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• ____brings the readers into a world that belongs to the Celtic legend of King Arthur and his knights at the Roundtable. • A. The House of Fame • B. The Vision of Piers Plowman • C. Troilus and Criseyde • D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
• John Donne 多恩/唐恩 1572-1631
Renaissance 1550-1650 英国文艺复兴
• 顶级代言人 • William Shakespeare 1564-1616
William ShakespeBaidu Nhomakorabeare 1564-1616
• 四大悲剧
– – – – Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》 King Lear 《李尔王》 Macbeth 《麦克白》 Othello 《奥赛罗》
• Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑士》 《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》1360-1370
• Alliterative romance in the 14th century • King Arthur and his roundtable nights • Faith, courage, purity, chivalric romance, Christian, human weakness
• Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)
• • • • Dr. Faustus 《浮士德博士》 Tamburlaine 《帖木儿大帝》 Richard III《理查三世》 “the university Wits”
Renaissance 1550-1650 英国文艺复兴
• 二级代言人 • Francis Bacon 培根 1561-1626
Renaissance 1550-1650 英国文艺复兴
• 三级代言人 • Sir Philip Sydney 西德尼爵士1554-1586
• Arcadia 阿卡迪亚
• Thomas More 托马斯·摩尔 1478-1535
• Utopia 《乌托邦》 • “oxford reformers”
• 2. Who is the first important essayist and the founder of modern science in England. A . William Carxton • B. Philip Sydney • C. Francis Bacon • D. Edmund Spencer
Geoffrey Chaucer1340-1400 乔叟
• The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 坎特伯雷故事集》 • Father of modern English poetry; • A realistic picture of the society of his times, with a whole gallery of characters; • A collection of stories told by different people on their pilgrimage to Canterbury+a Prologue
• • • • A . Tamburlaine B. the tragic history of Dr. Faustus C. The Merry Wives of Windsor D. 《专八宝典》
William Shakespeare 1564-1616
• 其他剧作
– – – – – – – – – – A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》 All’s Well that Ends Well《终成眷属》 Much Ado About Nothing《无事生非》 Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 The Comedy of Errors 《错误的喜剧》 The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》 The Taming of the Shrew 《驯悍记》 Twelfth Night《第十二夜》 Tempest 《暴风雨》 历史剧若干
• Ben Johnson 本·琼森 1573-1637
• The Alchemist 《炼金术士》
• King James Bible 《钦定版圣经》
Renaissance 1550-1650 英国文艺复兴
• 二级代言人 • Edmund Spencer 斯宾塞1552-1599
• Faerie Queene 《仙后》 • The Shepherd’s Calendar 《牧羊人日志》
• • • • • National epic of 3000 lines Christian + paganism Scandinavian + British Historical + legendary Old English
Beowulf 贝奥武夫
• Style: alliteration • Kenning
• Sonnet : Shakespearean Vs Petrarchan
• 1. Which of the following is not among Shakespeare’s four great tragedies? ____ • A . Hamlet • B. Romeo and Juliet • C. Macbeth • D. King Lear
– – – – Swan-road; whale path; Jaws of the hall Wave traveler Shield bearer
Beowulf 贝奥武夫
• • • • At a first step he set his hands on a sleeping soldier, savagely tore at him, gnashed at his bone-joints, bolted huge gobbets, sucked at his veins, and had soon eaten all of the dead man, even down to his • hands and feet.
• The prevailing form of medieval English literature is ____? • A. Drama • B. Latin religious writings • C. Romance • D. social criticism
• There is a character in Beowulf by the name of “Grendel”. He/She/It is ____? • A. 一位八级辅导老师 • B. 巴斯妇的第六任老公 • C. 妖 • D. 国王
• 3. What flourished in the Elizabethan age more than any other form of literature? • A . poetry • B. drama • C. novel • D. essay
• 4. The English Renaissance was a period of ______. • A . Poetry and drama • B. Drama and novel • C. Novel and essay • D. Essay and poetry
– – – – – – – – Essays The Advancement of Learning Novum Organum The New Atlantis Metaphysical poets Poems about love Conceits Go and Catch a Falling Star; The Flea
William Shakespeare 1564-1616
• More about him • Blank verse
– – – – – To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep
• • • • Old English 500-1000 Middle English 1000-1500 Modern English 1500-Contemporary English
• Note: 为了八级复习的方便,本材料中文 学史知识做了简化,深入研究者宜察之。
Beowulf 贝奥武夫
• • • • • • • A worthy woman from beside Bath city… A worthy woman all her life, what’s more She’d had five husbands, all at the church door, Apart from other company in youth… She had gap-teeth, widely set… And knew the remedies for love’s mischances, An art in which she knew the oldest dances.
• Piers Plowman 《农夫皮尔斯》by 农夫皮尔斯》 William Langland (1332-1400)
• A social protest
• Which of the following doesn't’t belong to the works of Geoffrey Chaucer? • A. The Canterbury Tales • B. The Vision of Piers Plowman • C. Troilus and Criseyde • D. The Romaunt of the Rose
• • • • • 5. Spenserian stanza is a ______stanza. A . 14-line B. 12-line C. 9-line D. 6-line
• 6. The following are works by Christopher Marlowe EXCEPT ______.
Geoffrey Chaucer1340-1400 乔叟
• A lot of people cheat for money • Growing self confidence • Joviality, humor, irony
Geoffrey Chaucer1340-1400 乔叟 Wife Of Bath 巴斯妇
Renaissance 1550-1650 英国文艺复兴
• Renaissance means rebirth • Rediscovery the cultural heritage of Greece and Rome • Humanism • Elizabethan Drama • Sonnets and blank verse
• In the 14th century, the most important writer is ____. • A. William Langland • B. William Shakepeare • C. Charles Dickens • D. Geoffrey Chaucer