当前位置:文档之家› 福建省福州格致中学2016届高考英语备考听力训练(十)









1. Which hotel might Pearl stay at according to the man?

A. Plaza.

B. Cambridge.

C. Grand Regency.

2. Where will the two speakers go next?

A. To an office.

B. To their home.

C. To a restaurant.

3. What is the man concerned about?

A. The price.

B. The memory space.

C. The function.

4. How does the woman pay the bill?

A. In cash.

B. By cheque.

C. By credit card.

5. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man’s house is not far from the library.

B. The man always borrows books these days.

C. The man goes to the library twice a month.




6. What are the speakers talking about in general?

A. A band.

B. A cell phone.

C. Music.

7. Why does the woman listen to Barndoor Boys’ songs?

A. They can calm her down.

B. They can cheer her up.

C. They can make her relax.


8. Who is the woman?

A. A dancer.

B. An actress.

C. A player.

9. How often does the woman practise recently?

A. Twice a week.

B. Four days a week.

C. Four times a month.

10. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. See her performance.

B. Take exercise together with her.

C. Help her lose weight.


11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Interviewer and interviewee.

B. Doctor and patient.

C. Fellow workers.

12. What is the man’s health problem?

A. He suffers high blood pressure.

B. He has been putting on weight.

C. It’s difficult for him to go to sleep at night.

13. According to the man, what is the cause of his problem?

A. Lack of exercise.

B. Too many pizzas and burgers.

C. No ice cream before going to bed.


14. Who could the man most probably be?

A. A passer-by.

B. A taxi driver.

C. A policeman.

15. How long will it take the woman to get to the National Museum of Art?

A. Less than 12 minutes.

B. No more than 18 minutes.

C. More than 20 minutes.

16. How will the woman probably go to the Mexican restaurant?

A. By taxi.

B. By subway.

C. By bus.


17. Where is the speaker probably?

A. At a TV station.

B. On a beach.

C. At a shopping mall.

18. How many people does the speaker mention?

A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 5.

19. What does the speaker say about the guy with short pants?

A. He needs fashion lessons.

B. He wears a fashionable shirt.

C. He will go to a barbecue party.

20. Who is in fashion?

A. The girl with holey jeans.

B. The girl with a white blouse.

C. The guy with a Hawaiian shirt.

10.(Text l)

W: What hotel is Pearl staying at? Cambridge or Grand Regency?

M: She might be staying at the Plaza, but I don’t know for sure.

(Text 2)

M: I’m sorry I’m late, dear. I had a long meeting at the office.

W: That’s OK. Now we can try that new Chinese restaurant downtown.

(Text 3)

W: What’s important when you’re buying a new phone?

M: What’s important? For me, memory space. A lot of phones are bad with memory, but cheap ones are even worse. I keep a lot of music on my phone. That takes up a lot of space.

(Text 4)

M: Here is your bill. Please have a check.

W: I guess no problem. I don’t have much cash on me. Do you take cheques?

M: Sorry, we only accept credit cards and cash. Do you have your credit card?

W: Yeah. Here you are.

(Text 5)

W: How often do you go to the library?

M: I go there twice a week, because it takes me only 10 minutes to go there by bike.

W: Do you always borrow books?

M: Well, I sometimes borrow books, but I always borrow DVDs these days.

(Text 6)

M: You’ve got a lot of songs in you r cell phone. What kind of music do you usually listen to?

W: It’s hard to say. Different music for different moods.

M: For example?

W: Well, when I feel sad or I’m a little blue, I like listening to Barndoor Boys. A lot of people don’t like country mus ic, but I like it. It cheers me up.

(Text 7)

W: Hey, are you free this weekend? I’ll be on stage for the first time !

M: Excuse me? On stage? Are you acting?

W: No, dancing! It’s my modern dance stage performance !

M: I didn’t know you’re a dancer! You mu st be so busy. How often do you practise?

W: Twice a week usually, but this month, we’ve been practising four days a week.

M: Wow , I’ll bet that helps you lose weight !

W: Actually, not really. After practising I’m always so hungry. I just eat and eat.

M: But still, you get more exercise than most people, for sure.

W: Why don’t you come to see me perform Saturday night?

M: Let me check my schedule. What time?

(Text 8)

W: Oh, of course, thank you. Let’s find one more person …maybe that man over there. Excus e me, can I ask you a few questions about your health?

M: What ? What? What? Do you think I have a health problem?

W: Umm, do you have a problem?

M: I can’t sleep at night. I just lost 30 pounds. I’ve been on a diet for almost a year now. I have to go running for two hours a day. But I miss what I used to eat.

W: What did you use to eat?

M : Pizzas , burgers. . . I used to eat ice cream before going to bed. I know that’s the reason I can’t sleep well. No ice cream, no sleep. What am I going to do?

W: Umm ...I think you should talk to your doctor. Thank you and good luck.

(Text 9)

W: Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.

M: Where to?

W: Well, I’m going to the National Museum of Art.

M: Sure, Hop in.

W: Uh . Excuse me, how long does it take to get there?

M: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. And I’m not average. We should be able to get there in less than twelve minutes. W: OK. Uh, do you have any idea how much the fare will be?

M: Oh, it shouldn’t be more than 18 dollars, not including a tip, of course.

W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown?

M: Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic.

W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?

M: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis too, but they don’t run by the museum that often.

W: OK. Thanks.

(Text 10)

W: OK, let’s take a look around the shopping mall. I’ll tell you who’s in fashion and who’s not in fashion. Now, there’s an example of after-school style. Check out that guy in the orange shirt and the yellow jeans. Are those in fashion? Sure , that’s the new look this season! OK.The guy with the short pants needs fashion lessons. His Hawaiian shirt is so out of style. It looks like he’s going to the ocean for a barbecue party. This is a shopping mall, not a beach. Now, do you see the girl outside, next to the tree over there? She’s wearing a short skirt and a pink sweater. Her blouse is white, and that goes with anything. She’s very fashionable and she knows it. This time next year, all the girls will copy her style. Now , here’s an example of how not to dress. That girl, with the jeans? Are jeans out? Out? Never! But those jeans have holes in them. No one wears holey jeans anymore. And the sleeves on her T-shirt are too loose. T-shirts that fit tight to the body are the newest style, not the loose kind.

10.1—5ACBCA 6—10CBABA 11—15ACCBA 16—20BCBAB


广东高考英语听说策略 班级:江门市英语4班 广东省在2020年推出高考英语听说考试,这就对考生的能力提出更高的要求。而英语听说的成绩在其它科目高考之前就公布,所以听说考试的好坏直接影响考生整体发挥,因此英语听说至关重要。英语听说考试包括三部分(Part A Reading Aloud、Part B Role Play和Part C Story Retelling ),其中Part C故事复述,要求考生尽可能使用自己的语言复述,而且复述内容应涵盖尽可能多的原文信息点。本部分强调对篇章的整体性理解和把握,同时考查学生能否恰当地运用自己的语言组织要点信息,并正确而连贯表达的能力。Part C部分占的分值最大,但学生丢分现象严重。而在平时的练习或测试题中,故事复述部分以记叙文为主。笔者根据亲身的教学体会,在此就记叙文复述的技巧做一探讨。 一.在平时的训练和考试中,学生主要存在以下几个问题: 以2020年广州一模听说试题为例(B卷): 1.使用的人称不当,代词he、she分不清。例如:有些学生说成She poured some water in the pot. Some villagers asked what she was doing等。 2.不会正确使用时态。例如:some villagers ask the traveler what he was doing;也有不少学生把ate 误读成eated, died说成dead等。 3.遗漏要点。如特别多的学生漏了故事开头的背景(村庄发生天灾)和故事之后的寓意(秘诀在于:人人都奉献,生活更美好)。 4.句子结构不完整或谓语用错。例如:The villagers hungry. The crops were died. The whole village was enjoy the soup等。 5.复述时顺序凌乱。一会儿往汤里加tomatoes,一会儿加oil,一会儿加salt,没有按照故事发展的顺序复述,缺乏逻辑性。 6.复述不连贯。有时连续重复某个词或某句话,无法顾及句子的连接和过渡。 二.相应的备考策略 1.确定人称 在复述时,首先要注意原材料的人称,若原材料是第一人称,关键记录作者的所见所闻,复述时也用第一人称,我们在稿纸上记录与第一人称有关的代词(I, my, me );若原材料是第三人称,关键记录中心人物的名字,并记录中心人物与其他人物的关系和他们之间的故事情节,复述时也用第三人称。若是男性,就在稿纸上写上相应的代词(he, his, him),若是女性,也在稿纸上写上相应的代词(she, her),这样就可以避免在复述过程中出现人称混乱的现象。 2.用准时态 记叙文一般是叙述过去的事情,时态一般以过去时为主。所以我们记录时在稿纸上写下动词的过去式,复述时要注意动词过去式的发音,尤其是不规则动词的发音。比如begin的过去式是began,过去分词是begun,同一动词的两种形式读音不同,在复述时要特别注意。3.找准要点 记叙文要点通常包括五个“W”(what、who、when、where、why)和一个“H”(how)。我们在听录音时一定要把记叙文的关键要素记录下来,避免复述时遗漏要点。 4.选准句型 为了避免句子结构或谓语动词出错,我们在准备阶段心里要有底,哪个要点用哪个对应的句型,而且要用有把握的句型,尽量避免太复杂的句式,以免出错丢分。因为本部分的评分标

福建省福州格致中学2014-2015学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版无答案

福州格致中学2014-2015学年第一学段 高一英语《必修一》模块考试 第二部分:英语知识运用 单项填空 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 21.In _______ distance is a tall tree which is said to have ______ history of over 500 years. A. the; a B. /; / C. a; a D. the; / 22.--- Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it _______ purpose. --- That may be right. But perhaps it was broken ________ accident. A. on; on B. on; by C. by; by D. by; on 23.It might be very difficult to find _______ of the information. A. cause B. resource C. source D. course 24. Shall we go there by bus or by taxi? The ______ seems to be quicker. A. late B. latter C. later D. lately 25. After living in the United States for fifty years, he returned to the small town where he ______. A. brought up B. grew up C. gave up D. turned up 26. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather ________ the helplessness of the crew(船员) at sea. A. added to B. added up to C. added up D. was added to 27. --- Daddy, I don’t want to go to Jimmy’s birthday. --- You had better go. ______ you make a promise, you have to keep it. A. Even B. Once C. Unless D. In case 28. --- Won’t you stay for lunch? --- No, thanks, I _______ my uncle at the airport at 10:30. A. met B. have met C. meet D. am meeting 29. ________ out for food, Some work in the nest as guards or workers. A. All the bees not go B. Both the bees don’t go C. Not all the bees go D. All the bees go 30. The old town has narrow streets and small houses _______ are built close to each other. A. they B. where C. what D. that 31. --- Don’t you know our town at all? --- No, It is the first time I _______ here. A. was B. am coming C. came D. have come 32. Can you make sure _____ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put 33. He decided to help the poor girl _______ were killed in the earthquake. A. which parents B. parents of them C. whose parents D. whom parents 34. The settlement is home to nearly to 1,000 people, many of _______ left their village homes for a better life in the city. A. whom B. which C. them D. who 35. ---We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. --- Yes, _______ ? I’ll give them a call right now. A. why not B. what for C. why D. what 第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题一分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 This little story I’m going to tell you happened when I was about 11 years old and I’II never forget it. I was at my friend Jenny’s __36__ after school one day, and we were doing (or not doing) homework.. __37__ I was there, Jenny’s mom came over to visit. I don’t remember her name__38__ what her face looked like. I just remember her hands, her voice and the__39__ she taught me. I can still see her hand __40__ for mine in our introduction. __41__ were so


2014年高考英语(北京卷)完形填空真题含答案详解 The Fitting-in of Suzy Khan The first time I saw Suzy Khan, I knew I had to help her. She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often 1_ about her and laughed their heads off. She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page. All I knew was that she was an orphan (孤儿) from Africa. She had just been adopted by a family in town who 2 that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids. I looked down at this 3_ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her. But how could I help her 4 in with us? There had to be a 5_ . One day, when I went into the classroom, I saw that Suzy had 6 her geography book to a picture of a train, and in her notebook, she had made a(n) 7_ copy. I was surprised and thought that she could do something in the coming 8_ show. So, I took her to see the art teacher, Miss Parker, and showed her what Suzy had 9_ . “why, it’s wonderful,” said Miss Parker, who the n showed us a poster she had painted 10_ the talent show. “I need more of these, but I just don’t have enough11 . Could you help me, Suzy?” On the day of the talent show, Suzy’s 12 were everywhere ---- all over the hall and all over the school, each one different. “And finally,” said Mr. Brown, the schoolmaster, at the end of the show, “we have a (n)_13_award. I’m sure you’ve all noticed the wonderful posters.” Everyone nodded. “One of our own students 14 them.” I could hear everyone whispering. “Who in our school could draw 15 well?” Mr. Brown waited a while before saying, “ 16 this student worked so hard on the posters, she deserves a 17 ,too. Our mystery(神秘) artist is our new student ---- Suzy Khan!” Mr. Brown thanked her for all the wonderful posters and gave her a professional artist’s set. “Thank you,” she cried. I 18 , at that time when I was looking at her excited face, she’d probably never 19 anything in her whole life. Everyone started to 20 their hands. Suzy Khan gave them a shy smile and the applause was deafening. I knew then Suzy was going to be all right.


福州格致中学2019年中考音乐特色班和体 育特长生招生实施方案 福州格致中学中考音乐特色班和体育特长生招生实施方案 根据福州市教育局《福州市高中学校招生实施细则》的精神,我校今年将继续招收音乐特色班和体育特长生,特制定本实施方案。 一、招生计划 招收类别名额音乐特色班30人(管弦乐、民乐)体育特长生25人(乒乓球6人、羽毛球4人、游泳6人、田径9人)音乐特色班及体育特长生招收专业人数比例可以根据考生报考等具体情况进行适当的微调。音乐特色班为文科设置,独立编班,高中三年不再另行分班;体育特长生编入普通教学班,高二时可自主选择文科或理科。 音乐特色班办学的重要宗旨是组建校交响乐团,为高校输送艺术专业人才。目前学校交响乐团所需器乐种类有(1)管弦乐器类:小提琴、中提琴*、大提琴*、低音提琴*、长笛、单簧管、双簧管*、大管*、小号*、圆号*、长号*、大号*、中音号、沙克管、打击乐(马林巴、小军鼓等)、钢琴(2)民族乐器类:笛子*、肖呐*、笙*、二胡、琵琶、扬琴、中阮*、柳琴、古筝、民族打击乐(排鼓等);以上带星记号的乐器属于我校紧缺乐器,建议考生可自愿选择标星号乐器作为第二专业。

二、报名流程 1.报名条件 (1)前提条件 福州市区在校应届初中毕业生,综合素质评定等级为良及以上,且符合下列音乐特色班或体育特长生报名条件之一。同时,报考音乐特色班和体育特长生时必须与学校签订承诺书,保证录取福州格致中学后,按要求参加专项训练和各类体育赛事及各类艺术实践活动,如未按要求参加活动,学校将把该生表现记入学生综合素质评价的诚信档案中,高考报名时先报考音乐或体育专业。 (2)音乐特色班报名条件 ①初中阶段获县(市)区级以上教育行政部门主办或联办的艺术类(器乐、音乐)比赛个人项目一、二、三等奖、鼓励奖或集体项目三等奖以上的学生; ②初中阶段参加市级及以上教育行政部门组织的艺术演出; ③各类艺术考级5级及以上(含5级)。 ④鉴于我校交响乐团乐器种类需求及考生今后的升学前景,要求报考钢琴和古筝专业的考生须自愿选报第二专业,并签订学习第二专业的有关协议。 (3)体育特长生报名条件 ①获国家二级运动员称号的学生; ②初中阶段参加县(市)、区级以上教育行政部门主办或联办的运动会各单项比赛个人项目、集体项目前六名的队员。 2.报名方式: (1)4月28日至5月5日,学生或家长可登陆福州格致中学网站“校务管理——招生信息”专栏下载报名表,或到福州格致

福建省福州格致中学高考英语备考听力训练二十五试题 含答案

25. 第一部分听力(共两节。满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Doctor and patient. C. Teacher and student. 2.Why can’t the machine work according to the woman? A.The power may have been cut off. B.There is something wrong with it. C.Both of the speakers can’t operate it. 3.What does the woman mean? A She is tired of keeping pets. B She wants to have a dog. C She won’t have a dog as a friend. 4.What can we learn from the conversation? A.The man will invite Mary to dinner. B The man will buy his daughter a gift. C.Mary has a lovely girl. 5.Which of the following does the woman like best? A. Fishing.13.Swimming.C.Climbing. 第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独自后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。 听第6段材料。回答第6,7题。 6.What season is it now? A Spring. B Summer. C Autumn. 7.What will the speakers do? A. Drive to San Diego. B.Have take—away food in the park. C. See an outdoor movie. 听第7段材料。回答第8,9题。 8.What color is the tie the man is looking for? A. Green. B. Blue. C. Brown.


徐老师 北京市2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语 (满分120分,考试时间100分钟) 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 1.—Hi,I'm Peter.Are you new here?I haven't seen you around? —Hello,Peter.I'm Bob.I just________on Monday. A.start B.have started C.started D. had started 2.__________we don't stop climate change,many animals and plants in the world will be gone. A.Although B.While C.If D. Until 3.__________along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience A.Travel B.Traveling C.Having traveled D.Traveled 4.Susan had quit her well-paid job and________as a volunteer in the neighborhood. When I visited her last year A.is working B.was working C.has worked D.had worked 5.She and her family bicycle to work,__________helps them keep fit A.which B.who C.as D.that 6.During the Mid-Autumn Festival,family members often gather together__________ a meal,admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. A.share B.to share C.having shared D.shared 7.China's high-speed railways__________from9,000to25,000kilometers in the past few years. A.are growing B.have grown C.will grow D.had grown 8.In any unsafe situation,simply________the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. A.press B.to press C.pressing D.pressed 9.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who__________in the mountains

福建省福州格致中学鼓山校区2017-2018学年高一10月教学质量检测语文试题 Word版含答案

2017-2018学年质量检测语文试题注意:本试卷语文基础知识90分,作文60分,卷面10分,总共150分,考试用时150分钟。请把答案填写在答题卡上,考试结束后,将答题卡交回。 一.默写常见的名句名篇(每小题1分,共6分) 1.补写出下列名句中的空缺部分。 ?,;失其所与,不知。(《烛之武退秦师》) ?风萧萧兮易水寒,。(《荆轲刺秦王》) ?事所以不成者,乃欲以生劫之,。(《荆轲刺秦王》) ?臣死且不避,。(《鸿门宴》) ?,大礼不辞小让。(《鸿门宴》) ?今者项庄拨剑舞,。(《鸿门宴》) 二.课内文言文知识(每小题3分,共45分) 2.下列对课文中相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是()(3分) A.伯,封建五等爵位公、侯、伯、子、男的第三等。 B.大夫,古代官名,西周以后先秦诸侯国中,在国君之下有卿、大夫、士三级。大夫世袭, 有封地。 C.字,古代男子成人,不便直呼其名,故另取一与本名涵义相关的别名,称之为字,以表其德。 D.季父,指伯父,文中的项伯,是项羽的伯父。 3.下列对古代礼节的表述错误的一项是()(3分) A. 祖,也称祖道、祖韨,古代出行时祭祀路神的仪式,后来逐渐演变成为远行的人举行 的饯行仪式。 B.九宾礼,由九名迎宾人员立于殿上,依次传呼接引使者上殿。这是先秦时期外交上最隆 重的礼仪。 C.古人席地而坐,坐姿是膝跪在席上,臀部坐于脚后跟。而跪是仍呈坐姿,但臀部离开脚 跟,伸直腰板。跽,又称长跪,两膝着席而挺直上身。 D.拜,跪而以手触地,头不碰地;再拜,是又拜了一次,这是古代一种隆重的礼节,用于 表达敬意。 4. 下列各句中没有通假字的一项是()(3分)

浅谈初中英语听力障碍及训练策略 杨芸

浅谈初中英语听力障碍及训练策略杨芸 发表时间:2014-10-17T15:59:09.433Z 来源:《读写算(新课程论坛)》2014年第8期(上)作者:杨芸[导读] 听力是听和理解的总和。听力理解的过程是人们运用各种知识和技能的过程。杨芸 (古蔺县古蔺镇中学古蔺646500)听是人们进行言语交际的重要手段,是学习英语的重要途径之一。里弗斯的研究表明,听占整个言语交际活动总量的45% 。由此可见,训练听力有助于全面提高学生的英语交际能力。随着英语新教材的启用,加强学生的听力训练,提高学生听力理解水平,已经受到广大英语教师的高度重视。但是,笔者认为,目前初中英语的听力教学还处于起点阶段,距新课标所规定的目标尚有一定的距离。 听力理解障碍何在?如何培养学生听英语的能力,提高他们的听力水平,笔者想就此略陈管见。 一、听力理解障碍 1、语言基础知识的障碍 听力是听和理解的总和。听力理解的过程是人们运用各种知识和技能的过程。在听的过程中,学生对语言基础知识掌握程度的高低决定了听力理解及反应速度的差异。 语音障碍:有些学生一开始就没有掌握每个单词的准确发音,长此以往,特别是对发音相近的词,不能正确辨别一些容易混淆的音素,如sheep---ship,house---horse.语速障碍:有些英语教师讲课语速比较慢,学生形成了习惯,遇到正常的语速的听力材料就不能适应。如再遇到一些连读,弱读,重读,失爆,重音转移等语音语调的变化,更是无所适从。 英语语音差异:英美英语除了在词汇上的差异外,在读音上也不尽相同,有些读音差别还相当大。而我国英语教学过去基本上采用英国英语教学体系。随着对外开放,美音教材增多并有流行的趋势,有些学生因不熟悉英美语音的差异,就产生了听力障碍。 词汇障碍:学生英语词汇量的大小,掌握的熟练程度,一词多义和同音异义的现象,都有给学生听力理解造成一定的困难。 2、母语干扰的障碍 许多学生在听到一段语音信息后,常受母语干扰,习惯用中文逐句逐词翻译出来,而不能直接将语音信息转化为一定的情景,不能直接用英语进行思维,多了个中间环节,这种心译影响了反应速度和记忆效果。 3、文化背景知识的障碍 语言是文化的一种表现形式,学生必须具备一定的英美历史的语言文学知识,还需了解和熟悉一些英美国家人民的生活习惯,文化背景,风土人情及生活方式,不少中学生由于缺乏这方面的知识,听力理解便产生一定困难。如学生对西方的感恩节、愚人节等不甚了解,就会对这些感到茫然。 4 、心理因素的障碍 听力理解的过程也是一个较复杂的心理活动过程。心理学家告诉我们,当人的情绪处于紧张焦虑的状态时,就会产生恐惧心理,从而使原来可以听懂的内容也大打折扣。另外,外部环境对学生也有较大的影响,环境的变化会使学生在心理上产生相应的变化。同样的听力内容,学生在教室里听教师授课和在语音室里听录音的心理准备和活动的方式是不一样的。而多数学生又不善于高速心理变化,从而造成听力理解上的因难。学生在听音时的情感因素和听力理解的有效程度也有着直接的联系。如果学生听音目的明确并有强烈的听音个体, 其效果就好。反之,会产生心理抵触和厌恶情绪。通过以上的分析可以看出,听力理解能力不仅与听者的语言知识掌握程度有关,而且与听者所具有的文化知识,心理素质等也有密切的联系。因此,教师要针对英语听力障碍对症下药,采用适当的训练策略。 二、听力理解的训练策略 1、注重语言知识的传授 首先,要认真教好音标,严格把好音标关。学好音标是学好英语的前提。音标基础的好坏决定了语音、语调的好坏,要使初中生人人打好语音基础,对提高学生的听力水平无疑会起到事半功倍的效果。其次要注意朗读技巧的训练和培养。 教师在课堂上应有意传授语句重音、节奏、音变、连续以及语调等知识,加强学生的朗读技巧。朗读技巧的培养和训练不是一朝一夕的事,无捷径可走,只有坚持不懈,持之以恒,才能英语的朗读技巧。第三,要正确引导学生记忆单词,任何一门语音的学习都离不开词汇的学习和积累。词汇的学习要边学边记,最有效的方法是根据读音规则进行记忆。拼音文字的最大优越性就是词的读音与拼写一致。根据这一特点,会读的单词自然会拼,按读音记忆的单词也不会遗忘。 2、重视培养学生听力理解的技巧与良好听的习惯在听力教学中,教师要注意对学生进行听力技巧的训练,这是提高学生听力理解水平的有效措施。所谓听力技巧,包括语音技巧和听力技巧。语音技巧包括连读、弱读、句子重音、意群划分等。而理解技巧是指对所听内容的检索、预测、取舍等技巧。 3、寓听力理解训练于日常教学中 训练学生听力要与日常教学结合在一起,课堂教学中教师要尽量用英语组织教学,这是听力训练教学的出发点,也是最有效的听力训练方法。其次,在课时安排上,可充分利用课前5 分钟或每节课的复习时间,让学生听一些有关材料,作为“热身运动”或者利用课堂教学结束前数分钟安排训练听力。第三,在内容选择上,充分挖掘并利用教材中的听力材料,不要轻易放弃,在内容的呈现上,应遵循听、说、读、写教学顺序,做到先听后说,先说后读,先读后写;或者把教材中的内容改成听力材料。第四,与课本配套的同步听力以及练习册、目标测试中的听力练习等,更是要坚持随着教学进行训练。 4、注意学生良好心理素质的培养 保持良好的状态,自觉养成好习惯对于听力的培养十分的重要。目前,初中生的心理控制能力有较大的发展,但是他们又有心理状态可塑性强的特点。从听力训练的初始阶级就应强调培养良好的心理素质。首先,要对学生加强学习目的教育,鼓励学生树立信心,增强克服困难的勇气。教师要明确告诉学生,听是学好英语的重要途径之一,要加以重视。同时不否认听力理解有相当的难度,只要正视它,经过持之以恒的努力是能够克服的。其次教师在课堂上要创设一个轻松和谐的气氛,努力消除学生因害怕、担忧、反感而产生的心理障碍。第三,教师在课堂上要引入竞争机制,激发学生听的兴趣,看到学生一点一滴的进步,要适时给予表扬。如在训练时可采用抢答方式,看谁反应迅速,答得正确性。


福州格致中学2015级高一学段第一学期质量评定 高一年级第五次月考英语试卷 时间:100分钟分值120分 ★祝考试顺利★(完型填空启用备用卷题号不同答题卡区域注意区别) 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共两部分,满分70分) 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Most of us are highly aware of various channels through which we can obtain information on food safety. A majority of us have shown much __36___ in experts and authorities and taken a(n) __37___ part in science activities organized by such experts. __38_, we do not always form an accurate picture When there is __39_news about one brand, our trust in all brands or similar products tends to be __40___ . We would doubt not only the brand in __41___ but also similar brands when a safety issue (问题)_42___ in the news. At the same time,our purchase __43___ change as food safety incidents occur. We are becoming _44___ confident in domestic(国内的)food companies ,for they have done too little in publishing and sharing food safety __45__ so far. As a result ,we would turn to __46__ brands more often. Food safety incidents in China have attracted a lot of attention. As a matter of fact ,we only have a very _47__ knowledge base on the issue. In developed countries,there have been relatively _48__ measures and response system toward safety issues. Therefore, the __49___ in those countries are less likely to become over-panicked and form serious _50 about all brands. Food companies should pay more attention to our insights, listen to our voices, _51___ the opinions of experts and authorities ,have effective strategies for response _52____ various media channels, and __53___ information in time and face the public honestly. In addition ,both the government and an independent third - party should have a role to play in providing information about food companies__54___ in raw material selection, production and distribution (流通) However, this might require several years and we still need to learn more about food __55___ 36. A. respect B.enthusiasm C. distrust D. confidence 37. A. slight B. broad C. active D. natural 38. A. However B. Consequently C. Meanwhile D. Furthermore 39. A. negative B. exciting C. detailed D. special 40. A. protected B. affected C. increased D. preserved


绝密★启封并使用完毕前 2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(北京卷) 本试卷共16页,共150分。考试时间为120分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 例: What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaper B. A magazine C. A book 答案是 A 1. What juice does the man order? A. Lemon B. Apple C. Orange 2. What subject does the man like best? A. History. B. Biology. C. Chemistry. 3. Where is the woman from? A. Britain. B. Russia. C. America. 4. What kind of student bus pass does the woman want? A. Weekly. B. Monthly. C. Yearly. 5. What are the two speakers going to nuy for Mary’s birthday? A. A bicycle. B. A pen. C. A book. 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分) 听下面 4 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或 独白你将听两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。


2011-2012上学期模块测试例题分析1104 例1.一个小球沿斜面向下运动,用每隔0.1s 曝光一次的频闪相机拍摄不同时刻小球位置的照片,如 图2-2所示.测得小球在A 、B 、C 、D 各点相对于O 点的位移分别为OA =8.20cm 、OB =17.49cm 、 OC =27.90cm 、OD =39.39cm ,则小球运动的加速度有多大? 图2-2 例2.某物体做直线运动的速度图象如图2-3所示.根据图象中的数据,请你尽可能详尽地描述它的 运动. 例3.一质点沿直线运动时的v -t 图线如图2-4所示,则以下说法中 正确的是:( ) A .第1s 末质点的位移和速度都改变方向 B .第2s 末质点的位移改变方向 C .第4s 末质点的位移为零 D .第3s 末和第5s 末质点的位置相同 例5.物体做匀变速直线运动,初速度为10m/s ,经过2s 时间后,末速度大小仍为10m/s ,方向与初 速度方向相反,则在这2s 内,物体的加速度和平均速度分别为:( ) A .加速度为0;平均速度为10m/s ,与初速度同向 B .加速度大小为10m/s 2,与初速度同向;平均速度为0 C .加速度大小为10m/s 2,与初速度反向;平均速度为0 D .加速度大小为10m/s 2,平均速度为10m/s ,二者都与初速度反向 例6.矿井里的升降机从静止开始做匀加速运动,经过3s ,它的速度达到3m/s ;然后做匀速运动,经 过6s ;再做匀减速运动,3s 后停止.求升降机上升的高度,并画出它的速度图象. 例7.如图2-7所示,a 、b 、c 为三块相同的木块,并排固定在水平面上.一颗子弹沿水平方向射来, 恰好能射穿这三块木块.求子弹依次穿过这三块木块所用时间之比. 图2-4 图2-6 图2-7 图2-3


初中英语听力训练研究报告 一、课题提出的背景 1、社会生活的信息化和经济活动的全球化使英语日益成为我国对外开放和各国交流的重要工具,学习和掌握一门外语成为21世纪公民的一项基本的要求。在外语学习中,信息获得的45%在于听,说占30%,读占16%,写占9%。这些数据足以说明听力教学在外语教学中所占的重要位置。初中英语教材在编排上,内容上充分考虑到“听”能力的培养和训练,为实施素质教育和创新教育提供了必要的条件。此外,“听力”是听、说、读、写“四会”能力之首,其排列体现了学习语言的先后顺序,也反映了学习语言时的先易后难。听是语言能力之一,它对其它几种能力的影响是不可忽视的。 2、我校教育教学的现状 我校是一所普通的农村初级中学,教师的教学理念、教学手段、教学水平相对比较落后,学生英语听力水平很低,听说能力欠缺,不能进行简单的口语交际。教师对听力教学重视不够,不能进行规范的、持久的听力训练。英语听力教学的现状影响全校英语成绩的提高。学生正迫切需要使自己的英语听力得到提高,农村中学需要一种较为可行的适合农村英语教学特点的模式应用于农村英语教学实践中,这是新形势下课改的需要,更是学生全面发展的需要,所以我校提出了英语听力训练这一课题进行研究。 二、所要解决的主要问题 通过英语听力训练研究,改变我校听力教学现状,激发和培养学生英语

听力学习的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的听力学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略;掌握一定的英语听力基础知识和听说读写的技能,形成一定的综合语言运用的能力;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神。这样,我们就解决了学生英语听力水平差,听力测试成绩低的问题,教师忽视听力训练,认为听力训练无足轻重的问题,学生听力能力欠缺,听不懂,不能在实践中运用的问题。 三、课题研究的实践意义与理论价值 实践意义: 1、提高学生听力技能,使学生在真实的语言交际环境中运用言。 2、教师对听力训练的研究,无形中提高了自身教学能力,有利于英语教学的顺利进行,有利于我校英语教学水平的全面提高。 理论价值: 1、我校的英语听力训练研究是对听力教学的有益尝试,是对听 力课教学的经验总结,可以成为其他学校英语教学的经验借鉴。 2、听力训练研究,进一步完善了“当堂达标教学理论体系”,可以更好地指导我校英语教学改革实践。 四、完成课题的可行性分析 1、行政支持。宁津县教育局教研室和刘营伍中学教导处的全力支持。 2、我校英语教师的团队精神。我们一致赞同当堂达标教学的小课题研究,积极选择课题,主动承担任务,分工明确,合作默契,具备不怕吃苦,连续工作,永不放弃,永不言败的团队精神。 五、课题研究论证报告

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