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张培基英译现代散文选2 1.Phrasal Expression & Words

a blade of grass

A chill in the air

A constellation of fine arts异彩纷呈

a grain of sand

a later invention/practice

A propensity for …

a red streak of dawn 一道红霞

a string of cash 一吊钱

a suckling baby 乳儿

A tremulous voice 颤抖的声音

A vast expanse of white

Abandon oneself to…= be lost in…Absence of any feeling

add … in passing 顺便说道

ajar 门半开

All the more = more

Alley = alleyways

Amble along


Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Detachment 抗日游击队

arrive on the scene

Artifice 诡计

At an opportune moment 碰巧

at long last 终于

At one go = in one sitting

At one’s insistence

At the suggestion of …

awning 遮阳蓬

base cowardice 卑怯

bayonet 刺刀

Be ablaze with…通明

be adequately fed and clad 丰衣足食

be at loggerheads with…与…斗争/不合be bereft of … = be deprived of…

Be bogged down in a mire 陷入泥淖

Be clad in…

be confined to bed by sickness

be daubed with…散漫地涂有

Be given to doing 习惯于

be immensely overjoyed 欣喜若狂

Be of long standing 老资格Be on an equal footing with…与…平起


be on/at one’s heels 紧跟着

Be ordained by fate

Be overgrown with grass

Be pleasant to the ear: 悦耳动听

Be pregnant with meaning

Be shrouded / veiled in…笼罩在

Be sloppy in thinking

Be subject to the law of nature

Be thoroughly drenched / soaked

Be uncalled for 不合适

begrudge doing = be unwilling to do

Bemoan the transience of youth

Best serve for an answer

blood debt(s) 血债

Blot out 抹去

Boundless expanse

Bring about a … mood

Broad and liberal 胸径宽广

bronchial tube 支气管

Burst into fits of abuse

Buzz with activity 活跃起来

by and large

cadence 抑扬顿挫

Call forth tears = trigger tears

canine phobia 怕狗

Canvass (for) support 游说以获得支持


Chalk up…用粉笔写下

chant Buddhist scripture

Chestnut: 栗树/子

Chin up and chest out 抬头挺胸

Choke with sobs

chorus of wild yells

Clog 阻碍,木屐

Cluck 咯咯叫

Come of = result from

Come to the fore 崭露头角

Congenial response 共鸣

consult sb on …

Consummate = skillful = perfect

Copious tears of joy

Crestfallen = dejected

cringe = cower

Dabble in water 戏水

Damp down one’s passion

day in and out

dazzling brilliance 炫目/夺目的光辉

Deadly dull 极其乏味

Delicate features 纤细的面貌

Denude trees of leaves

despotic 专制的

detachment 小分队

Diehard 顽固分子

Din = hubbub: loud sound

Dine and wine

Domineering 专横的

Downy: fluffy + soft

Dream away = dawdle away

drool copiously 垂涎三尺

Drudge 苦工,辛苦劳作

drudgery 苦差

Dwell one’s eyes on…凝视

dye… red 染红

Eatery 餐饮店

Ebony eyes/skin 黑眼睛/黝黑皮肤

Edible bird’s nest 燕窝

End up in a complete fiasco 惨败

Enfeeble = weaken

epithet 绰号

Ethereal 超凡的,优雅的

Failing = if without

Falcon 鹰隼(sun)

feel conscience-stricken

Feel instantly refreshed 顿时神清气爽

feel overawed 肃然起敬

Fellow provincial 老乡

firmament 苍穹

get a good thrashing

Get on in years 上年纪

Get the worst of it 处于劣势


give sb. the slip 把某人甩掉