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国家重点基础研究发展计划(2009CB219300)资助 收稿日期: 2012-08-12; 修回日期: 2012-12-18; 网络出版时间:



Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis



以沾化凹陷河滩油田为例 李烜1,2 师永民1,† 唐亮田1 杨成1

1. 北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京大学石油与天然气研究中心, 北京 100871;

2. 中国石油化工股份有限公司

胜利油田分公司孤岛采油厂, 东营 257231; † 通信作者, E-mail: sym@

摘要 针对沾化凹陷河滩油田含油层系多、非均质严重、剩余油分布零散及地面系统老化严重的问题, 遵循老油田二次开发理念, 以重构地下新的认识体系为目标, 应用三维地震资料、取芯资料和测井资料, 开展断块油藏精细构造研究和精细储层研究。在此基础上, 综合应用监测资料、历史注采状况、数值模拟和油藏工程方法, 准确评价和量化剩余油潜力。采取边认识边调整的思路, 油田开发效果取得初步改善, 明确了二次开发必须具备的物质基础, 并编制了二次开发实施方案, 为全面改善油藏开发效果, 大幅度提高油田采收率奠定基础。

关键词 河滩油田; 多层系; 二次开发; 地下认识体系; 剩余油

中图分类号 P618

Reconstruction of Understanding System for the Redevelopment in Fault-

Block Multilayer Reservoir: Case of Hetan Oilfield in Zhanhua Sag

LI Xuan 1,2, SHI Yongmin 1,†, TANG Liangtian 1, YANG Cheng 1

1. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Institute of Oil and Gas, Peking University, Beijing 100871;

2. Gudao Oil Recovery Plant,

Shengli Oil Field of SINOPEC, Dongying 257231; † Corresponding author, E-mail: sym@

Abstract In view of the problems of Hetan Oilfield in Zhanhua Sag such as multiple oil-bearing series, strong heterogeneity, scattered remaining oil distribution, and aging gathering and transportation system, the authors follow the principle of redevelopment to old oilfield, take the reconstruction of new understanding system of underground reservoirs as the target. 3D seismic data, core data and well log were applied to carry out fine structure research of fault block oilfield and fine reservoir research. Based on the research, through the comprehensive technology application of monitoring data, history of injection-production condition, numerical simulation and reservoir engineering method, the residual oil potential was evaluated and quantified accurately. Taking the idea of adjustment while understanding, the effect of oilfield development achieves initial improvement, the requisite material foundation of the redevelopment is clear and the redevelopment plan is worked out. All this lay the foundation for improving the level of reservoir development and enhancing the recovery ratio.

Key words Hetan Oilfield; multilayer reservoir; redevelopment; understanding system; remaining oil

2013-05-10 17:09/kcms/detail/11.2442.N.20130510.1709.003.html


多层系断块油藏在开发后期剩余油高度分散, 层间干扰严重, 井筒和地面系统老化, 开发难度不断加大。近年来, 国内外老油田实施以“重构地下认识体系, 重建井网结构, 重组地面工艺流程”为主要内容的二次开发, 改善了油田开发效果, 大幅度提高了老油田采收率, 根据国内部分油田二次开发实践效果统计, 水驱采收率一般提高5%~10%[1–9]。在“三重”体系中, 重构地下认识体系是关键一环, 通过深化油藏的定量描述, 准确识别和预测微构造、低级序断层和夹层, 在此基础上运用高精度动态监

图1 河滩油田区域位置示意图 Fig. 1 Regional location sketch map of Hetan Oilfield 降4.2 m 3/(m ·MPa), 注采矛盾突出; 3)老井井况变差, 套损井比例高, 井网不完善, 失控储量大; 4)地面系统老化严重, 注入水质不合格, 设备设施故障率高。 1 油藏精细地质表征 1.1 精细构造研究 河滩油田构造研究的精度一直较低, 投产方案及细分调整均是在二维地震资料解释结果的基础上部署的。构造研究的重点一直局限在边界断层上, 断块内部研究较少。本研究针对油藏深入开发的要充分利用直井井, 在河, 断层的组22条), 与200514条(图2)。 , 在地层, 钻遇地层结合动态资料来的划分为韵律层个小层, 细分后ES 2-24(图3)。选S 2-24-1小层, 初10吨以上稳产6井解释成果, 重点研究了平面和纵向非均质性。将