么?

We have rice,fish, and vegetables. 我们吃米饭,鱼和蔬菜。Good evening,Dad! 晚上好,爸爸!

Hi, Baobao. I'm thirsty. 嗨,宝宝。我渴了。

Have a glass of water, please. 请喝杯水吧。

Thank you. 你。

Let's act

I'm hungry/thirsty. 我饿了/渴了。

Have an orange/aglass of water. 吃个橘子/喝杯水吧。

an orange 橘子 an egg 鸡蛋 a hamburger汉堡 a hot dog 热狗a glass of water一杯水 a glass of soy milk 一杯豆浆

a cup of tea一杯茶 a glass of juice 一杯果汁

Let's say

I scream,

You scream,

We all scream Forice cream.