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Unit 8

1, 严酷的日常生活现实驱散了他对美好未来的憧憬。(dispel)

The harsh reality of daily life dispelled all his hopes for a bright future.


Our sports meet will be postponed to next week because of the unpredictable weather.

3, 不论是谁,凡是来参观展览会的人都必须出示他|她的身份证。(no matter...)

Every visitor to this exhibition must show his/her identity card no matter who he/she is.

4, 旧城中心的改造计划要得到市政府的批准。(be subject to)

The renovation plan for the old city center is subject to the approval of the municipal government.


His hopes withered away after he had experienced one failure after another,

6, 电子邮件传递信息又快又便利,它将很快就替代普通邮递。(replace)

E-mail is so quick and convenient in sending messages that it may soon replace ordinary mail service.

7, 看到长城使他产生一种惊讶的感觉。(evoke)

The sight of the Great Wall evoked a sense of wonder in him.

8, 质量控制工具的保养是会很昂贵的。(maintenance)

The maintenance of quality-control instruments can be very costly.

Unit 9

1, 如果对这器械有什么不清楚的地方,你可以写信到我们总公司去询问。

If there is anything you are not clear about the device, address your inquiry to your head office.

2, 在执行计划之前,我们最好把它的每一个方面仔细考虑,看看是否切实可行。

Before we put the new plan into practice, we had bitter scrutinize every aspect of it to make sure that it is practicable.

3, 在新的规章执行后,我们预期这地区的情况会有好转。

We expect that there will be a change for the better in this area after the new regulations are implemented.

4, 不要把他的话当真,他仅仅是开个玩笑而已。

Don’t take his words literally. He is just cracking a joke.

5, 在农业中应用固氮作用良好。

The prospect of employing nitrogen fixation in agriculture is promising.

6, 他想发明一种不留痕迹的改正液的企图以失败告终。

His attempt at contriving a correcting fluid which leaves no marks on paper ended in failure. 7, 那个外国人不会说汉语。他用手势表达他的要求。但是他无法把他的意思表达出来。

The non-Chinese-speaking foreigner gestured to make a requested, but he just couldn’t get his idea across.

8, 他不考虑这件事的迫切性而断然拒绝了。不留一丝余地。

Without considering the urgency of the matter, he gave us a flat refusal, once and for all.

Unit 10

1 他奇特的行为与对良好举止的一般观念背道而驰。

His peculiar behavior runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct.

2 相对论对现代科学产生了巨大影响。

The theory of relativity made a great impact on modern science.

3 任何人都没有权利嘲笑残疾人的不利条件。

No one has the right to deride the disadvantages of handicapped people.

4 在她毕业典礼哪天,Judy的叔叔婶婶以丰盛的晚餐来款待她。

On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and aunt.

5 关于他过去在公司的经历,没有什么人有不满。

With respect to his past record in the firm, no one has anything to complain about.

6 她深深地陷入反对校董会的密谋之中。

He is inextricably involved in the plot against the school board.

7 我年迈的叔祖母很不习惯那些充斥市场的一次性物品。

My aged great-aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.

8 他在考试作弊被发现后,他的名字马上从应试者的名单上删去了。

His name was immediately eliminated from the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam.

Unit 11


His peculiar behavior runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct.


The theory of relativity made a great impact on modern science.


No one has the right to deride the disadvantages of handicapped people.


On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and aunt.


With respect to his past record in the firm ,no one has anything to complain about.


He is inextricably involved in the plot against the school board.


My aged great-aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.


His name was immediately eliminated form the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam.

Unit 12

1. 习俗不同与传统在于前者是一个社会中一般被接受的行为规范,而后者则是指从过去传到


Conventions are different from tradition in that the former are the generally accepted standards of behaviour in a society, whereas the latter refers to the customary way of thinking or behaving that has been passed down from the past to the present.

2. 孔孟之道在很长一段时期内统治着中国社会。(hold sway over)

For a long time the teaching of Confucius and Mencius held sway over Chinese society.

3. 他的潦草书写只有他自己才看得懂。(unintelligible莫名其妙的)

His scribbling is unintelligible to any one but himself.

4. 他向上一级法院上诉的前提是他被判两年有期徒刑是不公平的。(premise 前提)

He appealed(上诉) to the higher court on the premise that he was unjustly sentenced to two years imprisonment有期徒刑.

5. 我的一个同班同学觉得很难区别f和v两个辅音的发音。(differentiate区分vt.)

One of my classmates finds it very difficult to differentiate between the two consonants /f/ and /v/.

6. 植物园的一个显著特色就是它的面积宽广。(predominant主要的,优势的)

The predominant feature of the botanical garden is its spaciousness.

7. 你相信人类是从类人猿进化而来的吗?(evolve进化)

Di you believe that human beings have evolved from the apes?

8. 教师的这人不仅是传授知识,还必须教学生道德规范。(incumbent在职者)

It is incumbent on the teachers not only to impart knowledge but also to teach the students moral principles.

Unit 13

1不要期望没做一件小事就有报酬,从长远之计来看,你所做的全部努力都会得到适当的报偿(remunerate 酬劳)

Don’t expect to be remunerated for ev ery little thing you do. In the long run, all the efforts you have made will be duly rewarded.


The supermarkets have to replenish their stock of good very regularly.

3.那天是植树节,所有的志愿者都积极投入工作,中了数千棵树。(pitch in)

It was the Treeplanting Day. All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willow trees.


Not like his sweet-tempered sister, he has a quick temper that he fulminates at people easily.


His strength diminished after a long illness.

6.在参加辩论之前,你必须确定你所有的论点都正确并且都有根据。(ascertain确定无误)Before you take part in a debate, be sure to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded.


At the beginning of the new term, she resolver to keep a diary in English.


All his pushing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend.

Unit 14


His loss of job was inevitable as he never took his work seriously.


On hearing that she had won first prize in the competition, she was frantic with joy. 3.虽然他的想法与人家不同,他对多数人提出的计划还是默认了。

Though he thought otherwise, he had to acquiesce in the plan made by the majority. 4.尽管他已高龄,但还保持着青春的活力。

In spite of his advanced age, he retains the vigor of the young.


He is inclined to take things easy, so he has no incentive to accomplish anything.


The unfair treatment he received in the summer camp impelled him to write to the paper.


We all deem it important to lay a solid foundation in foreign language study.


After a whole year’s regular qigong(a system of deep breathing exercise), he felt rehabilitated.

Unit 15


A contract, once signed between two parties, must be honored whatever happens.


The heavy storm engulfed the small village along the coast.


Before Liberation innumerable poor peasants and needy city-dwellers in China languishes in poverty.


The creed that we should serve the people whole-heartedly is followed by the great majority of our people.


The corporation was crippled by mismanagement and inefficient work style.


People have become more and more aware of the urgency of fighting pollution to protect the environment.


The orchestra’s success was evidenced by the warm applause form the audience. Biochemists are on the threshold of a better understanding of genetic engineering.


Unit 1

1. 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了。

The whole plan fell through for want of fund.

2. 牛顿被公认为是世界上最杰出的科学家之一。

Newton is acknowledged as one of the world’s most eminent scientists.

3. 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误。

He calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.


The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.

5. 这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币。

The young clerk from the commercial bank spotted the counterfeit ten-pound note.

6 这个精干的经理立刻行动起来。

The efficient manager acted promptly.

7 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。

Pleasure replace her name for yours on the waiting list .

8 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历。

She found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience.

9 不要感叹过去得不幸,振作起来行前看。

Don't lament your past misfortunes., keep your shin up and look to the future


Unit 8 Why Nothing Works

1. Much of human existence consists of efforts aimed at making sure that things don’t go wrong, fall apart, break down, or stop running until a decent interval has elapsed after their manufacture.(Para.1)

---People spend much of their lifetime trying hard to keep things in good shape. They think a product, after leaving its factory, should last at least for a reasonably long period before ceasing to work.

2. But gadgets and sampling alone will never do the trick since these items are also subject to Murphy’s Law.(Para.1)

--- Quality-control instruments and testing devices are also governed by Murphy's Law, so they are not reliable.

3. A single visit to a museum which displays artifacts used by simple preindustrial societies is sufficient to dispel the notion that quality is dependent on technology.(Para.2)

---Look at the artifacts of the pre-industrial era exhibited in a museum and you will see that technology is not the factor that decides the quality of these items.

4. In unskilled or uncaring hands a handmade basket or boat can fall apart quickly as basket or boats made by machines.(Para.3)

---If a handmade basket or boat is made by an inexperienced or irresponsible worker, it may break down as easily as machine-made baskets or boats.

5. I rather think that the reason we honor the label “handmade” is because it evokes not a technological relationship between producer and product but a social relationship between producer and consumer.(Para.3)

---My opinion is that it is the social relationship between producer and consumer rather than the technological relationship between producer and product that makes "handmade" items so highly regarded.

Unit 9 Where Is the News Leading Us?

1. The other was … a newsman to the core – tough , aggressive, and savvy in the ways and means of solid reporting. (P. 1)

The other was a newspaperman through and through -- uncompromising, energetic, and intelligent about how to report reliable news based on facts.

2. The news media seem to operate on the philosophy that all news is bad news. Why? Could it be that the emphasis on downside news is largely the result of tradition – the way newsmen are accustomed to respond to daily events? (P.5)

The different ways of providing news, i. e. , the newspaper, television, and radio seem all to follow the belief that all news is bad news. Why is this so? Could it be because people are used to dwelling on negative news as a rule and because newspaper people are generally sensitive to such news when facing everyday happenings?

3. I am not suggesting that “positive” news be contrived as an antidote to the disasters on page one. Nor do I define positive news as in-depth reportage of functions of the local YMCA.(P.9)

I do not mean to propose that we make up some "good" news and use it as a remedy for the catastrophes reported on the front page. Neither do I consider good news as a thorough and detailed news story about how the local YMCA operates.

4. News people provide us with the only picture we have of ourselves and of the world. It had better be a true portrait – and not a caricature – for it is this picture on which we will base our decisions and around which we will plan our future. (P.11)

What the news media report on us and on the world is the only information about ourselves and about the world we get. Such reportage had better be faithful to our life - and not be a distortion - because we must rely on the truthful picture of our life to make our decisions and plan our future.

5. The acquired culture is not transmitted in our genes. The good life in the good society, though attainable, is never attained and possessed once and for all. What has been attained will ag ain be lost if the wisdom of the good life in a good society is not transmitted.”(P.12) The knowledge that you come to possess by your own efforts over a long period of time does not become part of your inborn character. You may be able to earn the good life in a good society, but such good life cannot be yours permanently. If the understanding of the good life in a good society is not passed on, you will lose what you have earned.

Unit 10 Things: The Throw-away Society

1. Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable (Para.l) ---The reason why Barbie appeals so much to little girls is that she looks just like a real person in real life who can be dressed up in the way they wish.

2. Moreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young ladywishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one. (Para.2)

---Moreover, Mattel made public that, for the first time, all girls desirous of buying a Barbie from its company were to be given the right of turning in their old dolls in exchange for new models at a reduced price.

3. But increasingly, it is the technologically produced environment that matters for the individual. (Para.4)

---But more and more, man-made products form a very important part in the lives of people.

4. Man-made things enter into and color his consciousness. (Para.4)

---Technologically produced things come to be accepted by people and are beginning to shape their mentality.

5. Their number is expanding with explosive force, both absolutely and relative to the natural environment. (Para.4)

---There has been a tremendous increase in machine-produced things in terms of their actual amount as well as their physical size in proportion to our natural environment.

6. Nothing could be more dramatic than the difference between … until it disintegrates from sheer age. (Para.6)

---This difference seems most noticeable between the modern throw-away-oriented girls who, on the one hand, are delighted in replacing their out-of-date Barbies for up-to-date ones, and their old-fashioned counterparts, on the other hand, who, like their mothers and grandmothers, are reluctant to part with their dear little dolls until they are timeworn and broken/until they fall apart.

7. The idea of using a product once or for a brief period and then replacing it, runs counter to the grain of societies or individuals steeped in a heritage of poverty. (Para.8) ---The practice whereby people use a product and then quickly discard it may readily be rejected by those accustomed by scarcity to holding on to their old possessions.


Unit 6 Food Food and Culture [1] We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of foods are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it. Many people would find it disgusting to eat rats, but there are forty-two different cultures whose people regard rats as appropriate food. [2] Some people in Africa think African termites make a delicious meal. Many other people would probably be sick if they had to eat termites, but one hundred grams of termites contain more than twice as many calories and almost twice as much protein as one hundred grams of cooked hamburger. [3] However, food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the list of most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. [4] But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. T aboo is a word from the language of the Fiji Islands that is used to describe something that is forbidden. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not


朋友、好朋友、知心朋友 1 我过去曾想这样说:女人一旦成了朋友,她们就会喜欢、支持和信任对方;向对方袒露自己心中的秘密; 二话不说就赶去帮忙;只要是非说不可的事,就坦诚相告、直言不讳(例如,不行,你不能穿那件衣服,除非你减去十磅)。 2 我过去曾想这样说:一旦女人都喜欢英格玛·伯格曼,喜欢乘火车、喜欢猫、喜欢天暖和时下雨,而且都非常讨厌纽瓦克、讨厌球芽甘蓝、讨厌宿营,她们就是朋友。 3 换句话说,我过去曾想说朋友就是朋友,始终如一、亲密无间,但是现在我认为这是一种狭隘的观点。因为我自己经历的和看到的友谊就表现出不同的亲密程度,起着不同的作用,满足不同的需要,从前面提到的亲如姐妹、毫无保留的友谊到最随意的玩伴关系。 4 来看看这些不同层次的友谊: 5 近便之交要不是我们的生活道路总是相互交叉,我们没有特别的理由和这些女人成为朋友:隔壁邻居、合伙使用汽车的伙伴、孩子好朋友的妈妈或者每周和我们一起在格兰伍德合作幼儿园分果汁和甜饼的某位妈妈。 6 近便之交确实方便。有聚会时,她们会借给我们杯子和银餐具生病时,她们会开车带我们的孩子去看足球赛。需要去修车厂取车时,她们会开车送我们过去。度假时,她们会照顾我们的猫。同样,她们需要时,我们也这样做。 7 但是,我们不会与近便之友走得太近或者说得太多;我们会保持感情上的距离以及在公开场合下的那份尊严。“也就是说,”伊莱恩说道,“我会说自己超重了,但不会聊自己沮丧的心情。我会坦陈自己生气了,但我不会说自己愤怒极了。我也许会说这个月缺钱,但绝不会说自己为缺钱愁得要死。” 8 但这并不意味着这种互相帮助的友谊、这种近便之交就没有价值了。 9 同好之交这种友情并不亲密无间,也不必涉及到孩子、银餐具或猫。这种友情的价值在于我们有某种共同的兴趣。所以我们可能有办公室的朋友、一起练瑜珈的朋友、打网球的球友以及女士俱乐部的朋友。 10 “我有一位女友,”乔伊斯说,“她和我一样喜欢修心理学课。这对我以及对她来说都很好。跟自己认识的人一起去上课,下课后一起开车回家,路上讨论学过的内容,非常有意思。”乔伊斯还说,讨论的大部分内容都与课程有关。 11 苏珊谈起每星期二一起练双打的朋友时这样说:“应该说我们所做的就是在一起打球,而不是呆在一起。”“我们主要是由于一起打网球而建立的关系,但我们打球配合得很好。我想我们需要的只不过是一两个球伴而已。” 12 我同意她的观点。 13 总角之交我们都有这样的朋友,他们很久以前就认识我们,可能当我们还在梅尔策小姐任教的班读二年级时,当我们住在布鲁克林一套三居室的公寓时,当我们的父亲七个月没有工作时,当我们的兄弟艾利卷入一场斗殴而不得不叫警察时,或者当我们的姐姐嫁给扬克斯来的牙医时,我们就已经认识了。 14 多年过去了,我们已各奔东西,几乎再也没什么共同之处了,但我们依然是彼此的过往中不可割舍的一部分。因此,不管何时去底特律,我们都会去看看自己少女时代的朋友。她知道我们在牙齿没矫正之前的模样。她知道我们在改掉布鲁克林口音之前说话的腔调。她知道我们从前吃什么,当时连洋蓟都不知道。她的出现把我们带回到从前,那是一段重要而且永远不能忘记的个人历史。 15 萍水之交萍水之交像总角之交一样,其重要性在于过去生活中某个重要阶段我们曾建立起友谊。也许是大学时同居一室;也许一起在纽约工作过,当时年轻气盛、单身一人;也许像伊丽莎白和我一样,一同经历了怀孕、生孩子、头一年做妈妈的可怕时期。


Unit Nine: 新闻将我们引向何方 不久前我应邀参加了一次有关美国报业的作用的公众研讨会。还有另外两个嘉宾也出席了。一位是知名的电视节目主持人,另一位是美国一家主要报纸的编辑,他是一位彻头彻尾的新闻工作者---- 在据实报道的方式上坚忍不拔、积极进取且见识过人。 据我所知本次研讨旨在审查传媒的义务,并提出实现那些义务的最佳途径。 在公开讨论时,观众席中的一位男士向两位嘉宾提问,“为什么报纸和电视新闻节目都充斥灾难?为什么新闻界的男男女女对悲剧、暴力、和失败是如此关注?” 主持人和编辑作出了回答,好像是自己应该为坏消息的存在而受到谴责一样。他们说,新闻工作者只负责报道新闻,而不负责制造或修改新闻。 我不认为这两位新闻工作者回答了这个问题。提出这个问题的先生并没有因为世上的歪曲报道而谴责他们。他只是想知道为什么报道得最多的是歪曲的事件。新闻媒体的运作理念似乎是凡是新闻皆坏事。为什么呢?是不是着重报道负面新闻是一种传统——是新闻工作者所习以为常的对日常事件作出的反应方式? 在此或许分析一下我们如何定义“新闻”一词会有所帮助,因为这是问题的起因。新闻应该是报道过去十二小时,最迟二十四小时内所发生的事情。然而,突发事件往往具有爆炸性的:一名狙击手枪杀了几名行人,一名恐怖分子劫持了飞机上250名人质,欧佩克石油组织宣布原油价格上涨25%,英国货币又贬值10%,一辆载有放射性废料的卡车与一架水泥搅拌车相撞。 然而,一味聚焦这些报道,则是失真的画面。人类文明成果远远多于灾难总和。每种文明中最重要的成分就是进步。但进步不会立即发生,也没有爆发性。一般来说,它是一点一滴逐步发展的,在某个特定时刻是微不足察的。但是所有微小的进步都参与了历史性的巨变的实现,使社会更加美好。 就是这类活生生的历史,绝大多数的新闻媒体没有予以充分的反映,结果导致我们对社会的正面发展了解不足,对灾难却知之甚多,这又使人产生失败和绝望的情绪,而这些情绪易于阻碍社会进步。爆发性新闻大餐另人忧心忡忡,大大削减了自由社会所需的动力,绝望和偾世的情绪使人没有动力迎接严峻的考验。 我并非暗示可以编造“积极”的新闻来抵消头版上灾难报道的作用。也没有把青年基督会作用的深刻报道定义为“正面”新闻。我要传递的观点是,新闻媒体的职责是搜寻并报道重大事件,无论它们是否有关冲突、对抗或灾难。这个世界是天堂和地狱的绝妙结合,两个方面都需要关注和观察。 我希望新闻界人士能从更宽广的角度审视自己的职责。是时候认识到人类事件中可以作为新闻报道的范围领域是极其宽广的。例如,有几篇新闻文章报道过固氮作用——植物通过这一过程能固定氮肥,由此减低了肥料需求量?全世界的科学家都在为这一前景而努力,希望借此解决饥荒。对远东地区水稻产量提高的巨大进步又了解多少?事实上,世界上还有许多类似的重要发展,这些都值得做重要的新闻综合报道。 主持人和编辑说得对,新闻工作者并没有责任来塑造世界,但是他们有责任影响我们的态度。我们认为自己是怎样的,那我们就是怎样的。我们只能实现那些我们自己敢于设想的目标。新闻工作者为我们提供我们对自身以及这个世界认知的写照——这种写照最好是逼真的肖像,而不是扭曲的漫画像。因为我们就是根据这一写照来做决定,筹划未来的。 按照华特.里普曼的说法,新闻记者是大众的哲学家。他曾经写道?“后天习得的文化并非由基因遗传,美好社会的甜美的生活虽然可得,但却不是一旦拥有就永远不失去。如果美好生活中的智慧没有被传下来,所得一切也将化为乌有。” 有了对美好社会中美好生活的准确报道,我们可以采用伯纳德.德.查维斯建议我们的利

Unit 6 Risks新编大学英语第二版第四册课文翻译

Unit 6 Risks Risks and You At some time or other, all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac, imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms. Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to see if they may be suffering from it. But fear of disease is not our only fear, and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run. Modern life is full of all manner of threats-to our lives, our peace of mind, our families, and our future. And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves: Is the food I buy safe? Are toys for my children likely to hurt them? Should my family avoid smoked meats? Am I likely to be robbed on vacations? Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely. Anxiety about the risks of life is a bit like hypochondria; in both, the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information. But one sharp difference exists between the two. The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situation-either you have the suspected disease or you don't. It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned, because with many risks, the situation is not as simple. Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty. You may ask, "Should I wear a seat belt?" If you' re going to have a head-on collision, of course. But what if you get hit from the side and end up trapped inside the vehicle, unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism? So does this mean that you should spend the extra money for an air bag? Again, in head-on collisions, it may well save your life. But what if the bag accidentally inflates while you are driving down the highway, thus causing an accident that would never have occurred otherwise? All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is completely safe. There are risks, often potentially serious ones, associated with every hobby we have, every job we take, every food we eat-in other words, with every action. But the fact that there are risks associated with everything we are going to do does not, or should not, reduce us to trembling neurotics. Some actions are riskier than others. The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act accordingly. For example, larger cars are generally safer than small ones in collisions. But how much safer? The answer is that you are roughly twice as likely to die in a serious crash in a


课内阅读参考译文及课后习题答案(Book 4) Unit 1 享受幽默—什么东西令人开怀? 1 听了一个有趣的故事会发笑、很开心,古今中外都一样。这一现象或许同语言本身一样悠久。那么,到底是什么东西会使一个故事或笑话让人感到滑稽可笑的呢? 2 我是第一次辨识出幽默便喜欢上它的人,因此我曾试图跟学生议论和探讨幽默。这些学生文化差异很大,有来自拉丁美洲的,也有来自中国的。我还认真地思考过一些滑稽有趣的故事。这么做完全是出于自己的喜好。 3 为什么听我讲完一个笑话后,班上有些学生会笑得前仰后合,而其他学生看上去就像刚听我读了天气预报一样呢?显然,有些人对幽默比别人更敏感。而且,我们也发现有的人很善于讲笑话,而有的人要想说一点有趣的事却要费好大的劲。我们都听人说过这样的话:“我喜欢笑话,但我讲不好,也总是记不住。”有些人比别人更有幽默感,就像有些人更具有音乐、数学之类的才能一样。一个真正风趣的人在任何场合都有笑话可讲,而且讲了一个笑话,就会从他记忆里引出一连串的笑话。一个缺乏幽默感的人不可能成为一群人中最受欢迎的人。一个真正有幽默感的人不仅受人喜爱,而且在任何聚会上也往往是人们注意的焦点。这么说是有道理的。 4 甚至有些动物也具有幽默感。我岳母从前经常来我们家,并能住上很长一段时间。通常她不喜欢狗,但却很喜欢布利茨恩—我们养过的一条拉布拉多母猎犬。而且,她们的这种喜欢是相互的。布利茨恩在很小的时候就常常戏弄外祖母,当外祖母坐在起居室里她最喜欢的那张舒适的椅子上时,布利茨恩就故意把她卧室里的一只拖鞋叼到起居室,并在外祖母刚好够不到的地方蹦来跳去,一直逗到外祖母忍不住站起来去拿那只拖鞋。外祖母从椅子上一起来,布利茨恩就迅速跳上那椅子,从它那闪亮的棕色眼睛里掠过一丝拉布拉多式的微笑,无疑是在说:“啊哈,你又上了我的当。” 5 典型的笑话或幽默故事由明显的三部分构成。第一部分是铺垫(即背景),接下来是主干部分(即故事情节),随后便是妙语(即一个出人意料或令人惊讶的结尾)。如果这个妙语含有一定的幽默成分,这个笑话便会很有趣。通常笑话都包含这三部分,而且每部分都必须交代清楚。如果讲故事或说笑话的人使用听众都熟悉的手势和语言,则有助于增强效果。 6 我们可以对幽默这种娱乐形式,进行分析,从而发现究竟是什么使一个有趣的故事或笑话令人发笑。举例来说,最常见的幽默有以下几种,包括了从最显而易见的幽默到比较微妙含蓄的幽默。 7 “滑稽剧”是最明显的幽默。它语言简单、直截了当,常常以取笑他人为乐。说笑打闹这种形式过去是、现在仍然是滑稽说笑演员和小丑的惯用技巧。它为不同年龄、不同文化背景的人们所喜爱。几乎本世纪的每个讲英语的滑稽说笑演员都曾以这样或那样的方式说过下面这则笑话。一位男士问另一位男士:“昨晚我看到的那位和你在一起的贵妇是谁?”那位男士回答道:“那可不是什么贵妇,那是我老婆。”这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇,也就是说她不是一个高雅的女人。这个笑话并没有因为经常讲而变得不再那么好笑。由于这是一个经典笑话,观众都知道要说什么,而且因为大家对这个笑话很熟悉而更加珍爱它。 8 中国的相声是一种特殊的滑稽剧。相声中两名中国喜剧演员幽默地谈论诸如官僚主义者、家庭问题或其他一些有关个人的话题。相声随处都能听到,无论是在乡村的小舞台上,还是在北京最大的剧院里,抑或在广播、电视上。它显然是中国人家喻户晓的一种传统的幽默形式。 9 “俏皮话”不像滑稽剧那样浅显,它是因语言的误用或误解而引人发笑。我特别喜欢


Unit 3 作战网络好战者 1.最近一场模拟美国遭受毁灭性网络攻击的演习急需布鲁斯·威利斯曾在小电脑客马特福斯特的专业帮助下打破了一个异国客天衣无缝的电脑系统入侵计划这样的一个具有高精尖电脑技术的人的帮助由于一系列神秘的攻击国家基础设施陷入瘫痪包括航空运输金融市场甚至是基本的电子通信。如果这还不够糟糕那么一段与神秘攻击毫不相干的电力断供期的出现让已经无电力供应的东部沿海地区停止运转。 2.这次模拟实验是由一群网络安全领域的专家支持的并在两党联立政策中心——华盛顿智囊团的组织下进行的于一个星期六的晚上在CNN广播公布。它引来了始料未及的烦恼。美国政府显得不够胜任不够关注并且有些管理混乱。历来的政府官员包括前任国家安全部秘书迈克儿·舍特奥夫前任州政府秘书代理人乃格尔包特都加入模拟实战通过电视宣传它的重要作用模拟的组织者们坚定地下了这样的结论美国尚未做好网络之战的准备。 3.这几个月以来到处充斥着来自前任和现任国家安全官员的网络主战论。前两部门网络安全顾问理查德·克拉克在他最近的新书里提到“网络战已经开始了。”前国家安全局的领导麦克·麦可科奈尔在二月召开的国会里说道“倘若今天进入网络战我们必输无疑。”四月中央情报局理事里奥·番奈特说道“下一个网络攻击的“珍珠港”事件很可能会进入我们的领地。” 4.近期对于谷歌的隐形侵袭过程只能加重公众的担忧。因为

在侵袭途中有人欺骗谷歌员工打开了未经允许的链接使得入侵者们进入了谷歌密码运行软件的部分区域。这些针对谷歌的恶性攻击事件增加了公众的恐慌情绪。如果连世界上最具创新性的技术公司都无法保护计算机免受诸如此类的网络侵略我们还期望从本国安全部门这个官僚政治的巨头那里得到什么 5.谷歌应该为其声称自己受到网络攻击的行为得到掌声而大多数公司面对这些事件时倾向于保持沉默。但是成百上千甚至更多的这些以私人和公共部门为目标的攻击事件加起来就等于即将来临的危险——这个值得广泛宣传的网络战吗证据显得如此不可靠。 6.可笑的是在网络防卫上投入得越多我们就越觉得不安全。一份2009年来自营销智囊团Input公司的报告预测在未来五年政府花在网络安全上的经费将以8.1%的综合速度增长。另一份于3月出自顾问公司Market Research Media的报告估计从今年起到2015年政府用于网络安全的总费用将直逼550亿美元其中预计诸如网络传输监控和追踪等领域增长尤为迅速。 7.鉴于过去我们政府与它众多的承包商之间关系过分亲密的事情那些花言巧语过分鼓吹网络战的承包商完全可能使得费用至少增加几十亿。麦克·麦可科奈尔先生的现任雇主艾伦·汉密尔顿已经与空军签订价值三千四百万关于网络安全合同。除了写与网络安全相关的文章外理查德·克拉克还是Good Harbor Consulting安全公司的成员之一。 8.麦克·麦可科奈尔与克拉克甚至那些数不胜数的实现了成


Unit One Hit the nail on the head恰到好处 你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。而娴熟的木匠就不这么干。他每敲一下都会坚实巧妙地正对着钉头落下去,一钉到底。语言也是如此。一位优秀的艺术家谴词造句上力求准确而有力地表达自己的观点。差不多的词,不准确的短语,摸棱两可的表达,含糊不清的修饰,都无法使一位追求纯真英语的作家满意。他会一直思考,直至找到那个能准确表达他的意思的词。 法国人有一个很贴切的短语来表达这样一个意思,即“le mot juste”, 恰到好处的词。有很多关于精益求精的作家的名人轶事,比如福楼拜常花几天的时间力求使一两个句子在表达上准确无误。在浩瀚的词海中,词与词之间有着微妙的区别,要找到能恰如其分表达我们意思的词绝非易事。这不仅仅是扎实的语言功底和相当大的词汇量的问题,还需要人们绞尽脑汁,要观察敏锐。选词是认识过程的一个步骤,也是详细描述我们的思想感情并表达出来使自己以及听众和读者深刻理解的一个环节。有人说:“在我思想未成文之前,我怎么知道自己的想法?”这听起来似乎很离谱,但它确实很有道理。 寻找恰如其分的词的确是件不容易的事。一旦找到了那个词,我们就会感到很欣慰:辛劳得到了回报。准确地用语言有助于我们深入了解我们描述的事物。例如,当有人问你:“某某是怎么样的人?”你回答说:“恩,我想他是个不错的家伙,但他非常……”接着你犹豫了,试图找到一个词或短语来说明他到底讨厌在哪里。当你找到一个恰当的短语的时候,你发觉自己对他的看法更清楚,也更精确了。 一些英语词汇词根相同而意义却截然不同。例如human 和humane,二者的词根相同,词义也相关,但用法完全不同。“human action (人类行为)”和“humane action ( 人道行为)”完全是两码事。我们不能说“人道权力宣言”,而是说“人权宣言”。有一种屠杀工具叫“humane killer ( 麻醉屠宰机),而不是human killer ( 杀人机器)。 语言中的坏手艺的例子在我们身边随处可见。有人邀请一名学生去吃饭,他写信给予回复。请看他的信是这样结尾的:“我将很高兴赴约并满怀不安(anxiety )期待着那个日子的到来。”“Anxiety”含有烦恼和恐惧的意味。作者想表达的很可能是一种翘首期盼的心情。“Anxiety”跟热切期盼有一定的关联,但在这个场合是不能等同的。 乌干达一政党领袖给新闻界的一封信中有一句这样写道: 让我们打破这自私、投机、怯懦和无知充斥的乌干达,代之以真理,刚毅,坚定和奇异的精神。 这一激动人心的呼吁被最后一个词“奇异(singularity)”的误用破坏掉了。我猜想作者真正要表达的意思是思想的专一,即抱定一个信念永不改变,咬定青山不放松,不被次要的目的干扰。而singularity 指的是古怪,特性,是将一个人从众多人中区分出来的那种东西。 即使没有出现词语误用,这词仍可能不是符合作者意图的恰如其分的词。一名记者在一篇有关圣诞节的社论中这样引出狄更斯的话: 任何有关圣诞节的想法和文字已经被禁锢(imprisoned )在这句话中……“Imprisonment”暗示着强迫,威逼,这么一来似乎意思是有悖其初衷的。用“包含(contained )”或“归结(summed up )”就要好些。“概括(epitomized)”也行,尽管听起来有点僵硬。稍微再用点心我们就能准确地找到“mot juste (恰倒好处的词) ”,那就是“distilled”.它比包含和归结语气更强。“Distillation (提炼)”意味得到本质(essence)的东西。因此我们可以进一步把这个句子修改为: 所有有关圣诞节的想法和文字的精华都被提炼到这句话之中。 英语词汇丰富,运用灵活。一个意思有很多种表达方式。但是无论意思上如何相近的词总是存在着些许区别。作为学生就要敏感地意识到这些区别。通过查字典,尤其是通过阅读,


Unit 6 Risks Useful Information Risk is the probability of losing something of value. Since we value life above other things, the greatest risk for most people is the risk of death. Yet life itself, to the best of our knowledge, is ultimately limited. Th e key word here is “ultimately”. Since we hope to live a lot longer, we easily overlook the routine and long-range risks associated with being human, and concentrate instead on other sorts of risks. We rarely think about the chances of death, disability, or disaster, or try to predict the times of their occurrence. Walking across the street in many cities is more dangerous than riding an airplane across an ocean, but many people give no thought to the former and have great fear of the latter. People eagerly do dangerous things for recreation that they would rarely do at work, such as scaling a steep mountain or skiing rapidly down it. Young people are especially willing to take foolish chances for the sheer joy of doing so, or because they discount the probability of adverse outcomes. Yet they should probably be much more careful than their elders, since they have longer life expectancies remaining and thus have more at stake. Other things we value include health, safety, money, property, relationships and happiness. There are risks attached to the loss of any of these. Hypochondriacs exaggerate the risks of ill health or injury. Ironically the precautions taken to promote health and safety may add to a hypochondriac’s perception of the risks involved. A wise investor takes calculated risks with money, and tries to choose reasonable risks over unreasonable ones. A compulsive gambler, on the other hand, is so addicted to risk that there is little thought of the loss that inevitably follows from gambling indefinitely against the odds. So risk itself may at times be perceived as a reward. Optimists and pessimists have opposite attitudes toward risk. Extreme optimists always expect the best. Therefore they try to maximize gain. More cautious optimists may try to maximize the minimum gain. Extreme pessimists always expect the worst. Therefore they come to expect the maximum loss. More moderate pessimists may try to maximize the minimum loss. The science of cost-benefit analysis studies these and other strategies for managing risk. So does actuarial science (保险计算科学), with special emphasis on the risks of death, injury, or illness. One way to manage risk in ordinary life is through rational planning. By considering alternatives and balancing the greatest or most likely risks against the greatest or most likely rewards, we can often make better decisions and give greater consideration to long-term outcomes. By always having a contingency plan in case our main plan fails, we can usually avoid catastrophes. But planning takes effort, and we must balance this effort against the pleasure of doing things spontaneously because they are not very important or not very risky, and plan other things carefully because they are very important or very risky. Part One PREPARATION 1. Risks in Jobs 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢1

新编大学英语book 5口语话题和句子翻译

T opics Unit 1 1.What do you think makes up a successful story? 2.Do you like watching horror movies or listening to horror stories? Why? Unit 2 3.In a crowded world, are manners of vital importance and why? 4. Talk about the differences between Chinese and Western Etiquette. Unit 3 5. What business lessons can be drawn from the rain forest? And what are the implications for Chinese corporations? 6. What effects do national stereotypes have on business strategy? Give examples to further your explanations. Unit 6 7.Why do people show off? Give examples to illustrate the different cases in which people show off and make your comments. 8.Is silence golden? Unit 7 9. What kind of person do you admire most? Why? 10. Do you want to be a hero? Why? Unit 8 11. How do you feel after listening to a ghost story ? 12. Discuss the story of “ The Last leaf”. Unit 9 13.What do you think makes a good speech? 14.Talk about your own experience of public speaking. Sentence translation Unit 1 1. 在他的正对面有一模一样的两扇门,紧紧地挨着。 2 其中的不确定因素给这种场合增添了趣味性。 3. 她是他的掌上明珠,他爱她胜过任何人。 4. 以前从未有任何臣民胆敢爱上国王的女儿。 5. 他高大英俊,人群中发出了一片赞叹声。 6. 对这个问题我们考虑得越多,就越难给出答案。

金融英语课文翻译chapter1 money class1 new

第1页张盼青刘嘉瑞 货币的历史 最初:物物交换 物物交换是一种对资源或服务的交换,用来得到共同的利益,这也许要追溯到人类的开始。有的人甚至争辩说这不仅仅是人类的活动。植物和动物一直在物物交换——在共生的关系中——维持了几千年。无论如何,人类的物物交换是要先于货币的使用的。今天,个体,组织和政府依旧使用也经常更喜欢用物物交换来作为物品和服务的形式。 公元前9000~600年:牲畜 牲畜是第一个,也是最古老的货币形式,包括了任何牛,羊,骆驼。随着农业的出现有了谷物的使用和其他蔬菜或植物生产在文化中作为物物交换的标准形式。 公元前1200年:贝壳币(或直接写贝币) 贝币是一种可在太平洋和印度洋的浅水区可得到的软体动物的外壳,第一次使用贝币是在中国。历史上,许多社会已经用贝壳当做货币。尽管最近是在上世纪的中叶,贝壳已经在一些非洲地区使用。在历史上贝币是最广泛和最长使用时间的货币。

第3页王凌云王云霞 公元前1000年,第一个金属货币 在石器时代末期,制造了青铜和铜仿制品。中国第一个使用了像刀和铁楸这样的金属货币工具。这些早期的金属货币是圆形货币的初始形式。中国的硬币是以常用金属为基础制造的。通常有孔,因此可以把他们穿成一串。 公元前500年,现代货币 在中国以外,最早的货币是由银块发展成的。他们与今天的圆形非常相似,而且,被充满各种上帝和皇帝的图像来标志他们的真实性。这些最早的货币出现在吕底亚(是现在土耳其的一部分),但是这种工艺很快被Greek, Persian, Macedonian和罗马帝国复制和进一步的改进。不像依赖于基础金属的中国货币,这些货币由像银,铜,金这样的珍稀金属制造,内在价值更高。 公元前118年,皮革货币 皮革货币在中国以带有彩色镶边的一平方英尺的白色鹿皮当做货币使用,它可能是第一个看做有证明文件的纸币类型。 公元806年,纸币 第一个纸币出现在中国。中国使用早期纸币总共经历了500多年之久,它贯穿了第九世纪到第十五世纪。在这段期间,纸币制造速度飞快以至于它们的价值迅速贬值,并且通货膨胀急剧上升。从1455年开始,纸币在中国的使用消失了几百年。这种情况持续了很多年直到纸币再次在欧洲出现,并且在3个世纪之后被普遍使用。 1535,贝壳串珠货币 贝壳串珠最早在1535年被北美印第安人用蚌壳制作成有孔的小珠来使用的。更有可能的是,这种货币媒介的存在远远早于这个时期。印第安语中“贝壳”的意思是白色,它是珠子的颜色。 1816年,金本位制 1816年,英格兰正式将黄金确定为价值标准。与此同时,政策允许那些代表特定黄金含量的标准纸币发行。在此之前,纸币已经在英格兰和欧洲使用了几百年了。但是它们的价值并没有与黄金直接地联系起来。美国在1900年正式实施了金本位法案,促进了今后中央银行的设立。


新编英语教程6课文 翻译 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

第1单元避免两词铭记两词 在生活中,没有什么比顿悟更令人激动和兴奋的,它可以改变一个人——不仅仅是改变,而且变得更好。当然,这种顿悟是很罕见的,但仍然可以发生在我们所有人身上。它有时来自一本书,一个说教或一行诗歌,有时也来自一个朋友。 在曼哈顿一个寒冷的冬天的下午,我坐在一个法国小餐馆,倍感失落和压抑。因为几次误算,在我生命中一个至关重要的项目就这样落空了。就因为这样,甚至连期望看到一个老朋友(我常常私下亲切的想到的一个老人)的情形都不像以前那样令我兴奋。我坐在桌边,皱起眉头看着色彩多样的桌布,清醒的嚼着苦涩的食物。 他穿过街道,裹着旧棉袄,一顶帽子从光头打下来,看上去不像是一个有名的精神病医生,倒像是一个精力充沛的侏儒。他的办公室在附近到处都有,我知道他刚刚离开他最后一个病人。他接近80岁,但仍然扛着一个装着满满文件的公文包,工作起来仍然像一个大公司的主管,无论何时有空,他都仍然爱去高尔夫球场。 当他走过来坐我旁边时,服务员早已把他总是要喝的啤酒端了过来,我已经几个月没有见他了,但他似乎还是老样子。没有任何寒暄,他就问我“怎么了,年轻人?” 我已经不再对他的样子感到奇怪,所以我详细地把烦恼告诉他。带着一丝忧伤的自豪。我尽量说出实情,除了我自己,我并没有因为失望而责备任何人。我分析了整件事情,但所有负面评价以及错误仍然继续。我讲了约有十五分钟,这期间老人只是默默的喝着啤酒。我讲完后,他取下眼镜说:“到我的办公室去。”“到你的办公室你忘了带什么了吗”他和蔼的说“不是,我想看看你对某些事情的反应,仅此而已。” 外面开始下起小雨,但他的办公室很温暖,舒服,亲切:放满书的书架靠着墙壁,长皮沙发,弗洛伊德的亲笔签名照,还有墙边放着的录音笔。他的秘书回家了,只有我们在那里。老人从纸盒里拿出一盘磁带放进录音笔,然后说:“这里有到我这来求助的三个人的简单录音,当然,这没有说明具体是哪三个人。我想让你听听,看你是否能找出双字词的短语,这里是在三个案例中共有的。”他笑道:“不要这么困扰,我有我的目的。” 对我来说,录音中三个主人共有的东西不是什么快乐的东西。首先讲话的是一个男人,他在生意中经历了一些损失或失败,他指责自己没有辛勤工作,也没有远见。接下来说话的是一个女人,她还没有结婚,因为对她寡妇母亲的强烈的责任意思,她伤心的回忆了所有擦肩而过的婚姻机遇。第三个说话的是一位母亲,她十多岁的儿子在警察局有麻烦,她总是不停地责备自己。 老人关掉收音机,侧身坐到椅子上:“在这些录音中,有一个短语像病毒一样的出现了六次。你注意到了吗没有噢,这可能是因为几分钟前你在餐馆说过了三次。”他拿起磁带盒扔给我。“正好在标签上有那两个伤心的词语。”我向下一看,那里有两个清晰的红色的印字:如果。 “你受惊了吗?”老人说:“你能想象我坐在这把椅子上以这两个词开头的话有多少次了吗?他们总是对我说:如果换一种方法做——或根本不去做。(如果我没发脾气、没有做那虚伪的事、没有说那愚蠢的谎言。如果我聪明点,或更无私点,或更自控点。)直到我打断说话他们才会停止。有时我让他们听你刚说过的录音。我对他们说(如果你停止说如果,我们就已取得进展了。)” 老人伸出双脚,说:“问题是,‘如果’并没有改变任何东西。它使那人面对错误——后退而非前进,那样只是在浪费时间。最后,要是你让它成为一个习惯,它就会变成真的障碍,变成你不再去做尝试的借口了。” “现在回到你的情况:你的计划没成功,为什么?因为你犯了某种错误。唔,这个没关系,毕竟错误谁都会犯,我们也从中学到东西。但是,当你告诉我那些东西时却悔恨这个, 后悔那个的时候,你还没有从错误中学到什么。” “你怎么知道呢?”我用一种辩驳的语气问道。 “因为你还没有从过去中走出来。你根本没提及到未来。在某种程度上——老实说,——现在你仍沉溺于过去。我们

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