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考试年级 13.14.15 专业商务英语科目商务英语习作出卷老师 *****


I. Complete the letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10points)

popular, inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend, cooperation, responsible, branch


Dear Sir

Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided

to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on

1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office.

We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results.

Y ours faithfully


Dear Sir

This letter is to ___6___ Tim Steven as an outstanding salesperson.

I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7____ and creative individual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willingly undertook any task___8___ to him, whether it involved direct sales or not, and his enthusiastic manner made him____9___with all our customers.

I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside our city. I believe anyone who____10___ him will be truly fortunate.

Y ours sincerely

II. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points)

11. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage

______ number.

A. of

B. in

C. for

12. As soon as we receive the signed form, we will add your name to the list of people

_______ snow shoveling.

A. requiring

B. require

C. required

13. The report is to be _______ to the Directors as soon as possible.

A. prepared

B. promoted

C. presented

14. I am glad that I feel quite _______ for the position you advertised.

A. qualifying

B. qualified

C. qualification

1 / 4

15. We recommended ________ a small quantity for trial.

A. to buy

B. you bought

C. buying

16. _____ the quality, you must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2004.

A. In regard to

B. Due to

C. In view of

17. ________ we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market, we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated.

A. Despite

B. Since

C. While

18. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus _______ our

buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season.

A. enable

B. enabling

C. enables

19. I am writing _______ your advertisement for the position of Conference Manager.

.A. in view of B. in reply of C. in response to

20. I will phone you next week after you ______ a chance to go over the material.

A. have had

B. had

C. had had

ⅢMatch (10 points)

(一) In the following, 21-25 describe the problems, and a-e give the solutions. Please match them.

21. The printed shirting clearly does not match the samples you left with us.

22. The bottom corner of the suitcase is broken.

23. We regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake.

24. The color of the goods shipped by you is different form what we need.

25. We only received 80 cartons instead of 95 cartons.

a) We think a little difference in color between them is unavoidable.

b) It seems that some of the materials escaped the examination we normally give to all materials.

c) We doubt the shortage happened due to losses or pilferage.

d) No commercially made suitcase can withstand an impact of this kind.

e) We have checked with our accounting department and found that the figure was wrong.

(二)Choose from f-j to match 26-30.

26. Herewith please find enclosed a check for US$5,000 in payment of your invoice No.2771.

27. We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.

28. To step up trade between us, we trust you would allow us a higher rate of discount with your firm.

29. Are your valuables protected from burglary?

30. Since this is our first order, we hope you will do everything possible to ensure punctual shipment.

f) Our lines are mainly textiles and handicrafts.

g) We are now pleased to send you our official receipt.

h) Let us here at Home Safe, Inf. help you make sure your family and home are fully protected.

i) We assure you that we shall effect shipment on the specified date in your order.

J) Since this is our first transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to cut the price by 2%.

Ⅴ. Translate the following into Chinese (10 points)


Dear Sir or Madam

Through the courtesy of the Commercial Counselor of your Embassy in London, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.

We enclose a brochure and a pricelist to acquaint you with our commodities now available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

Y our favorable reply will be highly appreciated.

Y ours faithfully

Ⅵ. Choice what figures of sppech are used in the following sentence. (10points) Metonymy (转喻)personification(拟人)metaphor(暗喻)simile (明喻) alliteration(头韵)

1 we all know he is a fox.

2the trees cried in the cold strong wind

3she is loving and loveable lady

4Her kiss is as sweet as honey

5 She was so thirsty that she drank several cups

VII Writing. (20 points)


Write a letter for the following situation.

Y our friend has invited you to her birthday party in the evening. But you’ve caught a ver bad cold. Write a note to say you are sorry and wish them a good time


1 volume

2 branch

3 inquire

4 instead of



7 responsible

8 arrange

9 popular

10 hire


1-5 A A C B A 6-10 B C BC A

3 / 4


21-b 22-d 23-e 24 a 25-c 26-G 27-f 28-j 29-h 3 0-i

修辞1 metaphor(暗喻)


4 simile (明喻)

5 Metonymy (转喻)



第8 卷第1期2008年3月 温州职业技术学院学报 Journal of Wenzhou Vocational & Technical College V ol.8 No.1Mar.2008 王琼瑜 (华东师范大学课程与教学系,上海 200062) 高职商务英语函电写作教学探讨 2007-08-10 王琼瑜(1980—),女,浙江温州人,华东师范大学课程与教学系硕士研究生,温州职业技术学院人文系助教. [收稿日期][作者简介] [摘 要] “商务英语函电”是高职院校一门重要的专业课程。由于商务英语函电的内容和语言具有特色,因此,课堂教学应以特色为基础,探索教学新思路。针对学生的实际学习能力和学习困难,应注重培养其扎实的商务英语函电写作基本功和在不同商务情景下的写作技巧,以灵活应对未来的社会需求。 [关键词] 商务英语函电;写作特点;教学思路[中图分类号] G712 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1671-4326(2008)01-0083-03 作的教学新思路,需要先了解商务英语函电写作特点。 1.内容范围广泛,种类繁多 商务英语函电的内容与外贸业务实践密切相关,涉及经济贸易活动的方方面面。按使用的不同目的,其内容包括建立商务往来关系、询盘、报盘、报价、还盘、订单、付款方式、信用证、包装和运输方式、保险、赔付、投诉以及代理等。 2.语言礼貌正式、简洁清晰,具有较多专业术语 (1)外贸术语、缩略语和缩写词。商务英语函电属于商务英语这一特殊用途英语的范畴,其语言具有鲜明的特色,充满了外贸术语、缩略语和缩写词。如“报价——quote”、“虚盘——non-firm-offer”、“还盘——counter-offer”等,都是商务英语函电中常用的外贸术语。缩略语和缩写词是商务英语函电在长期实践中总结出来的国际通用符号,使用起来省时、省 随着高职教育改革的深入,高职院校英语专业的学科建设也随之进行了调整,英语专业较之以往更强调核心技能的培养,为适应改革发展需要开设了商务英语专业。这是一门符合市场经济发展规律,符合高职教育以就业为导向的教学理念,符合高职学生学习兴趣的实用型学科。“商务英语函电”作为商务英语专业中的一门技能课程,既强调专业的基础知识,又重视语言的应用能力。了解商务英语函电写作特点,探讨行之有效的教学新思路,是保证教师顺利完成该课程教学目标的前提。 一、商务英语函电写作特点 商务英语函电写作独有的内容和语言特点使学生难以把握,因为它需要写作者具备相关的专业知识,能灵活使用习惯语言表达方式和将商务专业知识恰当地运用于语言交际中[1]。所以,探讨商务英语函电写 An Exploration on the Teaching of Business English Letter Writing in Vocational Colleges W ANG Qiongyu (Course and Teaching Department, Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China)Abstract: "Business English Letter" is an important professional course in vocational colleges. As the con-tent and language have their uniqueness, the classroom teaching should focus on them and try to explore the new teaching method. In the light of students' ability and difficulties, it is important to consolidate students' foundation of writing business English letters and writing in different business conditions so as to cope flexibly with the difficulties in the society. Key words:Business English Letter; Writing feature; Teaching method


机密★启用前 大连理工大学网络教育学院 大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试 期末考试复习题 ☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the


考评方式与标准 一、考评方式: 《商务英语写作》课程考核分两部分:形成性考核和课程终结性考试。课程总成绩采用百分制,形成性考核占课程总成绩的20%,课程终结性考核占80%。总分60分为及格。 二、考评标准 (一)形成性考核的基本形式及考核方法 形成性考核占总成绩的20%,共20分。包括以下几方面的内容:1. 记分形成性作业 4次占形成性考核成绩的60%,共12分。重点考核学生对教学重点、难点的理解和掌握程度,综合4次作业评总得分。 2. 学习方式考核 占形成性考核总成绩的20%,4分 出勤占2分,学习笔记占2分,开学初由老师推荐自学范围,第十六周上交学习笔记.重点考核学生自主学习的能力和效果、要求记录学习时间、学习内容、学习方式、掌握知识程度,对难点、重点以及疑难问题的理解。 3. 参加小组的活动情况 占形成性考核总成绩的20%,4分 4. 形成性考核检查要求 所有成绩必须在十八周交到国家开放大学(广州)。需提交的材

料包括形考记录表、形考原始资料和录入成绩光盘。 (二)课程终结性考核的基本形式及考核方法 1. 终结性考核的基本形式 课程终结性考核成绩占课程总成绩的80%。国家开放大学(广州)负责课程考试命题工作,包括编制考试说明、命题、制卷和制定评分标准等。考试与阅卷评分等均由国家开放大学(广州)具体组织实施。 终结性考核内容为通知、备忘录和商务信函的写作,考试时间为90分钟,可以携带一本正规的英英词典。 2. 教材 指定教材为《实用商务英语写作》(Practical Business Writing)(中国人民大学出版社,邬庆儿主编,2012年4月第一版)参考教材《商务英语写作实例精解》(外语教学与研究出版社Shirely T aylor编著)以及A Communicative Approach to Business Correspondence in English (《剑桥商务英语写作教程》,Andrew Littlejohn, Cambridge University Press) 3. 具体考核内容及评分标准 (1)考核内容


商务英语之订单最常用句子 我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。 1. We'd like to order your products. We'll send our official order today. 你是否收到了我们订电话机的订单? 2. Did you get our order for your telephones? 我们发现贵公司的订单最近逐渐减少了,对吗? 3. We've noticed that your orders have been falling off lately, haven't you? 那是因为我们转向成衣生意的缘故。 4. That's because we have switched to made-up goods market. 目前有什么我可以代您订购的吗? 5. Is there anything I can book for you now? 现在我们能向你订购的只有棉织品。 6. What we can order from you right now are cotton goods. 你可以告诉我货名和数量吗? 7. Can you let me have the name and quantities? 除非你方三月订货,否则我们无法6月送货。 8. Unless you order in March, we won't be able to deliver in June. 我准备向你们订货,但是唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给芬兰的公司。

9. I'm ready to place an order with you, but only one condition is that the goods are confined to Finland. 前寄样品必须在8月底以前到达伦敦,否则所订货物都将无效。 10. Advanced samples must arrive in London before the end of August; otherwise the goods are useless. 我们可以修改一下29734号订单吗? 11. Can we make a change on order No. 29734? 我们想增加99725号订单上AR-26的数量。 12. We want to increase the number of AR-26s on order No. 99725. 商务旅行必备48句经典句型 1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one? 3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please? 请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for today's 7:00 a.m train? 我可以买今天上午7点的火车票吗? 5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗? 6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass?



《商务英语信函写作》练习题 I.Choose the best answer: 1.Please let us know _____the tendency of your market. a. for b. in c. of d. with 2. We _____ like to know more about the products you advertised in South Asian Trade. a. could b. would c. should d. had 3. We are now _____ your inquiry of October 12th. a. on receipt of b. upon receipt of c. in receipt of d. in reception of 4. We have received your enquiry of 15 July____you advise us of your interest in Cashmere. a. in which b. from which c. at which d. which 5. We have received your letter of September 12, _____ we are glad to know that you are interest in our electric heaters. a. which b. at which c. in which d. from which 6. We shall be pleased to send you the necessary information _____ our machine tools. a. on b. about c. of d. in 7. Our catalog ____ shows various types of bathroom fittings and their available sizes. a. enclosed b. that enclosed c. is enclosed d. which enclosed 8. I want to acquaint myself _____ the supply position of steel products. a. of b. with c. for d. about 9. We must insist _____ hearing from you within the next 10 days. a. in b. over c. on d. to 10. All prices must be quoted _____ US dollars. a. in b. on c. for d. as 11. As requested, we are _____ our quotation and shall appreciated your placing orders with us as early as possible. a. accepting b. taking c. submitting d. thinking 12. Your import manager wrote us last week that our price was _____ and asked us to secure supplies. a. acceptable b. managerial c. impossible d. unfortunate 13. Our quotation _____ 30,000 tons of corn is valid for 10 days. a. to b. after c. if d. for 14. Please _____ us for the supply of the items listed in the enclosed inquiry form. a. give b. offer c. quote d. send 15. Please keep us posted of the developments in your market _____ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate. a. so that b. such that c. as long as d. so long as 16. Please let us have your lowest quotation on CIF Lagos basis _____ 500 pieces of 24”electric fans. a. in b. at c. for d. on 17. Please reply _____ fax if you find our quotation acceptable. a. in b. with a c. by d. with 18. We agree to the amendments to the contract _____ requested in your letter of May 5. a. to be b. like c. when d. as


《商务英语翻译》课程标准 适用专业:商务英语专业课程编码:TA0B28 开设时间:第5学期课时数:72学时 ? 一、课程概述 本课程旨在传授翻译理论知识及实用的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生独立完成英汉翻译任务。课程是翻译理论为基础,结合实际的典型翻译例文向学生传递实用的翻译技巧,与此同时培养学生的举一反三的能力,最后通过实际的翻译任务锻炼学生的实际翻译能力。 课程设计从商务英语教学的实际需要入手,结合基本的翻译理论、方法以及实际外贸业务对英汉翻译的专业知识需要,在比较全面的介绍英汉翻译知识的同时也为学生补充了大量实际有用的专业翻译方法和技巧,使学生不仅对英汉互译有进一步的学习,同时也可以将所学翻译技巧充分运用于实际工作,从而真正做到学有所用。 坚持以高职教育培养目标为依据,遵循“结合理论联系实际,以应知、应会”的原则,以培养锻炼职业技能为重点。注重培养学生的翻译理论灵活运用能力和翻译实践能力。把实践和创新素质的培养贯穿于教学中,采用翻译任务独立完成等方式注重发展学生独立思维和专业应用能力。培养学生在翻译过程中分析、解决实际问题的能力。 ?

二、课程培养目标 1.方法能力目标 (1)熟悉英语翻译的理论知识。 (2)掌握翻译的标准和原则。 (3)熟悉各种商务文体翻译的过程。 (4)了解译者的工作原则和职业操守。 2.社会能力目标 (1)能够处理对外贸易企业的日常涉外文件翻译。 (2)能够对外贸企业各种函电进行专业翻译。 (3)能够做到对外贸易工作过程中的陪同口译。 3.专业能力目标 (1)熟练掌握词义的选择和引申、词类转译法、增词法、省词法、被动结构的译法和正反、反正的译法。 (2)掌握各种名词性从句的译法、长句的译法和直译、意译法。 (3)能够熟悉掌握商业名片的翻译、标识的翻译、公司介绍的翻译、产品说明书的翻译、商业广告的翻译、商务函电的翻译、外贸单证的翻译等各种实用商务文体的英汉互译。 (4)熟悉各种实用文体的翻译技巧和典型句型,能够在词典的帮助下独立翻译各种基本实用商务文体。


模因视角下高职商务英语写作教学模式的探究 在高职商务英语教学过程中,写作占据了很大的比重,是教学任务中非常重要的一个环节。模因是模仿传播的文化进化的基本单位。阐述模因理论在高职英语写作教学中的具体应用,旨在为其他教师提供参考意见,探索更有效、更合理的教学方法。 标签:模因论;高职商务英语;写作教学模式 一、综述 为了促进学生灵活运用英语写作技能,提高英语表达能力,教师需要采用新的教学方法来提高学习效率和质量。模因论的出现很好地解决了这个问题。采用模因论可以对学生的写作进行详细的指导,明确学生在学习过程中存在的问题,提高学生的学习能力和效率。因此,在教学中运用模因论,教师可以灵活运用教学模式,提高课堂教学质量。 二、商务英语写作教学和模因论之间的关系 每门教学课程都有自己的特点,商务英语写作教学也不例外,其最明显的特点是实用性、专业性。商务写作倾向于强调表达的清晰性和措辞的恰当性。本课程的最终目标是使学生能够熟练、恰当地书写标准的、实用的商业文件,如商业信函。在商务交际过程中,商务写作一般采用需要用英语书写的文体类型,包括备忘录、合同、问卷等。它具有独特的写作风格和文体特征,在写作话语中表现出互文性。最有效和最关键的教学方法是模仿。模因论认为,任何事物只要被复制和模仿,都可以成为模因。在教学实践中,商务英语信函的模仿和复制就是这种模因的传递。因此,运用模因论理论来改进商务英语写作教学是非常合适的。 三、以模因论提升教学实践的成效 模因之所以能被复制和传播,是因为模仿。商务英语文档的显著特点是格式固定,这就意味着在教学过程中,最好通过模仿来进行教学,从而进一步提高教学的实际效果。因此,在向学生传授商务英语写作知识时,可以充分利用模因传递的特点和规律。 (一)精挑细选输入材料,强化模因复制成功率 当模因被复制和传播时,”适者生存”的原则始终贯穿与其中。有效的模因必须具有多重复制、忠实性和持久性三个特征。模因是一种持续的传播或消亡,其语用功能是影响模因传播的最关键因素。如果一个模因被广泛使用,它可以在人们的交流中发挥积极的作用,然后在社会上被复制和传播得更快。这样的模因更加活跃和持久。同样,对比模因复制、交际和同化阶段的特点,教师在选择商务英语写作教材时,建议选择难度合理、容易被学生接受、频率高、实用性强的模


欢迎各位员工及家属参与。 All staff and their family members are welcome. 董事会将于8月4号星期五下午3点在1131室召开会议。 The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3 p.m on Friday ,august 4 in room 1131 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 There has been a change in our clinic sercice policy which we would like to bring to your attention. This Wednesday’s regular meeting announced the establishment of Research and Development Department. 这个周三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 Call zhang wen at 2397884 for more detailed information. 有关详情请联系张文,电话2397884 We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being coopertive. 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 We very much hope that you will be able to attend our wedding ceremony and look forward to meeting you on 22 november. 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在11月22号那天见到你。 Mr .and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter’s graduation from college。michael garwood 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 You and your family members are cordially invited to attend the pwc annual ball. 盛情邀请您和家人参加pwc的周年舞会 希望您能接受邀请,并在7月23日之前回复. l hope you will accept the invitation and reply before 23rd july. 晚宴开始前在209室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 Tea and cakes will be served before the evening dinner in room 209.welcome to join us. Please remit payment withhin ten days so that you can maintain your credit rating 请于10天内汇款,以维持你的信用等级。 Althought abc company has reserved the clubhouse for saturay ,we can instead offer you our conference room,which seats 60. 虽然ABC公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提够60人的会议室。 You will be glad to know that your request for reimbursement for travel expense is granted. 您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消息。 Customers will be provided with the best service owing to our long experience in the catering business. 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 We have noticed in your letter that the damages to five chairs in shipment were found. 从您的来信得知,已发现5把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 We hope to receive the amount due by the end of this month. 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 We hope you are satisfied with our goods,and look forward to receiving your future orders. 对于任何不便之处我们再次表示感谢。 We apologize again for any inconvenience.


架起涉外沟通的桥梁: 实用商务英语写作 Contents 目录 Part 1概述 (An Overview) 常用商务文件类型 ( Categories of Commonly Used Business Documents) Part 2 写作要点解析 1.公司概况(节选) (Corporate Overview) 2. 简历 (Resume/CV) 3. 会议纪要 (Minutes of Meeting/MOM) 4. 授权书 (LOA/POA) 5. 实习证明 (Certificate of Internship) 6. 招标邀请书(IFB)与投标函(Bid Cover Letter) 7. 感谢信 (Letter of Acknowledgement) 8. 电子邮件(E-mails) 附:银行保函 (Bank Guarantee) Part 3 练习题

Part 1 概述 (An Overview) 常用商务文件类型 (Commonly Used Business Documents) ●报告/说明类 ---Corporate Overview (公司概况) ---Prospectus (招股说明书) ---Resume/CV (简历) ---ITB (投标须知) ---Reports (报告,如,周报,月报,年报) ---Notice (通知) ---Request (请示) ●契约类 ---Contract (合同) ---Agreement (协议) ---Letter of Intent (意向书) ---M inutes of Meeting (会议纪要) ---Framework Agreement (框架协议) ---Memorandum of Understanding (MOU )备忘录 ●证明类 ---Power of Attorney (授权书) ---Letter of Authorization (授权书) ---Notarization (公证书) ---Certificate of internship (实习证明) ●商务信函类 (business letters ) ?日常生活方面 ---offer letter (录用函) ---letter of invitation (邀请函) ---letter of recommendation (推荐信)


试卷代号:6320 湖南广播电视大学2014年1月开放教育期末考试 商务英语写作试卷 2013年12月 注意事项 一、将你的准考证号、学生证号、姓名及分校(工作站)的名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场; 二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目的要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效; 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔无效。 I. Complete the letters with the words given. (10 points, 1 point each)

and,appreciate, appreciated,checked,for,in, irregular, satisfactory, Thank, write (1) Dear Ms Lee, ___1___ you for all the assistance you have given in the last six months. We do ___2___ yourwillingness to work long and ___3___ hours. I should just like you to know that your understanding ___4___ sympathetic approach ismuch ___5___ by all of us. Yours sincerely, X X X (2) Dear Sir, I have ___6___ my records and I have found that Mr. Fong is correct in his complaint. Iam afraid I was responsible ___7___ confusing his invoice with another invoice to Singapore. I must apologize for making this mistake. I suggest that I ___8___ immediately to him to apologize and tell him to ignore the invoicehe has. I shall then make sure that he gets a replacement invoice ___9___ the very near future. I hope this suggestion is ___10___. Yours faithfully, X X X II. Choose the best answer for each question.(10 points, 1 point each) 11. We recommended ______. A. to buy B. you bought C. buying 12.We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible,thus ______ our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season. A. enable B. enabling C. enables 13.I am writing ______ your advertisement for the position of Conference Manager. A. in view of B. in reply of C. in response to 14. _______ the quality, you must assure that we would get the goods produced in2013. A. In regard to B. Due to C. In view of 15. ______ we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about yourmarket,we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated. A. If B. Since C. While


《电子商务英语》课程标准 一、课程概述 (一)课程简介 《电子商务英语》是电子商务专业开设的一门专业拓展课,主要通过专业英语工具学习把握电子商务发展新动态,为学生从事跨境电子商务打下外语基础。 (二)课程的性质及定位 本课程的主要任务是通过本课程的学习,使学生应掌握电子商务的专业英语词汇,能读懂英文的专业资料并能达到一般专业知识的英汉互译水平,将学生培养成为复合型人才,为他们今后走上工作岗位从事实际工作打下必要基础。 (三)适用专业或年级 本课程适用于电子商务专业3年级学生学习。 (四)学时学分 本课程4学分,完成教学的总学时数为64学时,其中讲课40学时,课实训24学时。 (五)课程归口系部 本课程归口系部为商贸管理系。 (六)先修课程与后续课程 先修课程:大学英语 后续课程:跨境电商 (七)课程教学设计思路 本课程是通过行业企业广泛调研,根据电子商务专业人才需求的调研结果, 课程组与行业企业专家共同开发设计。按照电子商务人才培养标准,以高技能型人才为培养目标构建课程学习容。 二、课程教学目标 通过本课程的学习,使学生具备一定的专业英语听说读写能力,掌握基本的电子商务专业领域英语词汇,能阅读英文的专业资料,并且具有用英语进行电子商务交流的能力。

具体目标如下: 1.知识目标 ?了解电子商务发展方向和动态; ?掌握基本的电子商务专业领域英语词汇; ?认识和理解本课程在专业学习中的重要性。 2.能力目标 ?能够阅读英文的专业资料; ?有一定的英汉互译水平; ?能进行跨国电子商务交流。 3.素质目标 掌握现代公关理论和技能,涉外电子商务法律、经贸、和工商业务等方面的知识与法规,熟悉电子商务业务及语言交流规,具备良好的业务素养和综合能力。 三、教学容和要求 (一)课程学时分配 章次教学容学时分配 1 初识电子商务 6 2 电子商务平台 6 3 网络营销8 4 在线支付8 5 客户服务8 6 移动电子商务 6 7 电子商务竞争 6 8 谨防网络陷阱 4 9 电子商务物流 6 10 网上创业 6


商务英语常用句型40句 大家在商务英语写作的时候一定会为用哪些句型烦恼吧,下面小编为你分享商务英语常用句型吧! 1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信是要确认/询问/通知你… 2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2. 我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。 3. With reference to our telephone conversation today… 关于我们今天在电话中的谈话... 4. In my previous e-mail on October 5… 先前在10月5日所写的信… 5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于… 6. As indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出… 7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论… 8. From our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定… 9. As you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求… 10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided… 回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定… 11.This is in response to your e-mail today.


教学 点 (函 授站 ): 专 业: 年级: 学 号 : 姓 名: 密 封 线 内 严 禁 答 题 试卷号: *********学院2015学年度第1学期 期末考试试卷 考试年级 13.14.15 专业 商务英语 科目 商务英语习作 出卷老师 ***** 商务英语写作 I. Complete the letters with the words given. Change the word forms where necessary. (10points) popular , inquiry, hire, volume, assign, instead of, recommend, cooperation, responsible, branch (1) Dear Sir Owing to the large increase in the ___1___ of our trade with this country, we have decided to open a(n) ____2____here,with Mr. Jackie Black as manager. The new branch will open on 1st July and from that date all orders and ___3____ should be sent to Mr. Black at the above address, ___4___to our London office. We take this opportunity to express our thanks for your ____5____ in the past. We hope the new arrangements will lead to even better results. Y ours faithfully (2) Dear Sir This letter is to ___6___ Tim Steven as an outstanding salesperson. I have known and worked with Tim for more than three years. He is a highly __7____ and creative individual. Form the day he came to work for us, he was a welcome member of our sales team. He willingly undertook any task___8___ to him, whether it involved direct sales or not, and his enthusiastic manner made him____9___with all our customers. I am sorry to lose Tim, but his educational plans call for him to move outside our city . I believe anyone who____10___ him will be truly fortunate. Y ours sincerely II. Choose the best answer for each question. (10 points) 11. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage ______ number. A. of B. in C. for 12. As soon as we receive the signed form, we will add your name to the list of people _______ snow shoveling. A. requiring B. require C. required 13. The report is to be _______ to the Directors as soon as possible. A. prepared B. promoted C. presented 14. I am glad that I feel quite _______ for the position you advertised.

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