当前位置:文档之家› 服装销售英语口语





A: Excuse me. I’d like to exchange this blouse. 对不起,我要换这件衬衫.

B: What’s the reason? 什么原因?

A: Its the wrong size.尺寸不对.

B: Do you have the receipt? 你有收据吗?

A: Yes, I have.是的,我有.

B: Go ahead and pick up the center size and bring it here, please. 请去挑尺寸合适的来.

A: Ok, where is the fitting room? 好的,试衣间在哪?

B: It’s behind you. 就在你后面.


A: May I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?

B: Yes, I would like to return these slacks. 是的,我想退回这些长裤。

A: Alright. Do you have your receipt? 好的,你有收据吗?

B: Yes. Here it is. I bought them last week. 有的,在这儿。上星期才买的。

A: And why are you returning them? 为什么要退呢?

B: I bought them to go with a blouse of mine. But they don't really match. 我本想买来配一件衬衫的,但是它们配起来不好看。

A: I see. Oh, wait. Ma'am, I'm sorry. These slacks were on sale. 我明白了。等一等,太太,对不起,这是拍卖品。

B: Yes, they were thirty percent off. 没错,它们是七折品。

A: I'm sorry, but we don't allow returns on sale items. 对不起,拍卖品不能退货的。

B: I know many stores have that policy. But I have returned sale items here before. 我知道很多店都是这样,但是我曾经在你们的店退过拍卖品。

A: I'm sorry, but we usually don't do it. It is policy.对不起,我们通常不接受的,这是规定。B: I just bought these slacks a week ago. And I am a regular customer here. 我上个星期才买的,而且我是你们的常客。

Can you make an exception this time? 这次可以例外吗?

A: Well. Let me talk to the manager for a moment. 那么,让我和经理说说看。

Ma'am, the manager says I can do it this time. 经理说这次可以。

B: Good. I'm a regular customer here. I am glad you can make an exception for me. 太好了,我是你们的常客,我很高兴你们可以为我破例。

A: Please show me your receipt again. 再让我看一看你的收据好吗?

B: Here it is. 这里。

A: I will have to give you store credit, Ma'am. 我会给你一些点数,太太。

If you find something else you like in the store, you can use the credit. 你可以用这些点数来挑你喜欢的东西。

B: Store credit is okay with me. 给我点数也可以。

I'm sure I will find something I like. I shop here a lot. 我会找到我喜欢的东西,我常常来这里购物。

A: We appreciate your business, Ma'am. 谢谢惠顾,太太。


Clerk:Hi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it, please.你好,这台音响有


Jim:What’s the problem?是什么问题呢?

Clerk:The tape player doesn’t work.磁带的放音装置坏了。

Jim:O.K. Do you have your receipt?好的,您有收据吗?

Clerk:Yes, here you are. 有,给你。

Jim:Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?谢谢。你是想拿回现金呢还是想换一件商品。

Clerk:I think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.我想我还是换另一台音响。

Jim:O.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you. 好的,这是我们商店退货单的单据。把它拿去音响部,售货员会帮您的。

Clerk:Thanks a lot. 非常谢谢。

Jim:No problem. Thank you. 不客气。谢谢你。


A: Excuse me... 打扰一下

B: Yes, sir. How may I be of service? 是的,先生,需要什么服务吗?

A: I would like to return this item... Are refunds allowed? 我想把这个东西退掉...可以退款吗?

B: Certainly. The customer is always right, we are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services? 当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗? A: No, no... It was just the wrong size. 不,不是的...只是大小不合适.

B: Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size. 那你想调换一下还是要退款?我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.

A: No. I would rather just return it. 不用了.我还是想退掉.

B: Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt? 当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗? A: Yeah, right here. 带了,在这儿...

B: Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are, I need you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with? 好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?

A: No, thank you. 没有了,谢谢你.

B: You're welcome. Have a nice day! 别客气.祝你一天都开心!

refund退款a tax refund 税金退款to claim/demand/receive a refund 要求/接受退款receipt:收据;收条countable ~ (for sth)

Can I have a receipt, please? 请给我开个收据,好吗?

to make out(= write)a receipt 写收据

我要退货. I’d like to return this. / I’d like to get a refund on this.

我想要换这个东西. I’d like to exchange this.

我们要投诉质量问题。We have a complaint about quality.


1.Hello,thank you for calling BNC.您好,感谢您致电BNC。

2.This is manager speaking,how may I help you? 我是店长,有什么需要我帮忙的吗? 3.May I tell her who is calling? 能告诉我您的名字吗?

4.Can you please hold for a moment? 请您先等一会儿好吗?

5.I'll check to see if she is available.我去看看她是否在办公室。

6.Would you like to leave a message for her? 您愿意给她留个口信吗?

7.When do you expect him back in? 你估计他什么时候能回来?

8.Please have her call me back when she returns to the office. 请她回办公室后给我来电话。9.I will make sure her receives your message and returns your call. 我会把您的口信告诉她,让她给您回电话。

10. If you need to change the time, please feel free to call me on my cell phone. 你如果要更改时间,请随时打我手机联系.

promotional events 促销活动product launches 产品发布marketing research 市场调查


A: Excuse me? I hate to bother you, but I need your help on something. 对不起,我不想打扰你,可是有些事我还需要你帮忙。

B: Oh, that's right. But things are really busy for me today, the only time I can manage to squeeze out might be over lunch break.... 噢,没问题。但是,今天我真是非常忙,我唯一能设法挤出的时间可能是在午休时间……

A: I hate to make you work through your lunch break with how busy you are.... 你那么忙,我可不愿意让你在午休时还工作。

B: It's okay.... I've already had several days in a row working through lunch.... 没关系……我已经连续好几天都是边吃午饭边工作了。

A: How about this.... We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, and I'll order some Chinese food for delivery. It'll be my treat. 你看这样可以吗……我们今天下午安排一个工作餐,我去订一些中餐外卖。我请客。

B: You don't have to do that.... 你没必要这么做……

A: I insist. I really appreciate you taking time to work with me in. What is your favorite fast food? I'll cater to your taste. 我一定要这么办。你能抽时间帮我,我真的很感激。你最喜欢吃什么样的快餐?我会满足你的口味。

B: Actually I do like Chinese.... 说实话,我确实喜欢吃中餐…

A: Great. I'll bring the food. 太棒了,我去弄吃的。


A: How can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?

B: Yes, I am xx. I would like to see Shenshen. 是的。我是xx。我想见shenshen。

A: Do you have an appointment? 你预约了吗?

B: Yes , Our meeting is set for 2 o'clock. 预约了,我们定在2点见面。

A: I wonder if shenshen forgot your meeting . I am afraid she left this office this morning and is not expected back until after 4 pm . Will you please have a seat waiting for her? 我猜shenshen忘记了与你见面的事。恐怕她今天早晨就离开办公室了,估计下午4点以后才能


B: Sure.好的


A: Which of the steps are you focusing on in brand growth? Awareness, understanding, acceptance, or loyalty? 你把发展品牌的重点放在哪一步?意识,了解,接受还是忠诚?

B: We're working on different steps in different areas. For example, our product is thriving in American market, we've already reached the loyalty stage. In Asia, however, it's a different story. Most people haven't even heard of it, so we're working on awareness through a lot of product launches and related activities. 我们现在对不同地区采取不同的步骤.例如,我们产品在美洲市场非常火爆,我们已经达到了忠诚的阶段.可是在亚洲情况却不相同.大多数人都没有听说过它,所以我们要通过很多产品发布和相关的活动来提高人们的产品意识. A: What are you doing to increase understanding in the European sector? 你们准备在欧洲地区做点儿什么可以增进大家对产品的了解?

B: Understanding comes from product differentiation. We get that through product demonstrations, literature, expert testimonials, and the like. 介绍产品差异有助于人们对产品的了解.我们可以通过产品展示,宣传材料,专家推荐书等等来做到这一点.

A: What are our areas for growth? What sectors do you see the most potential in? If we are going to pull our sales numbers up and develop the brand, we got to work across the board. 我们的发展空间是什么?你看我们最有潜力的部分是什么?如果我们要提高销售额并开发品牌,我们一定要大家一起努力.

B: It's not just spreading out to new markets that we have to address. I think we'd better first pay attention to developing our brand in the markets we already have. We've reached the awareness level, but we haven't established customer loyalty. People know who we are, but they still don't trust in our brand. 这不仅仅是要扩大我们必须要开发的新市场.我认为我们最好首先重视开发我们在市场上已经拥有的品牌.我们已经让大家知道了我们的品牌,但还没有建立起顾客的品牌忠实度.人们知道我们是谁,但他们还不信任我们的品牌.

A: I don't see why we can't work on opening new markets and developing the markets we've already penetrated at the same time.... Both aspects of developing our customer base and developing our brand are important.我不明白我们为什么不能同时既开发新市场,又开发我们已经渗透的市场…发展顾客基础和发展我们的品牌两方面同样重要.


西南科技大学(网络教育部分)毕业论文 题目:网上服装销售系统 完成人: XXX 专业:计算机科学技术 完成时间: 2014年3月17日 西南科技大学教务处制

网上服装销售系统 摘要:随着Internet的迅速发展,网上服装销售作为电子商务的一种形式正以 其高效,低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的经营模式和理念。服装网络营销的产生已成为必然趋势,我所开发的网上服装销售系统主要是针对小厂商,专卖店而开发的。“网上服装销售”实际上是运行在Web服务器中的一个Web应用程序。利用页面、脚本程序来实现服装的进货管理、销售管理、库存管理等操作。由前台选购、后台管理两大部分组成。管理员可以通过后台管理系统,进行服装的管理、会员的管理、订单管理等信息的综合操作,会员可以通过前台进行自由购物,大大方便了使用者应用,并简化了操作流程。本系统采用https://www.doczj.com/doc/7917388539.html, 技术作为创建应用程序的方式,以C语言作为编程语言,采用SQL Server2008 数据库作为后台数据库。它是基于Browser/Server结构下形成的数据驱动的Web应用程序。本系统基本遵循了软件工程方法论进行系统分析、总体设计、详细设计和软件测试。实现了商品信息发布、管理用户信息、注册登陆用户在线下单、购物车等功能。 关键词:网上服装销售;https://www.doczj.com/doc/7917388539.html,;购物车;SQL2008 Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, online apparel sales as a form of e-commerce is its efficient, low-cost advantage, and gradually become a new business model and philosophy.Clothing generation of network marketing has become an inevitable trend。I developed online clothing sales system developed for small manufacturers, stores. Online clothing sales "is actually running on the Web server in a Web application. Page script to achieve the clothing inventory management, sales management, inventory management and other operations. Purchase, online clothing sales by the front and back-end management of two major components. Administrators can back office management system, clothing management, membership management, order management information operations, members can be carried out by the front desk free shopping, which greatly facilitates user applications, and simplify the operation process. The system uses https://www.doczj.com/doc/7917388539.html, technology as a way to create an application in C language as a programming language, using the SQL Server 2008 database as a back-end database. It is based on Browser / Server structure formed under the data-driven Web applications. The system basically follows the software engineering methodology for systems analysis, design, detailed design, and software testing. Commodity information dissemination, management of user information, Sign Up User online orders, shopping cart, and other functions. Keywords: online clothing sales; https://www.doczj.com/doc/7917388539.html,; shopping cart;SQL2008


外贸服装销售常用英语口语 欢迎光临!Welcome! 我可以为您服务吗? Hello, May I help you? 给您买还是给别人买?Is it for you or for others? 给男孩还是女孩?For boy or girl? 他/她多大了?How old is he/she? 这边有很多款,你自己可以挑选,看看有没有自己喜欢的。 It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite? 请问想买T恤还是牛仔裤? Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans? 这件您喜欢吗?Do you like this one? / How about this one? 您喜欢这个款式吗?Do you like this design? 您喜欢什么颜色?What color do you like? 我们有红色、浅蓝和白色。We have red, light blue and white! 这个颜色怎么样?What about this color? 您穿多大型号?What is your size? 我找一件给您试试好吗?May I pick one that you can fit on? 您可以试试。You can try it on! 这个尺码穿得合身吗?Is this size fit you? / Is this your size? 试衣间在那里。The fitting-room is over there! 请随我来。Please follow me! 这件衬衣配你的裤子。This shirt can match your pants.


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


服装销售管理信息系统 服装销售公司管理系统规划报告 团队成员服装销售管理信息系统规划报告(第3组) 1公司背景 随着科学技术的飞速发展,各行各业都在向信息化发展。在当今日益激烈的市场竞争中,作为一家小型服装销售公司,我们公司还处于起步阶段。销售人群主要是18至25岁的女性,为她们提供各种风格和等级的服装。然而,技术的各个方面都不成熟,信息化程度远远落后于大中型企业。就目前的发展情况来看,我公司在管理上还存在一些不成熟的业务流程:进出货物管理思想保守,导致服装库存和客户采购工作量大,人员消耗大,经营混乱。另一方面,公司专业人员素质不够高,经营方式相对传统落后,市场竞争力不够强。鉴于这些弱点,我们公司想创建一个新的管理信息系统方案来提高公司的竞争优势。 2:目标计划 服装行业是传统行业,我国的销售管理模式保守而单一。为了提高我公司对服装销售信息的系统化管理,要求公司利用数据库实现各部门之间的信息交流,帮助管理人员快速掌握服装的销售情况,包括进货采购、销售登记、库存管理、各方面的整合,以最大限度地降低公司的管理成本和人工费用,甚至一些复杂的事情也可以通过系统分析来解决。最后,公司可以最小化成本,最大化利润。

3:约束分析 经过对我公司业务流程的深入了解,发现该部门的业务人员对计算机知识不够熟悉,操作软件的使用不规范,动手能力不强,另外,公司员工人数少,工作量大,导致工作效率低,利润少,没有钱。 4系统主要业务分析: (1)采购业务 采购管理是企业生产经营活动的重要组成部分。它关系到产品质量能否得到保证,生产能否顺利进行,采购成本能否得到有效控制等问题。企业的现代管理理念对企业的采购管理提出了新的要求;企业在采购商品时,会更加谨慎地选择供应商。双方不再讨价还价,而是相互依赖的伙伴关系,他们还需要认识到,企业产品的质量应该从采购开始,这与供应商的供应有关:服务质量。以下是购买业务计划的主要内容: 供应商调查:在采购之前,服装公司必须首先对市场上的主要原材料供应商进行详细调查,了解公司的具体情况,评估企业的声誉水平和公司的市场声誉,确保采购准确、顺利。 采购计划的编制:服装公司应根据自身资金状况和销售情况,综合分析市场规律,编制采购计划表 采购计划的实施:根据供应商档案和评估结果选择供应商;为选定的家供应商生成采购订单;双方就价格、数量和质量进行谈判,直到合同签订。跟踪合同执行情况,安排交货进度和货物


日常英语口语:关于服装店里英文表达人靠衣装马靠鞍,逛街买衣服是购物的一个重要场景,那么,在商店购买服装时要经常用到哪些用语呢? 接待顾客常用的句子: Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗? I'm just looking. 我只是随便看看。 I'm just browsing around. 我只是四处看看。 Please take your time. 请慢慢看。 Please yourself. 请便。 Please do so. 请随意。 As you please. 请随意。 Go right ahead, please. 请随意。 If you need any help, let me know. 您有什么需要帮助的尽管说。 Are you looking for something? 您在找什么东西? Where is the men's skop? 男装柜台在哪儿? I'm looking for the sweater counter. 我在找毛衣柜台。 Welcome,madam. Is there anything you want to buy here? 欢迎您,夫人。要买点什么东西吗? What kind of clothe would you like to see? 你想看什么样的衣服? I'd like a suit. 我想买件套装。 I need a shirt. 我要买一件衬衫。 I hope I can find a pattern she loves. 我希望能挑一种她喜欢的。

I'm looking for a ... bag. 我在找一种……包。 I want to buy a swim suit. 我想买件游泳衣。 I'm looking for a pair of trousers. 我想买条裤子。 They are over here next to coats and accessories. 它们在这边,在大衣和饰品傍边。 I'm sure you can find a satisfactory one. 我肯定你能挑中一件称心如意的。This jacket is for everyday wear. 这件短上衣供日常穿用。 Their designs are extraordinary and attractive. 它们的设计美观,很出色。You will surely look wonderful in it. 你穿着一定很漂亮。 What about these shirt? 这件衬衣如何? Then how about this one? 那么这件怎么样? Do you see anything you like? 看到你喜欢的了吗? Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on. 来这儿,看这件衬衫,试一试。 选款式常用的句子: We havr many patterms for you to choose from. 我们有许多式样供你选择。 We have a fresh stock of all kinds of swim suit. 我们刚进了一批各式各样的游泳衣。 This sweater is novel and fashionable in design. 这种羊毛衫款式新颖。Which style is the latest? 那种款式是最新的? Is this the latest fashion? 这件是最新款式吗? It's the latest fashion,very popular. 这是最新款式,非常流行。


英语口语情景对话 一、祝愿、祝贺和应答(Good wishes, congratulations and responses) 1.- Well done and congratulations to you. - Thanks very much. 2.- I hope you‘ll succeed in everything. - So do I. 3.- I wish you success. - Thank you. 4.- We send you our best wishes. - Thank you very much. 5.- Happy new year ! - Happy new year! (The same to you.) 6.- A merry Christmas to you. - Thank you. 7.- I hope you‘ll have a good time. - Thank you. 8.- Happy birthday! - Thank you. 二、邀请和应答(Invitations and responses) 1.- Would you like to come to the party? - Oh yes, thank you. 2.- I hope you can come to the dance next Saturday. - I‘m sorry, but I can‘t. 3.- Will you go dancing with us? - Of course. I‘ll be glad to. 4.- Will you come to our English Evening? - Yes, thank you. 5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning? - OK. When? 6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes. - OK. Thank you very much. 三、表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement) 1.- I think the shop is closed at this time of day. - No, I think it‘s open. 2.- I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can‘t agree with you. I prefer science. 3.- I think I shall read a book instead. - Good idea. That‘s much better than watching a bad TV Programme. 4.- I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories. - I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not.


目录 摘要 (1) 第一章前言 (2) 1.1设计题目及要求 (3) 1.2设计目的 (3) 第二章系统分析 (3) 2.1业务流程图 (3) 2.2数据流图及数据字典 (4) 第三章系统总体设计 (7) 3.1系统功能模块图 (7) 3.2实体图和实体联系E-R图 (8) 3.3数据库的逻辑结构设计 (11) 第四章详细设计 (14) 4.1系统的主要功能 (14) 4.1.1功能特点 (14) 4.2系统总体数据流程图 (16) 4.3商品管理模块 (17) 4.3.1 商品信息 (17) 4.3.2商品修改 (17) 4.3.3 商品单价更改 (18) 4.4客户管理模块 (18) 4.4.1客户信息 (18) 第五章系统测试 (19) 5.1测试方法 (19) 5.2测试用例 (21) 第六章软件使用说明书 (24) 总结 (26) 参考文献 (27) 致谢 (28)

摘要 本设计以服装销售业务为对象,系统实现用的前台开发工具是access,后台数据库为SQL Server 2000。设计过程中的重点和难点是对整个系统的需求分析和数据库详细设计。 该系统对数据进行保存、修改、删除等管理。为用户提供了一个友好、简单快捷的运行操作平台。本系统的主要功能是在用户通过会员注册后登录本系统,对本系统所提供的商品进行浏览,并对相关商品的详细资料进行查看,并通过购物车模块为用户提供购买操作,用户可以选择商品的批发或是零售,并进行结算,系统管理员通过用户所提供的联系人及联系方式等途径对用户订购的商品进行签发。本系统的各界面设计友好,流程正确,功能也较为完善。旨在为用户提供方便快捷的服务,使得网上购物更加贴近人们的生活,推动人们的生活水平更加的提高。 关键词:SQL Server;管理信息系统;库存管理;销售管理;客户管理


服装销售管理系统 目录 1.需求分析说明…………………………………………… 2.总体设计………………………………………….. 3.详细设计………………………………………….. 4.实现部分………………………………………….. 5.程序测试………………………………………….. 6.总结 1.需求分析说明: 随着计算机的普及,人们对计算机的认识及需求有了明显的增加。计算机对于大量信息的管理的优势更是显而易见。对于个体经营者来说,有了这个服装销售管理系统,店主的工作任务就可能会事半功倍。该管理系统软件目前已有比较完善的管理与使用功能。管理系统软件是为了满足店主方便对进货与出货的方便,同时方便对商品的各种管理与操作。服装管理销售系统具备商品信息额录入、修改(商品号、商品图片、销售价格、库存量)、商品信息的查询(按商品类型、商品名查询商品信息)、商品销售信息录入(包括商品号、销售数量、销售金额)、商品库存量能随销售信息自动更新、销售金额自动统计、生成各种类型商品每月销售总量和销售金额报表,并能打印

3.详细设计: 服装销售关系模式: 商品信息(商品号,商品名,商品类型,商品图片,商品描述,商品价格) 销售信息(商品号,销售数量,销售金额,销售日期),商品号定义为商品信息表的外键,商品名定义唯一约束,商品类型、商品描述、商品价格不为空,且商品价格必须大于等于0。 卖家(商品号,库存量),商品号定义为商品信息表的外键,库存量大于等于0。 购买(商品号,商品价格),商品号定义为商品信息表的外键,商品价格不为空,且商品价格必须大于等于0。 买家(姓名,电话,销售日期),定义姓名为主键,电话唯一,销售日期默认当前日期。 创建数据库: create database服装销售管理系统 on (name=服装销售_data, filename='E:\数据库\服装销售data.mdf', size=10, maxsize=100, filegrowth=5 ) log on ( name=服装销售_log,


买外套情景对话 甲May I help you ? 我能帮你吗? 乙Yes, please. I want to buy a coat for myself. 是的。我想给自己买件外套。 甲The coats are over there. This way, please. 外套在那儿呢。这边请。 乙The black coat looks good. Can I try it on? 那件黑色外套看起来不错。我能试穿一下吗? 甲OK. 好的。 乙Oh, It is too small for me! Do you have a larger one? 噢,这对我来说太小了。你们还有更大的吗? 甲Of course, let me see, here you are. 当然,给你 乙How much is this coat? 多少钱 甲It is ¥200

它要200元,! 乙I can’t buy with your price 这种价钱我不能买 甲This is foreign famous brand。Don’t you think about it? Well, make me an offer 这是外国货,进口的,你难道不考虑一下吗?这样吧,您出个价 乙The highest I would be willing to buy is ¥100 我最高可出100元 甲The lowest I would be wiling to sell is 150 我最低能接受的是150元 乙I t’s still too much. Can’t you make it any cheaper than that? 价格还是太贵了,就不能多降点吗? 甲Sorry, this is our lowest price. We can’t go any lower. 抱歉。这是我们的最低价,不能再让步了。 乙Are you sure ? 你确定


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


服装销售系统 Prepared on 22 November 2020

一、【题目】:服装销售系统 【要求】 (1)系统包含三类用户:管理员、店长、销售员。 (2)向管理员提供以下功能:自身密码修改、其他用户添加删除、用户信息修改、统计。商品信息添加、修改、删除、查找、统计。 (3)向店长提供以下功能:登录、注销、自身密码修改、自身信息修改,商品信息修改、商品信息设计,查看日报表、月报表、商品销售量报表、查找浏览器修改商品储备信息。 (4)向销售员提供以下功能:商品浏览、查找、出售,查看自己本日报表、本月报表。 [提示] (1)总体设计:整个服装销售系统可设计为管理员模块、店长模块、销售员模块、商品模块等。 (2)数据结构采用结构体。 二、结构图 根据需求分析,该程序中销售员应实现如下功能:商品浏览、商品查找、出售商品、销售记录、用户注销,具体结构图如下。

店长应实现如下功能:登录、注销、自身密码修改、自身信息修改,商品信息修改、商品信息设计,查看日报表、月报表、商品销售量报表、查找浏览器修改商品储备信息,具体结构图如下。 管理员需要实现如下功能:自身密码修改、其他用户添加删除、用户信息修改、统计。商品信息添加、修改、删除、查找、统计。具体结构图如下。

三、程序中典型的流程图分析 (一)添加模块 (1)分析:信息添加模块职工的基本信息包括:用户、商品基本信息,对它们输入后,要存进原文件,流程图如下。

(二)浏览模块 (1)分析:浏览功能首先需要查找信息是否存在,在查找时,因为磁盘文件无 序,所以采用直接查找的办法。在容错上有较好的能力,输错时系统会有提示,也会作出相应的反映。算法和以上的分程序有相同的优点。 [流程 (三)查询模块 (1)分析:基本信息的查询按查询方式:按商品的名称查询,可供选择的方式比较丰富。但本程序只使用了一种。在查询小模块中采用了直接查找的方法,这主要是由于磁盘文件无序的缘故。程序在选择结构上采用了if和else的嵌套形式,看起来有点繁杂,没有用switch语句直观明了,这个地方可以改成更好的。


门店销售常用英语话术 一、销售流程式 顾客走进商店时,店员经常一边说May I help you?,一边走近顾客。 同义句:Can I help you? What can I do for you? How may I help you? 顾客可能说: 我想买件套装。I'd like a suit. 我在找一种……包。I'm looking for a ... bag. I'm looking for a black, leather bag. (我在找一种黑色的皮包。) 店员可回答: How's this? (这个怎么样?) 如果顾客说: 我只看看。I'm just looking. *没有特别想买的意思。 Just looking. Just browsing. I don't need any help. I'm just browsing. No just yet. (还不需要。) 店员可以回答: 您有什么需要帮助的尽管说。If you need any help, let me know. *这是店员对顾客常用的一种说法。 顾客看中某样东西: 这双鞋真漂亮!These shoes are great!

These shoes are wonderful. 这个多少钱?How much is this? How much does this cost? What does this cost? What is the price of this? How much? *比较生硬的感觉。 如果顾客要讲价,会说: 太贵了!That's expensive! That's expensive! (太贵了!) How expensive! (怎么这么贵!) That's too much! (太贵了!) 如果顾客觉得很划算,直接想买: 真便宜!That's cheap! How cheap! (怎么这么便宜!) 关于尺寸颜色的: 这种衬衫有小号的吗?Do you have this shirt in a small? Do you have this shirt in a small? (这种衬衫有小号的吗?) Do you have this shirt in a smaller size? 这种毛衣有红色的吗?Do you have this sweater in red? 店员要查库存可以说: Let me check. (我给你找找。) 顾客要试穿会说: 我可以试穿吗?May I try it on? *try on 表示“试穿、戴(衣服、帽子、眼镜)”。 May I try it on? (我可以试试吗?) 店员应回答: Sure. Let me help you. (当然,我来帮你。)


青岛大学软件技术学院课程设计 题目名称服装销售管理系统 ——商品管理模块 姓名 专业 班级 指导教师 二0一0 年七月六日

课程设计任务书 一、设计目的 软件工程课程设计是在学完软件工程课程之后的实践教学环节。其目的是进一步加深、巩固学生所学软件工程的基本理论知识,理论联系实际,进一步培养学生综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。掌握运用软件工程以小组为单位,完成对软件系统的文档编写,充分发挥广大同学的潜力,使他们通过本次课程设计得到全面的锻炼。 二、设计题目 服装销售管理系统 三、设计内容及要求 系统要求: 包含三类用户,管理员,店长,销售员 管理员功能: (1)自身密码修改 (2)用户信息管理:添加,修改,查询,删除 (3)商品信息管理:添加,修改,查询,删除 (4)销售报表显示:日报表,月报表,商品销售量报表,销售员业绩报表 (5)退出登陆系统 店长功能: (1)自身密码修改 (2)商品信息管理:添加,修改,查询,删除 (3)销售报表显示:日报表,月报表,商品销售量报表,销售员业绩报表 (4)退出登录系统 销售员功能: (1)商品查询浏览,商品销售 (2)自己销售报表显示:日报表,月报表 (3)退出登陆系统 三、进度 第一周: 周一总体设计、详细设计 周二~周五编码 第二周: 周一、二测试 周三、四写课程设计报告 周五交课程设计报告

1 问题定义与可行性研究报告 (2) 1.1 问题定义 (2) 1.2 可行性研究 (2) 2 软件需求分析 (6) 2.1 引言 (6) 2.2 任务概述 (7) 2.3 需求规定 (7) 2.4 运行环境规定 (12) 3 总体设计 (14) 3.1 引言 (14) 3.2 总体设计 (14) 4 详细设计 (20) 4.1 引言 (20) 4.2 程序系统的结构 (20) 4.3 程序(修改商品productModify)设计说明 (22) 4.4 程序(销售商品productSale)设计说明 (26) 5 测试分析 (28) 5.1 引言 (28) 5.2 测试概要 (29) 5.3 计划 (30) 5.4 测试项目说明 (30) 5.5 分析摘要 (33) 6用户操作手册 (34) 6.1 引言 (34) 6.2 编写目的 (34) 6.3 背景及范围 (34) 6.4 定义 (34) 6.5 参考资料 (35) 6.6 运行环境的要求 (35) 6.7 软件的描述 (35) 6.9 出错处理和恢复 (38) 6.10 软件运行过程 (39) 6.11 维护过程 (40) 6.12 附录 (40) 6 参考文献 (41)



一、【题目】:服装销售系统 【要求】 (1)系统包含三类用户:管理员、店长、销售员。 (2)向管理员提供以下功能:自身密码修改、其他用户添加删除、用户信息修改、统计。 商品信息添加、修改、删除、查找、统计。(3)向店长提供以下功能:登录、注销、自身密码修改、自身信息修改,商品信息修改、商 品信息设计,查看日报表、月报表、商品销 售量报表、查找浏览器修改商品储备信息。(4)向销售员提供以下功能:商品浏览、查找、出售,查看自己本日报表、本月报表。 [提示] (1)总体设计:整个服装销售系统可设计为管理员模块、店长模块、销售员模块、商品模 块等。 (2)数据结构采用结构体。 二、结构图 根据需求分析,该程序中销售员应实现如下功能:商品浏览、

用户信息修改、统计。商品信息添加、修改、删除、查找、统计。具体结构图如下。 三、程序中典型的流程图分析 (一)添加模块 (1)分析:信息添加模块职工的基本信息包括:用户、商品基本信息,对它们输入后,要存进原文件,流程图如下。

(二)浏览模块 (1)分析:浏览功能首先需要查找信息是否存在,在查找时,因为磁盘文件 无序,所以采用直接查找的办法。在容错上有较好的能力,输错时系统会有提示,也会作出相应的反映。算法和以上的分程序有相同的优点。 [流程

(三)查询模块 (1)分析:基本信息的查询按查询方式:按商品的名称查询,可供选择的方式比较丰富。但本程序只使用了一种。在查询小模块中采用了直接查找的方法,这主要是由于磁盘文件无序的缘故。程序在选择结构上采用了if和else的嵌套形式,看起来有点繁杂,没有用switch语句直观明了,这个地方可以改成更好的。 (四)删除模块 (1)分析:商品信息存放在磁盘中,程序须将该文件全部取出来,在内存中


课题一·商务英语交谈常见的几种情况 1. Greeting message 祝福 Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。 How are you? 你好吗? How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗? 2. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空? I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A. 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 We'd like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. same time. 十月三十号(周三),老时间,开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XXX project. 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和XXX项目的情况。 3. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments. 请随意提出您的建议。 Any question, please don't hesitate to let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Please contact me if you have any questions. 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。Please let me know if you have any question on this. 有任何问题,欢迎和我联系。 Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the user's behavior. 您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue. 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。



Telephone Calls A: Hello, thank you for calling Bradford and Sons. This is Tracy speaking, How may I help you? B: Hello. I would like to speak to your director of human resources, Ms. Jenkins, Please. A: Just a moment. I'll check to see if she is at her desk. May I tell her who is calling? B: This is Bill Burton from Milford Insurance, I'm calling in regards to our meeting next Tuesday. A: Thank you, Mr. Burton. Can you please hold for a moment? I’ll check to see if she is available. B: No problem. A: I'm sorry. Ms. Jenkins is away from her desk. She has already left for lunch. Would you like to leave a message for her? B: Yes, please have her return my call when she returns to the office. It's best if she can get in touch with me before 3 pm today, she can reach me at my office number, 635-8799. A: I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that, could you please repeat the number? B: No problem, my office number is 635-8799. Tell her to ask for extension 31. A: I'm sorry, Mr. Burton, just to confirm, your name is spelled B-U-R-T-O-N, is that correct? B: Yes, and I represent Milford Insurance. A: I will make sure Ms. Jenkins receives your message and returns your call before 3pm this afternoon. B: Thank you very much. Memos A: I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already, what

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