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Shenmao Commercial Centre stands 106meters high on a 4201 sq. meters site, consisting of 26 storeys and double-level underground car park. It borders Shennan Road to the south, Xiangmi Lake Holiday Resort to the west and the new municipal office building complex, the would-be city center, to the east.


Mt. Tianmu is like a fairy land. It is densely forested and scarcely frequented, with spring flowing over the rocks and fog streaming around the mountain sides.


Many a moonlit night saw us sauntering along the flower-flanked paths exchanging words of love and affection.


To carry out the work of the government well this year, we must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, take Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as our guide, and thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development.


Agriculture advance in so vast a country, with such a large population and backward economy as in China, requires above all else mobilizing, by means of series correct policies, the initiative of the farmers to work hard and self- reliant.



——《星星之火,可以燎原》How should we interpret the word “soon”in the statement, “there will soon be a high tide of revolution”? This is a common question among comrades. Marxists are not

fortune-tellers. They should ,and indeed can ,only indicate the general direction of future developments and changes; they should not and cannot fix the day and the hour in a mechanistic way.

There will soon be a high tide of revolution in China. It is like a ship far out at sea whose mast-head can already be seen from the shore, it is like the morning sun in the east whose shimmering rays are visible from a high mountaintop; it is like a baby about to be born morning restlessly in its mother’s womb.


Flowing away embodies southerner’s earliest feelings of time.”Affected by a running r iver, Confucius said on the bank of the river: The passage of time is just like the flow of water. ” They realized that both the babbling brook and the mighty river would flow on, and that their waters would never return. They found that as time went by, young men would become old and the green grass would turn yellow and wither in almost the blink of an eye. Therefore, being afraid of idling away their own time, they will naturally have a sense of urgency. Maybe the passing of time is slow. But no matter ho w slow it is, it makes people so fearful that they use”flowing away”to warn the later ge nerations to rush, which adds a sense of tension to the expression.


Being one of the most ancient civilizations across the world, China is the origin of many elements that constitute the foundation of the modern world. Now china has the world’s fastest growing economy and is experiencing a new industrial revolution. In addition, it has launched an ambitious space exploration plan which include building a space station by 2020. Currently, being one of the largest exporters in the world, china is attracting massive foreign investment. Meanwhile, it has invested billions of dollars overseas as well. In 2011, china surpassed japan and became the second largest economy in the world.



Central China Normal University(CCNU as its acronym)is a comprehensive normal university which comes under the direct administrationof the State Education Com- mission.It is an important base for training university,college and high school teachers and administrators in the country.Located in Wuchang, the southern section of metropolitan Wuhan, an important juncture of China’s major rail, water and air transport ation routes, CCNU has a campus of over 100 hectareswith more than 320,000 square meters of buildings on Guizishan, a hill bordering Wuchang’s South Lake. It has brilliant flowers and green woods all the year round. With shady avenues, a serene environment, and particularly the fragrance of asmanthus flowers all over, the campus is indeed an ideal place for teaching and studying.

CCNU has a long history. It has grown out of an amalgamation of Wenhua Academy (which was privately founded in 1871 and began to offer college courses in 1903, thus becoming the primary-predecessor of the present university ),renamed Huazh ong University in 1924; Zhonghua University, founded in 1949. These institutions were co mbined into national Huazhong Higher Normal School and later renamed Huazhong Teachers College in 1953. It was formally entitled Central China Normal University in August, 1985, and Deng Xiaoping, one of the founders of Zhongyuan University, personally penned the new name of university.


As for the policies of the Chinese government, i just want to emphasize the following: domestically, we will make an all-round effort to deepen market-oriented reform,unleash the dividends of reform, continue to grow the economy, improve people’s livelihood,promote social equity and ensure equal opportunities for all. Externally, we will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and pursue a win-win strategy of opening-up. We will open up more areas and sectors, the services sector in particular, so as to facilitate China’s reform, development and economic transformation.


These three major events reshaped the future and destiny of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. They irreversibly ended the misery endured by china in modern times when it suffered from both domestic turmoil and foreign invasion and was poor and weak. They also irreversibly started the Chinese nation’s historic march for development, growth, and great rejuvenation, they gave china, a civilization of over 5,000 years, a completely new look and created unimagined prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.




The Clock Tower

Listed among the seventh batch of major historic and cultural sites under state protection, also known as the Coles memorial clock tower, it was built with donations of J.Ackerman Coles from U.S.A and completed in 1926. It is adjacent to Yuehe Pond to the south and close to a man-made ditch to the north. The original tower top was Gothic style, hanging a large clock inscribed “In Memory of Christ”. It was once the highest structure in Chengdu and struck the hours with loud sound that could be heard within a 10-kilometer radius. In 1954, the Gothic top was removed and the tower was increased in height and rebuilt to the current style.


1. SVC 主动补

You are a good person.

2. SV 主动

Everybody laughed.

3. SVO 主动宾

I want a job.

4. SVoO主动宾宾

I sent him a book.

5. SVOC 主动宾补

We made him our spokesman.

6. SVA 主动状

I live in Chengdu.

7. SVOA 主动宾状

He treated her vilely.


英汉翻译教程 一、课程介绍 《英汉翻译教程》是全国高等教育自学考试英语专业本科阶段的一门必考课程。英汉翻译包括英译汉和汉译英,是一门实践性很强的课程。本课程除简单介绍中外翻 译理论知识外,主要是通过对照阅读,引导应考者研究英汉两种语言的差异,找出英汉互 译的规律,用以指导实践。 本课程与英语专业其他课程相辅相成。它作为一门实践课,有赖于英语专业其他课程 为应考者打下良好的英语基础,使应考者掌握一定的词汇量和语法知识,初步达到阅读英 文原著的水平,并有有定的写作能力,因而具备从事英汉翻译的条件。另一方面,通过大 量的翻译实践和语言对比研究,应考者可以进一步认识英汉两种语言各自的特点。例如, 汉语多重复实词,主谓搭配较松多用并列结构;英语英多用代称,主谓搭配较紧,多用主 从结构,等等。这是本课程的重点。但在翻译时,往往因受原文的影响,从容易忽略在译 中体现上述特点。这也就是本课程难学之处。但通常学习本课程,了解了英汉两种语言各 自的特点,并能在翻译实践中恰当地加以运用,定会提高使用两种语言的能力和翻译水平。 这对于应考者打好英语基础,学好英语专业其他课程,也是有益的。 本课程采取单元教学,共分十个单元。单元中每课有对照阅读和练习,并附有提示和解说。每单元有一小结,重点说明通过语言对比可以看出的英汉两种语言各自的特点。 二、学习要求 1. 熟悉英汉两种语言各自的特点; 2. 能将中等难度的英语文章译成汉语,内容准确、内容流畅; 3. 能将比较简易的汉语文章译英语,用词得当,语法平稳。三、试题类型: 第一题:选择题(30分)。 80%来自于课本中每单元后的小结,非常重要, 一定要看。 考点:看似简单的句子的翻译、俚语的翻译、翻译常识等。 第二题:短语翻译:英译汉、汉译英。后面我们给的补充材料中,会包括 80%的题。 第三题:改错题:英译汉、汉译英改错。 第四题: 段落翻译 四、课程内容概要: 第一单元 故事 1.故事选篇。其特点是:以第一人称或第三人称讲述自己或别人的经历。情节具体, 文笔细腻生动。2.语言对比: (1)代词。英语代词用得多,汉语实词用得多。英语可先出代词,后出实词。汉语则先出实词,后出代词。 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


《英语翻译基础》期末复习 13年12月 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) Section A; 选择译文中最符合原文意思的选项(考查翻译实践能力) Section B: 关于翻译理论知识的题目 二、改译句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 三、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共15分) 四、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 五、案例分析题(每小题15分,共15分) 注意:本门课程为:“闭卷(只允许考生带一本正规英汉词典参加考试,不得携带除此之外的任何查字工具。) I、Multiple Choice Questions (20 points, 2 points each) A : Directions : This part consists of five sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1. I prefer driving to being driven. B A. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢别人开车。 B. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢坐车。 C. 我开车比被开车更喜欢。 D. 我喜欢开车,也喜欢被开车。 2. She had deprived herself of the advice of all but yesmen. C A.她丧失了除了唯唯诺诺的人之外的所有人的劝告。 B.她剥夺了自己的所有人的劝告,唯唯诺诺的人除外。 C.她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。 D.她剥夺了所有人的劝告,除了唯唯诺诺的人。 3.我第一次听她在晚上唱歌,她的歌声就深深地打动了我。B A.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her song moved me deeply. B. When I first heard her sing at a party, I was deeply moved. C. I first heard her singing a party, I was deeply moved. D. Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her voice moved me deeply. 4.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. B


外贸英语中英互译:索赔 We've given your claim our careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。 We filed a claim with (against) you for the shortweight. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。 The Chinese representative and Mr. Bake discussed the claim. 中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。 We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim. 我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。 Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods. 有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。 We have already made a careful investigation of the case. 我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。 I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。 We are not in a position to entertain your claim. 我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。 But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim. 很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。 I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately. 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。 I'm afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract. 贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。 We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500. 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意,同意向你们赔偿500美元。 I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee. 我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。 There are some different types of claims. 索赔有几种不同的类型。 This is a claim on quality. 这是质量索赔。 This is a claim on shortweight. 这是短重索赔。 This is a claim on delayed shipment. 这是延期装运索赔。


2011年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题 I. Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points each) A. Directions: This part consists of ten sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best translation of the original statement in terms of meaning and expressiveness. (Please write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet.) 1. A nations greatest wealth is the industry of its people. A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。 2. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似乎就不那么有把握了。 3. I wasnt their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their ally. A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。


期末复习 现给大家厘清一下复习思路: 考试卷面分:60 分 考试题型:五种 I 选择更好的译文(10×1’) (备课组长说有可能是两选一,也可能是三选一) 例如讲义上的第1页 It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in Southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of room, in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” A.我们可以有把握地设想,二千年前,在凯撒到达不列颠南 部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口,可以看到整个原野都是处于所谓“自然状态”之中。 B.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸 境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。 II翻译评析(15分) 翻译评析评分标准:从翻译的标准(5分)、翻译的方法和策略(5分),以及翻译的技巧(5分)三方面谈。 请复习讲义pp2-4、pp14-29 翻译的标准有传统的:信达(忠实和通顺),有现代奈达的:

从形式对等—到动态对等—最后到功能对等 翻译的基本方法:直译与意译 翻译的基本策略(这是组长这样分的,其实都是翻译的方法):归化与异化 翻译的技巧:词的技巧—词义的确立、词类转换译法、增加、省略、延伸、正反反正译法 句子的技巧—三大从句的译法 III 长句的翻译(3×5’) 两个英语句子,一个汉语句子。 例如1: Ther e is nothing more disappointing to a hostess who has gone to a lot of trouble or expense than to have her guest so interested in talking politics or business with her husband that he fails to notice the flavor of the coffee, the lightness of the cake, or the attractiveness of the house, which may be her chief interest and pride. 最令女主人失望的是,她花了许多心思或费用来招待客人,可是这位客人只顾津津有味地与她的丈夫谈政治、谈生意,却没注意到香喷喷的咖啡,松软的糕点,或房间内讲究的陈设,而这些却可能是她感到兴趣并引以自豪的主要所在。 例如2:


翻译理论与实践 Introduction of the course(高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲): 1)培养目标(p1) 2)课程描述(p25)笔译 3)英语专业课程设置:专业技能;必修课;高年级 4)教学要求:翻译(八级要求p10) Selection of texts: 1) 孙致礼《新编英汉翻译教程》 陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(“十五”规划教材) 2)彭长江《英汉-汉英翻译教程》(修订本) 3)自编练习与对照读物。 课程考核: 平时课堂及作业占30%,期末占70% 教学目的:旨在让学生了解什么是翻译以及翻译的性质 教学重点与难点:翻译的定义和性质 教学方法:讲述与实例相结合 参考书目:陈宏薇,《新编汉英翻译教程》;孙致礼,《新编英汉翻译教程》;彭长江,《英汉-汉英翻译教程》。 Topic 1 Definition and Nature of Translation 教学目的:旨在让学生了解什么是翻译以及翻译的性质 教学重点与难点:翻译的定义和性质 教学方法:讲述与实例相结合 参考书目:孙致礼,《新编英汉翻译教程》;陈宏薇,《新编汉英翻译教程》;彭长江,《英汉-汉英翻译教程》 教学时间:2 节 1.What is “to translate”? The Oxford English Dictionary: “to turn from one language into another” “翻译是从一种语言转换成另一种语言” Taken literally, it can be given four meanings, according to concrete


很全的外贸单证中英文互译 〔.Commercial invoice 商业发票 2.Proforma invoice 形式发票 3.Received invoice 收讫发票 △.Certificate invoice 证实发票 5.Detailed invoice 详细发票 6.Neutral invoice 中性发票 7.Manufacture invoice 厂家发票 8.Bank ' s invoic M行发票 9.P reliminary /pr ovisional invoice 临时发票 10.Customs invoice 海关发票 ".Consular invoice 领事发票 12.Packing list 装箱单 13.Weight list 重量单 14.Measurement list 尺码单 15.Insurance p oliy 保险单 16.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证 https://www.doczj.com/doc/899913146.html,bined Insurance Certificate 联合保险凭证 18.Open policy预约保险单 19.Cover note 暂保单 20.Endorsement 批单 21.Certificate oforigin of the Pepo les 'Re中华人民共和国原产地证

22.Generalized system of pr eferences certificate of orgin from A 普惠制产地证

23.1s pection certificate 商检证书 24.Qulity certificate 品质检验证书 25.Quanty certificate 数量检验证书 26.Weight certificate 重量检验证书 27.P hytosanitary certificate 植物检疫证书 28.Veterinary certificate 兽医检验证书 29.Sanitary/Health certificate 卫生/ 健康检验证 书 3O.Disinfection certificate 消毒检验证书 31.Fumigation certificate 熏蒸证书 32.Certificate of analysis 分析证 34.Ex port /import license 进出口许可证 35.S pecial customs invoice 美国海关发票 36.Canada customs invoice 加拿大海关发票 https://www.doczj.com/doc/899913146.html,bined certificate of value and origin 澳大利亚海关发票 38.From59A certificate of origin for exp ort to Newzealand 新西兰海关发票 39.FromC西非海关发票 40.L/C=letter of credit 信用证 41.Bill of exchange / draft 汇票 42.Beneficiary ' s certificate/statem受i益人证明/寄单证明 43.Booking note托运单/下货纸 44.B/L提单 45.Direct B/L直达提单 46.Transhipment B/L 转运提单 https://www.doczj.com/doc/899913146.html,bined trans port B/L 联合提单


自考英汉翻译模拟试题 第一部分选择题 PART ONE I .Multiple Choice Questions(20 points,2 points for each) A .Directions :This part consists of five sentences,each followed by four different translations labeled A、B 、C and D.Choose the one that is the most equivalent to the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1.While doctors can not prove with absolute certainty that smoking causes cancer,a lot of facts show a very strong link between them. ( ) A .当医生还不能确切证明吸烟致癌的时候,大量事实表明了二者之间确实联系紧密。 B .尽管医生们无法确切证明吸烟致癌,大量事实表明二者之间确实联系紧密。 C .尽管医生们无法证明吸烟绝对能够导致癌症,大量事实表明二者之间确实联系紧密。 D .当医生们还不能证明吸烟绝对能够导致癌症的时候,大量事实表明了二者之间确 实联系紧密。 2.Each of the dreams to be fulfilled is a push for me to advance. ( ) A .每个梦都要履行,这是我前进的动力。 B .每个梦都要完成,这是我前进的动力。 C .一个个要履行的梦想是我前进的动力。 D .一个个未完成的梦想是我前进的动力。 3.他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山以外,都是我没有到过的! ( ) A .In China,he has been to many places which I have never visited,with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains. B .In China,he has been to many places where I have never visited,with the exception of Jinggang Mountains. C .In China,he has visited many places which I have never been,except for the Jinggang Mountains .


“文化”( culture ) 物质文化( material culture ) 制度文化( institutional culture ) 心理文化(也称观念文化)(mental culture)咖啡( coffee)、 巧克力( chocolate )、 色拉( salad)、 三明治( sandwich )、 歇斯底里( hysteria)、 休克( shock)、 基因( gene)、 钙( calcium)、 维他命( vitamin )、 奥林匹克( Olympic )、 雷达( radar)、 先令( shilling )、 夹克( jacket)、 电视( television )、 激光( laser)、 飞机( aeroplane)、 火车( train)、 交响乐( symphony )、 基督徒( Christian )、 面包( bread)、 盲文( brail )、 圣诞老人( Santa Claus)、 圣经( Bible )、 马海毛( mahair)、 贝雷帽( beret)、 革命( revolution ) 、营养( nourish )、 解放( liberate )、 民主( democracy)、 科学( science)、 独裁( dictatorship )、 心理学( psychology )、 形而上学( metaphysics)、 图书馆( library )、 想象( imagination )、 暗示( hint )、 投资( investment) 磁卡电话( card phone)、 立交桥( overpass)、 隐形眼镜( contact lenses)、


外贸英语中英互译总汇:询盘 Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。 As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive. 一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。 Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous. 对地毯的询盘日益增加。 Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases. 询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。 Enquiries are dwindling. 询盘正在减少。 Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. 询盘一般由买方发出。 Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation. 贝克先生来北京向中国纺织公司进行询价。 We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。 To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit. 为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。 We cannot take care of your enquiry at present. 我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。 Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.



Unit 1 lesson 1 1. fellow countrymen 同胞 2. average height 中等身材 3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛 4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁 5. to be seated 招呼坐下 6. stand squarely 端正正地站着 7. more than ten years his junior 比她年轻十几岁 8. revolutionary road 革命道路 9. Chinese communist Party中共 10. full member 正式成员 11. membership 党籍 12. keep a secret 保密 Lesson 2 1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同 2. to and fro 走来走去 3. upturn face 仰着脸 4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天 5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼 6. dense fog 大雾 7. tense and anxious 紧张而焦急

8. 五一的下午on the afternoon of May 1st 9. 无言的呼唤wordless cry 10. 探测绳sounding-line Lesson 3 1. 各种流派的different schools 2. 前两天a few days ago 3. 受限制be restricted/be subjected to 4. 传统观念traditional thinking 5. 不合理的制度irrational system 6. 最高境界the highest state 7. 浓妆艳抹heavy make up 8主人公chief character/principal character 9. 花言巧语flowery language 10.社会进步人性发展social progress and human development Unit 2 Lesson 4 1. 工业革命Industrial Revolution 2. 多功能的机器multi-purpose machine 3. 出于自愿和兴趣on one’s own account, out of interest 4. 新兴城市the rising town

外贸英语 纺织品专业 词汇翻译 中英文对照表

纺织品专业词汇翻译中英文对照表纺织品braided fabric编织物 deformation变形;走样 fast colours不褪色;色泽牢固 punch work抽绣 embroidery刺绣品 acetate fibre醋酯纤维 hemp大麻 damp proof防潮 sanforizing, pre-shrunk防缩 textiles纺织品 crochet钩编编织物 gloss, lustre光泽 synthetic fibre合成纤维 chemical fibre化学纤维 jutexx gunny cloth (bag)黄麻布(袋) mixture fabric, blend fabric混纺织物 woven fabric机织织物 spun silk绢丝 linenxx织物

woolen fabrics毛织物(品)cotton textiles棉纺织品cotton velvet棉绒 cotton fabrics棉织物(品)non-crushable耐绉的viscose acetal fibre黏胶纤维rayon fabrics人造丝织物artificial fibre人造纤维crewel work绒线刺绣mulberry silk桑蚕丝,家蚕丝silk fabrics丝织物 silk spinning丝纺 linen cambric手帕亚麻纱plain素色 figured silk提花丝织物jacquard提花织物 applique embroidery贴花刺绣discolourization褪色 mesh fabric网眼织物bondedfibre fabric无纺织物embroidered fabric绣花织物


自考本科英语专业《英汉翻译教程》词汇翻译汇总 2012年4月 II. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point each) A. Translate the following words and phrases into Chinese. Write down your translation on your Answer Sheet. 16. gamma rays 伽马射线17. the New Testament 《新约全书》 18. ecologist 生态学者19. entrepreneurial spirit 创业精神 20. court of appeals 上诉法院21. Royal Society 皇家学会 22. a letter of patent 授权书23. consecutive interpretation 交替翻译 24. instrument of ratification 批准书25. the six-party talks 六方会谈 B. Translate the following words and phrases into English. Write down your translation on your Answer Sheet. 26.诺贝尔奖获得者the Nobel Prize Winner 27.福利基金welfare fund 28.国际经济合作International Economic Cooperation29.珠江三角洲Pear River Delta 30.北洋军阀政府the Northern Warlord Government31.民族团结ethnic harmony 32.金融服务业financial services 33.大陆架continental shelf 34.世界文化遗产world cultural legacy 35.联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2011年7月 A.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into Chinese. 16.a slender man 身材瘦长17.country-wide trade 国内贸易 18.the Ethiopian highlands 埃塞俄比亚高原 19.economic policy经济政策20.great-grandmother 外祖母 21.open sea 公海 22.part-time river 季节性河流23.mineral oil 矿物油 24.environmental law环境保护法25.welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会 B.Directions: Put the following words and phrases into English. 26.逃学play truant27.军阀政府Warlord Government 28.九龙壁Nine-Dragon Wall 27.基本方针basic policies30.游记travels 31.祥林嫂Aunt Xianglin 28.排队queue up33.大陆架continental shelf 34.董事会board 35.深刻影响profound impact 2011年4月 16. appreciation dinner答谢宴会17. birth defect 天生缺陷 18. applied entomology 应用昆虫学19. member state 成员国(缔约国) 20. maternity hospital 妇产科医院21. over-the-counter medicine成药


1. 无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们都应该想办法克服它。No matter what difficulties we come across, we should tryour best to overcome them. 2. 尊老爱幼是中华民族传统的美德。 Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue. 3. 今天,各行各业的人都在努力提高白己的知识水平以便跟上时代的发展。Today, people from all walks of life are tryingto acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of our times. 4. 孩子们特别喜欢卡通片。Children take a fancy to cartoons. 5. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们做得不错。Given that they are lackingof experience/inexperienced/green hand,they have done a good job. 1. 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时期。She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery. 2. 试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人在工作中犯的错误要少。Experiments showed that non-smokers committedfewer errors than smokers. 3. 球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们白身的成功,二十因为他们支持的球队获得了胜木U。Football fans are oftenhighly regarded not for their own achievement, but through their connection to the team that wins. 4. 尽管演技高超,这部长达3个小时的电影还是未能抓住我们的注意力。Despite the wonderful acting, the three-hourmovie could not hold our attention. 5. 王教授是我唯一指望能救我儿子的大夫。Professor Wang is the only doctor I

标点符号 外贸包装英语 中英住址对照

标点符号的读法.period 句号 ,comma 逗号 :colon 冒号 ;semicolon 分号 !exclamation 惊叹号 ?question mark 问号  ̄hyphen 连字符 'apostrophe 省略号;所有格符号 —dash 破折号 … ?single quotation marks 单引号 “ ”double quotation marks 双引号 ( )parentheses 圆括号 [ ]square brackets 方括号 《》French quotes 法文引号;书名号 ...ellipsis 省略号 ¨tandem colon 双点号 "ditto 同上 ‖parallel 双线号 /virgule 斜线号 &ampersand = and ~swung dash 代字号 §section; division 分节号 →arrow 箭号;参见号 +plus 加号;正号 -minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号 ÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号 ≠is not equ al to 不等于号 ≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 <is less than 小于号 >is more than 大于号 ≮is not less than 不小于号 ≯is not more than 不大于号 ≤is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ≥is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 %per cent 百分之… ‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号 ∝varies as 与…成比例


新编汉英翻译教程(第二版)期末考试比较a 与b题型归纳 https://www.doczj.com/doc/899913146.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

以下是课本几乎所有有a,b 的都收集起来了,已经超过老师所说的20多条的.....自行挑着看,重点看第四章!!!其他爱看不看啦... 2.金桂湖位于武汉的南部后花园一一咸宁市咸安区南川水库。 9页 a.Jingui Lake, which lies in the south part of Wuhan, called the Back Garden—the Nanchuan reservoir. b. Jingui Lake is located in the Southern back garden of Wuhan— the reservoir of Xian an district of Xianning. C. Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian'an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan 3.本书收集了有关他们(钱锺书、杨绛)生平与创作的资料,有关的评论文章,同时选 编了研究资料的目录索引,是研究钱锺书、杨绛的必备书。9页 a. It is a necessary book to study Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang, since it collects materials of their life and works as well as relevant comment writings,and compiles contents and index of the research materials. b.It includes materials of their life experiences, literary creation and related commentary essays. A bibliographic index is also presented here, which all the more entitles the book to a must for the research on the two. 练习四58页 1.这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。 a. It's the winter of 1917. The wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living. b. It happened during the winter of 1917. A bitter north wind was blowing but, to make a living, I had to be up and out early. 2.世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 a. The world's affairs, well understood, are all scholarship. Human relationships, maturely experienced, are already literature. b. True learning implies a clear insight into human activities. Genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships. 3.这尊塑像站了几百年了,他觉得这是一种苦役。 a. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue had now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery. b. Having stood there for several hundred years, the statue felt that it was hard labor. 13.西风,秋水,雁阵,衔着落日的远山,交融在一起,更增添打猎者的无限兴致。 (徐光兴《枪口》) 66页 a. The joy of hunters was enhanced by the west wind, the autumn stream and the wild geese mingled with the distant mountains that held the sinking sun.

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