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1.glance (v)瞥/ (n)一瞥;扫视

词组:glance at匆匆看一眼

at a glance一眼就…

例句:She glanced at the watch and hurried to the office.她匆匆看了一下手表就匆忙地赶去办公室。

He saw at a glance that she had been crying.他一眼就看出来她哭过了。






look at看着

peep at窥视

glare at怒视

gaze at凝视

stare at凝视

2.senior (a)年长的;级别高的/(n)较年长者;<美>(中学)最高年级的学生

词组:be senior to比…年长(级别或地位高)

例句:She is three years senior to me.她比我大三岁。

3.prefer (v)宁可;更喜欢

词组:prefer A to B喜欢A胜过喜欢B

prefer doing A to doing B比起做B来更喜欢做A

prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿……而不…

例句:I prefer tea to coffee.比起喝咖啡,我更喜欢喝茶。

I prefer playing basketball to watching TV.比起看电视,我更喜欢打篮球。

He prefers to rent a car rather than buy one.他宁愿租一辆车也不愿意买一辆。4.communicate (v)交流;沟通

词组:communicate with与……交流

communicate to传达;传递

例句:Anyone that knows anything about the crime is required to communicate with the police.任何知情人都被要求和警方联系。

The stove communicates heat to every corner in the room.炉子将热量传递到房间里的每一个角落。


(1)communication (n)传达;传递

例句:Sometimes proper body language is an effective means of communication.有时候,适当的肢体语言是一种有效的交流方式。

(2)communications (n)通讯

例句:They are planning to establish wireless communications with us. 他们正计划与我们建立无线通讯。

5. impression (n)印象

词组:give/make/leave a ... impression on somebody 给某人留下…的印象

例句:The modern city left a good impression on the tourists.



(1)impress (v)给…极深的印象

词组:impress somebody with something 用…给某人留下深刻的印象

impress something on somebody 使意识到(重要性或严重性)

impress on somebody something 使某人牢记…

例句:The girl impressed me with her kindness. 这个女孩的和善给我留下了深刻的印象。The English teacher impressed on the students the importance of practising speaking English every day. 老师使学生们牢记每天操练英语口语的重要性。

(2)impressive (a)令人印象深刻的;令人难忘的

例句:The royal wedding was very impressive. 这次皇家婚礼给人们留下了深刻的印象。6.remind (v)提醒;使…想起

词组:remind somebody of something 使…想起

remind somebody to do something 提醒某人做某事

remind somebody that …提醒某人…

例句:The children playing in the park reminded the old man of his happy childhood.


Please remind me to take medicine tomorrow morning. 明早请提醒我吃药。

The sight of the clock reminded me that I had been late for the meeting. 一看到钟,我就意识到开会迟到了。

7. contact (n)接触,联系/(v)接触;联系;联络

词组:keep in contact with 与。。。保持联系

make contact with与……取得联系

lose contact with与……失去联系

contact lenses隐形眼镜

例句:My father still kept in contact with some of his classmates from university。父亲和他大学里的一些同学仍然保持着联系。

She succeeded in making contact with her uncle in France after twenty years。二十年后,她成功地和在法国的舅舅取得了联系。

Because of the war,the old woman lost contact with her family.由于战争,这位老妇人和她的家人失去了联系。

He promised to contact me later.他答应以后会和我联系。

8、maintain (v)保持;维持;维修;保养

例句:The politician behaves very carefully to maintain his good reputation.这位政客行为举止非常小心,就是为了维护自己的好名声。

The highways are maintained very well.这些高速公路维护保养得非常好。


maintenance n.维持;维护;保养;生活费

例句:The second-hand car is still in good maintenance.这辆二手车依然保养得很好。

9、consider (v)认为;把……看作;考虑

词组:consider...(as/to be)…认为…是……;把…看作是……

consider doing something考虑做某事

例句:You are considered as my best friend.我把你看作是我最好的朋友。

People consider Paris(to be)the heart of France.人们把巴黎看作是法国的心脏。

She is considering going abroad for further study.她正在考虑出国进修。


(1)consideration n.考虑

词组:take…into consideration考虑到……

例句:To solve this problem,we must take all these factors into consideration.为了解决这个问题,我们必须考虑到所有因素。

(2)considerate adj.替别人着想的;体贴的

例句:It’s very considerate of you to offer your seat to the o ld lady.把座位让给那位老妇人,你真是考虑的太周到了。

(3)considerable adj.相当大的;相当多的;重要的

10、lack (v)缺乏;不足;没有/(n)缺乏;不足;没有

词组:lack of缺少

lack in缺乏(某种品质、特点)

例句:The flowers died for lack of water.由于缺水,这些花都枯死了。

She was lacking in courage.她缺乏勇气。

It is said that a lack of sleep can lead to brainpower failure.据说,缺乏睡眠可能导致脑力衰退。

11、concentration (n)专心;专注