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An Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost 论《失乐园》中撒旦的形象

An analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost






John Milton was a very famous writer during the history of English literature. His masterpiece Paradise Lost was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of English literature. Among all of John Milton’s great works,Paradise Lost was the most complicated and most profound one, which won him endless honor. His epic made Satan more vivid more humanized and made him a special hero in some aspects. Milton wrote a lot of sentences to describe Satan’s defense for his followers. Satan sought for freedom, but he couldn’t get what he wanted by violence. That’s why Satan in Milton’s masterpiece had a kind of contradiction. Although Milton adopted a positive attitude to describe Satan, his evil characteristic didn’t change at all. His ambivalence was obviously throughout the whole poem. This kind of ambivalence caught all critics’ eyes and led to centuries’ disputes.

By analyzing Satan in Paradise Lost,the author of this paper aims to make people obtain a different angle to revisit the evil one, Satan. His words showed his lifelong love for freedom, and implied that the revolution would be failed by violence, which also reflected Milton’s own idea and spirit.

Key Words:Satan; freedom; hero; failure



摘要............................................................... I Abstract........................................................................................................................ II

1. Introduction (1)

2. The Realistic Significance of Paradise Lost (1)

2.1 The Presentation of Every Image of Different Classes (1)

2.2 The Theme of the Whole Book (2)

2.3 The Doomed Ending of Satan (2)

3. The Changes of Satan (3)

3.1 Satan in the Bible (3)

3.1.1 The Congregation of All the Sins in Bible (3)

3.1.2 Satan’s Wisdom and Emotion (3)

3.2 Satan in Paradise Lost (4)

3.2.1 Satan as an Independent Image (6)

3.2.2 Satan’s Contradiction (7)

3.2.3 The Eloquent Satan (7)

4. The Reasons of Satan’s Heroic Image (8)

4.1 The Heroic Image of Satan (8)

4.2 The More Humanized Satan (9)

5. Conclusion (10)

Bibliography (11)

Acknowledgements (12)

1. Introduction

While Shakespeare was still writing his great plays, another excellent English poet was born in London. He was John Milton. John Milton, one of the greatest poets of the English language, was a political commentator of the English Bourgeois Revolution, whose importance was acknowledged around the world. Although Milton’s father was a puritan, he was a music and book lover. Puritans refer to the people who assert themselves the most rigid believers of God. What’s more he taught little Milton to enjoy music and books. Milton has received humanistic thoughts from 16th century and accepted the great science achievements of the 17th century, at the same time he had a critical attitude towards his life. He thought that science was not everything. Without justice and science, people couldn’t get peace and real happiness. Milton’s literary ambition was to write an epic and he wanted his epic to be read by people in different countries. It took Milton seven years to finish the great epic Paradise Lost. Among all of John Milton’s great works, paradise Lost was the most complex and most impressive one, which won him everlasting honor. This book told the story of how Satan fought against God and how Adam and Eve were banished from the Eden. Satan was the major character in Paradise Lost. His images were impressive and powerful. The main character of this book was intricate and contradictory. After finishing his famous poem, John Milton wrote Paradise Regained and a play telling the story of Samson.

2. The Realistic Significance of Paradise Lost

2.1 The Presentation of Every Image of Different Classes

In this epic, Milton gave detailed description of every image, and as we know, the epic reflected the society Milton lived, so each image had its own presentation.

Milton was a puritan, who was very loyal to his beliefs. From this book, we can sense the strong will of freedom from Milton. Obviously, God was on behalf of the authority, and he was another best description of Milton’s personalities. Some people

agreed with Satan and regarded God as a tyrant and egoist. While other people who condemned Satan, took God as a merciful, just and lenient authority. The author also told us something from Abdiel’s mouth that the compliance with God was not servility, but the only way of getting freedom. These people who defied their superiors and stirred up a new rebellion were not servile and inferior. And as to Adam and Eve, they were tempted by Satan and punished by God, like all the common people, all the civilian class, they didn’t have the power or courage to fight against the authority, so they chose to adapt themselves to it. Because of the prominent background, the story in Paradise Lost and the Bible had a lot in common. That’s a very important reason why Paradise Lost became so popular.

2.2 The Theme of the Whole Book

If you have known Milton very well, you may find out that before he wrote this epic his life was not that positive. When he lived in this world, he loved freedom very much and tried his best to get freedom. Freedom as a topic is throughout the whole masterpiece.

The book has something to do with Milton’s own life experience. He was a tough guy, who never gave up his own belief and would stick to his will forever. Milton didn’t agree with the old way of teaching, which reflected his disobedience to feudalistic force, just as Satan’s rebellion against God and the conflict from heaven. “We may with more successful hope resolve to wage by force or guide eternal war, irreconcilable to our grand foe, who now triumphs, and in the excess of joy. Sole reigning holds the tyranny of heaven.”(Milton, 1667:1608)

Instead of withdrawing from society, Milton still played an active role in political affairs. Although he was not going to take part in politics directly, he continued to work with friends and colleagues closely. Satan’s rebellious and heroic images were presented in Milton’s thoughts. He always sought for freedom, like Satan always took some measures to get rid of God’s control.

2.3 The Doomed Ending of Satan

Milton was a loyal puritan and he knew that freedom was the only way to get

happiness. And revolution was a good way to get freedom. But at last, Milton realized that the revolution at that time couldn’t get real freedom. So, to some degree, the revolution must be a failure in his opinion. What’s more, from this book we can see that Satan was the typical representative of the revolutionary class, so we can say that failure was the doomed ending of Satan. By studying English history, we knew that the puritan revolution was a failure just like Milton implied in Paradise Lost. Violence is not a good way to solve problems. Milton was a puritan. Although he was not satisfied with the Crown, he didn’t agree to use the violence way to solve the conflict, either.

Maybe this point of view was not that right in reader’s eyes, but in fact, we all know that war will never bring happiness.

3. The Changes of Satan

3.1 Satan in the Bible

3.1.1 The Congregation of All the Sins in the Bible

There were two major reasons which made Satan a complete monster in Bible. The first reason was that he seduced good people into doing evil things. The second one was his betrayal of God. If we didn’t know something about Satan and his forces, we would not have a clear understanding of basic spiritual realities of the universe. The reason why Satan became the biggest enemy of God was that he was against the foundation of the earth. His main purpose was to get the worship that only belonged to the originator, God. To most people, Satan’s major work was to be against human beings. He would try his best to destroy the mankind. What’s more, he would do it for good and without specific reasons. Fear and pride were the major motivations in Satan’s kingdom. That’s why Bible directed people to regard Satan as a devil in this universe.

3.1.2 Satan’s Wisdom and Emotion

Satan’s wisdom as an important aspect was worthy to be mentioned. To tempt

Adam and Eve to eat apple from the tree of knowledge, which was forbidden by god, Satan disguised himself as a snake. He waited silently for a good time. Once Eve worked by herself and Adam wasn’t around her, Satan would come out and approach her. Satan knew what women prefer to hear, so he normally started the conversation with praise for Eve’s beauty. Then he could get what he wanted and made the emotional Eve lose her last line of protection and couldn’t wait to eat the fruit. What’s more, Satan was also emotional. For example, when he found out Adam and Eve were in love, he was moved by their pure feelings. And he would burst into tears at the sight of the suffering of his followers. After reading this epic, we could also sense that Satan had the dream to share happiness and tears together with his beloved followers.

3.2 Satan in Paradise Lost

John Milton was a great poet, thinker and political commentator of England

in the 17th century. His masterpiece Paradise Lost was a long epic with 12 books, written in blank verse. These stories were taken from the Old Testament, such as the making of the earth, the love stories between Adam and Eve, the fallen angels

in hell plotting against God, Satan’s temptation of Eve, and the leasing of Adam and Eve from Eden. Although Satan and his adherents were driven out of heaven into hell, Satan and his followers were not discouraged. The miserable punishment, instead of rubbing off their will, makes them much angrier. The purpose of this poem was to tell people to justify the manner of God towards people. This outstanding work was the product of Puritanism, which has shown Milton’s own will and beliefs of freedom. Satan in his masterpiece was not the same as the one in the Bible and other books.

In Paradise Lost, Satan was an independent image which can be studied and be discussed from a different perspective. I think the unique image of Satan was the reflection of the writer, who loved freedom and at the same time, expressed a kind of contradiction, and also the representation of the society at that time. This kind of idea has appeared in lots of articles written by Chen Weihong and professor Xiao

Minghan’s two articles. (1999&2011) They both think that:

1. The Satan in Paradise Lost was full of heroism, because of his defiant personality and the pursuit of freedom.

2. These characteristics made Satan an eclectic image, and made God a little bit pessimistic.

Xiao’s two articles showed that the unique image didn’t come from the Bible, but came from Milton himself. The words and actions Satan did in the hell and the main reason of his betrayal were the distinctive characteristics which helped Milton to describe Satan into a personalized image. The most important point in Satan’s characteristic was his strong will. No matter what kind of situation he was in, he had never changed his nature.

Another writer’s composition also expressed this kind of idea, which showed that the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was vivid and impressive. Satan’s betrayal, in other words, was the indomitable will to seek for freedom, and rejection of God’s slavery. And the contradiction was also shown by him. His image was the mixture of optimism and pessimism. We all thought that the most evil person in the Bible was Satan or we can say that Satan was the aggregate of all the sins. In the Bible, Satan’s name meant obstruction and separation. He was the public enemy number one of God and he was a pervert in God’s eyes. Something like this has mentioned in Paradise Lost. According to this epic, we knew that Satan wasn’t born with sins. His sins and his resentment were coming from his free choice.

Adam and Eve’s betrayal was the result of the wish for knowledge. After the punishment, they realized how to distinguish right from wrong, and started to beg the forgiveness of God. It was after the baptism of evil that the good would be more valuable. The last part was about Milton’s own idea, which has combined with Satan. Every image he had created was a reflection of different classes in the society of that time. In the paper of Huang Delin (2004), he has pointed out that Satan was Milton’s own presentation, and also, in Chen Jinxi’s article (2008), he said that the epic was the

reflection of the People’s spiritual condition. Milton combined his epic with the

puritan revolution. God presented the Cromwell government or the dictatorship of England; Satan presented the force of revolution. It was Milton, who was a loyal puritan and had realized that freedom must be the basis to get the freedom, but the revolution couldn’t get the real freedom. From Milton’s point of view, the revolution must be a failure. That’s why Satan had a kind of contradiction, he loved and sought for freedom, but he couldn’t get what he wanted by the means of violence. These opinions have appeared at the beginning of a translation version which was translated by Jin Fashen.

Lots of researches have been conducted on the images of Satan in Paradise Lost. It has left a profound and impressive influence on literature history. The author of this thesis will do a lot of stuff to do an analysis on this famous epic.

3.2.1 Satan as an Independent Image

In this masterpiece, the image of Satan was the most controversial image. The disputation about the image of Satan in Paradise Lost related to the inner nature of Satan was whether he was the hero in the epic or not. During all the literature history, tons of people thought Satan in Paradise Lost was a different image. In the first two volumes of Paradise Lost, some of Satan’s words showed he was a hero from time to time. John Milton’s Paradise Lost had a vivid description of a defiant Satan. He was banished from heaven and driven into the hell. Later, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost had been popular among people. The reason Satan could be an independent image in the epic, mostly due to his courage to show his indomitable will. After reading this masterpiece, we felt that Satan was like a hero in the earlier part of the epic. We could sense that through majesty in Satan’s appearance and fearless in his personality. However, with the story developed Satan’s image changed greatly. The most impressive nature of Satan was his contradiction. This element made the image of Satan glitter from the whole book, and became an actual part which is worth being studied.

3.2.2 Satan’s Contradiction

There was a very interesting point in the whole personality of Satan, which was

his contradiction, combined with wickedness and the strong will of freedom. Although Satan showed the positive character of his image, he still had some intrinsically evil genes. A leopard cannot change his spots. In this epic, although Milton was in favor of some traits of Satan, he had never tried to change Satan from a monster into a real hero: a monster is a monster.

To readers, after reading the first several books of Paradise Lost, they could sense that the writer tried to describe Satan into a sympathy and friendly charac ter. On the content of this epic, besides the analysis of God’s and Satan’s personalities, there were also two points from the content of this book, which may reflect the aspects of disagreement in reader’s opinion. In the first two books of Paradise Lost, although Satan has made a good impression of hero on readers, he was still a monster as the initial story had told us. Adam and Eve made a mistake under the seduction Satan, and they suffered a lot from their mistake. The reason made Satan become such a kind of evil angle was his indomitable courage of chasing freedom.

3.2.3 The Eloquent Satan

In Paradise Lost, Satan was written as a hero who insisted on his own belief and he had the courage to seek for his beloved freedom. These pro-Satanists admired Satan’s high superior nature and regarded him as the actual hero of this masterpiece.

At the beginning of Paradise Lost, Satan made a wonderful speech which attracted many readers for a very long time. “That glory never shall his wrath or might. Extort from me. To bow and sue for grace with supplicant knee, and deify his power who, from the terror of his arm. Doubled his empire: that were low indeed. That was an ignominy and shame beneath. This downfall, since, by fate, the strength of God. And this substance cannot fail.”(Milton, 1667:1608)

These words were powerful and clear which made Satan’s ambition became so apparent, and also reflected his fighting spirit and independent personality.

Puritanism and the English Revolution were the distinguishing features of the seventeenth century. Milton realized it and he cleverly put political ideas to his pieces of art and also the images he created. Milton’s own life experiences and his pursuit of freedom caused him to endow Satan more or less with revolutionary spirit. Milton’s passion and feelings for revolution were reflected in the description of Satan and his rebellion.

4. The Reasons of Satan’s Heroic Image

The reason why people thought Satan in Paradise Lost as sort of a hero was due to his fearless. What’s more, he dared to fight against God. He always stuck to his own will, just like Milton himself. John Milton was born in a puritan family. What’s more, his childhood and the society that time gave him energy and resistance in his character, which was also easy to find from the words of Satan: “Princes, potentates, the flower of heaven, once yours, now lost. If such astonishment as this can seize eternal spirits! Awake, arise, or be forever fallen.”

Though failed, Satan never gave up his unconquerable will. Here, Satan was more than just a leader in military accepting the rebel angles from angelic state, but also a smart politician using the powerful language of resistance as his weapon to fight against God.

4.1 The Heroic Image of Satan

People normally thought Satan in Paradise Lost has given a heroic impression to them. But it was a little bit of misunderstanding because of the words that Satan said in the following epic. “In The Odyssey, Homer lets Odysseus give a speech that would convince anyone they could survive the journey to the strait of Messina. Then we die with our eyes open, if we are going to die, or know what death we baffle if we can.” (Paradise Lost: 1243-1245)

“Odysseus again lifts their spirits with this speech, Garcia 2 friends, have we ever been in danger before this? More fearsome, is it now, than when the Cyclops penned us in his cave? What power he had! Did I not keep my nerve, and use my wits

to find a way out for us? We must now obey orders as I give them.”( Milton, 1667:1294-1302 ) Here Odysseus expressed the real capability of a hero to lead in the face of adversity.

Satan as any other leaders would do, quickly reduced his partners’fear with much more powerful speeches. During the speeches, Satan talked his doubts about God’s supremacy and daringly stated they were better off where they were. “Here at least we shall be free. Here we may reign secure. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.’’ (Milton, 1667: 258-263)

These were the most powerful nature points of Satan in the whole masterpiece. What’s more he always insisted on his personalities, such as tough bosom, independent spirit, intelligence, and the power of his own. These four points all took effectiveness on Satan, which made Satan look like a hero.

4.2 The More Humanized Satan

In Bible, and from most people’s points of view, Satan was the aggregate of all the sins, but in Paradise lost, Satan became a vivid image. What he said or did touched the readers profoundly. Milton wrote Paradise Lost to show people the source of misfortune. He thought the reason why Adam and Eve made a huge mistake and lost their beautiful home was that they were not strong enough to withstand the temptation of strangers. At the end of the story, we could know that, since Adam and Eve were lured into breaking the rules of Eden by Satan and they were all published by God and were driven out of Eden, Satan began to think about what he had done to the people, and he felt so sorry about what he had done. He blamed himself for a very long time. This kind of description made Satan look not that bad, but more humanized than the Bible said.

From what we have read or learned in Paradise Lost, Satan may be a devil. But he had ambitious and dreams, even sometimes he was a hero. He was a person with strong will and he delivered some powerful speeches to his followers from time to time. Undoubtedly, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was more vivid than ever before. To sum up, the image of Satan was of dual personality. By learning from this

masterpiece, Satan’s evil behaviors and heroism were crossed. On the one hand, he tried his best to fight bravely for freedom and liberty with his wisdom and passion. On the other hand, he had a wrong opinion of freedom and power even though he expressed his ambition and satisfaction.

5. Conclusion

The words in Milton’s Paradise Lost reflected the Bible not only as a source of literature in western countries, but also influenced Milton greatly. we can learn something through the words of Milton. As a matter of fact, the Bible was often used to back up points of view on controversial things by poets. Since the Bible was studied by most of the people. And they used it as an authoritative source. Milton quoted a lot of things from the Bible and put them into his pamphlets.

Through the history, John Milton’s Paradise Lost, particularly his description of the image of Satan has been studied by lots of people and understood in many different ways. Until now, it has been developed into all kinds of new interpretations. On the one hand, some people say that Satan was the true hero of the epic and Milton was on the monster’s side secretly. On the other hand, there are those who said Satan was a monster and Milton showed deep sympathy for God and the angels. There are also some people who interweave the two interpretations.

But from the analysis of the above chapters, the changes of Satan’s character were obvious to see. And these changes make us get a much more different and much clearer picture of Milton’s own attitudes toward Satan. Milton spent all his life putting his political purpose into action.

From my point of view, although Satan was a heroic image, he was not a hero. The spirit he expressed through the everlasting fighting against God made him a real fighter. And the love for freedom was the main theme which I have learned from this book. It is more than just a passage or a kind of study, but in the end, a sympathetic chord appeared during the reading. To sum up, the image of Satan in Paradise Lost was vivid, ambivalent and complex, overshadowing all the other characters.


[1] Grant, N. History of literature. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Press, 2004.

[2] John, Milton. Paradise Lost. England: Penguin Classics Press, 1667.










[10] 肖明翰.失乐园中的自由意志与人的堕落与再生[J].外国文学评论


[11] 朱维之.失乐园译本[M].上海:上海译文出版社,1984:57-59.


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, XXX, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.

I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the teachers in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

I would finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting me without a word of complaint.


藏在细节中的爱 本文是关于初中作文的藏在细节中的爱,感谢您的阅读! 爱,温暖如火,深艳似血。看似平淡的生活中,却蕴含着巨大的爱,夹藏在细节中 ——题记 日月星辰,东升西落,时间在钟表的滴答声流走,岁月在昼夜的交替间逝去。生活在时间的推磨中变得繁琐无味。可就在那平淡枯燥的生活中,每个微小的细节都蕴藏着爱。 黑夜的等待 踏入中学的大门,晚自习成了我最大的心患。那条必经的阴暗小巷子,微弱的灯光孤寂的撑着黑暗,凄冷的晚风呼啸着,空无一人的街道显出死一般的寂静,让我毛骨悚然。第一次晚上放学后,我慢腾腾地骑着自行车,不知不觉,那条巷子已经离我那么的近,我身子不自觉的发软。正当我准备咬咬牙冲过去的时候,一个身影迎了上来——是奶奶!她怎么在这?我心里又高兴又疑惑。奶奶高兴地说:“你们那么晚放学的吗?我在这等你好久了。”“我们都那么晚放学的。您怎么出来了?”“你不是害怕吗?我来接你。”奶奶淡淡地说,随后又絮絮叨叨地问我冷不冷,饿不饿。我应答着,心中一下子被什么东西填满了,暖暖的。那黑夜中焦急的等待,那一双饱含担忧的眼眸,浓浓的全都是爱。 无声的陪伴 群星点缀着深沉的夜,笔尖在纸上飞舞着,留下一行行清秀的字。最近作业量逐渐增多,我一时还没有适应。当我写下最后一个句号时,我如释重负,揉揉酸痛的双眼,起身去客厅喝水。我一开门,便扑进了橙色的暖光里。我正纳闷,

就看到妈妈躺在沙发上打着盹。妈妈听到动静,直起身来看着我,迫切说:“作业做完了吗?”我微微点头,问:“你怎么还不睡觉?”妈妈笑笑,指了指电视,说:“我在这看会电视。”“为什么不回房间看呢?”“在这看,顺便陪陪你啊。好了你快去睡觉,我也要睡了。”望着妈妈远去的背影,我哽咽了一下。那无声地陪伴,那平淡的语言,溢出了不易察觉的爱。 鼓励的期盼 惨白的试卷瘫在桌面上,一个个红叉如刀子般刻着我的心。老师的期待,父母的信任,而我却辜负了他们的心血。我趴在桌面上,暗暗流泪。一只手忽然搭在我的肩上——是爸爸。爸爸淡淡地瞟了一眼试卷,说:“考差很正常,要学会战胜困难。这次考试的失败,你要总结,然后改正,在下一次考试中用光荣掩埋你这次的不堪。我相信你会考好的。”爸爸意味深长的看了我一眼,那一刻,心中豁然开朗。那短短的几句话,那信任的眼光,全都是爸爸对我的爱。 爱,温暖如火,深艳似血。爱从未在时间的推磨下变得粗糙,它也从未流逝在我们眼前。生活的细节中,总藏着爱,也许它很细微,但足以让你震撼。

Satan and Paradise Lost - 撒旦与失乐园

Satan and Paradise Lost A discussion of Milton's Paradise Lost and Satan'srole in it.Investigates the mixture of sympathy and horror evoked by Milton's portrayl of Satan in this work Ambivalence toward Satan in Paradise Lost is a difficult element to define.On the one hand Satan is our socio-religious inheritance as the embodiment of all the ills of mankind.Thus the name"Satan,"even if merely uttered,connotes horror and repulsion,even to the staunchest atheist.In Paradise Lost,however, at least in the first several books,a characterization of Satan is portrayed in which the audience feels sympathy and fraternity with Satan's character.In addition to an analysis of God's and Satan's characters,there are two perspectives on the content of Paradise Lost which show where the conflict in the reader's perception evolves. On the more superficial level,meaning the level determined by preconceived notions of the epic's characters,there is a conflict between Satan,pure evil, and God,pure good.Pure evil then continues to lay waste to anything God cherishes in a feeble attempt to exact revenge for his punishment.Our first father and mother,Adam and Eve,are seduced by Satan and made to suffer therefrom.The punishment,determined by God,seems just and merciful in light of mankind's transgression of his sole command,not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.This much is in the mind of any Judeo-Christian or informed reader before the epic is even begun.Thus the details of Satan's transgression,the war in heaven,God's commands and actions,and the characterization of all characters within the epic are subordinate to our foreknowledge.Without a careful analysis everything seems to be in place and to conform,at least generally,to our preconceptions.One cannot help,however, but to feel some ambivalence in the accepted religious convictions.Why? To answer this question one should wipe all foreknowledge and preconceptions out of the analysis.This of course leads to an inaccurate conclusion since Satan's character in Paradise Lost cannot be separated in the audiences mind nor in its reality from the socio-religious convictions about Satan.Nevertheless, this analysis will reveal the ultimate cause of the ambivalence toward Satan.To illustrate the point better by separating preconception from story,Satan's character will be referred to as Robert and God simply as the king. Robert lives in a kingdom,but it is a kingdom of general equality and mutual honesty and trust.One day the king,out of the blue,announces that he has decided that his son shall be his successor.Robert feels uneasy about this and calls a third of the kingdom to a conference.In this conference Robert argues that if this kingdom truly rests on equality,honesty,and trust,shouldn't all the


《失乐园》中撒旦形象的重新审视 发表时间:2009-03-25T08:20:13.140Z 来源:《青年文学家》2009年第2期供稿作者:杜艳红 [导读] 在这首以圣经为主题的史诗中,那个刻画得最成功、最有生命力的形象——撒旦已成为数百年来争论的焦点。 弥尔顿作为文艺复兴的殿军,启蒙运动的启蒙者,生于伦敦一个信奉新教的家庭。他幼受人文主义的庭训,成年后积极投身革命,用笔为武器,同反动势力进行英勇的斗争。因为辛劳过度,终至双目失明。又值王政复辟,受到迫害。在许多文人墨客纷纷变节的情况下,在双目失明,疾病缠身,生活拮据的恶劣环境中,他以沉痛的心情将一腔孤愤,泻之于诗,以巨人的魄力和悲剧精神写下了辉映百代的不朽之作《失乐园》。这部打动了我们灵魂的艺术瑰宝,由两条线索交叉而成:一条是亚当、夏娃触犯禁忌,偷食禁果,而失去地上乐园的故事。另一条是撒旦携众天使反抗上帝,溃败而失去天上乐园的故事。在这首以圣经为主题的史诗中,那个刻画得最成功、最有生命力的形象——撒旦已成为数百年来争论的焦点。 本文基于文本,结合17世纪大背景下的政治、文化及宗教因素,来说明撒旦并非弥尔顿。这个充满矛盾的恶魔形象不过是作者创作的主观意图和客观效果之间矛盾的反映,同时也是弥尔顿自己身上复杂矛盾的折射。 一、撒旦 在英国十九世纪的一些浪漫主义批评家笔下,就形成了一种唯撒旦论的观点:即弥尔顿是和撒旦一样的反叛者,撒旦是《失乐园》中真正的英雄。正如布莱克所说的:“弥尔顿写起天使和上帝来,仿佛手戴镣铐,但是写起魔鬼和地狱来,却是挥洒自如。这是因为他是一个真正的诗人,他和魔鬼是一帮的,只是他自己没意识到罢了。”[1] 当然,在浪漫主义批评家眼中,这种强烈的主观印象与当时的时代有着很大的关系。在英国历史中,当新古典主义对资产阶级理性的梦想破灭以后,浪漫主义诗人就常常以反叛者的身份自居,他们在《失乐园》中一眼瞥见反叛者撒旦的形象,就自然而然地想到了弥尔顿,并一起引为激进的同道,为之欢呼了。 的确,在《失乐园》第一章中,撒旦的形象是高大,勇武,雄壮,感人的: 打败了又有什么? 并不是一切都完了!不屈的意志, 复仇的决心,不灭的仇恨, 决不低头认输的勇气, 都没有被压倒,还有什么比这更难战胜的呢?[2] (《失乐园》I: 第104-108行) 在这里,撒旦被刻画成了一个叱咤风云的英雄。他那宏伟的气势,坚韧不拔的毅力,宛然一位令人尊敬的革命英雄。然而在接下来的篇章里,撒旦的形象开始逐渐矮小, 首先他做了一段悔恨的独白,认识到地獄其实是在灵魂之中: 人啊,为什么开战?由于我以怨报德,真是对他不起,他把我创造得光辉,卓越,施恩于我,丝毫没有亏待过我。[3] (IV: 第45-48行) 从这里,我们可以涉猎到撒旦十分复杂充满矛盾的心理。一方面,这个恶魔的心灵窝藏着仇恨、妒嫉、渴望报复、傲慢、和恐怖。另一方面,他的心灵又充满了绝望、后悔。这种隐藏在庄严的外貌底下的感情使他变得更加生动而不可捉摸。但是随着他那暴疟而放荡的性子的阵阵发作,这个恶魔逐渐向四周撒布死亡。他要袭击人类始祖居住的乐园,他希望把他们从上帝夺走,使他们屈从于自己的叛逆势力之下。最后当他凯旋归来,向部下宣布他的冒险胜利时,等待他的却是一阵嘶嘶声,原来他们都已变成了蛇。这种变形成了撒旦在《失乐园》中最后的象征。 通观全书,撒旦的地位绝对够不上一个英雄,而弥尔顿也绝不是撒旦。这个充满了矛盾的恶魔形象仅仅是作者创作的主观意图和客观效果之间矛盾的反映,同时也是弥尔顿自己身上矛盾的折射。 二、弥尔顿 众所周知,《失尔园》是时代的产物,也是英国资产阶级革命的产物。当英国人民在上帝的名义下进行的斗争失败后,作为一名激进的战士, 弥尔顿感到难以接受这个惨痛的事实。然而作为一名虔诚的清教徒,他又觉得必须接受这个沉痛的事实。一切都是上帝安排的。诗人创作这首诗的目的,就是要“向世人昭示天理的公道”。 永不忘记 我们的创造者,遵守他的 简单的公正的命令。 [4] (V, 第550-552行) 在长诗的构思中,占据首要地位的是“权威”的无限威力,叛逆的撒旦和违抗命令的人在这“权威”之下是无力反抗的。于是始终站在时代斗争前列的弥尔顿,把自己的政冶倾向寄寓在撒旦身上,把撒旦对上帝的反抗描写成对专制统冶的正义斗争, 向“独揽大权,肆虐天庭”的上帝——他们的“大敌”,“进行一场永不调和的战争”。[5] 的确,撒旦的演说慷慨激昂,非常精彩,制造出了一派不战不休的气势。可是,最后出现在我们眼前的不过是一个恶魔和一群张牙舞爪的小丑们的演戏罢了。如果我们把它与其创作时的政治历史背景联系起来,撒旦才真正是一个专制、施暴者的化身。“毕竟,即使是罪大恶极的坏蛋,在他们绝望的时刻,为了捍卫自己的恶行,也会装出一付争取自由的面孔,狂叫着反对他们称之为暴君的人来。”[6] 因此,“撒但绝非他心目中的英雄,后世诗人视为美德的叛逆精神并不为弥尔顿所看好。”[7] 在这种看似欣赏的描述之下,隐藏着作者对革命失利的悲哀,以及对暴君们的嘲笑与讽刺。也许正因为这一点,鲁宾斯坦(AnnetteT.Rubinstein)在《英国文学的伟大传统》一书中断言,“从感情上讲,弥尔顿不像是一位喜欢违法乱纪的人,相反,他倒很像是一位受人敬重的共和派艺术家。” [8]因此,弥尔顿对撒旦的刻画,是以英国的社会现实为立足点的。也就是在这个层面上,《失乐园》中部分章节中的撒旦成了弥尔顿的一个“代理人”,与上帝进行激烈的争论、抗辨。然而,在这些段落中叛逆、不满色彩的流露,弥尔顿自己并不是完全意识到的。相反,对撒旦野心、嫉妒、阴谋的刻画,则是诗人意识到了的笔墨,体现了作者主观意识和客观效果之间的矛盾,也体现了作为革命的清教徒弥尔顿内心的矛盾。 因此,我们可以说,撒旦决非弥尔顿。他仅仅是诗人内心深处的一种心灵寄托。他所要表达的是对复辟王朝时期英国资产阶级革命者坚强不屈的高尚品质的赞颂,(“全体官兵扬声呐喊,喊声震裂了地狱的苍穹,并且震惊了天外的浑沌界和夜的古国” [9] I, 第541-543行)对当时腐朽喧嚣社会的嘲讽和对英国人民命运的关注。在他看来,英国人民就象亚当和夏娃一样,上帝给了他们美好的一切,但他们却由于是理性不坚,意志薄弱,经不起外界的引诱,自由地选择了通向堕落的道路,但是只要他们坚定信仰,以理智来控制冲动,通过漫长而坚辛的历程,最终就可以回到乐园之中。《失乐园》结尾部分兴奋乐观气氛的描写,充分体现了诗人对英国人民和整个人类抱有的基督教人文


A comprehensive analysis of Satan in Parasise Lost 张煜婷西北师范大学外国语学院 甘肃省安宁区西北师范大学蓝天公寓1号楼302室 730070 Abstract If ancient Greek mythology can be compared to the rich soil of western literature, the Bible can definitely be regarded as the rhizome of western literature, which has absolutely influenced the western literature extensively and profoundly. Literary outputs about the characters and their stories in the Bible also appeared in the English literature of the 17th century, among which John Milton's long verse-- Paradise Lost undoubtedly becomes the most holy name. The role of Satan has become a stylish symbol of complex connotation in the literature history after Milton’s recreation. This thesis aims to try to analyze the character comprehensively from the following several angles. Key words: Paradise Lost Milton Satan character Analysis Foreword:


细节决定成败,什么决定细节 近日,应邀为国家电网供电公司的领导干部进行培训,讲座的题目是《细节决定成败,什么决定细节?》与其说是一次讲座,其实更是一种“竞标”,因为对于国网供电公司而言,他们是想通过“讲座比稿”来决定后面的国网班组文化建设的项目交给谁。 我们看到的《细节决定成败》等大量书籍,都从声称“魔鬼藏在细节中”,但是很多人,只是看到了细节,却没有发现细节中的魔鬼!没有“魔鬼”这一灵魂,所谓的“细节”只是一个海市蜃楼的空壳。 按照“错层”的思路想来,只有错开表层,才能发现本质。细节肯定是外在表现,那么,到底是什么细节?又是什么决定细节呢? “细节决定成败”已经成为一句流行语,我在这里不想批驳这句话,另外提出像什么“战略决定成败”的口号。其实,“细节决定成败”不是一个不容置疑的绝对命题,这句话只不过是充分强调了细节的重要性而已。成败之事,很多时候不是某一个因素能决定的。很多时候,人们并不知道到底是什么决定成败。如果一定要说成败都是由“某某”决定的,发而过于吹毛求疵了。 在这里,让我们先承认细节的重要性,但是,我想问的是:如果说“细节决定成败”,那么,什么决定细节?即使提出“细节决定成败”的汪中球先生本人,似乎对此也没有深究。但是,这是一个不可不究的问题。 因为决定细节的决不是细心、严谨、认真等人为因素,对细节的重视与否不是由一个人的性格决定的。从根本上讲,细节是一种贵族精神。 只有追求并坚持贵族精神的人,才会在细节上下功夫。德国人注重细节、日本人注重细节,是因为他们很早就解决了温饱问题。有更多的时间和精力放在细节的琢磨上。 中国并不是一个天生粗枝大叶的民族,即使上千年之前出土的很多玉器、青铜器等古董,那种精湛的工艺和繁复的细节依然令我们赞叹。但是,无一例外,这些都是在王宫贵族的墓葬重出土的。普通老百姓使用的器具还是非常粗糙。今天的收藏界中有一个耳熟能详的词:“官窑”。官窑出产的瓷器一般来讲都是非常精美的,因为官窑的产品都是供给王宫贵族统治阶级的,所以,可以不惜金钱和材料,只追求精美。 从这个意义上讲,细节不是来自性格,而是来自经济条件背后的贵族精神。一个人生活在温饱边缘的人是不会在乎细节的。在乎细节的都是有钱有闲的贵族。哪怕是没落的贵族,但是细节精神却已经渗进骨子里。


试析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象 车家玲 (安阳师范学院人文管理学院,河南安阳 455000) 摘要:撒旦是《失乐园》中颇具有争议性的人物,他既是一位为了平等和自由敢于向最高权威进行不屈不饶抗争的反叛英雄,又是一个权欲熏心、骄矜狂妄的堕落者同时他还是祢尔顿关于自由意志与理性原则并存的思想观念的艺术载体,即人为了自由和理想而奋斗,但同时人的行为得受到真理的约束。 关键字:撒旦;双重人格;自由与理性 一、引言 约翰·弥尔顿(1608-1674)是十七世纪英国著名的诗人、思想家、政治家和政论家。他出身于伦敦一个公证人家庭,青少年时代起思想进步,厌恶封建思想,痛恨教会腐败。革命爆发后他积极投身革命,参加了革命政府的工作,并撰写政论,先后发表了《论出版自由》、《论国王和官吏的权力》等文章而轰动整个欧洲。王朝复辟后他虽然遭监禁,著作被焚烧,但仍然坚持革命立场,在双目失明,经济拮据的情况下完成了三大史诗《失乐园》、《复乐园》、《力士参孙》。1674年诗人与世长辞。 弥尔顿的长篇史诗《失乐园》( Paradise Lost, 1667)深邃、高贵、整饬、优美,一直被誉为“英语中最伟大的诗作”,是英国文学史上不可多得的鸿篇巨制,在世界文学史上可与《神曲》和《浮士德》相媲美。弥尔顿的长篇史诗《失乐园》,以《圣经·旧约·创世记》第二、三章关于人类始祖亚当、夏娃在撒旦引诱下偷食禁果犯下原罪,被上帝逐出伊甸园的故事为蓝本,成功地将诗人—作为一个清教徒,所相信的人类重返上帝的乐园的回归之路极为完整、生动地展现在读者面前。这条路发端于人类始祖的原罪,转折于耶稣基督道成肉身的救赎,作结于自由意志选择下的灵魂的忏悔和回归。诗人满怀豪情的诗意书写,所展现的是诗人的人生理想、人生信念。就全诗而论,从太初谈起,开天辟地,创造世界,创造人类;借《圣经》故事,虽涉及全人类原罪赎罪的悲剧,但实质上说的是人类求知求生,追求自由人权,反对盲目迷信,反对封建专制,建立人类社会理想的大同世界。全书共十三卷,描述了撒旦反叛上帝,战败后设计复仇,偷入伊甸园,引诱夏娃偷食禁果导致人类始祖被逐出伊甸园,开始沉沦的故事。作者大量运用圣经人物形象意象,将撒旦、亚当和夏娃刻画的栩栩如生,进而也将主题表现的淋漓尽致。撒旦是该作品中最令人关注的角色,与人类始祖亚当和夏娃相比,他显的更生动,更让人难忘。 第1页


2004年9月第11卷第5期上海大学学报(社会科学版)Jour nal of Shanghai University (Social Science)Sep.,2004V ol.11 N o.5 收稿日期:2003-09-03 作者简介:黄德林(1980- ),男,上海大学外国语学院英语系英美文学专业2002级硕士研究生。 5失乐园6中撒旦形象的重新审视 黄 德 林 (上海大学 外国语学院,上海200436) 摘要:长时期以来,5失乐园6中的撒旦一直是人们关注的焦点,其形象的复杂性激发人们从不同角度进行 阐释。我们认为,对撒旦形象的阐释要基于一个前提条件:撒旦究其本质是/恶棍0形象,这一点在诗中是不曾改 变的;同时又进一步对撒旦形象的复杂性作了心理解读,认为它是个人无意识与集体无意识相结合的产物,是诗 人无意识中倾吐了自己和广大人们的苦闷、渴望和追求的强烈情感的自然流露所致。 关键词:弥尔顿;撒旦;恶棍英雄;个人无意识;集体无意识 中图分类号:I042 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-6522(2004)05-0047-06 弥尔顿(John M ilton,1608-1674)的诗作5失乐园6(Paradise Lost,1667)之所以被视为英国文学史上的一座丰碑,堪与荷马的5伊利亚特6、但丁的5神曲6相媲美,显然与作品中对主角撒旦形象的成功刻画是分不开的。撒旦形象多年来一直是评论界关注的焦点,他的形象的复杂性激发人们尝试从不同角度、不同方面去诠释。当前西方有三大流派:/撒旦主义派0、正统派和调和派。他们不是片面夸大了撒旦形象的革命性质,就是片面夸大了撒旦形象的宗教性质,实难令人心悦诚服。长期以来,我国有不少人把5失乐园6看作一首披着宗教外衣的革命史诗,至于三卷后撒旦逐渐堕落,他们认为那里撒旦是代表失败了的王党,虽较西方/撒旦主义派0的观点前进了一大步,但关于撒旦形象前后重大转变的原因却难以给出令人满意的解释。近年来,国内一些学者,如殷宝书、肖明翰和张伯香等人从情欲、自由意志的角度直接或间接地对撒旦形象作了重新定位与评价,为解开撒旦之谜开辟了新的视野。为了进一步再现诗人的创作意图,还撒旦以本来面目,笔者这里想就以下两个方面进行探讨:一、弥氏笔下的撒旦是/恶棍英雄0(villain )hero)形象,/恶棍0是其本质,其/恶棍0本质不因时空的变化而变化;二、至于撒旦形象的复杂性,那是因为撒旦与诗人的经历存在着某种程度的相似点,唤起了他内心深处的无意识,引起了他心灵的共鸣,同时也无意中触动了悠久的文化积淀)))集体无意识,为诗人倾吐自己和英国广大人们的苦闷和对自由的不懈追求找到了很好的寄托,因而,被罩上了一抹英雄主义的色彩。 一、对撒旦的界定及其缘由 被逐出天堂、打入地狱火湖中的撒旦似乎雄风不减当年,依然高呼:/我们损失了什么?并非什么都丢失:不挠的意志,热切的复仇心,不灭的憎恨,以及永不屈服,永不退让的勇气,还有什么比这些更难战胜的呢?0[1](P8)随后又提出/宁可在地狱为王,也不愿在天上称臣0。[1](P15)这一切足以使无数身陷逆境、为自由而战的人们如遇佳音,深受鼓舞。因而,西方催生了撒旦派;即便在我国,长期以来评论界也往往结合诗人的生活经历,倾向于从政治的角度解读5失乐园6,视其为一首革命史诗,甚至还有人误认为弥尔顿对5圣


2016年崇明区初三二模语文试题 一.文言文阅读(39分) (一)默写(15分) 1、蜂蝶纷纷过墙去,。(《雨晴》) 2、,人约黄昏后。(《生查子·元夕》) 3、学之,;……(《为学》 4、,浓睡不消残酒。(《如梦令》) 5、野芳发而幽香,。(《醉翁亭记》) (二)阅读下列诗歌,完成第6-7题(4分) 四块玉·别情 自送别,心难舍,一点相思几时绝?凭阑袖拂杨花雪。溪又斜,山又遮,人去也! 天净沙·秋思 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。 6、两首词描写的季节分别是和。(2分) 7、下列理解错误的一项是()(2分) A.“四块玉”和天净沙都是词牌名 B.都表达了主人公对情人的相思之情 C.都采用寓情于景来抒发内心的情感 D.都在词的末句直抒胸臆、表达情感 (三)阅读下文,完成第8—10题(8分) 曹刿论战(删选) 公与之乘。战于长勺。公将鼓之。刿曰:“未可。”齐人三鼓。刿曰:“可矣。”齐师败绩。公将驰之。刿曰:“未可。”下视其辙,登轼而望之,曰:“可矣。”遂逐齐师。 8、按要求完成下列二题(4分) (1)用“/”标出下列句子朗读时的语音停顿(2分) 公与之乘。战于长勺。 (2)将句子翻译成现代汉语(2分) 公与之乘。战于长勺。 9、下列句子“之”的用法与其他三个不同的一项是( )(2分) A.公与之乘 B.公将鼓之 C.公将驰之 D.登轼而望之 10、在选段中曹刿的军事才能主要表现为。(2分)(四)阅读下文,完成第11-14题(12分) 宰相气量 正至和间,仁宗不豫①,一日少间,思见宰执②。执政闻召亟往。吕文靖为相,使者相望于路,促其行,公按辔益缓。至禁中,诸执政已见上,上体未平,待公久,稍倦,不乐曰:"病中思见卿,何缓也?"文靖曰:"陛下不豫,久不视朝,外议颇异。臣待罪宰相,正昼自通衢③驰马入内未便。"帝闻其言,咨叹久之,诸公始有愧色。


100个装修魔鬼细节,太全了,致敬绿城! 绿城旗下微信公众号《绿城精装修管理》通过连载的方式刊出《绿城100个精装修细节》,非常震撼,楼市参考致敬绿城精装修的有心、用心、专心之杰作,赶快收藏,不可多得。橱柜台面上方设置多个插座,并使用带开关的插座,方便使用各类厨房小家电,同时也避免手湿拔开关造成意外事故。魔鬼细节从不允许意外,让您安全常在。 住宅厨房内安装煤气报警系统,使业主在煤气泄漏时第一时间发现危险隐患,保障业主生命安全。 从源头保证业主饮用水的安全,设置直饮水系统。电影电视中常见的发达国家便捷饮水体验,从此不再遥远。吊顶采用成品检修孔,规格满足检修要求。所谓“病从口出”,从此吊顶检修不必开膛破腹大动干戈。座便器和浴缸边设置紧急呼叫按钮,与物业处联通,在出现紧急情况时保证业主及时得到救助。生命安危,刻不容缓,小小红钮,安心常在。水槽台下盆的设计(采用磨砂面),防止台盆边的积水,便于卫生清理。清清爽爽,远离湿漉漉,一天好心情。

入户大堂设置感应信报箱,业主可直接用一卡通开启,方便快捷,从此取阅书报的动作也变得优雅自如。 入户门在门扇与门框的交界处,采用橡胶条密封设计,实现了周整体防尘的效果,并可以消音防撞。我们或许无法改变当下的大环境,惟愿为您营造清新洁净的小家。卧室设置夜灯,不开灯即可在夜间进入盥洗间,避免对家人的干扰。还有什么比对家人的关爱更走心的细节?为保证业主发生紧急情况时能及时联系到物业,主卧室设置紧急呼叫按钮。生命安危,刻不容缓;小小红钮,安心常在。设计吹风机与剃须的备用插座,采用防潮插座并设防溅措施,方便小型家电在梳妆时的灵活使用。淋浴器花洒要求配置调节杆。细节从来不介意生理差别。 入户门锁采用钢木混合结构;有密码、指纹、卡、机械钥匙四种开启方式(选配)。忘记密码了?忘带钥匙了?谢天谢地您还带着勤劳的双手! 玄关部位设置人体感应智能灯,全自动感应功能,人体接近


An Analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost 论《失乐园》中撒旦的形象 An analysis of Satan in Paradise Lost

摘要 约翰·弥尔顿是英语文化历史上非常有名的一位作家。他的著作—《失乐园》是英语文化史上的一座里程碑。在约翰·弥尔顿所有的著作中,《失乐园》是最复杂,最难理解的一部作品,并为他赢得了永久的荣誉。他的史诗使得撒旦的形象更加生动,更加具有人性,并且使其在某些方面成为了一名特殊的英雄。弥尔顿用了很多的语句来描写撒旦对他的追随者所做的雄辩。撒旦追求自由,但是却不能用暴力手段得到他想要的。这就是撒旦在弥尔顿的著作中具有一种矛盾性。尽管弥尔顿用了一种积极的态度来描写撒旦,但是撒旦邪恶的本性却从未改变。他的矛盾情感鲜明地遍及整个诗篇。这种矛盾的情感吸引了众多批评家的目光,引起了几个世纪的争论。 本文通过分析撒旦在《失乐园》中的形象,使得人们获得一种不同的视角来重新审视邪恶的撒旦。他的字句反映了他毕生所挚爱的自由,同时暗示通过暴力方式所进行的革命终将会失败,这也体现了弥尔顿自己的意志与精神。 关键词:撒旦;自由;英雄;失败

Abstract John Milton was a very famous writer during the history of English literature. His masterpiece Paradise Lost was undoubtedly a milestone in the history of English literature. Among all of John Milton’s great works,Paradise Lost was the most complicated and most profound one, which won him endless honor. His epic made Satan more vivid more humanized and made him a special hero in some aspects. Milton wrote a lot of sentences to describe Satan’s defense for his followers. Satan sought for freedom, but he couldn’t get what he wanted by violence. That’s why Satan in Milton’s masterpiece had a kind of contradiction. Although Milton adopted a positive attitude to describe Satan, his evil characteristic didn’t change at all. His ambivalence was obviously throughout the whole poem. This kind of ambivalence caught all critics’ eyes and led to centuries’ disputes. By analyzing Satan in Paradise Lost,the author of this paper aims to make people obtain a different angle to revisit the evil one, Satan. His words showed his lifelong love for freedom, and implied that the revolution would be failed by violence, which also reflected Milton’s own idea and spirit. Key Words:Satan; freedom; hero; failure


【摘要】弥尔顿的《失乐园》是一部享有世界级声誉的文学作品。作品中的撒旦作为与上帝的对抗者是历来受到争议最多的形象之一。撒旦经历了一个从藐视到反抗到最终无奈的过程,也正是在这个过程中,我们可以分析出撒旦作为反抗者所展示的勇气和魄力,但撒旦毕竟是邪恶的,他一次次挑起了战争。撒旦可以被看作是英雄,但他又不简单的算英雄,他是一个结合体,一个立体化的魔鬼式英雄。 【关键词】撒旦,魔鬼,英雄,立体化 一、引言 一直有人认为:撒旦是人类失去乐园的祸根,因为撒旦的的诱惑,人类最终受到上帝的惩罚。作为一个魔鬼,撒旦不是一个一击即溃、头脑简单的傻瓜,他身上有一种英雄的气魄,撒旦本来就是一位大天使。撒旦是聪明的,也可以算是狡猾的,对付人类,撒旦一计不成又生一计,所以人类上了他的当,从天使到魔鬼,撒旦最终堕落了。撒旦是失乐园故事的核心,他推动着整个故事的发展,也体现作者众多的资产阶级革命理念。 二、英雄撒旦 弥尔顿笔下的撒旦首先是位伟大的英雄,代表着弥尔顿的资产阶级革命思想,这是毋庸置疑的。撒旦的英雄气魄体现在他具有敢于向最高权威抗争的精神:为争取自由和平等,推翻上帝的独裁统治,他领导一部分反叛天使与上帝进行斗争。这种反叛意识正好结合当时资产阶级革命思想的核心,追求社会平等与自由,打破神权和独裁。在诗中,撒旦敢于首先怀疑毫无道理却非让人盲目服从不可的绝对命令,面对上帝的强大的权力,撒旦毫无畏惧,率部反抗,大闹天堂。第一次反抗失败了,他不服气,也不认输,不气馁,发挥自己的聪明才智,很像中国传统小说中描绘的那些英雄,面对强大的对手,敢于亮剑,险些儿搞得天兵天将对阵中措手不及,万分狼狈,连上帝在天国也担心撒旦的反叛会成功。当然,撒旦还是失败了,被打落地狱。但是他崇尚自由,他让反对者闭口而去,地狱议会上他发扬民主风格,征求大家的意见。历经千辛万苦在新创造的伊甸乐园中寻找到人类先祖双亲的是他,利用时机促成全诗主题的展现的也是他。撒旦的英雄色彩正在于他的能力和勇气,他是不畏强权的。 撒旦身上有着极为现代的平等思想,他认为:上帝和天使在智慧上是平等的,在地位上也不应该有那么大的差别,上帝只是力量上略胜一筹而已。他感觉到上帝创造万物并不是真的出于对人类的善良和慈爱,而是为了其极为自私的目的,是向他所创造的万物索取对他永久的忠诚和屈服。这种超越传统理念的想法让撒旦能够看透上帝虚伪的本质。撒旦还认为:上帝是世界上的暴君,不应该一对大众握有无穷的权柄!上帝的专制和独裁是对世界的残害,上帝所颁布的禁令是让宇宙的生灵对他绝对的服从,他痛恨那种永远也还不清的奴隶状态。从这些思想层面来看,撒旦从精神领域是个不折不扣的大英雄。不盲从,不跟风,有思想,敢反抗,撒旦是清醒的。 三、撒旦的堕落 但撒旦最终还是堕落了,他从天使到英雄,从英雄到将领,从将领到政客,从政客到密探,从密探到一个无赖,又到蟾蜍,最后到蛇。撒旦每次身份的变化都预示着撒旦精神层次的降落,其魔鬼的属性也一步步展现出来。 最初撒旦虽然是一位天使,但却被赋予极为复杂的感情和欲望,这使他具有复杂的性格形象。他能够忍受失败,性格十分豪迈,但也有内心悔恨和绝望之时。在绝望之时,他的内心也会极为脆弱,喊道:......最后屈服吧!难道没有留下余地来忏悔,来宽恕。这一切都反映在撒旦意识中,不像纯粹的英雄那样性格刚烈,具有较为复杂的一面。或许也正是这种性格缺陷让他开始一步步堕落。撒旦利欲熏心,贪婪自私,妄图取代上帝,来建立自己作威作福的权势。这种观念可能是导致撒旦堕落的根源。他对上帝权势的藐视逐渐由最初的反对专制和独裁变为他认为自己才是是衡量万量的标准,是宇宙的中心,从而认为对于他一切都可容许。从这个角度看,撒旦堕落于自己慢慢成为自己所反对的那种形象。在地狱里,他耗费大量精


【魔鬼藏在细节里】互动按钮大小事 当一个产品完成核心部分的需求之后,我们就可以慢慢准备开始研究细节的问题 一个产品几乎每个层面都可以谈论细节:其中还包括表面上看得到的,以及表面上看不到的。表面上看得到的细节很简单,花时间去做、去尝试、去犯错、去修正就好了。而看不到的细节诸如产品定位、使用者体验等等,往往依靠不长期经验的累积、研究与得到使用者反馈外,很难清楚的明了到底哪边该怎么去制作与修正。 小小一个按钮、搭配一个点的小小动画,却牵扯到与使用者互动的部份。即牵扯出这么多的「细节」出来。著名的工业设计师Charles Eames(伊姆斯,设计躺椅,美国)说过:「细节本身并非细节,而就是产品的精髓。」他们那些经过千锤百炼、精心设计的椅子款式,一直到现在都还是精采的设计呢。 在茫茫的APP 海中,总是会有很多小不拉机的按钮,怎么点也点不到,使用触控式行动装置时最痛苦的事情了;但同样是一些娇小的内建按钮,如iOS 导览列上的导览按钮以及清单列的删除按钮。 秘诀在于设定按钮的触控感应区(Touch area),按钮其实可以分为两个部分: 一、视觉目标(Visual targe)-使用者可以看的到,并且想要去点击的区域。 二、触控感应区(Touch area)-使用者看不到,用于判断检测手指是否有触碰到按钮的区域。 一般来说,对于小于建议大小的按钮,我们需要手动将触控感应区调整的比视觉目标更大一些,这样一来即使使用者没有真的触碰到按钮的视觉目标(如下图),也可以成功地点击到按钮。 触控式行动装置上的萤幕空间寸土寸金,过大的按钮设计会浪费空间,有质感的小按钮又总是让人按不到,那么到底按钮应该要设计多大才方便使用呢?根据过去的统计资料,人们最常用于操控触控式萤幕的拇指与食指平均宽度为:男性2.29 cm 与1.82 cm;女性1.91 cm 与1.55 cm,因此传统上建议按钮大小为2.2 cm。


An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satan’s Image in Paradise Lost 《失乐园》中撒旦形象的双重性分析 [摘要]在约翰.弥尔顿所有的著作中,《失乐园》是最复杂,最难理解的一部作品,并为他赢得了永久的荣誉。在《失乐园》中,撒旦的形象是最生动,逼真的,他的巨大影响力和矛盾的情感,以及其复杂性,掩盖了其他所有的形象包括上帝。作为《失乐园》中最重要的形象,撒旦显然是令人钦佩的,而且有着巨大的影响,这种矛盾的情感吸引了众多批评家的目光,引起了几个世纪的争论。这篇论文将要把撒旦的双重形象分成三种类型进行分析:第一种类型是把撒旦作为革命者的形象;第二类是把撒旦作为魔鬼的形象进行分析;第三类是以评论家的观点,保持中立,认为撒旦的形象,除了是由人们构想的,是抽象的以外,撒旦带给我们更多的是好与坏的混合体。而且本论文还将要查明影响撒旦双重性格形象的因素,从分析正文看作者的写作意图;从十七世纪的社会背景看弥尔顿个人的经历和信仰。更多的是那些潜在的读者的背景和他们独特的欣赏力,也被作者考虑在内。所有的这些分析得出的观点是,撒旦是一个仅有的英雄和一个真正的恶魔,从他所有的看法和情感得到一个多方面的性格。他的矛盾情感鲜明的遍及整个诗篇。 [关键词] 《失乐园》撒旦革命者魔鬼清教徒

An Analysis of the Dual Character of Satan’s Image in Paradise Lost [Abstract]All of John Milton’s great works. Paradise Lose is the most complicated and most profound one, which wins him endless honor. The image of Satan in Paradise Lost is supreme vivid, powerful, ambivalent and complex, overshadowing all the other characters including God.As the main character of Paradise Lost, Satan is obviously impressive and powerful, whose ambivalence catches all critics’eyes and leads to centuries’disputes. This dissertation will analyze the dual character of Satan’s image into three groups: The first group that the image of Satan as a revolutionist, the second group that the image of Satan as a devil, while the third group of critics, stand in the middle, seeing both sides of Satan. They identify Satan either as an abstract conception or else, more immediately, as someone who is an evil mixed with good. On the other hand, check the factors that influence his dual character of image, from the analysis of the text to the author’s intention, from the 17th century social background to Milton’s personal experiences and belief. What’s more, the potential readers’background and individual taste will also be taken into consideration. And all these analysis lead to the point that it is too simple and arbitrary to say Satan is a mere hero or a pure devil, since he is a round character full of thoughts and emotions. His ambivalence is obviously throughout the whole poem. [Key Words]Paradise Lose Satan revolutionist devil puritan

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