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Part A LANGUAGE USE (20%) Time: 20 minutes


Read through each passage once to understand its meaning and the context in which the underlined items are used. If the underlined items are accurate and appropriate, select “NO CHANGE.” If the underlined items are not accurate and/or inappropriate, select the best option in the choices listed. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 1 point each.

Passage 1: Do Video Games Really Cause Bad Behaviour in Children?1

Video games are the lifelines to kids who

are looking for things that they call “cool and fun,” but there are many studies that prove video games are one of the causes why kids (1) are misbehaved in school and the big reason why they are getting failing grades.

Lengthy hours in front of gaming could make it (2) hardly for kids to focus on school activities. “What we don’t know at this point is why TV and video games in fact would cause attention problems,” said Douglas A. Gentile, who worked on the research.

Researchers, who run the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University (3) in Ames, explained that excessive screen time had also been associated with (4) increases aggression and, perhaps less surprisingly, expanding waistlines. 1. A. were misbehaved

B. were misbehaving

C. are misbehaving


2. A. harder

B. hardest

C. hardness


3. A. in Ames; explained tha

B. in Ames explained that

C. in Ames. Explained that


4. A. increase aggression

B. increased aggression

C. increasingly aggression


The researchers followed a group of more than 1,300 school-age children, who, joined by their parents, logged their TV and gaming hours for over a year. The researchers then asked teachers to answer questions about how the children behaved in school—whether they had difficulty (5) staying within task, for instance, or often interrupted others. 5. A. staying in task

B. staying on task

C. staying upon task


The findings concluded that those who watched a lot of TV or played a lot of video games had slightly more problems (6) concentrate on schoolwork. Distinctively, those children who spent more than 2 hours every day sitting in front of the TV or playing video games—the limit recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics—increased their odds of exceeding (7) any average level of attention problems by 67%. 6. A. concentrated

B. concentrates

C. concentrating


7. A. an average level

B. the average level

C. some average level


A well-known doctor has said that not all games are created equal. In fact, not all games of the same type offer the same kind of experience. The classic case is people who watch TV news and see a lot of violence and crime (8) tend to predict more crime for their neighborhood, even if they live (9) in a low-crimes area. And that is an effect seen in the games. People who played violent games were much more likely than the comparison group to think the world was a more dangerous place in terms of (10) being attacked with weapons. 8. A. tends

B. are tended

C. is tended


9. A. in a low-crime-area

B. in a low-crimes-area

C. in a low-crime area


10.A. to be attacked with


B. to attack with weapons

C. attacking with weapons


Researchers suggest that a child should not be allowed more than 2 hours of TV or video games a day. Parents should guide their kids and control their leisure time on the screen. It is not a (11) help gesture to ban kids from playing games completely, and doing so could worsen the kid’s behaviour. Parents should instead balance their children’s screen time and study time, and guide them on the video games and TV shows that they are watching. Kids are very curious about many things they have seen and heard, and (12) the more curious they are the more they ask questions. The asking of questions can be considered a kind of learning, so a little guidance by parents will probably make them good and responsible kids. 11.A. helpfully

B. helping

C. helped


12.A. the more curious are


B. they are the more


C. they are curious the



Passage 2: Birthday Party Traditions around the World2

No matter where you live, you have probably celebrated your birthday in one way (13) or another. Birthday parties mark another year (14) going; this can be exciting especially as we get old enough to drive, or frightening as we get older and want to celebrate 29 again and again.

Birthdays are celebrated in many ways around the world. In countries such as Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Uruguay, they celebrate (15) a girls’ 15th birthday with the Waltz. At this age she is considered of suitable age and dances the waltz first with her father and grandfather, then (16) with possibly suitors. When a girl turns 15 in Ecuador, there is a great celebration, and the girl wears a pink dress. The father puts the first pair of high heels on the birthday girl and dances the waltz with her while 14 girls and 14 boys also dance. In the United States, when a girl turns 16 she has a great celebration known as “a sweet sixteen.” Family and friends are invited, and it is an elaborate celebration of (17) her turning into a young woman.

Many countries include special food into the celebration. In China and the Philippines, they serve (18) noodles which are a sign of good fortune. (19) When in Russia the birthday child is presented with a pie that has a special greeting carved into it, Ghana and Guyana include traditional dishes into the celebration.

Some celebrations include marking the child or the house, as they do in Nepal with a mark on the forehead or in Canada (20) whom they ambush the child and grease his/her nose. In Lithuania, garlands are hung around the entire door. In Denmark, flags are flown from all the windows to show that someone in the house is having a birthday.

No matter how you celebrate your birthday, it is a special day in your life, an ancient tradition that still holds today with candles, gift giving and well wishing, and a celebration of life. 13.A. and another

B. or the other

C. and the other


14.A. go

B. went

C. gone


15.A. a girl’s

B. a girl

C. a girls


16.A. with possibility suitors

B. with possible suitors

C. with possibled suitors


17.A. her turn

B. she turns

C. she is turning


18.A. noodles, that are a sign

B. noodles, which is sign

C. noodles, that sign


19.A. Nevertheless

B. If

C. While


20.A. which

B. where

C. when



2Adapted from the article in https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,/articles/665393_birthday-party-traditions-around-the-world.

Part B READING (40%) Time: 40 minutes Instructions:

Read through each passage once to understand its meaning and the context in which the underlined items are used. Then answer the questions that follow.

Passage One3

A.The Internet has brought information to those who have access to it. Through the

dissemination of information via the Internet, we have learned about the history of the establishment of dictatorships around the world as well as the roles that many Western governments played in their establishment. Today, this freedom to exchange information through the Internet is being threatened by the actions of some governments.

B.Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières) has compiled a “Press

Freedom Index,” which provides information about the level of press freedom in any given country. This information is compiled through a survey completed by various professionals working in journalism. Questions in the survey include asking reporters whether efforts were made to prevent them from obtaining information. These efforts can include but are not limited to physical and economic pressures placed on the journalists. According to this index, the same two countries, North Korea and Turkmenistan, have held the top two spots for countries with the least amount of press freedom in Asia in both 2009 and 2012 (see Tables 1 and 2).

Table 14. Table 25.

Press Freedom Rankings in Asia (Least to Most), 2009 Press Freedom Rankings in Asia (Least to Most), 2012

Rank Country World

Rank Change*Rank Country World



1 North Korea

2 ↑ 1 North Korea 2 ↑

2 Turkmenistan

3 ↑ 2 Turkmenistan 3 ↑

3 Iran

4 ↑ 3 Syria 4 ↑

4 Myanmar

5 ↑ 4 Iran 5 ═

5 Laos 7 ↑ 5 Mainland


6 ↑

6 Mainland


8 ↑ 6 Bahrain 7 ↑↑

7 Yemen 9 ↑↑7 Vietnam 8 ↑

8 Vietnam 10 ↑8 Yemen 9 ↑

9 Syria 11 ↑9 Myanmar 11 ↑

10 Saudi Arabia 13 ↑10 Laos 15 ↑

*Reflects movement from the previous year. *Reflects movement from the previous year.

3 Adapted from https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,/global_issues/press_freedom.html and


4Data from Reporters Without Borders (https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,/press-freedom-index-2009,1001.html)

C.Although it may appear that the countries listed in the top ten are all developing

countries with a recent or current history of dictatorship, the amount of press freedom enjoyed in Western nations has also decreased. Increasingly, ownership

of mainstream media in developed countries rests in the hands of very rich individuals. A case in point is media mogul Rupert Murdoch, whose company owns Fox (operating in North and South America), Sky (operating in Europe), and Star (operating in Asia). Murdoch also owns a number of print media and publishers. Thus, it can be argued that the mainstream media today tends to exhibit clear biases towards a certain viewpoint.

D.Citing breaches to its national security, the United States is making a concerted

effort to clamp down on the freedom to exchange information through the Internet by actively taking steps to prosecute WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, whose controversial website collects and posts highly classified documents and videos. Washington wants to press charges against WikiLeaks for revealing confidential U.S. diplomatic cables and has also threatened to prosecute businesses and others who have relationships with WikiLeaks. Under pressure from the United States, governments all over the world—with the exception of Ecuador, which is currently sheltering Assange in its London Embassy—are calling for his arrest after the release of thousands of classified documents.

E.Meanwhile, Assange argues that websites such as WikiLeaks are needed in the

world to fight back against dictatorships, challenge media monopolies, and reveal violations against human rights. He further argues that the people have a fundamental right to know what is being done to them and how their rights are being violated. If the media is controlled by fewer and fewer people, the type of information released and the perspectives that are discussed will decrease.

WikiLeaks offers people an alternative where they can get a straight answer.

Assange cautions that if WikiLeaks is allowed to disappear, it may be the beginning of the end of press freedom.

Vocabulary in Context

Below are words and phrases from Passage One. Choose the best definition for each underlined word or phrase as it is used in the passage. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 1 point each.

1.Paragraph B: ...efforts can include but are not limited to physical and…

A.do not include

B.include more than


D.None of the above

2.Paragraph C: …media in developed countries rests in the hands of very


A.is controlled by

B.is selected by

C.is changed by

D.is established by

3.Paragraph D: ...the United States is making a concerted effort to…

A.carefully considered

B.in concert with concerned parties


D.None of the above

4.Paragraph D: …effort to clamp down on the…

A.hold on to




5.Paragraph D: …whose controversial website collects…





6.Paragraph D: Washington wants to press charges against WikiLeaks…

A.provide freedom to




7.Paragraph E: Meanwhile, Assange argues that…

A.likes to argue

B.is making a point

C.had an argument with monopolies

D.is fighting with websites supporting dictatorships

8.Paragraph E: …and the perspectives that are discussed…






Choose the best answer and mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 1 point each.

9.An appropriate title for this article would be:

A.Reporters Without Borders

B.Press Freedom in the 21st Century

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,ernments’ Changing Attitudes

D.Assumptions and Objectives of a Free Press

10.Press freedom in the survey presented was measured based on

A.the information provided by the country.

B.the information from North Korea and Turkey.

C. a survey of business professionals.

D.the opinions of journalists.

11.What does a “Press Freedom Index” do?

A.It measures the success of Reporters without Borders.

B.It details the level of freedom of the press that countries have.

C.It provides us with a journalism survey.

D.It asks us to rank the level of freedom of the press that we desire.

12.What is the issue with WikiLeaks?

A.It posts highly classified documents.

B.It posts videos on YouTube.

C.It was founded by Julian Assange.

D.It is supported by the U.S. government.

Inferences and Implied Meanings

Choose the best answer and mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 2 points each.

13.The author probably agrees with which of the following statements?

A.Nothing can be done to reverse the trend of decreasing press freedom.

B.Freeing Julian Assange means saving press freedom.

C.The U.S. should arrest Rupert Murdoch for controlling mainstream media.

D.Readers should know not to overly trust all sources of information.

14.Which of the following can be inferred from Table 1?

A.North Korea ranked first in world in 2008.

B.Yemen had more press freedom in 2008.

C.Saudi Arabia ranked ninth in the world in 2008.

D.Press freedom in Turkmenistan increased in 2009.

15.According to Tables 1 and 2, which of the following statements is NOT true?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,os has remained in the top ten in both tables.

B.Saudi Arabia is no longer in the top ten in 2012.

C.The press in Iran enjoys more freedom in 2012 than in 2009.

D.The press in Syria enjoys more freedom in 2012 than in 2009.

16.Media in developed countries is

A.free and unbiased.

B.relatively neutral.

C.very much divided.

D.None of the above

17.Which of the following comments CANNOT be inferred from the passage?

A.Mr. Assange feels the media is controlled by too few people.

B.Mr. Assange feels that press freedom is decreasing around the world.

C.Reporters Without Borders have been examining press freedom for many


D.Media moguls work with dictatorships to control press freedom.

18.In Paragraph C, the word “may” in the sentence, “Although it may appear

that...,” indicates the author’s position that

A.it is obvious that dictatorships curb freedom.

B.developing countries appear first among the top ten.

C.on the surface developing countries seem more restrictive.

D.All of the above

Passage Two6

E-books or textbooks: Students prefer textbooks

William Douglas Woody, David B. Daniel, and Crystal A. Baker

A.Relatively rare just 10 years ago, most publishers of introductory-level textbooks

in higher education now offer e-book alternatives to the vast majority of their titles.

Although not necessarily grounded in practical application, e-books have many supporters, at least in concept. One potential advantage is the greater flexibility and accessibility of e-books over paper-based texts; others include increased visual appeal of e-books due to features such as still and moving graphics, and video clips, as well as the potential to add supportive materials such as audio collections, links to activities and websites, etc. It is important to evaluate electronic texts as learning tools before recommending or requiring their use as a substitute for print textbooks.

B.Often marketed as lower cost options for students on a budget, there is scant

peer-reviewed research regarding the use and preference of electronic texts as educational tools, especially in higher education. Factors such as gender, comfort with computers, familiarity, and appropriate design have yet to be fully investigated with respect to e-books. For example, gender differences in the use of, and comfort with, computers have been reported since computers emerged into the college classroom (Young, 2000). Although efforts to increase comfort with computer use and specific training seem to lessen these differences (Shashaani, 1997), such interventions are not typically employed with e-book adoption nor is there evidence to suggest that they may or may not be needed. The possibility that e-texts could have differential effects on learning based on gender or other variables is an important consideration in the adoption of a text option for every student.

6 From


C.As Schumacher and Waller (1985) so eloquently argued in the context of reading

research in general, we risk losing important information by not focusing upon the process variables associated with the reader’s use and interaction with the text. For example, user variables associated with the manner in which students interact with

e-books as well as their comfort and familiarity with the medium are important considerations. The design of the text, for example, whether electronic or print, can influence its effectiveness, as well as student motivation to interact with it.

The placement of illustrations and other textbook features, for example, has been demonstrated to impact learning (Levin & Mayer, 1993; Mayer, Steinhoff, Bower, & Mars, 1995) as well as student preference (Marek, Griggs, & Christopher, 1999).

Many e-textbooks are often a pdf of the actual textbook page (or html/php equivalents) with the possible addition of hyperlinks and other features. Although e-books tend to mimic their print counterparts, students may not read e-books the same way as they do textbooks. For example, readers report skimming computer-based text more often than paper-based text (Nielson, 1997; Rho & Gedeon, 2000) and reading e-text in an “F” pattern, searching for key terms rather than reading line by line (Nielson, 2006). Thus, although differences in comprehension may not be immediately evident (Aust, Kelley, & Roby, 1993), process variables such as student effort, differences in processing, and eye strain from computer screens can lead to a level of discomfort and differential usage of this medium (Kropman, Schoch, & Teoh, 2004) that could affect students’ preferences.

Vocabulary in Context

Below are words and phrases from Passage Two. Choose the best definition for each underlined word or phrase as it is used in the passage. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 1 point each.

19.Paragraph A: Although not necessarily grounded in practical application,…

A.based on

B.started by

C.helped by

D.interested in

20.Paragraph B: …there is scant peer-reviewed research …

A.very little


C. a great deal


21.Paragraph B: …yet to be fully investigated with respect…





22.Paragraph C: As Schumacher and Waller (1985) so eloquently argued…





23.Paragraph C: …has been demonstrated to impact learning …





24.Paragraph C: …differences in processing, and eye strain from computer







Choose the best answer and mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 1 point each.

25.Which of the following reading strategies do researchers associate with

paper-based texts?

A.More skimming

B.Searching for key words

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,ing a F pattern

D.Line by line reading

26.Which of the following does NOT need to be further investigated with respect

to e-books?

A.Cost factor

B.Gender factor

C.People’s comfort with computers

D.People’s computer training

Inferences and Implied Meanings

Choose the best answer and mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. Please note that these questions below are worth 2 points each.

27.Which of the following is the best summary for the article?

A.E-books should be adopted because they are more effective.

B.People who use e-books suffer from eye problems due to long-term use.

C.Factors related to using e-books should be considered prior to their


D.Students prefer to use textbooks in class rather than e-books.

28.Based on the evidence presented by the authors, it can be inferred that the


A.want to promote the use of e-books in single-sex classrooms.

B.think e-books should be banned until more studies have been done.

C.believe students have the necessary training needed to use e-books.

D.caution the adoption of e-books without an appropriate assessment.

29.Based on the passage, the layout of an e-book can make a difference in

A.the level of student motivation to engage with the e-book.

B.the level of student familiarity with the e-book.

C.the type of audio and other links that can be placed in the e-book.

D.students’ willingness to purchase e-books instead of textbooks.

30.What is the purpose of the essay?

A.To compare and contrast

B.To describe and inform

C.To narrate and persuade

D.To expose and explain


Part C WRITING (40%)Task 1

Suggested time: 15 minutes

Task 2

Suggested time: 45 minutes

To plan: 5 minutes

To write: 35 minutes

To check: 5 minutes

Task 1.

Summary Writing (10%)


Write a summary of Passage One (the passage that begins with “The Internet has brought…”) from the Reading section in Part B on page 6. Your summary will be judged on the following:

1.Content: The summary should capture all key points/arguments of the passage

in logical order. It should contain a first sentence that clearly states the main idea of the passage.

2.Originality: The summary should not contain phrases or sentences copied from

the passage.

3.Word-limit: The summary should be between 40 – 60 words in length.

Write your summary on the Answer Booklet. Begin your summary with the following:

The author thinks that…

Task 2.

Essay Writing (30%)


Choose ONE topic from below and write at least 200 words. Put the letter (A, B, or C) of your choice on the Answer Booklet. The writing topics are designed to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to write clearly and effectively. Your essay

will be judged on your ability to:

1.develop an argument with convincing reasoning,

2.provide specific details as support,

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,anize ideas into identifiable units,

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,e appropriate vocabulary,

5.make connections between ideas,

6.write a variety of sentences, and

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,municate meaning with minimum interruption.

Writing Topics

A.K-Pop, as evidenced by “Gangnam Style,” has recently attained global

superstardom status. Why do you think this happened?

B.There are many casinos in Macao. What are three reasons why you think

casinos are beneficial to Macao?

C.“A university degree is more about getting a job with good pay rather than

learning or education.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide arguments supporting your viewpoint.




Listen to the recordings. You will hear each listening ONCE only. You will have time

to read the questions before each section and check your answers after each section.

You may take notes anywhere on the test paper. Only answers marked on the Answer

Sheet will be scored.

Section 1: In this part of the test, you will hear a student being interviewed as

part of a Students’ Union Survey. You will see that an example has been done for

you. For this time only, the conversation will be played twice. You now have one

minute to look at questions 1 to 7.


What is the survey about?

A.Study habits

B.Leisure activities

C.Eating habits

D.Time management

ANSWER: The survey is about eating habits so the answer is C.

Now we will begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will

not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer the questions.

1.What is the student’s favourite food?


2.What is his least favourite food?


3.Which meals does he eat in a day?

A.B reakfast, lunch, and dinner

B.B reakfast and dinner

C.L unch and dinner

D.J ust dinner

4.What does the interviewer think about the student’s habit of eating an English


A.I t’s a great way to get to know the roommate.

B.H e is lying since it is not possible to cook in the dormitory.

C.I t’s acceptable but not good for the student’s health.

D.T he amount of fat intake will kill the student.

5.What is his favourite fruit?


6.How does he feel about organic food?

A.H e thinks it’s too expensive.

B.H e thinks it’s poor quality.

C.H e would eat it if it were cheaper.

D.H e doesn’t have any opinion.

7.What is his student number?

A.D L 1519

B.D L 5019

C.D L 1590

D.D L 5090

You now have one minute to check your answers to questions 1 to 7.

Section 2: There are two parts to this section of the test. You will first hear a

conversation between an administrative assistant and a teacher.

Part One: You now have 30 seconds to look at questions 8 to 10.

Listen carefully and answer the questions.

8.When do the students want the camera?

A.F riday

B.T he weekend

C.M onday

D.T uesday

9.Why did the assistant say the students could not have the camera?

A.T eresa had booked the camera.

B.T he student helper needed the camera.

C.P hil had booked the camera.

10.Who will use the camera first on Monday?

A.P hil

B.B arbara

C.S heryl

D.T eresa

The teacher is now going to call her student, Alex, to tell him about the problem. Part Two: You now have 30 seconds to look at questions 11 to 14.

11.When will the camera be returned?

A.T he same day

B.T he next day

C.M onday

D.T uesday

12.According to Alex, who has the camera?

A.T eresa

B.P hil

C.S heryl

D.Y uki

13.Where is the ELC office?

A.O pposite to the Library

B.I n the Library café

C.N ear the Library café

D.I n the general office

14.How does Alex learn who has the camera?

A.B y telephone

B.B y text message

C.B y talking to Yuki

D.B y talking to Teresa

You now have one minute to check your answers for questions 8 to 14.

Section 3: In this part of the test, you will hear a talk about student health and how to avoid headaches. As you listen, use the information in questions 15 to 20 to complete a summary of the speaker’s talk.

You now have one minute to look at questions 15 to 20.

Listen carefully and answer the questions.

15.The main cause for headaches is ______________________.

A.n oise

B.s moke

C.t ension

D.h unger

16.According to the speaker, _______________________ are usually better able

to handle very loud noises.

A.t eachers

B.t he elderly

C.b abies

D.y oung people

17.Working in bad light can make a person feel ______________.

A.t ired

B.r aised

C.r elaxed

D.a ngry

18.It is very important to be __________________ before you go to bed.

A.t ired

B.s leepy

C.r elaxed

D.a ngry

19.The speaker suggests that people should stay away from smoky places such as

all of the following EXCEPT

A.r estaurants

B.r ooms

C.c ars

D.b uses and trains

20.You should remember to keep away from ____________________ places.

A.e xhausted

B.n oisy

C.r elaxed

D.s tressed

This is the end of the Listening section. You now have two minutes to check and/or transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.


2013/2014 MODEL ANSWER



Language Use Reading

1. C 1. B 21. A

2. A 2. A 22. C

3. D 3. C 23. B

4. B 4. D 24. A

5. B 5. D 25. D

6. C 6. B 26. A

7. B 7. B 27. C

8. D 8. D 28. D

9. C 9. B 29. A

10. D 10. D 30. A

11. B 11. B

12. D 12. A

13. D 13. D

14. C 14. B

15. A 15. D

16. B 16. C

17. D 17. D

18. D 18. C

19. C 19. A

20. B 20. A




1. B

2. B

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. B

11. B

12. D

13. C

14. B

15. D

16. D

17. A

18. C

19. A

20. B


Suggested time: 30 minutes

Part A Reading (30%)

Each question is worth one point.


A.Public transportation receded into a cultural backwater in the 1950s as

prosperous middle class people took advantage of cheap gas to put into their vehicles. With access to and use of fossil fuels a growing concern in the climate-changing, post-9/11 world, people are beginning to re-evaluate. And while buses and trains are really on the same team in terms of sustainable transportation—either option a vast improvement over the one-car, one-rider model—outspoken camps have sprung up around each. The two are worth comparing.


A fixed-rail system will never have the reach of a city bus, which can get just about

any place there’s a paved road. For folks in some parts if there’s no train nearby, their mass-transit commuting will have to be done by bus.


Studies suggest that light rail appeals to actual riders in a way that buses do not.

Commuters tend to see light rail as more modern, more upscale and safer, with no real possibility of operator error.Rail cars are more spacious, offer more freedom of movement and are easier to board and exit. And the ride is smoother: fewer sharp turns, no potholes, no sudden stops.

D.Initial Cost

Building new light rail is stunningly expensive, costing tens of millions of dollars per mile. And anti-light rail types love to massage those numbers into cost comparisons to make bus travel look like a bargain. Of course, those studies tend to ignore the cost of building and maintaining the roads on which buses travel.

Still, light rail can’t win this game.

E.Operation and Management Cost

Once light rail is up and running, both infrastructure and train cars are more durable and less expensive to maintain than a fleet of buses and the roads they use. A rail car can last up to 60 years; a bus can last maybe a quarter of that. Every bus needs one driver, while one driver can pilot a train several cars long. That means a lower payroll. And electricity is cheaper than gas.


Face it, light rail is kind of cool. Buses are not that cool.


厦门大学2012年网络教育入学考试高中起点专(本)科 英语模拟试卷 本期考试共50题,总分100分 一、单选题(共50题) 1、–Why was he so hot when he got home ? –He _______________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、was running B、is running C、has been running D、had been running 2、He did not catch the flight. He reached the airport shortly ___ the plane took off.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、after B、before C、where D、as 3、His face was badly ___ by the hot sun while he was working in Africa.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、burnt B、hurt C、hit D、shone 4、-___ times has he visited the Great Wall? - Twice.(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、How many B、How much C、How often D、How long 5、–There has been an earthquake . –I know . At least a hundred people ____________ .(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、were to be killed B、are said to have been killed C、said to have been killed D、are said to kill 6、The teacher spoke loudly ___ the students could hear him clearly.(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、so B、that C、so that D、in order to

B1 高三英语9月入学考试试题

云南省曲靖市沾益区四中2019届高三英语9月入学考试试题 (考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the boy probably eat next? A. An apple. B. Vegetables. C. Chocolate cake. 2. When did Tom finish work? A. At 10:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 4:30. 3. What is the doctor’s advice? A. Come back in two days. B. Take some medicine. C. Stay home from school. 4. How does the woman feel? A. Surprised. B. Tired. C. Relaxed. 5. Who has been to Yellowstone National Park? A. The woman. B. The man’s uncle. C. The man’s sister. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中


B11. He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch . A. to repair B. repaired C.repairing D. repair C12. Grandma has no water, please ________ some for her. A. take B. carry C. fetch D. bring D13. Rarely _______ so difficult a problem. A. she could have faced with B. could have she faced with C. she could have been faced with D. could she have been faced with D14. This restaurant always _______ delicious dishes. A. gives B. offers C. have D. serves A15. There is _______ sugar. You needn’t go to buy any. A. plenty of B. a large number of C. a great many D. plenty B16. The factory has done good honour to the government and the people around so that visitors come to it ___________. A. in number B. in larger numbers C. to the number D. by number A17. There aren't many pandas ________ in the world today. A. alive B. living C. lively D. lived B18. Such electron tubes ________ in a radio set are also found in a TV set. A. that we use B. as we use C. as we use them D. that we use them A19. you don’t like him is none of my business A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether C20. He looked quite healthy though he was . A. in seventy B. in his seventy C. at seventies D. at the age of seventy C21. Please ______ me at the station on time. A. meeting B. to meet C. meet D. met B22. Jane, what do you think of Mr. Green? As ______ teacher, he ought to set _______ good example to the pupils. A. the ; a B. a ; a C. a ; the D. / the D23. Hao long has this bookshop been in business? 1982 A. After B. In C. From D.Since A24.Here’s my card. Let’s keep in A. Touch B. relation C.connection D.fiendship B25. Please telephone me half an hour _______. A. in charge B. in advance (提前) C. in time D. in front A26. Don’t get off the bus until it ________. A. has stopped B. stopped C. will stop D. shall stop A27. Two weeks allowed for making the necessary preparations. A. was B. were C. are D. have been B28. She is always the first __________to school. A. coming B. to come C. to have come D. having come A29. this book and tell me what you think of it. A.Look though(纵览) B.Look on C.Look into D.Look up A30. His report on the space exploration was really ________. A. exciting B. excited C. excitement D. excitedly C31. The roof fell he had time to dash into the room to save his baby . A. after B. as C. before D. until B32. He usually a bus to work instead of going by taxi. A. takes B. carries C. gets D. sits C33. An expert, together with some assistants, to help in the work. A. were sent B. are sent C. was sent D. have been sent A34. The three children looked after their sick mother__________. A. in return B. by turn C. in turn D. being done C35. Get to the top of hill, ______ you can see the whole city. A. or B. but C. and D. so Passage one The Internet has led to a huge increase in credit-card (信用卡) fraud.Your card information could even be for sale in an illegal web site(非法网站). Web sites offering cheap goods and services should be regarded with care. On-line shoppers who enter their credit-card information may never receive the goods they thought they bought.The thieves then go shopping with your card number—or sell the information over the Internet. Computers hackers (黑客) have broken down security(安全)systems, raising questions about the safety of cardholder information. Several months ago, 25,000 customers of CD Universe, an on-line music retailer (零售商) , were not lucky. Their names, addresses and credit-card numbers were posted on a Web site after the retailer refused to pay US $157,828 to get back the information. Credit-card firms are now fighting against on-line fraud. Mastercard is working on plans for Web-only credit card, with a lower credit limit. The card could be used only for shopping on-line. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to keep from being cheated (欺骗). Ask about your credit-card firm’s on-line rules: Under British law, cardholders have to pay the first US $78 of any fraudulent (欺骗性的) spending. And shop only at secure sites; Send your credit-card information only if the Web site offers advanced secure system. If the security is in place, a letter will appear in the bottom right-hand


英语试题 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后。将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号填写在答题卡和试题卷规定的位置上。 2.第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能答在试题卷上。 3.第II卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案; 不准使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷(三部分,共115分) 第一部分:听力部分(共三节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.?19.15.B.?9.15.C.?9.18. 答案是B。 1.Which is Not true about the man? A. He works hard B. He drinks and smokes a lot C. He is healthy. 2. How did the woman feel when she heard t he news? A. She is glad B. She was angry C. She was upset. 3. When does the next bus leave? A. At 9:10 B. At 9:15 C. At 9:20 4. What do you think of Jane’s job? A. Good B. Very bad C. Not very good. 5. What does the man mean? A. He is unable to help the woman. B. He is very glad to offer his help. C. He promises to think about how to help the woman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面4段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. How did the woman like the lecture? A. She thought it interesting B. She thought it useless C. She thought it important. 7. What’s the woman’s opinion about future power? A. New machines will be invented to work on coal mines.


郑州大学远程教育学院入学测试机考 专升本大学英语模拟题 1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon.() A.lose B.loose C.loss D.lost 标准答案:B 2、—How about taking a walk —Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk. () A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so much 标准答案:C 3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.() A.one B.a C.other D.another 标准答案:C

4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.() A.for B.at C.up D.down 标准答案:D 5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.() A.why B.because C.for D.that 标准答案:D 6、Only with your help, such difficulties in the field. A. can we overcome B. we can overcome C. should we overcome D. We should overcome 标准答案:A 7、The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people skiing. A. enjoy B. that want C. who enjoy D. want


英语 1 考试时间:共 120 分钟 单选题(共 100题) (1). Helen lacks _________. I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.(1分) A capacity B faculty C judgment D confidence (2). People cried in ________ as they watched the building go up in flames.(1分) A determination B patience C anxiety D horror (3). She commanded that the troops ________ the water.(1分) A to cross B crossed C to be crossed D cross (4). The sad news broke her ________.(1分) A mind

B emotions C heart D feeling (5). I really don’t want to go tonight and I’m trying to _______an excuse.(1分) A think out B think about C think over D think up (6). He ________ the door and ripped the top part of some sort of hinge.(1分) A pulled on B pulled up C pulled out D pulled down (7). Brazilian coffee is usually ________ by ships because this way is cheaper.(1分) A traded B transported C transferred D transmitted (8). Alex may be late. _________, he may not come at all.(1分) A Worse enough


【2019最新】高三英语入学摸底考试试 题卫星班(1) 说明: 1.本试卷分不包含听力,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。 2.将选择题答案代表字母填(涂)在第II卷的答题表(答题卡)中。 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The Costa Book Awards consistently pick winners that are both of the moment and subsequently endure. It’s our pleasure to confirm this year’s Category Winners. First Novel Award Winner

Book: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine Author: Gail Honeyman Biography Award Winner Book: In the Days ofRain Author: Rebecca Stott Poetry Award Winner Book: Inside the Wave Author: Helen Dunmore To be alive is to be inside the wave, always travelling until it breaks and is gone. These poems are concerned with the borderline between the living and the dead — the underworld and the human living world - and the acutely intense being ofboth. Children’s Award Winner Book: The Explorer Author: Katherine Rundell, Hannah Horn 21.What kind of life does Eleanor lead? A. boring and lonely. B. funny and touching.


大学英语模拟考试试题 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】

郑州大学远程教育学院入学测试机考 专升本大学英语模拟题 1、One of my teeth is so ______ that it is going to be missing soon.() A.lose B.loose C.loss D.lost 标准答案:B 2、—How about taking a walk —Oh, I think it’s ______ cold for a walk. () A.very much B.too much C.much too D.so much 标准答案:C 3、You are supposed to write your composition every ______ line.() A.one B.a C.other D.another 标准答案:C

4、After living for years in a big city, they found it difficult to settle ______ in a town.() A.for B.at C.up D.down 标准答案:D 5、The reason for my absence was ______ I had fallen ill.() A.why B.because C.for D.that 标准答案:D 6、Only with your help, such difficulties in the field. A. can we overcome B. we can overcome C. should we overcome D. We should overcome 标准答案:A 7、The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many people skiing. A. enjoy B. that want C. who enjoy D. want 标准答案:C 8、Would you like to the United States A. trip B. voyage C. going


本期考试共50题,总分100分 一、单选题(共50题) 1、朱自清的《背影》是一篇()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、小说 B、抒情散文 C、叙事散文 D、说理性散文 2、以1870年“普法战争”为背景的小说是(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、《断魂枪》 B、《米龙老爹》 C、《麦琪的礼物》 D、《苦恼》 3、侯方域所生活的时代是()(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、明朝初期 B、明朝中期 C、清朝中期 D、明末清初 4、下列哪位作家属唐宋八大家之一?(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、李清照 B、辛弃疾 C、王安石 D、杜甫 5、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是 ①北京市政府对城市建设布局做出了_________,在2008前将每年增加800万平方米的绿地。 ②发言人当即表示,中国中央政府愿意与台湾当局早日接触,在一个中国的_________,什么问题都可以谈。 ③用歪曲事实的历史教科书作为学校的教材,必然______日本年轻一代对本国的认识偏离事实。 (2.0分) 正确答案:C A、计划、基础上、导致 B、规划、前提下、引导 C、规划、前提下、导致 D、计划、基础上、引导 6、以下最能代表儒家思想的语录体散文集是()(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、《论语》 B、《庄子》 C、《孟子》 D、《荀子》 7、下列句子中“以”字作介词用,可解释为“凭借”的是(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、皆以力战为名。 B、斧斤以时入山林。 C、以子之道,移之官理,可乎? D、五亩之宅,树之以桑。 8、《战国策》是一部()(2.0分) 正确答案:C

A、编年体史书 B、纪传体通史 C、国别体史书 D、哲学著作 9、巴金创作的长篇小说三部曲最著名的是()(2.0分) 正确答案:C A、《蚀》三部曲 B、《爱情三部曲》 C、《激流三部曲》 D、《抗战三部曲》 10、《行路难》是一首()(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、七律 B、五律 C、七绝 D、七言歌行 11、郭沫若在《炉中煤》中,借炉中煤来诉说衷情,这种修辞方法是()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、比喻借代 B、拟人比喻 C、设问拟人 D、借代设问 12、《关山月》是以什么为线索来抒情的?(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、笛声 B、月夜 C、歌舞 D、泪痕 13、鲁迅小说《风波》的线索是(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、张勋复辟 B、辫子事件 C、赵七爷的竹布长衫 D、九斤老太唠叨 14、鲁迅在《灯下漫笔》中,用“人肉的筵宴”为喻是为了说明()(2.0分) 正确答案:A A、中国文明的实质 B、中国精神文明的核心 C、奴化心态 D、中国历史的可怕 15、《米龙老爹》采用的叙述方式是()(2.0分) 正确答案:B A、顺叙 B、倒叙 C、插叙 D、平叙 16、我国诗歌史哪位诗人的作品被誉为“诗史”(2.0分) 正确答案:D A、李白 B、屈原 C、白居易 D、杜甫


高三上学期英语入学考试试卷 一、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30 分) 1. 阅读理解 Washer instructions for use Use by steps: 1 See whether the power supply and waterinlet; 2 Put clothes into appropriate detergent , cover roof; 3 Deciding on the number of coin laundryprocess choice , a dollar coin as a single drying, fivedollars for the quick wash, double the standard wash; 4 When choosing single dewatering program,pay one dollar to press the red button in the panel; washing machine start runningsingle dewatering program; when choosing fast programs, after five yuan coin, pressthe red button on the panel, and washing machine start running fast wash program;when choosing standard wash program, washing machine into the washing. Program settings: Fees/ coins Workinglevel Washingprocedure Washingresults Onedollar


台湾大学入学考试中心2020年英文试题 九十五学年度指定科目考试试题 一、词汇(10%) 零为止。未作答者,不给分亦不扣分。 1.Mastery of English _________ us with a very important tool for acquiring knowledge and information. (A)accesses (B) conveys (C) deprives (D) equips https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,nguages change all the time. Many words tliat were found m Shakespeare s works are no longer in __________ use? (A)absolute (B) current (C) repetitive (D) valuable 3.Do not just sit and wait __________ for a good chance to come to you. You have to take the initiative and create chances for yourself. (A)consciously (B) passively (C) reasonably (D) subjectively 4.Identical twins have almost all of their genes in common, so any ___________ between them is in large part due to the effects of the environment. (A)adoption (B) familiarity (C) stability (D) variation 5.People believed in the _______ o f the judge, so they were shocked to hear that he was involved in the bribery scandal. (A)inferiority (B) integrity (C) intimacy (D) ingenuity 6.The discovery of the new vaccine is an important ________ in the fight against avian flu? (A)breakthrough (B) commitment (C) demonstration (D) interpretation 7.To avoid being misled by news reports, we should learn to ________ between facts and opinions. (A)distinguish (B) complicate (C) reinforce (D) speculate 8.After the big flood, the area was mostly __________ . with only one or two homes still clinging to their last relics? (A)condensed (B) deserted (C) excluded (D) removed 9.In his speech. Dr. Huang presented all the reports about the energy crisis to ___________ the need for developing new energy resources? (A)command (B) formulate (C) highlight (D) regulate 10.Hearing the art critic's bitter and __________comments on her new pauitmg, Molly started a heated argument with him. (A) outrageous (B) unreliable (C) urgent (D) glorious 二.综合测验(20%)


https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,/ 【真题答案解析】2016厦门大学考研:英语一本内容由聚英厦大考研网为大家收集有关厦门大学考研信息: 一、完型填空 1-5:BDCAC 6-10:ACCDB 11-15:DDBAC 16-20:DBACA 二、阅读理解 21-25:ADBCA 26-30:ADCDC 31-35:ACDBA 36-40:DABCD 41-45:BGDEF 三、翻译 【参考译文】 46. 我们不必一定去学习如何做到心理健康,这种能力植根于我们自身,就像我们的身体知道如何愈合伤口,如何修复断骨。 47. 心理健康不会去往他方。如同乌云可能蔽日,心理健康可能会暂时隐藏于视线之外,但它完全可以在须臾之间复原如初。 48. 心理健康使我们在他人陷入危难之时给予同情,痛苦不已时给予善意,无论对谁,都能给予无条件的爱。 49. 尽管心理健康是人们度过一生的一剂万能良药,但它又普通不已,因为当你需要做出艰难决定时,都可感受到它的存在。 50. 就像你会渐渐明白,深悉心理健康一直触手可得并且值得信任,使我们能放慢生活脚步,活在当下,幸福生活。 四、作文: 51.【参考范文】

https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html,/ Notice For better serving the international students, a notice is released here to provide the necessary information about the library. The university library opens at 8 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m. from Monday to Friday, but from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekends. If you need to borrow books, please follow the following steps. First, bring your student card and register first at the librarian’s office. At most six books can be borrowed once from the library. You should keep in mind the days that you can keep the book(s) you borrow. Three months is the longest period. If you exceed the limited time, some fines should be paid. If you have any questions or suggestions about borrowing or returning books, telephone 010-******* or send an email to university@https://www.doczj.com/doc/5416843889.html, . We sincerely hope you all enjoy the study and life in our university. University Library December 26, 2015 52.【参考范文】 The above two pictures reveal two father’s different teaching methods. In the first picture, the father is urging his son to study hard while he is smoking and watching TV idly. In the second picture, the father and his son are both concentrating on the study. The caption under the cartoon reads: “It is better to set an example than to make demands”. Apparently, the author of the cartoon focuses on a fact that many parents when educating their children tend to neglect the impact of their own acts upon their children. It is without any doubt that all parents hope that their children could have a bright future. Therefore, they tend to count on schools and the society to provide their kids with a good education. However, what they don’t realize is that parents are the first teachers of children. Parents failing to set a role model for their children will only result in an unhealthy family atmosphere, which is definitely harmful to the future development of their children.


Xiamen University 1.Introduction Xiamen University, located in Xiamen, Fujian province, is the first university in China founded by overseas Chinese. Before 1949, it was originally known as the University of Amoy. The university is one of many comprehensive universities directly administered by the Chinese Ministry of Education. In 1995 it was included in the list of the "211" Project for the state key construction; in -level universities designated for the state key construction of 2000 it became one of China’s higher the 985 Project. 1.1 History In 1919, Mr. Tan kah kee, the well-known overseas Chinese leader, donated millions of dollars to establish and endow Xiamen University, officially founded in 1921. It is regarded as one of the most prestigious and selective universities in China. Mr. Tan handed over Xiamen University to the government in 1937 due to lack of funds, and the institution subsequently became a national university. In 1938, at the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War, the university temporary relocated to Changting in Min Xi county, western Fujian. At the end of World War II in 1946, Xiamen University moved back to Xiamen and resumed normal operations. In 1952, Xiamen University became a comprehensive university, and has been designated as a national key university since 1962. Then, in 1952 it became a comprehensive university embracing both arts and science. In 1963, it was designated as a state key university. In 1995, it was included in the list of the "211 Project" for the state key construction; in 2000, it became one of China’s higher-level universities designated for the state key construction of the "985"Project.

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