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Unit 1 园林史 Landscape Development History


Lesson 1 Landscape Development History in China中国园林史

Reading Material Landscape Development History in Japan日本园林史


Lesson 2 Landscape Development History in Italy 意大利园林史或意大利古典园林——山地园

Lesson 3 Landscape Development History in France法国园林史或古典的法国式规则园林Reading Material Landscape Development History in England英国园林史

Unit 2 基本原理 Basic Theory

Lesson 4 Principles of landscaping 园林园林设计基本原理、原则

Lesson 5 What is Landscape Essentials (or specialty) and Purpose ? 园林设计目的、特点等(私密性、舒适、生动、美化、多样、季节变化等)。

Reading Material What is Landscape design? 园林景观概念

Unit 3 园林设计Landscape design

Lesson 6 Steps and method in developing a landscape design园林设计步骤和方法

Lesson 7 Hardscape design(paving, decks, arbors, walls and fences, water features, garden amenities, materials comparison, create a layout plan)硬质设计(铺装、墙、护栏、水景、小品、材料运用等)

Lesson 8 Landscape design in city 城市园林设计(公园、街道等)

Lesson 9 Landscape design in rural environment乡村园林设计(蓝色blue gardern、野趣wild gardern、地中海gardern等等)

Reading Material Making plans 园林设计规划

Unit 4 园林植物(基础知识) Landscape plants

Lesson 10 Environment Condition or Factors 园林植物习性或要求的环境条件

Lesson 11 Propagation园林植物的常见繁殖方法

Lesson 12 Planting栽植

Reading Material Classification of Landscape Plants园林植物分类

Unit 5 园林绿地设计(园林植物规划设计)Designing with Plant

Lesson13 Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Hedges乔木、灌木、藤本植物和篱垣设计

Lesson14 Lawins and Groundcovers 草坪和地被植物设计

Lesson15 Design of Herbaceous Flower and Borders and beds. 草本花卉设计,和花坛、花镜的设计和结构

Lesson16 Plant Selection 如何选择适宜的植物——适地适栽

Lesson 17 Create a planting plan 植物种植计划的制定

Reading Material plant selection for salina滨海盐碱地区的植物选择

Unit 6 园林施工 Installing Your Landscape

Lesson 18 准备Landscape preparaion

Lesson 19 排水系统Drainage

Lesson 20 植物配置、栽植株行距、定位、种植(乔木、灌木、藤本植物、草坪)等Choosing, spacing, and placing the plants.

Reading Material planting beds and borders 花坛和花镜的建造施工

Unit 7 园林景观养护 Maintenance

Lesson 21 浇水Watering

Lesson 22 土壤管理、除草Healthy soil, weeding

Lesson 23修剪Pruning

Lesson 24景观养护计划的制定Creating a manitenance plan

Reading Material草坪管理Mowing

Unit 8专业英语基础知识




lesson 25 科技文章写作Writing a research report

lesson 26 英文摘要的写作方法How to write English abstract ?


1.New words or glossary

2.Language points (将主要句子、难翻译的句子进行翻译)




(3)Question for discussion


Reading Material



电子信息专业英语复习资料 一、基本术语(英译汉) 1.probe探针 2.real time operational system 实时操作系统 3.debugger 调试器 4.sourse code 源代码 5.software radio wireless LAN 软件无线电网络 6.base station 基站 7.top-down approach 自顶向下分析法 8.variable 变量 9.data compress 数据压缩 10.signal conditioning circuit 信号调理电路 11.Chebyshev Type Ⅰfilter 切比雪夫Ⅰ型滤波器 12.vertical resolution 垂直分辨率 13.device driver 设备驱动 https://www.doczj.com/doc/59679467.html,piler 编译器 15.template 模板 16.concurrent process 并发进程 17.object recognition 目标识别 18.Discrete Time Fourier Transform 离散傅立叶变换 https://www.doczj.com/doc/59679467.html,bined circuit 组合逻辑电路 20.impedance transform 阻抗变换器 21.voltage source 电压源22.passive component 无源器件 23.quality factor 品质因数 24.unit-impulse response 单位脉冲响应 25.noise origin 噪声源 26.Domino effect 多米诺效应 27.output load 输出负载 28.cordless phone 无绳电话 29.Antenna 天线 30.harmonic interference 谐波干涉 31.Parallel Resonant 并联谐振 32.voltage control oscillator 压控振荡器 33.adaptive delta modulation 自适应增量调制 34.amplitude modulation 调幅 二、缩略语(写出全称) 1.LSI:large scale integration 2.PMOS :p-type metal-oxide semiconductor 3.CT:cycle threshold 4.MRI:magnetic resonance imaging 5.ROM:read-only memory 6.DRAM :dynamic random access memory 7.TCXO :temperature compensated X'tal (crystal) Oscillator https://www.doczj.com/doc/59679467.html,B:Universal Serial Bus 9.DCT:discrete cosine transform


第一课 土木工程学土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。他们建造供水和废水处理厂,设计空气净化器和其他设备以最小化甚至消除由工业加工、焚化及其他产烟生产活动引起的空气污染。他们也采用建造特殊倾倒地点或使用有毒有害物中和剂的措施来控制有毒有害废弃物。此外,工程师还对垃圾掩埋进行设计和管理以预防其对周围环境造成污染。


The practice and theory of Landscape Architecture 景观规划设计理论 【1】Landscape Architecture involves the five major components:They are natural process,human factors,methodology,technology,and values,whatever the scale or emphasis of operation,these five components are consistently relevant.Social and nature factors clearly permeate every facet of a profession that is concerned with people and land. Problem solving,planning,and design methods apply at all scales.Good judgment is consistently required. 风景园林设计包含五个主要方面:自然进程、社会进程、方法论、技术、价值观,无论规模尺度或运作的重点各不相同,这五个要素一贯是相关的。社会因素和自然因素的因子充斥着这个关系到人与土地的领域的方方面面。解决问题,规划、设计方法都会用到所有的尺度。正确的判断判断是一贯必须的。 【2】Consider how natural factors data are relevant to both planning and design.At the regional scale,the impact of development or change in use on a landscape must be known and evaluated before a policy to allow such action is set.An inventory of the natural factors,including geology,soils,hydrology,topography,climate,vegetation and wildlife,and the ecological relationships between them is fundamental to and understanding of the ecosystem to which change is contemplated.Equally important is an analysis of visual quality .Land use policy can thus be made on the basis of the known vulnerability of resistance of the landscape.In other circumstances the natural processes which add up to a given landscape at a give moment in its evolution may,as at Grand Canyon and other unique places,be considered a resource to be preserved,protected,and managed as a public trust.On a smaller scale,soil and geological conditions may be critical in the determination of the cost and the form of building foundations: where it is most suitable to build and where it is not.Sun,wind,and rain are important factors of design where the development of comfort zones for human activity or the growth of plants is a primary objective.Thus,in many ways natural factors influence land use,site planning,and detailer design. 自然因素的考虑与规划和设计都有关系。在区域尺度上,关于利用方面的开发变化的影响,在政策制定之前,必须了解和评估景观的脆弱性和敏感性。详细的自然因素,包括地质的、土壤的、水文的、地形地貌的、气候的、植被的和野生动物的、以及它们之间的生态关系是理解它将要改变的生态系统的基础。同样重要的是视觉质量的分析。土地利用政策的基础是由于了解到景观的脆弱性和抗损性的基础上建立的。在某些发展进化的过程中,一些在特定的时刻作用到特定的景观的自然进程会产生一些公共资源,比如科罗拉多大峡谷,让我们后人去保护它和管理它。在小尺度上,土壤和地质条件是决定建筑的成本和建筑基础形态的关键要素——哪里适宜建立以及哪里不适宜。设计是为人类发展活动找到适宜的空间或者以植物的生长为主要目标,因此,阳光,风和雨是设计最重要的要素。因此,场地和区域的自然要素在景观规划和设计的许多过程当中相互作用。 【3】The social factors apply equally at various scales.In site planning and landscape design,cultural variation in the use and appreciation of open space and parks and the physical and social needs of the young and old are some of the many variables to be considered in a design process that aims to be responsive to social values and human needs.In decisions relates to appropriation of landscape for recreation and aesthetic value people’s perception of t he environment and the


Lesson eight 第八课 Ⅱ.翻译句子,并注意remain和above的词类和词义 2. In this case the voltage applied must remain unchanged. 在这种情况下,那个应用电压必须保持不变 4. If you take 3 from 8, 5 remain. 如果从8中拿走3,剩5. 6. The above property was discovered by Faraday. 法拉第发现以上性质。 8. Lenz states that the self-induced emf impedes any change of current and tends to support the former current value. The above is known as Lenz’s law. 楞茨陈述自感电动势阻止电流的变化而保持先前电流的值。上面就是我们所知的楞 次定律。 Ⅲ.翻译句子,注意some的词义 2. That radio receiver weighs some five kilograms. 那个无线接收器重五公斤。 4. Some element in the substance is not known. 物质中的一些元素是人们不知道的。 Ⅳ.翻译句子,注意句中one 的不同用法和词义。 2. This concept was discussed in Chapter One. 这个概念在第一张讨论过。 4. No one can lift this equipment. 没人能举起这件设备。 6. This chapter will deal with one of the three functions of a turning circuit. 这章我们将介绍螺旋电路三个功能中的一个。 8. Before one studies a system, it is necessary to define and discuss some important terms. 在研究一个系统之前,确定且讨论一些重要的术语是有必要的。 Ⅴ.画出句中的名词从句,说明其种类,并将句子译成汉语。 2. These experiments do not show which particles. 这些实验不能显示他们的粒子结构。 4. The operating point is determined by how much bias is used. 操作要点是被用多少偏压决定的。 6. It is not important how this voltage is produced. 这个电压是怎么产生的并不重要。 8. It may be questioned whether this approach is the best for the physicist. 这种方式最适合于医生可能会被质疑。 10. This ball may be used to determine whether that body is charged. 这个球可能用于检测是否身体是带电的。 12. It is known that charged particles emit electromagnetic waves whenever they are accelerated. 众所周知的当电子被加速他们就会发射电磁波。 14. The value of this factor determines how fast the amplitude of the current


第一课土木工程学 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 领域。因为包含范围太广,土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。不同类型的工程需要多种不同土木工程专业技术。一个项目开始的时候,土木工程师要对场地进行测绘,定位有用的布置,如地下水水位,下水道,和电力线。岩土工程专家则进行土力学试验以确定土壤能否承受工程荷载。环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响,包括对空气和地下水的可能污染,对当地动植物生活的影响,以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。交通工程专家确定必需的不同种类设施以减轻由整个工程造成的对当地公路和其他交通网络的负担。同时,结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划,设计和说明。从项目开始到结束,对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。根据其他专家所提供的信息,施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费,所有工作的进度表,订购工作所需要的材料和设备,雇佣承包商和分包商,还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。 贯穿任何给定项目,土木工程师都需要大量使用计算机。计算机用于设计工程中使用的多数元件(即计算机辅助设计,或者CAD)并对其进行管理。计算机成为了现代土木工程师的必备品,因为它使得工程师能有效地掌控所需的大量数据从而确定建造一项工程的最佳方法。 结构工程学。在这一专业领域,土木工程师规划设计各种类型的结构,包括桥梁,大坝,发电厂,设备支撑,海面上的特殊结构,美国太空计划,发射塔,庞大的天文和无线电望远镜,以及许多其他种类的项目。结构工程师应用计算机确定一个结构必须承受的力:自重,风荷载和飓风荷载,建筑材料温度变化引起的胀缩,以及地震荷载。他们也需确定不同种材料如钢筋,混凝土,塑料,石头,沥青,砖,铝或其他建筑材料等的复合作用。 水利工程学。土木工程师在这一领域主要处理水的物理控制方面的种种问题。他们的项目用于帮助预防洪水灾害,提供城市用水和灌溉用水,管理控制河流和水流物,维护河滩及其他滨水设施。此外,他们设计和维护海港,运河与水闸,建造大型水利大坝与小型坝,以及各种类型的围堰,帮助设计海上结构并且确定结构的位置对航行影响。 岩土工程学。专业于这个领域的土木工程师对支撑结构并影响结构行为的土壤和岩石的特性进行分析。他们计算建筑和其他结构由于自重压力可能引起的沉降,并采取措施使之减少到最小。他们也需计算并确定如何加强斜坡和填充物的稳定性以及如何保护结构免受地震和地下水的影响。 环境工程学。在这一工程学分支中,土木工程师设计,建造并监视系统以提供安全的饮用水,同时预防和控制地表和地下水资源供给的污染。他们也设计,建造并监视工程以控制甚至消除对土地和空气的污染。


第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握 第一部分: 1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法 2 专业英语Specialty English 3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering 4 土木工程Civil Engineering 5 地下工程Underground Engineering 6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering 7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering 8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering 9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering 10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 11 交通工程Traffic Engineering 12 港口工程Port Engineering 13 安全性safety 17木结构timber structure 18 砌体结构masonry structure 19 混凝土结构concrete structure 20 钢结构steelstructure 21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure 22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete 24 钢筋rebar 25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete 26 静定结构statically determinate structure 27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure 28 桁架结构truss structure 29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure 30 近海工程offshore engineering 31 静力学statics 32运动学kinematics 33 动力学dynamics 34 简支梁simply supported beam 35 固定支座fixed bearing 36弹性力学elasticity 37 塑性力学plasticity 38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity 39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics 40 土力学soil mechanics 41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics 43 固体力学solid mechanics 44 集中力concentrated force 45 压力pressure 46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure 47 均布压力uniform pressure 48 体力body force 49 重力gravity 50 线荷载line load 51 弯矩bending moment 52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress 54 应变stain 55 正应力normal stress 56 剪应力shearing stress 57 主应力principal stress 58 变形deformation 59 内力internal force 60 偏移量挠度deflection 61 settlement 沉降 62 屈曲失稳buckle 63 轴力axial force 64 允许应力allowable stress 65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis 66 梁beam 67 壳shell 68 板plate 69 桥bridge 70 桩pile 71 主动土压力active earth pressure 72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity 74 水位water Height 75 位移displacement 76 结构力学structural mechanics 77 材料力学material mechanics 78 经纬仪altometer 79 水准仪level 80 学科discipline 81 子学科sub-discipline 82 期刊journal ,periodical 83文献literature 84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号 85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号 86 卷volume 87 期number 88 专着monograph 89 会议论文集Proceeding 90 学位论文thesis, dissertation 91 专利patent 92 档案档案室archive 93 国际学术会议conference 94 导师advisor 95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis 96 博士研究生doctorate student 97 研究生postgraduate 98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引 99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引 101 题目title 102 摘要abstract 103 全文full-text 104 参考文献reference 105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation 106 主题词Subject 107 关键字keyword 108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会 109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署


中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens 苏州园林Suzhou Gardens 拙政园The Humble Administrator’s Garden 塔影亭the tower shadow Pavilion 留听阁the Stay and Listen Pavilion 浮翠阁the Floating Green Pavilion 笠亭the Li Pavilion 与谁同坐轩the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion 宜两亭Both Families Pavilion 三十六鸳鸯馆the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’Hall 十八曼陀罗花馆the 18 Stramonium Flowers’Hall 枇杷园Loquat Garden 海棠春坞Malus spring castle 听雨轩the “Listen to the rain”Pavilion 玲珑馆Exquisite Hall 小飞虹the Small Flying Rainbow 得真亭the Get Reality Pavilion 小沧浪The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation 听松风处the place for listening to the pine wind 香洲the Boat-like Structure 玉兰堂the Magnolia 远香堂Drifting Fragrance Hall 荷风四面亭the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes 倚玉轩the Listening on Jade Pavilion 待霜亭the Orange Pavilion 雪香云蔚亭the Prunus Mume Pavilion 柳阴路曲the zigzag pathway with willow shade 绣绮亭the Peony Pavilion 见山楼the Mountain in View Tower 别有洞天the Moon Gate 留园The Lingering Garden 华步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden 绿荫the Green Shade Pavilion 小蓬莱the Samll Fairy Isle 舒啸亭the Shuxiao Pavilion 浣云沼the Huanyun Billabong 明瑟搂the Pellucid Tower 涵碧山房Hanbi Mountain Villa 可亭Ke Ting Pavilion 五峰仙馆the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks 林泉耆硕之馆the Old Hermit Scholars’House 闻木樨香轩the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion 揖峰轩the Yifeng Pavilion 又一村“another village” 冠云峰the Cloud Capped Peak 冠云台the Cloud Capped Terrace 冠云亭the Cloud Capped Pavilion 曲溪楼the Zigzag Stream Tower 濠濮亭the Haopu Pavilion 曲廊the Zigzag Walkway 清风池馆the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake 活泼泼地the Place of Liveliness 网师园The Master-of-Nets Garden 小山丛桂轩the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion 云窟月洞门the Yunku Moon Gate 看松读画轩the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio 射鸭廊the Duck Shooting Corridor 月到风来亭the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion 冷泉亭the Cold Spring Pavilion 殿春簃the Peony Study 万卷堂the Hall of Scrolls 撷绣楼the Bueaty Within Reach Tower 五峰书屋the Five Peaks Library 真意门the True Feeling Gate 环秀山庄The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty


土木工程专业英语课文原 文及对照翻译 Newly compiled on November 23, 2020

Civil Engineering Civil engineering, the oldest of the engineering specialties, is the planning, design, construction, and management of the built environment. This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles, from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities. 土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科,是指规划,设计,施工及对建筑环境的管理。此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构,从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。 Civil engineers build roads, bridges, tunnels, dams, harbors, power plants, water and sewage systems, hospitals, schools, mass transit, and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations. They also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads, pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial, commercial, or residential use. In addition, civil engineers plan, design, and build complete cities and towns, and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities. 土木工程师建造道路,桥梁,管道,大坝,海港,发电厂,给排水系统,医院,学校,公共交通和其他现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。他们也建造私有设施,比如飞机场,铁路,管线,摩天大楼,以及其他设计用作工业,商业和住宅途径的大型结构。此外,土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇,并且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。 The word civil derives from the Latin for citizen. In 1782, Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time. Since then, the term civil engineering has often been used to refer to engineers who build public facilities, although the field is much broader 土木一词来源于拉丁文词“公民”。在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。自从那时起,土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师,尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。 Scope. Because it is so broad, civil engineering is subdivided into a number of technical specialties. Depending on the type of project, the skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed. When a project begins, the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement—water, sewer, and power lines. Geotechnical specialists perform soil experiments to determine if the earth can bear the weight of the project. Environmental specialists study the project’s impact on the local area: the potential for air and


non-destructive test 非破损检验 non-load—bearingwall 非承重墙 non—uniform cross—section beam 变截面粱 non—uniformly distributed strain coefficient of longitudinal tensile reinforcement 纵向受拉钢筋应变不均匀系数 normal concrete 普通混凝土 normal section 正截面 notch and tooth joint 齿连接 number of sampling 抽样数量 O obligue section 斜截面 oblique—angle fillet weld 斜角角焊缝 one—way reinforced(or prestressed)concrete slab “单向板” open web roof truss 空腹屋架, ordinary concrete 普通混凝土(28) ordinary steel bar 普通钢筋(29) orthogonal fillet weld 直角角焊缝(61) outstanding width of flange 翼缘板外伸宽度(57) outstanding width of stiffener 加劲肋外伸宽度(57) over-all stability reduction coefficient of steel beam·钢梁整体稳定系数(58) overlap 焊瘤(62) overturning or slip resistance analysis 抗倾覆、滑移验算(10) P padding plate 垫板(52) partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝(61) partition 非承重墙(7) penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝(60) percentage of reinforcement 配筋率(34) perforated brick 多孔砖(43) pilastered wall 带壁柱墙(42) pit·凹坑(62) pith 髓心(?o) plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构(24) plane hypothesis 平截面假定(32) plane structure 平面结构(11) plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架(5) plank 板材(65) plastic adaption coefficient of cross—section 截面塑性发展系数(58) plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计(56) plastic hinge·塑性铰(13) plastlcity coefficient of reinforced concrete member in tensile zone 受拉区混凝土塑性影响系数


Take the road of sustainable development civil engineering Abstract: Civil Engineering is the oldest in human history "technical science" as a system of industrial activity, the essence of civil engineering production process, is a technical process Civil engineering is the construction of various facilities in science and technology, collectively, both refer to the construction of the object, that is built on the ground, underground, water facilities, a variety of projects, but also refers to the application of materials, equipment and carried out survey and design , construction, maintenance, repair and other technology. As an important basis for discipline, civil engineering has its important attributes: a comprehensive, social, practical, technical and economic and artistic unity. With the progress of human society and development, civil engineering has already evolved into large-scale comprehensive subject, and has many branches, such as: construction, railroad engineering, road engineering, bridge engineering, specialty engineering structures, water supply and drainage projects, port engineering, hydraulic engineering, environmental engineering and other disciplines. There are six professional civil engineering: architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, built environment and equipment engineering, water supply and drainage works and road and bridge projects. Civil engineering is a form of human activity. Human beings pursued it to change the natural environment for their own benefit. Buildings, transportations, facilities, infrastructures are all included in civil engineering. The development of civil engineering has a long history. Our seniors had left a lot of great constructions to us. For example, Zhao Zhou Bridge is the representative of our Chinese civil engineering masterpieces. It has a history of more than 1300 years and is still service at present. Civil engineering has been so rapid development of the period. A lot of new bridges have been constructed, and many greater plans are under discussion. China is a large county. And she is still well developing. However, civil engineers will be facing more complex problems. We should pay attention to the growing population and a lot of deteriorating infrastructures. We should prepare for the possibility of natural disasters. To meet grow needs in the

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