当前位置:文档之家› 2023年江苏省南京市中考模拟试卷(含答案)




1 . Mr. Li always has his own special _______ to make his lessons lively.


B.instructions C . works D. methods

2. Many people find that listening to some good music helps _______ when they are low.

A. him

B. her


D. us

3.--- How do you find your company?

---A little worried. We ground as a _______ leader in the field of IT with the others speeding up development.

A.are losing

B.were losing


D.have lost

4.Look at the floor, Tom! _______ you watch TV while having a meal?





5.He just looked at me and there was an expression in his eyes I couldn’t _______.





6.No rules all things, will not be long. Without proper lessons, you could _______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A.give up

B.catch up

C.keep up

D.pick up

7. The workers are made _______ ten hours a day.

A . work B.to work C . working D. worked

8.---- I hear that you have bought a smart car. Does the car give you any good _______ for your money?

--- Certainly.





9.As we stayed at home for two months, papers fell into piles. People are always as busy as a bee on weekdays, so they _______ spend their weekend on housework.





10. The 24th Winter Olympic Games _______ in Bejjing on February 2, 2022.

A. Is held B . will be held C . was held D. are hold

11.You've watched the boring soap opera thousands of times! Why don't you go outside and find something _______ doing?





12.---Your head teacher has set up a Wechat group. Could you tell _______?

---It is more convenient to communicate with our parents.

A. when it was set up

B. why did he set it up

C.how did he set it up

D.what it is used for

13.In England, if you think that other people are always in a better situation than you, even when they are not, we say“_______”.

A.the grass is always greener on the other side

B.every dog has its day

C.the early bird catches the worm

D.actions speak louder than words

14.Do you know the boy _______ mother is an excellent teacher?

A. which

B.who C . whose D.what

15. ---I missed the basketball game last Saturday because I had an exam.

---_______, but it will be repeated on TV.

A.Take it easy

B. You are lucky C . That's wonderful D. Never mind


When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we ___16___ how important our eyes are.

People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else seems ___17___.A person ___18___ does a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become near-sighted then.

People who are far-sighted suffer from just the ___19___ problem.They can see things that are far away, but they have ___20___ in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length.If they want to do much ___21___, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism(散光).This, too, can be corrected by glasses.Some people’s eyes become ___22___ because of cataracts(白内障).Long ago these people often became blind.Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances.___23___ eye sees things from a slightly different angle(角度).To prove this to ___24___, look at an object our of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye.You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed.The difference between these two different eye views ___25___ us to judge(判断) how far away an object is.People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes do.

16.A. remind B. receive C. review D. realize

17.A. unhappy B. unpleasant C. unclear D. unfair

18. A. what B. who C when D. which

19.A. right B. same C. wrong D. opposite

20. A. difficulty B. fun C. time D. experience

21.A. shopping B. cleaning C. reading D. fishing

22. A. cloudy B. sunny C. windy D. rainy

23. A. Each B. Every C.Both D. All

24.A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. myself

25.A. helps B. makes C. encourages D. agrees



26. What is Julie's advice?

A. Getting a pen friend.

B. Watching some English films.

C. Reading English newspapers.

D. Joining an English Speaking Club.

27. Who is poor at learning English grammar?

A. Julie.

B.Li Lei.

C. Betty.

D. Sam.

28. Where can Zhao Xin find a pen friend?

A. At school.

B. In the newspaper.

C. On the Internet.

D. In the English Speaking Club.


Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Sometimes a task that takes you five minutes in the morning may take fifteen minutes in the afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. If this were the case, why wouldn't we feel just as sleepy after eating a large breakfast or after dinner? The truth is that this sleepiness is unrelated to meals and is due to another cause.

The real reason lies inside your bodies. At that time, about eight hours after you wake up-your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern (模式). They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.

In many parts of the world, people take naps (午睡) in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate.

A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional, people often suffer less from problems such as heart disease.

Many working people, unfortunately, have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps, employers do not allow it! If you do have the chance, however, here are a few tips about making the most of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in

the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward. This can also happen if you sleep for too long.

If you're feeling down, try taking a nap to lift your spirits. Napping, or even just resting for an hour without falling asleep, can brighten your outlook.

29. Why do people feel sleepy in the early afternoon according to the passage?

A. They eat too much for lunch.

B. They sleep too little at night.

C. The weather becomes a lot warmer.

D. Their body temperature becomes lower.

30. What can we learn from the passage?

A. A late nap may make people more tired.

B. Taking naps can help treat heart disease.

C.People spend more time finishing a task in the morning.

D. It's difficult for people to follow a similar sleeping pattern.

31. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Is a Long Nap Really Good for You?

B. Benefits for Your Best Nap

C. Tips for Napping at Work

D. Can Napping Lift You Up?


If you are a recent social science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment(失业) from your computer major(专业课) classmates, you may have had the last laugh. There are many advantages for the social science major because this high-tech“Information Age”requires people who are flexible(灵活的) and who

have good communication skills.

There are many social science majors in large companies who fill important positions. For example, a number of research studies found that social science majors had achieved greater managerial ( 管理的) success than those who had technical training or pre-professional courses. Studies show that social science majors are most

suitable for change, which is the leading feature(特点) of the kind of high-speed, high-pressure, high-tech world we now live in.

Social science majors are not only experiencing success in their long-term company jobs, but they are also finding jobs more easily. A study showed that many companies had filled a large percentage of their entry-level(入门的) positions with social science graduates. The study also showed that the most important quality in a

person who was looking for a job was communication skills, noted as "very important", by 92 percent of the companies. Social science majors have these skills, often without knowing how important they are. It is probably because of these skills that they have been offered different kinds of positions.

Finally, although some social science majors may still find it more difficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don't regret their choice of study.

32. By saying that "you may have had the last laugh’" in the first paragraph, the author means that you may have_______.

A.shared the jokes with computer majors

B. achieved as much as computer majors

C. stopped joking about computer majors

D. found jobs more easily than computer majors

33. Compared with graduates of other subjects, social science graduates_______.

A. are ready to change when situations change

B. are better able to deal with difficulties

C. are equally good at computer skills

D. are likely to give others pressure(压力)

34.The underlined word “land" in the last paragraph probably means _______.

A. keep for some time

B. successfully get

C. start at once

D. lose regretfully

35.According to the text, what has made it easy for social science graduates to find jobs?

A. Willingness to take low-paid jobs.

B. Readiness to get high-tech knowledge.

C. Skills in expressing themselves.

D. Part-time work experience.


Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.

Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it. Here is some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).

Don't argue (争辩) with your parents. Don't get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can't express (表达) yourself well if you are angry. Firstly keep calm. Then make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Next think about what you want to say to them. If you don't want to talk with them face to face, try writing a letter.

Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your opinions to yourself and try to accept each other. Michael's mother didn't agree with him about buying a toy. They argued about it. But she finally agreed with him. Michael bought the toy, but only played it on certain days.

Of course, your parents might disagree with you on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. It will help keep your relationship strong.

Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from yours. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.

A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is a pleasure to have a try!

36. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to keep a good relationship with our parents?





37. According to the passage, _______have a communication problem.

A. parents and teachers

B. teachers and their students

C. parents and children of all ages

D. only school kids and their parents

38.The underlined word “bridge" in the passage means “ _______”.





39. If the values of your parents are different from yours, you'd better_______.

A. argue with them

B. keep away from them

C. reach an agreement with them

D. talk about your values to them

40. What is the best title of the passage?

A. How to be good parents

B. How to be a good child

C. How to bridge the generation gap

D. How to deal with family problems


A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41- 45 的相应位置上。

41. Our parents are kind to us. We should be __________(感激;感谢) to them.

42. The French book could be __________ (她的), because she is learning French.

43.---Where's the station?

---Sorry, I'm a __________(陌生人) here myself.

44. Mike was lying in the sun looking very __________(轻松的)and happy.

45. We sensed a strong__________ (悲伤) and pain under the strangely beautiful music made by Abing.

B)根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46- 50 的相应位置上。

46. Eating too much of the wrong food will__________(harmful) your health.

47. With the Internet, people can communicate __________ (easy) with friends all over the world.

48. April 24 this year is China's __________(six) Space Day.

49. After the __________(invent)of paper, people started to write on paper to make books.

50.---Tony, did you enjoy__________(you) in London?

---Yes! I went to see my friend Susie.

C)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为51- 55 的相应位置上。

A: Hi Jerry, what's wrong? You look a bit under the weather.

B: I'm not feeling very well. I __________51__________ to have another cold.

A: Not again! You had a cold last month.

B: Well, there's nothing much I can do. All I can do is to take some medicine and __________52__________.

A: Maybe you should try some traditional Chinese medicine.

B: If it can help me __________53__________, I'd be willing to have a try.

A: In fact, it might make no difference with this cold, but it can make your body stronger so you won't catch so many colds.

B: What's so special about traditional Chinese medicine?

A: One special point is that it's all __________54__________. Chinese medicine is made from plants.

B: It sounds great. It means there are few bad effects in Chinese medicine.

A: Yes, you are right.

B:I __________55__________ to have a try.


Literature(文学) is a word used to describe written as well as spoken material.

Generally speaking, it is often used to describe anything from creative imaginations, including works of poetry, drama and fiction.

Then why read literature, since it is often imaginary and seems unconnected with real life?

A lot of us read literature for enjoyment and relaxation. I's always pleasant to read some interesting books in our spare time. In a modern life full of stress, it is our common wish to read some imaginary works and look for relaxation from the stress in life.

Reading literature is more than fun; it also allows us to get knowledge. As a general rule, literature represents a language of a country, and it often gives us an insight(洞察力) into the traditions, attitudes(态度) and values of the age(年代) in which it was written.

Sometimes literature can even offer us new, creative ways to have a better understanding of the world. It introduces us to new worlds of experiences. We enjoy the comedy and the tragedy of poems, stories and plays; and we may even grow through our literary journey with books. At last we may discover meaning in literature by looking at what the writer says and how he or she says it. In some ways, we explore the human condition and

analyze(分析) the way they think and feel the way they feel. Literature helps us think clearly and encourages us to open minds,

So we can certainly say literature is of great importance to us. Why not get going with one poem, drama or fiction at once?


Whether it is a child, a teenager, a middle-aged person or an old person, everybody needs good friends.

During childhood, (66) f____________ helps us understand the importance of sharing and caring. Small (67) c____________ develop it faster than adults and they enjoy the company of their friends. They play and (68) l____________ together.

Making friends is (69) i____________ for their growth and development. As teenagers, friends become more meaningful for us. We go (70) t____________ many changes during our teenage life. Many of the problems faced during this age cannot be discussed with our parents and other (71)f____________members. However, we are (72)q____________ comfortable communicating with our friends. Having good friends who can listen to our problems and (73)o____________us advice and support is indeed a lucky thing during this age.

More and more people these days are suffering from mid-life crisis(中年危机). Their family, job, kids and almost (74)e____________ around begin to appear as a burden to them at this age. Having good friends at this time can help them a lot.

Friends are important for the (75) e____________ too. If they have friends around; their rest life remains joyful and interesting.


当今社会,很多家长对孩子过分溺爱,导致当他们面对问题时手足无措。因此对孩子们来说,学会自立相当重要,请根据以上所述,结合表格所提供的图片及文字信息以“Learn to Be Independent"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。




Learn to be independent

Nowadays, many children are treated as “little emperors” at home. ___________________________












A)thankful/ grateful, hers, stranger, relaxed, sadness

B)harm, easily, Sixth, invention, yourself

C)seem, take it easy, get better, natural, can’t wait


A)Why, imaginative, Types, Purposes, enjoy, ages, understand, how, open, important

B)friendship, children, learn, important, through, family, quite, offer, everything, elderly


Learn to Be Independent

Nowadays,many children are treated as"little emperors"at home,their parents do all the things for them,and they do nothing.Besides,the children ask their parents to do this and to do that.Their parents are always willing to do all the things.what's more,the parents even make decisions for their children.<阐述社会现象>

In my opinion,first,parents should believe in their children,and let children do things by themselves.<高分句型>Second,parents should make proper suggestions.,and give them more chances to make their own decisions.Last,children should learn to be independent,if children always depend on their parents,they will have difficulties future life.<高分句型阐述观点,提出建议>

In a word,it is necessary and important for children to be independent.<总结必要性与重要性>



2023年江苏省南京市中考模拟试卷(含答案) 一、单项选择。 1 . Mr. Li always has his own special _______ to make his lessons lively. A.surveys B.instructions C . works D. methods 2. Many people find that listening to some good music helps _______ when they are low. A. him B. her C.them D. us 3.--- How do you find your company? ---A little worried. We ground as a _______ leader in the field of IT with the others speeding up development. A.are losing B.were losing C.lost D.have lost 4.Look at the floor, Tom! _______ you watch TV while having a meal? A.Should B.Could C.Must D.May 5.He just looked at me and there was an expression in his eyes I couldn’t _______. A.read B.sense C.tell D.notice 6.No rules all things, will not be long. Without proper lessons, you could _______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A.give up B.catch up C.keep up D.pick up 7. The workers are made _______ ten hours a day. A . work B.to work C . working D. worked 8.---- I hear that you have bought a smart car. Does the car give you any good _______ for your money? --- Certainly. A.value B.price C.wealth D.cost 9.As we stayed at home for two months, papers fell into piles. People are always as busy as a bee on weekdays, so they _______ spend their weekend on housework. A.widely B.probably C.mostly D.wisely 10. The 24th Winter Olympic Games _______ in Bejjing on February 2, 2022. A. Is held B . will be held C . was held D. are hold 11.You've watched the boring soap opera thousands of times! Why don't you go outside and find something _______ doing? https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c19014172.html,eful B.cheerful C.enjoyable D.worth


2023年江苏省南京市中考数学第二次模拟考试试 卷 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题 1.如图,PA 切⊙O 于A ,PO 交⊙O 于B ,若PA=6,PB=4,则⊙O 的半径是( ) A .52 B .56 C .2 D .5 2.某电视台综艺节日从接到的 5000 个热线电话中,抽取 10 名“幸运观众”,小颖打通了一次热线电话,她成为“幸运观众”的概率是( ) A .1500 B .15000 C .1200 D . 12000 3.设有 10 个型号相同的杯子,其中一等品 7个、二等品 2个、三等品 1 个,从中任取一个杯子是一等品的概率等于( ) A .310 B .70 l C .37 D .17 4.抛掷一枚普通的骰子(各个面分别标 12、3、4、5、6),朝上一面是偶数的概率为( ) A .16 B .1 2 C .1 3 D .14 5.随机掷两枚硬币,落地后全部正面朝上的概率是( ) A .1 B .21 C .31 D .4 1 6.已知外婆家在小明家的正东方,学校在外婆家的北偏西40°,外婆家到学校与小明家到学校的距离相等,则学校在小明家的( ) A .南偏东50° B .南偏东40° C .北偏东50° D .北偏东40° 7.把一个矩形剪去一个正方形,所余的矩形与原矩形相似,那么原矩形中,较长的边与较短 的边之比是( ) A .5:2 B .(13):2+ C .(15):2+ D .(16):2+ 8.下列各式计算:正确的是( )


2023年江苏省南京市中考数学模拟试卷学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题 1.如图,点P是半径为5的⊙O内一点,且OP=3,在过点P的所有⊙O的弦中,弦长为整数的弦的条数为() A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 2.如图1所示,将长为20cm,宽为2cm的长方形白纸条,折成图2所示的图形并在其一面着色,则着色部分的面积为() A.34 cm2B.36 cm2C.38 cm2D.40 cm2 3.使代数式12 2 x x - + 有意义的x的取值范围是() A.2 x≠-B. 1 2 x≤且2 x≠-C. 1 2 x<且2 x≠-D. 1 2 x≥且2 x≠- 4.如图,对任意的五角星, 结论错误的是()A.∠1=∠C+∠E B.∠2=∠A+∠D C.∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=360° D.∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=180° 5.方程组 25 1 x y x y -= ⎧ ⎨ += ⎩ 的解是() A. 3 1 x y = ⎧ ⎨ = ⎩ B. 1 x y = ⎧ ⎨ = ⎩ C. 2 1 x y = ⎧ ⎨ =- ⎩ D. 2 1 x y =- ⎧ ⎨ = ⎩ 6.下列事件中,必然事件是() A.任何数都有倒数B.明年元旦那天天晴 C.异号两数相乘积为负D.摸彩票中大奖 7.下列说法: ①任何一个二元一次方程组都可以用代入消元法求解;

②2 1x y =⎧⎨ =-⎩ 是方程23x y +=的解,也是方程37x y -=的解; ③方程组73x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩ 的解是3423x y +=的解,反之,方程3423x y +=的解也是方程组7 3x y x y +=⎧⎨-=⎩ 的解. 其中正确的个数是( ) A .0 个 B .1 个 C .2 个 D .3 个 8.下列运算中,正确的是( ) A .235235a a a ⋅= B .2363412b b b ⋅= C .2232(2)36m n m nx m n x -⋅=- D .2()(3)33m n n mn n +⋅-=-- 9.要在直线AB 上找一点C ,使BC=2AC ,则点C 在 ( ) A .点A 的左边 B .点B 的右边 C .点A 和点8之间 D .点A 的左边或点A 与点B 之间 10.把如图所示平面图形绕虚线旋转一周,得到的几何体是( ) A .圆柱体 B .圆锥体 C .球体 D .立方体 11.某居民楼的一个单元一共有l0户人家,每两个月对住户的用水进行统计,8月底时,轮到小明统计,小明对每户人家的水表进行了“抄表”,从而得到每个住户的用水量,结果有3户家庭用水39吨,4户家庭用水42吨,3户家庭用水45吨,则此单位住户的月平均用水量是( ) A .21吨 B .39吨 C .42吨 D .45吨 二、填空题 12. 二次函数2(0)y ax bx c a =++≠的部分对应值如下表, 则不等式20ax bx c ++>的解集为 . 13.2cos45°的值等于 . 14.双曲线2 y x =- 和直线y x =-的交点是 . 15.如图,□ABCD 的周长为20,对角线AC 的长为5,则ABC △的周长为 . 16.A ,B ,C ,D 在同一平面内,从①AB ∥CD ;②AB=CD ;③CB ∥AD ;④CB=AD 这四个条件中任选两个,能使四边形ABCD 是平行四边形的概率是 . x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 y 6 -4 -6 -6 -4 6


2023年江苏省南京市中考数学真题模拟试卷 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题 1.口ABCD 的周长为36 cm ,AB=BC=2cm ,则AD ,CD 的长度分别为( ) A .12 cm ,6 cm B .8 cm ,10 cm C .6 cm ,12 cm D .10 cm ,8 cm 2. 利用因式分解计算2009200822-,则结果是( ) A .2 B .1 C .20082 D .-1 3.经过任意三点中的两点共可以画出的直线条数是( ) A .一条或三条 B .三条 C .两条 D .一条 4.长方形的周长是36(cm ),长是宽的2倍,设长为x (cm ),则下列方程正确的是( ) A .x+2 x =36 B .1362 x x += C .2(x +2x )=36 D .12()362 x x += 5.下列各个变形正确的是( ) A .由 7x=4x-3,移项,得 7x-4x=3 B .由 3(2x-1)=1+ 2(x-3),去括号,得6x-1 =1+2x-3 C .由 2(2x-1)-3(x-3)= 1,去括号,得4x-2-3x-9= 1 D .由 2(x+1)=x+8,去括号,移项,合并,得x=6 6.两个有理数和的绝对值与这两个数绝对值的和相等,那么这两个数( ) A .都是正数 B. 两数同号或有一个数为 0 C .都是负数 D .无法确定 二、填空题 7.如图,有6张牌,从中任意抽取两张,点数和是奇数的概率是________. 8.在Rt △ABC 中,已知∠C=90°,若∠A=30°3,则∠B=______, b=______,c=______.


2023年江苏省南京市中考数学三模试卷 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题 1.如图所示,在高为 300 m 的山顶上,测得一建筑物顶端与底部俯角分别为 30°和 60°,则该建筑物高为( ) A .200m B .lOOm C .1003 m D .3003 2.圆锥的侧面积为12πcm 2,它的底面半径为3 cm ,则此圆锥的母线长为( ) A .4π cm B .4cm C .2π cm D .2 cm 3.某商店购进某种商品的价格是每件 2. 5元,在一段时间里,售出单价为 13. 5 元时, 销售量为 500 件,而销售单价每降低 3 元就可多售出 600 件,当销售单价为每件x 元 时,获利润为y 元,那么y 与x 的函数关系式为( ) A .220037008000y x x =-+- B .2 200+3200y x x =- C .22008000y x =-- D .以上答案都不对 4.利用反证法证明“三角形中至少有1个内角不小于60°”应先假设( ) A .三角形每个内角都大于60° B .三角形有一个内角大于60° C .三角形每个内角都小于60° D .三角形有一个内角小于60° 5.下列命题中,是真命题的是( ) A .相等的两个角是对顶角 B .在同一平面内,垂直于同一条直线的两直线平行 C .任何实数的平方都是正实数 D .有两边和其中一边的对角分别对应相等的两个三角形全等 6.已知点P (4,a+1)到两坐标轴的距离相等,则a 的值为( ) A .3 B .4 C .-5 D .3或-5 7.如图,△ABC 、△ADE 及△EFG 都是等边三角形,D 和G 分别为AC 和AE 的中点。若AB =4时,则图形ABCDEFG 外围的周长是( ) A .12 B .15 C .18 D .21


2023年江苏省南京市中考数学必刷模拟试卷 学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 一、选择题 1. 如图,DE ∥BC ,点D 、E 分别在 AB 、AC 上,且AD : AB= 1 : 3 , CE=4,则 AC 的长为( ) A .6 B .5 C .7 D . 83 2.已知函数2 y ax bx c =++的图象如图所示,那么函数解析式为( ) A .2 23y x x =-++ B .2 23y x x =-- C .2 23y x x =-+ D .2 23y x x =-+- 3.下面的函数是反比例函数的是( ) A .13+=x y B .x x y 22 += C .2 x y = D .x y 2= 4.在对2006个数据进行整理的频数分布表中,各组频数之和与频率之和分别等于( ) A .2006,1 B .2006,2006 C .1,2006 D .1,1 5.下列所给的边长相同的正多边形的组合中,不能镶嵌平面的是( ) A .正三角形与正方形组合 B .正三角形与正六边形组合 C .正方形与正六边形组合 D .正三角形、正方形、正六边形组合 6.了解全市八年级学生身高在某一范围内的学生所占比例的大小,需知道相应样本的 ( ) A .平均数 B .方差 C .众数 D .频数分布 7.如图,天平右盘中的每个砝码的质量都是1g ,则图中显示出某药品A 的质量范围是( ) A .大于2 g B .小于3 g C .大于2 g 或小于3 g D .大于2 g 且小于3 g 8.在平面直角坐标系中,下列各点关于y 轴的对称点在第一象限的是( ) A .(21), B .(21)-, C .(21)-, D .(21)--,


2023学年中考英语模拟试卷 考生须知: 1.全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。 3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、______ my brother _________ my father loves the science fiction movie The Wandering Earth (流浪地球) a lot, both of them want to see it again. A.Both; and. B.Not only; but also C.Either; or D.Neither, nor 2、If it rains hard, we have to ______ the basketball match. A.cut off B.put off C.go off D.take off 3、To cut down waste /pə'lu:ʃn/, we should take our own bags to go shopping. A.popular B.pollution C.population D.progress 4、—Who was the student ____ was absent yesterday? —Mary was. A.that B.who C.whom D.which 5、There is no need to push the kids too hard, ,you hate to see them stressed out. A.After all B.Over again C.In all D.Above all 6、—Which sign means "No smoking"? —________. A.B.C.D. 7、—Can I learn English well if I work hard on it from now on? —Sure. ___________ . A.One tree doesn’t make a forest B.It’s not w ork that kills, but worry C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart D.Two heads are better than one 8、---Could you tell me _______?


2023年中考模拟试卷(二) 数 学 注意事项: 1.本试卷共6页.全卷满分120分.考试时间为120分钟.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效. 2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上. 3.答选择题必须用2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案.答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效. 4.作图必须用2B 铅笔作答,并请加黑加粗,描写清楚. 一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分.在每小题所给出的四个选项中,恰有 一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母代号填涂在答题卡...相应位置....上) 1.4的算术平方根是 A .2 B .-2 C .16 D .-16 2.与(-3)2的值相等的是 A .-32 B .32 C .(-2)3 D .23 3.不等式-x +1<0的解集在数轴上表示正确的是 A . B . C . D . 4.如图,AB 是半圆O 的直径,C ,D 在半圆O 上.若∠CAB =28°,则∠ADC 的度数为 A .152° B .142° C .118° D .108° 5. 如图,AB ∥CD ∥EF ,则下列结论正确的是 A .AC CE =DF BD B .A C AE =DF BF C .AC CE =AB CD D .AC BD =C E DF A O B C D (第4题) A C E B D F (第5题)

6.若关于x 的一元二次方程-x 2+2x -1=m (m 为常数)在-2<x <2的范围内有实数根,则m 的取值范围是 A .-9<m ≤0 B .m ≤0 C .-9<m <-1 D .-1≤m <0 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分.请把答案填写答题卡相应位置.......上) 7.3的相反数是 ▲ ,3的倒数是 ▲ . 8.若式子x -1在实数范围内有意义,则x 的取值范围是 ▲ . 9.某新型感冒病毒的直径约为0.000 000 82米.将0.000 000 82用科学记数法表示为 ▲ . 13.在平面直角坐标系中,点A 的坐标是(1,3).将OA 绕着点A 逆时针旋转90°得到AB ,则 点B 的坐标是 ▲ . 14.如图,CD 是⊙O 的直径,弦AB ⊥CD ,垂足为E .若AB =4,CE =6,则⊙O 的半径r 为 ▲ . 15.如图,在矩形ABCD 中,E 是BC 的中点,将△DCE 沿DE 翻折,点C 落在点F 处.若 BC =4,tan ∠FBE = 3 2,则AB 的长为 ▲ . 16.如图,将△ABC 绕点A 旋转至△AB ′C ′,使得B ′,C ′,B 共线.若AC =2,∠ABC =30°, 则CC ′的长为 ▲ . 三、解答题(本大题共11小题,共88分.请在答题卡指定区域.......内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(6分)解方程组⎩⎨⎧2x -y =0, x +2y =5. A B C B ′ C ′ (第16题) A D F C E B (第15题) (第14题)


2023学年中考英语模拟试卷 注意事项 1.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。 2.试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。 3.考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、—Why didn’t you go to the party last night? —Because I _______. A.wasn’t invited B.didn’t invite C.ha ven’t invited D.am not invited 2、Which of the following sentences is correct? A.Do you know why was the little girl crying? B.We sang and danced, we were all very happy. C.If he will go there tomorrow, I will go, too. D.The boy ran in with a smile on his face. 3、Yu Guangzhong is a famous writer and poet______ wrote the well-known poem Nostalgia (《乡愁》) and passed away on December 14th, 2017. A.who B.which C.what D.whose 4、一I went someone to write the report for me. 一No! As a student, you depend on yourself. A.will B.can C.shall D.may 5、For your ________, you mustn't get out of the car in the wild animal park. A.choice B.chance C.safety D.mistake 6、There are many __________ shops in this street. I want a pair of ________ shoes. A.shoe, sport B.shoes, sport C.shoe, sports D.shoes, sports 7、–– Look at the young man in yellow. Is it Mr. Green? –– No, it ______be him. He is wearing a green coat today. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t 8、—This pair of blue jeans looks cool. Can I try _________ on? —Sure. The fitting room is over there. A.it B.them C.this D.that 9、—Let’s go to Wanda Movie Theater? It has a large screen. —But it is _____________ of all the cinemas in Jinan. A.expensive B.more expensive C.most expensive D.the most expensive 10、He is such _____ friendly boy. He gets along well with his classmates. A.a


2023学年中考英语模拟试卷 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角"条形码粘贴处"。 2.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。 4.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、---The two old friends were ____ busy ____ with each other that they forgot the time. ---Yes. They hadn’t met for over ten years, so they kept talking the whole night. A.too; to talk B.too; talking C.so; to talk D.so; talking; 2、---I called you at about ten o’clock this morning. But you didn’t answer the phone. ---Oh, I’m sorry. _________. A.I was having a meeting with clients B.I had a meeting with clients C.I have had a meeting with clients D.I would have a meeting with clients 3、----Excuse me, I want some books, but I can’t find a bookshop here. ----I know_________on my way home. Come with me, please. A.this B.one C.. It D.that 4、It’s said that the lack of gravity on the moon ma kes______possible to jump 30 feet or more. A.this B.that C.it D.us 5、—Could I ride an electric bicycle to school, Mr Wang? —No, you ______. Students under the age of 16 aren't allowed to ride electric bicycles. A.couldn't B.needn't C.can't D.shouldn't 6、―I want to borrow the detective novel written by Agatha Christie,but I don’t know how long it can ______. ―For two weeks. A.keep B.return C.be kept D.be returned 7、1.—Could you tell me ____? —It’s twenty minutes by underground. A.how can I get to your school B.how much it costs to get to your school C.how far it is from your home to your school D.how long does it take me to get to your school 8、—Let's play ________ soccer. —I don't have ________ soccer ball.


2022-2023学年南京市栖霞区九年级中考模拟测试卷(一) 语文 注意事项: 1.本试卷8页,共120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 一(22分) 南京市正在开展“总要来趟南京吧”文旅活动,你参与其中。 1.你帮忙完成宣传文稿。(4分) 总要来趟南京吧。在和煦的春风里,看一片làn漫的花海;▲; 在温暖的秋阳中,赏一幅斑斓的画卷.……在一座座文化博物场馆,感受城市记忆;在一家家书店,寻访文学踪迹;在一个个美食摊位,开启舌尖盛宴……美丽的不止是这座城市,还有每个人对她的向往。 (1)看拼音写汉字:làn(▲)(1分) (2)给加点字注音:卷(▲)(1分) (3)在空缺处仿写一个句子,使上下文连贯、通顺。(2分) ▲ 2.春日出行,你联想起一些不含“春”字却有春意的古诗文名句。(6分) ①桃花一簇开无主,▲。(杜甫《江畔独步寻花》) ②潮平两岸阔,▲。(王湾《次北固山下》) ③山重水复疑无路,▲。(陆游《游山西村》) ④▲,似曾相识燕归来。(晏殊《浣溪沙》) ⑤你又寻得这样的连贯两句:▲,▲。 3.叔叔一家人打算本周末从外地来南京游玩。他们列出一个“南京景点清单”,希望你能根据他们一家人的爱好,为他们重点推荐一处景点。你这样向他们推荐: ▲。 叔叔一家人的爱好 ①叔叔:喜欢拍摄自然、人文风光。 ②婶婶:热爱中国文化遗产。 ③堂妹:热衷文学阅读和创作。 ④堂弟:喜爱品尝特色美食。


栖霞区九年级中考模拟测试卷(二) 语文 注意事项: 1.本试卷 8 页,共 120 分。考试时间为 120 分钟。 2.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 3.答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡 皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。 一(22 分) 1.用古诗词原句填空。(6 分) ①念天地之悠悠,▲。(陈子昂《登幽州台歌》) ②东风不与周郎便,▲。(杜牧《赤壁》) ③▲,宫阙万间都做了土。(张养浩《山坡羊·潼关怀古》) ④▲?曹刘。(辛弃疾《南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀》) ⑤神州名胜,处处留有诗人们的千古名句,让游客们忍不住驻足吟诵。在南京, 你最想吟诵的古诗词名句是:“▲,▲。” 班级即将以“君子自强不息”为话题举办演讲活动,你和同学们积极筹备。 【准备开场白】 2.作为主持人,你准备活动开场白。(4 分) “天行健,君子以自强不息。”这句话出自《周易》,意思是天道运行刚健有力,永无止息,而君子处世,也应该遵循天道,刚毅坚rèn,▲。这是我国传统文化的精髓.,也是中华民族生生不息的精神源泉之一。今天我们的演讲活动就围绕“自强不息”这一中华传统美德展开。 (1)根据拼音写汉字,给加点字注音。(2 分) rèn (▲ )髓(▲ ) (2)横线处还需填入两个四字词语,根据语境,你认为最恰当的一项是(▲ ) (2 分) A. 持之以恒,努力奋进 B. 诚实做人,讲究信用 C. 以和为贵,和而不同 D. 谦虚谨慎,知耻后进

【撰写演讲稿】 3.小奇正在以《论不屈不挠》为题写演讲稿,下面是他演讲稿中的一个片段。他 请你帮忙完成下列任务。(4 分) (1)为增强说服力,小奇搜集了以下诗文名句,你认为能放在【甲】处的选项有(▲ )(2 分,多选) A.千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。 B.长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 C.三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 D.先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。 (2)你从初.中.语.文.书.的.课.文.中选取概括两位人物的事例,补写在【乙】处,让论证充分。(2 分) ▲ 4.小奇想在演讲的最后,配一张图画来表现本次演讲的主题,但他不知道选用怎 样的画面比较合适,你向小奇解释了自己的配图构思。(4 分) ▲ 【拟评分细则】 5.活动设置了“最佳演讲者”奖项,小霞拿出了自己设计的评选细则,你补充


2023年中考模拟试卷(三) 语文 注意事项: 1.本试卷8页,共120分。考试时间为120分钟。 2.考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 一(24分) 1.用古诗文原句填空。(6分) (1)何当共剪西窗烛,▲。(李商隐《夜雨寄北》) (2)日暮乡关何处是?▲。(崔颢《黄鹤楼》) (3)▲,燕然未勒归无计。(范仲淹《渔家傲·秋思》) (4)▲,明月何时照我还?(王安石《泊船瓜洲》) (5)“思乡念亲”是古诗文中常见的主题,请你再写出连续的两句:▲,▲。 班级开展“‘桥’见六合”综合性学习活动,你和小文参与。 2.小文拟写了一段开场白,你帮他完善。(7分) 欢迎大家参加“‘桥’见六合”综合性学习活动。桥,横跨滔滔江河,笑看世间cānɡ桑;▲;桥,寄托绵绵情思,承载.厚重文化。活动中,你可以欣赏桥的雄姿,回顾桥的变迁,感悟桥的情思,进而展望家乡的发展。相信本次活动定能让你收获满满。感谢你的聆听! (1)给加点字注音:承载.▲(1分) (2)看拼音写汉字:cānɡ▲桑。(1分) (3)画线词使用不妥当,应换成(▲)(2分) A.参与 B.到来 C.光临 D.倾听 (4)请你在横线上补写一句话,与前后句构成排比。(3分) ▲ 3.小文根据下面资料拟写了上联,你帮忙补出下联。(3分) 南宋绍兴年间,知县龚相为了沟通滁河两岸,将十几艘小渔船连起来,远远看去,如同一片片树叶浮在水面上,“浮桥”由此得名。2011年,浮桥开始重建。桥上建筑由重檐歇山阁、游廊与斜坡爬山廊组成,看上去恍若宫阙浮于河面,美若海市蜃楼。 上联:昔日渔船相接如浮叶 下联:▲

4.你仿照下面的示例,完善以“家乡的桥”为题的小诗,抒发对家乡的情思。(补写内容不少于四行)(4分) 5.小文准备用展板来介绍家乡的桥,你帮他完善展板的板块设计。(4分) 二(42分) (一)阅读下面古诗文,完成6-9题。(13分) 【甲】 游瓜步山记 梅曾亮 道光七年二月十六日,客六合官署,与同人游瓜步山。余与翰初①先登。古庙数楹,无棂槛可据,佛像皆剥落坐尘埃中,老农数人踞阶下议社事。方怅然欲归,而主人偕数客至,移肴核②于补山亭。两峰翼张,亭承其腋。盖去庙西不数十步,而冈隆谷洼,匿蠢献秀,远江近渚,回澜就目,杂花周阿,迎桃送杏。既醉饱,复登西岸之太平庵。山风冷然,异香出于寺,则两老梅数百年物也,高出楼大荫一亩方盛开。诸人皆错愕瞪视,既乃太息坐卧其下,日暮而后去。此一日中事耳,吾两人胸臆愉塞③,殆如隔人世事。 (选自《小方壶斋舆地丛钞》,辽海出版社,有删改)【注】①翰初:作者友人。②肴核:肉类和果类食品。③愉塞:愉悦阻塞,指心情变化大。


九年级化学试卷 (满分:100分;考试时间:100分钟) 可能用到的相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 S:32 Ca:40 Fe:56 Cu:64 Ba:137 第I卷(选择题共40分) 一、单项选择题(本题包括15小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题2分,共30分。)1.下列做法不符合 ...低碳理念的是 A.随手关灯 B. 双面使用纸张 C. 电视长时间待机 D. 乘坐公交车出行2.下列物质属于纯净物的是 A.加碘食盐B.医用酒精C.清新空气D.蒸馏水 3.下列物质由分子构成的是 A.铁 B. 氯化钠 C. 二氧化碳 D. 金刚石 4 5.高邮连淮扬镇铁路2019年通车。以下建设过程涉及的材料中,属于复合材料的是A.掘进机钻头中使用的铬钼钢合金B.防水材料中使用的聚氯乙烯 C.皮带运输机中使用的合成橡胶D.安全帽中使用的玻璃钢 6.下列几个步骤能将河水转化为可饮用水:①化学沉降(用明矾)②消毒杀菌(用漂白粉) ③自然沉降④加热煮沸。以下处理过程合理的是 A.③②①④B.③①②④C.③①④②D.①③④②7.“雾霾”中的“霾”是指烟、尘等小颗粒悬浮而形成的浑浊现象。下列物质在空气中充分燃烧,能生成类似于“霾”的物质的是 A.P B.S C.C D.H2 8.下列实验操作错误 ..的是 A.取用液体B.加热液体C.稀释浓硫酸D.取用固体粉末9.绿原酸(C16H18O9)被誉为“第七类营养素”,它可以从栽种较广的杜仲中提取。下列有关 绿原酸的说法错误 ..的是 A.绿原酸含有43个原子B.C、H、O的原子个数比为16∶18∶9 C.燃烧可生成CO2和H2O D.绿原酸(C16H18O9)相对分子质量为354 10.以下是从小张同学实验报告中摘录的部分实验数据。数据记录正确的是A.用量筒量取食盐溶液5.86mL


2023年中考英语模拟试卷 考生请注意: 1.答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。 2.第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。 3.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、-Are you feeling tired after doing the heavy work? -____________. In fact, I am still energetic. A.Not a little B.Not a bit C.Not a bit of D.Not little 2、Which word of the following doesn't have the same stress as the others? A.Disturb. B.Dentist. C.Direct. 3、—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. —________. A.Oh, t hat’s very nice of you B.Congratulations C.It’s a pleasure D.Oh, I’m glad to hear that 4、Diao Yu Island is Japan. It belongs to our China forever. Anyone can’t part with China. A.in B.to C.on D.at 5、Linda, you need to talk to my grandma loudly, she is a bit __. A.deaf B.blind C.clever D.kind 6、Sit closer to the fire. The ________ of it can keep you warm and make your wet clothes dry. A.light B.heat C.cold D.bell 7、If a thing is important enough, it’s worth ______ well. So go out of your way to s tudy for the coming challenge. A.being done B.doing C.to do 8、Sir, I know you’ve already slowed down. But could you please _______? I'm not feeling well now. A.to drive slowlier B.drive more slowly C.to drive more slowly D.drive slowlier 9、I’m hungry, but I won’t have dinner ________ my father comes back. A.after B.when C.if D.until 10、—Could you tell me ? I must find him. —Sorry, I have no idea. But he was here just now. A.where Tom was B.where Tom is C.where can I find Tom D.where has Tom gone Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor man living in a small house with spider webs on the walls and mice running around. People 1 coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day. He thought it was poverty(贫穷)that 2 his unhappy life.


2023学年中考英语模拟试卷 请考生注意: 1.请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用0.5毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。 2.答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的《注意事项》,按规定答题。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、Singing is a form of expression that can be understood by everyone. Also, some songs can cheer people up when they _______ in trouble. A.will be B.aren’t C.are 2、Mr. Li ____ to give a talk in our school yesterday. A.invites B.is invited C.was invited D.invited 3、I think swimming is than running. A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting 4、—I’ll be away for a long time. —Don’t worry. She can look after your pet ________. A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully 5、The traffic was very heavy, but nobody was late, _______ me. A.except B.above C.through D.below 6、—Where's your brother? —Oh, he ________ the library and ________. A.has been to; so Lucy is B.has gone to; so Lucy has C.has gone to; so has Lucy D.has been in; so has Lucy 7、— What do you think of the film? — Fantastic. ______ the children ______ their father likes to see it. A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Not only; but also D.Neither; nor 8、WeChat is growing fast and it is ______ than Skypein China. A.popular B.more popular C.most popular D.the most popular 9、Elvis Presley was famous the king of rock and roll (摇滚)while Bruce Lee was famous his kung fu. A.for; for B.as; as C.for; as D.as; for 10、––The Lego Batman Movie is so popular these days. Do you know ______? ––Oh, it’s about 105 minutes. A.what kind of movie it is B.where is it produced C.how long it lasts

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