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Chinese people’s political consultative conference (CPPCC)中华人民共和国政治协商会议Communist party of china (CPC)中国共产党the national people’s congress (NPC)全国人民代表大会the Han Dynasty(汉朝206BC-AD220)was established by Liu Bang with its capital at Chang’an 西安it is divided into two periods western Han Dynasty(西汉206BC-AD25)and Eastern Han Dynasty(东汉AD25-220)according to the constitution of the PRC China’s administrative units are currently based on a three-tier system(三级建制)dividing the nation into provinces counties and townships根据宪法,中国的行政单位,目前正在根据全国分为省,县和乡镇的三级建制


Chinese philosophy(中国哲学)is the collective designation for the various schools of thought是各大流派的总称。世界3大哲学体系western philosophy and Indian philosophy 百家争鸣 a hundred schools of thought contend. The philosophy in pre-Qin times先秦子学 the most influential schools were Confucianism (儒家)Taoism(道家)Mohism(墨家)and Legalism(法

家) Confucius(孔子)and Mencius(孟子)it advocates benevolence and justice allegiance and forbearance(仁义忠宽)the doctrine of the golden mean and values the ethical relations of men中庸之道和重视人的伦理关系it emphasizes the importance of family and societal order. Children must respect and be dutiful to their parents. The younger must obey the elder. The junior must follow the senior. The servants must serve their rulers.它强调的是家庭和社会秩序的重要性。儿童必须尊重和孝顺父母。年轻的必须服从长辈。初中必须按照高级。下级必须服从统治者。

Taoism is a school of thought founded by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi.道德经Dao De Jing 无为(non-action)Taoism promotes the belief that a person should live a simple life, not to strive for wealth, fame or power, which will only give one worries and trouble道教提倡的信念,一个人要过简单的生活,而不是争取财富,名誉或权力,只会给一个忧虑和麻烦

Mohism cherishes universal love which states that if all the people in the world loved one another , there would be no hatred, calamities, and hostilities. In politics and ethics Mohism advocates honouring

virtuous people, opposing fatalism and aggressive wars and upholding thriftiness and simple funerals.墨家珍视兼爱,其中规定如果心爱的人,所有的人在世界上就没有仇恨,灾害,和敌对。在政治和道德墨家主张履行贤惠的人,反对宿命论和侵略战争,并坚持节俭和简单的葬礼。Legalism, begun by Han Feizi, espouses laying down laws to unify the thought of people法家,韩非子开始,拥护统一人们的思想奠定了法律

两汉经学(the orthodox philosophy during the han dynasty)banning all schools of thought except Confucianism 罢黜百家独尊儒术orthodox philosophy advocates that heaven affects human affairs and human behavior finds responses in Heaven(天人感应)and the power of the emperors are authorized by Heaven(君权神授)正统哲学主张天上影响人类事务和人类行为的认定,在天堂的响应和皇帝的权力是由天授权integral part nature天人合一

Metaphysics during the wei and jin dynasties魏晋玄学three profound studies三玄 the book of changes易经Lao Zi老子Zhuang Zi庄子the Buddhist philosophy during the sui and tang dynasties隋唐佛学

It mainly discusses the relationship between the

subjective and the objective它主要讨论了主观和客观之间的关系。Neo-confucianism in song and ming dynasties宋明理学周敦颐程颢程颐朱熹rationalism was eternal and was a spiritual existence prior to the world理性精神永存于世界

Application philosophy in the ming and qing dynasties 明清实学philosophy focuses on self-examination哲学侧重于自我检查the basic features of ancient Chinese philosophy中国古代哲学的基本特征stress on spiritual existence, practice, harmony, intuition压力对精神的存在,实践,和谐,直觉知之者不如好之者好之者不如乐之者to delight in it means to put it into practice and gain pleasure from it天时不如地利地利不如人和opportunities vouchsafed by heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages, which in turn are less important than the unity among people. Mencius said. This well expressed the idea that harmony was the highest principle. Confucius further explained how to realize harmony between man and nature, man and man, man and society, and man and heaven through the golden mean.这充分表达的理念,和谐是最高的原则。孔子进一步解释如何实现人与自然,

人与人,人与社会,与中庸的人,并通过天堂之间的和谐。三清the three pure gods of Jade Pure玉清who has a pearl within his fingers他有他的手指内的一颗明珠Upper Pure上清who holds the universe in his arms宇宙在他的怀里 and Great pure太清 who has a feather fan in his hand在他手里拿着羽毛扇eight immortals in the Taoist religion八仙when the eight immortals cross the sea, each demonstrates his/her divine power八仙过海各显神通the theory of samsara轮回the cornerstone基本观点the doctrine of four noble truth四谛the eight-fold path八正道the famous Buddhist mountains 佛教名山五台山峨眉山普陀山九华山Islam was founded by the Arabic prophet(先知)伊斯兰教创立的阿拉伯先知there is only one god Allah阿拉真主qingzhen temple 清真寺诗经尚书礼记周易春秋大学中庸论语孟子四书五经


Calligraphy’s purpose is to retain the beauty of nature and illuminate man’s spiritual beauty.书法的目的是为了留住美丽的大自然,照亮人的心灵美。The handwriting reveals the writer字如其人in the part, children were trained at an early age to practice

writing. People were often judged by their handwriting. It was believed that the force used in writing betrayed 表露one’s disposition 性情and the written characters revealed the calligrapher’s understanding of life and arts. Devotion to practicing calligraphy could help a person to achieve relaxation and repel排斥 outside disturbance.孩子们从小训练,练习写作。人们常常通过他们的笔迹判断。有人认为,在书写的力量表露一个人的性格和文字显示,书法家的生活和艺术的理解。奉献练习书法可以帮助一个人达到放松和排斥外界干扰。Categories 点(dot stroke)横(horizontal strokes)竖(vertical stroke)撇curved折angular钩hooked

five categories of chinese scripts五种书法chinese scripts are generally divided into five form: the seal form(篆书),the official form(隶书),the cursive(草写的)form(草书),the regular form(楷书),and the running form(行书)in 221BC, Prime Minster Li Si of the Qin dynasty collected and categorized all the different systems of writing used thought the country in an effort to unify t he writing system, he simplified the ancient seal script and suggested small seal scrip, as the

standard form of writing. Soft lines of strokes and upright rectangular shapes keep the seal form characters more close to pictography 总理李斯在公元前221,秦王朝的收集和分类的所有不同的书写系统,认为该国在努力,统一了书写系统,他简化了古篆书,并建议作为标准形式的小型密封以股代息写作。中风和直立矩形软线保持密封形式字符更接近象形.秦汉时期it was the turning point in the later scrip forms, it turned the remaining curved and round strokes of the seal form into Iinear and flat square shapes这是在后来的以股代息形式的转折点,它变成Iinear和平面方形密封形式其余的弧形和圆形笔触

the cursive form originates form the Han Dynasty. This style of calligraphy is smooth and lively with strokes flowing and characters linking together. The characters are often joined, with the last stroke of one merging into the initial stroke of the next. It is executed freely and rapidly so that parts of the characters appear exaggerated. 草书形式的起源,形成汉代。这种书法风格是平稳的,活泼和流畅的笔触和字符连接在一起。往往加入字符,进入下一个初始中风合并的最后一搏。它是自由和迅速地执行,使部分字符出现夸张the

regular form was developed during the Wei and Jin dynasties, and came to prominence in the Tang Dynasty. This is still today’s standard writing. 定期的形式在魏晋,唐代突出。这仍然是今天的标准写作。The running form is somewhere between the regular and the cursive forms, allowing simpler and faster writing. 运行形式是介于定期和草书形式,允许简单和快捷的写作。王羲之eastern jin dynasty

书圣sage of Chinese Calligraphy书画同源have the same origin as calligraphy壁画Mural paintings 木板刻画Wood-cut block print文房四宝four treasures of the study .Duan ink stones were first introduced in Duanzhou, and now are produced in Zhaoqing City. Chinese opera, together with Greek tragedy and comedy, and the Indian Sanskrit are the three ancient forms of drama in the world .chinese opera is the only remaining living form中国戏曲与希腊悲喜剧,印度佛教剧是三个古老的戏剧形式在世界,中国戏曲是仅存的生活形式Beijing opera Towards the end of the 18th century 唱念打(singing, recitation, acting, and acrobatic fighting )生旦净丑the sheng roles are generally positive生的角色一般都是积极的and can be divided into laosheng (老

生:elderly men,武生military men小生young man娃娃生children. laosheng are middle-age or older men who are decisive and honest. They are also called xusheng. because they wear artificial beards. Wusheng are young generals skilled in martial arts. Xiaosheng are clean-shaven and handsome. The most distinctive feature of real and falsetto voices in singing and speaking. The falsetto voice is sharp, thin, and high-pitched in order to sound young and to distinguish the young men from the elderly, wawasheng are children’s parts. 老生是中年或老年的人是决定性的和诚实的。他们也被称为须生。因为他们戴假胡须。武生是在熟练掌握武术的年轻将军。小生是清洁光头和英俊。真实和假声唱歌和说话声音的最鲜明的特征。假声是尖,薄,高音调听起来年轻而区分的年轻男子从老人,娃娃生是儿童的部分。Dan refers to various female roles, including 老旦青衣花旦武旦彩旦laodan characters are elderly women. qingyi characters are generally young or middle-aged omen of strong characher and refined disposition. Most of them are faithful wives. Loving mothers, and pure woman from feudal society. Huadan characters are agile young woman with a frank and open personality. Wudan

characters are women skilled in martialarts. Caidan are clowns in farces and comedies. 老旦的人物是老年妇女。青衣角色一般是年轻人或中年预兆的坚强性格和优雅的性格。他们中的大多数都是忠实的妻子。亲爱的妈妈,和纯洁的女人从封建社会。花旦角色是敏捷的年轻女子与一个爽朗的性格。武当的人物是妇女熟练的武术。彩旦是小丑闹剧和喜剧。The national treasure国粹 kungqu opera昆曲the oral and intangible cultural heritage人类口头非Wu质Wen化遗产。Shanxi opera of great fun and the elderly residens of xi’an city take particular delight in it even today秦腔非常有趣和老年人居住的西安市特别喜爱它直到今天。川剧。越剧。黄梅戏it is a local opera in anhui province。粤剧


China’s four great inventions,namely,the compass,gunpower,movable type printing and papermaking, not only changed the world but also accelerated the evolution of world history. China further contributed to the world with its rich heritage in ceramics and silk中国的四大发明,即,指南针,火药,造纸术和活字印刷,不仅改变了世界,但同时也加速了世界历史发展。中国进一步促进世界以其丰富的遗产在陶瓷和丝

The world’s most detailed and earlist astronomical records were kept by the chinese. 世界上最详细和最早的天文记录是由中国.

China dominated in metallurgy. When europeans still could not turn out a single piece of cast iron in the 14th century. 中国为主的冶金。当欧洲人还是不能变成一个单件铸铁在第十四世纪。

The four major inventions have become important symbols of china’s important role in the world’s civilisation. 四大发明,已成为中国在世界文明中的重要作用的重要标志。The compass is a device showing geographic direction by using the earth’s magnctic field. It enabled trade and exploration to develop on a worldwide scale. 指南针是一个显示设备的地理方向的地球磁场。它使贸易和探索的发展在世界范围内。

Referred to as a south-pointer, the spoon or ladle shaped compass is made of magnetic lodestone. 称为司南,长柄勺子、瓢形罗盘是由天然磁石。

The earliest record of the use of the compass in navigation was in the song dynasty最早记录使用指南针导航是在宋代the compass vehicle指南车

Papermaking造纸术paper has been a major medium for recording, transmitting, and storing information in human civilisation. The earlest charcters were inscribed on bones, tortoise shells and bronze wares in the shang dynasty and later on silk, bamboo and wood. 纸已成为主要的媒介记录,传输和存储的信息,在人类文明。世界上最早的特点是刻在骨头,龟壳和青铜器在商代和后来的丝绸,竹木。In the eastern han dynasty, a court official named cai lun used inexpensive materials such as bark, hemp, rags, fishnet, wheat stalks and other materials to make paper. 在东汉时期,一位名叫蔡伦使用廉价的材料如树皮,麻,碎布,渔网,小麦秸秆和其它材料制作纸。

Gunpowder火药it was sunsimiao, a well-known pharmacologist of the tang dynasty, who first discovered the method for making gunpowder. 这是孙思邈,著名药师的唐代,首先发现了火药的制作方法。Flying fire-arrows发机飞火bronze cannos火统two-stage rockets火龙出水were introduced. In the yuan dynasty, the method of making gunpower was introduced to the arab world and europe, bringing a series of revolutions to weapon manufacturing,as well as to stratagem and

tactics on the battlefield. 在元代,制火药传到了阿拉伯和欧洲,带来了一系列的革命的武器制造,以及战略战术在战场上。Printing, know as “mother of civilisation”文明起源block printing雕版印刷movable type printing 活字印刷block rinting was probably invented between the sui and tang dynasties. The process of block printing started with the cutting of wood into blocks, and then characters were engraved in relied on the blocks. 雕版印刷术发明之间可能是隋唐时期。这个过程的雕版印刷开始切割木材成块,然后被刻在依赖于块。The world’s oldest surviving book printed on paper is vajra sutra. It is the earliest woodcut illustation in a printed book. 世界上现存最古老的印刷纸是金刚经。它是最早的木刻插画在印刷书籍。Block printing was time-consuming as blocks had to be engraved each time a new book was printed. 雕版印刷是费时块已被刻每一次新的书是印刷。During the song dynasty, bi sheng, a printing carver,invented movable type printing, which ushered in a major revolution in the history of printing. It was more than 400 years earlier than europe’s. 在宋代,毕升印刷,雕刻,发明了活字印刷,这开创了一个重大的革命在印刷史。这是400多年前比欧洲。Movable type


四级翻译专有名词汇总 1.中国历史与文化 京剧 Peking opera 秦腔 Qin opera 功夫Kung Fu 太极Tai Chi 口技 ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏 shadow play 折子戏 opera highlights 杂技 acrobatics 相声 witty dialogue comedy 刺绣 embroidery 苏绣 Suzhou embroidery 泥人 clay figure 书法 calligraphy 中国画 traditional Chinese painting 水墨画 Chinese brush painting 中国结 Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China 火药 gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术 paper-making 指南针 the compass 青铜器 bronze ware 瓷器 porcelain; china 唐三彩 tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne 秋千swing 武术 martial arts 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化 Confucian culture 道教 Taoism 墨家 Mohism 法家 Legalism 佛教 Buddhism 孔子 Confucius 孟子 Mencius 老子 Lao Tzu 庄子 Chuang Tzu 墨子 Mo Tzu


《中国文化经典导读》教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程编号:1520090 课程中文名称:中国文化经典导读 课程英文名称: 课程类型:专业选修课程 总学时:36 学分:4 适用专业:汉语国际教育 先修课程:大学语文 开课院系:国际教育学院 二、课程性质和任务 本课程是汉语国际教育专业本科生的学科基础课程,是一门培养学生汉语基本知识、提高学生对现代汉语的运用和分析能力的基础理论课程。 本课程的任务是进行现代汉语知识系统化和深入化的教学。课程主要以知识传授和分析运用为教学目的。通过本课程的教学,使学生了解和掌握现代汉语的语音、词汇、语法、语用等方面的基础理论和基本知识,加强基本技能的训练,为其学习其他课程以及将来从事汉语教学工作、语言文字工作以及进一步研究深造打好基础。 三、课程教学目标 本课程重点讲授基本理论和基础知识,着重进行语言实践能力的训练。教学目标为: 1.学生能了解和掌握现代汉语的基础理论和基本知识。 2.学生能熟练正确地运用和分析现代汉语。 3.学生能加强对现代汉语的规范意识,提高其语言规范的理论水平和行动的自觉性。 四、理论教学环节和基本要求

本课程理论教学以课堂讲授为主,辅以必要的讨论、答问。教学环节和基本要求如下: 第一章现代汉语概说 教学要求:了解现代汉语和现行汉字的基本概念和基本知识;理解现代汉语的特点。 教学要点: 1.现代汉语 (1)现代汉语的含义 (2)现代汉语的国际和国内地位 (3)现代汉语共同语的形成和原因 (4)共同语标准的确立 (5)现代汉语共同语的特点 2.现代汉语方言 (1)方言的概念 (2)现代汉语方言的分区及其特点 3.现行汉字 (1)汉字的性质和作用 (2)现行汉字的形体发展和构造原理、结构系统 (3)现行汉字的规范化和标准化 (4)汉字的信息处理 教学重点:现代汉民族共同语;方言分区;汉字及其性质。 教学难点:现代汉民族共同语;汉字的构造原理。 第二章现代汉语语音 教学要求:了解现代汉语语音的基本概念;理解现代汉语语音的基本知识;能通过语音练习掌握现代汉语声母、韵母、声调及音节的发音,说好普通话。 教学要点: 1.语音概说 (1)语音的基本属性 (2)语音的几个重要概念 (3)汉语拼音方案 2.声母 (1)声母的概念及其与辅音的关系 (2)声母的分类


中国文化相关词汇英文翻译 元宵节:Lantern Festival 刺绣:embroidery 重阳节:Double-Ninth Festival 清明节:Tomb sweeping day 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 对联:(Spring Festival)Couplets 象形文字:Pictograms/Pictographic Characters 人才流动:Brain Drain/Brain Flow 四合院:Siheyuan/Quadrangle 战国:Warring States 风水:Fengshui/Geomantic Omen 铁饭碗:Iron Bowl 函授部:The Correspondence Department 集体舞:Group Dance 黄土高原:Loess Plateau 红白喜事:Weedings and Funerals 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Day 结婚证:Marriage Certificate 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 附属学校:Affiliated school 古装片:Costume Drama 武打片:Chinese Swordplay Movie 元宵:Tangyuan/Sweet Rice Dumpling(Soup) 一国两制:One Country,Two Systems 火锅:Hot Pot 四人帮:Gang of Four 《诗经》:The Book of Songs 素质教育:Essential-qualities-Oriental Education 《史记》:Historical Records/Records of the Grand Historian 大跃进:Great Leap Forward(Movement) 《西游记》:The Journey to the West 除夕:Chinese New Year’s Eve/Eve of the Spring Festival 针灸:Acupuncture 唐三彩:Tri-color Pottery of the Tang Dynasty/The Tang Tri-colored pottery 中国特色的社会主义:Chinese-charactered Socialist/Socialist with Chinese characteristics 偏旁:radical 孟子:Mencius 亭/阁:Pavilion/Attic 大中型国有企业:Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises 火药:gunpowder


1 The philosophy in Pre-Qin times (先秦子学) The philosophy in Pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various ancient philosophical views. The most influential schools were Confucianism (儒家):benevolence and justice, allegiance and forbearance (仁、义、忠、恕), the doctrine if the golden mean (中庸) and values the ethical(伦理的)relations of men. Taoism (道家):achieving good government through non-action”(无为而治) Mohism (墨家):In politics and ethics, Mohism proposes honoring virtuous people, opposing fatalism (宿命论) and aggressive wars, and upholding thriftiness and simple funerals. Universal love(博爱) Legalism (法家):espouses (主张) laying down laws to unify the thought of people, promoting agriculture to achieve affluence (富裕), waging (进行) wars to gain strength and power, and establishing a system of bureaucracy (官僚制度). 2 The orthodox philosophy during the Han Dynasty (两汉经学):banning all schools of thought except Confucianism(罢黜百家,独尊儒术) human behaviuour finds responses in Heaven(天人感应) the power of the emperors are authorized by Heaven(君权神授) man is an integral part of nature(天人合一) 3 Metaphysics during the Wei and Jin dynasties (魏晋玄学): 4 The Buddhist philosophy during the Sui and Tang dynasties (隋唐佛学) 5 Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming dynasties (宋明理学) 6 Application philosophy in the Ming and Qing dynasties (明清实学) 1 Stress on spiritual existence(精神的存在):Nirvana(涅槃) 2 Stress on practice(实践):To prefer it is better than only to know it.To delight in it is better than merely to prefer it(知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者) 3 Stress on morality(品德) 4 Stress on harmony(和谐)Opportunities vouchsafed by Heaven are less important than terrestrial advantages,which in turn are less important than the unity among people(t天时不如地利,地利不如人和) 5 Stress on intuition(直觉) Characteristics of Chinese Ethics(伦理) and Morality(品德) The three obediences and four virtues(三从四德) the three basic rules and five constant virtues(三纲五常) Seeking harmony and maintaining equilibrium寻求和谐和保持平衡 The Taoist Religion(道教):Taoism is the indigenous (土生土长的) relegion in China.Taoists revered (尊崇) Lao Zi as the originator of the Taoist religion and called him “Taishang Laojun”(太上老君). Three pure Gods(三清)of Jade Pure(玉清) who has a pearl within his fingers,Upper Pure(上清)who holds the universe in his arms and Great Pure(太清)who has a feather fan in his hand. Sakyamuni(释迦摩尼) When the Eight Immortals cross the sea,each demonstrates his/her divine power(八仙过海各显神通) The most sacred Taoist mountain—Dragon-Tiger Mountain Buddhism(佛教):Buddhism originated in India in the 6th century B.C. Sakyamuni is said to be the founder of Buddhism. The theory of Buddhism is based on the theory of samsara (轮回),meaning that living beings orbit around the six spheres of heaven, hell and earth, just like an ever-turning wheel. Four Noble Truths(四谛):life is suffering,the cause of suffering is desire,the answer is


小学国学文化经典诵读课题研究报告我们第二十一中学?小学国学文化经典诵读?课题组对这一课题进行了专门的探 索和研究,虽然经历了?千丝万缕?的辛苦,但也收获了?成功?的喜悦。现对两年 来实践研究的过程和结果总结报告如下: 一、课题的提出 继承传统教育理论的精华,培养新世纪人才 在许多学者、专家对过去的二十世纪中国文化、教育的反思中发现,由于二十世纪 以来几次大的动荡、浩劫,加上一些错误的文化决策,致使我们的民族文化几乎到了 完全断层、青黄不接的局面。延续中国文化已到了刻不容缓的地步。在中国入世、经 济走向全球一体化的形势下,对青少年实施入耳、入脑、行之有效的爱国主义和传统 文化教育,培育民族自豪感、责任感,用中华民族几千年的优秀文化和优良品德浇灌 当代青少年的心灵,更是当务之急。 国学文化经典诵读是民族复兴的基石、时代发展的必然江泽民同志曾经指出?中华民族是有悠久历史和优秀文化的伟大民族。我们的 文化建设不能割断历史,对民族文化要取其精华、去其糟粕,并结合时代特点加以发展,推陈出新,使其不断发扬光大。? 陈至立同志也指出:我们正在建设有中国特色的社会主义,在全力推进社会主义 现代化建设的同时,必须抓好社会主义精神文明建设。继承中华民族的优秀文化传统,提高民族文化素质,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。我们的少年儿童在学 习先进科学技术知识的同时,要继承发扬中华民族的优秀文化传统,了解自国家的历史,了解自己民族的文化,从小扎下中华民族的根。 国学文化经典诵读是当今教育重要的补充古书,都是浓缩了?人文科学?和?自然科学?等多方面?知识?的结晶,它是最有价值的书,百读不厌的书。例如,《易经》、《老子》、《论语》等,更是一个开放式的哲理,富有民族的特色,他们超越了时代的限制,直接指向宇宙、社会、人生,博大精深;许多论点与内容,至今仍极富有 活力,放射着夺目的思想光辉。 语文教学中的文学教育十分重要。上海市社会科学院研究员沈铭贤《从?重文 轻理?谈起》一文说,我国历来是?重理轻文?,?学会数理化,走遍天下都不怕?。而西方,比如法国,出现理工科招生不足,人文社会科学生数量超过理工科学生的 现象;美国、德国的文科学生增幅也较快。他指出中国现在的教育基本上还是左脑 教育,重抽象轻形象,重灌输轻创造,重科技轻人文。应该使科技与人文协调发展,相 辅相成。


2018年翻硕考研之中华文化术语翻译整 理 “中华思想文化术语”是由中华民族主体所创造或经涵容创新,凝聚、反映了中华民族传统文化基本特征、人文精神、思维方式、思想观念的主题词或关键词语。下面凯程考研跟大家分享的“玄览”,希望大家会有所收获。 玄览(xuánlǎn) 原指在深远虚净的心境下览知万物,是老子提出的认识“道”的一种方法。老子认为,只有摒弃一切杂念与成见,保持内心明澈如镜,才能静观万物,从而认识“道”,体会其精要。后世文艺评论家因为“玄览”所主张的心境与文艺创作及鉴赏所要求的审美心境相契合,遂用为文艺思想的重要术语,以说明文艺创作与鉴赏时应具有的超越一切欲望与功利的特殊心境。 Xuanlan ( Pure-minded Contemplation ) This term was first used by Laozi as a way to understand Dao. He believed that one cannot understand Dao by calmly observing everything unless one abandons all distracting thoughts and biases, and keeps one’s mind as clear as a mirror. Later literary critics believed that the state of mind as required for xuanlan has similarities with the state of mind required for literary writing and appreciation, thus they made it an important term to mean one’s state of mind must transcend all desires and personal gains in literary writing and appreciation. ******************************************** 【引例】 涤除玄览,能无疵乎?(《老子·十章》) 伫中区以玄览,颐情志于典坟。(陆机《文赋》) Is it for sure that there will be no flaws when one cleanses away all distracting thoughts and watches the world with a clear, peaceful mind? (Laozi) Standing between heaven and earth and watching the world with a clear, peaceful mind, the writer enriches and improves himself through reading great works of the past. (Lu Ji: The Art of Writing) 天下(tiānxià) 古多指天子统治范围的全部土地及统治权。古人认为,大夫的统治范围是“家”,诸侯的统治范围是“国”,天子的统治范围是“天下”。“天下”字面义是“普天之下”,实质指天子统治或名义之下的“家国”统合体所覆盖的全部疆域,并包括天下所有的人及国家的统治权。后演变指全民族或全世界。 Tianxia (All Under Heaven) This term referred mainly to all the land under the name of the Son of Heaven and the right to rule on such land. The ancient Chinese held that the rule of senior officials was over their enfeoffed land, and that of dukes and princes was over feudal states. The rule of the Son of Heaven was over all the land. Literally, tianxia (天下) means “all under heaven.”It actually refers to all the territory embracing the enfeoffed land and feudal states under the rule or in the name of the Son of Heaven, as well as all the subjects and the right to rule. The term has later


《小学国学文化经典诵读研究》课题开题报告 课题重新论证报告 (一)课题提出的背景 1、继承传统教育理论的精华,培养新世纪人才 在许多学者、专家对过去的二十世纪中国文化、教育的反思中发现,由于二十世纪以来几次大的动荡、浩劫,加上一些错误的文化决策,致使我们的民族文化几乎到了完全断层、青黄不接的局面。延续中国文化已到了刻不容缓的地步。在中国入世、经济走向全球一体化的形势下,对青少年实施入耳、入脑、行之有效的爱国主义和传统文化教育,培育民族自豪感、责任感,用中华民族几千年的优秀文化和优良品德浇灌当代青少年的心灵,更是当务之急。 2、国学文化经典诵读是民族复兴的基石、时代发展的必然 江泽民同志曾经指出”中华民族是有悠久历史和优秀文化的伟大民族。我们的文化建设不能割断历史,对民族文化要取其精华、去其糟粕,并结合时代特点加以发展,推陈出新,使其不断发扬光大。” 陈至立同志也指出:我们正在建设有中国特色的社会主义,在全力推进社会主义现代化建设的同时,必须抓好社会主义精神文明建设。继承中华民族的优秀文化传统,提高民族文化素质,是社会主义精神文明建设的重要组成部分。我们的少年儿童在学习先进科学技术知识的同时,要继承发扬中华民族的优秀文化传统,了解自国家的历史,了解自己民族的文化,从小扎下中华民族的根。 3、国学文化经典诵读是当今教育重要的补充古书,都是浓缩了”人文科学”和”自然科学”等多方面”知识”的结晶,它是最有价值的书,百读不厌的书。例如,《易经》、《老子》、《论语》等,更是一个开放式的哲理,富有民族的特色,他们超越了时代的限制,直接指向宇宙、社会、人生,博大精深;许

多论点与内容,至今仍极富有活力,放射着夺目的思想光辉。 4、语文教学中的文学教育十分重要。上海市社会科学院研究员沈铭贤《从”重文轻理”谈起》一文说,我国历来是”重理轻文”,”学会数理化,走遍天下都不怕”。而西方,比如法国,出现理工科招生不足,人文社会科学生数量超过理工科学生的现象;美国、德国的文科学生增幅也较快。他指出中国现在的教育基本上还是左脑教育,重抽象轻形象,重灌输轻创造,重科技轻人文。应该使科技与人文协调发展,相辅相成。 因此,中国传统文化教育应从娃娃做起。有资料表明:13岁以前是儿童记忆力发展的黄金时期,此时期做诵读训练,可以使儿童在繁重的课业压力下,脑力得到舒解,加强记忆力,集中了注意力,平衡身心发展,提升自制力和自觉性,对人的一生都非常重要。背书,就如练字、练拳、练武,熟能生巧。巧必由烂熟而出。好文章背诵得多,灵巧的修辞、畅达的造句、铿锵的声韵、周密的谋篇,口诵心维,不知不觉,变成自己能力的一部分。加上泛观博览,深思精研,将古人的感受,比照当今的情境,印证永恒的人性、人情,于是自己的文学艺术境界,又可层楼更上。与课题研究相关的”中华古诗文经典诵读工程”、”儿童中国文化导读”工程先后开展,有地方已取得了初步的成果。(二)国内外研究现状综述 “国学”是一个内涵十分丰富的文化体系,它凝结着中华民族几千年的灿烂文化。时至今日,世界四大文明古国,唯有中华民族经所创造的中华文明历经五千年的风雨考验而依然生机勃发,作为炎黄子孙,我们都会感到由衷的骄傲和自豪,同时我们也应该都能以一种高度的责任感和使命感,用科学的态度来传承中华五千年的灿烂文明,让博大精深的“国学”所产生的文化张力永远能够滋润着一代又一代炎黄子孙的心灵!

(完整word版)一些专有名词 的翻译

全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court 5、最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate 6、国务院State Council (1)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 国防部Ministry of National Defence 国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission 国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission 教育部Ministry of Education 科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology 国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence 国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission 公安部Ministry of Public Security 国家安全部Ministry of State Security 监察部Ministry of Supervision 民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs 司法部Ministry of Justice 财政部Ministry of Finance 人事部Ministry of Personnel 劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security 国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources 建设部Ministry of Construction 铁道部Ministry of Railways


口译分类词汇——中国文化 口译分类词汇——中国文化 概述 General Terms 爱国主义精神 patriotism 诚实守信 honesty 公民道德建设实施纲要 The Program for Improving Civic Morality 集体主义 collectivism 弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化 highlight the central theme of the times while encouraging diversity 全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign 社会公德,职业道德和家庭美德教育 education in social and professional ethics and family virtues 为人民服务 serving the people 深入群众,深入生活 go deep among the masses and into the thick of life 奉献无愧于时代的作品 contribute to the people works worthy of the times 中华文明博大精深,源远流长 The Chinese civilization is extensive and profound , and has a long history

重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage 优秀民间艺术 outstanding folk arts 自立于世界民族之林 stand proudly in the family of nations 艺术及工艺 Arts and Crafts 版画 engraving 贝雕画 shell carving picture 彩塑 painted sculpture 瓷器 porcelain; china 刺绣 embroidery 雕刻 carving 宫灯 palace lantern 国画 Chinese painting 剪纸 paper-cut 景德镇瓷 Jingdezhen porcelain 景泰蓝cloisonné enamel 蜡染 batik 卖秸画 straw patchwork 木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving 木刻画 wood engraving 泥人儿 clay figure 皮影 shadow puppet


中国海洋大学本科生课程大纲 课程属性:公共基础/通识教育/学科基础/专业知识/工作技能,课程性质:必修、选修 一、课程介绍 1.课程描述(中英文): 本课程将通过诵读《论语》《孟子》《大学》《中庸》的相关篇章,使学生了解中国传统文化典籍——四书的基本内容,掌握正确的读法。在读懂原文的基础上,进一步体会儒家思想的博大精深,积淀人生的感悟,学习做人做事的道理。通过探讨孔子思想的现代意义及其如何取舍等问题,深入中国传统文化的精髓,继承发扬民族优秀文化。 This course will enable students to understand the basic contents of the four Books of Traditional Chinese culture by reciting relevant chapters of The Analects of Confucius, Mencius, University and the Doctrine of the Mean, and master the correct reading methods. On the basis of reading and understanding the original text, I will further appreciate the broad and profound Confucian thoughts, accumulate the feeling of life, and learn the truth of being a man and doing things. By discussing the modern significance of Confucius' thoughts and how to choose between them, this paper explores the essence of Traditional - 3 -


中国传统文化专有名词英文翻译 中国传统文化的英语单词你都了解吗?以下内容是关于中国文化的英语单词,与大家一起分享! 1 .上海大剧院Shanghai Grand Theatre 2 .龙须沟Longxu Ditch 3 .样板戏model opera 4 .地雷战The Mine Warfare 5 .贵妃醉酒Drunkened Concubine 6 .霸王别姬Farewell to My Concubine 7 .荒山泪Tears of Huangshan 8 .群英会Gathering of Heroes 9 .借东风East Wind 10 .将相和General and Premier Make Up 11 .杨门女将Women General of Yang Family 12 .凤阳花鼓Flower Drum Dance 13 .大海啊,故乡Home in the Sea 14 .我的中国心My Chinese Heart 15 .军港之夜Night at the Naval Port 16 .冬天里的一把火Winter Fire 17 .十面埋伏(古曲)Ambush from All Sides 18 .天仙配Goddess Marriage 19 .牡丹亭Peony Pavilion 20 .春江花月夜Moon and Flower in the Spring River 21 .琵琶记The Story of Pipa 22 .醒世恒言Lasting Words to Awaken the World 23 .梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Butterfly Love 24 .警世通言Ordinary Words to Warn the World 25 .喻世明言Clear Words to Illustrate the World 26 .“三言”、“二拍” Three V olumes of Words,Two V olumes of Slapping 27 .拍案惊奇Surprise Stories to Make One Slap the Desk 28 .红楼梦A Dream of Red Mansion/Chamber 29 .水浒Water Margin 30 .西游记Journey to the West 31 .三国演义Romance of the Three Kingdoms 32 .聊斋志异Strange Tles from a Scholar's Studio 33 .长生殿Palace of Eternal Life 34 .桃花扇The Peach Blossom Fan 35 .儒林外史The Scholars 36 .五女拜寿Celebrating Mother's Birthday 37 .清明上河图Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival


南怀瑾先生谈儿童读经 今天我们要讲的是关于大家习惯所称「儿童读经」的事,「儿童读经」是大家最近讲惯的术语,其实就是儿童读书。不管称儿童读书、儿童读经,或儿童中国文化导读也好,在我的看法,这个时代,尤其我们中华民族这个国家,在近七、八十年来这个时代,中国人一听到「读经」两个字,就莫名其妙地反感,认为是复古,走倒退的路线,或者认为不合时宜,这都是一个错误的观念。因此,我对大家推广的这个工作,就改个名称,叫做「儿童智慧开发-中国与西方文化导读」。这样一来,一方面免除各方面的误解,另一方面也为中华民族建立一个承先启后的新文化。 其实引用孔子的话,什么事都要「正名」。甚么叫正名呢? 就是对于事情的一个主题,先要弄清楚,实际上,我们提倡的儿童读经运动,就是一个背书的方法,就是教人家肯读书、肯背书、肯唱歌,没有别的东西。就是教刚生下的孩子,从零岁起到十五、六岁之间,就读书、背书。读诵的内容,包括中国传统文化儒家、道家很基本的一些书,甚至包括佛家一小部分也可以,不过在传统的教育上,是以儒家的书为基础,佛家的书,要大一点再读。背书的内容,不仅是中国的基本文化要背,还要背其它各国的文化,如英文、法文、德文等等。过去,西方的教育方法,不管欧洲、美国也和中国一样都要背书。大家都会觉得很古怪,认为在这个时代,怎么还要教小孩子背书?一般人不懂,这是中国人已丧失的基本教育方法,也可以说,西方人也忘记了。人类原始的教育方法,只有一个,就是背诵。尤其是读中国



“诵读国学经典的研究”开题报告(大家好!我代表课题组做开题报告,如有不足之处,请各位领导、专家批评指正。) 一、课题提出的背景 经典是指经久不衰的万世之作;是具有典范性、权威性的著作;是经过历史选择出来的“最有价值的书”。尤其是那些原创性、奠基性的著作,位居群经之首。中华古诗文经典,其知识之广泛,包容之博厚,辞章之精华,内涵之丰富,是任何一个民族都难以望其项背的。它不但是汉语言文字的典范和精华,而且更蕴含着中华民族的精神和品格。是民族精神得以生发的深厚土壤,对民族精神的培育和形成起着巨大的、不可缺少的作用。 江泽民同志在十六大报告中说:“民族精神是一个同族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。”“面对世界范围各种思想文化的相互激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极为重要的任务。”文化经典诵读活动,正是培育民族精神的重要途径。我们认为,将诵读中华古诗文活动作为学校一项特色进行创建,符合现实背景。 当今社会,在物质文明的大潮冲击下,部分小学生过早地沾染上了诸多不良习气。精神空虚,沉迷网络,厌学情绪严重;自私自利自我意识严重;尊老爱幼、文明节俭等社会公德意识滑坡。这些问题使许多老师和家长处于迷茫无奈徘徊中。原因何在?因为现行教育中缺失了中国几千年行之有效的传统教育思想,口头上提出德育为本的方针,但实际上还是实行中考统考、高考统考等以考试的形式选拔人才的策略,成绩大于素质。把中国传统文化的学习,尤其是把孔孟学说的教育排除在学校教育之外。造成了中华传统文化断层的局面。“教育为本,德育先行”成了一句空话。中华民族本是礼仪之邦,可如今孝敬父母、礼貌谦让这些传统美德却逐步被人们遗忘。“人之初,性本善;性相近,习相远;苟不教,性乃迁。”学生从小没有受到圣贤的良好教育,本来善良的心灵也就受到各种污染,于是做出各种错事来。 二、课题的界定:


1. 素质教育:Quality Education 2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient 3. 保险业:the insurance industry 4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas 5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears 6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan 7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas 9. 城镇居民最低生活保障: a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban wor kers 11. 出口信贷:export credit 12. 贷款质量:loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels 18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects


中国文化概况 主讲教师: 朱丽明

Allusions 金玉其外,败絮其中:Rubbish coated in gold and jade 一片冰心:Crystal-like heart kept in the jade flask---pure and innocent friendship. 青梅竹马:Green plums and bamboo horses 鸟尽弓藏:The bow is cast aside once the birds are gone. 入境问禁On entering a country, inquire about what is forbidden

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine ?Many Chinese people, especially the older generation, are accustomed to going to traditional Chinese doctors and using traditional Chinese remedies. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)has a history stretching back thousands of years. TCM is an extremely rich discipline, built upon the combined experiences of famous practitioners of past dynasties, and the extensive body of medical writings they produced.

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