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2013 2014学年度第一学期期末考试七年级数学(含答案)

2013-2014学年度第一学期期末 七年级数学试题 注意事项:本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共120分,考试时间120分钟. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共36分) 一、选择题:(本大题共12小题,每小题3分,共36分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将正确选项填在上面的表格中...) 1.1 4 -的绝对值是 A . 14 B .14 - C .4 D .4- 2.下列事件是必然事件的 A.抛掷一枚硬币,四次中有两次正面朝上 B.打开电视体育频道,正在播放NBA 球赛 C.射击运动员射击一次,命中十环 D.若a 是有理数,则0a ≥ 3.我国以2011年11月1日零时为标准记时点,进行了第六次全国人口普查,查得全国总 人口约为1 370 000 000人,将总人口用科学记数法表示为 A.8 1.3710? B. 8 13.710? C.10 1.3710? D. 9 1.3710? 4.下列各式中,去括号正确的是 A .x +2(y -1)=x +2y -1 B .x -2(y -1)=x -2y +2 C .x -2(y -1)=x -2y -2 D .x -2(y -1)=x +2y +2 5.如图,M 是线段AB 的中点,点N 在线段AB 上,若AB =10,NB =2,那么线段MN 的长为 A .5 B .4 C .3 D .2 M A N B

6.下列各组数中,值相等的是 A. 32与23 B. 3 2-与3)2(- C. 2)3(-与)3(2- D. 2×32与(2×3)2 7.右图是四个相同的小正方体组成的几何体,其俯视图为 8.M 地是海上观测站,从M 发现两艘船A 、B 的方位如图所示,下列说法中,正确的是 A .船A 在M 的南偏东30°方向 B .船A 在M 的南偏西30°方向 C .船B 在M 的北偏东40°方向 D .船B 在M 的北偏东50°方向 9.化简)23(4)32(5x x ---之后的结果是 A .8x -15 B .2x -27 C .18x -27 D .12x -15 10.某商场销售的一件衣服标价为600元,商场在开展促销活动中,该件衣服按8折销售 仍可获利20元.设这件衣服的进价为x 元,根据题意,下面所列方程正确的是 A .600820x ?-= B .6000.820x ?-= C .600820x ?=- D .6000.820x ?=- 11.有理数a b ,在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列结论中,错误.. 的是 A .b a <<0 B .b a > C .b a >- D .b a a b +<- 12.如图1表示一个无盖的正方体纸盒,它的下底面标有字母“M”,沿图中的粗线将其剪开 展成平面图形,这个平面展开图是 A . B . C . D . B A 南 西 东 北 30o M 50o M M M 图1 A . B . C . D .


2009---2010学年第一学期英护081班英语期末试卷 一单项填空40% 1.The students in my class never need to be made_______. They all work hard. A. to learn B. learning C. to have learned D. learn 2.--=How do you like Chinese food? --- Well,it’s not bad. Now I ______ hot pot meat. A. used to eat B. am used to eat C. used to eating D. am used to eating 3.---Why do you seem so unhappy? --- I dislike ____ me by my first name. A. your calling B. you call C. you to call D. calling 4.I’ve lost one of my gloves. I ____ it somewhere in this room. A. must drop B. must have dropped C. must be dropping D. must have been dropping 5.It was not until 1949 ______ Chinese people took on a new look. A. that B. since C. when D. which 6.I’m tired.I’d rather_____ out this evening, if you don’t mind. A. not going B. not to go C. don’t go D. not go 7.You should insure your new car _____ stolen. A. in case it will be B. if it will be C. in case it is D. if it is 8.---Do we need to_____ all this material to find the answer? --- Hopefully not. A. cross over B. pass by C. see through D. go over 9.______ a reply, we decided to make a long—distance call. A. Receiving not B. Not receiving C. Not having received D. Having not received 10.--- Have you been to Hangzhou yet? ---Yes. I _____ there twice last year. A. went B. had gone C. had been D. have been 11.---I usually go to Plymouth by plane.---Why not_____ by train for a change? A. trying to go B. try going C. to try to go D. to try going 12.I know some prices, but _____ the biggest painting over there. Have you any idea how much it costs? A. not of B. not that of C. that not if D of that not 13.I heard London has a larger population than _____in the United Kingdom. A. any city B. any other city C. all cities D. all other city 14.---I can’t open the top of this orange juice bottle.---______ it. A. Have Mike done B. Have Mike do C. Mike has to do D. Mike has done 15.--- Is the party almost over? I think so. A lot of people _____ to leave. A. have begun B. began C. will begin D. are beginning 16.---Don’t stop trying.---. _____ Success is coming. A. Yes, we don’t B. Yes, we’ll try our best C. No, of course not D. No, you can’t 17.The professor, together with his students _____ capable of doing the skilled work now. A. is B. are C. being D. have 18. On reaching the top floor I suddenly realized that I ______ my book on the service desk. A. leaves B. left C. had left D. was left 19. ---______ of his parents liked pop music. A. All B. None C. Both D. Neither 20.From here, you can the bridge _____ construction. A. in B. on C. under D. with 21.The famous novel is said _____ into Chinese. A. to have translated B. to be translate C. to have been translated D. to translate 22.I don’t think there is ______ in the book on the desk.


学校学年第一学期工作计划 指导思想: 以科学发展观为指导,紧密结合学校发展现状,积极推进和落实二期课改,加强课程领导力和执行力,实施素质教育。坚持“创美启智,和谐发展。”的办学校目标,积极推进校园文化建设,实施规范管理,规范教育教学行为,促进教师专业能力和专业水平,不断提高教育教学水平,提高学校办学质量。 工作思路: 本学期的总体工作思路是:以德治校,依法理校;以人为本,教师兴校;以校为本,民主管校;规范管理,规范教育教学行为;加强团队建设,注重校本研修;加强教育教学的有效管理,坚持特色发展,丰富学校的内涵,塑造全新的教育形象,提升学校的地位。 主要工作目标及重点项目: 一、学校管理 1、工作目标:通过团队建设,进一步下移管理重心,以备课组和各学科团队为平台,落实行政蹲点工作,明确责任要求,充分发挥

团队 __及备课组长的作用,切实加强教学的有效管理,制定相应措施和制度,关注教育教学细节,不断提高管理水平。认真检查和指导相关工作流程,强化课程的领导及实施过程中的执行力,关注学生学习的满意度。 2、重点工作:(1)改善教育教学考核评价制度,改变一元考核为多方位考核,努力克服考核评价中常出现的“居中趋势”和“晕轮效应”。注重绩效评价,以适应即将实施的绩效工资制度。(2)根据学校发展的现状及对学校教育发展的现实要求,进一步修改和完善学校发展规划,把近期目标与学校的长远利网益结合起来,统筹兼顾,系统管理。(3)进一步改进学校校园文化建设,以环境特色学校作为校园文化建设的依托,建设学校的外部环境及内部环境,营造和谐校园文化,以达成环境育人的教育目标。(4)把二期课改的理念切实落实到教育教学实践中,严格执行课程计划,落实“三维”目标,指导和规范教育教学行为,制定相应制度,实现从粗放型教学管理到精细化教学管理的转变,不断提高教育教学效率及水平。(5)以德治校,依法理校,坚持民主管理,充分发挥教代会、家委会和社区民主参与的作用,发扬管理民主,接受民主监督,集聚学校、社会、家庭多方力量,共同关心、支持和参与学校的发展变革。(6)关注三支队伍建设,一是骨干教师队伍,二是班主任队伍,三是青年教师队伍。充分发挥骨干教师在学校教育教学中的引领作用;充分发挥班主任在学校德育管理、班级文化建设中主导作用;充分关注青年教师


2017—2018学年度第一学期 小学二年级数学(上册)期末检测试卷 时间:40分钟 评价等级: 亲爱的同学们,愉快的学期即将结束,让我们一起走进丰收乐园,看看有什么收 获。成功可是属于细心、用心的人哦! 一、直接写得数。(每题1分,共20分) 2×8= 55+10= 6×4= 40-30= 25+40= 60-0= 7×9= 22+38= 70-9= 65-56= 9×6 = 40+28= 74-4+8= 8×9-7= 80-8-50= 5×8+6= 80-20= 20+52= 5×4-13= 7×4-8= 二、用竖式计算。(每题4分,共16分) 48+35= 92-64= 75-(26+35)= 28+34+26= 三、我会填空。(每空1分,共27分) 1.看图: (1)横着看,每行有( )条鱼,有( )行,加法算式是( ); (2)竖着看,每列有( )条鱼,有( )列,加法算式是( ); (3)写成乘法算式是( )或( ),计算时用的乘法口诀是( )。 学校 班级 姓名 座号 装 订 线

2.在()里填上适当的单位名称。 (1)大树高约6();(2)数学书长约21(); (3)小灵身高约1()35()。 3.在()里填上“>”、“<”或“=”。 7×8()54 46-7()39 4米+6米()10厘米 2×9()9+9 40()35+6+2 1米()36厘米+62厘米 4.用1、5、7可以组成()个两位数,这些两位数中最大的是(),最小的是()。 5.右图中,有()条线段,()个角,()个直角。 6.4个8连加的和是(),8加4的和()。 四、对的“√”,错的“×”或选择正确答案序号。(每题2分,共12分) 1.计算6×5和5×6这两个算式时,所用乘法口诀相同。() 2.黑板上的直角比同学们用的三角板上的直角大多了。 ( ) 3.钟表上显示3时,时针和分针成一直角。 ( ) 4.不计算计下面算式的结果最接近80的是() A.47+34 B.26+35 C.98-8 5.如图: 从正面看到的形状是()。 A. B. C. 6.分针从12走到6,走了()分。 A. 6 B.30 C.60 五、按要求填写和画图。(共7分) 1.画一条2厘米长的线段。(2分) 2。画一个角。(2分)


广州民航职业技术学院 2010/2011学年第一学期09级民航信息管理1-2班《数据库应用》 期末考试卷A(闭卷,120分钟) 班级姓名学号成绩 一、单项选择题(每个题只有一个答案是正确的。每题2分,共15题,30分) 1.如果希望从学生表中查询出所有姓“王”的同学,那么条件语句应该是( b )。 A、Where 姓名% ‘王’ B、Where 姓名LIKE ‘王%’ C、Where 姓名% ‘LIKE王’ D、Where 姓名LIKE ‘王’ 2.通常情况下,“数据库管理系统”的英文缩写是( a)。 A、DBMS B、DBS C、DBA D、DMS 3.在一个学生关系中,能够成为主关键字(或称主码)的属性是()。 A、性别 B、年龄 C、学号 D、班级 4.下列关于索引的说明不正确的是()。 A、索引必须创建在主关键字之上 B、索引与基本表分开存储 C、索引是为了提高查询速度而创建的 D、索引会在一定程度上影响增删改操作的效率 5.数据库应用程序开发中,需求分析阶段的主要目的是()。 A、回答“干什么”的问题 B、回答“怎么干”的问题 C、建立逻辑数据模型 D、建立最佳物理存储结构 6.用户使用SQL Server时,通常需要依次经过两个安全性阶段()。 A、登录验证、操作验证 B、操作验证、登录验证 C、身份验证、权限认证 D、权限认证、身份验证 7.SQL Server数据库中的一个完整的备份通常要包括()。 A、系统数据库、用户数据库和事务日志 B、系统数据库、系统表和数据字典 C、系统数据库、用户数据库和数据字典 D、用户数据库和事务日志

8.SQL Server中进行数据库恢复的SQL语句是()。 A、INSERT DATABASE B、BACKUP DATABASE C、RESTORE DATABASE D、UPDATE DATABASE 9.下列SQL语句中,能够完成并运算的是()。 A、SELECT * FROM 篮球爱好者UNION SELECT * FROM 足球爱好者 B、SELECT * FROM 篮球爱好者INTERSECT SELECT * FROM 足球爱好者 C、SELECT * FROM 篮球爱好者EXCEPT SELECT * FROM 足球爱好者 D、SELECT * FROM 篮球爱好者,足球爱好者 10.设学生表和课程表的结构分别为(学号,姓名)和(学号,课程号,成绩),如果希望查询出“成绩大于90分的学生姓名”,则对应的SQL语句是()。 A、SELECT 姓名FROM 学生表WHERE 学生表.学号=课程表.学号AND 课程 表.成绩>90 B、SELECT 姓名FROM 课程表WHERE学生表.学号=课程表.学号AND 课程表. 成绩>90 C、SELECT 姓名FROM 学生表,课程表WHERE 学生表.学号=课程表.学号OR 课程表.成绩>90 D、SELECT 姓名FROM 学生表,课程表WHERE 学生表.学号=课程表.学号 AND 课程表.成绩>90 11.在人工管理阶段,数据是_____。 A.有结构的B.无结构的 C.整体无结构,记录内有结构D.整体结构化的 12.数据库系统软件包括_____和_____。 ①数据库②DBMS ③OS,DBMS和高级语言 ④DBMS和OS ⑤数据库应用系统和开发工具。 A.①和②B.②和⑤ C.③D.④ 13.________由数据结构、关系操作集合和完整性约束三部分组成。 A. 关系模型 B. 关系 C. 关系模式 D. 关系数据库 14.数据库中只存放视图的________。 A. 操作 B. 对应的数据 C. 定义 D. 限制 15.数据库是长期存储在计算机内、有组织的、可共享的()。 A.文件集合B.数据集合 C.命令集合D.程序集合 二、填空题(每空2分,共10分) 1.进行数据库备份时,必须同时复制主数据文件和。 2.“实体一联系”方法是描述数据库概念模型的主要方法,一般称这种方法为。 3.在SQL语句中,起修改表中数据作用的命令动词是。 4.在关系数据库中,实现“表中任意两行不能相同”的约束是靠。 5. SQL Server系统中的所有系统级信息存储于数据库。


编号:YB-JH-0524 ( 工作计划) 部门:_____________________ 姓名:_____________________ 日期:_____________________ WORD文档/ A4打印/ 可编辑 2020-2021学年度第一学期学校工作计划(标准版) Frequently formulating work plans can make people’s life, work and study more regular, and develop good habits, which is a habit necessary for success in doing things

2020-2021学年度第一学期学校工 作计划(标准版) 摘要:经常制订工作计划,可以使人的生活、工作和学习比较有规律性,养成良好的习惯,因为习惯了制订工作计划,于是让人变得不拖拉、不懒惰、不推诿、不依赖,养成一种做事成功必须具备的习惯。本内容可以放心修改调整或直接使用。 一、指导思想: 以县局教研室工作计划为统揽,以优化教学方法、改进教学手段、提高课堂教学效率为核心,深入进行校本教研,落实《教学常规》,突出中心抓教学,优化管理抓创新,全面提高教学及科研水平,努力创建让人民满意的学校。 二、目标任务: 1.德育建设 加强师德师风建设,全面提高师表形象,努力打造一支合格过硬的教师队伍。建立健全育人网络,积极开展学校、家庭、社会三位一体的德育教育模式的研究。强化班风、校风,强化学生行为规范教育。

2、教学质量 县局期中、期末质量检测七、八、九年级各科平均分、及格率、优秀率全部进入全县前8名的行列,各年级总平均分占居全县前五名的位次。 3、教学管理 建立健全各项管理制度,加强教学的常规管理,坚决克服教学的随意性和盲目性。认真落实《教学常规》,规范教师的教学行为,为提高教学质量提供保证。 4、教学改革 以空中课堂教学案例为模式,以县局教材教法培训为指导,以课堂研讨为重点,努力提高课堂教学效率,逐步形成适合本校学生特点的教学方法和路子。 5、校本教研 以互听互评为切入点,开展部分学科的主体研究,主要解决听课听什么,评课评什么,如何处理教学疑难等问题。通过对教学课题的突破,提升教师的教学水平和教学质量。


2014学年第一学期《实用英语》期中考试试卷 Part I. Vocabulary & Structure (30%) Section A Directions:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. There are 100 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B) .C) and D). 1. All my classmates have passed the physical education exam except __________. A) John and I B) John and me C) I and John C) me and John 2. I’ll lend you my computer __________ you promise to take care of it. A) unless B) as C)while D)if 3. His mother told me that he _________ read quite well at the age of five. A) should B) would C)could D)might 4. He was very sorry ________ her at the airport. A)not to meet B) to not meet C)to have not met D)not to have met 5.Which do you think is ________important, wealth or health? A)more B)most C)the more D)the most 6.She gave up her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult ________. A)look after B) to look after C)looking after D)be looked after 7. The students _______ their papers by the end of this month. A)have finished B)will be finishing C) will have finished D)have been finishing 8. The news ________ the Chinese football team had won the match excited all of us. A) that B)which C)what D)as 9.There is a nice-looking car there. Peter wonders ________ . A) it belongs to who B)whom does it belong to C)whom it belongs to D)who does it belong 10 The manager of the company insisted that all the staff members ________ the new safety rules. A)would observe B)observe C)observed D) will observe Section B Directions: There are 20 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper. form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 11. You need to remember that your purpose is to understand and make yourself ___________________ (understand) 12. Reading brings me the greatest _______________ (happy). 13. Some people buy used goods simply ____________ (save) money. 14. Your plan sounds all right, though it might be rather _____________ (cost). 15. We ______________ (figure) it out, but we failed. 16. He has a strong _____________ (believe) in high education. 17. The chairman _______________ (confidence) believed that he could fulfill his promise. 18. Since Nixon first visited China in 1972, every president _____________ (visit) China. 19. Nixon had taken the matter very _______________ (serious) 20. Mary had made up her mind to marry Bill and what I said to her didn’t make any __________ (differ) 21. I work for a pop music station ____________ (call) KIST-FM. 22. Playing word games is an _____________ (entertain) for many people. 23. He brought us a piece of ______________ (depress) news. 24. I’ve _____________ (enjoy) seeing you. 25. The sale of ice-cream is _______________ (determine) by the weather. 26. He ____________ (find) yourself unable to understand if he learns “special English”. 27. Try to concentrate on English sounds instead of _______________ (try) to translate into Chinese. 28. The rich People search through used goods _____________ (look) for a unique treasure. 29. The speaker ______________ (presence) some arguments for his side. 30. The teacher told the boys _____________ (collect) all the waste paper. Part II. Reading Comprehension (50%) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.


Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1. —Jerry Yan is a singing s . —Yes, I like him very much. 2. —Do you r like the computer games? —No, I don’t. 3. The girl is f , so she needs to play sports. 4. Anna often asks some q . 5. My sister w to be a famous star. 6.Let’s go to have l in the dining hall. 7. Junk food tastes delicious, but it isn’t h. So we should keep away from it. Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Five ______ (pear) are in the box. 2. Li Ming can play basketball ________ (good). 3. She eats lots of __________(health) food every day. 4. You can see some famous ______ (star) in Beijing. 5. I want _________(eat) some chicken and rice. 6.Li Yifeng likes (tomato) very much. and you? 7.Let’s (think) about it. 8.I want three(strawberry) and some bananas. 9.How about(go) to the park? It’s interesting. 10.The bread(be) on the table.Do you want to eat it? 11.We (real) like ice-cream.How about you? 12.Let me (have) ice-cream. 13.My brother plays football (good). 14.She has good (eat) habits. 15.My father (not like) bread for breakfast. 16.Hamburgers are nice. Do you like (they)? 17.These (question) are too difficult. Can you help me? 18.Do you know Chen Xiao and Li Yifeng? They are(star). Ⅲ.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1. Lily likes _______(汉堡包) very much. 2. I have some fruit for _______(早餐) every day. 3. Some children like eating ________ (冰激凌) with their parents. 4. Jenny doesn’t like _______ (草莓). She likes apples. 5. —Can you make fruit_________ (沙拉)? —No, I can’t. Ⅳ.单项选择 ( ) 1.This is ______ banana. ______ banana is yellow. A. an; A B. a; An C. an; An D. a; The ( ) 2.I like pears,but Linda doesn’t like________. A.it B. them C. they D. these ( ) 3. —Does Liu Yifei like hamburgers? —No, she ______. She likes vegetables. A. isn’t B. hasn’t C. can’t D. doesn’t ( ) 4. —We need lots of ___ every day. —You are right. A. tomato B. apple C. food D. potato ( ) 5.Jane’s parents must __________their son’s food. A. get to B. think about C. come on ( ) 6. His teacher always asks him his eating habits. A. about B. for C. at D. to ( ) 7.—The TV play is very boring. playing games? —Sounds great. A. Why not B. Let’s C. How D. How about ( ) 8.That’s an _______ question. A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. relaxing ( ) 9.—What’s this? —It’s________ apple.________ apple is Lucy’s. A. a; The B. an; The C. a; An ( )10.Lily likes ice-cream, but she doesn’t eat it too much, because she to be fat. A. doesn’t wants B. wants C. don’t want D.doesn’t want ( ) 11.—Where are the chicken and carrots? —The chicken ________ on the table and the carrots ________ in the basket. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is ( )12.My mother has a good ______habit and she likes _____food. A. eat; healthy B. eating; healthy C. eating; health D. eat ; healthy ( ) 13. —Does Helen speak English _______? —Yes. Her English is very _______. A. good; good B. well; well C. well; good D. good, well ( ) 14.Tom likes eggs and milk ________ breakfast.A.to B.at C.for D.of ( )15. My mother apples and milk, because they are good for her body . A. like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like ( ) 16.—Let’s get some ________. —Great!And I want some ________, too. A. breads; bananas B. breads; banana C. bread; bananas D. bread; banana ( ) 17. I like ____ a lot, and my mother often cooks ____ in different ways. A. chicken; it B. potatoes; it C. vegetable; them D. chicken; them ( ) 18. —do you have lunch? —Rice, vegetables and eggs. A. What; to B. What; for C. How; on D. How; for ( )19.—Is that apple? —Yes, it is. A. an B. a C./ D. the ( )20.—What is this English?


2010学年第一学期信息科技期末考试试卷 (考试时间60分钟,试卷满分100分) 统一模块信息科技基础 一、选择题(每题2分) 1.关于信息的叙述,以下不正确的是__________。 A. 学生成长手册中记录的内容是一种信息 B. 人民日报刊登的消息是一种信息 C. 电视新闻报导的内容是一种信息 D. 图片是一种信息 2.网络上的信息被大家下载和利用,此事例说明信息具有。 A.时效性和共享性 B.时效性和传载性 C.传载性和共享性 D.可处理性和传载性 3.小张为他的数码相机配置了一块4GB的存储卡,这张存储卡可存放1024×768的真彩(32 位)的照片约。 A. 100张 B. 500张 C. 1000张 D. 2000张 4.现实世界中各种各样的信息,通常是连续变化的“模拟量”,“数字化”过程就是将这 种“模拟量”转换成“数字量”。下列设备中,可以将“模拟量”转换成“数字量”。 ①声卡②扫描仪③绘图仪④数码相机 A. ①②③④ B. ①②③ C. ②③④ D. ①②④ 5.常用的数制有十进制、二进制、八进制和十六进制。下列数中最大的是______________。 A. (100)10 B. (100)2 C. (100)8 D. (100)16 6.以下说法中错误的是。 A. 计算机中应用最多的字符编码是ASCII码 B. 在ASCII码中,一个字符用7位二进制数表示 C. 在ASCII码中,一共可以表示128个字符 D. 用ASCII码作为字符编码时,保存时占用7位二进制数 7.将十进制数39转换成二进制数是。 A. 100011 B. 101111 C. 100110 D. 100111 8.用五笔输入法和拼音输入法输入的汉字在计算机内部。 A. 都采用二进制编码表示 B. 都采用ASCII码表示 C. 分别采用五笔码和拼音码表示 D. 都采用拼音码表示 9.计算机的内存中有一项占据4个字节的数据,内容依次为01100001、01000001、 00110001、01010001,这项数据可能是。 A. 汉字字符串 B. 西文字符串 C. 控制字符串 D. 汉字和西文的混合字符串 10.可以随意放大或缩小,而图像质量不会因之变化的是。 A. 矢量图格式 B. 位图格式 C. 位图和矢量图都可以 D. 位图和矢量图都不可以 11.一幅分辨率为1024×768,用16位表示的彩色图像的数据量约为兆字节。 A. 1.5 B. 12 C. 0.75 D.6 12.以下关于信息压缩的叙述中,错误的是。 A. 运用有损压缩方式对视频进行压缩时会损失一些画面质量


Making a comprehensive plan from the target requirements and content, and carrying out activities to complete a certain item, are the guarantee of smooth implementation.学年第一学期班级工作计 划正式版

学年第一学期班级工作计划正式版 下载提示:此计划资料适用于对某个事项从目标要求、工作内容、方式方法及工作步骤等做出全面、具体而又明确安排的计划类文书,目的为完成某事项而进行的活动而制定,是能否顺利和成功实施的重要保障和依据。文档可以直接使用,也可根据实际需要修订后使用。 三(6)班2009学年第一学期班级工作计划 班名:小脚丫班 班徽:两个小脚丫组成二(6) 班训(名言): 一步一个脚印,踏踏实实走好人生每一步。 班级特色活动: 作为一名教师,教书育人是我的神圣使命。小学生是祖国的未来,民族的希望所在。对小学生的民族精神教育尤为重要。

有人把民族精神比作民族的脊梁,一个人没了脊梁,就站不起来,一个民族没了脊梁,也同样无法立足于世界民族之林。小学生的特点是思想单纯,大脑活跃,对文化知识及新鲜事物的接受较快,这是对其进行民族精神教育的大好时机。 小学生,尤其是低、中年级的小学生,对民族的概念是模糊的,跟他们谈民族精神,只能由浅及深,深入浅出。首先,要使他们有民族认同感,认为自己是中华民族的一员。因此9月份我们班准备结合“中国,我为你骄傲”这个主题班会(!)让每位小朋友先通过各种渠道了解我国有几个民族,每个民族都有哪些民族风俗,然后在主题队会上人人参与说一


河源中学2000-2001学年度第一学期中段 初二英语检测题 (说明:答案写在答卷卡上) 听力部分(20分略) 笔试部分 一、找出下列每组词中划线部分与前面给出的单词划线部分发音相同的单词,并把其编号填在 答案卡上(10分) 21. moon A. soon B. look C. good D. book 22. sun A. ruler B. much C. put D. excuse 23. clean A. bread B. great C. seat D. head 24. fast A. glass B. orange C. table D. bag 25. with A. think B. nothing C. these D. month 26.shoe A.son B.another C.so D. do 27.bal l A.talk B.half C. already D.always 28.English A.thing B.longer C.morning D.sing 29.could A.country B.count C.blue D.full 30.work A.more B.floor C.or D.word 二、词语释义从下面每组A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个与句中划线部分意思相同的答案。(10分) 31. She often reaches the office before 8 o’clock. A. gets B. goes to C. gets to 32. There are a lot of apples here. A. many B. mush C. a few 33. Tom is n’t at home now.He is at work. A. is out B. is n’t away C. is in 34. She goes to school by bike with us. A. walks to school B. flies to school C. rides to school 35. What would you like, tea or milk? A. will you eat B. do you like C. do you want 36.-----I’m sorry,I’m late. -------It doesn’t matter. A.You’er welcome B.You’er right C.That’s all right 37.-----What are you going to do this evening?-------I have no idea. A.I don’t think B.I don’t know C.I can’t tell you 38.-----Shall we go to the zoo? -----OK. A.That’s all right B.Good C.Sure 39.We’re going to have the dinner in the open air. A.inside the house B.outside the house C.in the sky 40.Let’s have the meeting at four forty. A. twenty to five B.twenty to three C.forty past four 三、选择最佳答案填空(20分) 41. It takes us _______ hour to get there. A. a B. an C. the D. / 42. This isn’t ______ bag. It’s _______. A. her, mine B. hers, my C. her, me D. her, my 43. We don’t have _______ lessons ______ Sunday. A. some, on B. any, on C. some, in D. any, in 44. There _______ a meeting next Monday afternoon. A. is going to have B. are going to be

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