1-螺旋板式换热器2 共20页PPT资料

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主要设计任务: 1.学习并完成螺旋板式换热器的设计
•绘图 •计算
•绘图 •计算
主要设计任务: 3.使用HTRI Xchanger suite换热器设计软件 4.总结汇报
地点: 东配楼四层 时间: 2019-2019学年春季学期前两周 负责人:杜文静
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
1.Basic structure and working principle 基本构造和工作原理
Disadvantage: maximum size is limited. Maximum pressure (0.6~2.5Mpa), field repair is difficult due to construction features. 公称压力<2.5Mpa 公称直径<2200mm
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
Three main types which are different in the connections and flow arrangements I 型:both fluids in spiral counterflow
两流体均匀螺旋流动。 The media flow countercurrent through the channels via the connection in the center and at the periphery. one stream enters at the center of the unit and flows from inside outward. The other stream enters at the periphery and flows towards the center. Thus, the true counterflow is achieved this type is used to exchange heat between media without phase changes such as liquid-liquid, gas-liquid, or gas-gas. Small flow, welded, 全焊接,不可拆卸
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
标准 JB/T4751-2003 螺旋板式换热器 型号表示方法: X X X X/X - X - X /X - X/X - X
B/K L C/S 工作压力 换热面积 板宽/直径 通道间距 D/G B 不可拆,K 可拆, L 螺旋板式换热器, C 碳钢,S 不锈钢 D 堵死型,G 贯通型
Advantage: high heat transfer coefficient, small temperature difference, compact, easy manufacture and installation.
Low pressure drop, so the high design velocity can be adopt, Water velocity 2m/s, gas velocity 20m/s. High heat transfer coefficient could be 50~100% higher than that of the shell-and-tube. K is around 5000~1500 w/m2k. Long flow path, which is of benefit to low temperature energy recovering. The minimum outlet temperature difference is around 3 centigrade. Self cleaning.
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
主要结构部件: 螺旋形传热板,头盖,隔板,连接管,切向接管,垫片,定距柱,支座等。
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
1.Basic structure and working principle 基本构造和工作原理
III 型:one fluid in spiral flow, the other in crossflow across the spiral 一侧螺旋流(从周边进,从另一周边流出),一侧轴向流动。 One channel is completely seal-welded, while the other is open along both sheet metal edges. Therefore, this type has one medium in spiral flow and the other in crossflow. This type is mainly used as a surface condenser in evaporating plants. It is also highly effective as a vaporizer. 流体的流量差别较大的场合。
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchang源自文库r
紧凑性是指换热器的单位体积中包含的传热面积的大小, 单位m2/m3 (标准700 m2/m3 )
常见紧凑式换热器: 螺旋板,板式,板翅式,翅片管式,热管式等。
1. Spiral heat exchanger螺旋板式热交换器
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger
II 型:Flow arrangement same as the type 1, but disassembled 流动方式同 I 型相同。交错焊接,密封垫圈,可拆卸。常用于气液换热。
Chapter 3 Compact Heat Exchanger