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The Consumer Electronics Show has always been geared to appeal to the little kid in us. Oooh, new toys. Drool. I want. But at this year's CES, 14 companies as well as children's groups are gathering for the first annual "Sandbox Summit." The goal: to figure out how kids—as young as 3—play with technology and what gadgets they're going to gravitate toward as they get older。

Any parent with a child between the ages of 3 and 11 can tell you: technology has crept into nearly all aspects of playtime, nearly every type of toy. Look no further than venerable toymaker Fisher-Price, which is selling its Easy Link Internet Launch Pad—for "safe" browsing—to the preschool set. And LeapFrog's ClickStart My First Computer gives children ages 3 and up a keyboard to help them learn computer basics, using a TV screen as a monitor. "There's a lot more quality stuff out there," says educational psychologist Warren Buckleitner, the editor of Children's Technology Review。

As an example of the "quality stuff," he points to a product by WildPlanet called Hyper Dash that came out just in time for this past holiday season. Armed with a talking joystick-shaped tagger, children are told to seek out various disc-shaped targets, identified either by

numbers or colors. The tagger is embedded with a Radio Frequency Identification chip that identifies the discs and a timer that clocks how quickly the kid has hit all his targets. It's the perfect blend of technology, learning and exercise, says Buckleitner. Wild Planet is unveiling a younger version of Hyper Dash for kids 3 to 5 at CES this week called Animal Scramble, due in stores in September. The company will also put out Hyper Jump, which is a cross between Simon Says and Dance Dance Revolution: the child must tag the correct number (or color) with her hand or foot depending on the questions, some of which involve basic math。

Those items are exactly the kind of techy, educational, fun toys that children's groups like Parents’ Choic e Foundation—the nonprofit that spearheaded the Sandbox Summit—want to see more of. "We see how play and technology are merging," says the foundation's Claire Green. "There's no putting the genie back in the bottle." Now, Green adds, it's a matter of getting toy manufacturers to keep enhancing their product lines。

To help make its case, Parent's Choice invited Carly Shuler of the Joan

Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame W orkshop to deliver a 50-page study at the summit that analyzes the current interactive media environment for preschool and elementary-age children. Shuler's conclusion? "There's a ton of products for kids, but not a lot based on research," she says. "We need to bridge the gap between academic researchers and what's going on in the industry." Shuler and her team studied more than 300 products sold to kids and found that "most" do not take advantage of available research regarding children's educational needs. Among the findings, the survey yielded only two educational videogames (in an industry that, according to Shuler, generated $500 million in 2006 for the top 20 titles alone) based on explicit educational curriculum design available in the market。

Such numbers have not escaped the attention of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which takes a less sanguine view of wiring kids too early; the academy advises against screen time for children age 2 or younger, and it recommends no more than one to two hours a day of quality programming on televisions or computers for older children. "Manufacturers have found a new demographic to target and they're targeting it with, shall we say, innovative methods," says the AAP's communications chairman Don Schifrin. One example of such "innovative" marketing on display is Mattel's virtual Barbie

Girls world. Girls can guide their avatars through an online world, interacting with friends and earning points they can use to decorate their rooms. And how do they earn points? By watching commercials for Barbie products。

A longtime aide to President Bush who wrote occasional guest columns for his hometown newspaper resigned on Friday evening after admitting that he had repeatedly plagiarized from other writers。

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Carol T. Powers for The New York Times

Tim Goeglein in his office at the Executive Office Building in 2004. He was a liaison to social and religious conservatives.

The White House called his actions unacceptable.

The aide, Tim Goeglein, had worked for Mr. Bush since 2001, as a liaison to social and religious conservatives, an important component of the president’s politic al base. Mr. Goeglein was influential in decisions on a range of questions important to that constituency, including stem cell research, abortion and faith-based initiatives.

A blogger and former columnist for The News-Sentinel in Fort Wayne,

Ind. — the paper in which Mr. Goeglein's columns were published —found the plagiarism.

“This is not acceptable, and we are disappointed in Tim’s actions,” a White House spokeswoman, Emily Lawrimore, said Friday morning, hours before Mr. Goeglein resigned. “He is off ering no excuses, and he agrees it was wrong.”

Mr. Goeglein, 44, is little known outside Washington. He is a familiar figure to conservatives and evangelical Christians, who knew him as a spokesman for Gary L. Bauer, the conservative who ran for president in 2000.

When Mr. Bauer dropped out of the race, Mr. Goeglein signed on with Mr. Bush, eventually becoming a top aide to Karl Rove, the chief political strategist. He was the eyes and ears of the White House in the world of religious conservatives and an emissary to that world for Mr. Rove and the president.

Mr. Goeglein was often credited with turning out the evangelical vote that helped re-elect Mr. Bush in 2004.

With Mr. Bush traveling to his ranch in Crawford, Tex., for the weekend, the White House issued a statement late Friday saying that the president was disappointed and saddened for Mr. Goeglein and his family.

“He has long appreciated Tim’s service,” the statement said. “And he knows him to be a good person who is committed to his country.” Mr. Goeglein had been publishing guest columns on the opinion page of The News-Sentinel for more than a decade, according to the paper’s editor, Kerry Hubartt.

Nancy Nall, a former columnist for the paper, often used her Web site, https://www.doczj.com/doc/508164207.html,, to poke fun at his writings, which she called “drippy and awful.”

Ms. Nall said she was struck by Mr. Goeglein’s most recent column, on Thursday, which included a reference to a “notable professor of philosophy at Dartmouth,” Eugene Rosenstock-Hussey. Curious, she searched the Internet, and found that Mr. Goeglein had lifted major chunks of the column from an article published 10 years ago in The Dartmouth Review.

“It is true,” Mr. Goeglein wrote in an e-mail message to another Fort Wayne newspaper, The Journal-Gazette. “I am entirely at fault. It was wrong of me. There are no excuses.”

He said he had apologized to the author of The Dartmouth Review article.

By day’s end, more examples of plagiarism had turned up, including a column about John W ayne copied in part from an article in The New

York Sun and passages from a column that tracked, almost verbatim, an article by Jonathan Yardley in The Washington Post.

A review by The News-Sentinel found that of the 38 columns Mr. Goeglein published since 2000, 19 included plagiarized material, according to Mr. Hubartt. He said the paper would no longer publish work by Mr. Goeglein, whom he described as “well respected here by a lot of people.”

“There was no reason for it that I can see,” Mr. Hubartt said, noting that Mr. Goeglein had submitted columns voluntarily and had no deadlines to meet. “He was not under any pressure.”

Feeling tired lately? Has the doctor said he cannot find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong. Then consider this, you might be in a state of subhealth.

Subhealth, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a border line state between health and disease. According to an investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middle-aged or elderly. The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam time.

Symptoms(症状) include a lack of energy, depression, slow

reactions, insomnia(失眠), agitation(焦虑), and poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.

The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work with rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open-air activities.

As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar. They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish because they are rich in nutritional elements——vitamins and trace elements——that are important to the body.

Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化道). They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth.


北京大学考博英语模拟题14 Part ⅠVocabulary 1. The attack of the World Trade Center will leave a ______ impression on those who have witnessed the explosion. A.long B.forever https://www.doczj.com/doc/508164207.html,sting D.lively 答案:C [解答] 本题空格处是说留下持久的印记。long的意思是“长期的”;forever的意思是“永远”;lasting的意思是“持久的”;lively的意思是“活泼的,逼真的”。四个选项中只有C项符合题意。 2. The magician picked out several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A.by accident B.on average C.on occasion D.at random 答案:D by accident偶然的。on average平均的。on occasion有时。at random随意的。 3. British hopes of a gold medal in the Olympic Games suffered ______ yesterday, when Hunter failed to qualify during the preliminary heats. A.a sharp set-back B.severe set-back C.a severe blown-up D.sharp blown-up




2016年浙江大学博士生英语 听力 PART A Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at T aylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect repellent. Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglades is a watery plain covered with saw grass that's home to numerous species of plants and wildlife. At one and a half million acres, it's too big to see it all today, but this tour will offer you a good sampling. Our tour bus will stop first at Taylor Slough. This is a good place to start because it's home to many of the plants and animals typically associated with the Everglades. You'll see many exotic birds and, of course, our world famous alligators. Don't worry, there's a boardwalk that goes across the marsh, so you can look down at the animals in the water from a safe distance. The boardwalk is high enough to give you a great view of the saw grass prairie. From there we'll head to some other marshy and even jungle like areas that feature wonderful tropical plant life. For those of you who'd like a closer view of the saw grass prairie, you might consider renting a canoe sometime during your visit here. However, don't do this unless you have a very good sense of direction and can negotiate your way through tall grass. We'd hate to have to come looking for you. You have the good fortune of being here in the winter—the best time of year to visit. During the spring and summer, the mosquitoes will just about eat you alive! Right now they're not so bothersome, but you'll still want to use an insect repellent.----- 文章来源托福听力 听力是托福内容,完型填空是大学英语教程第四册里面的内容~~~


Part Two:Structure and Written Expression(20%) Directions:For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked、Mark your choices on the Answer Sheet、 11. Whether the extension of consciousness is a “good thing”for human being is a question that a wide solution、 A.admits of B、requires of C、needs of D、seeks for 12.In a culture like ours, long all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that the medium is the message、 A.accustomed to split and divided B.accustomed to splitting and dividing C.accustomed to split and dividing D.accustomed to splitting and divided 13.Apple pie is neither good nor bad; it is the way it is used that determines its value、 A、at itself B、as itself C、on itself D、in itself 14. us earlier, your request to the full、 A、You have contacted…we could comply with B、Had you contacted…we could have complied with C、You had contacted…could we have complied with D、Have you contacted…we could comply with 15.The American Revolution had no medieval legal institutions to or to root out, apart from monarchy、 A、discard B、discreet C、discord D、disgorge 16、Living constantly in the atmosphere of slave, he became infected the unconscious their psychology、No one can shield himself such an influence、 A、on…by…at B、by…for…in C、from…in…on D、through…with…from 17、The effect of electric technology had at first been anxiety、Now it appears to create 、 A、bore B、bored C、boredom D、bordom 18、Jazz tends to be a casual dialogue form of dance quite in the receptive and mechanical forms of the waltz、 A、lacked B、lacking C、for lack of D、lack of 19、There are too many complains about society move too fast to keep up with the machine、 A、that have to B、have to C、having to D、has to 20、The poor girl spent over half a year in the hospital but she is now for it、 A、none the worse B、none the better C、never worse D、never better 21、As the silent film sound, so did the sound film color、 A、cried out for…cried out for B、cry out for…cry out for C、had cried out for…cried out for D、had cried out for…cry out for 22、While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very 、 A、trigger B、meager C、vigor D、linger 23、Western man is himself being de-Westernized by his own speed-up, by industrial technology、 A、as much the Africans are detribalized B、the Africans are much being detribalized C、as much as the Africans are being detribalized D、as much as the Africans are detribalized 24、We admire his courage and self-confidence、 A、can but B、cannot only C、cannot but D、can only but 25、In the 1930’s, when millions of comic books were the young with fighting and killing, nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical、


Test One(听力播放) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. You will hear the question only once. When you have heard the question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D and decide which is the best answer. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. A. He’s worried. B. It’s getting late. C. He heard a noise outside. D. He can’t see out of the window. 2. A. Soon B. In 20 minutes. C. They don’t care. D. They don’t know. 3. A. Here. B. A pass. C. An official. D.A letter of introduction. 4. A. Home. B. To town. C. To his friends. D. To a restaurant. 5. A. She uses coffee. B. She hates coffee. C. She never liked coffee. D. She liked coffee before. 6. A. The pay isn’t important. B. They don’t need the money. C. He wants to save the money. D. He doesn’t like waiting in line for his pay. 7. A. He wants to go to sleep. B. Doctors always tell him lies. C. He doesn’t believe in medicine. D. He needs a rest without being bothered. 8. A. He eats too much. B. He kills chickens. C. He only eats chickens. D. He married a greedy person. 9. A. Buying trees. B. Who owns the tree. C. Their family trees. D. How old the tree is. 10. A. A stranger. B. A ticket seller. C. A train attendant. D. Another passenger. Section B Directions: In this section of the test you will hear three brief talks. You will hear them only once. After each one you will hear some questions. You will hear each question only once. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to choose the best answer from the four choices given. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by blackening the corresponding letter with a pencil.


北京大学2007年博士研究生入学考试英语试题 Part One: Listening Comprehension略 Part Two: Structure and Written Expression (20%) Directions: For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET. 21._________ before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful time together. [A] Had they arrived [B] Would they arrive [C] Were they arriving [D] Were they to arrive 22._________ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent. [A] He would leave school [B] He left school [C] He had left school [D] He has left school 23.Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remained _________. [A] to be shown [B] to have been shown [C] to have shown [D] being shown 24.__________ that should be given priority to. [A] It is the committee has decided [B] It is only the committee has decided [C] It is what the committee has decided [D] It is what has the committee decided 25. The most interesting new cars may owe __________ the simple wisdom of hiring a few talented people and allowing them to work. [A] less local free-spiritedness than [B] less local free-spiritedness than to [C] to less local free-spiritedness than to [D] less to local free-spiritedness than to 26. Over the years, Jimmy Connors __________ phenomenal displays of tennis and temper—and at the U.S. Open last week, he exhibited both again. [A] has treated spectators with [B] has treated spectator for [C] has treated spectators [D] has treated spectators to 27. Summer holidays spent on the hot ghetto streets are __________ the time middle-class students devote to camps, exotic vacations and highly organized sports. [A] as hardly culturally enriching as [B] as hardly enriching culture as


北京大学考博英语真题常见句子翻译方法近期很多考生问关于条件状语从句的分析和翻译问题,在此,育明考博老师结合同学提出的两个典型问题为大家分析条件状语从句,并给出相应的参考译文。 一、问题:请分析并翻译:If you are part of the group which you are addressing,you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. 解析:很多考生看到这样一句从横三、四行的长句会心生畏惧,对自己没有信心,自然也就无法理清这句中的各种枝节。拿到这样的一个句子,最主要的仍然是先把主干找到,然后再看其他部分和主干的关系。需要各大院校历年考博英语真题及其解析请加扣扣七七二六七八五三七或二八九零零六四三五一,也可以拨打全国免费咨询电话四零零六六八六九七八享受考博辅导体验。 句子主干:you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties 主干是由两个并列的分句组成的,第一个分句是you will be in a position to know the experiences主系表结构,第二个分句是it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties形式主语+系表结构+不定式作真正的主语。


2011年浙江大学考博英语真题听力原文,仅供参考 第一篇 Among my experiences as a college president is the all‐too‐frequent phone call in the night that begins: "One of your students is in the emergency room with alcohol poisoning." The whole country got a similar wake‐up call in Ju ne when it was reported that alcohol abuse on college campuses is on the rise, especially for women, and that college students drink far more than nonstudents. One statistic showed that college students spend more money on alcohol while in college than on books. Alcohol abuse, although tragic, is but one symptom of a larger campus crisis. A generation has come to college quite fragile, not very secure about who it is, fearful of its lack of identity and without confidence in its future. Many students are ashamed of themselves and afraid of relationships. Students use alcohol as an escape. It's used as an excuse for bad behavior: the insanity defense writ large on campus. This diminished sense of self has caused a growth in racism, sexism, attempted suicide, theft, property‐damage and cheating on most campuses. This is not the stuff of most presidents' public conversations. Nor can it be explained away as an "underclass" problem; it is found on our most privileged campuses. It is happening because the generation now entering college has experienced few authentic connections with adults in its lifetime. I call this the "Culture of Neglect," and we — parents, teachers, professors and administrators — are the primary architects. It begins at home, where social and economic factors — such as declining incomes requiring longer work hours — result in less family time. Young people have been allowed to or must take part‐time jobs rather than spending time in school, on homework or with their families. More children and youths are being reared in a vacuum, with television as their only supervisor, and there is little expectation that they learn personal responsibility. Immersed in themselves, they are left to their peers. 31. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ( ) . ×正确答案为C [A] it is easy to be a college president [B] a college president has to sit up till midnight [C] alcohol abuse is quite common on campus [D] it is harmful for college students to drink alcohol 32. According to the author, college students turn to alcohol as a(n) ( ). ×正确答案为C [A] inspiration [B] stimulation [C] escape [D] relaxation 33. The word "architects" in Para. 2 can be best replaced by ( ). ×正确答案为D [A] artists [B] experts [C] discoverers [D] designers 34. How do parents react to the "Culture of Neglect"?( ) ×正确答案为B [A] Parents have lowered their expectations on children. [B] Parents take little care of the growth of their children. [C] Parents spend too much time watching television.


北京大学英语2002年博士研究生入学考试试题huazi 发表于2007-1-20 11:00:00 推荐 北京大学2002年博士研究生入学考试试题 Part One: Structure and Written Expression Direction: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably comp lete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the AN SWER SHEET. (20%) 1 . The doctor's ___ is that she'll soon be as good as new if she takes insul in and watche s her diet. A.agnosticism B. anticipation C. diagnosis D. prognosis 2.It is understood by all concerned that the word no one who visits him ever breathe a syllable of m his hearing wi11 remain forever unspoken. A.uncommunicatively B. acceptab1y C. tacitly D. taciturnly 3. ___ springs not out of true and deep admiration, but more often out of a self-seeking wish to identify with someone important or famous. A. A compliment B. An adulatory C. Flattery D. Praise 4.Leaving for work m plenty of time to catch the train will _____ worry about being late. A.rule off B. prevent C. avoid D? obviate 5.Nicholas Chauvin, a French soldier, aired his veneration of Napoleon Bonaparte so and unceasingly that he became the laughingstock of all people in Europe. A. vociferously B. patriotically C. verbosely D. loquaciously 6.People suffering from prefer to stay shut in their homes and become panic-stricken m 1arge public buildings and open fields.


北京大学考博英语历年试题综合分析 导言:考博英语真题的重要性 全国各大院校在制定本校英语专业考试大纲时,对英语的考核基本上不指定参考书,考生在备考时往往感到漫无目的,无所适从,所以对各大院校的考博英语历年真 题分析则显得尤为重要。华慧考博英语教研中心在历时8年的教学研究的过程中,总 结国内50多所重点院校的考博英语试题的出题特点与规律,认为考生精研各院校的历年试题对考出良好的成绩有非常大的帮助。 考博英语试题的独特性 众所周知,英语类的考试,如高考、大学英语四六级、专业四八级考试、研究生 入学考试等均由统一的命题组人员统一命制试题,命题组阵容强大,且耗费的人力、物力也不在少数,其题目基本是原创题目。而考博英语却并非这样,因此,考博英 语有其自身的独特性,考博英语的独特性主要表现在其命题方式与题目来源两方面。 首先,从命题方式来看,博士考试中,要求考生达到英语的最低分数线,这一要 求就注定了各大考博院校的英语试题的命题方式,各大考博院校不会花费大量的人力、物力及时间原创一套考博英语试题。并且各大院校为了保证其试题的准确性,一般会 选择已经考过的各类相关难度的试题,这样就可以避免出现大量的因个人学术水平方 面而引起的错误和争议。 其次,从题目来源看,各大院校的考博英语试题基本来自专四、专八、六级、杂 志文章或其它考博院校的原题,极少出现原创题目。因其题目来源的独特性,我们研 究各大院校的考博英语试题就显得非常有必要且益处极大。如果考生在考前了解了这 一情况,且充分重视这个规律,那么获得考博英语高分不是什么难事。所以考生考前 精研考博英语真题是非常有必要的。

考博英语试题的作用 考博英语试题的作用主要有三个,即指导、规划与调控作用。 指导作用。通过研读历年的考博英语试题,考生可以了解该院校的题目类型、题目来源、 题目难度等,指导考生在较短的时间内找到正确的复习方法,获得自己满意的成绩。 规划作用。考生在宏观把握所报考院校的英语试题的出题规律后,结合自身的英语情况,对自己的英语备考做出一个正确且切合实际的复习规划。 调控作用。通过研读历年的考博英语试题,以所报考院校的英语真题为标杆,随时监控与调节自己的复习计划,使自己的复习计划在最短的时间内获得满意的成绩。 由此可知,研究真题对于考生在较短时间内提升成绩是有很大帮助的。因此,华慧考博英语研究中心对北京大学历年的考博真题进行了细致且深入的研究,将北京大学考博英语的出题特点、题目类型等进行了详细论述,对下一年度的考博英语命题趋势进行了预测,并提出了针对北京大学考博英语的备考方法,让考生的复习备考更加具有针对性,让考生少走弯路,快速提高考试成绩。 以下是华慧考博英语研究中心对北京大学考博英语历年试题详细分析。 一、北京大学考博英语试题的考核要求 北京大学博士研究生非英语专业入学考试是学校为招收博士研究生而设置的选拔性考试。教育部颁布的《硕士、博士研究生英语教学大纲》规定:“博士生入学其英语水平原则上应达到或略高于硕士生的水平”。根据这一规定,并结合历年招收博士研究生的具体情况,我校博士生入学英语考试既考查考生的语言知识,又注重测试考生的语言应用能力。



学苑教育考博辅导老师为您提供备考建议,希望对您有所帮助。 Today,cigarette smoking is a common habit. About forty-three percent of the adult menand thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettesregularly. It is encouraging to see that millions of people have given upsmoking. It is a fact that men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men andwomen the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is 24-44. Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’ssmoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms.Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes thanmen with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if awell-educated man with a higher income smoked at all, he is likely to smokemore packs of cigarettes per day. The situation is somewhat different for women.(80)There are slightly moresmokers among women with higher family income and higher education than amongthe lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated womentend to smoke more heavily. Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenaged smokers fromupper-income, well-educated families, and fewer from families living in farmareas. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of theirparents smoke. 1. What do we know from the first paragraph ? A.More and more people take up the habit of smoking. B. There are more smoking women than smoking men in USA. C. It is good news that more people have given up smoking. D. The U.S. has more smoking people than any other country. 2.What factors determine a person’s smokinghabits ?

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