当前位置:文档之家› 北京市海淀区2017届高三3月零模英语试题含答案






1.How will the woman go to New York?

A.By car.

B.By air.

C.By train.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a shop.

3.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The man's job.

B.The man's friends.

C.The man's family.

4.What did the man think of the play?




5.What's the man's problem?

A.He's parked in the wrong place.

B.He can't see the sign clearly.

C.He has no ticket for the movie.




6.What is the woman doing?

A.She is taking a taxi.

B.She is practicing driving.

C.She is having a driving test.

7.What mistake did the woman make?

A.She forgot to signal.

B.She didn't turn right.

C.She drove too fast.


8.Where does the talk take place?

A.At a railway station.

B.At an airport.

C.At a coach station.

9.What do we learn about the woman?

A.She has bought a return ticket.

B.She has taken this trip before.

C.She has lost one suitcase.


10.What is the problem with the woman's watch?

A.It needs a new battery.

B.It is ruined by water.

C.It needs cleaning.

11.What does the shop offer if one changes a battery there?

A.A free battery.

B.One-year guarantee.

C.Free cleaning service.

12.Why can't the woman have her watch repaired right away?

A.The man is fixing watches at the moment.

B.The woman doesn't have enough money on her.

C.There is no right battery in the shop now.


13.Where did the speaker go the other day?

A.A park.

B.A lake.

C.A zoo.

14.What can we learn about the bird nest?

A.Many visitors can live here.

B.There's a football field in it.

C.There is a lake in the middle of it.

15.What did the speaker do at the end of her visit?

A.He talked with some birds.

B.He played basketball.

C.He watched a bird show.






21.Mike was usually so careful, this time he made a small mistake.





22.Over the past decades,sea ice in the Arctic as a result of global warming.

A.had decreased


C.has been decreasing

D.is decreasing

23.Happiness and success often come to those are good at recognizing their own strengths.





24.When for his views about his teaching job,Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.



C.having asked

D.to be asked

25. I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.





26.---Did you catch what I said?

---Sorry.I a text message just now.

A.had answered

B.have answered

C.would answer

D.was answering

27.No one be more generous;he has a heart of gold.





28.Daniel's family their holiday in Huang-shan this time next week.

A.are enjoying

B.are to enjoy

C.will enjoy

D.will be


29.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with of their parents.





30.When I was little,my mother used to sit by my bed, me stories till I fell asleep.

A.having told



D.to tell

31. at the cafeteria before,Tina didn't want to cat there again.

A.Having eaten

B.To eat



32.Experts believe people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.





33.The news came as no surprise to me.I for some time that the factory was going to shut down.


B.had known

C.have known


34.We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we more places of interest yesterday.


B.had visited

C.would visit

D.would have visited

35.Hot the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.







The Best Love

I have been married to Scott for 20 years.He has 36 15 pounds.Once a marathon runner,he now runs only down 37 halls.His hair is becoming less and his body shows the 38 of long working hours and too many candy bars.

When my friend asked me "What will make this love last?" I ran through all the obvious 39 : responsibility,unselfishness,physical attraction,communication.Yet there's more.We still have https://www.doczj.com/doc/939040761.html,st Saturday at the grocery,we split the shopping 40 list and raced each other to see who could make it to the checkout first.We 41 being together.

There is understanding I understand why he must play basketball with the guys.And he

understands why,once a year,I must get away from the house to 42 my sisters for a few days of nonstop talking and laughing.

There is sharing.Not only do we 43 household worries and parental burdens-we also share 44 .Once,Scott sent me a thick historical novel. 45 he prefers thrillers(惊险小说)and science fiction,he had read the novel first. He 46 my heart when he explained it was because he wanted to be able to 47 ideas about the book after I'd read it.

There is forgiveness.When I'm embarrassingly loud and 48 at parties,Scott forgives me.When he admitted 49 some of our savings in the stock market,I gave him a hug and said,"It's nothing 50 .It's only money."

Finally there is https://www.doczj.com/doc/939040761.html,st week he came home and told me about a 60-year-old woman who'd had a stroke(中风)and would probably never 51 ?He wept as he recalled the woman's 52 standing beside her bed, holding her hand.I 53 too.Because it was of the medical crisis.Because there were still people who have been married 40 years.Because my husband is still moved and 54 after years of hospital rooms and dying patients.

I guess we've got what it 55 to make our love last.

36.A.reduced B.lost C.gained D.made

37.A.hospital B.college C.concert D.lecture

38.A.abilities B.chances C.sign D.rights

39.A.methods B.reasons C.solutions D.advantages

40.A.basket B.center C.cost D.list

41.A.avoid B.enjoy C.hate D.mind

42.A.meet B.leave C.attend D.follow

43.A.bear B.share C.tolerate D.escape

44.A.happiness B.sorrow C.interests D.ideas

45.A.Though B.Since C.Unless D.Once

46.A.hurt B.took C.stuck D.touched

47.A.exchange B.express C.find D.provide

48.A.polite B.gentle C.crazy D.enthusiastic

49.A.increasing B.losing C.getting D.winning

50.A.strange B.interesting C.special D.serious

51.A.move B.walk C.speak D.recover

52.A.daughter B.son C.husband D.brother

53.A.cried B.smiled C.regretted D.agreed

54.A.excited B.astonished C.concerned D.delighted

55.A.means B.takes C.promises D.brings




One day when I was 12,my mother gave me an order:I was to walk to the public library,and borrow at least one book for the summer.This was one more weapon for her to defeat my strange problem inability to read.

In the library,I found my way into the "Children's Room."I sat down on the floor and pulled a few books off the shelf at random.The cover of a book caught my eye.It presented a picture of a beagle.I had recently had a beagle,the first and only animal companion I ever had as a child.He was my secret sharer,but one morning,he was gone,given away to someone who had the space and the money to care for him.I never forgot my beagle.

There on the book's cover was a beagle which looked identical to my dog.I ran my fingers over the picture of the dog on the cover.My eyes ran across the title,Amos,the Beagle with a Plan.Unknowingly,I had read the title.Without opening the book,I borrowed it from the library for the summer.

Under the shade of a bush,I started to read about Amos.I read very,very slowly with difficulty.Though pages were turned slowly,I got the main idea of the story about a dog who,like mine,had been separated from his family and who finally found his way back home.That dog was my dog,and I was the little boy in the book.At the end of the story,my mind continued the final scene of reunion,on and on,until my own lost dog and I were,in my mind,running together.

My mother's call returned me to the real world .I suddenly realized something:I had read a book,and I had loved reading that book.Everyone knew I could not read But I had read it.Books could be incredibly wonderful and I was going to read them.

I never told my mother about my "miraculous"(奇迹般地)experience that summer,but she

saw a slow but remarkable improvement in my classroom performance during the next year.And years later,she was proud that her son had read thousands of books,was awarded a PhD in literature,and authored his own books,articles,poetry and fiction.The power of the words has held.

56.The author's mother told him to borrow a book in order to .

A.encourage him to do more walking

B.let him spend a meaningful summer

C.help cure him of his reading problem

D.make him learn more about weapons

57.The book caught the author's eye because .

A.it reminded him of his own dog

B.he found its title easy to understand

C.it contained pretty pictures of animals

D.he liked children's stories very much

58.Why could the author manage to read the book through?

A.He was forced by his mother to read it.

B.He identified with the story in the book.

C.The book told the story of his pct dog.

D.The happy ending of the story attracted him.

59.Which one could be the best title of the passage?

A.My Passion for Reading

B.Mum's Strict Order

C.Reunion with My Beagle

D.The Charm of a Book


In the United States alone,over 100 million cell-phones are thrown away each year.Cell-phones are part of a growing mountain of electronic waste like computers and personal digital assistants.The electronic waste stream is increasing three times taster than traditional garbage as a whole.

Electronic devices contain valuable metals such as gold and silver.A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste,the concentration(含量)of gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals.

Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals.Even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed,the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries,in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment.

Creating products out of raw materials creates much more waste material,up to 100 times more,than the material contained in the finished products.Consider again the cell-phone,and

imagine the mines that produced those metals,the factories needed to make the box and packaging (包装)it came in.Many wastes produced in the producing process are harmful as well.

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that"the production, distribution,and use of products-as well as management of the resulting waste-all result in greenhouse gas release." Individuals can reduce their contribution by creating less waste at the start-for instance,buying reusable products and recycling.

In many countries the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or has been put in place as an incentive(动机)for reducing waste.If producers are required to take back packaging they use to sell their products,would they reduce the packaging in the first place?

Governments' incentive to require producers to take responsibility for the packaging they produce is usually based on money.Why,they ask,should cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap(气泡垫)that encased your television?

From the governments' point of view,a primary goal of laws requiring extended producer responsibility is to transfer both the costs and the physical responsibility of waste management from the government and tax-payers back to the producers.

60.By mentioning the Swiss study,the author intends to tell us that .

A.the weight of e-goods is rather small

B.natural minerals contain more precious metals

C.E-waste deserves to be made good use of

D.the percentage of precious metals is heavy in e-waste

61.The responsibility of c-waste treatment should be extended .

A.from producers to governments

B.from governments to producers

C.from individuals to distributors D from distributors to governments

62.What docs the passage mainly talk about?

A.The increase in e-waste.

B.The creation of e-waste.

C.The seriousness of e-waste.

D.The management of e-waste.


What exactly is intelligence?There aren't any easy answers.Despite the progress that has been made in genetics and psychology,human intelligence has remained one of the most controversial areas of modern science,until now,that is,for the discovery of a gene(基因)linked to intelligence has made the experts think again.

Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry in London and his colleagues in the US have been looking into genetic make-up.From their research,they have discovered that a slightly different gene is more common in those with a high IQ.Plomin analyzed DNA from two groups of 51 children aged between 6 and 15.What he found was that the first group had an IQ of 136,putting them in the top 5% of the population,while the other group had an average IQ of 103.An analysis of their genes showed that 32% of children in the higher group had the gene in question,while only 16% in the second group did.However,there is A.lot more research to be done,and Plomin himself is cautious at this early stage.He suggests that there are probably many genes that contribute to intelligence,rather than just one.

Several studies have shown a strong link between IQ and career success,although some psychologists remain unconvinced about this.Professor Michael Rowe,who has written a book called Genius Explained,is one of these." The people with the highest IQs are not usually the ones who do best in their careers."

Many psychologists now believe that when it comes to intelligence,IQ isn't everything.Many alternative views have been put forward recently.One example is the idea of multiple intelligences,which was developed in the 1980s by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner.This offers a much broader view than the IQ theory,including creativity and communication skills as relevant factors(因素)in intelligence.

Tony Buzan,brain expert and author of Master your Memory,is enthusiastic about this belief,arguing that true geniuses(天才)do indeed appear to combine high levels of each type of intelligence.He lists Alexander the Great,Pablo Picasso and Albert Einstein as examples.At the same time,Buzan believes that everyone can develop their intelligence,only if they take the trouble to exercise their brain.Perhaps there's hope for us all!

63.What is the topic of the passage?

A.What makes intelligence.

B.How to develop intelligence.

C.IQ benefits a lot from high intelligence.

D.The relationship between genes and intelligence.

64.Why does the author use data in Paragraph 2?

A.To make a suggestion.

B.To draw a conclusion.

C.To prove an idea.

D.To give an example

65.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Robert Plomin confirms genes have something in common.

B.Howard Gardner thinks intelligence includes various factors.

C.Michael Rowe approves of a strong link between IQ and career.

D.Tony Buzan agrees geniuses exercise brain to improve intelligence.

66.What does the underlined word "This" in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The idea of multiple intelligences.

B.The development of intelligence.

C.IQ isn't everything for intelligence.

D.Alternative views have been put forward.


The Diet Zone:A Dangerous Place

Diet Coke,diet Pepsi,diet pills,no-fat dict,vegetable dict...We are surrounded by the word "diet"everywhere we look and listen.We have so easily been attracted by the promise and potential of dict products that we have stopped thinking about what diet products are doing to us.We are paying for products that harm us psychologically and physically(身体上).

Dict products significantly weaken us psychologically.On one level,we are not allowing our brain to admit that our weight problems lie not in actually losing the weight,but in controlling the consumption of fatty, high-calorie, unhealthy foods.Dict products allow us to jump over the thinking stage and go straight for the scale (秤) instead.All we have to do is to swallow or recognize the word "diet" in food labels.

On another level,diet products have greater psychological effects.Every time we have a zero-calorie drink,we are telling ourselves without our awareness that we don't have to work to get results.Diet products make people believe that gain comes without pain,and that life can be without resistance and struggle.

The danger of dict products lies not only in the psychological effects they have on us,but also in the physical harm that they cause.Diet foods can indirectly harm our bodies because consuming them instead of healthy foods means we are preventing our bodies from having basic nutrients(营养成分).Diet foods and dict pills contain zero calorie only because the diet industry has created chemicals to produce these wonder products.Dict products may not be nutritional,and the chemical that go into dict products are potentially dangerous.

Now that we are aware of the effects that dict products have on us,it is time to seriously think about buying them.Losing weight lies in the power of minds,not in the power of chemicals.Once

we realize this,we will be much better able to resist diet products,and therefore prevent the psychological harm that comes from using them.

67.From Paragraph l,we learn that .

A.dict products fail to bring out people's potential

B.people have difficulty in choosing dict products

C.diet products are misleading people

D.people are fed up with diet products

68.One psychological effect of diet products is that people tend to .

A.try out a variety of diet foods

B.hesitate before they enjoy diet foods

C.pay attention to their own eating habits

D.watch their weight rather than their diet

69.In Paragraph 3,"gain comes without pain" probably means .

A.losing weight is effortless

B.it costs a lot to lose weight

C.diet products bring no pain D diet products are free from calories

70.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point(次要点)C: Conclusion



The Misery of Shyness

Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.All kinds of people describe themselves as shy:short,tall,dull,intelligent,young,old,slim,and overweight.71 They are

excessively concerned about their own appearance and actions.Worrisome thoughts are constantly swirling in their minds:What kind of impression am I making?Do they like me?Do I sound stupid?I'm ugly.I'm wearing unattractive clothes.

72 A person's self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves and the way a person behaves affects other people's reactions.In general,the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.For instance,people who have a positive sense of self-worth or high self-esteem usually act with confidence.Because they have self-assurance,they do not need constant praise and encouragement from others to feel good about themselves.Self-confident people are their own best friends.They participate in life enthusiastically and spontaneously.73 People with high self-esteem are not hurt by criticism;they do not regard criticism as personal rejection.Instead,they view criticism as suggestion for improvement.

In contrast,shy people,having low self-esteem,are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing".Shy people are very sensitive to criticism.74 They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment because they believe they are unworthy of praise.A shy people may respond to a compliment with A.statement like this one:"you're just saying that to make me feel good.I know it's not true".

Can shyness be completely eliminated,or at least reduced?Fortunately,people can overcome shyness with determined and patient effort in building self-confidence.75

A.It is clear that,while self-awareness is a healthy quality,overdoing it is detrimental,or harmful.

B.They are not affected by what others think they "should" do.

C.It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely.

D.They feel it confirms their inferiority.

E.It is not fair for them to label themselves as inferior because they have difficulty in some areas.

F.Shy people are anxious and self-conscious.

G.Since shyness goes hand in hand with lack of self-esteem,it is important for people to accept their weaknesses as well as their strengths.










Dear Chris,

Yours truly,

Li Hua 第二节(20分)


提示词:senior citizens home养老院

Our class planned to organize an activity on March 5th,the day in memory of Lei Feng.














9.B 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.C



16.shy 17.conversations 18.invitations 19.focus/concentrate 20.natural



21.A 22.C 23.B 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.A 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.C


36.C 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.D 41.B 42.A 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.B 50.D 51.D 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.B



56.C 57.A 58.B 59.D 60.C 61.B 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.B 66.A 67.C 68.D 69.A 70.B


71.F 72.C 73.B 74.D 75.G


Text 1

M: I heard you are going to drive to New York this weekend.

W: Oh,I have changed my mind.I think flying will be more comfortable.

M: Actually good idea.

Text 2

W: Can I help you?

M: Well,actually,I'm looking for a digital watch.

W: Oh,I'm afraid we don't have any more digital watches in store,but we expect some to come in very soon.

Text 3

M: Wendy,I've had a promotion and I've been really busy these days.

W: Wow.Congratulations!

M: Thanks.I'm feeling good about myself,too.You know,a bigger office,a raise and even an


Text 4

W: What did you think of the play you saw last night?

M: Well,I should have stayed at home.

W: Sorry to hear that.

Text 5

W: Sir,did you see the "NO PARKING" sign?

M: I won't be here long.My wife will finish the movie in five minutes.

W: Sorry,sir.Not even for one minute!You'll get a ticket if you don't go.

Text 6

M: Okay.Ms.Smith,let's begin your road test.

W: Oh.I know I'm ready.I've been practicing in my driveway all week.

M: Okay.Ms.Smith.As I'm sure you are aware,you will not only be tested on your knowledge of the rules of the road, but on your behavior toward other motorists.

W: Okay.

M: Okay.Now you can start your car.

W: Yeah,right.Here we go!

M: Whoa!Take it easy.The speed limit in this business district is only 25 miles an hour.Now,turn right at the next corner.Wow! You didn't signal!

W: Oh!I forgot!

Text 7

W: Good morning.

M: Good morning.What can I do for you?

W: I'd like a ticket to New York,please.

M: Round trip?

W: No,one way.

M: Okey,that'll be $55.

W: 55?Last time I took this coach it was only 50.Hmm,does this coach still leave 2:15?

M: 2:15 at Gate 11.You ought to be at door by 2:00.

W: Fine.

M: Do you want to check in your suitcases?

W: Just two.I'll carry the other one with me.

M: That's good.We can check in two anyway.Give your baggage ticket to the driver when you get to New York.

W: Okay,thanks a lot.

M: You're welcome.Have a good trip.

Text 8

W: Excuse me,my watch stopped running,and I am not sure what’s wrong with it.

M: Well,let me look at it.Hmm,it seams that it just needs a new battery.

W: Oh,really?I got some water on it last week and I was afraid that it might ruin the watch.How much is a new battery?

M: It’s 6.99,and we not only change a battery but also guarantee it for a year.And if you have the watch cleaned here, we can guarantee it for an additional three months.

W: The sounds like a good deal.I’ll get my battery here.When will it be ready?

M: Usually I can do it right away but now I’m repairing lots of watches.Can you leave your watch here until 5 PM?

W: Okey,see you then.

Text 9

M: I am an animal lover.The other day,I went to a park in which there was a huge bird nest,the size of a football field. The nest is as tall as a four-story building.It allows birds of all kinds to live with much more freedom than the traditional small birdcage.Within the nest,visitors can see different birds walk or fly freely everywhere without being afraid of people.There is a lake in the middle of the bird nest.Wild ducks and white swans swim on the lake,looking for food thrown down by visitors.Before I left the bird nest,I attended a bird show,in which some birds were trained to speak,some to play basketball and some to ride bikes.Of course they are toy balls and bikes,very small.I liked the show very much.

Text 10

W: Brother,why am I sometimes so shy?

M: Nearly everyone is shy in some ways.But if your shyness makes you uncomfortable,you need to build your confidence.

W: Do you have any suggestions?

M: Yes,First,make sure you take part in conversations.What you have to say is just as important as what anyone else does.

W: Well,I'll try.But I often have to take a deep breath before I speak.

M: That's fine,Another thing to remember is not to turn down invitations.The more you get used to being around others,the better.

W: Can one ever get over being shy completely?

M: No,but most people do learn to live with it.Make a list of your good qualities,and don't focus on your weaknesses.

W: Perhaps I also need to think of things to say in advance.

M: That can work,but it's better to try to be natural.

W: OK,thank you.I hope I can be more confident and make many new friend


海淀区高三年级第二学期适应性练习 理科综合能力测试 2019.3 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 3..考试结束后保留试卷方便讲解,只交答卷 1.下列关于细胞结构与功能相适应的叙述,不正确...的是() A.心肌细胞富含线粒体利于其旺盛的代谢活动 B.蓝藻细胞含有叶绿体利于其进行光合作用 C.浆细胞含有丰富的内质网和高尔基体利于其分泌抗体 D.洋葱表皮细胞具有细胞壁和液泡利于其维持一定的形态 2.科研人员探究了补充蓝光对油桃叶片色素含量的影响,结果如下表。下列分析不正确...的是() 叶绿素 a (mg/g)叶绿素 b (mg/g) 叶绿素总量(a+b) (mg/g) 实验组 2.6 0.9 3.5 对照组 2.3 0.7 3.0 A.可用无水乙醇提取光合色素 B.蓝光处理使叶绿素a、b的量均增加 C.蓝光使叶绿素a/b的比值增加 D.蓝光对叶绿素b合成的作用更显著 3.当人感到极度危险时,不会..发生的是() A.胰岛素分泌增加,血糖利用减慢 B.呼吸中枢活动加强,呼吸急促 C.肾上腺素分泌增加,心跳加快 D.甲状腺激素分泌增多,神经系统兴奋性增强 4.湿地生态系统在净化水质方面具有重要作用,右图表示 北京某地区建造的人工湿地(基质层由土壤和各种填料组 成),有机物含量高的生活污水通过该湿地可被净化输出。下 列关于该生态系统的叙述不正确 ...的是() A.污水进入湿地经理化作用和分解者的作用得到净化 B.组成该湿地群落的类群包括植物、动物、微生物 C.该湿地群落中的碳全部来自光合作用固定的CO2 D.污水进入量过大会破坏该湿地生态系统的稳态性 5.为增加玉米抗旱性,研究者构建含有某微生物抗旱基因 E的重组质粒,采用农杆菌转化法转入玉米幼胚组织细胞中,用E蛋白的抗体进行抗原-抗体杂交检测后,


2019届北京市海淀区高三3月适应性考试(零模)理综化学试卷【含答案及解析】 姓名___________ 班级____________ 分数__________ 一、选择题 1. 下列生活中常见物质的用途与其还原性有关的是 A. A B. B C. C D. D 2. a 、 b 、 c 、 d 为原子序数依次增大的四种短周期主族元素。 a 的最外层电子数是内层电子数的 3 倍, b 的 M 层上有 1 个电子, a 与 c 同主族。下列说法不正确的是 A. 原子半径: b>c>d B. 气态氢化物稳定性: a>c C. 简单阴离子还原性: d>c D. ab 可形成既含离子键又含共价键的离子化合物 3. 关于相同物质的量浓度的 NaHCO 3 溶液和 NaHSO 3 溶液,下列说法正确的是 A. 滴加酚酞后溶液均变红________ B. 滴加饱和澄清石灰水均产生白色沉淀 C. 滴加氯水均产生能使澄清石灰水变浑浊的气体________ D. 所含阳离子的总浓度相

等 4. 下列解释事实的方程式不正确的是 A. 空气中加热钠生成淡黄色固体: 2Na +O 2 Na 2 O 2 B. 铁与水蒸气反应生成黑色固体: 3Fe +4H 2 O(g) Fe 3 O 4 +4H 2 C. 除去乙炔中的 H 2 S 气体:H 2 S +Cu 2+ = CuS↓+2H + D. 实验室制备氨气: NH 4 Cl NH 3 ↑+HCl↑ 5. 利用 Cu 和浓硫酸制备 SO 2 的反应涉及的装置,下列说法正确的是 A. 用装置① 制备 SO 2 B. 用装置② 检验和收集 SO 2 C. 用装置③ 稀释反应后溶液________ D. 用装置④ 测定反应后溶液中 c(H + ) 6. 已 , 知: R-C≡C-H+R'Br R-C≡C-R'+HBr (R , R'+ 表示氢原子或羟基 ) ,利用该反应合成导电高分子材料 P 的结构式 。下列说法正确的是 A. 和苯乙炔互为同系物 B. 炔烃和卤代烃在一定条件下可发生取代反应 C. 高分子材料 P 不能使溴的四氯化碳溶液褪色 D. 生成 P 的单体是和 CH 3 Br 7. 我国科研人员以 Zn 和尖晶石百锰酸锂( ZnMn 2 O 4 )为电极材料,研制出一种水 系锌离子电池。该电池的总反应方程式: xZn +Zn 1-x Mn 2 O 4 ZnMn 2 O 4 (0


青岛市2020年高三统一质量检测 语文试题 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、座位号等填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 一、现代文阅读(35分) (一)现代文阅读(本题共5小题,19分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1~5题。 材料一: 时下热播的、由作家猫腻网络小说《庆余年》改编的同名电视剧,引发全网热议。除了改编尊重原著、表演到位、制作精良外,弘优秀传统文化是其成功的一个重要原因。原著将千百年的中华传统美德“仁义礼智信”展现在众人眼前,用文化的力量引发读者深深的情感共鸣。有些精彩篇章,如庄墨韩与范闲“朝堂斗诗”的情节,直接取用古代诗词的精粹制造故事爽点,在弘扬传统文化之美上有着“点穴”之功。 近年出现的优秀网络文学作品,都注意汲取传统文化营养,让民族文化精髓成为这些作品的价值基因。入选“中国网络文学20年20部”的《诛仙》是一部东方玄幻仙侠小说,作家以道家文化“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”为基本立意,采用蕴含东方文化神韵的故事来架构。在人物描写、氛围营造和语言表达上,《诛仙》吸收和化用了《山海经》等古代文化典籍元素。作者在创作中又受到《蜀山奇侠传》《鹿鼎记》等现代仙侠武侠小说影响,将其神韵融入作品血脉,使《诛仙》对传统文化有独到的理解和艺术阐释。 网络文学创作实践一再表明,只有将中华优秀传统文化转化为网络作品的艺术魅力,让民族文化中代代相传的优良传统融为文学的“精神血脉”,网络文学作品才能传承民族精神,构建与人民大众情感共鸣、与时代价值共振的“精神家园”。 (摘编自欧阳友权《传统文化是网络文学的“精神血脉”》)材料二: 近年来,网络文学持续高产,在传承中华优秀传统文化方面持续深耕,日益向着精细化、多方位、纵深化发展。日渐繁荣发展的网络文学,受到中华优秀传统文化滋养,极大地丰富了当代大众文学。 中国网络文学自诞生起便与优秀传统文化有深厚渊源,一些网络文学作品发轫时就模仿经典或戏仿名作,把中华优秀传统文化融入其中,一些早期作者,在文学经典指引下,一步步走进网络文学园地。 通过化用和改造的方式致敬经典作品,是网络文学传承优秀传统文化的重要途径之一。如莲青漪的《狼毫小笔》,模仿唐诗宋词情韵兼备,描绘名胜古迹形神俱足,演绎历史传说袭故弥新,广受读者喜爱。 还原和再造传统文化中的经典意境,也是网络文学的典型创作模式。纵观当红的网络文学作品,如《琅琊榜》《鹤唳华亭》等,往往营造一种古雅和精致的意境,表现出对民族审美传统和优秀传统


理综试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 S 32 Br 80 6.下列说法不正确 ...的是 A.生铁、不锈钢和黄金都属于合金 B.水泥、玻璃、陶瓷均属于无机非金属材料 C.淀粉、油脂、蛋白质都属于天然高分子化合物 D.天然气、石油液化气和汽油的主要成分都属于烃类 7.解释下列现象的化学用语不正确的 ....是 A.铁钉在空气中出现红色的铁锈,其负极反应式为:Fe -3e-=Fe3+ B.氢氧化镁白色沉淀溶于氯化铵溶液:Mg(OH)2+2NH4+=Mg2++2NH3·H2O C.向明矾溶液中滴加氢氧化钡溶液至SO42-完全沉淀: Al3++2SO42-+2Ba2++4OH-=2BaSO4↓+2AlO2-+2H2O D.漂白粉溶液中加氯化铁溶液产生大量红褐色沉淀: Fe3++3ClO-+3H2O=Fe(OH)3↓+3HClO 8.完成下列实验,所选装置正确的是 A B C D 实验目的实验室 制备乙烯 分离苯和溴苯的混合物(沸 点:苯为80.1℃,溴苯为 156.2℃) 分离KCl和 NH4Cl固体混合 物 实验室用纯碱和 稀硫酸制备二氧 化碳 实验 装置 9.下列说法正确的是 A.用金属活动性顺序可解释反应:Na(l)+KCl(l)=NaCl(l)+K(g) B.用玻璃棒蘸取某溶液滴在pH试纸上,可测得的溶液pH=2.9 C.在100 mL容量瓶中溶解4.0 g NaOH,可得到1.0 mol/L的NaOH溶液 D.由水的离子积常数Kw随温度升高而增大的事实,可判断水电离是吸热过程 10.一些微生物在代谢过程中会产生硫化物。科学家设计出利用一种菌种生成的硫化物,与


2019年海淀零模物理逐题解析 13.下列说法正确的是 A.放射性元素的半衰期与外界压强有关 B.天然放射现象说明原子具有核式结构 C.原子核放出γ射线说明原子核内有光子 D.原子核内的一个中子转化为一个质子和一个电子的过程属于β 衰变 【答案】D 【解析】 半衰期不受任何外界因素影响,A错。天然放射现象说明原子核可再分,卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验说明原子具有核式结构,B错。原子核放出γ射线是由于衰变、裂变、聚变等核反应产生的,并不是原子核内有光子,C错。根据β衰变的实质就是原子核内的一个中子分解成一个中子质子和一个电子,所以D对。 14.如图所示,一束红光从空气穿过平行玻璃砖,下列说法正确的是 A.红光进入玻璃砖前后的波长不会发生变化 B.红光进入玻璃砖前后的速度不会发生变化 C.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,则紫光不能穿过玻璃砖 D.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,在玻璃砖中紫光的折射角比 红光的折射角小 【答案】D 【解析】

波速由介质决定,但频率由波源决定,同一种波在不同的介质中,波速不同,但频率不变,由此可知,波长会变。A错误。 光具有波粒二象性,从波动性的角度说,光作为一种电磁波,一种单色光即一种单一频率的光,对一种戒指的折射率n是一定的,从空气进入玻璃介质后,光的频率不变,由和可知:光速v会变,波长也会随波速的改变而改变,B错。 紫光和红光以相同的入射角入射都能穿过玻璃,由于紫光折射率大所以折射角较小,C错,D对。 15.如图1所示,弹簧振子在竖直方向做简谐振动。以其平衡位置为坐标原点,竖直方向上为正方向建立坐标轴,振子的位移x随时间t的变化如图2所示,下列说法正确的是 A.振子的振幅为4cm B.振子的振动周期为1s C.t=1s时,振子的速度为正的最大值 D.t=1s时,振子的加速度为正的最大值 【答案】C 【解析】 本题考查简谐振动的基本知识,由振动的图像可知:振子的振幅为2cm而不是4cm,周期为2s而不是1s,所以A、B不正确。 t=1s时,振子处于平衡位置,加速度为0,速度为正的最大值,故C 正确,D不正确。 16.在做“用油膜法估算分子的大小”实验时,先配置好浓度(单位体


北京市海淀区2019届高三3月适应性练习(零模)理综物理试题 13.下列说法正确的是 A.放射性元素的半衰期与外界压强有关 B.天然放射现象说明原子具有核式结构 C.原子核放出γ射线说明原子核内有光子 D.原子核内的一个中子转化为—个质子和一个电子的过程属于β衰变 14.如图所示,一束红光从空气穿过平行玻璃砖,下列说法正确的是 A.红光进入玻璃砖前后的波长不会发生变化 B.红光进入玻璃砖前后的速度不会发生变化 C.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,则紫光不能穿过玻璃砖 D.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,在玻璃砖中紫光的折射 角比红光的折射角小 15.如图1所示,弹簧振子在竖直方向做简谐运动。以其平衡位置为坐标原点,竖直向上为正方向建立坐标轴,振子的位移x随时间t的变化如图2所示,下列说法正确的是 A.振子的振幅为4cm B.振子的振动周期为Is C.t=ls时,振子的速度为正的最大值 D.t=ls时,振子的加速度为正的最大值 16.在做“用油膜法估测分子的大小”实验时,先配制好浓度(单位体积溶液中含有纯油酸的体积)为η的油酸酒精溶液,并得到1滴油酸酒精溶液的体积为V o用注射器在撒有均匀痱子粉的水面上滴l滴油酸酒精溶液,在水面上形成油酸薄膜,待薄膜形状稳定后测量出它的面积为S。关于本实验,下列说法正确的是 A.水面形成的油酸薄膜的体积为V B.撒痱子粉是为了便于确定出油酸薄膜的轮廓 C.根据可以估测油酸分子的直径D.根据可以估测油酸分子的直径 17.如图所示为研究平行通电直导线之间相互作用的实验装置。接通电路后发现两根导线均发生形变,此时通过导线M和N的电流大小分别为I1和I2,已知I1> I2,方向均向上。若用F1和F2分别表示导线M与N受到的磁场力,则下列说法正确的是 A.两根导线相互排斥 B.为判断F1的方向,需要知道I l和I2的合磁场方向 C.两个力的大小关系为F1> F2 D.仅增大电流I2,F1、F2会同时都增大 18.围绕地球运动的低轨退役卫星,会受到稀薄大气阻力的影响,虽然每一圈的运动情况都非常接近匀速圆周运动,但在较长时间运行后其轨道半径明显变小了。下面对卫星长时间运行后的一些参量变化的说法错误的是


2018北京市海淀区高三(零模) 化学部分2018.3 6. 下列属于合成高分子材料的是 A B C D 计算机中的硅芯片蛋糕中的人造奶油保暖服装的涤纶面料汽车发动机的陶瓷部件 7. 下列反应中,CO2做氧化剂的是 A.CO2被过氧化钠固体吸收,有氧气生成 B.镁条在CO2中燃烧,有黑色固体生成 C.将足量CO2通入氨水中,有碳酸氢铵生成 D.将CO2通入苯酚钠溶液中,有白色浑浊物生成 8.下列事实中,不能 ..用元素周期律解释的是 A.原子半径:K > Ca > Mg B.碱性:NaOH > Mg(OH)2 > Al(OH)3 C.热稳定性:HF > HCl > H2S D.酸性:H2SO3 > H2CO3 > H2SiO3 9. 松香中含有松香酸和海松酸,其结构简式如下图所示。下列说法中,不正确 ...的是 A.二者互为同分异构体 B.二者所含官能团的种类和数目相同 C.二者均能与氢氧化钠溶液反应 D.二者均能与H2以物质的量之比为1∶3发生反应 10.下列实验装置不能达成实验目的的是 A B C D 实验室制取蒸馏水实验室制取氨提取纯净的Br2鉴别Na2CO3和NaHCO3

11. 为检验某加碘食盐中是否含有KIO3,取相同食盐样品进行下表所示实验: (已知:KIO3 + 5KI + 3H2SO43I2 + 3K2SO4 + 3H2O) 实验①实验②实验③ 振荡,溶液迅速变为蓝色振荡,一段时间后溶液变为浅蓝色振荡,溶液变为浅黄色下列说法中正确的是 A.仅由实验①就能证明食盐样品中存在KIO3 B.实验②中发生反应的离子方程式为4I-+ O2 + 4H+ 2I2 + 2H2O C.实验③能证明食盐样品中不存在KIO3 D.以上实验说明离子的还原性:I-> Fe2+ 12. 甲酸甲酯是重要的有机化工原料,制备反应为 CH3OH(g) + CO(g) HCOOCH3(g) ΔH < 0 相同时间内,在容积固定的密闭容器中,使反应在不同温度下进行(起始投料比均为1),测得CO的转化率随温度变化的曲线如右图所示。下列说法中,不正确 ...的是 A. 70~80℃,CO转化率随温度升高而增大,其原因是升高温度反应速率增大 B. 85~90℃,CO转化率随温度升高而降低,其原因可能是升高温度平衡逆向移动 C. d点和e点的平衡常数:K d < K e D. a点对应的CO的转化率与CH3OH的转化率相同 25. (16分) 色酮类化合物K具有抗菌、降血脂等生理活性,其合成路线如下: 已知: 0.5g食盐 i.3 mL 0.1mol·L-1 H2SO4 ii.5滴2 mol·L-1 KI溶液 iii.2滴淀粉溶液 0.5g食盐 i.3 mL 0.1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 ii.5滴2 mol·L-1 FeCl2溶液 iii.2滴淀粉溶液 i.3 mL 0.1 mol·L-1 H2SO4 ii.5滴2 mol·L-1 KI溶液 iii.2滴淀粉溶液 催化剂


青岛市高三教学质量统一检测 数学试题(理科) 2010.3 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分.考试时间120分钟. 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用2B 铅笔和0.5毫米黑色签字笔(中性笔)将姓名、准考证号、考试科目、试卷类型填涂在答题卡规定的位置上. 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.答案不能答在试题卷上. 3.第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔(中性笔)作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试题卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带.不按以上要求作答的答案无效. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分) 一、选择题:本大题共12小题.每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有 一项是符合题目要求的. 1(i 为虚数单位)等于 A .1 B .1- C .i D .i - 2.若集合}11,|{3 1≤≤-==x x y y A ,}1{x y x B -==,则A B =I A .(] 1,∞- B .]1,1[- C .φ D .{1} 3.设 p 和q 是两个简单命题,若p ?是q 的充分不必要条件,则p 是q ?的 A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 4.计算机执行下面的程序段后,输出的结果是 PRINT b a ,A .1 3 B .4 1 C . 0 0 D .60 5.若dx x a ?= 2 2sin π,dx x b ?=10 cos ,则a 与b 的关系是 A .b a < B .b a > C .b a = D .0=+b a 6.圆2 2 2210x y x y +--+=上的点到直线2=-y x 的距离的最大值是 A .2 B. 1 C .2+ D. 1+7.已知抛物线2x ay =的焦点恰好为双曲线22 2y x -=的上焦点,则a 的值为 A .1 B .4 C .8 D .16


海淀区高三年级第二学期期中练习 理科综合能力测试 2019.4 本试卷共14页,共300分。考试时长150分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,在试卷上 作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。 第一部分(选择题 共 120 分) 13. 下列几个现象中,能反映光具有粒子性的是 A .光的衍射 B .光的折射 C .光电效应 D .光的偏振 14. 根据玻尔理论,氢原子的核外电子由离原子核较远的轨道跃迁到离原子核较近的轨道 上 时,下列说法正确的是 A .放出光子,原子的能量变大 B .放出光子,原子的能量变小C .吸收光子,原子的能量变大 D .吸收光子,原子的能量变小 15. 下列说法正确的是 A .物体温度升高,每个分子的动能都增加 B .物体温度升高,分子的平均动能增加 C .物体从外界吸收热量,物体的内能一定增加 D .外界对物体做功,物体的内能一定增加 16. 如图所示的电路由交流电源供电,L 为带有铁芯且不计直流电阻的线圈,下列方案中可 能使小灯泡变暗的是 A .仅增加电源的频率B .仅拔出线圈中的铁芯C .仅减小线圈的匝数 D .仅换用与交流电源电压有效值相同的直流电源 17. 右图既可以看成是用来描述山坡地势的等高线图,也可以看成是用来描述电场中电势高低的等势线图。关于此图,下列说法正确的是 A. 若该图为等高线图,可知 a 坡的地势比 b 坡陡峭 B. 若该图为等高线图,可知在不考虑摩擦力时,小球从 a 坡滑下的加速度大于从 b 坡滑下的加速度 C. 若该图为等势线图,可知 a 侧的电势降落比 b 侧慢 D. 若该图为等势线图,可知 a 侧的电场强度比 b 侧大 18. 如图所示,站在车上的人,用锤子连续敲打小车。初始时, 人、车、锤都静止。假设水平地面光滑,关于这一物理过程,下列说法正确的是 A .连续敲打可使小车持续向右运动 B .人、车和锤组成的系统机械能守恒 C .当锤子速度方向竖直向下时,人和车水平方向的总动量为零 D .人、车和锤组成的系统动量守恒


青岛市2020年高三统一质量检测 思想政治试题参考答案 一、选择题:本题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D10.A11.C12.B13.D 14.D15.D 二、非选择题:共55分,考生根据要求作答。 16.(14分) (1)我国新设外资企业不断增加,(2分)利用外资实现逆势增长,(2分)结构优化(2 分)。 (2)选择图3:近年来我国GDP和人均可支配收入不断增长,说明我国经济持续稳定发 展,人民生活不断改善。(2分:从“经济发展或GDP增长”和“收入增长或生活改善”两 个角度,每点1分。)我国不断扩大利用外资,优化外资结构,是经济持续发展、人民收入 不断增长的重要原因(2分:从利用外资对经济发展和收入增长的作用上分析,即可。);我 国经济持续稳定发展,增强了外商投资信心(1分:从经济增长对外商投资的作用上分析, 即可。);人均收入水平不断提高,市场需求规模扩大、需求质量提高,(2分:从收入和需 求上分析,每点1分)可以增加收益预期,提高对外商投资的吸引力(1分:从吸引投资角 度分析,即可)。 选择图4:我国不断调整政策法规,扩大对外开放,改善外商投资管理,优化营商环境(2分,答出其中一点得1分,答出两点即可)。以立法形式促进外商投资,表达我国坚定 扩大开放的决心,有助于稳定投资预期,提振外商投资信心(2分,答出其中一点即可); 削减外商投资限制,扩大投资领域,可以增加投资选择、优化投资结构,扩大获利空间(2 分,答出其中一点即可);改善投资管理、优化营商环境,有助于保护外商投资合法权益, 提高投资积极性(2分,答出其中一点即可)。 17.(10) 坚持人民当家做主,(1分)实行民主改革,消除民族不平等的根源;(1分)坚持党的领导,推动西藏实现跨越式发展,(1分)体现出中国共产党的领导是中国特色社会主义的 最本质特征和最大优势;(1分)发挥集中力量办大事的优势,(1分)对西藏采取特殊优惠 政策和巨额资金支持,促进西藏经济社会发展;(1分)坚持以人民为中心,(1分)关注民 生,实施精准脱贫、农牧民安居工程;(1分)实行民族区域自治制度,坚持民族平等团结 和共同繁荣,(1分)铸牢中华民族共同体意识。(1分) (评分说明:每一要点要体现出“措施或结果”和“优势”两点,每点1分。若考生答出“坚持民主集中制,调动和发挥地方的主动性和积极性”,可得2分,但本题最高得分 不超过10分。) 18.(10分) 我国是单一制国家。(2)中央享有最高权力,依法行使全面管辖权(或全面管治权)。 (2分)澳门特别行政区是地方行政区域,接受中央统一领导,(1分)在宪法和法律规定 的权限范围内行使职权,依法实行高度自治权。(1分) 2020届山东省青岛市2017级高三4月一模考试文科综合政治试卷


青岛市2020年高三统一质量检测 数学试题2020.04 全卷满分150 分.考试用时120分钟? 一?单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分?在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知i 是虚数单位,复数12,i z i -=则z 的共轭复数z 的虚部为 A. –iB.1C. iD. -1 2.已知集合2{|log 2}A x R x =∈<,集合B={x ∈R||x-1|<2}, 则A∩B= A. (0,3) B. (-1,3) C. (0,4) D. (-∞,3) 3.已知某市居民在2019年用于手机支付的个人消费额ξ(单位:元)服从正态分布2(2000,100),N 则该市某居民手机支付的消费额在(1900, 2200)内的概率为 A.0.9759 B.0.84 C.0.8185 D.0.4772 附:随机变量ξ服从正态分布2(,),N μσ则P(μ-σ<ξ<μ+σ)= 0.6826, (22)0.9544P μσξμσ-<<+=, P(μ- 3σ<ξ<μ+3σ)= 0.9974 . 4.设0.2 2,a b ==sin22,log 0.2,c =则a, b,c 的大小关系正确的是 A. a>b> c B. b>a> c C. b>c>a D. c>a>b 5.已知函数39,0()( 2.718...,0 x x x f x e xe x ?-≥==?>双曲线C 的一个焦点到一条渐近线的距离为2,函数sin(2)6y x π=+的图象向右平移3 π单位后得到曲线D,点A,B 分别在双曲线C 的下支和曲线D 上,则线段AB 长度的最小值为 A.2.B .C 8.某单位举行诗词大会比赛,给每位参赛者设计了“保留题型” ?“升级题型” ?“创新题型”三类题型,每类题型均指定一道题让参赛者回答?已知某位参赛者答对每道题的概率均为 4,5 且各次答对与否相互独立,则该参赛者答完三道题后至少答对两道题的概率


2018-2019年海淀高三化学适应性训练 2019.3.15 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 K 39 Zn 65 Sb 122 6 .中国文化中的“文房四宝”所用材料的主要成分为单质的是 7.固体表面的化学过程研究对于化学工业非常重要。在Fe 催化剂、一定压强和温度下合成氨的反应机理如下图所 示: 下列说法不正确... 的是 A .N 2和H 2分子被吸附在铁表面发生反应 B .吸附在铁表面的N 2断裂了N≡N 键 C .NH 3分子中的N-H 键不是同时形成 D .Fe 催化剂可以有效提高反应物的平衡转化率 8.下列解释事实的方程式不正确... 的是 A .用过量氨水除去烟气中的二氧化硫:SO 2 +2NH 3·H 2O === (NH 4)2SO 3 +H 2O B .呼吸面具中用过氧化钠吸收二氧化碳产生氧气:2Na 2O 2 +2CO 2 === 2Na 2CO 3 +O 2 C .电解饱和氯化钠溶液产生气体:2NaCl+2H 2O 2NaOH +H 2↑+Cl 2↑ D .用浓硝酸除去试管内壁上附着的铜:8H + +2NO 3- + 3Cu === 3Cu 2+ + 2NO ↑ + 4H 2O 电解

9.由下列实验及现象推出的相应结论正确的是 D 向2支盛有5 mL不同浓度NaHSO3溶液的试管中同 无明显变化时加入2 mL 5% H2O2溶液 10.合成某种胃药的核心反应如下图: ⅠⅡⅢ 下列说法正确的是 A.反应物I只能发生取代、加成两种反应 B.生成III的原子利用率为100% C.反应物II中的两个N-H键的活性不同 D.生成物III的分子式C22H23O2N4Cl 11.某化学实验兴趣小组的同学从海带中提取碘单质的实验流程图如下: 依据实验下列说法不正确 ...的是 A.从上述实验可以得出海带中含有可溶性的含碘化合物 B.步骤⑤中可能发生的反应为:5I- + IO3- + 6H+ === 3I2 + 3H2O C.若步骤④中用CCl4做萃取剂,步骤⑥应取上层溶液得到后续的混合物C D.整个过程中的操作是利用了物质的溶解性实现了碘元素的富集、分离与提纯


青岛市高三教学质量统一检测 理科综合 2020.03 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共16页,满 分240分,考生用时150分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目填涂在试卷和答题卡规定的地方。 第I卷(必做,共88分) 注意事项: 1.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净以后,再涂写其他答案标号。不涂答题卡,只答在试卷上不得分。 2.第I卷共22小题,每小题4分,共88分。 以下数据可供答题时参考: 可能用到的相对原子质量 H 1 N 14 O 16 Na 23 Fe 56 Cu 64 一、选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题4分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.某人做酶的相关实验时,在试管中依次加入质量分数为3%的可溶性淀粉溶液 2ml, %的新鲜淀粉酶溶液2mL,放入适宜温度的热水中,保温5min。然后加入质量浓度 为0.1g/mL的NaOH溶液1mL,摇匀,再加入质量浓度为0.01g/mL的CuSO 溶液4 4 滴,摇匀,试管中液体的颜色是A.砖红色 B.无色Array C.蓝色 D.紫色 2.将生长状况相同的轮藻叶片分成4等份,在不同的温度下分别暗处理1h,再光照 1h(光照强 度相同),测其重量变化,得到如下的数据。以下说法错误的是 A.轮藻催化呼吸作用的酶的最适温度约为29℃ B.第三组轮藻释放的氧气量最多

C.四个组中的轮藻光合作用强度都大于呼吸作用强度 D.第四组轮藻光合作用制造的有机物总量为2mg 3.下列关于物质跨膜运输的叙述,错误的是 A.细胞对离子的吸收与细胞液的渗透压有关 B.胶州湾的藻类细胞液渗透压高于胶州大白菜的细胞液渗透压 C.植物细胞积累K+需消耗能量 D.海水中的海藻细胞可通过积累溶质防止质壁分离 4.下图是人体一个细胞在进行分裂过程中,细胞内几种物质在A、B、C、D四个时 期的数目 变化情况,同源染色体的分离发生在 A.A—B B.C—D C.B—C D.A—D 5.下图是某家族红绿色盲的遗传系谱图,正确的分析是 A.图中2的双亲肯定不是色盲患者 B. 图中6的色盲基因不可能来自4 C.图中1、4是色盲基因的携带者 D.图中2、7是色盲基因的携带者 6.某小岛上蜥蜴原种的脚趾逐渐出现分趾和联趾(趾间有蹼,适于游泳)两种性 状,W代 表分趾基因,w代表联趾基因,多年后W的基因频率下降,w的基因频率上 升。以下说 法错误的是 A. 经过长期进化,可能形成两个新物种 B.小岛上食物短缺,会导致联趾个体比例上升 C.蜥蜴过度繁殖,会导致生存斗争加剧 D.生存斗争的加剧必然导致分趾、联趾两个物种的形成 7.下图1、2为实验的初始状态,以下关于生长素调节的叙述正确的是


山东省青岛市2017届高三一模历史部分 24.山西省因历史上有韩、赵、魏三国而被称为“三晋之地”,但山西省的简称是晋,而不是韩、赵或魏。下列解释合理的是 A.晋国的历史更为悠久 B. 晋国代表统一的潮流C.由分封制等级体系决定 D. 受宗法制正统观念影响25.图7是陕西米脂出土的东汉牛耕画像石。此图可以用来说明当时 A.个体农户的生活比较富足B.精耕细作农业技术的成熟C.二牛一人犁耕法已经使用D.大地主田庄上的生产情形26.唐宋八大家之一的韩愈提出“文以明道”。这里的“道”可能指 A.为政以德B.格物致知C.经世致用 D. 无为而治 27.对宋代至清代书院性质状况表解读正确的是 A.少数民族统治时期压制书院发展B.对外开放程度与书院数量相一致 C.民办书院数量与经济发达程度有关 D.官办书院数量与中央集权强化有关 28.鸦片战争后有人记载:“今自夷人来厦开市,凡洋货皆系夷商自行转运,闽省并无赴粤之商,粤省亦鲜来闽之贾,且该夷除贩运洋货外,兼运洋布洋棉,其 物充积于厦口,内地之商贩,皆在厦运入各府销变,其质既美,其价复廉,民间 之买洋布洋棉者,十室而九,”这种状况表明 A.中国的资本主义萌芽被摧毁B.商品经济开始取代自然经济C. 传统手工业产品市场竞争力不足 D.中国市场从被动开放到主动开放 29. 光绪二年,郭嵩焘随员在伦敦设立了使馆。他将赴英途中的见闻记入《使 西纪程》,盛赞西方的民主政治制度,主张中国应研究、学习。该书寄到总理衙

门,遭到满朝文武大臣们的攻击和漫骂,直到他去世,该书仍未能公开发行。该 书的遭遇反映了 A.阻碍中国近代化的势力强大B.洋务派主张变革中国的制度C.中国近代外交的发展阻力大D.洋务派未得到统治者的支持30. 1942年1月,美国与中国签订了《中美关于取消美国在华治外法权及处理 有关问题之条约》,美国几乎放弃了自鸦片战争以来在中国取得的所有特权,随 后英国等其他的国家纷纷跟进,与中国签订了类似条约。这些条约 A.标志着中国半殖民地社会性质结束B.符合世界反法西斯战争形势的需要 C.意味着帝国主义在华势力被清除D.推动了中国民族资本主义的发展 31.图8为中国出口工业制成品结构图,推动这一结构变化的主要因素是 A.信息技术革命带来的结构调整资 B. 经济全球化发展对中国的推动 C.改革开放不断深化的必然结果D.经济高速增长造成的资源短缺 32.公元前430年,雅典有三分之二的公民居住在农村,四分之三的城市公民在农村拥有地产。雅典耕地缺乏,公民内部有约五分之一的人从事非农业生产。外邦人可以在雅典经商、生活、可以拥有大量的财富,但不能购置田产、买卖房屋,因此拥有土地是公民权的重要标志。这说明 A.拥有土地是享有公民权的必要条件 B.工商业是雅典民主政治的经济基础 C.农业和工商业是雅典民主政治的经济基础 D.手工业者和商人地位低下,农民地位较高 33. 1651年10月,英国颁布《航海条例》规定:“无论为英国人或别国人的殖民地所生长、出产或制造的任何货物或商品,如非由属于本共和国人民所有的任 何种类船舶载运,皆不得输入或带进英吉利共和国,,如违反本条例,其全部进口货物,应予没收,运载该项货物或商品入口的船舶,,亦应一并没收。”此条例 A.导致了英荷战争的爆发B.违背了重商主义的思想


2019北京海淀高三(下)零模 理综物理 13.下列说法正确的是 A.放射性元素的半衰期与外界压强有关 B.天然放射现象说明原子具有核式结构 C.原子核放出γ射线说明原子核内有光子 D.原子核内的一个中子转化为一个质子和一个电子的过程属于β衰变 14.如图所示,一束红光从空气穿过平行玻璃砖,下列说法正确的是 A.红光进入玻璃砖前后的波长不会发生变化 B.红光进入玻璃砖前后的速度不会发生变化 C.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,则紫光不能穿过玻璃砖 D.若紫光与红光以相同入射角入射,在玻璃砖中紫光的折射角比红光的折射角小 15.如图1所示,弹簧振子在竖直方向做简谐振动。以其平衡位置为坐标原点,竖直方向上为正方向建立坐标轴,振子的位移x随时间t的变化如图2所示,下列说法正确的是 A.振子的振幅为4cm B.振子的振动周期为1s C.t=1s时,振子的速度为正的最大值 D.t=1s时,振子的加速度为正的最大值 16.在做“用油膜法估算分子的大小”实验时,先配置好浓度(单位体积溶液中含有纯油酸的体积)为η的油酸酒精溶液,并得到1滴油酸酒精溶液的体积为V。用注射器在撒有均匀痱子粉的水面上滴1滴油酸酒精溶液,在水面上形成油酸薄膜,待薄膜形状稳定后测量出它的面积S。关于本实验,下列说法中正确的是 A.水面形成的油酸薄膜的体积为V B.撒痱子粉是为了便于确定出油酸膜的轮廓 可以估测油酸分子的直径 C.根据d=V S D.根据d=V 可以估测油酸分子的直径 ηS 17.如图所示为研究平行通电直导线之间相互作用的实验装置。接通电路后发现两根导线均发生形变,此时通过导线M和N的电流大小分别为I1和I2,已知I1>I2,方向均向上。若用F1和F2分 别表示导线M和N受到的磁场力,则下列说法正确的是 A.两根导线互相排斥


2020届山东省青岛市2017级高三4月一模考试 数学试卷 ★祝考试顺利★ 全卷满分150 分.考试用时120分钟? 一?单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分?在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知i 是虚数单位,复数12,i z i -= 则z 的共轭复数z 的虚部为 A. –i B.1 C. i D. -1 2.已知集合2{|log 2}A x R x =∈<,集合B={x ∈R||x-1|<2}, 则A∩B= A. (0,3) B. (-1,3) C. (0,4) D. (-∞,3) 3.已知某市居民在2019年用于手机支付的个人消费额ξ(单位:元)服从正态分布2(2000,100),N 则该市某居民手机支付的消费额在(1900, 2200)内的概率为 A.0.9759 B.0.84 C.0.8185 D.0.4772 附:随机变量ξ服从正态分布2(,),N μσ则P(μ-σ<ξ<μ+σ)= 0.6826, (22)0.9544P μσξμσ-<<+=, P(μ- 3σ<ξ<μ+3σ)= 0.9974 . 4.设0.22,a b ==sin22,log 0.2,c =则a, b,c 的大小关系正确的是 A. a>b> c B. b>a> c C. b>c>a D. c>a>b 5.已知函数39,0()( 2.718...,0x x x f x e xe x ?-≥==?


北京市海淀区高三理综适应性练习(物理部分)试题(海淀零 模)新人教版 13.下列说法中正确的是( ) C A .α粒子散射实验的现象表明原子核有复杂结构 B .天然放射现象表明原子核是由质子和中子组成的 C .γ射线是波长很短的电磁波,它的贯穿能力很强 D .一群处于n =3状态的氢原子向较低能级跃迁时,只能辐射出两种不同频率的光子 14.如图所示,一细光束通过玻璃三棱镜折射后分成a 和b 两束单色 光,用光束b 照射金属A 的表面可以发射出光电子。由上述现象可知( ) D A .玻璃对单色光a 的折射率大于对单色光b 的折射率 B .单色光a 在真空中的传播速度小于单色光b 在真空中的传播速度 C .用光束a 照射金属A 表面时,一定能发射出光电子 D .光速a 、b 分别通过两个完全相同的双缝干涉装置后,单色光a 在屏幕上形成的条纹间距大于单色光b 在屏幕上形成的条纹间距 15.如图所示,理想变压器的原线圈匝数 n 1=1600匝,副线圈匝数 n 2=800匝,交流电源的电动势瞬时值e=2202sin(100πt ) V ,交流电表○A 和○V 的内阻对电路的影响可忽略不计。则( ) A A .当可变电阻R 的阻值为110Ω时,变压器的输入功率为110W B .当可变电阻R 的阻值为110Ω时,电流表○A 的示数为2A C .当可变电阻R 的阻值增大时,电压表○V 的示数增大 D .通过可变电阻R 的交变电流的频率为 100Hz 16.在均匀固体介质中有两个处于同一水平直线上、相距6.0m 的振源A 和B 。t =0时刻A 、B 同时开始沿竖直方向振动,图甲、乙分别是A 、B 的振动图象。t =0.30 s 时由A 、B 激发的两列波的振动同时传播到与A 、B ) B A .两列波的传播速率均为20 m/s B .两列波的波长均为2.0 m C .在两列波叠加的过程中,C 点为振动加强的点 D .在两列波叠加的过程中,C 位置质点的振幅为20 cm 17.如图所示,位于竖直面内的矩形区域内,存在相互正交且恒定的匀强电场和匀强磁场,其中磁场方向垂直于矩形平面,一束带电粒子以相同的水平初速度由A 点进入这个区域沿直线运动,从C 点离开场区。如果这个区域只保留原来的电场,这束粒子将从B 点离开场区;如果这个区域只保留原来的磁场,这束粒子将从D 点离开场区。设粒子从C 点、B 点、D 点射出时的动能分别为E k1、E k2、E k3,从A 点到C 点、B 点、D 点所用的 图 图 图 -10


山东省青岛市2017年高考一模生物试卷 一、选择题 1.下列有关生物膜结构和功能的叙述正确的是( ) A .生物膜的流动镶嵌模型属于概念模型 B .生物膜的功能主要是为各种酶提供附着位点 C .生物膜上可发生信号转换和能量转换 D .生物膜具有选择透过性的基础是磷脂分子具有特异性 2.同位素标记法常用于追踪物质运行和变化规律的研究,下列相关叙述不正确的是( ) A .给小鼠供应182O ,其呼出气体中可能含有182C O B .用含3H 标记的尿嘧啶核糖核苷酸的营养液培养洋葱根尖,只能在分生区细胞中检测到放射性 C .用15N 标记DNA 分子,可用于研究DNA 分子的半保留复制 D .用32P 标记的噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌,保温、搅拌、离心后可检测到沉淀物中放射性很髙 3.健康人原尿中葡萄糖的浓度与血浆中的基本相同,而终尿中几乎不含葡萄糖。原尿中的葡萄糖是借助于+Na 的转运被肾小管主动重吸收的,葡萄糖由肾小管上皮细胞进入血液不消耗A TP ,下列有关叙述不正确是( ) A .葡萄糖进入肾小管上皮细胞是逆浓度梯度进行的 B .细胞膜上相关载体蛋白的数量和+Na 的吸收量会限制肾小管上皮细胞对葡萄糖的重吸收 C .驱动葡萄糖由肾小管上皮细胞进入血液的动力来自葡萄糖的浓度差 D .胰岛B 细胞受损的糖尿病患者肾小管上皮细胞对+Na 的转运少于正常人 4.下列有关植物激素的叙述,正确的是( ) A .植物激素的作用都表现为顶端优势,都具有两重性 B .植物激素参与构成细胞结构,但不直接参与细胞代谢 C .同一植物细胞可能含有多种植物激素的受体 D .适宜浓度的赤霉素既能促进植物细胞伸长,也能促进果实成熟 5.某地区为保护生态环境,实施退耕还林工程,群落经过数十年的演替逐渐发展到稳定阶段。下列相关叙述不正确的是( ) A .物种组成是区分不同群落的重要特征 B .实施退耕还林工程后,可增大部分野生动植物种群的K 值 C .群落中自下而上的草本、灌木和乔木形成了植物的垂直结构 D .演替过程中,后一阶段优势物种的兴起,一般会造成前一阶段优势物种的消亡 6.遗传病是威胁人类健康的一个重要因素,相关遗传研究备受关注。如图是某家庭的系谱图,甲乙两病均为单基因遗传病,3号个体不携带乙病的致病基因。下列叙述正确的是( )

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