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23. This fear mechanism is critical to the survival of all animals, but no one can say for sure whether beasts other than humans know they’re afraid.
15. Their breakthrough, simply put, was that when their search engine crawled the Web, it did more than just look for
word matches, it also tallied (统计) and ranked a host of other
6. We are pushing our kids to get good grades, take SAT preparatory courses and build resumes so they can get into the college of our first choice.
5. Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexico-as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking.
2. Writer-director Paul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in his depiction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securing the approval of every victim's family.
13. In other words, if middle-class Americans continue to struggle financially as the ultrawealthy grow ever wealthier, it will be increasingly difficult to maintain political support for the free flow of goods, services, and capital across borders.
11. Given the recent change of control in Congress, the popularity of measures like increasing the minimum wage, and efforts by California’s governor to offer universal health care, these guys don’t need their own personal weathermen to know which way the wind blows.
4. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economy-from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-andpop restaurant operators in Miami-for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.
20. This highly polite style is no doubt something that young women have been expected to “grow into”—after all, it is assigned not simply of femininity, but of maturity and refinement, and its use could be taken to indicate a change in the nature of one’s social relations as well.
7.Men, these days,are embracing fatherhood with the round-the-clock involvement their partners have always dreamed of—handling night feedings, packing lunches and bandaging knees.
critical factors like how websites link to one another.
16. their biggest stroke of luck came early on when they tried to sell their technology to other search engines, but no one met their price, and they built it up on their own.
17. Government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctively—and wrongly—labeled government only as “a necessary evil.”
大学英语六级考试的阅读理解历来就是长难句的展示舞台, 考生需要在短时间之内很好的理解长难句,从而理解文章的 结构和含义,而长难句的丰富内容和复杂结构往往会导致理 解的困难。长难句通常含有较多、较长的修饰成分、并列成 分或从句。理解长难句的关键是了解长难句的类型,理清句 子成分,抓住句子中的关键部分。
10. One night a man talking on his cell phone waved me away,
then beckoned(示意) me back with his finger a minute later,
complaining he was ready to order and asking where I’d been.
obesity .
19. There is considerable sentiment about the “corruption” of women’s language—which of course is viewed as part of the loss of feminine ideals and morality—and this sentiment is crystallized by nationwide opinion polls that are regularly carried out by the media.
22. Using this information, the amygdale appraises a situation—I think this charging dog wants to bite me—and triggers a response by radiating nerve signals throughout the body.
1. "United 93" is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate.
12. what they fear was that the political challenges of sustaining support for global economic integration will be more difficult in the United States because of what has happened to the distribution of income and economic insecurity.
8. As much as if not more so than women, fathers struggle to be taken seriously when they request flexible arrangements.
9. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they’d never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.
14. They were both Ph.D. candidates when they devised the search engine which was better than the rest and, without any marketing, spread by word of mouth from early adopters to, eventually, your grandmother.
21. Losing everything you own under such circumstances can be distressing, but the people I’ve heard from all saw their loss, ultimately as a blessing.
3. It’s also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates.
一 词汇:核心词汇+普通词汇 二 语法结构 1.从句:定语、同位语、表语、宾语、状语 2.并列结构 3.插入语 4.倒装 5.强调 6.省略:分词作定语,独立主格结构
1、首先确定句子是简单句、复合句或并列句。 2、如果是简单句,首先确定主谓结构;接着确定宾语和宾 语补足语(如有的话);然后确定定语和状语等次要成分, 即找出主语、谓语和宾语各自的修饰语。 3、如果是并列句,首先应找出并列连词并把全句分解为若 干个分句;接着按照简单句的分析方法再细分各分句的内部 结构和句意;然后将全句综合考虑。 4、如果是复合句,首先找出从属连词并确定出主句,这时 应特别注意连词省略现象和多义连词在句中的确切含义;接 着按照简单句的分析方法再细分各分句的内部结构和句意; 然后确定从句的性质,即该从句在句中修饰什么词语或结构; 最后整体考虑全句大意,尤其要注意对修饰语的判断是否准 确。
18. The promise is so extravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social consequences, including family breakdown and