当前位置:文档之家› 扬州中学2013-2014学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题









例:How much does the shirt cost?

A. £19.15

B. £9.15

C. £9.50





6. What are the speakers doing?

A. Interviewing a champion.

B. Reporting a match live.

C. Talking about a new world record.

7. What do we know about Paul Timmons?

A. He breaks a world record.

B. He is talented in competing.

C. He isn’t in the lead all the time.


8. What is the woman probably?

A. A writer.

B. A reporter.

C. A tour guide.

9. What is on the man’s right?

A. A statue.

B. A park.

C. A palace.



17. What prize did the youngest group get?

A. The second prize.

B. The third prize.

C. The fourth prize.

18. What should Eastside practise more?

A. The dance.

B. The music.

C. The song.

19. Why did The Storm win the first prize?

A. They danced wonderfully.

B. The guitarist played very well.

C. The singer performed perfectly.

20. What kind of person is the speaker?

A. Humorous.

B. Serious.

C. Boring.


第一节单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.When you are in a foreign country, you may miss ______ Chinese food a lot. As a result, you

hope to have ______ big supper after a tiring day.

A. /; a

B. a; a

C. /; /

D. a; /

22.The boss _______ company I worked in two years ago has ______ in solving such kind of problem.

A. whose; many experiences

B. who; many experiences

C. whose; much experience

D. which; much experience



试题分析:考察定语从句和名词。本题定语从句的先行词是the boss,后面定语从句名词

24.In order to go to a famous university, you must ________ each of the three years in Senior High School.

A. make most of

B. make best of

C. make good use for

D. make good use of



试题分析:考察固定搭配。固定搭配make use of/make the most of 利用;可以在名词use前面加上形容词修饰。如Make full use of充分利用;故D正确。


25. They are talking _____ they had been friends for years, while in fact they have known each other for only two hours.

A. even though

B. as though

C. now that

D. until



试题分析:考察连词辨析。A即使,尽管;B似乎,好像;C既然;D直到…才…;句义:他们说起话来好像是多年的好朋友,但是实际上他们只认识2小时。当as if后面的句子表示的是假的事情的时候,后面要使用虚拟语气。故B正确。


26. He was obviously annoyed,for he was not used to ________ like that.

A. speaking

B. spoken to

C. being spoken

D. being spoken to

28. _______ the school, he saw his parents ________ for him at the school gate.

A. At reaching; waited

B. On arriving; waiting

C. At arriving; waited

D. On reaching; waiting



试题分析:考察介词用法以及固定结构。介词on一…就…;后面要使用动名词doing形式。第二空考察了see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事。句义:一到学校,他就看见父母亲在校门口等着他。故D正确。


29. Her mother does not ________ of her going to study in the United States alone.

A. admit

B. approve

C. prove

D. agree

30.---What do you think of the movie ?

A. that

B. which

C. what

D. this

31. ---We are informed that the Weifang International Kite Festival starts at 7:00.

---Oh, I didn't expect it was so early! I ________ to go out for dinner with my friends first.

A. was planning

B. am planning

C. have been planning

D. have planned






32. John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, he gladly accepted it.

A. finished

B. finishing

C. having finished

D. was finished

33. --- This is the same watch ______ I left on the playground yesterday.

--- How can it be possible? I bought _____ the other day.

A. that; one

B. that; it

C. as; one

D. as; that



试题分析:考察定语从句和代词。当先行词前面有the same修饰的时候,后面的关系代词可以使用that表示就是前面提及的先行词,是同一个事物。如果使用as,则表示与前面提及的是同一类事物,并非同一个。第二空考察了代词, it指代上文出现的同一事物,One 指代可数名词单数,表示泛指;其特质形式为the one。It指代上文出现的同一事物;that指代可数名词单数,或者不可数名词,后面必须有定语修饰。起复数形式为those,同样后面也应该有定语修饰。句义:—这是我昨天忘记在操场上的同一只手表。—怎么可能?我前几天刚刚买的。故B正确。


34. The job interview is a challenge _______ the ability and talent of each interviewee is tested.

A. when

B. where

C. that

D. which

35. —Sorry, Bill, I can't go straight on and spend more time with you in Huangshan.


A. It was just like you.

B. Isn't it as bad as that?

C. You're really a wet blanket.

D. Accidents will happen.



I want to make the most of every day. And, like most people, I've 36 that the best way to do it is (to) let go of past failures. But that's not all. One can never fully 37 today while thinking too much about past successes, either. People never 38 while resting comfortably on their laurels (荣誉). The 39 is that sometimes our successes hold us back more than our failures!

I once 40 a story about the Oscar owner, actor Clark Gable. A friend 41 Gable one afternoon at the actor's home. She brought along her 42 son, who was playing happily with toy cars on the floor. He 43 he was racing those cars around a great track, which in 44 was an imaginary circle around a golden statue. The small statue the boy played with was actually the Oscar Clark Gable 45 for his performance in the 1934 movie It Happened One Night.

When his mother told him the time had come to 46 , the little boy asked the actor, ―Can I have this?‖ 47 to the Oscar.

―Sure,‖ he smiled. ―It's yours.‖

The horrified mother 48 . ―Put that back immediately!‖

Giving the child the golden statue, Clark Gable said, ―Having the Oscar around doesn't mean anything to me; 49 it does.‖ The actor seemed to know that past success could be a 50 hammock (吊床) upon which he may be tempted to 51 , rather than a springboard setting him to begin a new start.

You may have learned to let go of past 52 and mistakes in order to free the present. But will you forget past successes and achievements in order to free the 53 ?Will your past be a springboard or a restful hammock?

―I like the 54 of the future better than the history of the past,‖ said Thomas Jefferson. I 55 . After all, the future, not the past, is where the rest of your life will be lived.

44. A.fact B. case C. turn D. need

45. A.cared B. asked C. won D. looked

46. A.act B. leave C. play D. wait

47. A.running B. getting C. pointing D. shouting

48. A.shouted B. noticed C. suffered D. breathed

49. A.selling B. keeping C. earning D. sharing

50. A.special B. comfortable C. expensive D. necessary

51. A.rest B. cheat C. stop D. sit

52. A.difficulties B. events C. failures D. achievements

53. A.time B. future C. body D. brain

54. A.idea B. meaning C. dreams D. thoughts

55. A.obey B. permit C. wish D. agree







【小题9】A 固定搭配。In fact实际上;in case以防;in turn依次,轮流;in need需要;实际上小孩子玩的游戏是绕着Clark Gable所获得大奥斯卡奖的奖杯。




T here’s no danger of 88-year-old Harry Ward forgetting his wife D oris’s V alentine’s Day card – the couple still use the same one he bought her 70 years ago.

When 17-year-old Harry Ward presented Doris with a V alentine’s Day card as he boarded a train

to join the wartime effort on February 14, 1941, he must have been fairly confident about his affections(钟爱). After all the couple had been dating since they met in a café three months earlier.

But little can he have imagined that 70 years on, not only would he still be happy about having married Doris, but that every year she would present him with the very same card he gave her that V alentine’s Day. ―I bring it out of the cupboard and put it on our mantelpiece(壁炉台)every V alentine’s D ay,‖ she said. ―I t’s a special to me now as it was 70 years ago. Harry has never bought me one since, because I have this one every year.‖

They first met in a café. ―Harry was in the café drinking and he said hello. He asked me my name and we got talking happily. He offered to walk me to the bus stop but when we got outside, a bombing raid(突然袭击)had started and we had to run to a nearby air-raid shelter(防空洞),‖Doris said.

Mr. Wa rd said,―I knew Doris was the one for me the moment I met her. I gave her the Va lentine’s card then and she is still my V alentine now.‖ Mrs. W ard’s card is not the only thing that has endured the passing of time.

―Harry is quite romantic and we are as still in love as the day he first gave me this card,‖Dorris said.

56. When did the couple first meet?

A. In 1940.

B.In 1939.

C. In 1941.

D. In 1942

57. Why does Mrs. Ward always use the same V alentine’s Day card?

A. She is an environmentalist.

B. S he can’t afford a new one.

C. She values the card very much.

D. S he doesn’t want to waste money.

58. What do we know about the 70-year-old V alentine’s Day card?

A. It was first given to Doris on a plane.

B. It is usually kept in their cupboard

C. It was made by hand by Mr. Ward.

D. It is sent to Doris by post every year.

59. By saying ―Mrs. W ard’s card is not the only thing that has endured the passing of time.‖, the author means __________.

A. The card records their romance

B. The card will still be used in future

C. They both treasure the very card

D. Their affections are still strong








Many of us feel uneasy when someone stands too close to us, talks to us too loudly or makes eye contact(接触) with us for too long. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable?

It’s all about personal peace, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but also the space around all the senses. People feel that their space is being violated(侵犯) when they meet with an unwelcome sound, smell or look. This is probably why a man on a crowded bus shouting into his mobile phone or a woman next to you putting on strong perfume(香水) makes you feel angry.

Whether people have had a stronger wish to protect their personal space in recent times is

hard to say. Yet studies of airlines show that people have a strong desire(渴望) to have space to themselves. In a survey (调查)by TripAdvisor, a travel website, people said that if they had to pay more for some extra service, they would rather have larger seats than extra food.

Although people may need their personal space, some hardly realize it. For example, people on a bus who hold newspapers in front of their faces to read in fact keep a distance from strangers.

Go and watch a library table. You will notice that one of the corner seats will usually be taken first, because they are the farthest way. What if someone sits opposite to you? Maybe you will pile up books as if to make a wall.

Preference(偏好) for personal space are different from culture to culture. Scientists have found that Americans generally prefer more personal space than people from other cultures. In Latin(拉丁人的) cultures, however, people are more comfortable standing close to each other.

D. A Latin boy who is chatting with a friend sitting close to him.

62. What can we know from the survey by TripAdvisor?

A. People need a smaller personal space in recent times than before.

B. People have a strong desire for personal space in recent times.

C. There are not enough seats on the plane to meet people’s needs.

D. Food service is better provided than seats on the plane.

63. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The space around the body is more needed than that around all the senses.

B. If you hold newspapers on the bus, your personal space won’t be violated.

C. People usually choose the corner seats first in a library for personal space.

D. Different cultures share the same preferences for personal space.


It’s good to make mistakes, and here is why.

First of all, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try anything new, how can you improve? How can you expand? The simple answer is ―You can’t‖. Look around you. With very few exceptions (例外), either everything you see in your physical world or every single detail of every single thing is the result of someone trying something new.

Another good thing about mistakes is this: When you are making mistakes, you are learning. Consider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he perfected the light bulb. When asked how it felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.

Finally, when you make a mistake you are much closer to success. Why?

Because when all is said and done, you will have tried some number of things before you succeed. Every time you make a mistake you eliminate one of those things and are one step closer.

But this all doesn’t mean that you should go ahead without considering the consequences(结果) of a mistake. Quite the contrary, when you try something new you have to be willing to set some reasonable limits so that in the event that it doesn’t work out the way you want it to, you will be in a position to try again.

We all have limited resources in the form of time and money so don’t blow them all on one approach to a problem. Realize that it probably won’t be perfect the first time and allocate(分配)

these resources appropriately so you can learn, make corrections, and try it again. Only by accepting and using your mistakes in this way can you make significant advances in your business and your career.

There is an old saying that goes, ―If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough.‖

So go forth and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And prosper(成功).

64. The underlined word ―eliminate‖ means _______.

A. avoid

B. remove

C. accept

D. solve

65. According to the article, one thing you should pay attention to about making mistakes is _______.

A. avoiding making the same mistakes

B. accepting the punishment willingly

C. taking consequences into consideration

D. trying things out one by one

66. The article is mainly about _______.

A. how to deal with mistakes

B. what benefits mistakes bring

C. how to achieve success

D. how to make use of your mistakes

67. What would the writer probably suggest we say to ourselves when we make a mistake?

A. Never mind, I can always try again.

B. I’d better stay out of trouble.

C. Now I can learn something new.

D. Look at this mess. Anyone would be upset.


As any parent with an iPhone or an iPod Touch knows, mobile apps(手机软件) can be an engaging and entertaining experience for kids. Now, a new study of PBS Kids suggests that the experience can be an educational one as well.

The study, which was administered by PBS under a grant from the Department of Education, first tested the vocabulary level of a group of 90 Title 1 school children, aged 3 to 7. Then, the children were each given two weeks with an iPod Touch loaded with the Martha Speaks Dog Party app created by PBS Kids.

The study monitored how the children used the iPod, during what hours, and in what context. On average, the study found that kids played with the iPod Touch for a total of 5 hours across the two weeks, with half that time spent playing the Martha Speaks app. At the end of the two week trial, the children were given another vocabulary test, which revealed an increase in vocabulary acquisition by as much as 31 per cent.

The study findings are particularly useful as smart phones and mobile devices have become increasingly popular among families and parents are faced with a proliferation of mobile apps

designed for kids. According to a recent Nielsen study, smart phone usage is 12% higher in households with children than other households.

―Mobile apps can be a great learning tool in the hands of children,‖ said Lesli Rotenberg, SVP, Children’s Media, PBS. ―This research is important in helping to better understand and guide the development of new a pps that improve the value of children’s screen time with significant educational outcomes.‖

So what does it all mean? Well, at the very least it will help parents get over that guilty feeling when they hand over their iPhone or iPod Touch for a little peace and quiet. At best, it provides more evidence that mobile devices and apps do indeed have educational value and could be an important part of the child-learning process for many years to come.

68.What Lesli Rotenberg said in the fifth paragraph suggests that .

A. he has a positive attitude towards mobile apps

B. he thinks children should never use smart phones

C. he is doubtful about mobile apps designed for children

D. he thinks parents should be careful with mobile apps for children





江苏省扬州中学2013—2014学年第二学期期中考试 高一英语试卷 2014.04 第I卷(共85分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When does the conversation take place? A. At 5:00. B. At 5:15. C. At 5: 30. 2. What do we know about the woman? A. She didn’t talk to Mary. B. Mary thinks well of the concert. C. Mary is ill. 3. How many novels will the woman read next term? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. Cold. B. Rainy. C. Windy. 5. Who will leave? A. Carol. B. Carol’s uncle. C. Carol’s sister. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Where does the conversation take place? A. At a clinic. B. At a drugstore. C. At a restaurant. 7. What restaurant did the woman go to first last night? A. Italian. B. Chinese. C. American. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What did the woman do after the party? A. She worked on her homework. B. She went home to sleep. C. She studied history. 9. What does the man feel difficult to do? A. Sleep during the day. B. Work well under stress. C. Organise a birthday party. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What was Paul concerned about? A. His professor. B. His final exam. C. His physics grades. 11. Why did the woman tell Paul not to worry? A. The average was important. B. Chemistry was not his major. C. He needed to concentrate on physics. 12. What did the woman suggest doing? A. Studying harder. B. Going for a coffee. C. Repeating the class. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What blouse does the woman want first?


江苏省扬州市扬州中学高一上学期期中考试(物理)及解析 一、选择题 1.如图所示,斜面小车M 静止在光滑水平面上,一边紧贴墙壁.若再在斜面上加一物体m ,且M 、m 相对静止,此时小车受力个数为( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 2.2018年7月1日,具有完全自主产权的我国加长版“复兴号”动车组正式在京沪线上运行。一列加长版“复兴号”动车组从上海虹桥站由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,从某节车厢前端开始通过站台上一站立的工作人员开始计时,相邻两节车厢依次通过该工作人员的时间之比不可能是( ) A .2:1 B .5:2 C .6:5 D .7:3 3.原来作匀加速直线运动的物体,若其加速度逐渐减小到零,则物体的运动速度将( ) A .逐渐减小 B .逐渐增大 C .保持不变 D .先增大后减小 4.下列仪器中,不属于直接测量国际单位制中三个力学基本单位对应的物理量的是 A . B . C . D . 5.水下潜水器某次海试活动中,完成任务后从海底竖直上浮,从上浮速度为v 时开始计时,此后匀减速上浮,经过时间t 上浮到海面,速度恰好为零,则蛟龙号在()00t t t <时刻距离海平面的深度为( ) A .2 vt B .0012t vt t ??- ??? C .20 2t t v D .()2 02v t t t - 6.下列情形中的物体可以看作质点的是( ) A .跳水冠军郭晶晶在跳水比赛中 B .一枚硬币用力上抛,猜测它落地时是正面朝上还是反面朝上 C .奥运会冠军邢慧娜在万米长跑中 D .花样滑冰运动员在比赛中 7.汽车A 在红绿灯前停住,绿灯亮起时起动,以0.4 m/s 2的加速度做匀加速运动,经过30 s 后以该时刻的速度做匀速直线运动.设在绿灯亮的同时,汽车B 以8 m/s 的速度从A 车旁边驶过,且一直以相同速度做匀速直线运动,运动方向与A 车相同,则从绿灯亮时开始( ) A .A 车在加速过程中与 B 车相遇 B .A 、B 相遇时速度相同


江苏省扬州中学高一(下)6月物理试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.关于点电荷、元电荷、检验电荷,下列说法正确的是( ) A.元电荷实际上是指电子和质子本身 B.点电荷所带电荷量一定很小 C.点电荷所带电荷量一定是元电荷电荷量的整数倍 D.点电荷、元电荷、检验电荷是同一种物理模型 2.如图所示,实线为方向未知的三条电场线,从电场中M点以相同速度飞出a、b两个带电粒子,运动轨迹为图中虚线,则() A.a的加速度将减小,b的加速度将增大 B.a的速度将减小,b的速度将增大 C.a一定带正电,b一定带负电 D.两个粒子的电势能一个增大,一个减小 3.如图所示,带正电的金属球A,放置在不带电的金属球B附近,M、N是金属球B 表面上的两点.下列说法中正确的是() A.M点处带正电,N点处带负电,且M点电势高于N点电势 B.M点处带正电,N点处带负电,且M点电势等于N点电势 C.M点处带负电,N点处带正电,且M点电势高于N点电势 D.M点处带负电,N点处带正电,且M点电势等于N点电势 4.如图所示,一对面积较大的平行板电容器水平放置,带等量异种电荷,B板固定且接地,A板用绝缘线悬挂,P为两板中点。下列结论正确的是()

A.若在两板间充满电介质,P点电势将升高 B.A、B两板电荷分别在P点产生电场的场强大小相等、方向相同 C.若将A板竖直向下平移一小段距离,电容器储存的电能将增大 D.若将A板竖直向上平移一小段距离,线的拉力将变大 5.如图所示,楔形木块ABC固定在水平面上,斜面AB、BC与水平面的夹角分别为53°、37°。质量分别为2m、m的两滑块P、Q,通过不可伸长的轻绳跨过轻质定滑轮连 接,轻绳与斜面平行.已知滑块P与AB间的动摩擦因数为1 3 ,其他摩擦不计,重力加 速度为g,sin53°=0.8 sin37°=0.6 ,滑块运动的过程中() A.Q动能的增加量等于轻绳对Q做的功 B.Q机械能的增加量等于P机械能的减少量 C.P机械能的减少量等于系统摩擦产生的热量 D.两滑块运动的加速度大小为0.2g 二、多选题 6.科学家发现一颗可能适合人类居住的“超级地球”,其质量是地球的4倍,半径是地球的2倍。它围绕一颗红矮星公转的周期为地球公转周期的2倍,轨道半径与地球轨道半径相同,则可以确定的是() A.“超级地球”和地球受到的向心力大小相等 B.红矮星的质量和太阳质量相等 C.“超级地球”的第一宇宙速度与地球的第一宇宙速度大小相等 D.“超级地球”表面的重力加速度与地球表面的重力加速度大小相等 7.如图所示,坐标系中有两个带电量分别为+Q和+3Q的点电荷,在C处放一个试探电荷,则试探电荷所受电场力的方向可能是下列图中()


江苏省扬州中学2018-2019学年第二学期阶段检测 高一英语试题2019.05 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Buy a new dress. B. Exchange the dress. C. Get the dress tailored. 2.What are the speakers talking about? A. A birthday celebration. B. A fancy restaurant. C. A holiday plan. 3.What did the woman do for Mary last night? A.She fixed Mary’s car. B.She gave Mary a phone call. C.She let Mary sleep in her house. 4.Where do the speakers plan to go? A.The theater. B. Their mom’s office C. Their grandma’s house. 5.Who will begin the lecture now? A.Prof. Brookings. B. Dr. Mildens. C. Dr. White. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6.What did the woman do at the Media Camp? A.She learned poster design. B.She studied film-making. C.She wrote for a magazine. 7.Why did the woman spend her holiday there? A.To visit her brother. B. To try something different. C. To work in the movie industry. 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。 8.What does Julia’s friend’s band need? A.A singer. B. A pianist. C. A guitar player. 9.How many members are there in the man’s band?


江苏省扬州中学2009—2010学年度第二学期期末考试 高一英语试卷 2010.7 第一卷(选择题共85分) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. As is known to all, _______ strong and powerful China will certainly benefit _____ whole world. A. a; a B. the; a C. the; the D. a; the 22. You have to be a fairly good speaker to ________ listeners’ interest for over an hour. A. catch B. hold C. improve D. attract 23. --- Mom, I still want to watch the football match tonight. --- The final exams are approaching. _____ you watch the football World Cup every night? A. Must B. Can C. May D. Need 24. --- Why is Jack always playing? --- He has no ________ of time. A. feeling B. opinion C. effect D. sense 25. But for the fact that the firefighters _____ at the spot in time, more people ______ their lives in the fire. A. arrived; died B. had arrived; would lose C. arrived; would have lost D. has arrived; could have lost 26. The house rent is increasing sharply nowadays. I’ve got about half the space I had five years ago but I am paying _______ now. A. as five times much B. as much five times C. much as five times D. five times as much 27. --- _______ made her ashamed of herself? --- ______ the lowest mark in her class. A. What; Because she got B. Was it what; Getting C. What was it that; She got D. What was it that; Getting 28. Yunnan province in China was attacked by such a terrible drought this early spring ________ few people had experienced before, _______ made us worry about global climate changes. A. that; that B. as; which C. which; it D. when; as 29. Despite the fact that I had been told about the local people’s attitude to strangers, in no case ________ any rudeness. A. did I meet B. I met C. had I met D. I had met 30. Though my grandfather is in his eighties, he is still as _________ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. A. enthusiastic B. talkative C. energetic D. sensitive 31. --- What do you think of the jacket and the hat I wear today? --- I don’t think this jacket _________ you and that your hat _______ this jacket perfectly. A. suits; fits B. meets; fits C. matches; suits D. fits; matches 32. Recently we held a discussion about what we shall use for power when all the oil in the world has _________? A. run out of B. used up C. given out D. put out 33. Without facts, we can’t form a correct opinion, for we need to have actual knowledge _______ our thinking. A. which to be based on B. which to base on C. on which to base D. which to base 34. I ________ to help you with your homework, but I couldn’t spare any time. I ________ a composition last night and I’ll finish it today. A. wanted; wrote B. had wanted; was writing C. have wanted; wrote D. wanted; have been writing 35. --- How do you find the concert in the Beijing Grand Theatre last night? --- _________. But the conductor was perfect. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I don’t think much of it

江苏省扬州中学2019-2020学年高一下学期期中考试 生物 Word版含答案

江苏省扬州中学2019-2020学年第二学期期中考试试卷 高一生物2020.05 一、单选题(本大题共35小题,每题只有一个正确选项,每小题2分,共70分。请用2B铅笔将答案填涂在答题卡上) 1.与一般的有丝分裂相比,减数分裂过程中染色体变化最显著的特征是A.染色体进行复制B.同源染色体联会和分离 C.有纺锤体的形成 D.有着丝粒的分裂 2.某动物精原细胞进行减数分裂时可形成4个四分体,则初级精母细胞中的染色体、染色单体、DNA分子数分别是 A.4、8、8 B.8、16、16 C.8、0、8 D.8、0、16 3.用显微镜观察人体细胞时,发现一个细胞中的所有染色体形状、大小各不相同,且均排列在赤道板上,则此细胞最可能处于 A.有丝分裂中期 B.有丝分裂后期 C.减数第一次分裂中期D.减数第二次分裂中期 4.某卵原细胞的基因型是AABb,减数分裂形成的一个极体的基因型是AB,卵细胞的基因型是 A.AB B.Ab C.A B或Ab D.AB和Ab 5.某成年男子为白化病基因的携带者,他的下列哪种细胞可能不含有白化病基因A.口腔上皮细胞 B.精原细胞 C.初级精母细胞 D.精细胞 6.a和b属于同一动物体内的两个细胞,通过对其染色体数目的测定,发现a细胞中染色体数目是b细胞中的两倍,可能的解释是 A.a是处于减数第一次分裂后期的细胞,b是正常体细胞 B.a是处于有丝分裂后期的细胞,b是初级精母细胞 C.a是处于有丝分裂前期的细胞,b是处于减数第二次分裂后期的细胞 D.a是处于减数第一次分裂前期的细胞,b是处于减数第二次分裂后期的细胞 7. 如右图所示,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ分别表示雄果蝇 进行减数分裂的不同时期。请判断①②③依次代表 的结构或物质是 A. DNA分子、染色体、染色单体 B. 染色体、染色单体、DNA分子 C. 染色体、DNA分子、染色单体 D. 染色单体、DNA分子、染色体 8.如图为某雄性动物细胞内的两条染色体及其上的基因,下列说法错误 ..的是 A.图中的两条染色体是一对同源染色体 B.图中染色体之间发生了交叉互换 C.B和b是一对等位基因 D.A与a的分离仅发生在减数第一次分裂 9.进行有性生殖的高等动物的生殖和发育如右图所示,①、②、③可能代表的生命活动过程依次是 A.有丝分裂、减数分裂、受精作用 B.有丝分裂、受精作用、减数分裂 C.受精作用、有丝分裂、减数分裂

2017-2018学年江苏省扬州中学高一下学期期中考试 英语

2017-2018学年江苏省扬州中学高一下学期期中考试英语 本试卷分六部分。满分120分。考试时间120分钟。 第I卷(三部分共85分) 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where are the two speakers? A. On a busy street. B. In a Beijing Hotel. C. At a station. 2. How does the man like the book? A. Humorous. B. Scientific. C. Popular. 3. Why is Peter leaving? A. To visit his parents. B. To attend college. C. To have a holiday. 4. What time is it now? A. Seven o’clock. B. Seven-thirty. C. Eight o’clock. 5. How much does the man need to pay? A. 35 dollars. B. 115 dollars. C. 150 dollars. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. Where are the speakers? A. At a meeting. B. At a party. C. At a wedding. 7. What does the man say about Anne? A. She is humorous. B. She is very intelligent. C. She is easy to get to know. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. Why did Mr. Miller get up late? A. He watched a football match live last night. B. He watched a football match on TV late last night. C. He couldn’t fall asleep after watching a football match. 9. What happened to Mr. Miller on his way to work? A. He had a car accident. B. He was stopped by the police. C. He was stuck in a traffic jam. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10. Where does the man want to go? A. To New York. B. To New Jersey. C. To Hawaii. 11. When will the man leave?


考试时间100分钟 满分120分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共34分) 一、单项选择题(本题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分.每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.以下说法正确的是 A .物体所受的合力不等于零,它的机械能可能守恒 B .物体所受合力的功为零,它的机械能一定守恒 C .物体做匀速运动,它的机械能一定守恒 D .物体所受的合力等于零,它的机械能一定守恒 2.洗衣机的脱水筒采用带动衣物旋转的方式脱水,下列说法中错误的是 A .脱水过程中,衣物是紧贴筒壁的 B .水会从桶中甩出是因为水滴受到向心力很大的缘故 C .加快脱水筒转动角速度,脱水效果会更好 D .靠近中心的衣物脱水效果不如四周的衣物脱水效果好 3.两个不同的金属小球,分别带有+3Q 和-Q 的电量,将两球接触后,它们所带的电量一共为 A .3Q B .Q C .2Q D .-2Q 4.如图所示,质量为m 的小车在水平恒力F 推动下,从山坡(粗糙)底部A 处由静止起运动至高为h 的坡顶B ,获得速度为v ,AB 之间的水平距离为s ,重力加速度为g .下列说法不正确...的是 A .小车克服重力所做的功是mgh B .阻力对小车做的功是1 2mv 2+mgh -Fs C .合外力对小车做的功是1 2mv 2 D .推力对小车做的功是1 2 mv 2+mgh 5.一蹦极运动员身系弹性蹦极绳从水面上方的高台下落,到最低点时距水面还有数米距离。假定空气阻力可忽略,运动员可视为质点,下列说法错误..的是 A .运动员到达最低点前重力势能始终减小 B .蹦极过程中,重力势能的改变量与重力势能零点的选取有关 C .蹦极过程中,运动员、地球和蹦极绳所组成的系统机械能守恒 D .蹦极绳张紧后的下落过程中,弹力做负功,弹性势能增加 6.如图所示为牵引力F 和车速倒数1/v 的关系图像。若一汽车质量为2×103kg ,它由静止开始沿平直公路行驶,且行驶中阻力恒定,设其最大车速为30 m/s ,下列说法不正确...的是 A .汽车所受阻力为2×103N B .汽车在车速为15 m/s ,功率为6×104 W C .汽车匀加速的的加速度为3m/s 2 D .汽车匀加速所需时间为5s 二、多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分.每小题四个选项中至少有两个选项符合题意,全部选对的得4分,漏选的得2分,错选的得0分)


江苏省扬州中学2019-2020学年第一学期高一英语月考试卷 2019.10 第一部分听力(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分45分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) A On Saturday nights, A. J. Coston doesn't get a lot of sleep. Usually three or four times a night, a loud bell rings, a red light flashes, and he has to jump out of his bed. That's because he's a weekend volunteer firefighter(消防员) with Loudoun County Fire and Rescue Station 13 in Northern Virginia. During the week, he lives at home with his mom, dad and sister and does his main job which is going to high school. “I always wanted to get into firefighting since I was a little kid watching fire trucks go by,” he says.“One day on the Internet I noticed that Loudoun County offered a junior firefighter program.”He was only 16, but he got it. Fighting fires is dangerous work. Firefighters never stop practicing the skills they need to stay safe. Once Coston learned those skills, he was allowed to work inside burning buildings. “Teamwork is the most important,” he says.“It's the whole team that puts the fire out.” Firefighters feel great about helping people.“My most unbelievable call was probably the time four kids were struck by lightning,” says Coston. He will be off to college next fall, building on his dream job. "I'll get my degree in emergency (紧急情况) medical care. and then work in a fire and rescue company for a while. I want to be a flight doctor on a helicopter in the end, but I will never forget the days as a firefighter. These are my unforgettable experiences,” he says. 21. Coston can't sleep well on Saturday nights because . A. he has to work part-time at weekends B. he has some sleeping problems C. he has to do his job as a volunteer firefighter D. he always worries that a fire may break out 22. What do we learn about Coston from the passage? A. He doesn't like studying at school. B. He will go to college next year. C. He dreams to be a great hero one day.


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期:

20XX-2021学年江苏省扬州中学第一学期高一期末考试 英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷(满分79分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How does the man come here? A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.By car. 2.Why isn’t Helen present? A.She forgot to come.B.She changed her decision.C.She wasn’t invited.3.What’s the probable relationship between th e two speakers? A.Husband and wife.B.Mother and son.C.Doctor and patient. 4.What’s the man’s job? A.A shop assistant.B.A tailor.C.A salesman. 5.What does the man mean? A.He can’t go to the cinema. B.He can go to the cinema on Saturday morning. C.He can go to the cinema on Saturday evening. 第二节(共15小题;每小题 1 分,满分15分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.When will the man go on holiday? A.In spring.B.In summer.C.In winter.

江苏省扬州中学最新高一下学期期中考试 语文

4 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1.下列加点字注音全部正确的一项是() A.烧灼.(zhuó) 颓.然(tuí) 瑰.丽(guī)瞠.目结舌(chēng) B.夙.愿(sù)贫瘠.(jí)缱绻.(juǎn)命途多舛.(chuǎn) C.齑.粉(jī) 罡.风(gāng)逡.巡(jùn) 沁.人脾胃(qìn) D.赊.账(shē) 趿.拉(tā) 强.笑(qiáng) 茕.茕孑立(qióng) 2.下列加点字词解释全部正确的一项是( ) 大道(大路)纾.祸(解除) A.通衢 .. 穷.饿无聊(贫穷)觇.北(窥视) B.论.《诗》《书》(评论) 重译款.塞(叩) 绐.为谒曰(欺骗)不更.事(经历) C.啖.以利(利诱) 遂坐上坐,无所诎.(同“屈”,理亏) 无内.诸侯军(同“纳”,接纳)决策东乡.(同“向") D.诋.大酋当死(辱骂)道.海安、如皋(取道) 恐年岁之不吾与.(给) 来吾道.夫先路(同“导”,引导) 3.下列各句加点词的用法与例句相同的一项是() 例句:沛公从.百余骑 A。去今之墓.而葬焉B.会项伯欲活.张良 C.沛公然.其计 D.明主贤君忠臣死.义之士 4。下列各句中加点成语的使用,恰当的一项是( ) ,延伸到远方,消失在迷茫的天际. A。登上黄山光明顶放眼眺望,起伏的群山座座相连,鳞次栉比 .... ,原来“茅屋为秋风所破歌”只不过是个引子,主题之所在则是“安得广 B.读完诗,我们才大彻大悟 ....

厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜”。? C.他的音质很好,可惜师出无名 ,如果能有名师指点,他在音乐 .... 上肯定会有光明的前途。? D.人生道路的选择很多时候都只是一念之间的事,但结果却可能大相径 ...庭.。所以要想将来不后悔,不怨恨,就只有在那一念间慎重考虑,仔细思量。 5.下列各句中没有语病的一项是( ) A。亚运会是一个特殊的舞台,既展示体育健儿的竞技水平,又彰显赛场观众的精神风貌.作为东道主,我们不仅要为中国运动员鼓劲,远道而来的客人更需要喝彩。 B。中国2010年上海世博会会徽,以中国汉字“世”字书法创意为形,塑造出世博会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”的理念。 C.昨日,西藏扎墨公路控制性工程——嘎隆拉隧道顺利贯通,这标志着墨脱即将摘去“全国唯一不通公路县”的帽子。一时间关于墨脱的报道见诸于各大媒体. D.在堪称“世界工厂”的珠三角地区,城镇化率已超过80%,各种城市病随之而来。如何纾缓居民生活 压力、提升生活质量是一个越来越受到重视的话题。 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面文言文,完成6—9题。 陈豨反,上自将,至邯郸.而韩信谋反关中,吕后用何计诛信。上已闻诛信,使使拜丞相为相国,益封五千户,令卒五百人一都尉为相国卫.诸君皆贺,惟平独吊。平谓何曰:“祸自此始矣。上暴露于外,而君守于内,非被矢石之难,而益君封置卫者,以今者淮阴新反于中,有疑君心.夫置卫卫君,非以宠君也。愿君让封勿受,悉以家私财佐军。”何从其计,上说。 其秋,黥布反,上自将击之,数使使问相国何为。曰:“为上在军,抚勉百姓,悉所有佐军,如陈豨时。"客又说何曰:“君灭族不久矣,上所谓数问君,畏君倾动关中。今君胡不多买田地,贱贳①貣②以自污?上心必安。”于是何从其计,上乃大说。 上罢布军归,民道遮行,上书言相国强贱买民田宅数千人。上至,何谒。上笑曰:“今相国乃利民!”民所上书皆以与何,曰:“君自谢民。"后何为民请曰:“长安地狭,上林中多空地,弃,愿令民得

江苏省扬州中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期中考试+英语答 案 终极版本

答案 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30分) 1-5 CABBA 6-10 CCBAC 11-15 ACACB 16-20 CACBB 第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A: 21---23 BAA B: 24---27 ACDD C: 28---31 DCBB D: 32---35 CADB 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 36-40 DAFGE 第三部分语言知识运用(共四节,满分60分) 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 41---45 BACDA46---50 CDBCD 51---55 DBABD 56---60 ADBBC 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 61. who 62. asked 63. but 64. surprising 65. for 66. why 67. were 68. whom 69. other 70. were doing 第三节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 71.explanation72. devotion73. recovery74. convincing 75. approved76. when/on which77. that78. as 79. which80. has increased 第四部分书面表达(满分25分) With the improvement of living standards, overseas study tours are gaining its popularity with some high school students. Some students think that overseas study tours can allow them to be exposed to different cultures, thus broadening their horizons. Besides, students' language proficiency can be improved while studying in foreign countries. Moreover, they can learn to live independently, which is beneficial to their future life. However, others object to overseas study tours. Firstly, the tours cost too much, which


江苏省扬州中学2020-2021学年度第一学期期中考试 高一物理试卷(2020.11) 一、单项选择题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.在物理学史上,正确认识运动和力的关系且推翻“力是维持物体运动的原因”这个观点的物理学家及建立惯性定律的物理学家分别是 A.伽利略、牛顿B.亚里士多德、伽利略 C.伽利略、爱因斯坦D.亚里士多德、牛顿 2.2020年10月,扬州中学举行了秋季运动会,同学们展现了学校良好的精神面貌,下列有关运动中说法正确的是 A.在高一男子100m比赛中,陈同学以11.5s的成绩打破年级记录,则他的平均速度大小为11.5m/s B.高一男子100m年级记录为11.5s,其中11.5s为时刻 C.高一女子实心球年级记录为9.69m,其中9.69m为实心球出手后的位移大小 D.百米冲刺时,运动员的速度变化率很小 3.如图所示,用大小为100N的握力握住一个重为40N的瓶子.瓶子竖直,始终处于静止状态.已知手掌与瓶子间的动摩擦因数μ=0.5,则 A.瓶子受到的摩擦力大小为40N B.瓶子受到的摩擦力大小为50N C.当握力进一步增大时,瓶子受到的摩擦力将成正比增大 D.当握力持续减小时,瓶子受到的摩擦力大小将持续减小 4.将一物体从地面竖直向上抛出,又落回抛出点,运动过程中空气阻力忽略不计,下列说法正确的是 A.上升过程和下落过程,时间相等、位移相同 B.整个过程中,任意相等时间内物体的速度变化量均相同 C.物体到达最高点时,速度和加速度均为零 D.竖直上抛的初速度越大(v0>10 m/s),物体上升过程的最后1 s时间内的位移越大


江苏省扬州中学2019-2020学年度第二学期期中考试 高一地理(必修)2020.05 注意事项:1.本次考试时间为75分钟,满分100分。2.答题前,请考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、准考证号填在答题卡上。 一、单项选择题:本大题共40小题,每小题2分,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的,请将正确答案填在答题卡上。 北港村是福建平潭的一个小渔村,背山面海,风景秀丽,传统房屋建筑特色突出,入选福建省最美乡村。读图1“北港村景观照片”, 完成1-2题。 1.北港村传统房屋建筑特色是 A.高大雄伟的宫廷建筑 B.小桥流水的江南楼阁 C.高低错落的石砌房屋 D.利于防御的圆形土楼 2.为实现美丽乡村可持续发展,北港村适宜的发展方向是 A.保持传统的生活方式B.大力发展海洋捕捞业 图2为我国人口密度分布图,读图完成3-4题。 3.影响新疆人口分布的最主要因素是 A.地形B.土壤 C.水资源D.矿产资源 4.西藏面积广大,人口密度很小,但却不适合 大量人口迁入,其主要原因是 A.生态环境比较脆弱 B.自然资源较为贫乏 C.经济发展水平较低 D.对外开放程度较低 图3为某市三个不同区域的土地利用结构图。读图 回答5-6题。 5. 三个区域中 A.a工业污染最严重B.b常住人口最多 C.c地价最高D.b交通通达度最高 6. 以下地理事项最适合布局在a区域的是

A. 大型建材批发市场 B. 高级住宅 C. 大型零售商场 D. 疗养院 为解决停车难问题,2018年北京市建立停车公共信息管理服务平台,对全市的停车资源基本信息统一监管,鼓励城市不同功能区分时段提供空余停车位,实现车位“错时共享”。据此完成7-8题。 7.适于相互“错时共享”停车位的城市功能区是 A.住宅区和行政区B.商业区和行政区 C.工业区和商业区D.行政区和工业区 8.车位“错时共享”主要利用了城市各功能区 A.历史文化的差异B.生态环境的差异 C.人口流动的差异D.风俗习惯的差异 长江三角洲地区是我国城市化发展水平较高的区域。城市化发展的动力受到多种因素的影响,各因素所起的作用强弱不同。图4为长江三角洲部分区域城市化水平示意图,图5为城市化动力强度比较图。读图完成9-10题。 9.图示地区城市化水平的空间分布特征是 A.南高北低B.中部高,南北低C.东高西低D.东南高,西北低10.目前杭州、南通、南京、苏州城市化的动力差异表现为 A.杭州的优惠政策对城市化发展影响不大 B .南通城市化的主要动力是农村工业化 C.南京的外资吸引力比其他三市都大 (分钟) D.区位交通对苏州城市化发展影响较小 图6为我国某年国庆长假期间不同城市高 速公路拥堵所花时间和人们能忍受的最长时间 统计图。读图完成11-12题。 11.图中拥堵“痛苦指数”最高的城市是 A.武汉B.西安C.重庆D.成都

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