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Design of Biaxial blades mixer


Along with the de ve lopme nt of modern in dustr y, animal feed f actor y continue s to ex pand th e scale o f mixe r, mixin g with requ ire ment o f impro ving forage additive quan tity of liquid, trad itio n al hor izon tal double s crew with mixer a lread y canno t satisf y the require ment of new gener atio n of high perfor mance. Then biaxial blade s mixe r pr oduce and b iaxia l b la des mixer aris es at the histo ric mo ment. This machin e is wide ly u sed in the food, feed, che mica l,phar maceutical, pes ticide, and o ther indu strie s powd e r, g ranu le, flake, mis cellaneous a nd mixed s tick y mate r ials, Mixed c yc le is sh ort, mixed unifor mity:Des igned to mee t the needs o f fe ed production twin-sh aft padd le mixe r, whic h ma inly consists o f two con tra r y ro tation ax is to be phase aligned and mounted on a shaft abo ve the blade co mponen ts.Weld has mu ltip le special angle of the b lades on the ro to r, this machine is d riven b y the mo tor and blade s c arr y mater ial alo ng the inne r wa ll of the tank counterc lock wis e on the one hand;abou t o ne hand carr y mater ial turned o ve r. In a weigh tless zone is for med b y the o ver lap of the two roto rs D epartment, within th is ar ea, no matte r ho w the shape,s ize a nd den sity o f the ma ter ial, can make the mate ria l up, a t the mo ment of we ightles snes s,to make the Omni-f lip in a continu ous loop in ma ter ia ls in the mach ine e ach cu t, mix and soft so a s to ach ie ve r apid resu lts. In this wa y, on both s ides of th e ma ter ia l will fall in to the ca vity between the two sh afts with each o the r. This paper introduces th e design and calcula tion of ma in parts, des ign of th e twin-sh af t paddle mixer c an pro mote the d e velop ment o f the feed indu str y, improve fee d eff ic ienc y, r educe pro duction co sts, you can provide a re ferenc e fo r feed mix.

Key w ords:Feed mix ers, padd le, de sign



摘要........................................................................................................................................ I I Abstract .................................................................................................................................... III 1前言....................................................................................................................................... 12 混合机的发展现状.............................................................................................................. 2

2.1国外的发展现状....................................................................................................... 2

2.2国内的研发现状....................................................................................................... 33混合机的种类....................................................................................................................... 4

3.1立式混合机............................................................................................................... 4

3.2卧式混合机............................................................................................................... 4

3.2.1单轴螺带混合机........................................................................................... 5

3.2.2双轴桨叶混合机........................................................................................... 5

3.3转鼓式混合机........................................................................................................... 54双轴桨叶混合机设计........................................................................................................... 6

4.1工作原理................................................................................................................... 6

4.2总体结构设计........................................................................................................... 6

4.3混合机壳体设计....................................................................................................... 7

4.4 转子设计.................................................................................................................. 8

4.4.1两转子的总体设计....................................................................................... 8

4.4.2桨叶设计....................................................................................................... 9

4.4.3主轴设计................................................................................................... 13

4.4.4链传动方式的设计................................................................................... 15

5 总结.................................................................................................................................. 17参考文献........................................................................................................................ 18致谢....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
