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1.金融市场对美元的迅速贬值感到吃惊。The money market sat up the rapid devaluation of the dollar.

2.他们很注重尽可能多地同人民接触。They make a point of getting as many contacts as possible with the people.

3.她事事要管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。She likes to get involved in everything and to know all the details.

4.正如Carlyle所说,“对于我们来说,词汇会变成具体的事物”。Just as Carlyle put it,"Words will harden into things for us."

5.他做了许多年的生意。He engagee in trade for a number of years.

6.回头我再接着讲故事。I will return to my story later.

1.挥霍浪费者最后往往债台高筑。Wasteful people usually end up in deep debt.

2.那个国家的人民正在为冲破专制的束缚而战。People of that country are fighting to break the bonds of dictatorship.

3.一个国家要在政治上独立,首先应该挣脱贫困的锁链。If a country wants to be independent politically, it has, above all,casts off the chains of poverty

4.我们应该成为自己命运的主人。We should be the master of our own fate

5.他最需要做的就是将他那些美妙的言辞付诸行动。What he needs to do most is convert his goods words into good deed.

6.他企图用高利息引诱我,但我马上就识破了他的诡计。He tried to tempt me with high interests, but I saw through iis trick at once.

7.让我们不记前嫌,重新开始我们的合作吧。Let us put behind our past grudges and begin anew our cooperation.

8.礼让并不表示软弱。Civility is not a sign of weakness.

9.对于那些不惜与我们为敌的人,我们只好战斗到底,直至最后的胜利。To those who would make them our aduersaries, we will fight to the end until we obtain our final victory.

10.我们和所有的海外华侨都有着共同的文化和精神渊源。We have cultural and spiritual orgins with all the overseas Chinese.

6.他健壮的身材激起了我健身的兴趣。His strong build whipped up my interest for working out.

7.所有的报纸评论都认为这部戏极为枯燥。All the newspaper reviews wrote the play off as extremely coring.

8.Smith一家移居澳大利亚,住在悉尼附近的郊区。The Smith Family emigrated to Australia and took up residence in the suburbs of Sidney.

9.在战争期间,许多教堂成了难民收容所。During wars, many churches harbored refugees.

10.在大学生活的各个方面,被人们谈论最多,渲染的最厉害的,莫过于学校的周末舞会了。No aspect of life at the univertrity is more commented upon and sensationally romanticized than

the weekend balls.

1.他的失败在于他的绘画完全脱离了生活。His failure lies in the fact that his paintings have completely divorced from lief.

2.你已经失去了所有财产。现在你必须学会接受这种局面。You have lost all your properties;you must learn to live with the the situation.

3.经过几个小时的激烈战斗,整个敌人纵队被歼灭。After several hours of bitter fighting, the entire enemy column was knocked out.

4.那政客利用掌握的事实和数据,击败了对手。The politician armed with many facts and figures defeated his opponent.