当前位置:文档之家› 雅思写作Task2考官范文:犯罪类(2)





By punishing murderers with the death penalty, society is also guilt of committing murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Model Answer 1: (Agree)

"Do as I say, not as I do." This is what society tells us when it punishes murderers with the death penalty. Society tells us that murder is wrong, and in our legal system, murder is against the law. Yet we still see our society kill murderers, and thus we are committing murder ourselves. For this reason, the death penalty should end, and instead murderers should be punished with life in prison.

Society needs to show a positive model of how our lives should be and how people should act. We should always strive to improve our situation, to be at peace and in harmony with others. However, when we

kill murderers, we are not working to improve our society. Instead, we are stooping to the criminals' level.

It makes me think about the revenge that came when playing games with my brothers. When we were kids/children, my brother would take my toys, so I would hit him and take my toys back. Then he would hit me harder and take the toys again. Thinking of the death penalty, I imagine a murderer kills someone. Society takes revenge by killing the murderer. This leaves behind the murderer's family and friends, who have tremendous anger inside of them, which they may release onto society. The cycle of killing goes on and on.

Society should not condemn people who are taking the same action that society is taking. Society tells us not to kill, and yet society kills when it exercises the death penalty. Because of this contradiction, we should end the death penalty and instead punish murderers by sentencing them to life in prison.

Model Answer 2: (Disagree)

I strongly support the death penalty for murderers. In today's society, life is very violent. There are many mentally-ill people committing crimes and almost nothing will stop them. We have interviewed captured

criminals who say, "I was going to kill him, but I knew that I could get the death penalty if I did. So I just left him there." Obviously, having the death penalty saves lives and that makes a positive difference to society.

If a criminal does murder someone, and then gets the death penalty, that isn't society's fault. Everyone knows about the death penalty as a punishment for murder. So, the person who murders is really killing himself at the same time he is killing his victim. The murderer has made the choice to die.

It is important to remember that the death penalty is used only for people who have committed very serious crimes. For example, a woman shot a police officer when she was trying to escape from jail. She was already a convicted criminal when she committed murder, and she deserves the death penalty.

People need to accept responsibility for their actions. Punishing murderers with the death penalty is one way that society can help people to realize/realise the consequences of their decisions.


犯罪与法律类雅思写作话题解析 本文为大家解析的是犯罪与法律类雅思写作话题,希望大家通过对母题和衍生子题的分析,更好把握雅思写作话题的出题和答题思路,从而对大家的涂鸦之路有所帮助。 1. 青少年犯罪 母题:In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing morecrimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers bepunished? (100804) 提示:青少年犯罪juvenile delinquency 产生的原因及其解决方法。可从家庭、社会、媒体三个角度分析。 子题:很多年轻人有一种反社会行为,原因是什么,如何解决?犯罪是人类本性,还是可以预防的? 2. 犯罪预防 母题:Unlike in most other countries, police in the UK do not commonly carryguns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected. But others think itreduces the overall violence in our society. Discuss both sides of the view andgive your opinion. (040320, 040619)

提示:这道题目当之无愧地成为母题,因为这道话题自从2010年9月起已经成为了雅思口语话题中的题目。11年8月20日,这道题目以变题的形式再一次出现在雅思写作中。 子题:是否应该严惩违反交规者?城市中采取预防犯罪的措施,利大于弊吗?个人如果为所欲为,社会就无法运转,你同意吗?犯罪是世界问题,无法预防,你同意吗? 3. 罪犯惩处 母题:Sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with https://www.doczj.com/doc/506932454.html,cation and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree ordisagree? (050618, 080918) 提示:其实囚禁imprisonment和再教育都是一种让囚犯改造rehabilitate 的方法。还有communityservice对于轻犯和初犯都是一种不错的惩处方式。 子题:监狱除了惩罚犯罪,还有什么功能?降低犯罪的最佳方法是延长监狱星期吗?刑满释放人员再犯罪率很高,为什么,如何解决?你认为罪犯应该送到监狱还是应该做一些社区工作或学习一些技能?


雅思写作Task2范文:老人养老 在英国,一些老人会到养老院和其他老人住在一起,并有专门的呼市照顾他们。有时候政府会为这种服务买单。你认为谁该对这些老人负责。本文是关于这一论题的雅思范文。如果你不熟悉如何完成这样的文章,请参照本文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Write about the following topic: In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old peoples where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this care. Who should be responsible for our old people? Model Answer: Many old people in Britain, after a lifetime of hard work and the toil of bringing up children, are put into homes for the elderly by their families. There, they are looked after by professional nurses, and this is sometimes at the expense of the government. However, this situation has raised controversy about whether we extend to our elders the care and respect they deserve. The critics of this system say that it is the duty of the family to look after its senior members in the years when they are no longer able to work. They point out that in retirement homes old people tend to feel useless and unwanted by their family members, who seldom come to see them. In addition, there is evidence that younger people benefit from the experience and wisdom of older people who live with them on a daily basis.


雅思写作Task2范文:全球化使文化特征消失 由于通信和交通运输的飞速增长,整个社会迅速全球化。一些人担心这种全球化将导致文化特征的流失。你同意这种说法么?一起来看看这篇雅思范文是如何回答的吧!认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 Write about the following topic: As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike leading to a phenomenon known as globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Model Answer: Globalization means that in some ways people around the world are becoming more and more similar. We often eat the same food, watch the same TV programmes, listen to the same music and we wear the same clothes. Some of this at least can be blamed on the spread of multinational brands available all over the world. On the surface, it may appear as if the global diversity of cultural identities is being lost. If, the argument goes, people in Tokyo and London look and dress the same, then that must mean that cultural differences are disappearing. However, I would argue that this is a very narrow definition of culture and that in fact cultural differences are as present as ever.


雅思写作Task2范文:对电影中的暴力的讨论许多人认为电影中的暴力镜头对青少年产生影响,并进而加剧了社会暴力犯罪的发生。你怎么看?这篇文章是关于这个话题的观点类范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 A lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on TV and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What can be done to reduce violence in our society today? Model Answer: The question of whether the amount of violence on TV and cinema has affected young people in our society is something which cannot be quantified or proved. My opinion is though that the answer is “yes, it has”. TV and cinema today do show a large amount of violence and, although we try and shield our young people from seeing too much,

雅思写作例文 Task 2 09

You should spend about40minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Many people believe that the high levels of violence in films today are causing serious social problems. What are these problems and how could they be reduced? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least250words. Answer: The increasing amount of violence that is shown regularly in films has been a cause of concern for some time.Such films make violence appear entertaining,exciting and even something to be copied.However,it seems to be increasingly clear that this development is causing problems in our society. First of all,those who enjoy such films eventually stop associating the violence with any real consequences.They therefore lose their sense of reality and no longer take violence seriously or have any sympathy with the victims.This is bad for both individuals and for our whole society.Another worrying trend is that in these films the heroes are shown as people to be admired,even though they are very violent characters.This leads impressionable people to believe that they can gain respect and admiration by copying this aggressive behaviour,and so the levels of violence increase, especially in major cities throughout the world. What is needed to combat these problems is definite action.The government should regulate the film industry on the one hand,and provide better education on the other.Producers must be prevented from showing meaningless violence as'fun'in their films.Instead,films could emphasise the tragic consequences of violent acts and this would educate people, especially young people,to realise that violence is real.




Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although it illustrates a moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses but its importance should not be denied. The main reason why international donation agencies should view international aid from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should first recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine tents and shelters. In addition, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education. This is also consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as international volunteers and deliver services, such as training and medical service, to those needy people. Despite the heightened importance of international aid, people have discovered

Simon考官范文-雅思写作Task 2: problem/solution(问题与解决办法) essay

题目: In the developed world, average life expectancy is increasing. What problems will this cause for individuals and society? Suggest some measures that could be taken to reduce the impact of ageing populations. 范文: It is true that people in industrialised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems. As people live longer and the populations of developed countries grow older, several related problems can be anticipated. The main issue is that there will obviously be more people of retirement age who will be eligible to receive a pension. The proportion of younger, working adults will be smaller, and governments will therefore receive less money in taxes in relation to the size of the population. In other words, an ageing population will mean a greater tax burden for working adults. Further pressures will include a rise in the demand for healthcare, and the fact young adults will increasingly have to look after their elderly relatives. There are several actions that governments could take to solve the problems described above. Firstly, a simple solution would be to increase the retirement age for working adults, perhaps from 65 to 70. Nowadays, people of this age tend to be healthy enough to continue a productive working life. A second measure would be for governments to encourage immigration in order to increase the number of working adults who pay taxes. Finally, money from national budgets will need to be taken from other areas and spent on vital healthcare, accommodation and transport facilities for the rising numbers of older citizens. In conclusion, various measures can be taken to tackle the problems that are certain to arise as the populations of countries grow older. (265 words, band 9)


雅思写作大作文犯罪类话题思路指 导 犯罪类话题出现频率不高,但考生平时写作备考中依然要重视这类话题的训练。本期的写作思路指引就为大家分析,如何做好犯罪类话题的写作思路分析,下面就和大家分享雅思写作大作文话题思路指导,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思写作大作文话题思路指导:犯罪类 首先我们来看一下关于犯罪类写作话题有哪些,主要有分析犯罪的原因,青少年犯罪问题以及如何降低犯罪。话题题目如下:The news about violent crimes may frighten people or, on contrary, encourage them to commit a crime. Therefore, some believe that these types of news should not be reported in newspapers or on TV. To what extend do you agree or disagree? In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished? In many countries crime is increasing. What are the main reasons for this? What can be done to improve the situation?

下面我们就一一分析一下。 首先:关于犯罪的成因。 无论是青少年犯罪或者成年人犯罪,首先应该想到的是经济问题,经济问题会影响社会的稳定,如失业率的提升,失学、食物匮乏、家庭负担加重甚至破产,这时就会滋生犯罪。而贫穷落后地区的儿童往往面临失学问题,也是造成青少年犯罪的重要原因。 由经济层面进入教育层面,大部分暴力犯罪者的受教育程度比较低,他们因为贫穷过早的进入社会,或者失业导致流落街头,这类人群冲动易怒,易发生冲突。 心理健康问题,这是比较容易忽略的问题。校园暴力者本身会存在心理问题,甚至场景是校园暴力,家庭暴力的受害者。 这里有一些特殊的犯罪比如网络诈骗、经济犯罪这些则是其他原因,要单独说。由于信息技术发达,个人信息安全遭到窃取,给网络诈骗可乘之机。还有就是一些机构腐败滋生。高科技犯罪者本身的受教育程度可能很高,智商也高,这时候我们要转换思路,这类高科技犯罪背后的原因是法律意识淡薄。 犯罪情节由轻到重包括:校园暴力、盗窃、杀人,经济犯罪、网络诈骗等。近年来青少年犯罪的相关新闻比较多见,建议考生多关注相关报道,新闻中会给出相关的事件分析。


雅思写作Task2范文:家庭成员之间的关系雅思写作Task2范文:家庭成员之间的关系 现在家庭成员之间的关系已经不像过去那样紧密了,那么原因是什么?你有什么好的 建议么?本文是关于此论题的一篇雅思范文。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮 助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations. Model Answer: There is much discussion nowadays as to whether or not the relation-ship between family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factors can be identified. In the following, I would like to present my point of view. Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society. One of them is that the once-extended family tends to become smaller and smaller. Many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, children become emotionally estranged from their parents. Compared with the past, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged to concentrate their efforts upon work, so that they can achieve success, or at least a good standard of living. As a result, they can’t afford to spend their leisure hours with their families. The importance of bonds of kinship is gradually fading from their minds. In addition, the availability of various kinds of recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching TV, surfing the Internet or playing video games. They come to lose interest in communicating with the other members of their families. In view of such alienation within families, urgent steps must be taken, in my opinion. For members of families who live away from one another, regular contact on the phone can bring them the care that they need. Family reunions on holidays or other important occasions can make a difference as well. For those living together, it is a good idea to take some time off work or recreation periods to spend more


雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4) 本文为大家收集整理了雅思写作Task1饼状图考官范文(4)。认真研读一定的雅思范文及作文模板可以帮助我们检验自己的写作水平,并能很好地吸收和应用优秀范文里的优秀内容。 The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information in the graph below.

Sample Answer: The given graphs provide information on the amount of Carbon dioxide emission per person from different vehicles in the European Union and also show the expenditures on different modes of transportations. As is observed from the given illustration, the highest amount of CO2 per person is emitted by the Air transports and European Union spends highest percentage of funds for the road transportation system. According to the bar graph, a single passenger of a personal cars emit around 130 gm of CO2 per kilometer while a passenger in a bus contribute to 65 gm of emission per kilometer. Coaches, maritime and rail passengers emit the lowest amount of CO2which is about 50 grams per passenger in a kilometer. Finally a single passenger of airplane contributes to 370 km of CO2 per kilo which is the highest amount of CO2 emission among the given transportations. Based on the pie chart, the European Union spent the highest amount (52%) on the road transportation system while spent only 1% or 2% on ports, waterway airport


雅思写作中关于犯罪的高分词汇 下面是我搜集的关于犯罪的雅思写作高分词汇: 触犯法律 break/violate/flout/disobey the law 犯罪 commit a crime 罪行 offences(BrE)/crimes/criminal acts 罪犯 criminal/offender/culprit.perpetrator 从犯 accomplice/accessory(n)/convicts(n)后者指帮助犯罪但为直接参与的人受害者 victim(n) 心理创伤 trauma(n) 曾横社会 resent society/hold a grudge against society 囚犯 inmate/convicts(n) 牢房 cell 监禁(v) imprison/incarcerate(vts) someone 教育罪犯 educate/edify(vts) criminals 宽容的 lenient(adj) 改造罪犯 reform/rehabilitate criminals 执法部门 law enforcement agencies 重罪 heinous crimes/flagitious crime/felony(n) 轻罪 petty crime/misdemeanour(BrE) 初犯的人 first-time offender 惯犯 hardened criminals/repeat criminals 遏制猖獗的犯罪 curb/halt/check(vts) the rampant(adj) crimes 再次犯罪(v) revert(vi) to crime 再次犯罪(n) recidivism

雅思写作Task 2 范文

一.Some people contend(认为)that advertising has positive impact on society while others think it also has negative influence. Discuss. 开头段 ⑴Advertising has become prevalent in the contemporary society and vast billboards, TV commercials and leaflets(传单)are all exerting profound impact on modern life. ⑵In the meantime, whether advertising is a blessing or a curse has sparked spirited (激烈的)debate. ⑶Some people argu e (认为)that advertising has only beneficial influence on our lives while many others contend that it has detrimental (有害的)effect as well. (改写原题观点,如果原题中只有一个观点,最好把相反的观点写出来。)⑷Personally, I am in favor of the former (latter) view. (表示自己的观点) 表示利与弊的英文:advantages and disadvantages strengths and weaknesses the upside and the downside / pros and cons / boons and banes 主体段1 Admittedly, advertising may also carry considerable potential drawbacks. ⑴To begin with, a vast number o f online advertisements may harm the Internet users’ lives. ⑵To illustrate, email spamming (群发)may fill up one’s email box with junk emails and worse yet, (递进)many of these junk emails could destroy PCs with viruses or Trojan horses. ⑶Moreover, a high percentage of advertisements in the media are misleading ones. ⑷Today, it seems that many drug companies give false information about their products, which has rendered (让……变成什么状态)a host of customers afraid to buy medicine. 主体段2 Despite this, advertising has brought numerous benefits. ⑴In the first place, advertisements inform us about the latest products on the market. ⑵In general, with the help of ads, customers can make shopping more economical and less time-consuming.⑶In the second place, elaborate (包含了很多劳动,变成了精心制作)advertisements can be a genuine art form. ⑷Indeed, instead of wasting our time, creative ads can afford us diverse amusements, thereby (后面是动名词)immensely brightening up our lives. ⑸Last but not least, some advertising in the media can motivate people to contribute to charities. ⑹As a matter of fact, I would be hard-pressed to imagine how charities can get enough funds without the help of non-profit ads. (我很难想象相反的事情发生) 结尾段 ⑴In the final analysis, I concede that the proliferation (扩散)of the advertising industry does not come without any adverse effects. (概括让步段的观点)⑵However, the benefits created by advertising far outweigh the disadvantages. (说清楚自己更倾向的观点)⑶Overall, I am convinced that we should further promote the development of advertising and meanwhile get this industry better-regulated. 二.Today PC games are very popular among teenagers. But some parents consider that these games are not instructive and that teenagers should be kept away from them. What do you think?


Some people believe that charities should give aid to those who need the aid most, wherever they live. Some people believe that charity organizations would better concentrate on people in their own countries instead. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Concern about humanitarian assistance has been heightened in recent years. Although it illustrates a moral ideal of mankind, many people who hold opposing views think that the welfare of fellow citizens is the priority. International aid has its weaknesses but its importance should not be denied. The main reason why international donation agencies should view international aid from a global perspective is that their funds can help the citizens of those recipient countries to combat poverty, disease and inequality. We should first recognize that citizens of developing countries are in desperate need of aid, because they are susceptible to natural or man-made disasters such as wars. In those war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, where resources are scanty, there is a high demand for food, medicine tents and shelters. In addition, humanitarian action can restore some of their basic rights, such as the right to receive education. This is also consistent with the universal principle of supporting vulnerable populations. Those who cannot provide financial support can work as international volunteers and deliver services, such as training and medical service, to those needy people. Despite the heightened importance of international aid, people have discovered

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