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初中英语中Keep 用法归纳

初中英语中Keep 用法归纳
初中英语中Keep 用法归纳

初中英语中Keep 用法归纳




1. 意为"保存;保留;保持;保守"。如:

Could you keep these letters for me, please? 你能替我保存这些信吗?

I'll keep a seat for you.我给你留个座位。

It can help to keep vegetables, fruit and meat for a long time in hot summer. 在炎热的夏天,它有助于蔬菜、水果和肉类长时间保鲜。

Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?

2. 意为"照顾;养活"等。如:

She kept her sister for a week while her sister was ill.她妹妹有病时,她照看她了一个星期。

I have a family to keep.我得养活一家人。

3. 意为"留下;不必还"。如:

You can keep the pen if you like it.你要是喜欢就把钢笔留下吧。

Keep the change.不用找零钱了。

4. 意为"遵守;维护"。如:

Everyone must keep the rules. 人人必须遵守规章制度。

The teacher is keeping order in class.老师正在课堂上维持秩序。

5. 意为"售;卖"。如:

The shop keeps everything you need.那家商店里出售的东西应有尽有。

He keeps everything you will drink.他出售你想喝的各种饮料。

6. 意为"记(日记、帐等)"。如:

She keeps a diary every day.她坚持每天记日记。

He keeps exact accounts of the money he spends and a diary of the events of his holidays.他详细地记载他所花的钱数和假期中所发生的事情。

7. 意为"使……保持某种(状态、位置或动作等)"。这时要在keep的宾语后接补足语,构成复合宾语。其中宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词和过去分词等充当。如:

We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.(形容词)我们应保持教室整洁干净。

You'd better keep the child away from the fire.(副词)你最好让孩子离火远一点。

The bad weather keeps us inside the house.(介词短语)坏天气使我们不能出门。

Don't keep me waiting for long.(现在分词)别让我等太久。

The other students in the class keep their eyes closed.(过去分词)班上其他同学都闭着眼睛。



You must look after yourself and keep healthy.(形容词)你必须照顾好自己,保持身体健康。

Keep off the grass.(副词)请勿践踏草地。

Traffic in Britain keeps to the left.(介词短语)英国的交通是靠左边行驶的。


She knew she must keep calm.她知道她必须保持镇静。

Please keep silent in class.课堂上请保持安静。


1.keep away意为"(使)离开;(使)不接近",其后常接介词from。如:

Would you keep your dog away from my boy, please? 请把狗拉得离我孩子远点好吗?

Keep everybody away from the accident.人人远离事故!

2.keep back意为"阻止;留在后面"。如:

She sat down quietly, but she couldn't keep

back her tears.她静静地坐下来,却忍不住流下了眼泪。

3.keep together意为"在一起;动作协调"。如:

Keep together, please.请聚在一起。

The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one.赛船时,这8个人动作协调,好像一个人似的。

4.keep up意为"持续;使不低落"。如:

The noise kept up all night.噪音整夜持续着。

To keep your strength up, eat well and get enough sleep.为了保持力气,要吃好、睡足。

5.keep up with意为"跟上;和……来往"。如:

I'm trying my best to keep up with the others in class.我正在设法赶上班里的其他人。

Do you still keep up with Tom? 你和汤姆还有联系吗?

6.keep...in mind意为"把……记在心里"。如:

The teacher asked us to keep these sentences in mind.老师要我们把这些句子记在心里。


1.keep doing sth. 意为"继续干某事",表示不间断地持续干某事,keep后不能接不定式或表示静止状态的v-ing形式,而必须接延续性的动词。如:

He kept working all day, because he wanted to finish the work on time.他整天都在不停地工作,因为他想准时完成工作。

Keep passing the ball to each other, and you'll be OK.坚持互相传球,你们就行。

2.keep on doing sth. 意为"持续做某事"。如:

The pupil kept on asking me the same question.这个学生不断地问我同一个问题。

I kept on thinking about the match in the afternoon.我总是想起下午的那场比赛。

3. keep...from doing sth.意为"阻止/防止……做某事"。如:

The heavy snow kept us from going out.大雪使我们不能出去。


英语词类 英语中的词可以根据词义、语法功能和形式特征分为十大类,即名词(noun)、代词(pronoun)、形容词(adjective)、副词(adverb)、动词(verb)、数词(numeral)、冠词(article)、介词(preposition)、连词(conjunctions)和感叹词(int erjection)。 英语代词的用法全归纳 一、定义与分类 代词是代替名词及起名词作用的短语或句子的词。代词根据其意思和用法可分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、连接代词、关系代词、不定代词九类。综观历年高考情况,在这九类代词中,不定代词一直是高考英语的重点。 二:人称代词,物主代词,反身代词用法概述 这三种代词都有人称(第一、二、三人称)的变化、数(单、复数)的变化,性(阴性、阳性、中性)以及格(主格、宾格)的变化。 物主代词又包括两种形式:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。特别注意:形容词性物主代词its没有相应的名词性物主代词。 这三种代词的形式变化表如下:

三、人称代词的用法 1) 定义:人称代词是用来指代人、动物或事物的代词。它必须在人称(第一人称、第二人称、及第三人称)、数(单数、复数)以及性(阴性、阳性、中性)三方面与被指代的名词一致。 如:I am a student. Tom is a boy, and he is a student. Mary is very pretty, and she likes singing. The boys are students, and they are in the room. The doy is small. It is Tom's. 2)人称代词的句法功能 A) 人称代词有主格和宾语之分:主格用作主语,宾格用作宾语。 B) 人称代词的主格形式在在句中作主语和表语。 如: I like music(主语). She is a teacher.(主语)


初中英语介词用法归纳总结 常用介词基本用法辨析 表示方位的介词:in, to, on 1. in 表示在某地范围之内。 Shanghai is/lies in the east of China. 上海在中国的东部。 2. to 表示在某地范围之外。 Japan is/lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。 3. on 表示与某地相邻或接壤。 Mongolia is/lies on the north of China. 蒙古国位于中国北边。 表示计量的介词:at, for, by 1. at 表示“以……速度”“以……价格”。 It flies at about 900 kilometers an hour. 它以每小时900公里的速度飞行。 I sold my car at a high price. 我以高价出售了我的汽车。 2. for 表示“用……交换,以……为代价”。 He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把车卖了。

注意:at表示单价(price) ,for表示总钱数。 3. by 表示“以……计”,后跟度量单位。 They paid him by the month. 他们按月给他计酬。 Here eggs are sold by weight. 在这里鸡蛋是按重量卖的。 表示材料的介词:of, from, in 1. of 成品仍可看出原料。 This box is made of paper. 这个盒子是纸做的。 2. from 成品已看不出原料。 Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄酿成的。 3. in 表示用某种材料或语言。 Please fill in the form in pencil first. 请先用铅笔填写这个表格。They talk in English. 他们用英语交谈。 表示工具或手段的介词:by, with, on 1. by 用某种方式,多用于交通。 I went there by bus. 我坐公共汽车去那儿。 2. with表示“用某种工具”。


初中英语9类代词用法汇总及例句 代词的分类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、关系代词、疑问代词、连接代词和不定代词等。 I often go shopping on Sundays.(星期天我常去购物) Are they from Brazil?(他们是巴西人吗?) Where have they gone?(他们上哪儿去了?) It’s he!(是他!) (2)宾格用来作及物动词或者介词的宾语。 Who teaches you English this year?(今年谁教你们的英语?) Help me!(救救我!) We often write letters to her.(我们常给他写信) (3)人称代词作表语或者放在比较状语从句连词than或as之后时,可以用主格形式,也可以用宾格形式,口语中大多用宾格。 –It’s I/me.(是我。) (4)三个不同人称同时出现,或者主语中包含“我”时,按照“you→he →I”的顺序表达。 Both he and I are working at that computer company. (我和他都在那家电脑公司上班) –Who will go there?(谁要去那儿?) –You and me.(你和我) (5)人称代词it除了可以指人指物之外,还可以表示“时间、天气、温度、距离、情况”等含义,此外还可以作“非人称代词”使用,替代作主语或者宾语的不定式、动名词或者名词性从句。 --What’s the time?(几点啦?)

–It’s 12:00.(12点) It’s a long way to go.(那可要走好长的路) It took him three days to clean his house. .(打扫屋子花了他三天的时间) It is very clear that the public want to know when these men can go into space (很显然,公众想知道这些人什么时候能进入太空) Is that your umbrella? (那是你的伞吗?) I often go to see my aunt on Sundays. (我经常在星期天去看望阿姨) They are their books.(是他们的书) (2)名词性物主代词相当于名词,既代替事物又表明所属关系,在句子中往往独立地作主语、宾语或者表语,后面千万不可以跟名词。 This is your cup,but where is mine? (这是你的杯子,可我的在哪儿?) Your classroom is very big, but ours is rather small. (你们的教室很大,我们的相当小) (3)“of + 名词性物主代词”称为双重所有格,作定语时放在名词的后面。 A friend of mine came to see me yesterday. (我的一个朋友昨天来看我了) (指若干朋友中有一个来看我。) My friend came to see me yesterday. (我的朋友昨天来看我了)(指我的那个特定的朋友来看我。) 3、反身代词:表示谓语的动作与主语有关或者宾语补足语的动作与宾语有关。


初中英语介词用法总结 介词(preposition):也叫前置词。在英语里,它的搭配能力最强。但不能单独做句子成分需要和名词或代词(或相当于名词的其他词类、短语及从句)构成介词短语,才能在句中充当成分。 介词是一种虚词,不能独立充当句子成分,需与动词、形容词和名词搭配,才能在句子中充当成分。介词是用于名词或代词之前,表示词与词之间关系的词类,介词常与动词、形容词和名词搭配表示不同意义。介词短语中介词后接名词、代词或可以替代名词的词(如:动名词v-ing).介词后的代词永远为宾格形式。介词的种类: (1)简单介词:about, across, after, against, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beside, but, by, down, during, for, from, in, of, on, over, near, round, since, to, under, up, with等等。 (2)合成介词:inside, into, outside, throughout, upon, without, within (3)短语介词:according to, along with, apart from, because of, in front of, in spite of, instead of, owing to, up to, with reguard to (4)分词介词:considering, reguarding, including, concerning 介词短语:构成 介词+名词We go to school from Monday to Saturday. 介词+代词Could you look for it instead of me? 介词+动名词He insisted on staying home. 介词+连接代/副词I was thinking of how we could get there. 介词+不定式/从句He gives us some advice on how to finish it. 介词的用法: 一、介词to的常见用法 1.动词+to a)动词+ to adjust to适应, attend to处理;照料, agree to赞同,


不定代词总结 一、不定代词 some 与 any 的用法区别 一般说来,不定代词 some 用于肯定句中, any 用于否定句和疑问句中。但是,在表示请求、邀请或征求意见的句子中,通常要用 some 而不用 any : Would you like some cake? 吃点蛋糕吗? Why not buy some bread? 为什么不买些面包呢? Shall I get some chalk for you? 要我帮你拿些粉笔来吗? 【说明】不定代词 any 有时也用于肯定句中,此时表示“任何”: Any colour will do. 任何颜色都行。 Come any day you like. 随便哪天来都可以。 二、不定代词 many 与 much 的用法以及区别 不定代词 many 和 much 都表示“许多”,但 many 修饰或代替可数名词(复数),与 few(少数)相对;而 much 用来修饰或代替不可数名词(单数),与 little(少量)相对。在口语中两者主要用于非肯定句中: Did you see many people there? 你在那儿看见许多人了吗 ? We don 't have much time. 我们没有许多时间。 Much work has been done. 许多工作都已经做了。 You 've given me too much. 你已给我太多了。 Take as many (much) as you want. 你要多少拿多少。 I asked her a great many questions. 我问了她许多问题。 辨析: too much ; much too ; too many 1、too much 常用作副词或代词 ,也可以用作形容词修饰不可数名词 .如: Is watching TV too much good or bad for your health? 电视看得太多对你的健康有益还是有害 ? You've given me too much. 你给我的太多了 .


代词: 1、代词的分类:英语中代词分为:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、关系代词、 疑问代词、连接代词和不定代词等等。 2 1I often go shopping on Sundays. 购物) / Are they from Brazil?(他们是巴西人吗?) / Where have they gone?(他们上哪 儿去了?)/ That’s it.(就那么回事)/ It’s he!(是他!) 2、宾格用来作及物动词或者介词的宾语。如:Who teaches you English this year?(今年 谁教你们的英语?) / Help me!(救救我!) / We often write letters to her.(我们常给 他写信) 3、人称代词作表语或者放在比较状语从句连词than或as之后时,可以用主格形式,也可 以用宾格形式,口语中大多用宾格。如:--Who is it?(是谁?)–It’s I/me.(是我。) 4、三个不同人称同时出现,或者主语中包含“我”时,按照“you→he→I”的顺序表达。如: Both he and I are working at that computer company.(我和他都在那家电脑公司上班) –Who will go there?(谁要去那儿?) –You and me.(你和我) 5、人称代词it除了可以指人指物之外,还可以表示“时间、天气、温度、距离、情况” 等含义,此外还可以作“非人称代词”使用,替代作主语或者宾语的不定式、动名词 或者名词性从句。如:--What’s the weather like today?(今天天气怎样?)—It’s fine.(天气晴好) / --What’s the time?(几点啦?)–It’s 12:00.(12点) / It’s a long way to go.(那可要走好长的路) / It took him three days to clean his house.(打扫屋子花了他 三天的时间) / It is very clear that the public want to know when these men can go into space.(很显然,公众想知道这些人什么时候能进入太空) / We found it very difficult to learn a foreign language well.(我们发觉要学好一门外语是非常困难的) 3 Is that your umbrella?(那是你的伞吗?) / I often go to see my aunt on Sundays.(我经 常在星期天去看望阿姨) / They are their books.(是他们的书) 2、名词性物主代词相当于名词,既代替事物又表明所属关系,在句子中往往独立地作主 语、宾语或者表语,后面千万不可以跟名词。如: This is your cup,but where is mine?(这是你的杯子,可我的在哪儿?)/ Your


冠词 一.不定冠词 1.不定冠词a,an A用于以辅音因素或半元音因素/j/,/w/开头的单词。 An用于元音因素开头的单词 注意:元音因素开头的单词,首字母不一定就是元音字母例如,hour,honest等单词,看起来是以辅音字母开头,但是发音时辅音字母h没有发音,而是以元音开头,因此前面应加不定冠词an。而有些单词如university,uniform等单词,是以元音字母u开头,但是读音时u 发半元音/j/开头,所以前面应加a。 2.不定冠词的用法。 (1)用于可数名词的单数前,表示数量“一”,如: I have a new pen. (2)表示一类人或物,如: An elephant is big and strong. (3)第一次提到的人或物,如: Look, a dog is running to us. (4)表示“每一”的意思,如: I go shopping once a week.

3.不定冠词的固定搭配 have a look 看一下have a good time 玩得愉快 take a break 休息一下take a walk 散步 in a hurry 急匆匆地half an hour 半小时 a lot of 许多,大量 a great deal of 大量+不可数名词a number of 许多+可数名词 a few 一些+可数名词 a little 一些+不可数名词 二.定冠词 1.定冠词the的用法 (1)特指某些人或物,例如: The woman in red dress is my mother. (2)特指前面提到过的人或物,例如: I have a dog. The dog is cute. (3)指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。 What do you think of the novel? (4)指宇宙间独一无二的东西,如: The moon is bright at night. (5)用于单数名词前表示一类人或物,如: The horse is a useful animal. (6)用于序数词前,如:、


英语代词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择代词 1.I’m as big as human. In fact, I look like ______ too. A.the one B.that C.it D.one 【答案】D 【解析】 考查不定代词。句意:我同人一样大,事实上,我看起来像一个人。此处用one代替前面的human,故选D。 2.The Olympic Games makes _____ possible for people to live side by side in peace. A.this B.it C.that D.不填 【答案】B 【解析】 本题的含义是奥运会使人们能够和平的生活在一起成为可能,本题make后的真正宾语位于句尾用动词不定式,那么在英文中通常用形式宾语it来代替真正的主语,故本题选B。 3.----Will $ 1,000 _______ the cost of the trip? ----I’m afraid not. Perhaps I need _______ $500. A.pay; another B.charge; more C.cover; another D.afford; more 【答案】C 【解析】 句意“1000美元够旅行的费用吗?”“恐怕不够,也许还需要500美元。”charge“收费”;cover“包括”;afford“买得起”。根据句意可知,用cover;在原来的基础上再多一些用“another+数词”或“数词+more”表示,这里用another。故选C。 4.--- Daddy, do you like ________ if I buy a purse for my mom’s birthday? --- It couldn’t be better. A.this B.one C.that D.it 【答案】D 【解析】 在此句中,it是一个形式宾语。根据句意,可知选D。 句意:--爸爸,我买给妈妈一个钱包作为生日礼物你喜欢吗?--那最好不过了。 考点:代词/不定代词 5.Jack Ma, the founder and chairman of China’s Alibaba Group, has a $28.6 billion fortune, ______making him the richest person in China. A.it B.one C.that D.which 【答案】B


疑问代词用法总结及练习 句子是英语学习的核心。从句子使用的目的来分,它可分为四类 1、陈述句(肯定句和否定句) 2、疑问句(一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和选择疑问句) 3、祈使句(肯定句和否定句) 4、感叹句。 四大句子类型的相互转换,对于学生来讲是个难点,为此,可通过说顺口溜的形式来帮助学生解决这一难题。 如:将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以变成这样的顺口留:疑问疑问调个头,把be(系动词“is are am”)放在最前头。 如:将陈述句的肯定句变成否定句,我们就可以这样说:否定,否定加“not”,加在何处,加在系动词的后面。 在句子相互转换的题型中,最难的要算“就下列划线部分提问”或是“看答句,写问句”这种题型了,其实,我们只要熟练掌握疑问词(what,what time, what colour, where, when, who, whose, which, how, how old ,how tall, how long, how big, how heavy , how much, how many等等)具体用法。

习题 一、选择正确的单词填空 (who, where, when) is that pretty girl She is my sister. are Jack and Tom They are behind you. do you go to school I go to school from Monday to Friday. has a beautiful flower John has a beautiful flower.

are they They are my parents. is my mother She is in the living room. are you going We are going to the bakery(面包坊). Jim and Wendy play ball They play ball in the afternoon. does he jog He jogs in the park. are you from I'm from Changchun city. 11. _______ is your birthday –On May 2nd. 12、_______ are you --- I`m in the office. 13. are you ---- I`m Alice. 二.用(what time, what color, what day, what)填空。 1. A: ______ _______ is it B: It is nine o’clock. 2. A: ______ _______ does your mother get up B: My mother gets up at 6:30. 3. A: ______ _______ do you go to bed B: I go to bed at 10:00. 4. A: ______ _______ do Diana and Fiona have supper B: Diana and Fiona have supper at 18:00. 5. A: ______ _______is it B: It is purple. 6. A: ______ _______ is the sky B: The sky is blue. 7. A: ______ _______ is your coat B: My coat is black. 8. A: ______ _______ is the dog B: The dog is white. 9. A: ______ _______ is today B: Today is Monday. 10. A: ______ _______ is tomorrow B: Tomorrow is Tuesday. 11. A: ______ _______ was yesterday B: Yesterday was Sunday. 12. A: ______ _______ do you like B: I like red. 13. A: ______ is this This is a computer. 14. A: ______ are you doing B: We are playing basketball.


xx介词的知识点总结 一、表示时间的介词 时间介词有in ,on,at,after,since,during,by,before,after,until等,前三个介词用法有个口诀: at午夜、点与分,上午、下午、晚用in。 年、月、年月、季节、周,之前加上介词in。 将来时态多久后,这些情形亦用in。 日子、日期、____年__月__日,星期之前要用on。 其余几组常见的时间介词辨析如下: 1、时间介词in与after的用法辨析 介词in +一段时间用于一般将来时。如: We’ll go to school in two weeks. 介词after +一段时间用于一般过去时。如: My mother came home after half an hour. 介词after +时间点常用于一般将来时。如: We’ll go out for a walk after supper. 2、时间介词for与since的用法辨析 介词for表示一段时间如: I have been living here for 10years. 介词since表示从过去某一时间以来如: I have been living here since 2000.

3、时间介词before与by的用法辨析 介词before表示“在…之前”如: 介词by表示“到…时为止,不迟于…”如: The work must be finished by Friday. 4、时间介词during与for的用法辨析 当所指的时间起止分明时用介词during如: He swims every day during the summer. 如果一段时间不明确则用介词for如: I haven’t seen her for years. 5、时间介词till与until用法的异同 till和until用在肯定句中,均可表示“直到…为止”,如:I will wait till arrive at(in)到达 ask for询问 begin…with从……开始 believe in相信 break off打断 break out爆发 bring down降低 bring in引进 bring up教育,培养


初中英语语法归纳:代词 代词(pron.)代替名词,兼有名词和形容词的作用 (一)代词的类别 相互代词 each other,one another 指示代词 this,that,these,those 不定代词(不指明特定的人或事物的代 词)each,every,both,all,either,neither,none,no,one,(a)few,(a)little,some,any,man y,much,other,another 复合不定代词 everybody,somebody,anybody,nobody,everyone,someone,anyone,no one,every-thing,something,anything,nothing 疑问代词 what,who,whom,which,whose 直接代词疑问代词都可作连接代词,引导宾语从句。表语从句等。 关系代词 who,whom,whose,that,which用引导定语从句。 (二)代词的用法 1.人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词和指示代词的用法 (1)人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格用来作主语,宾格用来作动词或介词的宾语等。 eg. She gave me a red apple.她给了我一个红苹果: (She作主语,me作动词宾语) Kath is near him.凯西靠近他。(介词near的宾语) 2.物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之分。 ①形容词性物主代词位于名词前:their school,his backpack ②名词性物主代词相当干一个名词,在句中可作主语、宾语等,后面不能再接名词。 egIt isn’t my pen.→Mine(=my pen) is missing.(作主语) I left my pen at home. You can use hers(=her pen),(作宾语) ③“of+名词性物主代词”属双重所有格的一种形式。 cat of hers她的一条狗,a friend of yours你的一个朋友 3.反身代词 ①反身代词在句中可作同位语,起强调作用,也可作动词或介词的宾语。 few days later,I myself had to go to Paris.(作同位语) She bought herself a new bag.(作动词宾语) He’s not worried about himself.(作介词宾语) ②带有反身代词的常用短语。 teach oneself 自学 help oneself to 随便吃些…吧


疑问代词用法总结归纳 以下是为大家整理的疑问代词的用法总结,希望能帮助大家更好地认识疑问代词,提高英语水平。 1) 疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有下列几个: 指人:who, whom, whose 指物:what 既可指人又可指物:which 2) 疑问代词在句中应位于谓语动词之前,没有性和数的变化,除who之外也没有格的变化。what, which, whose还可作限定词。试比较: 疑问代词:Whose are these books on the desk? 桌上的书是谁的? What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion? 美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的? 限定词:Whose books are these on the desk? 桌上的书是谁的? What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States?哪些事件使密西西比

河以东的大部分土地归属于美国? 说明1: 无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和what 所指的范围不同。what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如: What girls do you like best? 你喜欢什么样的姑娘? Which girls do you like best? 你喜欢哪几个姑娘? 说明2: Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如: Who(m) are you taking the book to? 你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首) Who(m) did you meet on the street? 你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语) To whom did you speak on the campus? 你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词后,不能用who 取代。) 说明3: 疑问代词还可引导名词性从句,例如:


必备英语中考英语初中英语介词X知识点总结及经典习题(含答案)含答案解析 一、初中英语介词 1.—When is the Art Festival party? —It's seven o'clock the evening of November 18th. A. at;in B. at;on C. on;in D. in;on 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:艺术节晚会在什么时候?——它在11月18日晚上7点钟。at+具体的时间点,on+某天,或者跟具体某天的上午或下午,in +年份,季节,月份,或者泛指的上下午等。seven o'clock是时间点,故加介词at,the evening of November 18th.表示具体某天的上午或下午(晚上),故加介词on,故答案为B。 【点评】本题考查时间介词辨析,at+具体的时间点,on+某天,或者跟具体某天的上午或下午,in +年份,季节,月份,或者泛指的上下午等。 2.The People's Republic of China was founded ________ October 1st, 1949. We'll celebrate its 70th anniversary this year. A. in B. on C. at 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:中华人民共和国成立于1949年10月1日。今年我们要庆祝它70周年。A.in在,用在世纪、年、季节、月、周等前;B.on在,用于星期几和具体的日期等前;C.at在,用于表示时刻前。根据句子中 October 1st, 1949,表示具体的日期,要用介词on。 【点评】考查介词辨析。根据句子的语法结构选择正确的介词。 3.John often takes a walk _______ his grandpa after dinner. A. to B. for C. along D. with 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:约翰经常晚饭后和他的爷爷散步。A.朝;B.为了;C.沿着;D.和……一起。根据his grandpa,可知此处应是晚饭后跟爷爷散步,故选D。 【点评】考查介词辨析。注意句子涉及到with的词义和用法。 4.Humans can not make progress dreams. A. with B. without C. through D. about 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:没有了梦想,人类就不会进步。A.带着,有;B.没有;C.通过;D.关于。梦想是人类前进的动力,根据Humans can not make progress,可知人类不会进步,是因为没有梦想,应会使用介词without,故答案是B。 【点评】考查近词辨析,注意识记介词without的用法。 5.My mother often says, "Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud who you are."


1、人称代词顺口溜:人称代词有两类,一类主格一类宾;主格代词本领大,一切动作由它发;宾格代词不动脑,介动之后跟着跑。 2、物主代词顺口溜:物主代词不示弱,带着‘白勺’来捣乱;形容词性物主代,抓住名词不放松; 人称代词的用法 1、人称代词的主格在句子中作主语或主语补语。一般在句首,动词前。 例如:John waited a while but eventually he went home. 约翰等了一会儿,最后他回家了。 John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. 约翰希望那位乘客是玛丽,还真是她。 说明:在复合句中,如果主句和从句主语相同,代词主语要用在从句中,名词主语用在主句中。在电话用语中常用主格。 例如:When he arrived, John went straight to the bank. 约翰一到就直接去银行了。 I wish to speak to Mary. This is she. 我想和玛丽通话,我就是玛丽。 2、人称代词的宾格在句中作宾语或表语,在动词或介词后。 例如:Do you know him(作宾语) 你认识他吗 Who is knocking at the doorIt’s me. (作表语) 是谁在敲门是我。 说明:单独使用的人称代词通常用宾格,即使它代表主语时也是如此。 例如: I like English. Me too. 我喜欢英语。我也喜欢。 3、注意:在动词be 或to be 后的人称代词视其前面的名词或代词而定。 例如:I thought it was she. 我以为是她。(主格----主格) I thought it to be her. (宾格----宾格) I was taken to be she. 我被当成了她。(主格----主格) They took me to be her. 他们把我当成了她。 (宾格----宾格) 4、人称代词并列时的排列顺序 1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为: 第二人称→第三人称→第一人称 即you and I he/she/it and I you, he/she/it and I 顺口溜:第一人称最谦虚,但若错误责任担,第一人称学当先。 例如:It was I and John that made her angry. 2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为: 第一人称→第二人称→第三人称 即we and you you and they we, you and they


[导读]动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep 等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。 在英语教学中,我发现考动词-ing形式的题目很多。根据多年教学经验, 现在把初中阶段容易考-ing的情况总结如下: 一、一些动词后要接动名词作宾语 1. Everyone enjoys __ (watch) TV in the evening. 2. Please finish ___ (draw)the picture after school. 3. The stude nts practise __ (read) En glish every morning. 【解析】动词finish, mind, enjoy, practise, keep, miss, hate, consider, con ti nue , Imagine, suggest, advise 等后接动词,要用动名词形式作宾语。答案是:watching ;drawing ;reading. 二、一些介词后面要加动名词作宾语 1. He is good at ___ (write). 2. We are look ing forward to __ (see)you. 3. They are in terested in __ (liste n)to music. 4. You can drink a lot of water without ___ (get) fat. 【解析】介词后跟动词,要用动名词形式作其宾语。如下列结构中的介词: thanks for doing sth, thi nk about doing, be good at doing sth, do well in doing sth, succeed in doing , How/What about doing sth?, in stead of doing sth, keep sb from doing sth, stop sb from doing sth, look forward to doing sth, be used to (习惯于) doing sth, devote to doing sth, pay attention to doing, prefer doing to doing, make a contribution ( 贡献)to doing sth 答案是:writing; seeing; listening;getting. 三、一些固定结构要加动词的ing形式


【英语】英语代词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择代词 1.-Which of these two ties will you take? -I don't like these. Do you have any_____? A.one B.other C.ones D.others 【答案】D 【解析】 考查对不定代词的用法。--两个领带你想要哪一个?--都不喜欢,还有其他的吗? others=other+名词”,泛指“别的人或物,其他的人/物”,故选D。 【名师点睛】不定代词one,ones , other 和others的区别。 不定代词即不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词。 1.不定代词one指代可数名词,既可指人,亦可指物,它可以代替上文中出现的单数可数名词,指代复数名词时可以用ones。 例如:I do not have a pen, can you lend me one? I like small cars better than large ones. 2.other具有名词和形容词性质,既可指人,亦可指物。other常与定冠词the连用。other只作形容词或代词,表示“其他的,别的”,不可单独使用。 例如:Do you have any other questions? the other作形容词或代词,特指两者中或两部分的另一个或另一部分。 3.others相当于“other+名词”,泛指“别的人或物”,只有名词性用法。 例如:Some are planting trees, others are watering them. 2.You should make ______ a rule to leave things______ you can find them easily. A.it; where B.it; then C.that; there D.this; when 【答案】A 【解析】 考查代词及状语从句。句中it作形式宾语,真正宾语为to leave things where you can find them easily;where引导地点状语从句,选A。 3.-Which of the ways should I take to the village? - way as you please.All seem to be equal in distance. A.Neither B.None C.Any D.Either 【答案】C 【解析】 考查代词:A.Neither两者都不,B.None三者以上都不,C.Any三者任何一个,D.Either两者任何一个,从后面的all看出路是三条以上,句意是:--你想走哪条路去村子?-你喜欢走哪条就走哪条,距离上都是一样的。选C。


初中英语时间介词的用法小结 表示时间的介词,在英语介词中占着相当重要的位置。在初中阶段英语教学过程中,已出现了许多用来表示时 间的介词。其中有:at on in during for to till un til after by before等。本文着重谈一谈这些介词在 表示时间的用法及它们之间的同异之处。 1.at on in a)at用来表示时间时,通常指时间的某一点。例如:at five o’clock atnoon atmidnight b)on用来表示某一段时间,特指某天或某天的上午下午或晚上。例如:on Sunday,on October,on Satu rday morning. c)in也可用来表示一段时间,但多指长于一天或不到一天的时间段。例如:inJanuary,insummer, in198 8, in the morning ,in the evening. 2.in与during a)during用来表示一段时间,其意义大致相当于in的用法。一般来说,凡是能用in的地方,也可以用d uring.例如:He came to see me during my abse nce.Don’t go to see his wife in his absence. B)during与in的区别在于during强调时间的延续性,而in则只是一般指某一时间。试比较:They vis ited many cities during their stay in China.Her grandpa was killed in the war. 3.in for during a)“in+时间”与“for+时间”都可表示一段时间,但“for+时间”表示“有多久”,而“in+时间” 则表示“在何时”。例如:We worked there for the winter.They worked there in winter. 以上两例中,in winter强调“在冬季”,不一定包括整个冬季时间,而for the winter则强调“整个冬天”。 b)for用来表示一般时间,常跟具体的时间段。例如 for a few days for 3 weeks for five months等 4.since与after since与after 都可以用来引导表示从过去某一点开始的时间段词组。它们的不同之处在于: a)since引导的词组所表示的时间一直延续到说话时为止,因而要与现在完成时连用。例如:He has bee n there twice since 1982.I have done nothing since six o’clock. b)after引导的词组所表示的时间是纯系过去,并不延续到说话时,因此要和一般过去时连用。例如:He went home after school. 5.till until与to a)介词till/until常用于“from.……till/until”结构中,表示“一个动作的终结”。介词to常用在“from.……to”的结构中,用来表示“一个阶段的终结”。两者在这种结构中意义十分接近。例如:The Am ericans stayed here from June to September.He studies from morning till/until night everyday.

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