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1.My Favorite Sport




I like sports very much, such as running, skating, playing basketball. But swimming is my favorite sport.

When I was six years old, my parents often took me to a swimming pool. They taught me how to swim. They told me not to be afraid of water, and told me to jump into wat er bravely. Later I became very interesting in swimming. Swimming is really very inte resting. If you swim in the water, you will look like a lovely fish. Great fun. I'm sure y ou will feel very happy. And the most important thing is, if you swim, you’ll be strong .

By the way, I took part in the swimming match last week in our town. I was the winne r. Dear friends, swimming is really very good for us. Let’s enjoy swimming.

2. Choosing a Job

1. 别人选择工作时的考虑;

2. 自己在选择工作时考虑的因素;

3. 为什么自己是这样考虑的。

When choosing a job, people usually consider finding a highly-paid job. But for me, I think the most ideal job is the one combining peop le’s interest and major. So no matte r what job I choose to do, I should love it and try to create some fun out of it. Nowadays many people, especially young people, work long hours as well as under gr eat pressure in order to get high pay, but they never think more about their health and as a result, they have lost the great fun of life.

I will not take such kind of job. Even if the job is low-paid, so long as it is suitable for me and meanwhile I like it. For example, I would like to work as an accountant, and I will put all my heart into my work. In my spare time, I will spend some time with my family, caring about my parents, going camping at weekends, or traveling abroad duri ng the long holidays. As life is so short, I should learn to enjoy my life. So choosing a proper job is important. To choose a right job, in my opinion, is to enjoy life itself. 3. The Computer



The Computer The computer is fast, and rarely makes a mistake, while people are too slow, and full of mistakes sometimes. That's what people often say when they talk abo ut computers. For over a quarter of a century, engineers have been making better and

better computers now a computer can do a lot of everyday work wonder fully. It is wi dely used in factories, hospitals, banks and universities. A computer can report, decide and control in almost every field. Many computer scientists are now thinking of maki ng the computer "think" like a man. With the help of a person, a computer can draw pi ctures, compose music, talk with people, play chess, recognize voices, and translate a nd so on. Perhaps computer s will one day really think and feel. Do you think people will be afraid when they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the m?

4. My Family 我的家庭



My Family Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three p ersons in my family, my mother, my father and I. We live together very happily and th ere are many interesting stories about my family. My father is a hard-working man. H e works as a doctor. He always tries his best to help every patient and make patients c omfortable. But sometimes he works so hard that he can't remember the date. My mot her is a woman with a bad memo ry. She always does a lot of housework, but sometim es she makes mistakes out of carelessness. You see, what an interesting family I have!

I hope that you have a happy family too.

5. Which is more important, Health or Wealth?



Which is more important, wealth or health? Which is more important, Health or Wealt h? It is a meaning less topic. Most people prefer that health is more important. But so me stupid people insist that wealth plays a more important role. They sustain the adva ntages as follows. For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy healthier foods. F or another, they can enjoy better facilities s to improve their health. In my view, no on e agrees that a wealthy person without goo d health can be happy. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money. So please do not achieve your happiness and comfo rt at the cost of their health.

6. Which Means of Transportation do You Prefer?


1. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式;

2. 阐述你的理由。

Which Means of Transportation Do You Prefer? In current world, there are multiple c hoice of traffic, such as bus, taxi, subway, train and so on. Different choice has its ow n advantages and disadvantages. No matter how rapid the development of transportati on, my favorite means of transportation is by bike. My giant bike is my beloved vehic le. The reasons as following First, riding a bike is good for keeping healthy. I spend ha

lf an hour riding a bike to my office on my working day, and I think it is a good form of physical

exercise. Secondly, it is money-saving. Recently, the private car drivers always compl ain the price of gas is higher and higher, but if you ride a bike, it will cost you nothing . Thirdly, it is beneficial for protecting the environment, so it is a green form of transp ortation.

Therefor e, although it has some disadvantages, I like riding a bike best. I like riding b ike, it brings me good health and mood.

7. My favorite means of getting information

1. 列举现代社会获取信息的方式

2. 你最喜欢的获取信息的方式

My favorite means of getting information Do you know? In modern society there are many ways to access to information. You can go online and access to information, wat ching television access to information and read the newspaper access to information. But in these three ways, my favorite is interring net to get information. Because the In ternet is convenient, no matter what kind of information you want you will find it on t he network more convenient than on TV and newspapers. So I like to get internet info rmation, I am sure that you will think it.

8. 你应邀到一位好友家吃晚饭。事后给朋友写信表示谢意。

题目:A Thank You Note




It was very kind of you for the delicious dinner and I had a very happy time at your pl ace. Place accept my warmest thanks. If you have some time on Sunday night, I wish t o invite your dinner at my apartment at 8:00. We can take this chance to continue the s ubject we talk about that day. Thank you again for the wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to meet you soon. Please call me if you come.

9. Why I Study English?



Why I Study English? English is my favorite subject. And it's my major in my Junior College. There is a trend that more and more people begin to study English as a secon d language, and I am one of these people. As is known to all, English plays an importa nt role in the world both in politics and business, so if you want to be open to the worl d, you'd better master this language. Moreover, as we learn the language, we can also appreciate its culture which is absolutely different from ours, so that we can broad our horizon. In a world, English help me learn more knowledge and my more friend.

10. TV Ads

1. 电视广告的优缺点

2. 介绍一个你喜欢的电视广告

Nowadays advertisements are very common. Whenever you turn on TV, you are likely to see ads. There are two reasons, I think, for the growing number of ads on TV. First, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. By advertising, each producer tries to convince the consumers that its pro duct is prefe r able. Second, most consumers are interested in ads. They want to get from TV ads th e first hand information about new products, which enables them to choose the one th ey like best. Consequently, ads increase a lot on the TV screen. As far as I am concern ed, I am in favor of TV ads because most of them are interesting and informative. 11. 明天星期五全班同学将去参观科学博物馆the Science Museum,由你(班长)通知全体同学。具体内容如下:

1. 早上8点在校门口集合,步行前往

2. 参观时要认真听、仔细看、并记下有趣的东西

3. 不可在博物馆内大声喧哗及拍照

Fellow students,

Notice Fellow students, our school will organize everyone in our class to visit the Scie nce Museum tomorrow (April 20, Friday). We will get together in front of the school gate at eight o'clock tomorrow morning then walked to the museum together. When vi siting the museum, everyone p lease listens and watch carefully, and write down any i nteresting things. So please do not forget bring pen and notebooks. Making loud noise s or taking photos are for bidden in the museum. Each one must hand in a visit report on next Monday after visiting museum. Thank you for your attention.

12. My Dream

1. 你的梦想是什么?

2. 如何实现你的梦想

My Dream I have a dream from the first time I sit in a car? I want to drive. Driving is the most meaningful way to meet human beings desire of faster. What’s more, driving a car can take me to any p lace I want whether it rains, snows, blows or not. A smooth ride in a good car is enjoyable. With rows of trees moving backward rapidly, music pl ayed, breeze blowing, my soul flies in the air. I love this feeling very much.

13. Where to Live?

1. 有人喜欢住在城市

2. 有人喜欢住在农村

3. 你的看法

Where to live —in the City or in the Country Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages. They think there are more job opportunities in cities, life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country, and there are more modern c onveniences in cities for people to enjoy. But some other people prefer to live in the c ountryside. They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their healt

h , life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city people. I w ould like to live in a city when I am young to see many interesting things and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quiet life.

14. 假如你叫张林,昨天4月7日在放学路上发生了交通事故。你从自行车上摔了下来,被好心人及时送到医院,医生叫你卧床休息三天,特此请假ask for a sick leave.


2. 以第一人称写,不要逐字翻译。

Sick leave

Dear Mentor Li

I fell from my bike yesterday April 7th

when I left school, fortunately I was sent to hospital

by a very warm-hearted man, doctor suggest I should take 3 days lying on bed. So I w ould like to

ask for 3 days sick leave.

Your student Lin Zhang

April 8th 2016

15. Honesty is the Best Policy (诚实乃上策)

1. 写出你对‘诚实乃上策’的看法

2. 举例说明你的观点。

There is an English proverb saying "Honesty is the best policy." It tells us the importance of honesty. What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, t hey will be honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When y ou are in trouble, they will help you.

It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. Sometimes honesty may get you in tro uble or hurt someone, but on the whole telling the truth is less harmful than lying. In a word, honesty not only brings us honor and friendship, but also material gains. Hones ty is the best policy we can take.


Why do students cheat? It is a rare individual who actively chooses to be dishonest. But why do a few students make compromising choices? What can lead people to act in ways that they aren't proud of? Below are some underlying beliefs and confusions which students at Carnegie Mellon give as explanations for slipping standards of integrity. A Victimless Crime? Students generally are familiar with the disciplinary actions and penalties for getting caught. However, they may fail to understand that one of the personal consequences of cheating and/or plagiarism is that they aren't actually learning or practicing the material. They may not realize that they will actually need and be accountable for certain knowledge and skills. Instructors may not explain the personal consequences and loss of trust that accompany academic dishonesty if they are focused mainly on stating the procedures and punishments related to academic disciplinary actions. They may not tell students how dishonesty damages their trust in a stude nt and his or her work which can affect a student’s ability to get a strong recommendation for employment or graduate school. It's a "Dog-Eat-Dog" University Students and their families often have very high expectations about grade achievements because they are accustomed to getting As. More pressure comes from the emphasis on grades in hiring and graduate admissions. Some students may feel pressured to develop unorthodox means to get competitive and marketable credentials. Instructors sometimes evaluate the performance of one student against the performance of others instead of measuring each student's achievement with respect to specified criteria. If students must compete with other students to get one of a limited number of As, they begin to look for ways to "get ahead." If Everyone Else Jumped in a Lake . . . Students sometimes view cheating as a necessary, not totally unacceptable method for academic survival. If they believe that "everyone cheats sometimes," they may not seriously ask themselves, "Why shouldn't I?" Professors and teaching assistants do not always confront suspected breaches of academic integrity. If they perceive that others do not pursue the formal process or that it is difficult to prove a breach has occurred, instructors may decide not to talk directly with students about potential problems. Instructors may no report an incident from their course believing that the student has “learned their lesson” but with no official record of the incident there is no way of knowing whether the student had cheated before or cheats again. Too Much Work, Too Little Time? Students often have multiple assignments due on the same day and in some courses may have only a few opportunities to demonstrate what they know. Cheating can be a tempting path when they


华中师范大学网络教育学院 《高级英语写作》练习测试题库参考答案 I. Complete each o f the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets. 1.accounting 2.capitalization 3.consolidate 4.electronic 5.frequently 6.indent 7.intelligent 8.location 9.cultural 10.professional 11.accurately 12.description 13.imagination 14.italicize 15.peaceful 16.publicity immediately 17. 18.celebration 19.explanation

20.joyous 21.modify 22.reaction 23.specialty 24.traditional 25.typical 26.available 27.depend 28.excited 29.habitual 30.include 31.invite 32.prediction 33.transportation https://www.doczj.com/doc/8016698558.html,bine 35.punctuate 36.screaming 37.effective 38.generous 39.gratefully 40.immediately 41.interrupt II. Revise the following sentences. For the revision of some of the sentences, please follow the directions before them.


离线考核 《高级英语写作》 满分100分 I. Tell one thing that influenced you deeply. (共40分) Wnen|wes eien veans ono .1 suied in Pimarv sool n winter . t wes ver cold end ote snowe Ate scoo mowes vev hant mosofus heto savin dasss and weree tor the premet Mw caigmes et shoo one 0v on ALI5 owme sgein das.1 e wore and toumrt svnede in te csrom tor one ngen ' l ond coe I'twe wnhe ouend noupmr" Werere mw prenmr? Plese the me to home quctr suse 1 28W Miss “come here she ae mewhehemenaowimr. Tmen she sa wrm orworom,w whe vouo wour home" 1Buge船毗we weromesafely. Miss U's concem made me remember for ever. II.What is your most-cherished quality? Why do you think it is important? (共60分) In the morden days。the society is processing ,the people's basic quality is raising ,the life is getting well and well , but inthe culture society , there are also some bad moral character in our life . They don't attentaion their image,unbridled do thethings. For example: throw the rabbish everywhere ; don't observe the traffic regulations ; make noise in the public place ; don't)e touch with the neighbours and don't attention his image . His image is effect our society ,we must tell them how to do andwhat to do . The task is very hard,only depend on the people's conscious , so all the people must do the civilization things andbecome a civilization man . Our society is ivilization ,we need the talent. The people's basic qualityis raised ,the society canprogress. We must to do the ilization man , so do it when we was a child and do it by everyone.


1. Rewrite the following sentences to make them concise and effective. 1)The plant is successful in terms of production. The plant has high production. 2)We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 5. Please write to me before July 5. 3)We are informed that similar goods of American origin have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than you. Similar American original goods have been sold here at a level about 30% lower than yours. 4)He will fly to Germany next week for the purpose of meeting Mr. Stwartz in person. He will fly to Germany next week to meet Mr. Stwartz in person. 5)This product not only is welcome for its reasonable price, but also for its fine quality. This product is welcome for its reasonable price and fine quality. 2. Rewrite the following sentences according to the principle of correctness. 1)Your demand for a 5% discount off the order of the goods narrows our profit margin and we could not warrant it. Sorry,your demand for 5% discount off the order narrows our margin,and we could not warrant it. 2)If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to us, even though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. If there are some problems with the bikes, you can return it back to though over the warranty, we will change it without charge. 3)We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfication of your price and quality. We'll deliver you some trail order because of the satisfaction of your price and quality. 4)As the market is declining, we recommend your immediate acceptance.


My favorite sport My favorite sport is football. In my spare time I play football with my friends in the playground, we are very excited. I like football basically has the following three reasons. First of all, it can let me have a stronger body. Once again, Football is a team sport. This will make our friendship stronger. The last, Football will let me have the confidence to overcome the difficulties in study and life. I like to watch football live, Emotional moment will shout and cry. I hope one day can go to the scene to watch a football game. It will be one of my happiest things. 英语范文 Sport and I Sports benefit me in many ways. Firstly, sports call can make me fit and strong physically. When taking part in sports, I get the chance to train almost all parts of our bodies. In addition, sports call can maintain my psychological well being, whenever I'm in low spirit taking part in sports can help me forget my


2013年3月份《商务英语写作》课程大作业 注意:请从以下五套题目中任选其一作答! 题目一: Part I Translation (20%) Directions: Translate the following terms into Chinese. 1. bill of exchange 2. bill of lading 3. favorable balance of trade 4. exchange rate 5. absentee Part II Writing (80%) Section A Write a notice as required. (20%) 假如你是公司售后部的经理李强,根据下面要求写一个通知。 内容如下: 1)告知客户本公司售后部将搬到上海燕乔路410号,金融中心6层 2)2012年3月12号开始上班 3)部门的电子邮件和第567号邮政信箱地址不变 写作要求: 1) 正文字数不要超过80词。 2) 通知要有标题、发布日期和作者。 3) 语言要简洁、通顺,写作要符合通知格式。 Section B Write a business report based on the following situation. (60%) 写一封建议报告,建议正式长期雇用一位目前在你公司工作且试用期将满的销售员。内容包括四个部分: 1) 导言(Introduction)点明主要内容是销售经理让你调查他(她)在你公司试用期内的工作情况;

2) 调查结果(Findings)他(她)在你公司的业绩以及人格品德; 3) 结论(Conclusions)是对他(她)的工作感到满意; 4) 建议(Recommendations)正式雇用目前在你公司工作试用期将满的销售员。写作要求: 1)按照商务报告的格式进行写作,包括导言、调查结果、结论和建议。 2)内容要符合规范,对所给信息要加以扩充。 3)正文字数不少于150词。 作业具体要求: 1. 封面格式 封面名称:大连理工大学商务英语写作大作业,字体为宋体加黑,字号为小一; 姓名、奥鹏卡号、学习中心等字体为宋体,字号为小三号。 2. 文件名 大作业上交时文件名写法为:[姓名奥鹏卡号学习中心](如:戴卫东3979浙江台州奥鹏学习中心[1]VIP); 以附件形式上交离线作业(附件的大小限制在10M以内),选择已完成的作业(注意命名),点提交即可。如下图所示。 截止时间:2013年2月24日。 3. 正文格式 作业正文内容统一采用Times New Roman字体,字号为小四号,字数见每题具体要求。 注意:

电大英语写作基础 作业

班级姓名学号成绩Write an essay on the title of The Job I would like to Have in 200 words: (70 points) Your composition should use examples to explain your view point. Outline: 1. Your view point: state which kind of job you consider ideal. 2. Your examples to explain your point. 3. The ending.

班级姓名学号成绩Write a classification/ division essay on the title of What We Want From Website in 200 words: (70 points) (1) Choose an appropriate principle of classification/ division suited to your essay. (2)Choose the examples which can illustrate your points. (3) Conclusion.

班级姓名学号成绩Write a first-person narrative on the title of the Experience I will Never Forget in 200 words: (70 points) Remember that a narrative has a plot with a beginning, a middle and an end, and you have learned the 5 aspects in a narrative, try to arrange them in a right order.


商务英语(3)作业1 (Units 1-4) 本作业由四部分组成,第一部分:交际用语;第二部分:词汇语法;第三部分:阅读理解;第四部分:写作。建议在90分钟内完成本作业。写作部分要求写在给定的位置上。每次作业满分为100分。 一、交际用语(每题2分,共10分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答案。 1. ----Morning Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career development? ----_________________. A. Good morning, Mr. Marx. I’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance. B. Sure, Mr. Marx. Thanks for giving me this opportunity I started as a clerk in this company… C. Sorry, Mr. Marx, but I don’t like my boss at all. I think he is too serious and critical. 2. ----Kathy, I’d like you to meet Maggie Jacobs. ----_____________, Maggie. You’re doing a great job. A. I’m pleased to meet you B. It’s great to see you again C. I’m happy to meet you too 3. ----Good morning. ___________? ----Good morning! I need a check to send to my publisher in New York. A. What can I do for you, Madam B. What do you want to buy, Madam C. Why do you come here, Madam 4. ----What are they? _________ ? ----It’s a secret. But I’ll give you some hints, anyway. A. Is it a secret B. Can I have an idea about them C. Why do you keep it a secret 5. ----But ________ by SWOT? ----It stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A. what do you mean B. how do you know


[0846]《英语写作》 第一次作业 [论述题] Define the following writing terms 1 Outline 2 Thesis sentence 3 Narration 4Description 参考答案: 1. a general explanation or description of the content of a discourse; the details being omitted. Roughly speaking, there are three types of outlines: the topic, the sentence and the paragraph outlines. All entries in a topic outline are nouns, noun phrases, gerund phrases or infinitive phrases. All entries in a sentence outline, however, are complete sentences. These two types must not be mixed. A paragraph outline provides something like the topic sentences of the paragraphs of the discourse. A few rules must be observed when one writes an outline. (1) The thesis must be a complete declarative sentence. It is general and objective. (2) Do not use single subdivisions. If "I” appears, "II” or "III” must also appear. If there is an "A,” there must be a "B” at least. (3) Do not mix a topic outline with a sentence outline. (4) A formal outline follows a strict parallelism. The following is the skeleton of a possible sample outline. Thesis statement: (a sentence stating the controlling idea of the discourse) I. Introduction II. Main idea Sub-idea Sub-idea Supporting detail Supporting detail Fact 1 Fact 2 III. Main idea Sub-idea Sub-idea Supporting detail Supporting detail Supporting detail Sub-idea IV. Conclusion 2. the sentence that states the main thought of the whole essay


管理英语 4 形成性考核册 作业 1 写作 My Dream Job Everybody has his dream job. I also have my dream job. My dream job is to be a reporter so that I have opportunities to write articles for newspapers and magazines, and to interview some presidents and many famous figures in the world. After graduating from high school, I intend to go to university in Beijing. When I left university, I hope that I can get a job in a broadcasting station. After working for several years and after earning for myself enough bread , I will start a project that I want to travel around the world. 作业 2 写作 1 C Jack Brown Sept.15 Completed 2 D Lola Sept.15 Completed 3 B Eden Smith Sept.17 Completed 4 A Elise Sept.17 Completed 5 H Christina Sept.18 Completed 6 E Jack Brown Sept.18 Being done 7 G Jeffrey Sept.20 Being done 8 F Elise Sept.20 Being done


浙江大学远程教育学院 《英语写作》课程作业(必做) 姓名:杨徐学号:713129582006 年级:13春学习中心:浙大紫金港—————————————————————————————Unit 1: 段落和篇章知识(Paragraph and whole composition)必做题1.What is a paragraph? Anwser: Writing of any length requires subdivision into a number of points or stages, and these stages are expressed in a paragraph. Paragraphs, whether denoted by a new line and an indentation or a line break, provide a structure for your writing. The end of a paragraph represents a significant pause in the flow of the writing. This pause is a signpost to the reader, indicating that the writing is about to move on to a different stage. Each paragraph should deal with one idea or aspect of an idea, and it should be clear to the reader what this main idea is 2.What is a paragraph made up of? Anwser: Paragraph is made up of a group of sentences which altogether express a controlling idea or central idea. It includes topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. The paragraph is the basic unit of a composition 3.What are the features of an effective paragraph? Anwser: l It focuses on one major idea. This major idea is called the topic sentence. 2 It provides enough details to develop the idea. An effective paragraph does not waste the reader’s time. It doesn’t start something without finishing it. It contains enough specific details to enable the reader to understand the writer’s point. 3 It is sensibly organized: An effective paragraph does not bore the reader. It is organized so the reader has no tro uble following the writer’s progression of thought—so the reader can see three parts in a paragraph—1) the topic sentence; 2) supporting details, and 3) the concluding sentence. 4.What is the topic sentence and why is it important?


(单选题)1: We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue. A: sed B: enclosed C: give D: presentence 正确答案: B (单选题)2: By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business. A: increasing B: promote C: expant D: extent 正确答案: B (单选题)3: Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____. A: appreciating B: appreciated C: thanking D: thanked 正确答案: B (单选题)4: Your L/C No.111 for £2000 issued by the Bank Ltd, Liverpool, has____. A: be arriving B: been arriving C: arrived D: thanked 正确答案: C (单选题)5: We thank you _____ for you cooperation. A: in advance B: in beforehand C: in progress D: in proceed 正确答案: A (单选题)6: This price is ____ of your 5% commission. A: includes B: covering C: inclusive D: including 正确答案: C (单选题)7: We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September _____ connection ______ the above subject.


东师高级英语写作17春在线作业2 一、单选题 1、D 2、C 3、D 4、B 5、A 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. George went house-hunting for a week but still he didn’t find a room ____. A. to live B. to be living C. for living D. to live in 正确答案:D 2. They daren’t ask for they are afraid _____. A. of laughing at B. to be laughed C. of being laughed at D. have been treated 正确答案:C 3. The main road through the city was blocked for three hours today after an accident__ two buses . A. containing B. connecting C. including D. involving 正确答案:D 4. We ___ on it for many hours but we have not yet reach any conclusion. A. work B. have been work C. have work D. are working 正确答案:B 5. Many new ____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. A. opportunities B. realities C. necessities D. probabilities 正确答案:A 6. I am confident of his ___ to get work by himself. A. ability B. talent C. genius D. originality 正确答案:A 7. While I am on holiday, ring me at my hotel only if there are any ___ message


《商务英语写作》 作业设计 课程名称商务英语写作 课程代码 04 授课专业、班级商务英语专业二年级 总学分 4 总学时64 2013年12月30日

《商务英语写作》学生作业方案 一、作业设计思路 1、作业目标: 《商务英语写作》课程根据涉外商务助理和外贸业务员两大岗位的工作任务设计教学项目,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规范得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通的能力。具体训练目标如下: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感谢信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规范地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书 (4)能够比较规范地撰写英语名片、简章、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2、作业的次数: 本课程分五个单元15个模块,以某大学毕业生从商务助理到外贸业务员的经历为中心,每个单元均采用项目化教学,采用课内课外双线并行的训练模式。 (1)本学期课堂作业: 课堂内完成与15个模块主题相关的课内写作项目,同时训练学生口头表达、团队协助等综合素质。 (2)本学期课外作业: 小项目作业5次,分别为学习规划及邀请函、通知、备忘录和名片等主题; 论坛作业3次,分别为电子邮件、会议纪要和学习反馈等,另要求在线讨论与答疑,次数不定。 (3)综合性大作业:4次,分别为来自企业具体情景下的求职信与个人简历、商务报告、销售函和询盘信。 3、作业项目来源: 作业来自于密切合作企业的实例,主要合作企业为湖州瑞丰纺织印染有限公司、湖州德马物流系统工程有限公司、湖州米皇羊绒制品有限公司、湖州三鑫纺



《英语写作基础》作业一 班级姓名学号成绩Write an essay on the title of The Job I would like to Have in 200 words: (70 points) Your composition should use examples to explain your view point. Outline: 1. Your view point: state which kind of job you consider ideal. 2. Your examples to explain your point. 3. The ending.

《英语写作基础》作业二 班级姓名学号成绩Write a classification/ division essay on the title of What We Want From Website in 200 words: (70 points) (1) Choose an appropriate principle of classification/ division suited to your essay. (2)Choose the examples which can illustrate your points. (3) Conclusion.

《英语写作基础》作业三 班级姓名学号成绩Write a first-person narrative on the title of the Experience I will Never Forget in 200 words: (70 points) Remember that a narrative has a plot with a beginning, a middle and an end, and you have learned the 5 aspects in a narrative, try to arrange them in a right order.

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