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Unit 5词汇外研版英语选择性必修第二册

Unit 5 A delicate world

dramatic adj

1 巨大而突然的,急剧的

dramatic change/shift/improvement

✧Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.电脑给职场带来了巨大的变化。dramatic increase/rise/fall/drop/reduction etc

✧Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers.大学里学生的数量急剧减少dramatic effect/results

✧ A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family’s finances.一次严重的以外事故可能会


2 激动人心的;给人深刻印象的

✧ A superb goal by Owen earned United a dramatic victory yesterday.昨天欧文的一个超级入球联队赢


✧Some of the most dramatic events in American history happened here.美国历史上一些最震撼人心的


✧the dramatic scenery of the Grand Canyon大峡谷的壮丽景致

3 表演的;戏剧的

✧the amateur dramatic society业余剧团

✧the dramatic arts戏剧艺术

4 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

✧She needed a stunning dress to help her make a dramatic entrance.她需要一件能让她在登场时大出


✧Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture.特里斯坦夸张地把双手向上一甩。dramatically ad

1 大幅地;显著地;急剧地

increase/rise/fall/drop dramatically

✧Output has increased dramatically.产量已大幅度提高。

✧Three years on, Jack’s life has dramatically changed.三年之后,杰克的生活发生了巨大的变化。

2 夸张做作地;戏剧性地

✧She leaned forward dramatically.她夸张地把身体往前倾。

heritage n

1 (文化)遗产;传统

✧the importance of preserving the national heritage 保护民族遗产的重要性

✧beautiful old buildings which are part of our heritage 属于我们遗产一部分的漂亮古建筑

cultural/architectural/literary etc heritage

✧the cultural heritage of Italy意大利的文化遗产

2 (of) mixed/multiple heritage (父母)不同种族的

appetite n

1 胃口,食欲

✧Her husband always had a huge appetite. 她丈夫向来胃口极大。

✧Symptoms include tiredness and loss of appetite. 症状包括疲倦和食欲不振。

2 欲望;喜爱

appetite for

✧She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.她求知欲极强。

✧People seem to have an insatiable appetite (=always wanting more of something) for news of any kind.


multiply v (multiplied, multiplying, multiplies)

1 乘,乘以

✧Children will learn to multiply in the second grade. 儿童会在二年级学习乘法。

multiply something by something

✧Multiply the total by 12.把总数乘以12.

2 (使)大大增加,(使)倍增

✧The amount of information available has multiplied. 可获得的信息大大增加了。

✧Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.吸烟大大增加了患心脏病和


3 繁殖

✧Bacteria multiply quickly in warm food. 细菌在温热的食物里繁殖得很快。

conservation n

1 (动植物、森林等的)保护

✧wildlife conservation 野生生物保护

✧ a local conservation group 当地的一个环境保护团体

conservation of

✧conservation of the countryside 乡村的保护

2 保存;保护;节约

✧energy conservation 能源的节约

conservation of

✧the conservation of resources through recycling 通过循环使用保护资源

decrease v


✧The number of people who have the disease has decreased significantly in recent years.近年来,患这


✧They want to decrease their reliance on oil. 他们想减少对石油的依赖。

decrease by

✧Average house prices decreased by 13% last year. 去年房屋均价下降13%。

decrease to

✧By 1881, the population of Ireland had decreased to 5.2 million.到1881年,爱尔兰的人口减少到了


decrease from

✧The North’s share of the world’s energy consumption is expected to decrease from 70% to 60%.北半


decrease in

✧Attacks of asthma decrease in frequency through early adult life.成年早期,哮喘的发病频率会降低。trap n

1 (捕捉动物的)夹子,罗网,陷阱

✧The only way to catch mice is to set a trap. 抓老鼠的唯一办法就是放置捕鼠器。

✧He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow.他踩到了埋在雪里的一个捕熊夹。

2 圈套,陷阱;诡计

lay/set a trap (for somebody)

✧Police had set a trap for hooligans at the match.警方在那场比赛中给闹事者设了圈套。

fall/walk into a trap

✧Mr Smith has walked straight into a trap laid by the Tories.史密斯先生直接落入了保守党不舍得圈


3 牢笼;困境

✧Amanda felt that marriage was a trap.阿曼达觉得婚姻是个牢笼。

debt/unemployment etc trap

✧people caught in the unemployment trap陷入视野困境中的人们

4 fall into/avoid the trap of doing something 落入/避开做某事的陷阱

5 keep your trap shut 闭上你的嘴

6 shut your trap!闭上你的嘴

v (trapped, trapping)

1 困住;使陷于危险中

✧Twenty miners were trapped underground.20名矿工被困在地下。

✧The building collapsed, trapping dozens of people in the rubble.楼房倒塌,很多人被困在了瓦砾下面。

✧There’s no way out! We’re trapped!出不去!我们被困住了!

2 be/feel trapped 陷于困境/感觉被困住

✧Julia felt trapped in her role wife and mother. 茱莉娅觉得自己被为人妻母的角色束缚住了。

3 把…困住(以便抓捕),迫使进入

✧The police trapped the terrorists at a roadblock.警察在设有路障的地方堵住了恐怖分子。

4 使陷入圈套,使中计

trap somebody into (doing) something

✧I was trapped into signing a confession.我被骗签了一份供词。

5 夹住,卡住

✧Mind you don’t trap your fingers in the door.小心别让门加了手指头。

✧pain from a trapped nerve神经受压迫引起的疼痛

explode v

1 (使)爆炸

✧The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode. 炸弹头像了陆军巡逻队,但没有爆炸。

✧Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the Russians exploded an atomic bomb. 苏联引爆了一颗原


2 急剧增长

✧Florida’s population exploded after World War II. 第二次世界大战后,佛罗里达州的人口急剧增长。

3 (愤怒等感情)爆发,迸发

✧Paul exploded. ‘What has it got to do with you?’ he yelled.保罗大发雷霆。“这和你有什么关系?”


explode with

✧She exploded with grief and anger.她悲愤交加,大发雷霆。

✧He told a joke which made Hank explode with laughter.他讲了个消化,逗得汉克哈哈大笑。explode into

✧He exploded into a screaming, kicking rage.他勃然大怒,又是叫又是踢。

4 (暴力事件)爆发

explode into

✧The continued tension could explode into more violence.持续的紧张局势会引发更多的暴力事件。

5 explode the myth 打破错误观点

✧The programme sets out to explode the myth that some delicate tropical fish are impossible to keep.


6 爆响,发出巨大声音

✧ A clap of thunder exploded overhead.一声惊雷在头顶炸响。

owe v

1 欠(钱);负责

owe somebody money/£10 etc

✧I owe my brother $50. 我欠弟弟50美元。

owe somebody for something

✧I still owe you for the taxi.我还欠你出租车费呢。

✧How much do I owe you ?我该付你多少钱?

owe something to somebody

✧the money owed to credit card companies 欠信用卡公司的钱

2 应该做;应给予;对…负责…的义务

✧He asked for help from a colleague who owed him a favour. 他请了一个同事帮忙,那人曾欠他一个


owe somebody a drink/letter etc

✧I owe Shaun a letter; I must write soon.我欠肖恩一份信,我得尽快写。

✧Thanks a lot for being so understanding about all this – I owe you one !非常感谢你对这一切这么理


owe somebody (=be in a position in which someone has helped you, so that you should help them)该报答某人

✧Let’s go and see Joe – he owes me! 我们去找乔看--他欠我的情呢!

3 owe somebody an explanation/apology该向默认解释/致歉

✧You owe him an apology.你应该向他道歉。

4 帮助做成某事

a) 把…归功于,有…是由于

owe something to somebody

✧He probably owes his life to her prompt action.恒可能是因为她行动迅速,才救了他一命。

b) 感激

owe somebody a lot/owe somebody a great deal

✧‘I owe my parents a lot, ’ he admitted.“我非常感激我得父母。”他承认道。

✧He owes a great deal to his publishers.

owe it all to somebody/owe everything to somebody

✧I owe it all to you.这一切都多亏了你。

owe somebody a debt (of gratitude)

✧the debt that we owe to our teachers我们对老师们的感激之情

5 归功于(某事)

owe to

✧Their success owes more to good luck than to careful management.他们的成功更多靠的是好运气,


✧Pearson’s work owed much to the research of his friend, Hugh Kingsmill.皮尔逊的工作成果很大程


6 owe it to somebody to do something(认为)应该某人做某事

✧You owe it your supporters not to give up now.为了对得起的支持者,你下载不应该放弃。

7 owe it to yourself to do something(认为)自己应该做某事

✧You owe it to yourself to take some time off.你该让自己休息一下了。

8 owe loyalty/allegiance etc to somebody负有效忠某人的义务

✧provinces owing allegiance to the Emperor必须效忠皇帝的各省

9 think that the world owes you a living 认为生来就该过舒服的日子

session n

1 (尤指一批人参加某项活动的)一段时间

✧ a training session for teachers about computers给教师上的一节电脑培训课

✧question-and-answer sessions问答时间

session of

✧ a session of group therapy一段集体心理治疗时间

2 正式会议;(法院的)开庭;(议会的)回忆

✧the first televised session of parliament首次电视直播的议会会议

in session 在开会;在开庭

✧The court is now in session.法庭现在开庭

✧Board members met in closed session (=with nobody else present).委员会成员举行了闭门会议。dissolve v

1 (使)(固体)溶解

✧Stir until the sugar dissolves.搅拌至糖溶解掉。

dissolve in

✧Sugar dissolves in water.糖溶解于水。

dissolve something in something

✧Dissolve the tablet in water.把药片溶于水中。

2 正式终止;解散(议会);解除(商业协定、婚姻关系等)

✧The monarch had the power to dissolve parliament.君主有权解散议会。

3 dissolve into/in laughter/tears 笑起来/流起泪来等

✧She dissolved into fits of laughter.她一阵阵大笑起来。

4 (使)弱化至零,(使)小时

✧Her enthusiasm dissolved his shyness.她的热情消除了她的羞涩。

✧ A few clouds formed briefly before dissolving again.天上聚集了几朵云,一回儿又消散了。endangered adj


✧The lizards are classed as an endangered species.这种蜥蜴被列入濒危物种。

endanger v


✧Smoking during pregnancy endangers your baby’s life.孕期吸烟会危及胎儿生命。

coexist v


coexist with

✧wealth coexisting with poverty富裕和贫困并存

greeting n

1 问候,招呼

in greeting

✧She raised her hand in greeting.他举起手来打招呼。

✧I smiled a polite greeting, but the woman hardly acknowledged me.我客气地笑着打了个招呼,可使


✧The two cousins exchanged greetings (=greeted each other).表兄妹俩互相问候。

1.birthday/Christmas greetings 生日/圣诞等的贺词

Unit 5词汇外研版英语选择性必修第二册

Unit 5 A delicate world dramatic adj 1 巨大而突然的,急剧的 dramatic change/shift/improvement ✧Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.电脑给职场带来了巨大的变化。dramatic increase/rise/fall/drop/reduction etc ✧Universities have suffered a dramatic drop in student numbers.大学里学生的数量急剧减少dramatic effect/results ✧ A serious accident can have a dramatic effect on your family’s finances.一次严重的以外事故可能会 突然给家庭经济情况带来巨大的影响。 2 激动人心的;给人深刻印象的 ✧ A superb goal by Owen earned United a dramatic victory yesterday.昨天欧文的一个超级入球联队赢 得了激动人心的胜利。 ✧Some of the most dramatic events in American history happened here.美国历史上一些最震撼人心的 事件发生在这里。 ✧the dramatic scenery of the Grand Canyon大峡谷的壮丽景致 3 表演的;戏剧的 ✧the amateur dramatic society业余剧团 ✧the dramatic arts戏剧艺术 4 引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 ✧She needed a stunning dress to help her make a dramatic entrance.她需要一件能让她在登场时大出 风头的惊艳礼服。 ✧Tristan threw up his hands in a dramatic gesture.特里斯坦夸张地把双手向上一甩。dramatically ad 1 大幅地;显著地;急剧地 increase/rise/fall/drop dramatically ✧Output has increased dramatically.产量已大幅度提高。 ✧Three years on, Jack’s life has dramatically changed.三年之后,杰克的生活发生了巨大的变化。 2 夸张做作地;戏剧性地


Unit 1 1. integrity [in?tegriti]n. ___________ 2. virtue [?v?t??] ___________ 3. licence [?lais?ns] ___________ 4. loan [l?un] n. ___________ 5. adulthood [??d?lthud]n. ___________ 6. milestone [?mailst?un]n. ___________ 7. election [i?lek??n]n. ___________ 8.wage [weid?]n. ___________ 9. tax [t?ks]n. ___________ 10. have a say ___________ 11.behind the wheel ___________ 12. ambulance [??mbjul?ns]n. ___________ 13. legal [?li?g?l]a. ___________ 14. mature [m??tju?] a. ___________ 15. instantly [??nst(?)ntl?] adv. ___________ 16. childhood [?t?aildhud] n. ___________ 17. obey [??bei] v. ___________ 18. subtle [?s?tl]___________ 19. gradual [?gr?d?u?l] a. ___________ 20. selfish [?selfi?] a. ___________ 21. organ donation ___________ 22. approve [??pru?v]vt. ___________ 23. steady [?stedi] a. ___________ 24.tempt [tempt] vt. ___________ 25. librarian [lai?bre?ri?n] n. ___________ 26. household [?haush?uld] a. ___________ 27. commute [k??mju?t]___________ 28. deposit [di?p?zit] n. ___________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/6219009456.html,mitment [k??mitm?nt] n. ___________ 30. suitable [?sju?t?bl] a. ___________ 31. minimum [?minim?m] a. ___________ 32.bittersweet [?bit?swi?t]n. ___________ 33. boarder [?b??d?]n. ___________ 34.varied [?ve?rid]a. ___________ 35.cherish [?t?eri?]vt. ___________ 36. routine [ru??ti?n] n. ___________ 37.primeval [prai?mi?vl]___________ 38. boa constrictor ___________ 39.swallow [?sw?l?u]vi. ___________ 40. prey [prei]n___________ 41.chew [t?u?]vt. ___________ 42. digestion [di?d?est??n]n. ___________ 43. ponder [?p?nd?]vt. ___________ 44.masterpiece [?mɑ?st?pi?s]n. ___________ 45. digest [di?d?est]vi. ___________ 46. lay aside ___________ 47.devote oneself to ___________ 48. arithmetic [??riθm?tik]n. ___________ 49.disheartened [d?s?hɑ:tnd] a. ___________ 50.tiresome [?tai?s?m] a. ___________ 51. at a glance___________ 52. consequence [?k?nsikw?ns]n. ___________ 53. intimately [?intimitli] ad. ___________ 54 .golf [g?lf]n. ___________ 55. politics [?p?litiks] n. ___________ 56. necktie [?nektai]n. ___________ 57. evidence [?evid?ns]n. ___________ 58. airline [?e?lain]n. ___________ 59.memorable [?mem?r?bl]a. ___________ 60.bond [b?nd]n. ___________

2019外研版高中英语选择性必修二Unit5 单元知识梳理

Unit5 单元知识梳理 一、重点单词 1.appetite n.胃口,食欲;欲望,爱好(for)→ appetizing adj.________ ①________________对………胃口大开 ②________________胃口好 ③________________胃口不好 ④________________增进食欲 ⑤________________破坏某人的食欲 ⑥________________对……的爱好/强烈欲望 ⑦________________对……产生食欲 ⑧To start with,you must ________________knowledge. 首先,你要有强烈的求知欲。 答案:1.开胃的;引起食欲的;使渴的 ①have an appetite for ②have a good/healthy appetite ③have a poor appetite ④promote appetite ⑤spoil/ruin one's appetite ⑥an appetite for ⑦develop an appetite for ⑧have an appetite for 2.explode ν.突然增加;爆炸;突然爆发(感情)→________________n.激增;爆炸;爆炸声;(愤怒等感情的)爆发 ①________________勃然大怒 ②________________突然大笑 ③They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might______________. 当你感觉自己的怒火要爆发的时候,它们会帮助你冷静下来。 答案:explosion ①explode with anger

Unit 5 知识点讲义外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册

选修二unit5 a delicate world 第一篇大课文p50-51 MACQUARIE ISLAND: from chaos to conservation 1.in chaos 混乱,乌烟瘴气cause total chaos 导致一片混乱The battlefield was in chaos after the terrible battle.经过激烈的战斗,边界的战场一片混乱。 2.give up halfway 半途而废 3.dramatically low 显著的低 4.fail to do 未做成 5.in harmony with与----协调一致 6.live in harmony with nature 与大自然和谐相处 7.rain dogs and rats 下倾盆大雨 8.take over接管,接替,接任 9.develop an appetite for 对---产生食欲 have an appetite for对---胃口打开 have a good/healthy appetite胃口好 10.be introduced to被引进introduce oneself自我介绍 11.the number of+n.pl +谓语动词单数 a number of+n.pl +谓语动词复数 12.in turn 依次轮流 13.lead to 导致 14.be native to 原产于

15.die out 灭绝 multiply大大增加,倍增,使繁殖 multiply ----by---- ----乘以---- multiply 3 by 5 3乘以5 16.out of control失去控制in control 在控制中beyond control 无法控制,under control被控制住 lose control of 失去对---的控制 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6219009456.html,e up with 想出 18.While the cat’s away, the mice will play.山中无老虎,猴子称大王 19.remove----from----把---从---移走,赶走 remove熟词生义:摘掉帽子,脱掉衣服 20.with----in mind 考虑到某人某事keep sth in mind记住 20.decrease from ----to--- 从----减少到 decrease by 减少了decrease to 减少到on the decrease 在减少 21.turn back to 把---重新转向 22.be trapped in=be caught in=be stuck in get trapped 被困trap sb into doing sth 使某人中计 23.turn out to be It turns out that 结果是,证明是 24.immunity n.免疫力Immune adj. 免疫的be immune to 对---免疫

外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit 5 语法知识点总结汇编

外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册Unit 5 语法知识点总结汇编 Unit 5 A delicate world 一、重点短语 1.decrease v.减少n.减少,缩减 decrease by...减少了……(指减少的差值) decrease to ...减少到……(指减少后的最终结果) decrease from... to...从……减少到…… on the decrease在减少 The traffic accidents in the city decreased by 30% last year. 该城市去年交通事故减少了30%。 The population decreased to 1 million last year. 人口去年减少到100万。 2.trap n.陷阱;圈套;计谋;夹子v.诱捕;设陷阱;困住 set a trap设陷阱 be caught in a trap落入圈套;落入陷阱 be trapped in...困在……里;陷入…… He was trapped in a no-win situation.

他陷入必败的处境。 【微写作】 Last year,Hongxing Farm suffered a lot from mice.The owner of the farm set a lot of traps everywhere in the farm.Finally,the majority of mice were trapped in the traps. 3.explode v.爆发;激增;(使)爆炸;突然(发出巨响,活跃起来,迸发感情) explosion n.爆炸;爆发;激增 explode with anger勃然大怒 One hundred people were injured in the explosion. 有100人在爆炸中受伤。 4.owe vt.欠(钱、账、人情等);归功于;应感谢 owe sb.sth./owe sth.to sb.欠某人某物 owe sb.an apology该向某人道歉 owe sb.a favour欠某人一个人情 owe...to...把……归功于……;应感激……


MACQUARIE ISLAND: from Chaos to Conservation 麦夸里岛:从混乱不堪到精心保护 I am standing on Macquarie Island, in the South-west Pacific Ocean, halfway between Australia and Antarctica. Strong winds and stormy seas have helped sculpt its long, thin shape. The green grass and bare rock of its landscape contrast dramatically, giving it a wild and natural beauty. No visitor would think it surprising that the island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Nor would they fail to imagine how its native inhabitants including royal penguins, king penguins, and elephant seals existed in perfect harmony with their natural habitat forthousands of years. 我正站在麦夸里岛上,这里位于太平洋的西南部,澳大利亚和南极洲的中间。强风和惊涛骇浪将海岛塑成现在狭长的形状。绿草和光秃的岩石形成的景观反差巨大, 使海岛呈现出一种狂野和天然的美。这座岛是联合国教科文组织确立的世界遗产, 游客们都认为其名副其实。他们也不难想象出,数千年来,包括帝企鹅、王企鹅和象海豹在内的当地动物是如何与其自然栖息地完美地和谐共存的。 But the islands more recent history tells a different story. It a tragic story that began in 1810 when humans arrived on the island. In their ships they unknowingly brought rats and mice.These small animals quickly took over the island, eating the birds’ eggs and attacking baby birds. Cats were brought to the island to control the rats and mice. Unfortunately, the catssubsequently developed an appetite for the birds, too. 但是,这座岛近些年的遭遇则是截然不同的故事。悲剧从人类1810年来到这座岛屿开始。他们不经意间随船带来了大鼠和小鼠。这些小动物很快就占领了岛屿, 它们吃鸟蛋并攻击幼鸟。为控制鼠患,人们带来了猫,但不幸的是,猫随后也开始以鸟为食。Meanwhile rabbits were introduced to the island as a source of food for humans. Loose on the island, they did what rabbits do best -they multiplied rapidly and began eating the native vegetation and digging holes, which caused soil erosion. The exploding rabbit population provided plentiful food for the cats,meaning that the number of cats also increased. This in turn led to more cats hunting the birds. The end result was that parakeets once large in number and native to the island. died out in 1891.

Language point Unit5英语外研版2019选择性必修二

Language point Unit5 1.Messages with emojis feel more conversational,________(encourage) better and more frequent communication. 2.Many lovers choose to take wedding photos and hold weddings on May 20, _________(drive) economic development in relevant industries. 3.Lily is expecting a new and bright life, only __________(discover) her husband is still in debt, ________(upset) her a lot. Her husband’s honesty is now __________________(有疑问的). 4.Small and __________(distance) from the cities as my hometown is, there ______(exist) always something distinct to catch your eye.(translation) 5.Regarded as ______ disgrace, Charles Darwin was kept at _______ distance ______ his father. Taiwan is an indivisible/ˌɪndɪˈvɪzəbl/ part of China, which is ______ question. 6.When seeing the picture of my grandma, the unforgettable memory of her standing in front of the house and waiting for me___________________(涌入我的脑海) 7.On a working day late last month, a yard that is home to more than 10 barbecue restaurants in Zibo, Shandong province, was packed with (=___________)diners at about 5 pm. 8.作为一位父亲,他深知身教的重要性。随着孩子成长,他不是让孩子屈服于自己的权威,而是通过潜移默化地影响和引导来使孩子学习并信服自己。因为他明白即便只是一个孩子,也已经形成了独立的思想。 ___________, he is well aware of the importance of leading by example. _________________, it is better for him to learn from and trust his father unconciously than to submit to his father's authority. As he knows _____________, he has formed his own mind. 9.There is a growing concern among young people that they can't survive/exist _____ the money he is earning. 10.The organisms were forced to adapt in order to survive. (translation) 11.Nobody can __________(怀疑)how much importance has been laid on ecological civilization construction by China. The northward and southward journey of Yunnan elephants is _________(convince) evidence that China's wildlife conservation efforts have paid off for the international community.


Unit5 语法-精讲破 it作形式宾语 当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语it,而将真正的宾语移至句末。 一、基本结构 观察 ①I find it difficult to do the job well.我发现做好这份工作不容易。 ②2 She thinks it best that you should stay here.她认为你最好待在这儿。 ③We believe it no use complaining.我们认为抱怨是没有用的。 归纳 ①基本结构为:“动词+t+形容词+ ①”。 ②基本结构为:“动词+t+形容词+ ②”。 ③基本结构为:“动词+it+ ③+ ④”。 总结:it用作形式宾语的句型基本结构:“动词+it+宾语补足语+真正的宾语”。 二、特殊结构 通常意义的I作形式宾语主要指的是真正的宾语为不定式、动名词、从句等,且其后跟有宾语补足语的情形,但以下四类形式宾语却比较特殊,其后没有宾语补足语。 观察 ①I like it that you came.你来了,我很高兴。 ②I take it(that)he will come on time我认为他会准时来的。 归纳 上述例句的基本结构为:“动词+it +that从句”;常见的用于此结构的动词⑤、⑥、hate等。 观察 ①I dislike it when you whistle.我不喜欢你吹口哨。 ②I'd prefer it if I didn't have to do so much work.我更喜欢我不必做那么多工作。 ③We really appreciated it when she offered to help.当她主动提出帮忙时,我

Unit5知识点同步练 2020-2021学年外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册

外研版选择性必修第二册unit5知识点同步练 Ⅰ.一词多义练——清除阅读障碍 owe A.归因于 B.欠(账、钱、人情等) C.归功于 1.Thanks for helping me so much.I owe you a favor. 2.The winner said that he should owe his success to his patient coach. 3.Was it owing to bad weather that they had to change the schedule of leaving? 1-3 B C A Ⅱ.核心知识强化练——巩固语言知识 1.Hardly had I solved the problem ________ a new one arose. 2.The bus driver asked the passengers to get on the bus ______ turn. 3.The sports meeting was put off_______(owe) to the bad weather. 4.A truck went________ of control and crashed into the front of the clinic. 5.Since he took ______ the case,he has always been receiving threatening emails. 6.He spent a lot of money in satisfying the appetite______ excitement and amusement. 7.In my opinion,he is stubborn,which makes____ impossible to persuade him to assist us. 8.By now,the number of the workers in that factory __________(decrease) by 12 percent. 9.My twins are dying for a box of chocolates,while my wife is dying _______(see) the exhibit. 10.The question was so hard that nobody could come up ________a good idea except the specialist.

2019外研版高中英语选择性必修二Unit5 知识清单破

Unit5 知识-清单破I.核心单词 (A)写作词汇——写词形 1._________ n.栖息地 2._________ n.胃口,食欲 3._________ v.(使)大大增加,(使)倍增 4._________ n.大混乱;紊乱 5._________ n.病毒 6._________ v.(使)减少;(使)变小 7._________ n.夹子,陷阱 8._________ v.倒坍,塌下 9._________ v. &n.释放;排放 10._________n.事件 11._________n.生态;生态学 12._________n.一段时间 13._________adj.视觉的 14._________ n.地位,身份 15._________n.标准,准则 16. ._________adj.巨大的;广大的 17._________n.差异;变化 18._________adv.在别处;去别处 19._________v.兴旺,发达 20._________v.捕获 (B)阅读词汇——明词义 1. halfway adj. _________ 2. heritage n. _________ 3. rat n. _________ 4. inhabitant n. _________ 5.penguin n. _________ 6. vegetation n. _________

7. erosion n. _________ 8. immunity n. _________ 9. postscript n. _________ 10. pest n. _________ 1. substantial adj. _________ 12. worm n. _________ 13. nutrient n. _________ 14. herbal adj. _________ 15. mysterious adj. _________ 16. altitude n. _________ 17. fossil n. _________ 18. coexist v. _________ (C)拓展词汇——灵活用 1. _______adv.显著地;戏剧性地→_______adj.引人注目的;急剧的;戏剧的 2. _______adv.后来,随后→_______adj.随后的 3. _______n.保护→_______v.保护,保存 4. _______n.离开→_______v.离开;出发 5. _______突然增加;爆炸→_______n.爆炸 6. _______n.干预,介入→_______v.干涉;插话 7. _______v.应该做;对……负有……的义务→_______adj.欠着的 8. _______n.化学制品ad化学的→_______n.化学→_______n.化学家,药剂师 9. _______v.(使)溶解→_______adj.溶解的 10_______n.比较→_______v.比较,对比 11. _______adj.生物的,与生物有关的生物学→_______n.生物学 12. _______adv.据说;看来,似乎→_______adj.显然的,表面上的→_______n.外貌,外观;出现,露面 13. _______adj濒危的→_______n.危险,危险因素,威胁→_______v.危及,使遭到危险→_______adj.危险的 14. _______n.侵犯,入侵→_______v.侵略;侵入

外研版2019高中英语选择性必修2 unit 5 短语句型

U nit5 Book5 1.inhabit the tropical forest 居住在热带森林中 2.have a good/bad appetite 胃口好/胃口不好 3.20 multiplied by 5 is 100. 20乘5为100. 4.in chaos 一片狼藉 cause total chaos 引起一片混乱 5.conserve wild animals 保护野生动物 conserve energy 节约能源 6.be trapped in the mud 被困在泥里 be trapped in the ruins 被困在废墟当中 7.the departed 死者 8.immune system 免疫系统 9.explode= go off 爆炸 10.The buildings collapsed in the earthquake. 楼房在地震中倒塌。 11.substantial number of people 许多人 a substantial breakfast 一顿丰富的早餐 12.owe sb sth. =owe sth. To sb. 欠某人某东西 owe his success to luck 把他的成功归于运气owe sb. a favor 欠某人一个情 13.a recording session 录音时段 a relaxation session 放松时间 14.on behalf of 代表 represent 代表(某些人) stand for 代表(缩写字母) 15.solve a mystery 破解谜团 16.the sole criterion of truth 真理的唯一标准 17.for no apparent reason 不知道什么原因 18.vary from… to …. 从…到…变化 19.survive and thrive 活的有声有色 20.fossil fuel 化石燃料 21.endangered animals 濒危动物 22.secure jobs 稳定的工作 23.exchange greetings 互致问候 nod a greeting 点头致意 24.fail to do sth. 未能做某事 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 manage to do sth. 设法做成某事 25.in harmony with 与…一致;与..协调 out of harmony with 与…不一致;与…不协调 create a harmonious society 创建和谐社会26.develop an appetite for 对..产生食欲 have a good appetite 胃口好 have a poor appetite 胃口不好 develop an interest in 培养…兴趣 develop the habit of 养成…的习惯27.explode=go off 爆炸 explode a car bomb 引爆一枚汽车炸弹 explode with anger 勃然大怒 explode with laughter 勃然大笑 an exploding population 激增的人口 28.in turn 依次;轮流;反过来 in return 作为回报 29.out of control 失控 in control 在控制之中 30.decrease from..to.. 从..减少到… decrease by 减少了 decrease to 减少到 on the decrease 在减少 on the increase 在增加 31.inconsequence=as a consequence 结果;因此 in consequence of =as a consequence of=as a result 因为;由于 accept/bear /take/suffer the consequence承担后果32.fall into a trap 陷入圈套 be trapped in the ruins 被困在废墟当中 be trapped in a traffic jam 被困在交通堵塞当中 33.participate in= join in=take part in 参加 34.or so 左右;大约 or more 或以上;或更多 or else 否则;要不然的话 or rather 跟准确地讲 35.It turned out that 结果 turn out adj/n/to be 结果是;证明是 1


Unit5 Listening and Speaking and Reading and Thinking 词汇-情景破 知识点1 the sense of touch触觉 情景导学 1. The rhino's most acute sense is smell. 犀牛最敏锐的感觉官能是嗅觉。 2. He looked around,sensing danger. 他环顾四周,觉察到了危险 3. Our school is trying to teach young people to develop a sense of responsibility. 我们的学校正努力教育年轻人培养责任感。 4. What you say is true in a sense. 你说的话在某种意义上是真的。 5. What you say doesn't make sense to me. 我不能理解你说的话 归纳拓展 1. a sense of _____ 责任感 2. ____________ 从某种意义上说 3. ____________ 讲得通;有意义 4. sense vt. _____ n. _______ 链接高考 写出画线词在句中的含义 1-1(2019课标全国Ⅱ,阅读理解B,★★☆)In that sense,I’m pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than I'd freely like to admit. 1-2(2018课标全国Ⅱ,阅读理解D,★★☆)Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging,a bond with others. 1-3(2018天津,阅读理解D,★★☆)The first step awakening senses is to stop predicting what we are going to see and feel before it occurs. 1-4(2018天津,阅读理解B,★★☆)Suddenly I sensed a man standing behind me.

外研版英语选择性必修二 unit 5单词表

Unit 5 1 halfway /ˌhɑːfˈweɪ/ adj. 中间的,半途的 2 dramatically /drəˈmætɪk(ə)li/ adv. 显著地 3 heritage /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ n. 遗产;传统 4 inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtənt/ n. 栖居的动物 5 penguin /ˈpeŋɡwɪn/ n. 企鹅 6 habitat /ˈhæbɪtæt/ n. 栖息地 7 rat /ræt/ n. 大老鼠 8 subsequently /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ adv. 后来,随后 9 appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ n. 胃口,食欲 10 multiply /ˈmʌltɪplaɪ/ v. (使)大大增加,(使)倍增 11 vegetation /ˌvedʒəˈteɪʃn/ n. 植物,草木(总称) 12 erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒn/ n. 侵蚀 13 parakeet /ˈpærəkiːt/ n. 长尾(小)鹦鹉 14 chaos /ˈkeɪɒs/ n. 大混乱,紊乱 15 conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ n. 保护 16 virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ n. 病毒 17 decrease /dɪˈkriːs/ v. (使)变小,(使)减少 18 trap /træp/ n. 夹子,陷阱 19 departure /dɪˈpɑːtʃə(r)/ n. 离开 20 immunity /ɪˈmjuːn ɪ ti/ n. 免疫力 21 explode /ɪkˈspləʊd/ v. 突然增加 22 collapse /kəˈlæps/ v. 倒坍;塌下 23 substantial /səbˈstænʃl/ adj. 大量的,多的


Unit 1 1 integrity /ɪnˈteɡrəti/ n. 正直诚实 2 virtue /ˈvɜːtʃuː/ n.美德 3 licence /ˈlaɪsns/ n.执照 4 loan /ləʊn/ n.(银行等的)贷款 5 adulthood /ˈædʌlthʊd/ n.成年 6 milestone /ˈmaɪlstəʊn/ n.重大事件,里程碑 7 election /ɪˈlekʃn/ n.选举 8 wage /weɪdʒ/ n.(按小时、日或周计算的)工资,薪金 9 tax /tæks/ n.税 10 have a say有发言权 11 behind the wheel 在驾驶汽车 12 ambulance /ˈæmbjələns/ n.救护车 13 legal /ˈliːɡl/ adj. 合法的 14 mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ adj.成熟的,明白事理的 15 instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/ adv.立即,马上 16 childhood /ˈtʃaɪldhʊd/ n.童年,儿童时期 17 obey /əˈbeɪ/ v.服从;遵守 18 subtle /ˈsʌtl/ adj.难以察觉的;微妙的 19 gradual /ˈɡrædʒuəl/ adj.逐渐的,逐步的 20 selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ adj.自私的 21 organ donation器官捐献 22 approve /əˈpruːv/ v.赞成,同意 23 steady /ˈstedi/ adj.稳定的 24 tempt /tempt/ v. 诱惑,引诱 25 librarian /laɪˈbreriən/ n.图书管理员 26 household /ˈhaʊshoʊld/ adj.家庭的 27 commute /kəˈmjuːt/ n.每天上班的路程 28 deposit /dɪˈpɑːzɪt/ n.订金

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